Founded in 1909 and headquartered in Alexandria, Virginia, the Special Libraries Association (SLA) is the premier global organisation for innovative information professionals and their strategic partners. SLA represents information experts globally who collect, analyse, evaluate, package, and disseminate information to facilitate strategic decision making. SLA members work in companies, law firms, consulting firms, government agencies, not-for-profit organisations, technical and academic institutions, museums, and medical facilities. There are 58 regional Chapters, based on geographical areas, e.g. SLA Europe. There are 25 Divisions, which link information professionals within their topical area of expertise, from Business & Finance to Legal to Transportation. SLA is governed by a board of directors elected by the membership.
SLA Europe
SLA Europe has existed for 25 years, and has its own dedicated board, drawn from a variety of backgrounds. It is at the forefront of the enthusiasm of information specialists in Europe to work together and is one of very few European organisations that offer a direct link to a very large and active network of information professionals working in more than 80 countries. SLA Europe organises a series of meetings throughout the year, providing opportunities for both professional development and for socialising and exchange of ideas in a less formal environment.
SLA's Core Values
• Leadership: Strengthening members' roles as information leaders in their organisations and communities, including shaping information policy, and the ethical gathering, retention and use of information.
• Service: Responding to clients' needs, adding qualitative and quantitative value to information services and products.
• Innovation and continuous learning: Embracing innovative solutions for the enhancement of services and intellectual advancement within the profession.
• Results and accountability: Delivering measurable results in the information economy and members' organisations; the Association and its members are expected to operate with the highest level of ethics and integrity.
• Collaboration and partnering: Providing opportunities to meet, communicate, collaborate, and partner within the information industry and the business community.
Benefits of membership
• Subscription includes membership of one chapter, and one division. For an additional nominal fee, members may join additional chapters, divisions and caucuses. A caucus is an informal network of discipline or interest not covered in other groups. There are also discussion lists, for regions and industry groups. Join in or just read the discussion.
• Opportunity to attend SLA's flagship event, the Annual Conference and INFO-EXPO. This is usually held in the USA and brings together thousands of information professionals from around the globe. It provides a forum for discussion on issues shaping the information industry. The conference offers more than 400 events, programmes, panel discussions, and seminars, and includes an exhibition hall with more than 300 participating companies.
• Monthly Information Outlook magazine containing news, advice on professional development and addressing technical and managerial issues, plus three issues per year of the SLA Europe Newsletter.
• Stimulating learning events throughout the year, including workshops, seminars (in person or virtual) and debates.
Exclusive to Members only
• Click U, launched in 2005, is the first and only online learning community focusing on continuing professional education for librarians, information professionals and knowledge workers. Topics covered include leadership, software and technology, management and communications. ClickU is available only to SLA Members.
• RSS feed reader that delivers directly to your inbox from NewsGator.
• Access through ebrary to a library of 900 books on leadership, management and knowledge management.
• Access to SLA's Innovation Laboratory, which allows you to experiment and learn about new technologies such as setting up a wiki, learning to Twitter, and exploring Second Life.
• Mentoring programme for those who would like to link up with an experienced colleague for insights into the industry, to discuss professional development, and share different perspectives.
SLA Honours and Awards
SLA has an extensive Awards & Honours Program which was created in 1948 to honour exceptional individuals, achievements, and contributions to the Association and the information profession from across the globe.
SLA Europe makes three awards. The premier award is the SLA European Information Professional, established in 1994. This recognises outstanding achievement in the information profession amongst those living and working in Europe.
SLA Europe has a strong commitment to the development of the next generations of information professionals and its other two awards are focused in this area. SLA Europe and a number of Divisions collaborate to present the SLA Europe/Divisions Early Career Awards, which provide an all-expenses paid trip for first-time attendance at SLA Annual Conference to Masters level graduate students and those in the first five years of their career.
The SLA Europe Dissertation Awards are awarded currently in conjunction with the faculty of the Masters programmes at Brighton, London Metropolitan, Loughborough and Sheffield universities. Each university selects the best dissertation based on research on a subject pertinent to those working in special libraries.
How to join
New members should apply directly to SLA Headquarters, using a printable pdf membership form. Credit card holders may apply online, using an online form. Select “European Chapter” as your affiliate Chapter. Full details may be found at
Questions on membership should be sent to the European Membership Chair at