1. Introduction
A parking function of size n is a function
$\pi_n\,:\, [\![ 1,n ]\!] \to [\![ 1,n ]\!]$
such that, if
$\pi^{\prime}_n(1) \leq \cdots \leq \pi^{\prime}_n(n)$
is the non-decreasing rearrangement of
, then
$\pi^{\prime}_n(i) \leq i$
for all i. Konheim and Weiss [Reference Konheim and Weiss16] first introduced parking functions, in the context of information storage, to study hashing functions, and they have shown that there are
parking functions of size n. Since then, parking functions have become a subject of interest in the fields of combinatorics, probability, group theory, and computer science. More precisely, parking functions are linked to the enumerative theory of trees and forests [Reference Chassaing and Marckert8], to coalescent processes [Reference Broutin and Marckert6, Reference Chassaing and Louchard7], to the analysis of set partitions [Reference Stanley20], hyperplane arrangements [Reference Shi19, Reference Stanley21], polytopes [Reference Chebikin and Postnikov9, Reference Stanley and Pitman22], and sandpile groups [Reference Cori and Rossin10]. Finally, the study of probabilistic properties of parking functions has recently attracted some interest [Reference Diaconis and Hicks11, Reference Kenyon and Yin15, Reference Yin25]. We refer to [Reference Yan24] for an extensive survey. Our initial interest in parking functions comes from the study of minimal factorisations of cycles [Reference Biane3].
For all
$n\geq 1$
, consider a random parking function
$(\pi_n(i))_{1 \leq i \leq n}$
chosen uniformly among all the
possible parking functions of size n. For all
$1 \leq k \leq n$
, let
denote the total variation distance between
, where
$(U_n(i))_{1 \leq i \leq n}$
are independent and identically distributed (i.i.d.) and uniform in
$[\![ 1,n ]\!]$
. Diaconis and Hicks [Reference Diaconis and Hicks11, Corollary 6] have shown that
tends to 0 as n tends to infinity, and conjectured that for any fixed k,
should be
. In the same paper they studied the Kolmogorov distance
and have shown that [Reference Diaconis and Hicks11, Theorem 3] for
$1\leq k \leq n$
They also discuss the growth threshold of k at which
no longer converges towards 0, and find that for k of order n the convergence fails. We prove a stronger version of Diaconis and Hicks’ conjecture when k is allowed to grow with n at rate at most
. Moreover, the Kolmogorov distance converges towards 0 when
$k = {\rm{o}}(n)$
, as shown in the following result.
Theorem 1. (i) If
$k_n = {\rm{o}}(\sqrt{n})$
, then
(ii) If
$k_n = {\rm{o}}(n)$ and
$\sqrt{n} = {\rm{o}}(k_n)$ , then
(4)\begin{equation}d_K(k_n,n) = {\rm{O}}\biggl( \dfrac{\sqrt{n}}{k_n} + \biggl(\dfrac{k_n}{n}\biggr)^{0.19} \biggr).\end{equation}
Remark 1. In Theorem 1(ii),
is assumed to be
. Since the function
$k \mapsto d_K(k,n)$
is non-decreasing for fixed n, the distance
still tends towards 0 as long as
$k_n = {\rm{o}}(n)$
. Thus sequence
$a_n = n$
$d_K(k_n,a_n) \to 0$
$k_n = {\rm{o}}(a_n)$
$d_K(k_n,a_n) \not\to 0$
$a_n = {\rm{O}}(k_n)$
. It would be very interesting to identify such a sequence for
instead of
, and, in particular, to see if
$d_{\mathit{TV}}(k_n,n) \to 0$
The main idea in proving Theorem 1 is to express the law of
in terms of a conditioned random walk (Proposition 2 below) and to control its moments, uniformly in time (Proposition 4). Such uniform estimates on conditioned random walks are delicate to establish, and we believe them to be of independent interest. As an application, we obtain limit theorems for the maximum and the sum of the first
parking places. Namely we obtain the following corollary (whose proof is postponed to the last section).
Corollary 1. (i) If
$k_n = {\rm{o}}(\sqrt{n})$
$k_n \to \infty$
, then the convergence
holds in distribution, where
is a standard normal distribution.
(ii) If
$k_n = {\rm{o}}(n)$ and
$k_n \to \infty$ , then the convergence
\begin{align*}k_n \biggl( 1 - \dfrac{1}{n}\max \{ \pi_n(1),\ldots,\pi_n(k_n) \} \biggr) \longrightarrow \mathcal{E}(1)\end{align*}
$\mathcal{E}(1)$ is an exponential distribution with mean 1.
Remark 2. The complete sum
has been studied, and converges, after renormalisation, towards a more complicated distribution involving zeros of the Airy function (see [Reference Diaconis and Hicks11, Theorem 14]).
$k_n \sim cn$
we obtain the following limit theorem for the first
parking places. The proof uses other techniques and Proposition 2 (or rather its proof).
Proposition 1.
$k_n \sim cn$
$c \in (0,1]$
, then for all
$a \in \mathbb N$
there exists an integer-valued random variable
such that
$0 \leq S_a^* \leq a$
almost surely and
In Section 2 we use a bijection between parking functions and Cayley trees and use it to reformulate the law of
in terms of conditioned random walks. Then in Section 3 we bound the moments of a conditioned random walk in order to control the probability mass function of
and prove Theorem 1(i). In Section 4 we prove (ii) using arguments developed in the previous sections. The last section is devoted to the proof of Corollary 1 and Proposition 1.
In the following, C denotes a constant which may vary from line to line.
2. Bijection between parking functions and Cayley trees
Here the goal is to use the bijection found by Chassaing and Marckert [Reference Chassaing and Marckert8] between parking functions of size n and Cayley trees with
vertices (i.e. acyclic connected graphs with
vertices labelled from 0 to n). This bijection will allow us to express the joint distribution of the first positions of a uniform parking function in terms of random walks. To this end, we start with some notation and definitions. Let
be the set of Cayley trees with
vertices labelled from 0 to n, where the vertex labelled 0 is distinguished from the others (we call it the root of the tree). Also, let
be the set of parking functions of size n. We consider the breadth-first search on a tree
$t \in \mathfrak{C}_{n+1}$
by ordering the children of each vertex of t in increasing order of their labels (thus t is viewed as a plane tree) and then taking the regular breadth-first search associated with the plane order (see [Reference Chassaing and Marckert8] for a detailed definition and see Figure 1 for an example). For
$t \in \mathfrak{C}_{n+1}$
$1 \leq i \leq n$
, define r(i, t) to be the rank for the breadth-first search of the parent of the vertex labelled i in t. The bijection of Chassaing and Marckert is described in the following theorem.
Figure 1. Example of a Cayley tree t with 10 vertices. For every vertex, its label is represented in black on the left and its rank for the breadth-first search is in red on the right. Here, for example, we have
. The parking function associated with this tree by (5) is (2, 2, 1, 1, 2, 1, 8, 4, 8).
Theorem 2. (Chassaing and Marckert.) The map
is a bijection between
Remark 3. Chassaing and Louchard [Reference Chassaing and Louchard7] described a similar bijection using what they call the standard order instead of breadth-first search.
$(X_i)_{i \geq 1}$
be i.i.d. random variables distributed as a Poisson distribution of parameter 1. For all
$n \geq 0$
we set
$S_n \,:\!=\, \sum_{i=1}^n (X_i -1)$
and, for all
$a \in \mathbb{Z}$
$\tau_{a} \,:\!=\, \min \{ n \geq 1\,:\, S_n=a \}$
the first time that the random walk
reaches a. Consider the probability measure
$\mathbb{P}_n \,:\!=\, \mathbb{P} ({\cdot} |\tau_{-1}=n+1)$
and set
$\mathbb{E}_n \,:\!=\, \mathbb{E} [\cdot|\tau_{-1}=n+1]$
. It is well known that a Bienaymé–Galton–Watson tree with a critical Poisson reproduction law conditioned on having n vertices has the same distribution, when we uniformly randomly label the vertices from 1 to n, as a uniform Cayley tree with n vertices (see e.g. [Reference Janson14, Example10.2]). From this, Chassaing and Marckert deduce the following corollary.
Corollary 2. (Chassaing and Marckert.) Let
be a random Cayley tree in
with uniform distribution. The random vector
$( \# \{1\leq j \leq n\,:\, r(j,T_{n+1})=i\} )_{1 \leq i \leq n+1}$
has the same distribution as
$(X_i)_{1 \leq i \leq n+1}$
We are now able to state and prove the main result of this section.
Proposition 2.
$1 \leq k \leq n$
$1 \leq i_1, \ldots ,i_k \leq n$
. Let
be such that
$\{i_1,\ldots,i_k\} = \{j_1,\ldots,j_r\}$
(so the vector
is the vector
where repeated elements have been reduced to a single one, and r is the number of distinct elements of
). Define
$m_s = \# \{u\,:\, i_u = j_s \}$
for all
$1 \leq s \leq r$
. Then
$(x)_m \,:\!=\, x(x-1)\cdots(x-m+1)$
Proof. Let
be a random Cayley tree in
with uniform distribution. Let
denote the set of all injections between
$[\![ 1,k ]\!]$
$[\![ 1,n ]\!]$
. We have
The first equality comes from the fact that any permutation of a parking function is still a parking function, thus any permutation induces a bijection in
. The second equality comes from Theorem 2 and the last from Corollary 2. This completes the proof.
3. Convergence for the total variation distance
In this section we suppose that
$k_n = {\rm{o}}(\sqrt{n})$
. We will write k instead of
to ease notation, but keep in mind that k depends on n. The goal of this section is to show item (i) of Theorem 1.
3.1. Probability that the parking places are distinct
The first step is to reduce the problem to distinct parking places; in this case equation (6) becomes easier. To this end we introduce the set of distinct indices
We also introduce the set
and the quantity
The next lemma shows that the first k parking places of a uniform parking function are all distinct with high probability. It also shows that if
then so is
. Recall that
$(U_n(i))_{1 \leq i \leq n}$
are i.i.d. uniformly distributed in
$[\![ 1,n ]\!]$
Lemma 1. We have
$\mathbb{P}((U_n(1),\ldots,U_n(k)) \in D_n) = 1 + {\rm{O}}\biggl( \dfrac{k}{\sqrt{n}} \biggr)$ ,
$\mathbb{P}((\pi_n(1),\ldots,\pi_n(k)) \in D_n) = 1 + {\rm{O}}\biggl( \dfrac{k}{\sqrt{n}} \biggr)$ ,
$\delta(k,n) = {\rm{O}}\biggl( \dfrac{k}{\sqrt{n}} \biggr) \implies d_{\mathit{TV}}(k,n) = {\rm{O}}\biggl( \dfrac{k}{\sqrt{n}} \biggr)$ .
Proof. Let
be the law of
the law of
, with support on the same finite space
$E_n \,:\!=\, [\![ 1,n ]\!]^k$
. First we check (i). By Markov’s inequality,
, we have
Now we check (ii). To do so, we will use the Prüfer encoding (or a slight variant thereof) of a rooted Cayley tree
$t \in \mathfrak{C}_{n}$
into a sequence
$(p_1,\ldots,p_{n-2}) \in [\![ 0,n-1 ]\!]^{n-2}$
, which we now explain. For
$a \in [\![ 1,n-1 ]\!]$
, define p(t, a) to be the label of the parent of the vertex labelled a in t. Also, define
as the biggest leaf label of t, and
the tree t obtained after removing the leaf labelled
and its adjacent edge. Finally we define the sequence of trees
$t_1 \,:\!=\, t$
$t_i \,:\!=\, t_{i-1}^*$
$2 \leq i \leq n-2$
. The Prüfer encoding of t is then defined as
$p_i \,:\!=\, p(t_i,\ell(t_i))$
. For example, the Prüfer encoding of the tree in Figure 1 is (8, 8, 6, 0, 3, 0, 3, 3). The key property of this encoding is that it is a bijection between the sets
$\mathfrak C_n$
$[\![ 0,n-1 ]\!]^{n-2}$
. Now, let
be a uniform Cayley tree in
. Theorem 2 implies that
is equal to the probability that the vertices labelled 1 to k in
have distinct parents. Let
be a random vector with uniform distribution in
independent of
. Since the distribution of
is invariant under permutation of the labels, the previous probability is also equal to the probability that the vertices labelled
have distinct parents in
. Let
be the Prüfer encoding of the tree
. We complete this vector with
$p_n \,:\!=\, 0$
(this comes from the fact that
has two vertices, one of them being the root labelled 0). Since
is uniformly distributed in
, the vector
is uniformly distributed in
$[\![ 0,n ]\!]^{n-1}$
. From the previous discussion and the definition of the Prüfer encoding, we deduce that
Consider the event
$Z_n \,:\!=\, \{ v_1,\ldots,v_k \neq n \}$
. Under this event, it is easy to see that
has the same law as k i.i.d. random variables uniformly distributed in
$[\![ 0,n ]\!]$
. So from (i) we have
To conclude, notice that
$\mathbb{P}(Z_n) = 1-k/n$
Finally we show (iii). Assume that
$\delta(k,n) = {\rm{O}}( k/\sqrt{n} )$
. For all
, let
denote the quantity
$(\mathbb P (\pi_n(1)=i_1,\ldots,\pi_n(k)=i_k)-(n-k)!/n!)$
. Notice that
$n^k(n-k)!/n!-1 = {\rm{O}}(k/\sqrt{n})$
, so
denote the sum of
over the indices in
the opposite of the sum over the indices in
$E_n \setminus G_n$
. We have
The last two equalities imply that
In conclusion we just need to show that
${\rm{O}}(k/\sqrt n)$
. Notice that
From (i), (ii), and the assumption on
, we deduce that
is indeed
To prove (i) of Theorem 1 it remains to show that
$\delta(k,n) = {\rm{O}}(k/\sqrt{n})$
. This is the goal of the next three sections.
3.2. A monotonicity argument
In this section we bound the terms
$\mathbb{E}_n [ X_{i_1} \cdots X_{i_k} ]$
that appear in (6) when
are distinct with terms involving
$\mathbb{E}_n [ S_{i_1} \cdots S_{i_k} ]$
, since the latter are more manageable. More precisely, the aim of this section is to prove the following result.
Proposition 3.
$i_1,\ldots,i_k \in [\![ 1,n ]\!]$
pairwise distinct. We have
To prove Proposition 3 we first state a really useful lemma which, put in simple terms, says that the steps of the random walk S tend to decrease under
Lemma 2.
$n \geq k \geq 1$
$m_1, \ldots, m_k \geq 1$
. Let
$1 \leq i_1 < \cdots < i_k \leq n$
$1\leq j_1 < \cdots < j_k \leq n$
such that
$j_r \leq i_r$
for all
$1 \leq r \leq k$
. Let
$f\,:\, \mathbb{N} \times \mathbb{N}\setminus \{0\} \mapsto [0,\infty)$
be a non-negative function such that
. Then
Proof of Lemma
2.To ease notation, we define the random vector
$\textbf{X} \,:\!=\, (X_1,\ldots,X_{n+1})$
and write
as a shortcut to designate an element
$\mathbb N^{n+1}$
. Let
$s \,:\!=\, \min \{ r \geq 1\,:\, j_r < i_r \}$
. We only need to treat the case where
$i_r = j_r$
for all
$r \neq s$
$j \,:\!=\, j_s = i_s-1$
(the general result can then be obtained by induction). Let
$\sigma = (j\,j+1) \in \mathfrak{S}_{n+1}$
be the permutation that transposes j and
. Let
and let
Note that
$(x_1,\ldots,x_{n+1}) \mapsto (x_{\sigma(1)},\ldots,x_{\sigma(n+1)})$
is a bijection on
. Then
$\textbf x \in \mathcal{E}_n \setminus \mathcal{E}^{\prime}_n$
, then
$f(x_{j+1},m_{j+1}) = f(0,m_{j+1}) = 0$
; in particular, since f is non-negative,
Remark 4. In Lemma 2 we can for instance take
$f(x,m) = x^m$
$f(x,m) = (x)_m$
. Note that in Lemma 2 the indices
must be pairwise distinct as well as the indices
. In the proof of Proposition 3, we extend the result for
to the case where only the
are pairwise distinct.
Proof of Proposition
3.First we show the following inequality. Fix
$n \geq k \geq 1$
. Let
$1 < i_1 < \cdots < i_k \leq n$
$1 \leq j_1 \leq \cdots \leq j_k \leq n$
be such that
$j_r \leq i_r$
for all
$1 \leq r \leq k$
. Then
To show (10) it is actually enough to show the following result. Let
$J \subset [\![ 1,n ]\!]$
$2 \leq i \leq n$
such that i and
do not belong to J. Let
$m_j \geq 1$
$j \in J$
$m \geq 1$
. Then
Inequality (10) can then be obtained by induction using Lemma 2 and (11). By Young’s inequality,
Combining this with Lemma 2 gives (11) and concludes the proof of (10). Now, using inequality (10), we obtain
which concludes the proof of Proposition 3.
3.3. Bounding the moments of a random walk conditioned to be an excursion
The goal of this section is to find bounds for the moments of the random walk S conditioned to be an excursion. More precisely, the aim of this section is to show the following result.
Proposition 4.
There exists a constant
$C > 0$
such that for all
$1 \leq k \leq n-1$
$d \geq 1$
(i) we have
(12)\begin{equation} \mathbb{E}_n \bigl[ S_k^d \bigr] \leq ( C d n )^{d/2}, \end{equation}
(ii) and
(13)\begin{equation} \mathbb{E}_n \bigl[ S_{n-k}^d \bigr] \leq \biggl( \dfrac{n}{n-k} \biggr)^{3/2}(Cdk)^{d/2}, \end{equation}
(iii) as well as
(14)\begin{equation} \mathbb{E}_n \bigl[ S_k^d \bigr] \leq \biggl( \dfrac{n}{n-k} \biggr)^{3/2} \bigl( C d \sqrt{k} \bigr)^d. \end{equation}
Remark 5. Items (i) and (ii) of Proposition 4 actually hold true for any random walk
$(S_n)_{n \geq 0}$
starting from 0 with i.i.d. increments all having the distribution
whose support is
$\mathbb{N}\cup \{-1\}$
and such that
has mean 0 and finite variance. However, (iii) uses in addition the fact that a Poisson random walk has a sub-exponential tail (see e.g. [Reference Wellner23, Example 3]), namely, for all
$k \geq 1$
$x \geq 0$
To prove Proposition 4 we will use the following lemma, whose proof is postponed to the end of this section. This lemma is similar to the cyclic lemma in spirit, but instead of conditioning the walk to be an excursion we only condition it to stay positive.
Lemma 3.
$n \geq 1$
$F\,:\, \mathbb{R}^n \rightarrow [0,+\infty)$
be invariant under cyclic shifts. Then
Proof of Proposition
4.We recall that C denotes a constant which may vary from line to line. For (i), according to [Reference Addario-Berry, Devroye and Janson2, equation (32)], the maximum of the excursion of S has a sub-Gaussian tail, namely there exist constants
$C, \alpha > 0$
such that, for all
$n \geq 1$
$x \geq 0$
$M_n \,:\!=\, \max \{ S_0,\ldots,S_n \}$
is the maximum of the walk S on [0, n]. So we have
This shows (i).
The following computation is a common starting point to show both (ii) and (iii). Let
be either the indicator function
. Using the fact that
$\mathbb{P} ( \tau_{-1}=n+1)$
is equivalent to a constant times
(see e.g. [Reference Le Gall17, equation (10)]), and then using the Markov property and finally the cyclic lemma (see e.g. [Reference Pitman18, Section 6.1]), we get
where S
′ is independent of S and has the same distribution. Now we use Janson’s inequality [Reference Janson13, Lemma 2.1], which states that
$\mathbb{P} (S_r = -m) \leq Cr^{-1/2}\,{\rm{e}}^{-\lambda m^2/r}$
for all
$r \geq 1$
$m \geq 0$
, to get
To prove (ii) we first define
$T_k \,:\!=\, \max \{ 0 \leq i \leq k\,:\, S_i = 0 \}$
. Let
denote the probability of the event
$\{ S_k = x, \, S_1,\ldots,S_k \geq 0 \}$
. Using the Markov property, we obtain
We apply Lemma 3 and the local limit theorem (see e.g. [Reference Ibragimov and Linnik12, Theorem 4.2.1]), which gives a constant
such that
$\mathbb{P}(S_{k-i}=x) \leq C(k-i)^{-1/2}$
, for every
$x \in \mathbb Z$
, so that
Notice that
So, finally we have
Putting the previous inequality in (17) with
and replacing k with
We can now bound the dth moment of
This concludes the proof of (ii).
To prove (iii) we follow the same principle. Using the Markov property and Lemma 3, we have
Then we apply the Cauchy–Schwarz inequality:
The last inequality comes from an explicit computation of the fourth central moment of a Poisson distribution. We combine the last inequality with (15) to get
Putting everything together, we obtain
We combine the last inequality with (17) to get
We cut the last integral into two parts and obtain
Noticing that the last two integrals are both smaller than
, this concludes the proof of (iii).
We now prove Lemma 3.
Proof of Lemma
$x = (x_1,\ldots,x_n) \in \mathbb{R}^n$
$i \in [\![ 0,n-1 ]\!]$
, let
denote the ith cyclic permutation of x, namely
$x^i \,:\!=\, (x_{1+i},\ldots,x_{n},x_1,\ldots,x_i)$
. Consider the set
and write
$X \,:\!=\, (X_1,\ldots,X_n)$
. Then
The inequality comes from the fact that the number of cyclic shifts of X such that
$X^i \in A_n$
is almost surely bounded by
3.4. Proof of Theorem 1(i)
Recall we want to show that
$d_{\mathit{TV}}(k,n) = {\rm{O}}(k/\sqrt{n})$
. In Section 3.1 we have shown that it is enough to show
$\delta(k,n) = {\rm{O}}(k/\sqrt{n})$
, where the definition of
is given by (7). Thanks to Proposition 2, this quantity can be rewritten as
As was already mentioned in Section 3.1,
$n^k(n-k)!/n! = 1 + {\rm{O}}(k/\sqrt n)$
, so for our purpose it is sufficient to bound the integral
Using inequality (8), we obtain
Notice that (i) and (iii) of Proposition 4 imply that for all
$0 \leq k \leq n$
Indeed, Proposition 4(i) covers the case
$k \geq n/2$
of equation (20) and (iii) covers the case
$k < n/2$
(notice that the cases
are trivial, since, conditionally on
$S_0 = S_n = 0$
). Hölder’s inequality shows that for
$0 \leq i_1,\ldots,i_d \leq n$
Expanding the products in (19) and using (21) gives
Notice that
$t \mapsto t^{-1/2}$
is integrable, so
Using the bound
$\binom{k}{d} \leq (ke/d)^d$
$k = {\rm{o}}(\sqrt{n})$
, we conclude that
$I(k,n) = {\rm{O}}(k/\sqrt{n})$
4. Convergence for the Kolmogorov distance
In this section we suppose that
$k_n = {\rm{o}}(n)$
. We will write k instead of
to ease notation, but keep in mind that k depends on n. The goal of this section is to show Theorem 1(ii). The following lemma allows us to replace the cumulative probability in (2) with the term
, which is more manageable.
Lemma 4.
There is a constant
such that
Before proving this lemma we show how it implies Theorem 1(ii). We will also need the following simple lemma, which extends [Reference Billingsley4, equation (27.5)].
Lemma 5.
$r \geq 1$
, and
be complex numbers of modulus smaller than or equal to
, respectively. Then
Proof of Lemma 5.The result readily follows from the identity
Proof of Theorem
$1/2 < \alpha < 1$
. We define a sequence of intervals
(depending on n) in the following way:
where M is the biggest integer such that
$n-k^{\alpha^M} \leq n-n/k$
. Let
$1 \leq i_1,\ldots,i_k \leq n$
. Using Lemma 5 (with
and noticing that
is almost surely smaller than 1 for every i), we decompose the quantity
$\mathbb{E}_n [ (S_{i_1}+i_1)\cdots(S_{i_k}+i_k) - i_1\cdots i_k]$
depending on those intervals to which the
belong, so that
$m \in \{1,\ldots,M+3\}$
and let
denote the
that belong to
. If
, then by Lemma 5 and Proposition 4(i),
$2 \leq m \leq M+2$
, we follow the same principle but we use Proposition 4(ii) instead:
The previous computation works in the case
because the maximality of M implies that
$n-n/k \leq n-k^{\alpha^{M+1}}$
. Finally, if
Notice that
$k^{\alpha^M} \geq n/k$
, so for all
$0 \leq m \leq M$
$k^{\alpha^{M-m}} \geq (n/k)^{\alpha^{-m}}$
. Summing the preceding bounds for
$2 \leq m \leq M+2$
where we used the fact that
$-e\ln(\alpha)m \leq 1/\alpha^m$
for all
$m \geq 1$
. If we take
such that
$\alpha -1/2 = \exp({-}{\rm{e}}^{-1}) -1/2 \simeq 0.1922$
, then the last quantity is
. Putting everything together, we finally obtain
Combining the last display with Lemma 4 gives the desired result.
Now we prove Lemma 4.
Proof of Lemma
4.Define the empirical distribution function of
, namely, for all
$i \in \{1,\ldots,n\}$
As suggested in [Reference Diaconis and Hicks11], we can use a result of Bobkov [Reference Bobkov5, Theorem 1.1]. The sequence
is an exchangeable extension of
, meaning that the distribution of
stays the same after any permutation. So by Theorem 1.1 of [Reference Bobkov5] we have
where C is a universal constant. Using Proposition 2 and Corollary 2, we find
Indeed, Proposition 2 implies that
have the same distribution, with
is a uniform random tree of
. Then Corollary 2 shows that
jointly for
$i \in \{1,\ldots,n\}$
. This concludes the proof.
5. Sum and maximum of the first parking places
We begin this section with the proof of Corollary 1. Then we finish by proving Proposition 1.
Proof of Corollary
1.(i) Recall that
$(U_n(i))_{1 \leq i \leq n}$
are i.i.d. uniformly distributed in
$[\![ 1,n ]\!]$
. By the central limit theorem, the convergence
holds in distribution. Using the first item of Theorem 1, we deduce that the total variation distance between the distributions of
$\sum_{i=1}^{k_n} U_n(i)$
$\sum_{i=1}^{k_n} \pi_n(i)$
tends to 0. Thus the above convergence still holds when
is replaced by
(ii) Let
. Then
Using Theorem 1(ii), we deduce that the above convergence still holds when
is replaced by
Proof of Proposition
1.In this proof we write k instead of
to ease notation. For every
$a \geq 0$
Indeed, following the same computation as in the proof of Proposition 2, we have
which leads to (25) since
$X_1+\cdots+X_{n-a} = S_{n-a}+n-a$
. Let
be a Bienaymé–Galton–Watson tree with a critical Poisson offspring distribution
conditioned on having n vertices, and define
to be the associated Ł ukasiewicz path. More precisely, if
are the vertices of
ordered according to the lexicographic order (see e.g. [Reference Le Gall17, Section 1.1]), then for all
$0 \leq k \leq n$
In the previous definition
is deduced from the first k vertices
, but it is possible to see
in terms of the last
It is known that
and S under
$\mathbb P_n$
have the same distribution. Thus equality (25) can be rewritten in the following way:
be the so-called Kesten’s tree associated with
(see e.g. [Reference Abraham and Delmas1, Section 2.3]). Let
denote the lexicographic order on the set of vertices of
. It is always possible to find a unique infinite sequence
of distinct vertices of
such that for all
$i \geq 1$
$\{u \,:\, u \text{ is a vertex of } \tau^* \text{ such that } u_i \preceq u \} = \{ u_1,\ldots,u_i\}$
. In other words,
are the last vertices of
for the lexicographic order, which, necessarily, lie on the right of the infinite spine. Similarly to the Łukasiewicz path we can define the quantity
It is known that
converges in distribution, for the local topology, towards
(see e.g. [Reference Abraham and Delmas1, Section 3.3.5]). Making use of Skorokhod’s representation theorem, suppose that the latter convergence holds almost surely. Thus
converges almost surely towards
. Consequently, the convergence
holds almost surely. Since the above sequence is bounded by 1, we deduce that the convergence of the expectation holds, which concludes the proof.
I am really grateful to Igor Kortchemski for useful suggestions and the careful reading of the manuscript.
Funding information
There are no funding bodies to thank relating to this creation of this article.
Competing interests
There were no competing interests to declare which arose during the preparation or publication process of this article.