Political and social comparisons made between Finland and Ireland from the mid-nineteenth century onwards were generally underpinned by the assertion of parallel historical narratives. William Alexander Henderson, a journalist who later became director of the Abbey Theatre, wrote of Finland’s ‘resemblances to Ireland’ after a holiday in Russia in 1904. Having outlined the two countries’ similarities in an Evening Herald article, Henderson added that:
I have so far indicated the marvellous coincidental resemblances in tradition, history, customs, aspirations, attitude, temperament, geographical position, etc. between Finland and Ireland ... Perhaps in no two other countries of the world could such perfect identity of parallelisms be traced.Footnote 1
Likewise, the nationalist M.P. for South Down, Jeremiah MacVeagh, claimed during a visit to Helsinki in 1910 that he had been unprepared for the ‘strange parallels which [were] to be found between the two cases’ of Finland and Ireland.Footnote 2 As the apparently analogous experiences of the ‘long nineteenth century’ in Finland and Ireland culminated in independence and civil war, the Tuam Herald made an editorial comment in 1923 that ‘it is not often that an exact parallel in the history of two countries at any time of their existence can be found, but … we are very much struck with the similarity … Finland is a small country like Ireland. It is now a Republic.’Footnote 3
The following document is a translation of an article on Finland and Ireland that was published in a Finnish journal in 1937.Footnote 4 It is worth noting that many of the phenomena noted by John Hampden Jackson in the article – conquests, the centralisation of royal power, Reformation, the chaos of the Napoleonic era, the growth of nationalism, and eventual independence – were common throughout Europe and by no means limited to Finland and Ireland. As an example, however, of a mid-twentieth-century primer of the two countries’ ‘parallel histories’, Hampden Jackson’s article is an excellent resource. It represents an intriguing and extended example of the generalised comparisons that were made between Irish and Finnish history by observers from the nineteenth century onwards. Moreover, although Hampden Jackson became renowned as an expert on Finland, his writings on Ireland reflect a very generalised knowledge, without personal experience or areas of speciality. Some of the value of translating this article is that it exposes attitudes of the (broadly-defined) British Left towards Ireland in the 1930s, and particularly the way these were presented, in comparisons with other countries, to an overseas audience.
John Hampden Jackson (1907–66) was a prolific author on a variety of topics relating to British and European history. The son of J. Parker Jackson, a prominent Liverpool businessman, John Hampden Jackson attended King William’s College on the Isle of Man before graduating with an M.A. from Christ Church, University of Oxford, and taking up a position as history master at Haileybury College in Hertfordshire.Footnote 5 He became known as a ‘left-leaning’ historian and commentator, and was an acquaintance of George Orwell, John Middleton Murry and others through his work for The Adelphi literary journal and its related summer school in Essex.Footnote 6 He later edited The Democrat, and was an extraordinarily energetic public lecturer on international relations and politics. He was also a pioneer of adult education, initially as a member of the Oxford Extra-Mural Board (1938–47), and then the Cambridge Extra-Mural Board (1947–66).Footnote 7 Elaine Morgan, the Welsh evolutionary anthropologist, encountered Hampden Jackson during her time in Oxford and referred to his ‘upper-crust’ accent, adding that he ‘certainly wasn’t right-wing, but he had his own rarefied philosophical stance. He was passionately in favour of the common people.’Footnote 8 This impression was reinforced by the American historian, Frank H. Simonds, who described Hampden Jackson’s ‘academic tone’ as being ‘flavoured by the placidity of “Mr Chips”’.Footnote 9 In a retrospective appreciation of Hampden Jackson, by his former pupil, the historical novelist Peter Vansittart, he was described as ‘a brisk, sturdy figure with russet hair and amused eyes, markedly independent, slightly theatrical’. Vansittart recalled a ‘fluent’ teacher, and a committed member of the Labour Party who was able to call on the Labour leader Clement Atlee, an Old Haileyburian, ‘to address his civics class’. Hampden Jackson died at the age of fifty-nine, and Vansittart concluded that ‘probably nothing of him remains in print. He was serious but not sententious, with a wit elegant and spontaneous.’Footnote 10
Hampden Jackson’s comparative article on Finland and Ireland is significant not only as an example of the overarching parallels that were perceived in the nations’ histories. It is also illustrative of the cooling attitudes of the British Left towards an independent Ireland, particularly after Éamon de Valera’s accession to presidency of the Free State’s Executive Council in 1932, prefiguring the ‘deep rift’ that has been identified between ‘Labour and mainstream Irish nationalism’ in the 1940s.Footnote 11 While it would be misguided to infer too much about the sources of Hampden Jackson’s knowledge of Ireland, his writing seems to indicate consistent similarities with his Adelphi colleague, George Orwell. Indeed, Kevin Kerrane’s analysis of Orwell’s perspectives on Ireland resonate strongly with views expressed – explicitly or implicitly – in Hampden Jackson’s published works:
Orwell never set foot in Ireland, but that hardly discouraged him from issuing strong opinions on Irish culture … his sense of Irish history was spotty. According to Orwell’s friend Paul Potts, ‘He was a storehouse of odd information about weird subjects. Yet I would have trembled to think about what would have been the result had he written a book about Ireland.’Footnote 12
There is plenty in Hampden Jackson’s 1937 article that reflects an ‘Orwellian’ assessment of Irish history and society. While this can be explained partly by a lack of detailed knowledge, it was reinforced by a disdain for nationalism – something emphasised in the Irish case by Hampden Jackson’s strong faith in British liberalism.Footnote 13 In his 1932 book A history of England – co-written with fellow Christ Church graduate and Haileybury master Charles Carrington – Hampden Jackson described the Irish Free State as a ‘sop to Irish pride’, adding that ‘a few rebels continued to fight against the settlement’.Footnote 14
Moreover, Orwell pointedly referred to de Valera as a ‘petty fuehrer’,Footnote 15 and there are suggestions of this attitude in Hampden Jackson’s article, particularly in his juxtaposition (p. 419) of de Valera with the ‘calmer more reasonable Irish who were ready to accept the Treaty’. Elsewhere, Hampden Jackson’s comment that the 1916 leaders were ‘executed, not including (strangely enough) Eamon De Valera’ reiterates a point he had made previously in both The post-war world (1935), and England since the Industrial Revolution (a schoolbook, first published in 1936).Footnote 16 Hampden Jackson’s attitudes towards Ireland certainly seem to typify ‘many English leftists’ adherence to England’s imperial history’, and particularly a faith in Britain’s potential to be an international bastion of liberalism.Footnote 17 Here, a rather Janus-faced approach to nationalism can be detected with an antipathy to some forms of nationalism barely able to disguise an indulgence for other, more palatable, varieties – grown, for instance, in the soil of the home counties or, indeed, emerging from the writings of Finnish nationalists in the early decades of the twentieth century.
The magazine Suomalainen Suomi (Finnish Finland) was established in 1933 as the organ of the Suomalaisuuden Liitto (officially known in English as the Association of Finnish Culture and Identity). The Suomalaisuuden Liitto was founded in 1906 to promote the place of the Finnish language over Swedish in civil society. In its early days, it featured writing by Urho Kekkonen, an Agrarian Party politician who later became Finland’s longest-serving president, and the noted Finnish author Mika Waltari. After various iterations it was renamed Kanava (Channel) in 1973 and has continued to be published eight times a year, as Finland’s self-proclaimed ‘leading social and cultural political magazine’.
During the 1930s, Hamden Jackson became known as a leading ‘authority on Finland’ in Britain.Footnote 18 According to Vansittart’s account, Hampden Jackson’s interest in Finland stemmed partially from his interest in social democratic politics, and partially from an instinctive suspicion of ‘large power units’ – either in international politics or internal party politics. He therefore sought to popularise ‘the values of smaller democracies’. Along with Finland, he wrote on Estonia, and produced a pamphlet on the Baltic states. The acknowledgements for Hampden Jackson’s Finland (London, 1938; 2nd ed., London, 1940) refer particularly to Paavo Soukka and Jussi Teljo, and it is possible that Teljo – a regular contributor to Suomalainen Suomi – was responsible for arranging the translation of Hampden Jackson’s articles.Footnote 19 Teljo (1904–92), who was also a prominent member of the Suomalaisuuden Liitto, and professor of social science at the University of Helsinki, was something of a kindred spirit. Politically he was a social democrat – although he does not seem to have been a party member – and he was active in the 1930s campaign to have increased Finnish-language education at the University of Helsinki.Footnote 20 The article ‘Finland and Ireland: assorted comparisons’ was one of three pieces which Hampden Jackson contributed to Suomalainen Suomi in 1937, in between ‘An Englishman observes Finland’ (Mar. 1937), and ‘Changing England’ (Dec. 1937), and part of a larger body of Finland-related work that he produced from the late 1930s.Footnote 21 He argued that:
Overall, it appears that the year 1937 has seen a revival of British sympathy for Finland, and that this will allow Finland to play an important role in promoting peace and democracy in Europe. Nothing I have seen in Finland has shaken my belief that this sympathy is well founded.Footnote 22
Hampden Jackson’s magnum opus on Finland, which was first published in 1938, received considerable praise in the Finnish press, and was used internationally as a source for Finnish history. In this work, he reiterated that ‘the parallel between Ireland and Finland is singularly close’.Footnote 23
It is said that Arthur Griffith founded the Free State with an essay on Hungary; he might have founded it more securely with a study of the Finns ... The truth is that statesmen of London and Dublin – to say nothing of Belfast – have a lesson to learn from the history of Finland.Footnote 24
Therefore, while Hampden Jackson does not appear to have published ‘Finland and Ireland: assorted comparisons’ in English, some of his comparative reflections were presented in passing in his Finland as a way of giving historical context for foreign readers. In general, and this is not perhaps surprising given the attitudes to both countries he displayed elsewhere, he seems much more positive about 1930s Finland than 1930s Ireland, and he implied that Ireland could learn much more from Finland than vice-versa. In her review of Finland, the American travel writer Agnes Rothery noted that:
J. Hampden Jackson’s is a straightforward and authentic history, written by an Englishman from a British point of view … Mr. Jackson is an Englishman, and he makes the comparison between Finland and Ireland in their struggle for home rule, for their own language, institutions, laws, and their own solution of their problems.Footnote 25
This is an important observation. Hampden Jackson might have been perceived as an ‘authority’ in Finland. However, his observations about Ireland do not seem to be quite as well-informed, and are generally included in his text to support his positive take on Finland and the Finns. The full article is presented here in translation for the first time. In places, Hampden Jackson is quite clearly using poetic licence, and in others he seems to misunderstand or misrepresent both the thrust and details of Irish history – with due regard for the integrity of the original text we have highlighted some of the more obvious missteps in the footnotes.
John Hampden Jackson, ‘Finland and Ireland: assorted comparisons’ (translated by Andrew G. Newby)Footnote 26
Comparing parallel historic events can often be misleading but sometimes the similarities between events can be so perfect that the urge to compare them is irresistible. This is the case with Finland and Ireland. At first glance these border posts of Eastern and Western Europe have nothing in common. What similarities could Finland have with that lush green island where it always rains and where the waves of the Atlantic unceasingly batter its shores? Nevertheless, a large number of similarities are to be found in the history of these two countries.
Around the same time, in fact almost in the same year as Eric IX The Holy of Sweden made his first crusade to Finland, Henry II of England led his first invasion of Ireland.Footnote 27 For the Swedes, just like for the English, their excuse was that the oppressed savages had requested their help; Eric, just like Henry, had got the Pope’s blessing for his Crusade. The latter could not call his invasion a Crusade as the Irish had already been Christians for far longer than their Eastern neighbours. Despite this, the Pope at the time, (Hadrian IV), blessed Henry’s flag and promised him ownership of the island.Footnote 28 Henry, on the other hand, had promised to recognise and reorganise the Irish Catholic church as his first act. The Irish people had nothing to protect them against the well-organized army of Henry and his noblemen.Footnote 29 Their only hope of survival was retreating to their fortresses in the bogs and hoping that the invaders would tire of their marauding and pillaging.
Before leaving Ireland, Henry left a garrison of soldiers in Dublin. This garrison was similar to the one left in Turku by the Swedish.Footnote 30 In the Middle Ages more and more English noblemen moved to Ireland, where they divided up the land at the expense of the Irish. After a while, a new Irish-English race was born, which had a lot in common with the Swedes in Finland. These Irish-English people married natives, and adopted Gaelic, the native language of Ireland. In addition, they often transformed their names into Gaelic forms. For example the Norman de Burgh became the Irish [416] Burke, and so on.Footnote 31 Medieval Ireland, however, was never completely under English rule. The power of the English kings hardly reached further than Dublin.Footnote 32 The rest of the country kept its Irish laws and customs, adopting only limited facets of the feudalism introduced by the English barons. Ireland was too large and wild to be totally conquered by the English. If England’s largest enemy had been on the other side of Ireland as Sweden’s enemy was on the other side of Finland,Footnote 33 the matter would have been quite different. From the eleventh century to the start of the nineteenth century England’s biggest enemy was France. Invading Ireland only became relevant when the threat of France leading an invasion through Ireland into England seemed imminent. Occasionally, but only occasionally, Great Britain’s westernmost island came to interest England’s Medieval kings. For example, Richard II made two trips there at the end of the fourteenth century, with the intent of getting the Irish nobles used to English customs.Footnote 34 This was unsuccessful as the cultural gap between the two nations was too large.
The first serious attempt at making Ireland more English occurred at the end of the Middle Ages. The Tudors, just like the Swedish Vaasa dynasty, were rulers trying to centralise power.Footnote 35 They confidently attempted to bend nobles to their will, and to spread the will of the king throughout all the social classes. Only a couple of years after the first Vaasa ruler made a trip around Finland, the first Tudor tried to enforce English laws on Ireland, with the help of his vassal Sir Edward Poynings.Footnote 36 Where the Vaasas succeeded the Tudors failed. The main reason was religion. Finland was a Lutheran country, which linked it to its mother country. But Ireland on the other hand was a country that had been deeply influenced by Catholicism, and was strongly opposed to the Protestants of England. The Reformed church was a disaster for them and this created a new feud between the two countries. The Tudors – and their successors The Stuarts – tried in vain to overcome this barrier. Ireland remained a Catholic country, and therein lay the greatest difference between it and Finland.
Despite this, great similarities can be found between the history of these countries in the following centuries. During the seventeenth century more English people moved to Ireland, which also happened in Finland with the Swedes.Footnote 37 [417] Queen Elizabeth I gave English nobles large areas of lands in the south of Ireland. James I gave out even larger areas of land in the north of Ireland to the Scots.Footnote 38 Oliver Cromwell tried and failed to exile the Irish west of the river Shannon and give the land left behind to his English yeomanry. A new Anglo-Irish cultural layer was therefore born. Just like the Finns, these people kept their native languages, but the difference lay in the fact that they adopted a new religion. These people became the ruling class of Ireland and were in fact more easily compared with the German people living in the areas near the Baltic Sea.Footnote 39 Access to the more important posts in the country was reserved for these people. No Catholic Irishman had the right to vote or be chosen into the parliament that met in Dublin. Catholics had no role in the public sector, from governors to postmen.Footnote 40 But despite this the Catholics had to pay taxes to the Protestant church, which the Irish greatly resented. The Anglo-Irish formed a small minority government, and a hated upper class. (This was also known as ‘The Ascendancy’).
At this point the parallels between Finland’s and Ireland’s positions become more obscure. The Irish, who in the same manner as the Finns had been stripped of their native language, were forced to accept the invaders’ culture in order to aid their own progression. In their fight for freedom they were relying on Anglo-Irish outcasts, just as the Finns had once relied on their country’s Swedish-speakers. Ireland’s leaders were expecting help from England’s arch nemesis France, exactly like some Swedish Finns turned their eyes towards Russia. At exactly the same time as SprengtportenFootnote 41 was negotiating with Catherine and ArmfeltFootnote 42 with Alexander I, Wolfe Tone was holding negotiations with the French rebels and Napoleon.Footnote 43 There are a couple of similarities that can be noted between Armfelt and Wolfe Tone. Tone was by nature brilliant, charming, clever, irresistible and rather capricious, but at the same time uncommonly stubborn. His plan was to persuade France into attacking England through Ireland where a people’s uprising would be put into motion. Both France and Ireland would benefit from this plan. The first one from defeating England and the latter from the independence they so sorely desired. It was by chance – if chance can be talked of – that Tone’s plans were foiled. [418] Twice France’s powerful navy was destroyed just off the coast of Ireland due to storms and fog. Only a tiny proportion of the soldiers led by Hoche made it to land: there they were easily slaughtered by the English.Footnote 44
The rebellion of the Irish failed but it frightened the English government into tightening their reins on Ireland. To do this the power of the Anglo-Irish upper class had to be broken. Members of the Dublin parliament were bribed to vote in favour of ending this institution, and in 1800 an Act of UnionFootnote 45 was passed which transferred power to London, leaving the Anglo-Irish with the right to send a few representatives to the English parliament.
The entire nineteenth century was a ceaseless battle between Irish nationalism and English imperialism. At first the fight was over religion; only after 1829 was even a hint of tolerance granted towards Ireland’s Catholic majority.Footnote 46 Then the struggle took on an economic aspect. After the infamous famine that took place during the 1840s, smallholders refused to pay rent to their English and Anglo-Irish landowners before they received reassurances about the fairness and permanency of their tenancy. This was only resolved at the end of the century when funds were given from London to the Irish smallholders in order for them to buy land. During this time Ireland’s National Party had taken a new direction. The Irish now demanded independence, the right to govern themselves.Footnote 47 England did not agree to this demand although a few of the state’s leaders (particularly Gladstone) did their best to see the Home Rule Bill accepted in parliament. Twenty years before Eugen Schauman shot Bobrikov in Helsinki the English governor-general was killed by the bullet of an Irishman.Footnote 48 Only by 1914 was the Home Rule law passed, and even then the English refused to enact it because of the outbreak of World War One.
During the war Ireland, just like Finland stayed neutral.Footnote 49 Irish activists, like the Finns, secretly contacted their motherland’s enemies.Footnote 50 Ireland did not have a Jaeger battalion in Germany,Footnote 51 but just when it seemed that England would conscript the Irish to fight for them, Sir Roger Casement persuaded Germany to send weapons to Ireland for use in a War of Independence. Unfortunately for the Irish nationalists Casement’s plans sprung a leak and Germany’s [419] weapons never made it to their destination.Footnote 52 Activists took over Dublin in 1916 but after a week’s fighting they were toppled and their leaders were executed, not including (strangely enough) Eamon de Valera.Footnote 53 But Ireland’s will to become independent stayed strong and when the World War ended England sent its troops to Ireland in order to quell any agitation. This sparked a war that continued until 1922, when Ireland was given the status of a self-governing dominion within the British Commonwealth.
It was thought that the treaty would satisfy the Irish nationalists, but their extreme members, led by de Valera, refused to recognize the treaty. From this started a Civil War between de Valera and his followers, and the calmer more reasonable Irish who were ready to accept the treaty.Footnote 54 The latter won the war and Ireland was a dominion of Britain for the next ten years. But in the elections of 1932 de Valera was victorious, and from there a new phase began in the history of the nationalist movement. De Valera refused to pledge allegiance to the king of England. He also refused to pay back interest for the money that the smallholders had used to purchase their lands; he did everything in his power to make Ireland economically and culturally independent from England.
The cultural part of the question is probably more interesting for Finnish readers, for there more similarities can be found between Finland and Ireland. In Ireland as in Finland the mixing of races produced some rather talented individuals. Just like many of Sweden’s most famous names from the battlefields, government and literature were originally from Finland, many of England’s heroes had their roots in Ireland. Out of the soldiers Wellington, of the sailors Dundonald;Footnote 55 Burke and Palmerston of the statesmen, and Swift, Goldsmith, George Moore and James Joyce of the writers were all Irish. And since Shakespeare there has hardly been a decent English playwright, that hasn’t been Anglo-Irish by birth (the list starts off with Sheridan and Goldsmith and ends with Bernard Shaw and Oscar Wilde along with Eugene O’Neill and Sean O’Casey.)Footnote 56 The characteristic Anglo-Irish ingenuity has always been manifested in quirkiness and satire. Almost all of England’s satirists are Anglo-Irish and the skill and art of English-language conversation is nowhere at a higher level than in Dublin.
[420] Alongside this Anglo-Irish civilisation Ireland’s own Gaelic civilisation has stubbornly continued its existence in the cottages of Western Ireland. The Irish of Galway and Connaught cannot, in the absence of literary civilisation, demonstrate their skills by writing. But like the Karelians of Finland they have expressed themselves through music and poems.Footnote 57 What an abundance of mysterious poems, spells, music and legends await a Lönnrot of Ireland’s western counties to round them up into Ireland’s Kalevala.Footnote 58 The famous Irish harp is an instrument similar to the kantele. The Finnish bitter sweetness can be detected in Irish songs and the Irish ‘keeners’ could almost be from Karelia (by chance it is so that out of Finns Karelians most closely resemble the Irish by nature. An Irishman would use the term ‘jöröjukka’Footnote 59 to describe someone from Häme. They on the other hand would call Irish people ‘suunsoittaja’.)Footnote 60 The natural talent of the Irish as with the Finns was mainly poetic. This fact stopped foreigners getting a proper view of either countries’ civilisation because anything poetic is hard to translate to another language.
There is an ongoing argument over language in Ireland. It is a real cultural battle that can be compared to the language contention in Finland.Footnote 61 The Anglo-Irish refer to the fact that English has always been the written language in Ireland and that all civilised Irish can read and write it. They insist that if the Irish are stripped of the English language they will also be stripped of their connection to the wonderful literature and civilisation that has been theirs for centuries. The same argument is used by the Swedish[-speaking Finns], who claim that giving up the Swedish language would also mean giving up the likes of RunebergFootnote 62 and Snellman.Footnote 63 In the same way that many Finnish leaders did not speak Finnish as their first language, the leaders of the Irish national party from Parnell to Erskine Childers could not even speak Gaelic. Irish nationalists on the other hand pointed out that English was the language of the invaders and capitalist oppressors, and that Ireland’s own Gaelic (which was during the dark times of the Middle Ages the best literary tongue in Europe) is the only natural way to express the undying spirit of Ireland. It is for this reason that de Valera has made Gaelic an official language of Ireland alongside English.
In fact the Gaelic fanatics do not have nearly as good arguments on their side as the Finnish men of Finland one hundred years ago.Footnote 64 Not even one Irishman out of a hundred can speak Gaelic. [421] During the past few centuries English has become the language of the people in Ireland. And the Irish have learnt to use it masterfully. Nowhere in the world, not even in England is English spoken so beautifully and diversely as in Ireland. The greatest of the currently living English authors is W.B Yeats from Dublin, who sings of Ireland’s history and mythology and uses rhythms and sayings only encountered in Ireland. On the other hand it is important to remember that Gaelic is mainly spoken along the west coast of Ireland. This is why attempts to revive the language are artificial. The Irish must be taught Irish like any other foreign tongue. They are also taught to reject Yeats and O’Casey because they wrote in English and to admire authors whose only good aspect was that they wrote in Gaelic. Ireland’s Catholic bishops support the Gaelic movement because many of the English writers are negative towards the religion whereas the users of Gaelic are spiritually disciples of the church.Footnote 65
There is still one similarity left between these two countries. For the time being Finland has not reached its natural boundaries, as East Karelia is still under the power of Russia. Ireland is also still divided because the seven north-eastern counties,Footnote 66 where King James planted a group of Scots in the seventeenth century, are outside of de Valera’s Ireland and under England’s governing. England gives Northern Ireland the same amount of apparent freedom as Russia gives the East Karelians but it is very unlikely that either will loosen their grip, one on Belfast and the other on Murmansk.Footnote 67
The differences between Finland and Ireland are almost as clear as the similarities. Finland is currently enjoying the wellbeing and other virtues brought by national independence whereas Ireland is still poor and quarrelsome. Dublin’s parliament is being divided by a dispute between the supporters and opponents of Gaelic.Footnote 68 The people of Ireland have every reason to gaze enviously at the Finns, who were saved from religious division by Lutheranism, own a wealth of beautiful forests and whose native language has been preserved despite its hard times.