Lʹassurance autonomie: Une innovation essentielle pour répondre aux défis du vieillissement
Réjean Hébert 1
Reciprocal Relationship between Social Support and Psychological Distress among
a National Sample of Older Adults: An Autoregressive Cross-Lagged Model
Annie Robitaille, Heather Orpana, and Cameron N. McIntosh 13
Unequal Social Engagement for Older Adults: Constraints on Choice
Julia Rozanova, Norah Keating, and Jacquie Eales 25
ʹGot a room for me?ʹ Housing Experiences of Older Adults Living with HIV/AIDS in Ottawa
Charles Furlotte, Karen Schwartz, Jay J. Koornstra, and Richard Naster 37
Does Self-Rated Health Predict Death in Older Adults with Depressive Symptoms?
Philip St. John and Patrick Montgomery 49
A Community-Engaged Art Program for Older People: Fostering Social Inclusion
Elaine Moody and Alison Phinney 55
Lʹaprès-parents: étude exploratoire sur les perceptions de mères qui vieillissent avec
un adulte ayant une déficience intellectuelle
Marc-André Bernard et Georgette Goupil 65
ʹYou Canʹt Turn Back the Clock’: Conceptualizing Time after Institutionalization
Elaine C. Wiersma 73
Research Note / Note de recherche
Social Commitment Robots and Dementia
Kerstin Roger, Lorna Guse, Elaine Mordoch, and Angela Osterreicher 87
Canadian Institutes of Health Research–Institute of Aging: Profile/
Instituts de recherche en santé du Canada – Institut du vieillissement : Profil
Harmonizing Data for Collaborative Research on Aging: Why Should We Foster
Such an Agenda?
Isabel Fortier, Dany Doiron, Christina Wolfson, and Parminder Raina 95
Harmonisation de données pour supporter la recherche collaborative sur le
vieillissement: Pourquoi devrions-nous favoriser un tel ordre du jour?
Isabel Fortier, Dany Doiron, Christina Wolfson, et Parminder Raina 101
Book Reviews / Comptes rendus
Allan S. Teel.Alone and Invisible No More: How Grassroots Community Action and 21st Century
Technologies Can Empower Elders to Stay in their Homes and Lead Healthier, Happier Lives.
White River Junction, Vermont: Chelsea Green Publishing, 2011
Reviewed by Carol L. McWilliam 107
Thomas T.H. Wan et al.Improving the Quality of Care in Nursing Homes: An Evidence-Based
Approach. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 2010
Reviewed by Heather Cooke 109
Reviewers List 2011 / List des arbitres 2011 111
Volume 31 No. 1 March / mars 2012 volume 31 no 1
Contents / Sommaire
How Much Are We Willing to Pay to Prevent A Fall? Cost-Effectiveness of a Multifactorial
Falls Prevention Program for Community-Dwelling Older Adults
Krista Bray Jenkyn, Jeffrey S. Hoch, and Mark Speechley 121
Estimating the Cost of Serious Injurious Falls in a Canadian Acute Care Hospital
Aleksandra A. Zecevic, Bert M. Chesworth, Gregory S. Zaric, Qing Huang, Anneke Salmon,
Deb McAuslan, Randy Welch, and Douglas Brunton 139
Qui seront les premiers nés du baby-boom à risque de vulnérabilité financière à la retraite?
Une comparaison Québec-Ontario
Jacques Légaré et Marie-Pier Bergeron Boucher 149
Exercise Training Reduces Inflammatory Mediators in the Intestinal Tract of Healthy Older
Adult Mice
Nicholas Packer and Laurie Hoffman-Goetz 161
Adjusting to Mealtime Change within the Context of Dementia
M. Rebecca Genoe, Heather H. Keller, Lori Schindel Martin, Sherry L. Dupuis, Holly Reimer,
Carly Cassolato, and Gayle Edward 173
The Role of Social Reinforcement in the Maintenance of Short-Term Effects after a
Self-Management Intervention for Frail Housebound Seniors with Arthritis
Sophie Laforest, Kareen Nour, Monique A.M. Gignac, Lise Gauvin, and Manon Parisien 195
Caregiving for Elders in First Nations Communities: Social System Perspective on
Barriers and Challenges
Sonja Habjan, Holly Prince, and Mary Lou Kelley 209
Patient Journey: Implications for Improving and Integrating Care for Older Adults with
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
Karen Jackson, Nelly D. Oelke, Jeanne Besner, and Alexandra Harrison 223
Older Adult Mistreatment Risk Screening: Contribution to the Validation of a Screening
Tool in a Domestic Setting
Jeannette M. Lindenbach, Sylvie Larocque, Anne-Marise Lavoie, and Marie-Luce Garceau 235
Book Reviews / Comptes rendus
Simon Biggs and Ariela Lowenstein.Generational Intelligence: A Critical Approach
to Age Relations. London and New York: Routledge, Taylor Francis Group, 2011
Reviewed by Susan A. McDaniel 253
Sally Chivers. The Silvering Screen: Old Age and Disability in Cinema. Toronto: University
of Toronto Press, 2011
Reviewed by Stephen Katz 254
Ruth Bartlett and Deborah O’Connor. Broadening the Dementia Debate: Toward Social Citizenship.
Bristol, UK: The Policy Press, 2010
Reviewed by André Smith 255
Volume 31 No. 2 June / juin 2012 volume 31 no 2
Contents / Sommaire
Formal Dementia Care among First Nations in Southwestern Ontario
Sara A. Finkelstein, Dorothy A. Forbes, and Chantelle A.M. Richmond 257
Les besoins non comblés de services à domicile chez les aînés canadiens
Marc-Antoine Busque et Jacques Légaré 271
Long-Term Care Residents with Cancer and their Health Care Providers Reflect on Hope
Maggie Gibson and Eunice Gorman 285
A Systematic Review of Screening Tools for Predicting the Development of Dementia
Andrea R. Lischka, Marissa Mendelsohn, Tom Overend, and Dorothy Forbes 295
Correlates of Potentially Inappropriate Prescriptions of Benzodiazepines among
Older Adults: Results from the ESA Study
Michel Préville, Cindy Bossé, Helen-Maria Vasiliadis, Philippe Voyer, Claudine Laurier,
Djamal Berbiche, Guiilhème Pérodeau, Sébastien Grenier, Sarah-Gabrielle Béland,
Pierre-Alexandre Dionne, Lia Gentil, and Yola Moride 313
Older Adults Living with Osteoarthritis: Examining the Relationship of Age
and Gender to Medicine Use
Judith E. Fisher, Peri J. Ballantyne, and Gillian A. Hawker 323
A Mix of Bulk and Ready-to-Use Modified-Texture Food: Impact on Older
Adults Requiring Dysphagic Food
Heather H. Keller, Larry W. Chambers, Dean A. Fergusson, Helen Niezgoda,
Maxim Parent, Danielle Caissie, and Nicole Lemire 335
Research Notes
Associations among Physician Advice, Physical Activity, and Socio-demographic
Groups in Older Spanish Adults
María Martín Rodríguez, Jesús Martínez del Castillo, José Antonio Serrano Sánchez,
José Emilio Jiménez-Beatty Navarro, José Antonio Santacruz, and Antonio Rivero Herráiz 349
One-year Follow-up of Non-institutionalized Dependent Older Adults: Mortality,
Hospitalization and Mobility
Marcos Aparecido Sarria Cabrera, Mara Solange Gomes Dellaroza, Celita Salmaso Trelha,
Celso Henrique Cecilio, and Sara Ellias de Souza 357
Book Reviews / Comptes rendus
Theris A. Touchy, Kathleen F. Jett, Veronique Boscart, and Lynn McCleary.Ebersole
and Hess’ Gerontological Nursing and Healthy Aging (Canadian Edition). Toronto,
ON: Elsevier Canada, 2012
Reviewed by Dorothy Forbes 363
Keith E. Whitfield, ed.Focus on Biobehavioral Perspectives on Health in Late Life
(Annual Review of Gerontology and Geriatrics, vol. 30). New York, NY:
Springer Publishing Company, 2010
Reviewed by Alexandra J. Fiocco 364
Volume 31 No. 3 September / septembre 2012 volume 31 no 3
Contents / Sommaire
Stability and Change in Financial Transfers from Adult Children to Older Parents
Maximiliane E. Szinovacz and Adam Davey 367
Drinking Habits of Older Canadians: A Comparison of the 1994 and 2004 National Surveys
Pascale-Audrey Moriconi, Louise Nadeau, and Andrée Demers 379
Supporting a Relative’s Move into Long-term Care: Starting Point
Shapes Family Members’ Experiences
Tamara Sussman and Sherry Dupuis 395
End of Life in Residential Care from the Perspective of Care Aides
Shelly Waskiewich, Laura M. Funk, and Kelli I. Stajduhar 411
Making Care Decisions in Home-Based Dementia Care: Why Context Matters
Oona St-Amant, Catherine Ward-Griffin, Ryan T. DeForge, Abe Oudshoorn, Carol McWilliam,
Dorothy Forbes, Marita Kloseck, and Jodi Hall 423
Perceptions de l’arrêt de la dialyse et des traitements de maintien de la vie chez la
clientèle québécoise en hémodialyse hospitalière: comparaison selon l’âge
Judith Gagnon, Jocelyne Saint-Arnaud, Marc Bourdeau, Josée Côté, Claire Chapados, and Cécile Michaud 435
Development of Support Networks in Informal Dementia Care: Guided,
Organic, and Chance Routes through Support
Valerie Egdell 445
The Meaning of a Positive Client-Nurse Relationship for Senior Home Care Clients
with Chronic Disease
Liza J. Turpin, Carol L. McWilliam, and Catherine Ward-Griffin 457
Career Preferences of Nursing Students
Odette N. Gould, Anna MacLennan, and Suzanne Dupuis-Blanchard 471
Book Reviews / Comptes rendus
Susan H. McFadden and John T. McFadden.Aging Together: Dementia, Friendship & Flourishing
Communities. Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2011
Reviewed by Lori Schindel Martin 483
Contents of Volume 31 / Contenu du volume 31 485
Index / Indexe 491