Books and Articles in the Field of the Prevention and Peaceful Settlement of Disputes
Compiled by Raymond Ridderhof exclusively from materials available in the Peace Palace Library
1. Books
Akonor, K., UN Peacekeeping in Africa: A Critical Examination and Recommendations for Improvement (2017). ISBN 9783319391601, XI, 96 pp.
Billerbeck, S.B.K. von, Whose Peace? Local Ownership and United Nations Peacekeeping (2017). ISBN 9780198755708, XIII, 205 pp.
Björkdahl, A., Höglund, K., Millar, G., van der, Lijn J. and Verkoren, W. (eds.), Peacebuilding and Friction: Global and Local Encounters in Post Conflict Societies (2016). ISBN 9781138937512, XIV, 221 pp.
Couvreur, P., The International Court of Justice and the Effectiveness of International Law (2017). ISBN 9789004312210, VI, 271 pp.
Fischer, F.-W., Internationale Streitfälle gestern und morgen: Peace-Making and -Keeping (2017). ISBN 9783830092681, 563 pp.
Goertz, G., Diehl, P.F. and Balas, A., The Puzzle of Peace: The Evolution of Peace in the International System, (2016). ISBN 9780199301034, VIII, 247 pp.
Martin-Brûlé, S.-M., Evaluating Peacekeeping Missions: A Typology of Success and Failure in International Interventions (2017). ISBN 9781138638730, XVII, 153 pp.
Moelle, M.P., The International Responsibility of International Organisations: Cooperation in Peacekeeping Operations (2017). ISBN 9781107124158, XIV, 373 pp.
Neuhold, H., The Law of International Conflict: Force, Intervention and Peaceful Dispute Settlement (2016). ISBN 9789004299917, VIII, 224 pp.
Ripsman, N.M., Peacemaking from above, Peace from below: Ending Conflict between Regional Rivals (2016). ISBN 9781501702471, XI, 210 pp.
Tomás Morales, S. de (ed.), Zonas protegidas y operaciones de mantenimiento de la paz: lecciones identificadas y lecciones aprendidas en conmemoración del 20º aniversario de la masacre de Srebrenica (2016). ISBN 9788490858158, 289 pp.
Tomuschat, C., Pisillo Mazzeschi, R. and Thürer, D. (eds.), Conciliation in International Law: The OSCE Court of Conciliation and Arbitration (2017). ISBN 9789004312104, XI, 245 pp.
Turan, T., Positive Peace in Theory and Practice: Strengthening the United Nations's Pre-Conflict Prevention Role (2016). ISBN 9789004305618, X, 247 pp.
Zartman, I.W., Preventing Deadly Conflict (2015). ISBN 9780745686912, 284 pp.
2. Chapters in edited volumes and journal articles
Amich Elías, C., ‘La evolución de las operaciones de mantenimiento de las paz y la protección de los civiles: ¿lecciones aprendidas de la matanza de Srebrenica?’, in Tomás Morales, S. de (ed.), Zonas protegidas y operaciones de mantenimiento de la paz: lecciones identificadas y lecciones aprendidas en conmemoración del 20º aniversario de la masacre de Srebrenica (2016) 171–213
Anderson, D.H., ‘Peaceful, Settlement of Disputes under UNCLOS’, in Barrett, J., and Barnes, R. (eds.), Law of the Sea: UNCLOS as a Living Treaty (2016) 385–415
Bannelier-Christakis, K., ‘The Joint Committee's Drones Report: Far-Reaching Conclusions on Self-Defence based on a Dubious Reading of Resolution 2249’, (2016) 3 Journal on the Use of Force and International Law 217–226
Barrow, A., ‘Operationalizing Security Council Resolution 1325: The Role of National Action Plans’, (2016) 21 Journal of Conflict and Security Law 247–275
Beauregard, P., ‘Taking Flight or Crashing Down? European Common Foreign Policy and International Crisis’, (2016) 38 Journal of European Integration 375–392
Bindenagel, J.D., ‘Pacific Community for Peace and Governance: Towards a Framework for Peace and Security in the Pacific’, in Fels, E. and Vu, T. (eds.), Power Politics in Asia's Contested Waters: Territorial Disputes in the South China Sea (2016) 509–521
Boutellis, A., ‘The Democratic Republic of Congo’, in Bellamy, A.J. and Dunne, T. (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of the Responsibility to Protect (2016) 734–749
Breau, S., ‘Reflections on the Treatment of the Decision-Making Process in Section 4 of the Joint Committee's Drone Strikes Report’, (2016) 3 Journal on the Use of Force and International Law 227–233
Crook, J.R., ‘Dispute Settlement’, in Cogan, J.K., Hurd, I. and Johnstone, I. (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of International Organizations (2016) 644–662
Curran, D., ‘Muddling on through?: Cosmopolitan Peacekeeping and the Protection of Civilians’, (2017) 24 International Peacekeeping 63–85
Dorussen, H. and Ruggeri, A., ‘Peacekeeping Event Data: Determining the Place and Space of Peacekeeping’, (2017) 24 International Peacekeeping 32–38
Gray, C., ‘Targeted Killing outside Armed Conflict: A New Departure for the UK?’ (2016) 3 Journal on the Use of Force and International Law 198–204
Hunt, C.T., ‘All Necessary Means to what Ends?: the Unintended Consequences of the “Robust Turn” in UN Peace Operations’, (2017) 24 International Peacekeeping 108–131
Kreft, A., ‘The Gender Mainstreaming Gap: Security Council Resolution 1325 and UN Peacekeeping Mandates’, (2017) 24 International Peacekeeping 132–158
Mavoungou, J.S., ‘La construction identitaire et l'incertitude des solutions militaires dans les conflits en Afrique: cas de la Côte d'Ivoire, de la R.D.C., du Soudan et de la R.C.A.’, (2016) 70 Revue juridique et politique des états francophones 534–563
Mälksoo, L., ‘Conciliation within the Framework of Dispute Settlement Procedures: An East European Perspective’, in Tomuschat, C., Pisillo Mazzeschi, R. and Thürer, D. (eds.), Conciliation in International Law: The OSCE Court of Conciliation and Arbitration (2017) 12–25
McLaughlin, R. and Nasu, H., ‘The Law's Potential to Break - Rather Than Entrench - the South China Sea Deadlock?’ (2016) 21 Journal of Conflict and Security Law 305–337
Murphy, R., ‘UN Peacekeeping in the Democratic Republic of the Congo and the Protection of Civilians’, (2016) 21 Journal of Conflict and Security Law 209–246
Ohnesorge, H.W., ‘A Sea of Troubles: International Law and the Spitsbergen Plus Approach to Conflict Management in the South China Sea’, in Fels, E. and Vu, T. (eds.), Power Politics in Asia's Contested Waters: Territorial Disputes in the South China Sea (2016) 25–55
Okeke, J.M., ‘United in Challenges? The African Standby Force and the African Capacity for the Immediate Response to Crises’, in De Coning, C., Gelot, L. and Karlsrud, J. (eds.), The Future of African Peace Operations: From the Janjaweed to Boko Haram (2016) 90–104
Pabst, M., ‘Eskaliert der Westsahara-Konflikt?: die MINURSO in der Krise’, (2016) 64 Vereinte Nationen: Zeitschrift für die Vereinten Nationen und ihre Sonderorganisationen 213–218
Palmisano, G., ‘Diplomatic and Jurisdictional Aspects in Conciliation Procedures: Conciliation between Dispute Settlement and Conflict Prevention’, in Tomuschat, C., Pisillo Mazzeschi, R. and Thürer, D. (eds.), Conciliation in International Law: The OSCE Court of Conciliation and Arbitration (2017) 26–39
Pandiaraj, S., ‘Sovereignty as Responsibility: Reflections on the Legal Status of the Doctrine of Responsibility to Protect’, (2016) 15 Chinese Journal of International Law 795–815
Parry, E.J., ‘Prevention and Management of Conflict and Settlement of Disputes’, in Roberts, I. (ed.), Satow's Diplomatic Practice (2017) 509–524
Pisillo Mazzeschi, R., ‘Prevention and Resolution of Conflicts in the OSCE and the Role of the Court of Conciliation and Arbitration’, in Tomuschat, C., Pisillo Mazzeschi, R. and Thürer, D. (eds.), Conciliation in International Law: The OSCE Court of Conciliation and Arbitration (2017) 57–78
Reike, R., ‘Conflict Prevention and R2P’, in Bellamy, A.J. and Dunne, T. (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of the Responsibility to Protect (2016) 581–603
Richmond, S., ‘Why is Humanitarian Intervention so Divisive?: Revisiting the Debate over the 1999 Kosovo Intervention’, (2016) 3 Journal on the Use of Force and International Law 234–259
Roscini, M., ‘Digital Evidence as a Means of Proof before the International Court of Justice’, (2016) 21 Journal of Conflict and Security Law 541–554
Roshchin, E., ‘The Hague Conferences and “International Community”: A Politics of Conceptual Innovation’, (2017) 43 Review of International Studies 177–198
Sabrow, S., ‘Local Perceptions of the Legitimacy of Peace Operations by the UN, Regional Organizations and Individual States - a Case Study of the Mali Conflict’, (2017) 24 International Peacekeeping 159–186
Schoenbaum, T.J., ‘The South China Sea Arbitration Decision and a Plan for Peaceful Resolution of the Disputes’, (2016) 47 Journal of Maritime Law and Commerce 451–477
Sharp, D.N., ‘Beyond the Post-conflict Checklist: Linking Peacebuilding and Transitional Justice through the Lens of Critique’, in McEvoy, K. and Mallinder, L. (eds.), Transitional Justice, vol. 2 (2017) 203–231
Silva, A.H.L. and Amorim, W.D. de, ‘Australia, India and Japan: The Three “Worried Outsiders” and Their Strategies Towards the South China Sea’, in Fels, E. and Vu, T. (eds.), Power Politics in Asia's Contested Waters: Territorial Disputes in the South China Sea (2016) 441–468
Tamburelli, G., ‘The Crisis in Ukraine’, (2016) 71 La Comunità Internazionale: rivista trimestrale della Società Italiana per l'Organizzazione Internazionale 359–376
Thürer, D., ‘Peaceful Settlement of International Disputes: About the Essence and Role of Conciliation’, in Tomuschat, C., Pisillo Mazzeschi, R. and Thürer, D. (eds.), Conciliation in International Law: The OSCE Court of Conciliation and Arbitration (2017) 40–53
Tomás Morales, S. de, ‘Zonas de seguridad y operaciones de mantenimiento de la paz: ¿dos conceptos compatibles tras la masacre de Srebrenica?’, in Tomás Morales, S. de (ed.), Zonas protegidas y operaciones de mantenimiento de la paz: lecciones identificadas y lecciones aprendidas en conmemoración del 20º aniversario de la masacre de Srebrenica (2016) 119–169
Tomuschat, C., ‘Conciliation within the Framework of the OSCE Court of Conciliation and Arbitration: An Assessment from the Viewpoint of Legal Policy’, in Tomuschat, C., Pisillo Mazzeschi, R. and Thürer, D. (eds.), Conciliation in International Law: The OSCE Court of Conciliation and Arbitration (2017) 79–104
Törő, C., ‘The Practice and Patterns of EU Military Operations in Concert with the United Nations’, (2016) 21 Journal of Conflict and Security Law 339–365
White, N.D., ‘The Joint Committee, Drone Strikes and Self-Defence: Caught in No Man's Land?’ (2016) 3 Journal on the Use of Force and International Law 210–216