Author Index
Abbott, David R., Douglas B. Craig, Hannah Zanotto, Veronica X. Judd, and Brent Kober: Measuring Hohokam Household Inequality with Construction Costs of Domestic Architecture at Pueblo Grande, 368
Adams, Karen R., see Turner, Michelle I.
Aiuvalasit, Michael, see Souses, B. Jacob
Alt, Susan M., see Gamble, Lynn H.
Ames, Kenneth M., see Lyons, Natasha
Baller, Kendall, see Hegmon, Michelle
Bamforth, Douglas, see Gamble, Lynn H.
Banning, Edward B.: Sampled to Death? The Rise and Fall of Probability Sampling in Archaeology, 43
Barkwill Love, Lori: Rethinking “Village” at Mogollon Village (LA 11568): Formal Chronological Modeling of a Persistent Place, 153
Basnett, Lauren, see Thornton, Erin Kennedy
Bebber, Michelle R., see Eren, Metin I.
Beck, Jess, Erik Gjesfjeld, and Stephen Chrisomalis: Prestige or Perish: Publishing Decisions in Academic Archaeology, 669
Berkebile, Jean N., see Turner, Michelle I.
Birch, Jennifer, and John P. Hart: Conflict, Population Movement, and Microscale Social Networks in Northern Iroquoian Archaeology, 350
Birch, Jennifer, Sturt W. Manning, Samantha Sanft, and Megan Anne Conger: Refined Radiocarbon Chronologies for Northern Iroquoian Site Sequences: Implications for Coalescence, Conflict, and the Reception of European Goods, 61
Bishop, Katelyn J., see Lesure, Richard G.
Blair, Elliot H.: Reconsidering the Precolumbian Presence of Venetian Glass Beads in Alaska, 638
Blake, Michael, see Lyons, Natasha
Bossio, Laura M., see Chenoweth, John M.
Boudreaux, Edmond A., III, see Cobb, Charles R.
Boulanger, Matthew T., see Eren, Metin I.
Braje, Todd J., see Gill, Kristina M.
Brenner-Coltrain, Joan, see Taylor, William Timothy Treal
Britt, Brooks B., see Taylor, William Timothy Treal
Brock, Fiona, see Metcalfe, Jessica Z.
Brownstein, Korey J., see Damitio, William J.
Buchanan, Briggs, see Diez-Martin, Fernando
Buchanan, Briggs, see Eren, Metin I.
Bush, Jennifer, see Eren, Metin I.
Casana, Jesse, see McLeester, Madeleine
Cerezo-Román, Jessica I.: A Comparison of Mortuary Practices among the Tucson Basin Hohokam and Trincheras Traditions, 327
Chase, Kelly Ledford, see Thornton, Erin Kennedy
Chenoweth, John M., Laura M. Bossio, and Mark Salvatore: Modeling Colonial Paternalism: GIS and Multispectral Satellite Imagery at Kingstown, British Virgin Islands, 734
Chrisomalis, Stephen, see Beck, Jess
Claassen, Cheryl, see Gamble, Lynn H.
Clark, Bonnie J., see Metcalfe, Jessica Z.
Cobb, Charles R., James B. Legg, Steven D. Smith, Chester B. Depratter, Brad R. Lieb, and Edmond A. Boudreaux III: The Remains of the Fray: Nascent Colonialism and Heterogeneous Hybridity, 569
Conger, Megan Anne, see Birch, Jennifer
Craig, Douglas B., see Abbott, David R.
Crossland, Zoë, see Flewellen, Ayana Omilade
Dadiego, Danielle L., Alyssa Gelinas, and Tsim D. Schneider: Unpacking the Bead: Exploring a Glass Bead Assemblage from Mission Santa Cruz, California, Using LA–ICP–MS, 413
Damitio, William J., Shannon Tushingham, Korey J. Brownstein, R. G. Matson, and David R. Gang: The Evolution of Smoking and Intoxicant Plant Use in Ancient Northwestern North America, 715
Dean, Jeffrey S., see Nash, Stephen E.
Depratter, Chester B., see Cobb, Charles R.
De Vore, Steven L., see Green, William
Diez-Martin, Fernando, Briggs Buchanan, James D. Norris, and Metin I. Eren: Was Welling, Ohio (33-Co-2), a Clovis Basecamp or Lithic Workshop? Employing Experimental Models to Interpret Old Collections, 183
Diez-Martin, Fernando see Eren, Metin I.
Dockter, Abigail R., see Turner, Michelle I.
Dolan, Sean G., and M. Steven Shackley: Pachuca Obsidian Blades from the U.S. Southwest: Implications for Mesoamerican Connections and Coronado's Mexican Indian Allies, 773
Duke, Daron G., see Jazwa, Christopher S.
Dunnavant, Justin P., see Flewellen, Ayana Omilade
Eckert, Suzanne L., see Habicht-Mauche, Judith A.
Eerkens, Jelmer W., see Gamble, Lynn H.
Emerson, Thomas E., see Farnsworth, Kenneth B.
Emerson, Thomas E., see Simon, Mary L.
Eren, Metin I., Fernando Diez-Martin, G. Logan Miller, Briggs Buchanan, Richard Haythorn, Matthew T. Boulanger, Ashley Rutkoski, Jennifer Bush, James D. Norris, C. Owen Lovejoy, Richard S. Meindl, and Michelle R. Bebber: Current Evidence Supports Welling as an Outcrop-Related Base Camp, 867
Eren, Metin I., see Diez-Martin, Fernando
Erlandson, Jon M., see Gill, Kristina M.
Farnsworth, Kenneth B., Thomas E. Emerson, and Randall E. Hughes: Havana Tradition Platform Pipe Production and Disposition: Implications for Interpreting Regional Variation in Midwestern Hopewell Ceremonialism, 696
Flewellen, Ayana Omilade, Justin P. Dunnavant, Alicia Odewale, Alexandra Jones, Tsione Wolde-Michael, Zoë Crossland, and Maria Franklin: “The Future of Archaeology Is Antiracist”: Archaeology in the Time of Black Lives Matter, 224
Franklin, Maria, see Flewellen, Ayana Omilade
Frome, Ryan, see Thornton, Erin Kennedy
Gamble, Lynn H., Cheryl Claassen, Jelmer W. Eerkens, Douglas J. Kennett, Patricia M. Lambert, Matthew J. Liebmann, Natasha Lyons, Barbara J. Mills, Christopher B. Rodning, Tsim D. Schneider, Stephen W. Silliman, Susan M. Alt, Douglas Bamforth, Kelley Hays-Gilpin, Anna Marie Prentiss, and Torben C. Rick: Finding Archaeological Relevance during a Pandemic and What Comes After, 2
Gang, David R., see Damitio, William J.
Gelinas, Alyssa, see Dadiego, Danielle L.
Gill, Kristina M., Todd J. Braje, Kevin Smith, and Jon M. Erlandson: Earliest Evidence for Geophyte Use in North America: 11,500-Year-Old Archaeobotanical Remains from California's Santarosae Island, 625
Gilmore, Kevin P., see Metcalfe, Jessica Z.
Gjesfjeld, Erik, see Beck, Jess
Green, William, Adam S. Wiewel, and Steven L. De Vore: Geophysical Detection and Assessment of Leveled Mounds: An Example from the Upper Mississippi Valley, 305
Guiry, Eric, Trevor J. Orchard, Suzanne Needs-Howarth, and Paul Szpak: Isotopic Evidence for Garden Hunting and Resource Depression in the Late Woodland of Northeastern North America, 90
Habicht-Mauche, Judith A., and Suzanne L. Eckert: Coalescence and the Spread of Glaze-Painted Pottery in the Central Rio Grande: The View from Tijeras Pueblo (LA581), New Mexico, 752
Hallson, Jennifer, see Metcalfe, Jessica Z.
Hart, Isaac, see Taylor, William Timothy Treal
Hart, John P., William A. Lovis, and M. Anne Katzenberg: Early Maize in Northeastern North America: A Comment on Emerson and Colleagues, 425
Hart, John P., see Birch, Jennifer
Hays-Gilpin, Kelley, see Gamble, Lynn H.
Haythorn, Richard, see Eren, Metin I.
Hedman, Kristin M., see Simon, Mary L.
Hegmon, Michelle, Will G. Russell, Kendall Baller, Matthew A. Peeples, and Sarah Striker: The Social Significance of Mimbres Painted Pottery in the U.S. Southwest, 23
Hoffmann, Tanja, see Lyons, Natasha
Hollenbach, Kandace D., see Simon, Mary L.
Hughes, Randall E., see Farnsworth, Kenneth B.
Ives, John W., see Metcalfe, Jessica Z.
Jalbert, Catherine L., see Overholtzer, Lisa
Jazwa, Christopher S., Geoffrey M. Smith, Richard L. Rosencrance, Daron G. Duke, and Dan Stueber: Reassessing the Radiocarbon Date from the Buhl Burial from South-Central Idaho and Its Relevance to the Western Stemmed Tradition–Clovis Debate in the Intermountain West, 173
Jolicoeur, Patrick C.: Detecting Early Widespread Metal Use in the Eastern North American Arctic around AD 500–1300, 111
Jones, Alexandra, see Flewellen, Ayana Omilade
Jones, Emily Lena, see Taylor, William Timothy Treal
Judd, Veronica X., see Abbott, David R.
Katzenberg, M. Anne, see Hart, John P.
Kemp, Brian M., see Thornton, Erin Kennedy
Kennett, Douglas J., see Gamble, Lynn H.
Kober, Brent, see Abbott, David R.
Kunz, Michael L., and Robin O. Mills: A Precolumbian Presence of Venetian Glass Trade Beads in Arctic Alaska, 395
Kunz, Michael L., and Robin O. Mills: Reply to Blair, 643
Lambert, Patricia M., see Gamble, Lynn H.
Legg, James B., see Cobb, Charles R.
Le Roux, Petrus, see Taylor, William Timothy Treal
Lesure, Richard G., R. J. Sinensky, Gregson Schachner, Thomas A. Wake, and Katelyn J. Bishop: Large-Scale Patterns in the Agricultural Demographic Transition of Mesoamerica and Southwestern North America, 593
Li, Yue, see Taylor, William Timothy Treal
Lieb, Brad R., see Cobb, Charles R.
Liebmann, Matthew J., see Gamble, Lynn H.
Lin, Sam C., and L. S. Premo: Forager Mobility and Lithic Discard Probability Similarly Affect the Distance of Raw Material Discard from Source, 845
Lovejoy, C. Owen, see Eren, Metin I.
Lovis, William A., see Hart, John P.
Lyons, Natasha, Tanja Hoffmann, Debbie Miller, Andrew Martindale, Kenneth M. Ames, and Michael Blake: Were the Ancient Coast Salish Farmers? A Story of Origins, 504
Lyons, Natasha, see Gamble, Lynn H.
Manin, Aurelie, see Thornton, Erin Kennedy
Manning, Sturt W., see Birch, Jennifer
Martindale, Andrew, see Lyons, Natasha
Matson, R. G., see Damitio, William J.
McDonald, H. Gregory, see Taylor, William Timothy Treal
McGrath, Krista, see Thornton, Erin Kennedy
McLeester, Madeleine, and Jesse Casana: Finding Fields: Locating Archaeological Agricultural Landscapes Using Historical Aerial Photographs, 283
Meindl, Richard S., see Eren, Metin I.
Metcalfe, Jessica Z., John W. Ives, Sabrina Shirazi, Kevin P. Gilmore, Jennifer Hallson, Fiona Brock, Bonnie J. Clark, and Beth Shapiro: Isotopic Evidence for Long-Distance Connections of the AD Thirteenth-Century Promontory Caves Occupants, 526
Miller, Debbie, see Lyons, Natasha
Miller, G. Logan, see Eren, Metin I.
Mills, Barbara J., see Gamble, Lynn H.
Mills, Robin O., see Kunz, Michael L.
Morris, Larry, see Seeman, Mark F.
Munoz, Samuel E., see White, A.J.
Nash, Stephen E., Ronald H. Towner, and Jeffrey S. Dean: The Curious Douglas-Fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii) Trees in Schulman Grove, Mesa Verde National Park, Southwestern Colorado, USA, 549
Needs-Howarth, Suzanne, see Guiry, Eric
Nelson, Ben A., see Shepard, Lindsay M.
Norris, James D., see Diez-Martin, Fernando
Norris, James D., see Eren, Metin I.
Odewale, Alicia, see Flewellen, Ayana Omilade
Orchard, Trevor J., see Guiry, Eric
Orlando, Ludovic, see Taylor, William Timothy Treal
Overholtzer, Lisa, and Catherine L. Jalbert: A “Leaky” Pipeline and Chilly Climate in Archaeology in Canada, 261
Peeples, Matthew A., see Hegmon, Michelle
Peres, Tanya, see Thornton, Erin Kennedy
Premo, L. S., see Lin, Sam C.
Prentiss, Anna Marie, see Gamble, Lynn H.
Purtill, Matthew P.: The Road Not Taken: How Early Landscape Learning and Adoption of a Risk-Averse Strategy Influenced Paleoindian Travel Route Decision Making in the Upper Ohio Valley, 133
Redmond, Brian G., see Simon, Mary L.
Reitz, Elizabeth J., see Thornton, Erin Kennedy
Rick, Torben C., see Gamble, Lynn H.
Roberts, Patrick, see Taylor, William Timothy Treal
Rodning, Christopher B., see Gamble, Lynn H.
Rosencrance, Richard L., see Jazwa, Christopher S.
Russell, Will G., see Hegmon, Michelle
Russell, Will G., see Shepard, Lindsay M.
Rutkoski, Ashley, see Eren, Metin I.
Salvatore, Mark, see Chenoweth, John M.
Sanft, Samantha, see Birch, Jennifer
Schachner, Gregson, see Lesure, Richard G.
Schiavinato, Stéphanie, see Taylor, William Timothy Treal
Schneider, Tsim D., see Dadiego, Danielle L.
Schneider, Tsim D., see Gamble, Lynn H.
Schroeder, Sissel, see White, A.J.
Schwartz, Christopher W., see Shepard, Lindsay M.
Seeman, Mark F., Larry Morris, and Garry L. Summers: Purpose at Welling: Additional Considerations Regarding Interpretation, 864
Shackley, M. Steven, see Dolan, Sean G.
Shapiro, Beth, see Metcalfe, Jessica Z.
Shepard, Lindsay M., Will G. Russell, Christopher W. Schwartz, Robert S. Weiner, and Ben A. Nelson: The Social Use and Value of Blue-Green Stone Mosaics at Sites within Canal System 2, Phoenix Basin, Hohokam Regional System, 486
Shield Chief Gover, Carlton Quinn, see Taylor, William Timothy Treal
Shirazi, Sabrina, see Metcalfe, Jessica Z.
Silliman, Stephen W., see Gamble, Lynn H.
Simon, Mary L., Kristin M. Hedman, and Thomas E. Emerson: Interpreting Isotopic and Macrobotanical Evidence for Early Maize in the Eastern Woodlands: A Response to Hart and Colleagues, 428
Simon, Mary L., Kandace D. Hollenbach, and Brian G. Redmond: New Dates and Carbon Isotope Assays of Purported Middle Woodland Maize from the Icehouse Bottom and Edwin Harness Sites, 613
Sinensky, R. J., see Lesure, Richard G.
Skousen, B. Jacob, and Michael Aiuvalasit: Questioning the Native American Population Rebound in the Horseshoe Lake Watershed from AD 1500 to AD 1700, 199
Smith, Geoffrey M., see Jazwa, Christopher S.
Smith, Kevin, see Gill, Kristina M.
Smith, Steven D., see Cobb, Charles R.
Speller, Camilla, see Thornton, Erin Kennedy
Stevens, Lora R., see White, A.J.
Striker, Sarah, see Hegmon, Michelle
Stueber, Dan, see Jazwa, Christopher S.
Summers, Garry L., see Seeman, Mark F.
Sundstrom, Linea, and Danny N. Walker: The Sheep Mountain Animal Net Revisited, 833
Szpak, Paul, see Guiry, Eric
Taylor, William Timothy Treal, Isaac Hart, Emily Lena Jones, Joan Brenner-Coltrain, Jessica Thompson Jobe, Brooks B. Britt, H. Gregory McDonald, Yue Li, Chengrui Zhang, Petrus Le Roux, Carlton Quinn Shield Chief Gover, Stéphanie Schiavinato, Ludovic Orlando, and Patrick Roberts: Interdisciplinary Analysis of the Lehi Horse: Implications for Early Historic Horse Cultures of the North American West, 465
Thompson Jobe, Jessica, see Taylor, William Timothy Treal
Thornton, Erin Kennedy, Tanya Peres, Kelly Ledford Chase, Brian M. Kemp, Ryan Frome, Aurelie Manin, Lauren Basnett, Krista McGrath, Camilla Speller, and Elizabeth J. Reitz: Testing for Mississippian Period Turkey Management in the Archaeological Record of the Southeastern United States, 794
Towner, Ronald H., see Nash, Stephen E.
Turner, Michelle I., Karen R. Adams, Jean N. Berkebile, and Abigail R. Dockter: Ancient Grains: New Evidence for Ancestral Puebloan Use of Domesticated Amaranth, 815
Tushingham, Shannon, see Damitio, William J.
Voss, Barbara L.: Disrupting Cultures of Harassment in Archaeology: Social-Environmental and Trauma-Informed Approaches to Disciplinary Transformation, 447
Voss, Barbara L.: Documenting Cultures of Harassment in Archaeology: A Review and Analysis of Quantitative and Qualitative Research Studies, 244
Wake, Thomas A., see Lesure, Richard G.
Walker, Danny N., see Sundstrom, Linea
Weiner, Robert S., see Shepard, Lindsay M.
White, A.J., Samuel E. Munoz, Sissel Schroeder, and Lora R. Stevens: Reply to Skousen and Aiuvalasit: On the Primacy of Archaeological Data, 203
Wiewel, Adam S., see Green, William
Wolde-Michael, Tsione, see Flewellen, Ayana Omilade
Zanotto, Hannah, see Abbott, David R.
Zhang, Chengrui, see Taylor, William Timothy Treal
Review Index
Banning, Edward B.: The Archaeologist's Laboratory: The Analysis of Archaeological Evidence (2nd ed.), reviewed by Ellery Frahm, 663
Bernick, Kathryn (editor): Waterlogged: Examples and Procedures for Northwest Coast Archaeologists, reviewed by Jennie Deo Shaw, 208
Boudreaux, Edmond A., III, Maureen Meyers, and Jay K. Johnson (editors): Contact, Colonialism, and Native Communities of the Southeastern United States, reviewed by Rochelle A. Marrinan, 879
Card, Jeb J.: Spooky Archaeology: Myth and the Science of the Past, reviewed by Cornelius Holtorf, 440
Cook, Robert A.: Continuity and Change in the Native American Village: Multicultural Origins and Descendants of the Fort Ancient Culture, reviewed by Robert A. Genheimer, 439
Cutright, Robyn E.: The Story of Food in the Human Past: How What We Ate Made Us Who We Are, reviewed by Katheryn C. Twiss, 872
DeCorse, Christopher R. (editor): Power, Political Economy, and Historical Landscapes of the Modern World: Interdisciplinary Perspectives, reviewed by James A. Delle, 433
Donnellan, Lieve (editor): Archaeological Networks and Social Interaction, reviewed by Matthew A. Peeples, 657
Duwe, Samuel, and Robert W. Preucel (editors): The Continuous Path: Pueblo Movement and the Archaeology of Becoming, reviewed by Kellam Throgmorton, 651
Feuchtwang, Stephan, and Michael Rowlands: Civilisation Recast: Theoretical and Historical Perspectives, reviewed by Rowan Flad, 659
Field, Julie S., and Michael W. Graves (editors): Abundance and Resilience: Farming and Foraging in Ancient Kauaʿi, reviewed by James M. Bayman, 875
Fritz, Gayle J.: Feeding Cahokia: Early Agriculture in the North American Heartland, reviewed by Mary J. Adair, 648
Glassow, Michael A. (editor): Goleta Slough Prehistory: Insights Gained from a Vanishing Archaeological Record, reviewed by Jerry D. Moore, 209
Gougeon, Ramie A., and Maureen S. Meyers (editors): Archaeological Perspectives on the Southern Appalachians: A Multiscalar Approach, reviewed by Jay D. Franklin, 438
Graff, Rebecca S.: Disposing of Modernity: The Archaeology of Garbage and Consumerism during Chicago's 1893 World's Fair, reviewed by William Moss, 661
Gremillion, Kristen J.: Food Production in Native North America: An Archaeological Perspective, reviewed by Grace M. V. Ward, 877
Heath, Barbara J., Eleanor E. Breen, and Lori A. Lee (editors): Material Worlds: Archaeology, Consumption, and the Road to Modernity, reviewed by Patricia M. Samford, 434
Hill, J. Brett: From Huhugam to Hohokam: Heritage and Archaeology in the American Southwest, reviewed by Todd W. Bostwick, 207
Johnson, Craig M.: Chipped Stone Technological Organization: Central Place Foraging and Exchange on the Northern Great Plains, reviewed by Douglas B. Bamforth, 210
Kennedy, Chelsea Rose, and J. Ryan (editors): Chinese Diaspora Archaeology in North America, reviewed by Emily Dale, 436
Kosiba, Steve, John Wayne Janusek, and Thomas B. F. Cummins (editors): Sacred Matter: Animacy and Authority in the Americas, reviewed by Edward Swenson, 650
Kuo, Su-Chiu: New Frontiers in the Neolithic Archaeology of Taiwan (5600–1800 BP): A Perspective of Maritime Cultural Interaction, reviewed by Charles Higham, 660
LaDu, Daniel A.: The Mazique Site (22Ad502): A Balmoral Phase Coles Creek Mound and Plaza Center in the Natchez Bluffs Region of Mississippi, reviewed by Richard A. Weinstein, 878
Lamoureux-St-Hilaire, Maxime, and Scott MacRae (editors): Detachment from Place: Beyond an Archaeology of Settlement Abandonment, reviewed by Lisa J. Lucero, 214
Law Pezzarossi, Heather, and Russell N. Sheptak (editors): Indigenous Persistence in the Colonized Americas: Material and Documentary Perspectives on Entanglement, reviewed by Christine D. Beaule, 647
Minnis, Paul E., and Michael E. Whalen (editors): Ancient Paquimé and the Casas Grandes World and Discovering Paquimé, reviewed by Karen Gust Schollmeyer, 881
Munson, Marit K., and Kelley Hays-Gilpin (editors): Color in the Ancestral Pueblo Southwest, reviewed by Michelle Hegmon, 206
Nassaney, Michael S. (editor): Fort St. Joseph Revealed: The Historical Archaeology of a Fur Trading Post, reviewed by Diana DiPaolo Loren, 436
Nyman, James A., Kevin R. Fogle, and Mary C. Beaudry (editors): The Historical Archaeology of Shadow and Intimate Economies, reviewed by Barbara J. Heath, 876
Park Huntington, Yumi, Dean E. Arnold, and Johanna Minich (editors): Ceramics of Ancient America: Multidisciplinary Approaches, reviewed by Kathleen M. Sydoriak Allen, 655
Ray, Celeste, and Manuel Fernández-Götz (editors): Historical Ecologies, Heterarchies and Transtemporal Landscapes, reviewed by John H. Walker, 215
Reeder-Myers, Leslie, John A. Turck, and Torben C. Rick (editors): The Archaeology of Human-Environmental Dynamics on the North American Atlantic Coast, reviewed by Dean R. Snow, 211
Roux, Valentine, and Marie Agnès-Courty: Ceramics and Society: A Technological Approach to Archaeological Assemblages, reviewed by Rita P. Wright, 653
Schiffer, Michael Brian: Spectacular Flops: Game-Changing Technologies That Failed, reviewed by Payson Sheets, 441
Schrader, Sarah: Activity, Diet and Social Practice: Addressing Everyday Life in Human Skeletal Remains, reviewed by Robert James Stark, 873
Shea, John J.: Prehistoric Stone Tools of Eastern Africa: A Guide; Stone Tools in Human Evolution: Behavioral Differences among Technological Primates; and Stone Tools in the Paleolithic and Neolithic Near East: A Guide, reviewed by Christian A. Tryon, 883
Shennan, Stephen: The First Farmers of Europe: An Evolutionary Perspective, reviewed by Alasdair Whittle, 216
Shott, Michael: Pottery Ethnoarchaeology in the Michoacán Sierra, reviewed by Philip J. Arnold III, 656
Silliman, Stephen W. (editor): Engaging Archaeology: 25 Case Studies in Research Practice, reviewed by Lynne G. Goldstein, 431
Stokes, Robert J. (editor): Communities and Households in the Greater American Southwest: New Perspectives and Case Studies, reviewed by Gregson Schachner, 652
Storey, Glenn R.: The Archaeology of Ancient Cities, reviewed by Tatsuya Murakami, 871
Thomas, Tim (editor): Theory in the Pacific, the Pacific in Theory: Archaeological Perspectives, reviewed by John Edward Terrell, 432
Thornton, Amara: Archaeologists in Print: Publishing for the People, reviewed by Allison L. C. Emmerson, 886
Thulman, David K., and Ervan G. Garrison (editors): New Directions in the Search for the First Floridians, reviewed by I. Randolph Daniel Jr., 212
Tyson, Craig W., and Virginia R. Herrmann (editors): Imperial Peripheries in the Neo-Assyrian Period, reviewed by Petra M. Creamer, 874
Van Der Leeuw, Sander: Social Sustainability, Past and Future: Undoing Unintended Consequences for the Earth's Survival, reviewed by Carole L. Crumley, 664
Weiss, Elizabeth, and James W. Springer: Repatriation and Erasing the Past, reviewed by Ann M. Kakaliouras, 646
Yamin, Rebecca, and Donna J. Seifert: The Archaeology of Prostitution and Clandestine Pursuits, reviewed by Elizabeth M. Scott, 662