Alexseev, Mikhail A. and Sufian N. Zhemukhov, Mass Religious Ritual and Intergroup Tolerance: The Muslim Pilgrims’ Paradox, 665
Andreas, Peter, Killer High: A History of War in Six Drugs, 677
Arat, Yeşim and Şevket Pamuk, Turkey: Between Democracy and Authoritarianism, 658
Atchison, Amy L. and Shauna L. Shames, Survive and Resist: The Definitive Guide to Dystopian Politics, 574
Avdan, Nazli, Visas and Walls: Border Security in the Age of Terrorism, 685
Avey, Paul C., Tempting Fate: Why Nonnuclear States Confront Nuclear Powers, 679
Banerjee, Vasabjit, Undoing the Revolution: Comparing Elite Subversion of Peasant Rebellions, 664
Bateman, David A., Disenfranchising Democracy: Constructing the Electorate in the United States, the United Kingdom, and France, 624
Bateman, David A., Ira Katznelson, and John S. Lapinski, Southern Nation: Congress and White Supremacy after Reconstruction, 557
Behl, Natasha, Gendered Citizenship: Understanding Gender Violence in Democratic India, 643
Bennett, Nolan, The Claims of Experience: Autobiography and American Democracy, 590
Biebricher, Thomas, The Political Theory of Neoliberalism, 539
Boix, Carles, Democratic Capitalism at the Crossroads: Technological Change and the Future of Politics, 545
Brown, Wendy, In the Ruins of Neoliberalism: The Rise of Antidemocratic Politics in the West, 539
Bullock, Charles S., Susan A. MacManus, Jeremy D. Mayer, and Mark J. Rozell, The South and the Transformation of U.S. Politics, 557
Bussell, Jennifer, Clients and Constituents: Political Responsiveness in Patronage Democracies, 651
Carugati, Federica, Creating a Constitution: Law, Democracy, and Growth in Ancient Athens, 599
Castiglione, Dario and Johannes Pollak, Creating Political Presence: The New Politics of Democratic Representation, 608
Chen, Ling, Manipulating Globalization: The Influence of Bureaucrats on Business in China, 666
Choucri, Nazli and David D. Clark, International Relations in the Cyber Age: The Co-Evolution Dilemma, 692
Chwieroth, Jeffrey M. and Andrew Walter, The Wealth Effect: How the Great Expectations of the Middle Class Have Changed the Politics of Banking Crises, 686
Clark, Christopher J., Gaining Voice: The Causes and Consequences of Black Representation in the American States, 642
Clark, Tom S., The Supreme Court: An Analytic History of Constitutional Decision Making, 626
Cohen, Elizabeth F., The Political Value of Time: Citizenship, Duration, and Democratic Justice, 614
Cohen, Jeffrey E., The President on Capitol Hill: A Theory of Institutional Influence, 618
Conduit, Dara, The Muslim Brotherhood in Syria, 661
Cooper, Davina, Feeling Like a State: Desire, Denial, and the Recasting of Authority, 600
Dyson, Stephen Benedict, Imagining Politics: Interpretations in Political Science and Political Television, 574
Fisher, Dana R., American Resistance: From the Women’s March to the Blue Wave, 619
Friedman, Jeffrey A., War and Chance: Assessing Uncertainty in International Politics, 693
Fumurescu, Alin, Compromise and the American Founding: The Quest for the People’s Two Bodies, 602
Gienapp, Jonathan, The Second Creation: Fixing the American Constitution in the Founding Era, 612
Gillespie, Andra, Race and the Obama Administration: Substance, Symbols, and Hope, 629
Goodin, Robert E. and Kai Spiekermann, An Epistemic Theory of Democracy, 597
Green, Jane and Will Jennings, The Politics of Competence: Parties, Public Opinion and Voters, 648
Grossmann, Matt, Red State Blues: How the Conservative Revolution Stalled in the States, 627
Guardino, Matt, Framing Inequality: News Media, Public Opinion, and the Neoliberal Turn in U.S. Public Policy, 621
Hanagan, Nora, Democratic Responsibility: The Politics of Many Hands in America, 609
Hanley, Ryan Patrick, Our Great Purpose: Adam Smith on Living A Better Life, 596
Hardt, Heidi, NATO’s Lessons in Crisis: Institutional Memory in International Organizations, 676
Hirano, Shigeo and James M. Snyder, Jr., Primary Elections in the United States, 633
Iversen, Torben and David Soskice, Democracy and Prosperity: Reinventing Capitalism through a Turbulent Century, 545
Jacobs, James B. and Zoe Fuhr, The Toughest Gun Control Law in the Nation: The Unfulfilled Promise of New York’s SAFE Act, 640
Jordan-Zachery, Julia S. and Nikol G. Alexander-Floyd, eds., Black Women in Politics: Demanding Citizenship, Challenging Power, and Seeking Justice, 632
Kamola, Isaac A., Making the World Global: U.S. Universities and the Production of the Global Imaginary, 688
Kastner, Scott L., Margaret M. Pearson, and Chad Rector, China’s Strategic Multilateralism: Investing in Global Governance, 680
Kello, Lucas, The Virtual Weapon and International Order, 675
Knott, Stephen F., The Lost Soul of the American Presidency: The Decline into Demagoguery and the Prospects for Renewal, 636
Koga, Kei, Reinventing Regional Security Institutions in Asia and Africa: Power Shifts, Ideas, and Institutional Change, 695
Koss, Daniel, Where the Party Rules: The Rank and File of China’s Communist State, 646
Krajewska, Magdalena, Documenting Americans: A Political History of National ID Card Proposals in the United States, 639
Kuru, Ahmet T., Islam, Authoritarianism, and Underdevelopment: A Global and Historical Comparison, 652
Lawford-Smith, Holly, Not in Their Name: Are Citizens Culpable For Their States’ Actions?, 592
Lawson, George, Anatomies of Revolution, 669
Lee, Frances E. and Nolan McCarty, eds., Can America Govern Itself?, 630
Leeb, Claudia, The Politics of Repressed Guilt: The Tragedy of Austrian Silence, 603
Lopez, Tehama Bunyasi and Candis Watts Smith, Stay Woke: A People’s Guide to Making All Black Lives Matter, 617
Lori, Noora, Offshore Citizens: Permanent Temporary Status in the Gulf, 647
Lu, Catherine, Justice and Reconciliation in World Politics, 606
Mandelbaum, Michael, The Rise and Fall of Peace on Earth, 682
March, Andrew F., The Caliphate of Man: Popular Sovereignty in Modern Islamic Thought, 594
Markwica, Robin, Emotional Choices: How the Logic of Affect Shapes Coercive Diplomacy, 671
Marwah, Inder S., Liberalism, Diversity and Domination: Kant, Mill and the Government of Difference, 605
Maxwell, Angie and Todd Shields, The Long Southern Strategy: How Chasing White Voters in the South Changed American Politics, 615
McCluskey, Emma, From Righteousness to Far Right: An Anthropological Rethinking of Critical Security Studies, 672
Meyerhoff, Eli, Beyond Education: Radical Studying for Another World, 591
Nickels, Ashley E., Power, Participation, and Protest in Flint, Michigan: Unpacking the Policy Paradox of Municipal Takeovers, 638
Nili, Shmuel, The People’s Duty: Collective Agency and the Morality of Public Policy, 592
Nuti, Alasia, Injustice and the Reproduction of History: Structural Inequalities, Gender and Redress, 551
Obydenkova, Anastassia V. and Alexander Libman, Authoritarian Regionalism in the World of International Organizations: Global Perspectives and the Eurasian Enigma, 691
Opalo, Ken Ochieng’, Legislative Development in Africa: Politics and Postcolonial Legacies, 644
Peck, Reece, Fox Populism: Branding Conservatism as Working Class, 621
Pettinicchio, David, Politics of Empowerment: Disability Rights and the Cycle of American Policy Reform, 623
Poast, Paul, Arguing about Alliances: The Art of Agreement in Military-Pact Negotiations, 563
Powell, G. Bingham Jr., Ideological Representation: Achieved and Astray: Elections, Institutions, and the Breakdown of Ideological Congruence in Parliamentary Democracies, 662
Resnick, Evan N., Allies of Convenience: A Theory of Bargaining in U.S. Foreign Policy, 563
Rodden, Jonathan A. and Erik Wibbels, Decentralized Governance and Accountability: Academic Research and the Future of Donor Programming, 656
Rommerskirchen, Charlotte, EU Fiscal Policy Coordination in Hard Times: Free Riders on the Storm, 689
Rose, Justin, The Drum Major Instinct: Martin Luther King Jr.’s Theory of Political Service, 579
Sánchez-Cuenca, Ignacio, The Historical Roots of Political Violence: Revolutionary Terrorism in Affluent Countries, 655
Schain, Martin A., The Border: Policy and Politics in Europe and the United States, 649
Smith, Amy Erica, Religion and Brazilian Democracy: Mobilizing the People of God, 654
Somos, Mark, American States of Nature: The Origins of Independence, 1761–1775, 612
Strang, Lee J., Originalism’s Promise: A Natural Law Account of the American Constitution, 584
Stroup, Sarah S. and Wendy H. Wong, The Authority Trap: Strategic Choices of International NGOs, 683
Taylor, Zack, Shaping the Metropolis: Institutions and Urbanization in the United States and Canada, 659
Thomson, Henry, Food and Power: Regime Type, Agricultural Policy, and Political Stability., 568
Tsourapas, Gerasimos, The Politics of Migration in Modern Egypt: Strategies for Regime Survival in Autocracies, 668
Tunsjø, Øystein, The Return of Bipolarity in World Politics: China, the United States, and Geostructural Realism, 673
Valdez, Inés, Transnational Cosmopolitanism: Kant, Du Bois, and Justice as a Political Craft, 551
Valls, Andrew, Rethinking Racial Justice, 579
Weiner, Greg, The Political Constitution: The Case against Judicial Supremacy, 584
Wendland, Jay, Campaigns That Matter: The Importance of Campaign Visits in Presidential Nominating Contests, 635
Wilson, James Lindley, Democratic Equality, 611
Wu, Fuzuo, Energy and Climate Change Policies in China and India: A Two-Level Comparative Study, 696
Yasuda, John K., On Feeding the Masses: An Anatomy of Regulatory Failure in China, 568