The laser-driven ion acceleration from ultra-short, ultra-intense (USUI) laser pulse (pulse duration between 10−12 and 10−15 s, and intensity above 1018 W cm−2) interaction with various solid targets has been studied actively for applications ranging from basic particle physics (Santala et al., Reference Santala, Zepf, Beg, Clark, Dangor, Krushelnick, Tatarakis, Watts, Ledingham, McCanny, Spencer, Machacek, Allott, Clarke and Norreys2001), bench-top particle accelerators (Wilks et al., Reference Wilks, Langdon, Cowan, Roth, Singh, Hatchett, Key, Pennington, MacKinnon and Snavely2001; Yan et al., Reference Yan, Lin, Sheng, Guo, Liu, Lu, Fang and Chen2008; Yan et al., Reference Yan, Wu, Sheng, Chen and Meyer-ter-Vehn2009), medical therapies (Bulanova et al., Reference Bulanova, Esirkepovb, Khoroshkovc, Kuznetsovb and Pegorarod2008; Ledingham et al., Reference Ledingham, McKenna and Singhal2003), fast ignition of inertial controlled fusion (Tabak et al., Reference Tabak, Hammer, Glinsky, Kruer, Wilks, Woodworth, Campbell, Perry and Mason1994; Roth et al., Reference Roth, Cowan, Key, Hatchett, Brown, Fountain, Johnson, Pennington, Snavely, Wilks, Yasuike, Ruhl, Pegoraro, Bulanov, Campbell, Perry and Powell2001), etc. Up to now, several mechanisms for accelerating ions have been proposed, such as target normal sheath acceleration (TNSA) (Wilks et al., Reference Wilks, Langdon, Cowan, Roth, Singh, Hatchett, Key, Pennington, MacKinnon and Snavely2001; Robson et al., Reference Robson, Simpson, Clarke, Ledingham, Lindau, Lundh, McCanny, Mora, Neely, Wahlstrom, Zepf and McKennna2007), laser breakout after-burner (Yin et al., Reference Yin, Albright, Hegelich and Fernandez2006), and radiation pressure acceleration (Esirkepov et al., Reference Esirkepov, Borghesi, Bulanov, Mourou and Tajima2004). Many potential applications require proton and ion beams with high collimation, monoenergetic, larger particle number, and intense energy density, as a result, the enhancement of beam quality becomes of intriguing interest and numerous experimental and theoretical studies have been devoted to achieve this goal (He et al., Reference He, Dong, Sheng, Weng, Chen, Wu and Zhang2007; Robinson et al., Reference Robinson and Gibbon2007; Chen et al., Reference Chen, Pukhov, Sheng and Yan2008a; Yan et al., Reference Yan, Lin, Sheng, Guo, Liu, Lu, Fang and Chen2008; Yu et al., Reference Yu, Ma, Chen, Shao, Yu, Gu and Yin2009; Qiao et al., Reference Qiao, Foord, Wei, Stephens, Key, McLean and Beg2013; Wang et al., Reference Wang, Yan and Zepf2014).
When an intense laser pulse irradiates on a thin plain target, a large number of electrons are accelerated and then transport to the backside of target. An electron cloud is formed and a strong electrostatic charge-separation field is also established there. A population of protons near the rear surface are pulled out and accelerated by the sheath electric field (Wilks et al., Reference Wilks, Langdon, Cowan, Roth, Singh, Hatchett, Key, Pennington, MacKinnon and Snavely2001; Gibbon, Reference Gibbon2004), this mechanism is the so-called TNSA. A spatial local and uniform sheath field at the target rear surface is required for TNSA. However, the ponderomotive force by the laser pulse with transversal distributing would push electrons to the lateral edges; the hot electrons with different lateral expanding velocity will inevitably result in the edge effect. To obtain a collimated proton beam with high quality, some tailored structural targets and ions-doped foil targets were proposed previously by improving the configuration of sheath electric field (Nakamura et al., Reference Nakamura, Kawata, Sonobe, Kong, Miyazaki, Onuma and Kikuchi2007; Ni et al., Reference Ni, Lund, McGuffey, Alexander, Aurand, Barnard, Beg, Bellei, Bieniosek, Brabetz, Cohen, Kim, Neumayer, Roth and Logan2013).
In this paper, we study a practical scheme to generate proton beams with controlled divergence and concentrated energy in TNSA regime by a USUI laser illuminating the foil–ramparts target, and we also employ a same single plain target without the backside ramparts as a comparison. Two-dimension-in-space and three-dimension-in-velocity (2D3V) particle-in-cell (PIC) simulations demonstrate the effectiveness of the foil–ramparts target in suppressing the transverse proton beam divergence by confining the sheath electric field between the ramparts almost locally and uniformly and also by generating a transverse electric field to focus the protons. Accordingly, the dependence of the proton beam characteristics on the target rampart length is also worthy to investigate in detail.
This work is organized as follows. In Section 2, we present the target model and the simulation parameters. For comparison, both of the single plain and foil–ramparts target are considered. In Section 3, our simulation results are presented, from which one can see the robust improvement on the beam divergence and protons energy density using the foil–ramparts target. The dependence of proton beam divergence on length of the rampart is examined thoroughly in Section 4, as well as some estimations about rampart length range on laser intensity a 0. A conclusion is given in Section 5.
The simulations are performed with a 2D3V PIC code KLAP2D (Chen et al., Reference Chen, Sheng, Zheng, Ma and Zhang2008b). In the simulations, 1500 cells longitudinally along the z-axis and 2000 cells transversely along the y-axis constitute a 15 × 20 μm2 simulation box, with absorbing boundary conditions for particles. A laser pulse linearly polarized along the y-axis with a 0 = 6 (intensity I 0 ≈ 4.9 × 1019 W cm−2) and wavelength λ0 = 1 μm is incident on a solid plain target comprised of electrons and protons. The front side of the plain target is located at z = 5 μm, of which thickness is 1 μm and width is 20 μm. To include the prepulse effect, we employ a linear density gradient in 0.5 μm at the laser illumination surface. Figure 1 shows a conceptual diagram of the single plain target and the foil–ramparts target studied in our simulation. In the case of the single plain target [see Figure 1(a)], the initial electrons and protons peak density is 50 n c, and the foil–ramparts target is designed to have the same configuration and particle settings with the single plain one, and together with these, two horizontal 5 μm thick, 100 n c dense ramparts with length of h and interval of 4 μm made up of Al3+ and electrons attached behind the foil [see Figure 1(b)]. The initial temperature of electrons is set to be 1000 eV. About (1.4–2.0 × 106) superparticles are employed in our simulations. The laser pulse coming from the left boundary has a transverse Gaussian profile with beam waist r 0 = 2.5 μm and a trapezoidal temporal profile of duration τ = 22 T, consisting of a plateau of 20 T and rising and falling periods of 1 T each, where T is the laser period. As has been studied by Yu et al. (Reference Yu, Ma, Chen, Shao, Yu, Gu and Yin2009) and Nakamura et al. (Reference Nakamura, Kawata, Sonobe, Kong, Miyazaki, Onuma and Kikuchi2007), the optimal width between the ramparts is of the order of the laser spot size and proton beam divergence and energy characteristics have little dependence on pulse duration; so we fix the laser parameters and rampart width all through this paper.
The main acceleration mechanism we consider here is TNSA, which means the shape of sheath electric field determined by the accelerated hot electron cloud spread is vital to the quality of the subsequently generated proton beam. Firstly, the shape of sheath electric fields for both plain and foil–ramparts target are investigated. Figures 2(a)–(f) show distributions of cycle-averaged sheath field E sheath (E sheath is actually the longitudinal electric field E z) at t = 10, 20, and 30 T for plain (top) and foil–ramparts target (bottom), respectively. One can notice that in Figures 2(a)–(c) for the plain target, at early time, say t = 10 T, the maximum sheath field $E_{{\rm sheath}}^{{\rm max}} {\rm \sim}\! 1.2 \times {10^{13}}\;{\rm V}\,{{\rm m}^{{\rm -} {\rm 1}}}$ is centralized around the laser incident axis with a diameter of about 10.3 λ and the further away from the central axis, the weaker E sheath. As the accelerated hot electrons are further exploding into the vacuum, say at t = 20 T, E sheath is expanding along both the transverse and longitudinal directions as well, resulting in a wider and longer bell shape. What's more, E sheath is still y-axial symmetric, but is stronger ($E_{{\rm sheath}}^{{\rm edges}} {\rm \sim} 6.6 \times {10^{12}}\;{\rm V}\,{{\rm m}^{ - 1}}$) at the target top and bottom edges than that ($E_{{\rm sheath}}^{{\rm axis}} {\rm \sim} 4.5 \times {10^{12}}\;{\rm V}\,{{\rm m}^{{\rm -} {\rm 1}}}$) in the region nearer around laser axis. At later time points t ≥ 30 T, E sheath has expanded more decentralized, and the maximum sheath field is obviously located at the top and bottom edges of the plain target, leaving the centraxonial E sheath much more weaker. Add it all up, the transverse edge effect of E sheath is one of the reasons which lead to proton beam divergence and large spot size. As shown in Figures 2(d) and (f), in the case of the foil–ramparts target, the transverse edge effect of E sheath is suppressed by the horizontal ramparts made of Al, which forces E sheath to distribute uniformly and locally inside the ramparts, and from our simulation results, we obtain E sheath ~9.0 × 1012, 4.8 × 1012, 2.1 × 1012 V m−1 at t = 10, 20, 30 T, respectively. The accelerated hot electrons in the initial proton plain target can transport in the closely behind Al ramparts and propagate forward into the vacuum. These propagating hot electrons can set up the very strong sheath field E sheath at the tip of ramparts and the vacuum, instead of the regions like that of the plain target. This is why the foil–ramparts target can help to eliminate the edge effect.
As the shape of E sheath evolves over time, we pick up three snap shots of sectional view (the cross-section is at z = 6.5 μm at the same time points mentioned above), and the results are presented in Figure 3. Compared with E sheath of the plain target (red line), which is much broader and has two sharp corners almost symmetrical about the central axis (y = 10 μm), E sheath of the foil–ramparts target (black line) is limited just tightly around central axis, being local and uniform. Moreover, for the single plain target, as we discussed above, the two corners of E sheath are moving outwards to the top and bottom edges of the plain target and meantime the central part of E sheath is getting weaker. The maximum E sheath shown in Figure 3 is smaller for the foil–ramparts target due to less accelerated hot electrons produced between the ramparts than that in vacuum of the plain target rear side.
The foil–ramparts target not only has an advantage over the plain one in controlling the shape of E sheath, but also has a transverse electric field E y induced between the ramparts which does not exist in the case of the plain target. As one can see in Figure 4, E y has opposite directions, that is, in the upper side E y is negatively along −y, while in the lower side E y is positively along +y; thus this transverse field tends to focus and confine the protons in the transverse direction as a tight bunch. The transverse electric field can reach as large as 6.43 × 1012 V m−1 according to our simulation results, which is approximately consistent with
where we estimate ${{\rm \lambda} _{\rm D}} = \sqrt {{{\rm \epsilon} _0}{T_{\rm e}}/{n_{\rm e}}{e^2}} $ as the Debye length of accelerated hot electrons with temperature ${T_{\rm e}} \approx {m_{\rm e}}{c^2}$$\sqrt {1 + 2{U_{\rm p}}/{m_{\rm e}}{c^2}} \ {\rm \sim} 2.23\;{\rm MeV}$, a 0 = eE 0/m eωc is the dimensionless parameter and ε0 is the vacuum permittivity.
To have a clear understanding about the energy distribution characteristics of generated protons in the rear side of the targets, we use Figure 5 to show the distribution of proton energy density in the region beyond z = 5 μm at time t = 30 T for both plain and foil–ramparts target. One can ensure that thanks to both the reshaped E sheath and the induced transverse electric field E y, protons produced by the foil–ramparts target have been confined between the ramparts with energy more greatly concentrated compared with that of the plain target.
In Section II, when declaring the simulation parameters, we fix the width between the ramparts (D = 4 μm) and leave length h as the only geometric variable. Here we investigate the dependence of proton beam divergence on h. Figure 6 demonstrates the rear sheath field E sheath at t = 30 T at the cross-section z = 6.5 μm for the single plain target and foil–ramparts target with different lengths h = 0.6, 1, 3, 5, and 7 μm, which are given respectively by lines in different colors as stated in legend. As we have proved above, there is severe edge effect for the plain target, leading to proton divergence. All the foil–ramparts targets have their sheath electric fields limited between the ramparts, except for the difference that the field distributions in the hole formed by the ramparts and on the margin are quite distinct. In the case of h = 0.6 μm, marginal sheath field is the strongest among the five foil–ramparts targets, which may result in more accelerated electrons in the marginal region and thus large beam divergence; and furthermore, “marginal effect” makes E sheath fluctuate more wildly between the ramparts. For h = 1, 3, 5, and 7 μm cases, the marginal fields are suppressed significantly to equal the level of the electric field between the ramparts, and therefore, the sheath field E sheath is reshaped to be almost uniform and centralized.
Now we focus on the dependence of proton beam divergence on length of the ramparts. Figure 7 shows the divergence spectrum of accelerated forward-going protons in the rear side (z > 6 μm) at t = 30 T for the single plain target and foil–ramparts target with different lengths h = 0.6, 1, and 5 μm. Here divergence angle is defined by the following formula:
where p y and p z are protons transverse and longitudinal relativistic momentum, respectively. One can see clearly that the proton beam from the plain target has two divergence angle peaks in θdiv ≈ −3.95° and 1.91°, while proton beam from the foil–ramparts target with h = 0.6 μm has an obvious angular deviation from the central axis and one angle peak in θdiv ≈ 1.32°, and proton beams from the foil–ramparts targets with h = 1 and 5 μm each has angle peaks in θdiv ≈ 0.04° and 0.19°, respectively. Although the foil–ramparts target with h = 1 μm has a smaller peak divergence angle, on the whole its divergence spectrum shape is fatter than foil–ramparts target with h = 5 μm. The accelerated proton number in the case h = 5 μm from our simulation results is about 9.65 × 109.
So far, we have learned the primary function of the ramparts is to eliminate the electric sheath field “edge effect”, confine the accelerated hot electrons and focus the subsequent protons, and we have demonstrated the dependence of proton beam divergence on length of the ramparts, and next, the length range should be figured out. As we know, the accelerated hot electrons temperature is ${T_{\rm e}} \approx {m_{\rm e}}{c^2}{(1 + 1/2a_0^2 )^{1/2}}$, and according to the following formula
we can estimate the minimum length of the ramparts as the local plasma scale length ${h_{{\rm min}}}{\rm \sim} {L_{\rm n}} = {C_{\rm s}}t \approx 0.47{(1 + 1/2a_0^2 )^{1/4}}$, where ${C_{\rm s}} = \sqrt {{T_{\rm e}}/{m_{\rm i}}} $ is the ion sound speed, E l is the longitudinal accelerating field, and t is taken to be the incident laser duration. Now we make some assumptions about the maximum value of h. Wilks et al. (Reference Wilks, Langdon, Cowan, Roth, Singh, Hatchett, Key, Pennington, MacKinnon and Snavely2001) found that protons gain energy proportional to the electron temperature,
where q is the proton charge, and α is somewhere between 2 and 12, depending on the model, and from our simulation results, we can roughly estimate α ≈ 5. As a result, by a simple algebraic transformation, we can obtain $h_{\rm max} \sim {\rm \alpha} C_{\rm s}t \approx 2.35 {(1 + 1/2a_0^2 )^{1/4}}$. Figure 8 shows the estimated range of ramparts length, and we can see using our simulation parameters, h min ≈ 0.98 μm and h max ≈ 4.91 μm. It is reasonable that for incident laser with larger a 0, one should use foil–ramparts targets with longer ramparts, and the minimum length shows little change.
In conclusion, proton acceleration in TNSA regime using a foil–ramparts target has been investigated by 2D3V PIC simulations. It is found that proton beams with intenser energy density and much smaller divergence angle can be produced from suitably picked ramparts length compared with those from the single plain target. The dependence of proton beam divergence on length of the ramparts is also investigated and a rough estimation of the length ranges depending on a 0 of the incident laser is given.
This work is supported by the Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant numbers 11175030, 11475030, 91230205, 11375032, and 11175029). Huan Wang would like to thank D. Wu for his useful discussions.