1. Introduction
Given a null-homologous knot K in a 3–manifold Y and a slope
$p/q\in\mathbb Q\cup\{\infty\}$
, let
be the
–surgery on K. Gabai’s famous Property R Theorem [
Reference Gabai6
] asserts, among others, that if K is a nontrivial knot in
, then
is irreducible. In particular,
does not have an
$S^1\times S^2$
In recently years, many generalisations of this theorem have been proved using Heegaard Floer homology. See, for example, the overview in [
Reference Ni14
]. Hom and Lidman [
Reference Hom and Lidman9
] proved two generalisations of Property R. One result they proved is, if K is a nontrivial null-homotopic knot in an irreducible rational homology sphere Y, then
does not have an
$S^1\times S^2$
summand. The aim of this paper to remove the restrictions on the ambient manifold.
Theorem 1·1.
Let Y be a closed, oriented, connected 3–manifold, and
$K\subset Y$
be a nontrivial null-homotopic knot such that
does not have an
$S^1\times S^2$
summand, then
does not have an
$S^1\times S^2$
In Gabai’s work [
Reference Gabai6
], it is proved that
remembers the information of K about the genus and fiberedness. Motivated by this result, a concept “Property G” was introduced in [
Reference Ni13
] as a generalisation of Property R. Known results on Property G are summarised in [
Reference Ni14
]. We will not give the complete definition of Property G here. Instead, we just state the explicit result for genus–1 null-homotopic knot.
Corollary 1·2. Let
$K\subset Y$
be a genus–1 null-homotopic knot, then K has Property G. That is, if F is a genus–1 Seifert surface bounded by K, and
$\widehat{F}\subset Y_0(K)$
is the torus obtained by capping off
$\partial F$
with a disk, then
$[\widehat F]\in H_2(Y_0(K))$
is not represented by a sphere. Moreover, if
is a torus bundle over
with fiber
, then K is a fibered knot with fiber F.
Corollary 1·2 answers the genus–1 case of a question of Boileau [ Reference Kirby10 , problem 1·80C]. There are easy counterexamples to the original question of Boileau, so one should modify the question to add the condition on the fiber of the zero surgery. See [ Reference Ni12 ] for more details.
The strategy of the proof of Theorem 1·1 is as follows. If
, the theorem easily follows from a result of Lackenby [
Reference Lackenby11
] and Gabai [
Reference Gabai5
]. If
, we use results about degree-one maps and a result in [
Reference Daemi, Lidman, Vela–Vick and Wong4
] to show that if
$Y_0(K)=Z\#(S^1\times S^2)$
. Theorem 1·1 then follows from work of Hom and Lidman [
Reference Hom and Lidman9
We will use the following notation. If N is a submanifold of a manifold M, let
be a closed tubular neighbourhood of N, and let
be the interior of
. If X, Y are two spaces,
$f\,{:}\,X\to Y$
is a continuous map, let
$f_*\,{:}\,\pi_1(X)\to \pi_1(Y)$
be the induced map. We will always suppress the base point in the notation when we talk about fundamental groups.
This paper is organised as follows. In Section 2, we prove general results about degree-one maps with certain properties on the induced homomorphisms on
. In Section 3, we prove that if the zero surgery on a knot in Y is
$Z\#(S^1\times S^2)$
, then
. In Section 4, we use work of Lackenby [
Reference Lackenby11
] and Hom–Lidman [
Reference Hom and Lidman9
] to prove Theorem 1·1. Corollary 1·2 is also proved as an application of this theorem.
2. Degree-one maps which induce surface-group injective homomorphisms
In this section, we will prove results about degree-one maps which induce surface-group injective homomorphisms on
A group
is a surface group if it is isomorphic to the fundamental group of a closed orientable surface. Let
$\varphi\,{:}\, G\to H$
be a group homomorphism. We say
is surface-group injective, if the restriction of
to every surface subgroup of G is injective.
Lemma 2·1. Let
$\varphi\,{:}\, G_1*G_2\to H$
be a group homomorphism. If both
are surface-group injective, then
is also surface-group injective.
Proof. Let
be a surface subgroup of
. By the Kurosh Subgroup Theorem [
Reference Hempel8
, theorem 8·3],
is the free product of a free group and conjugates of subgroups of
. Since
is not a nontrivial free product, it is conjugated to a subgroup of
for some i. Since
is surface-group injective,
is also injective on
The importance of the concept of surface-group injective maps is illustrated by the next lemma.
Lemma 2·2. Let X, Y be closed, oriented, connected 3–manifolds,
$f\,{:}\,X\to Y$
be a surjective map such that
is surface-group injective. Let
$S\subset Y$
be a separating 2–sphere, and assume that
is a closed, oriented, connected surface. Then there exists a separating 2–sphere
$E\subset X$
so that R is obtained by adding tubes to E.
Proof. Let
$\iota\,{:}\, R\to X$
be the inclusion map. Since
is a sphere,
If R is not a sphere, since
is surface-group injective, R must be compressible. Let R
be the surface obtained by compressing R, then R can be obtained from R
by adding a tube. Let
be a component of R
, let
$\iota'\,{:}\, R_1^{\prime}\to X$
be the inclusion map, then
If R
does not consist of spheres, since
is surface-group injective, R
must be compressible. So R
can be obtained from another surface R
by adding a tube.
Continue with the above process, we conclude that R can be obtained from some spheres by adding tubes. We can rearrange the order of the tubes, so that some tubes connecting different spheres are added first to get a single sphere E, then R is obtained by adding other tubes to E.
$y_1,y_2\in Y$
be two points separated by S. Since f is surjective, both
are non-empty. These two sets are clearly separated by R, so R is separating. The process of compressing a surface does not change the homology class of the surface, hence E is also separating.
In the rest of this section, let Y be a 3–manifold which has no
$S^1\times S^2$
be a collection of disjoint 2–spheres in Y satisfying the following conditions:
$Y\setminus (\cup_{i=1}^n S_i)$
components whose closures are
$\check Y_1,\check Y_2,\dots,\check Y_n,\check Y_{n+1}$
, where
$\check Y_{n+1}$
with n open balls removed, and a closed irreducible manifold
$Y_i\ne S^3$
can be obtained from
$\check Y_i$
by capping off
$\partial\check Y_i=S_i$
with a ball
$1\le i\le n$
. Then
When Y is irreducible, it is understood that
Proposition 2·3. Let X be a closed, oriented, connected 3–manifold, and
$f\,{:}\,X\to Y$
be a degree-one map such that
is surface-group injective. Then there exists a degree-one map
$g\,{:}\, X\to Y$
, and each
is a 2–sphere.
Proof. We induct on n. When
, there is nothing to prove. So we assume
and the result is proved for
Using [
Reference Rong and Wang17
, theorem 1·1], we may assume
is a connected surface. Let
$\check Y_0=\overline{Y\setminus\check Y_1}$
, and let
be obtained by capping off
$\partial \check Y_0$
with a ball
. Let
$U_i=f^{-1}(\check Y_i)$
. Then
$\partial U_1=\partial U_0=R_1$
By Lemma 2·2, there exists a separating 2–sphere
$E_1\subset X$
, so that
is obtained by adding tubes to
. Now
splits X into two parts
$\check X_1,\check X_0$
, so that
$\check X_i$
can be obtained from
by adding 1–handles and digging tunnels,
. Let
be the closed manifold obtained by capping off
$\partial\check X_i$
with a ball,
We claim that each map
$f|_{U_i}\,{:}\,U_i\to \check Y_i$
can be extended to a degree-one map
$f_i\,{:}\, X_i\to Y_i$
. In fact, the manifold
can be obtained from
by gluing a 3–manifold
which is obtained from
by digging tunnels and adding 1–handles. Since
is a ball which is contractible, we can extend
$f|_{U_i}\,{:}\,U_i\to \check Y_i$
to a map
$f_i\,{:}\, X_i\to Y_i$
by sending
. The degree of
is 1 since the degree of
is 1.
$\deg f_i=1$
, after a homotopy supported in
, we may assume there exists a ball
, such that
homeomorphically onto
. Now we can glue
, together along their boundary, to get back
and define a map
by gluing the restrictions of
. We rename
We claim that
. Let
$D\subset E_1$
be a disk such that all tubes in
are added to the interior of D, and let
$D^c=\overline{E_1\setminus D}$
. Let
$V\subset X$
be the handlebody obtained by adding the 1–handles bounded by the tubes to
. Since
is a quotient of
$\pi_1(\partial V)$
, the map
$X\setminus V\to X$
induces a surjective map on
. To prove
, we only need to prove that
is a homotopy class represented by a loop in
$X\setminus V$
. We observe that
, and
$\pi_1(X\setminus V)$
is the free product of the
of the two components of
, so
By the induction hypothesis, there exists a map
$g_0\,{:}\,X_0\to Y_0$
, such that
is a sphere for
$2\le i\le n$
, and
. We can define a map
in a similar way as
, then
is a sphere for
$1\le i\le n$
, and
This finishes the induction step.
3. Zero surgery on a null-homotopic knot
The aim of this section is to prove the following proposition.
Proposition 3·1. Let Y be a closed, connected, oriented 3–manifold which does not have an
$S^1\times S^2$
summand, and
$K\subset Y$
be a null-homotopic knot. If
$Y_0(K)=Z\#(S^1\times S^2)$
, then
We first prove a general result about surgery on null-homotopic knots.
Lemma 3·2. Let Y be a closed, oriented, connected 3–manifold, and
$K\subset Y$
be a null-homotopic knot. Let V be the 2–handle cobordism from Y to
for some integer m. Then there exists a retraction
$p\,{:}\,V\to Y$
, so that
$p|_{Y_m(K)}\,{:}\,Y_m(K)\to Y$
is a degree-one map.
Proof. The cobordism V deformation retracts to the space V
obtained from Y by adding a 2–cell
along K. Since K is null-homotopic, the identity map on Y can be extended over
. Hence we have a retraction
$V'\to Y$
, which implies the existence of the retraction
$p\,{:}\,V\to Y$
. The degree of the restriction
$p|_{Y_m(K)}\,{:}\,Y_m(K)\to Y$
is 1 since it induces an isomorphism on
The existence of the above degree-one map is a well-known result. See [ Reference Boileau and Wang3 , Proposition 3·2] and [ Reference Gadgil7 ].
In the rest of this section, let V be the 2–handle cobordism from Y to
$p\,{:}\,V\to Y$
be the retraction in Lemma 3·2, and
. Moreover, we assume
$Y_0(K)=Z\#(S^1\times S^2)$
. Let
$\check Z$
be the submanifold of
which is Z with a ball removed. Since
$Y_0(K)=Z\#(S^1\times S^2)$
, we can add a 3–handle to V to get a cobordism
$W\,{:}\,Y\to Z$
Lemma 3·3. The restriction of
$\pi_1(\check Z)$
is injective.
Proof. Consider the following commutative diagram, where all maps except p are inclusions:
Since the 2–handle in V is added along the null-homotopic knot K, the inclusion
$\iota_Y\,{:}\,Y\to V$
induces an isomorphism on
. Since
is an isomorphism.
Since W is obtained from V by adding a 3–handle, the inclusion
$V\subset W$
induces an isomorphism on
. We have the commutative diagram
The manifold W (after being turned up-side-down) can be obtained from
$Z\times I$
by adding a 1–handle and a 2–handle, and the 2–handle cobordism is exactly V being turned up-side-down. By [
Reference Daemi, Lidman, Vela–Vick and Wong4
, Proposition 2·1],
is injective, so
$(\iota_{\check Z})_*$
is also injective.
Now consider the commutative diagram
The restriction of
$\pi_1(\check Z)$
is just
$p_*\circ(\iota_{\check Z})_*$
, which is injective since
$(\iota_{\check Z})_*$
is injective and
is an isomorphism.
Corollary 3·4. The induced map
$f_*\,{:}\,\pi_1(Y_0(K))\to \pi_1(Y)$
is surface-group injective.
Proof. This follows from Lemmas 2·1 and 3·3.
Proof of Proposition 3·1. We will use the notations in Section 2. Since
is surface-group injective, we can apply Proposition 2·3 to get a degree-one map
$g\,{:}\,X=Y_0(K)\to Y$
so that
is a separating sphere whenever
$1\le i\le n$
Since X has an
$S^1\times S^2$
summand, by the uniqueness part of the Kneser–Milnor theorem, one component of
$X\setminus(\cup_{i=1}^n E_i)$
has an
$S^1\times S^2$
If the
$S^1\times S^2$
summand is in
$g^{-1}(\check Y_{n+1})$
, then
is null-homotopic. It follows that
$\deg g=1$
is surjective. So
is surjective. Our result follows from Lemma 3·3 since
$\check X_i=g^{-1}(\check Y_i)$
has an
$S^1\times S^2$
summand for some i satisfying
$1\le i\le n$
, without loss of generality, we may assume
. The map
$g|_{\check X_1}$
extends to a map
$g_1\,{:}\,X_1\to Y_1$
. Suppose that
$X_1=Z_1\#(S^1\times S^2)$
, let
$P\subset X_1$
$\{\mathrm{point}\}\times S^2$
. Then
$X_{1}\setminus \nu^{\circ}(P)$
is homeomorphic to
with two open balls removed. Since
is null-homotopic in
. We can then extend
$g_1|_{X_1\setminus \nu^{\circ}(P)}$
to a map
$h_1\,{:}\, Z_1\to Y_1$
. The new map
is again a degree-one map, so
is surjective.
Using Lemma 3·3, we see that
is injective on
. (Recall that
is obtained from X by replacing
$\check X_1$
with a ball.) In particular,
is injective, so
We also get that
is injective on
. Since
$g|_{\check X_0}\,{:}\,\check X_0\to\check Y_0$
is a degree-one proper map,
$(g|_{\check X_0})*$
is surjective. So
$Z\cong X_0\#Z_1$
, we have
4. Proof of the main theorem
In this section, we will prove Theorem 1·1 and Corollary 1·2.
Proof of Theorem 1·1. when
Without loss of generality, we may assume
is irreducible. Since
, there exists a closed, oriented, connected surface S in the interior of M, so that S is taut in M. Notice that for the
slope on K, the core of the surgery solid torus, which is K, is null-homotopic. Using [
Reference Lackenby11
, theorem A.21], which is a stronger version of the main result in [
Reference Gabai5
], we conclude that each 2–sphere in
bounds a rational homology ball. Hence
does not have an
$S^1\times S^2$
Proposition 4·1. Let
be two closed, oriented, connected 3–manifolds. If
, then
Proof. This is a well-known consequence of the Geometrisation Theorem. As in [
Reference Aschenbrenner, Friedl and Wilton2
, theorem 2·1·3], if
, then there is a one-to-one correspondence between the summands of
and the summands of
, such that any pair of summands in the correspondence consists of either homeomorphic manifolds, (the homemorphism does not necessarily preserve the orientation), or lens spaces with the same
. Our result then follows from basic properties of Heegaard Floer homology [
Reference Ozsváth and Szabó15, Reference Ozsváth and Szabó16
Proof of Theorem 1·1. when
Without loss of generality, we may assume
$Y\setminus K$
is irreducible. Assume that
$Y_0(K)=Z\#(S^1\times S^2)$
. By Proposition 3·1,
. Using Proposition 4·1, we get
. Our conclusion follows from [
Reference Hom and Lidman9
, theorem 1·1].
Proof of Corollary 1·2. The first statement follows from Theorem 1·1. We only need to prove the second statement. In this case,
is a torus bundle over
. By Lemma 3·2, there exists a degree-one map
$f\,{:}\,Y_0(K)\to Y$
. Then
is surjective. We claim that Y is
$S^1\times S^2,\mathbb RP^3\#\mathbb RP^3$
or a spherical manifold. Then our conclusion follows from [
Reference Ai and Ni1
If Y is reducible, then either
$Y=S^1\times S^2$
or Y is a nontrivial connected sum. If
$Y=S^1\times S^2$
, we are done. Now we assume Y is a nontrivial connected sum, so
$\pi_1(Y)\cong A*B$
with A, B nontrivial. Let T be a fiber of
, then
is an abelian normal subgroup of
. By the Kurosh Subgroup Theorem [
Reference Hempel8
, theorem 8·3],
is also a free product of free groups and conjugates of subgroups of A, B. Since
is abelian, it must be either a subgroup of
$\mathbb Z$
or the conjugate of a subgroup of A or B. Since
is a normal subgroup of
$\pi_1(Y)\cong A*B$
, the latter case cannot happen.
is a subgroup of
$\mathbb Z$
. Since
is surjective,
is a cyclic group. If
, then
is cyclic, a contradiction to
$\pi_1(Y)\cong A*B$
. So
$f_*(\pi_1(T))\cong\mathbb Z$
$\pi_1(Y)/f_*(\pi_1(T))\cong\mathbb Z$
, then
$\mathbb Z^2$
as a finite index subgroup, which is not possible since
$\mathbb Z^2$
is not the fundamental group of any closed 3–manifold. If
is finite, then
$\mathbb Z$
as a finite index subgroup. It follows that Y is finitely covered by
$S^1\times S^2$
, thus it must be
$S^1\times S^2$
$\mathbb RP^3\#\mathbb RP^3$
Now we consider the case Y is irreducible. If Y is a spherical manifold, we are done. If Y is irreducible and not a spherical manifold, then
is injective by [
Reference Wang18
, theorem 4]. So
is an isomorphism, a contradiction to the fact that
This research was funded by NSF grant numbers DMS-1252992 and DMS-1811900. We are grateful to Tye Lidman for very helpful comments on an earlier draft of this paper.