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The University of Chicago Press. 2008. pp. 240. £10 / $19.Martin, Graham Dunstan. Living On Purpose: Meaning, Intention and Value. Floris. 2008. pp. 230. £20.McCabe, Herbert. On Aquinas. Burns & Oates. 2008. pp. 180. £12.99.Murray, Michael J. and Rea, Michael. An Introduction to the Philosophy of Religion. Cambridge University Press. 2008. pp. 291. £15.99 / $29.99, £45 / $90.Nielsen, Keld Stehr. The Evolution of the Private Language Argument. Ashgate. 2008. pp. 220. £55.Parekh, Bhikhu. A New Politics of Identity. Palgrave Macmillan. 2008. pp. 317. £55.Peacocke, Christopher. Truly Understood. Oxford University Press. 2008. pp. 341. £30.Price, A.W.Contextuality in Practical Reason. Oxford University Press. 2008. pp. 208. £37.50.Read, Rupert. Applying Wittgenstein. Continuum. 2007. pp. 176. £65.Richard, Mark. When Truth Gives Out. Oxford University Press. 2008. pp. 184. £27.50.Roberts, John Russell. A Metaphysics for the Mob: The Philosophy of George Berkeley. Oxford University Press. 2007. pp. 172. £32.99.Roubach, Michael. Being and Number in Heidegger's Thought. Continuum. 2008. pp. 160. £65.Sagoff, Mark. The Economy of the Earth: Philosophy, Law and the Environment. Cambridge University Press. 2008. pp. 267. £15.99 / $27.99, £45 / $80.Schellekens, Elisabeth. Aesthetics and Morality. Continuum. 2007. pp. 176. £16.99.Sessler, Tal. Levinas and Camus. Continuum. 2008. pp. 128. £45.Skirry, Justin. Descartes: A Guide for the Perplexed. Continuum. 2008. pp. 200. £12.99.Speight, Allen. The Philosophy of Hegel. Acumen. 2008. pp. viii + 166. £14.99, £45.Suárez-Iniguez, Enrique. The Power of Argumentation. Rodopi. 2008. pp. 217.Suprenant, Céline. Freud: A Guide for the Perplexed. Continuum. 2008. pp. 192. £12.99.Tallis, Raymond. The Enduring Significance of Parmenides. Continuum. 2007. pp. 256. £65.Teichmann, Roger. The Philosophy of Elizabeth Anscombe. Oxford University Press. 2008. pp. 244. £45.Tiberius, Valerie. The Reflective Life: Living Wisely With Our Limits. Oxford University Press. 2008. pp. 240. £30.Travis, Charles. Occasion-Sensitivity: Selected Essays. Oxford University Press. 2008. pp. 319. £40.Ullrich, Peter. Moralischer Kompatibilismus: Zur Methodologie der Metaethik. Spektrum Philosophie. 2008. pp. 197.Vella, John A.Aristotle: A Guide for the Perplexed. Continuum. 2008. pp. 176. £12.99.Vitek, Bill and Jackson, Wes. (Eds.) The Virtues of Ignorance: Complexity, Sustainability, and the Limits of Knowledge. The University Press of Kentucky. 2008. pp. 354. $45.Walton, Douglas. Witness Testimony Evidence: Argumentation, Artificial Intelligence and Law. Cambridge University Press. 2008. £16.99 / $29.99, £45 / $85.Walton, Kendall L.Marvelous Images: On Values and the Arts. Oxford University Press. 2008. pp. 254. £14.99.Woodard, Christopher. Reasons, Patterns and Cooperation. Routledge. 2008. pp. 149. £60.
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