Members of the Materials Research Society (MRS) have elected a vice president (who will serve as president in 2018) and five directors to join the 2017 MRS Board of Directors. In addition, the MRS Board of Directors has appointed the next MRS Secretary. The Board is composed of the officers and 12 to 21 directors, established by Board resolution.
The officers of the Society are the president (who serves as chair of the Board), the vice president (who is also the president-elect), the secretary, the treasurer (a position appointed by the Board of Directors), and the immediate past president. Terms of office expire at the end of the year indicated in parentheses. The asterisk (*) designates those who are newly elected. The annual election ended August 30, 2016.
The Board of Directors is organized into the following governing committees: Audit, External Relations, Finance, Governance, Nominating, Operational and Strategic Oversight, and Planning. Chairs and members of the committees are either designated by policy or are appointed by the president.
Susan Trolier-McKinstry
The Pennsylvania State University
Immediate Past President
Kristi S. Anseth
University of Colorado Boulder
Vice President (President-Elect)
* Sean J. Hearne
Sandia National Laboratories
* Eric A. Stach
Brookhaven National Laboratory
David J. Parrillo
The Dow Chemical Company
Executive Director
Todd M. Osman
Materials Research Society
Charles T. Black (2017)
Brookhaven National Laboratory
* Li-Chyong Chen (2019)
National Taiwan University
Matt Copel (2018)
IBM Research Division
Paul S. Drzaic (2018)
Apple, Inc.
* Dawnielle Farrar-Gaines (2019)
Johns Hopkins University
Yury Gogotsi (2018)
Drexel University
* Claudia E. Gutierrez-Wing (2019)
Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Nucleares
Young-Chang Joo (2018)
Seoul National University
Karen L. Kavanagh (2017)
Simon Fraser University
* Lincoln J. Lauhon (2019)
Northwestern University
Christine Ortiz (2017)
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Sabrina Sartori (2017)
University of Oslo
Magaly Spector (2018)
The University of Texas at Dallas
* Molly Stevens (2019)
Imperial College London
Anke Weidenkaff (2017)
University of Stuttgart
*Newly elected.