1 Introduction
This article focuses on examples like (1), which to my knowledge have not been described or studied before.
(a) This is John's book to read.
(b) That is the school's decision to make.
(c) This is her game to lose.
I argue that these contain examples of infinitival relative clauses (henceforth, IRCs) and are interesting because of the relationship between the prenominal possessor attached to the RC head (i.e. the nominal modified by the IRC) and the IRC subject (i.e. a null PRO). The examples in (1) all have salient readings where the IRC subject is interpreted as co-referential with the prenominal possessor. I argue that this is a case of control and passes the structural diagnostics for Obligatory Control. However, these constructions also permit an interpretation where the IRC subject is interpreted as arbitrary (easier for some examples than for others). In other words, the IRC PRO subject is interpreted either as being controlled by the prenominal possessor or as arbitrary (other interpretive options are not permitted).
The two major theoretical questions are: (i) How is this control relation established? (ii) Why can PRO be either controlled or arbitrary but nothing else? Question (i) is particularly relevant for syntactic theories of control since there is no obvious control predicate in the examples in (1), thus suggesting that control can be established entirely within the syntax independent of any ‘control semantics’. Adopting the recent proposal of McFadden & Sundaresan (Reference McFadden, Sundaresan, Hammerly and Prickett2016), I will propose an Agree-based analysis of control into IRCs, according to which an (indirect) Agree relation between the prenominal possessor and the IRC subject is obligatorily established provided that the relevant structural conditions on Agree (namely, c-command and locality) are met. If such conditions are not met, Agree fails and the arbitrary interpretation of PRO arises as a default. This provides the beginnings of an answer to question (ii), but raises the more specific question of exactly what causes Agree to fail. I argue that the c-command relations between the prenominal possessor and the IRC subject are identical for both interpretations of PRO. The problem thus seems to lie with the locality condition.
The structure of this article is as follows: in section 2, I show that the examples in (1) are genuinely IRCs and not superficially similar-looking purposive clauses. In section 3, I show that these examples exhibit the structural hallmarks of Obligatory Control, yet interpretively permit both a controlled and an arbitrary reading of PRO. In section 4, I discuss these empirical findings in the context of an Agree-based analysis of control. Section 5 concludes.
2 Infinitival relative clauses or purposive clauses?
Let us take (1a) as the main illustrative example. Strings similar or identical to John's/the book to read etc. are also found in purposive contexts, i.e. in Rationale Clauses (RatCs) and Purpose Clauses (PurCs). However, I will show that examples like (1) are unambiguously IRCs.
RatCs and PurCs are illustrated in (2) and (3) respectively:
(2) RatCs
(a) I bought John's/the book to read it.
(b) I bought John's/the book in order to read it.
(3) PurCs
(a) I bought John's/the book to read.Footnote 2
(b) *I bought John's/the book in order to read.
These two types of purposive clause differ in various ways (see Faraci Reference Faraci1974; Jones Reference Jones1991; Nissenbaum Reference Nissenbaum2005). First, RatCs cannot contain a gap (unless one counts PRO), hence the object pronoun it in the infinitival clause in (2a), whilst PurCs obligatorily have a gap bound to the matrix object (or the matrix subject of a copular sentence), as in (3a). Second, RatCs are compatible with in order, as (2b) shows, whilst PurCs are not, as in (3b). It is widely known that there is control into RatCs and PurCs (see, e.g., Bach Reference Bach, Jacobson and Pullum1982; Jones Reference Jones1991; Landau Reference Landau2000, Reference Landau2013), i.e. the PRO subject of read in the infinitival clause of the examples above is interpreted as being co-indexed with the matrix subject I.
However, various pieces of evidence show that examples such as (4) are unambiguously IRCs, not RatCs or PurCs.
(4) This is John's/the book to read.
First, IRCs are compatible with wh-relative pronouns, as in (5), whilst RatCs and PurCs are not, as in (6) (see Faraci Reference Faraci1974). Note that in English IRCs, a wh-relative pronoun obligatorily pied-pipes a preposition.
(5) IRC
This is John's/the book in which to write his thoughts and feelings.
(6) RatC/PurC
*I bought John's/the book (in order) in which (in order) to write my thoughts and feelings.
Second, in English, IRCs (and finite relative clauses too) do not generally permit resumptive pronouns in the IRC-internal position corresponding to the RC head. Furthermore, they are incompatible with in order.
(7) *This is John's/the book (in order) to read it.
The ungrammaticality of (7) thus shows that examples like (4) are not RatCs.
Third, IRCs differ from RatCs/PurCs in their linear ordering with respect to finite relative clauses (RCs). When a finite RC and IRC co-occur, the IRC precedes the finite RC, but when a finite RC and RatC/PurC co-occur, the RatC/PurC follows the finite RC (see Jones Reference Jones1991: 49). Applying this diagnostic shows that examples like (4) pattern with IRCs, not RatCs/PurCs.
(8) IRCs
(a) This is John's/the book [to read] [that you were about to sell].
(b) ??This is John's/the book [that you were about to sell] [to read].
(9) RatCs
(a) ??I bought John's/the book [(in order) to read it] [that you were about to sell].
(b) I bought John's/the book [that you were about to sell] [(in order) to read it].
(10) PurCs
(a) ??I bought John's/the book [to read] [that I was about to sell].
(b) I bought John's/the book [that I was about to sell] [to read].
Fourth, the antecedent of a RatC/PurC can be a proper name or a pronoun, whilst the RC head of an IRC cannot (see Faraci Reference Faraci1974; Bach Reference Bach, Jacobson and Pullum1982; Jones Reference Jones1991).
(11) IRCs
(a) *This is it/The Hobbit to read.
(b) *This is Bill to talk to.
(c) *This is Bill to whom to talk.
(12) RatCs
(a) I bought it/The Hobbit (in order) to read it.
(b) I brought Bill (in order) to talk to him.
(13) PurCs
(a) I bought it/The Hobbit to read.
(b) I brought Bill to talk to.
These differences can be accounted for through differences in the attachment site of IRCs vs RatCs/PurCs. IRCs, like restrictive RCs generally, modify the RC head NP. The determiner attached to the RC head, however, scopes over the RC head and IRC, i.e. it is a so-called external determiner (see Kayne Reference Kayne1994; Bianchi Reference Bianchi1999; Aoun & Li Reference Aoun and Li2003; Salzmann Reference Salzmann2006; among many others). In other words, IRCs modify NPs rather than DPs and are thus DP-internal. Assuming that proper names and (referential) pronouns are DPs (Longobardi Reference Longobardi1994; among many others), this accounts for why IRCs cannot modify proper names or pronouns. In contrast, RatCs and PurCs are DP-external (see Faraci Reference Faraci1974; Jones Reference Jones1991; Nissenbaum Reference Nissenbaum2005 for more detailed discussion) and so can have proper name or pronominal antecedents.
Differences in attachment site may also account for the linear ordering facts seen in (8)–(10). Being DP-external, RatCs and PurCs are hierarchically higher than restrictive finite RCs, which are DP-internal, and so cannot linearly intervene between a finite RC and its RC head. What about the linear ordering between IRCs and restrictive finite RCs since both of these structures are DP-internal? Cinque (Reference Cinque2010: 62–3) observes that restrictive finite RCs are merged very high in the nominal structure, higher than reduced RCs, though not as high as non-restrictive finite RCs. If it is the case that larger RC structures are generally merged higher in the nominal structure than smaller RC structures, and if IRCs are typically smaller than finite RCs (as I have independently argued, see Douglas Reference Douglas2016), it follows that IRCs are hierarchically closer to the RC head than finite RCs. Adopting roll-up movement, one can then account for the fact that IRCs appear linearly closer to the RC head than finite RCs, both following the RC head.
To summarise, this section has provided several pieces of evidence showing that examples of the form in (4), repeated below, are IRCs rather than RatCs/PurCs.
(a) This is John's/the book to read.
(b) This is John's/the book in which to write his thoughts and feelings.
The strings John's/the book to read and John's/the book in which to write his thoughts and feelings may be interpreted as involving IRCs in other contexts too, but those contexts often seem to raise independent difficulties. For example, my consultants generally rejected examples like (15a) on the IRC interpretation, saying that it could only be interpreted as involving a PurC. Interestingly, replacing the matrix predicate with one inappropriate for a PurC interpretation did not improve matters for many of my consultants, i.e. many rejected examples like (15b) as nonsensical, suggesting they were not entertaining an IRC interpretation in these contexts at all.
(a) I bought John's/the book to read.
(b) (#)I sold John's/the book to read.
I believe that this may be a blocking effect. As an anonymous reviewer points out, adding a wh-relative pronoun unambiguously marks the structure as an IRC.
(16) I sold John's/the glue with which to fix the broken chair.
Nonetheless, to avoid potential interpretive difficulties, I will adopt examples of the form in (14) throughout the rest of the article.
3 Control
I argue that in cases where the IRC subject is co-referential with the prenominal possessor, we are dealing with a control relation. Furthermore, evidence shows that this relation bears the structural hallmarks of Obligatory Control. However, as pointed out in the introduction, co-reference between the IRC subject and prenominal possessor is not obligatory since PRO may also be interpreted as arbitrary.
3.1 Is it control?
PRO is always a subject. If we are dealing with control, we predict that the possessor can only be interpreted as the IRC subject and never as any internal argument of the IRC (unless that internal argument is a derived subject). This prediction is borne out. Consider the following:
(a) This is the book (for John) to read to Mary.
(b) This is John's book to read to Mary.
(c) *This is Mary's book (for John) to read to.
(a) That is the general (for the Emperor) to give a slave to.
(b) ?That is the Emperor's general to give a slave to.
(c) *That is the slave's general (for the Emperor) to give to.
(a) This is the patient (for the new surgeon) to operate on.
(b) This is the new surgeon's patient to operate on.
(c) #This is the patient's new surgeon to operate on.
(a) This is the man to fix the sink.
(b) *This is the sink's man to fix.
The (a) examples are the baseline IRCs without prenominal possessors. (17b), (18b) and (19b) show that the prenominal possessor can easily be interpreted as the IRC subject. In contrast, (17c) shows that the prenominal possessor cannot be interpreted as the IRC indirect object. Similarly, (18c) shows that the prenominal possessor cannot be interpreted as the IRC direct object (see also (20b)), and (19c) is odd precisely because world knowledge tells us that surgeons operate on patients and not vice versa. It thus looks as if we are dealing with a control relation, i.e. the prenominal possessor is capable of controlling the IRC subject PRO.
A clear consequence is that this control interpretation should be impossible in subject IRCs, as in (20b), since the IRC subject position (standardly taken to be an A′-variable) is linked with the RC head, not the prenominal possessor attached to the RC head. The same reasoning applies to passivised IRCs, which involve derived subjects.
(21) This is John's book to be read.
Even if one considers the subject gap of a subject IRC to be PRO rather than an A′-variable (see Bhatt Reference Bhatt1999), PRO will be interpreted as the RC head book and not as the prenominal possessor John. The prenominal possessor cannot be interpreted as the implicit external argument of read either, consistent with a control analysis. Consequently, subject IRCs are excluded from the present article. Subsequent references to IRCs thus refer exclusively to non-subject IRCs unless otherwise stated.
So far, I have simply been assuming that there is a PRO subject in IRCs. That PRO is present in IRCs is plausible for wh-IRCs, i.e. IRCs introduced by an overt wh-relative pronoun (with obligatory preposition pied-piping), since the presence of the wh-relative pronoun is standardly taken to indicate the presence of at least some portion of the C-domain (see Douglas Reference Douglas2016 for further discussion) and hence the presence of a subject in SpecTP. It is not immediately obvious whether Ø-IRCs, i.e. IRCs introduced by neither a wh-relative pronoun nor the complementiser for, should have a PRO subject. Douglas (Reference Douglas2016: chapter 3) proposes that Ø-IRCs may lack a C-domain altogether, but does not make any claims about whether Ø-IRCs have a full T-domain or not. However, the relation between the prenominal possessor and IRC subject does not seem to be affected by the presence or absence of a wh-relative pronoun. I take this to indicate that both wh-IRCs and Ø-IRCs have a PRO subject. Note that in standard English, PRO and subject traces are not permitted with the complementiser for. For-IRCs, i.e. IRCs introduced by the complementiser for, are thus incompatible with the phenomenon at issue.Footnote 3
Further evidence for the presence of PRO in both wh-IRCs and Ø-IRCs comes from the fact that anaphors are permitted in IRCs.
(a) These are the sweets on which PROi to gorge yourselvesi.
(b) These are the sweets PROi to share with each otheri.
Successful binding of anaphors in IRCs suggests that the IRC subject is a PRO, rather than an implicit argument, since implicit arguments cannot bind (see Wurmbrand Reference Wurmbrand2001).
To summarise, focusing exclusively on non-subject IRCs, the data show that a prenominal possessor can be interpreted as the IRC subject but not as any other IRC-internal argument. I thus conclude that the relation between the prenominal possessor and the IRC subject is one of control.
3.2 OC or not?
Since Williams (Reference Williams1980), a distinction has been made between Obligatory Control (henceforth, OC) and Non-Obligatory Control (henceforth, NOC) (see Landau Reference Landau2000, Reference Landau2003) for a thorough overview of approaches to control and for extensive discussion of various OC/NOC diagnostics that have been proposed).
For concreteness and because they are widely recognised and adopted, I will use the OC/NOC diagnostics given in Landau (Reference Landau2000: 31):
(23) The OC/NOC Categories
(a) Arbitrary Control is impossible in OC, possible in NOC.
(b) Long-distance Control is impossible in OC, possible in NOC.
(c) Strict reading of PRO is impossible in OC, possible in NOC.
(d) De re reading of PRO is impossible in OC (only de se), possible in NOC.
These diagnostics are illustrated below for canonical control cases. The examples in (24)–(27) are (slightly adapted) from Landau (Reference Landau2000: 34–6).
(24) shows that PRO can be interpreted as arbitrary in NOC but not in OC contexts, and (25) shows that long-distance control is possible in NOC but not in OC contexts.
(26) shows that, under ellipsis, the strict reading of PRO is possible in NOC but not in OC contexts (elided material is demarcated by angled brackets).
(26) Strict reading of PRO
(a) John tried [PROJohn to leave early], and Bill did <try [PROBill/*John to leave early]> too.(OC)
(b) John thinks that [PROJohn feeding himself] will be difficult, and Bill does <think that [PROJohn/Bill feeding himself] will be difficult> too.(NOC)
Finally, (27) shows that the de re reading of PRO is possible in NOC but not in OC contexts (where only the de se interpretation is available).
(27a, b) are true in the context given, but (27c) is false. This shows that PRO in (27c), the OC example, must be interpreted de se (and cannot be interpreted de re), whilst in (27b), the NOC example, PRO can be interpreted de re.
I now turn to our IRC examples, applying Landau's diagnostics where applicable to see whether the control relation between the prenominal possessor and IRC subject is one of OC or NOC. As will be seen, the results are intriguingly conflicting.Footnote 4
Turning first to the de re/de se diagnostic, this is impossible to test with IRCs. The de re/de se diagnostic requires the presence of an attitude predicate between the controller and PRO. In our examples, the prenominal possessor is directly attached to the RC head which is directly modified by the IRC. It is thus impossible to construct examples with an attitude predicate between the prenominal possessor and the IRC subject PRO.
Now consider strict/sloppy interpretations. As shown in (28), the strict reading of PRO is impossible in IRCs, i.e. PRO can only be interpreted sloppily under ellipsis.
(28) This is John's book to read and that is Mary's.
(a) This is John's book to read and that is Mary's <book PROMary to read>.
(b) *This is John's book to read and that is Mary's <book PROJohn to read>.
This holds even in a context where, for example, various people (including Mary) are choosing books for John to read. To express such an interpretation, an overt subject with for is required, as in (29) with the structure in (30). In such cases, the overt subject is in the antecedent of the ellipsis.
(29) This is Johni’s book for himi to read and that is Mary's.
(30) This is Johni’s book for himi to read and that is Mary's <book for himi to read>.
The evidence from (28) thus strongly suggests that the relation between the prenominal possessor and the IRC PRO subject is OC.
Now consider long-distance control. As (31) shows, long-distance control is impossible in IRCs.
(a) This is John's book PROJohn to read (to himself).
(b) Mary said this is John's book PROJohn/*Mary to read (to himself/*herself).
(c) Mary and Julie said this is John's book PROJohn/*Mary and Julie to read (to himself/*each other).
This holds even in a context where, for example, John has chosen a book for Mary (or Mary and Julie) to read. Again, to express such an interpretation, an overt subject with for must be used instead.
(a) Maryi said this is John's book for heri to read (to herselfi).
(b) [Mary and Julie]i said this is John's book for themi to read (to each otheri).
This diagnostic thus also suggests that we are dealing with OC. If the reference of PRO were free, the long-distance restriction would be unexpected.Footnote 5
The diagnostics so far suggest that prenominal possessor control into IRCs is an instance of OC, not NOC. Before moving on to the final diagnostic, let us consider a few predictions that are made if we are dealing with OC.
First, if OC is at stake, we would expect c-command to be relevant, i.e. if the prenominal possessor controls the IRC subject, we would expect that it must c-command the IRC subject.Footnote 6 This expectation is borne out. Compare the following:
(33) (a) This is Johni’s book PROJohn to read (to himselfi/*himi).
(b) This is John's girlfriendi’s book PROJohn's girlfriend to read (to herselfi/*heri).
(c) *This is Johni’s girlfriend's book PROJohn to read (to himselfi).
The prenominal possessor DP (John in (33a) and John's girlfriend in (33b)) c-commands PRO and can thus control it, as made clear by the satisfaction of Condition A and the violation of Condition B. However, if the would-be controller is a prenominal possessor embedded inside another prenominal possessor, as John is in (33c), this DP fails to c-command PRO and so control cannot be established and the anaphor himself cannot be bound, thus violating Condition A.
Note that there is no obvious semantic reason why John cannot control PRO in (33c), as this is interpretation is perfectly possible with an overt infinitival subject co-referent with John.
(34) This is Johni’s girlfriend's book for Johni/himi to read.
The reason thus seems to be purely syntactic.
The importance of c-command can also be seen using postnominal possessors as well, though the argument is somewhat more involved. Consider (35):
(a) This is John's book to read.
This is John's book PROJohn to read.
(b) This is the book of John's to read.
*This is the book of John's PROJohn to read.
PRO can be controlled by John if John is a prenominal possessor, as in (35a), but not if John is a postnominal possessor, as in (35b).
Independent evidence from Condition C effects confirms that prenominal possessors attached to the RC head c-command the IRC subject, whilst postnominal possessors do not. The contrast in (36) shows that a prenominal possessor c-commands the IRC subject. Binding conditions are satisfied in (36b), but Condition C is violated in (36a).
(a) *This is hisi book for Johni to read.
(b) This is Johni’s book for himi to read.
Evidence involving postnominal possessors is a bit more complicated. First, note that a postnominal possessor version of (36a) does not violate Condition C.
(37) This is that book of hisi for Johni to read.
This is compatible with the idea that the postnominal possessor does not c-command the IRC subject. However, there is a potential confound here. RC heads can generally optionally reconstruct into the IRC in English (see Douglas Reference Douglas2016). Therefore, (37) may be grammatical because the RC head and everything embedded in it (including the postnominal possessor) reconstructs into the IRC to a position c-commanded by the IRC subject. This confound is not present with prenominal possessors, since prenominal possessors (like the external determiner) do not reconstruct into RCs generally in English, i.e. they are external to the constituent containing the RC head and IRC. This is confirmed by the ungrammaticality of (36a); if the prenominal possessor were able to reconstruct with the RC head to an IRC-internal position c-commanded by the IRC subject, a Condition C violation would be avoided and we would expect the example to be grammatical, contrary to fact. Returning to the issue of postnominal possessors, we thus need an example where the RC head is forced not to reconstruct. Consider the following:
(38) Context: John has written a book about Mary's adventure, but he is not happy with it and is reluctant to publish it. Mary, however, wants people to know about her adventure and must persuade John to publish it. One can say of the book:
This is the book of hisi about Maryj’s adventure for herj to persuade Johni to publish.
Here, the RC head is book of his about Mary's adventure. If it were to reconstruct into the IRC, we would get a Condition C violation since her would then c-command Mary. Assuming that lack of reconstruction of Mary implies lack of reconstruction of the entire RC head and all its modifiers,Footnote 7 this means that his is not interpreted in the IRC in (38). Now, his can be co-referential with John in (38), suggesting that postnominal possessors do not c-command into the IRC. In contrast, if his is a prenominal possessor attached to the RC head, it cannot be co-referential with John.
(39) *This is hisi book about Maryj’s adventure for herj to persuade Johni to publish.
Therefore, controlling for potential reconstruction effects, evidence from Condition C supports the claim that prenominal possessors attached to the RC head c-command the IRC and IRC subject, whilst postnominal possessors do not.
This contrast between prenominal and postnominal possessors falls out reasonably straightforwardly from most analyses of RCs. Consider the following schematic structures (assuming that the RC head does not reconstruct into the IRC):
(40) (a) John's book to read
(b) the book of John's to read
On reasonably standard assumptions, the external determiner attached to the RC head has no (I)RC-internal representation, supported by the fact that it never reconstructs (see, e.g., Kayne Reference Kayne1994; Bianchi Reference Bianchi1999; Aoun & Li Reference Aoun and Li2003; Salzmann Reference Salzmann2006, among many others). Furthermore, the external determiner c-commands the (I)RC (either because it takes the (I)RC as its complement or because it scopes over both the RC head and the (I)RC; the latter being illustrated here). Now, on the standard assumption that prenominal possessors (except those in compounds such as men's shoes or children's book) are in SpecDP (see Abney Reference Abney1987; Alexiadou, Haegeman & Stavrou Reference Alexiadou, Haegeman and Stavrou2007), prenominal possessors are higher than the external determiner and would thus c-command the (I)RC and everything in it, including the IRC subject, as in (40a). Postnominal possessors, however, are contained inside a PP attached to the RC head, as in (40b). They are thus unable to c-command out of the PP and out of the RC head, and hence cannot c-command into the IRC or control the IRC subject.
These facts also support the claim made above that the reference of the IRC subject PRO is not free. If it were, we might expect accidental co-reference to be possible between PRO and a possessor regardless of the possessor's structural position. These facts thus support the idea that the control relation between the prenominal possessor and the IRC subject is one of OC.
Assuming that partial control is a species of OC (Landau Reference Landau2000, Reference Landau2008, Reference Landau2013), we would also predict partial control readings to be possible in IRC contexts. As the following examples show, this prediction is borne out.
(41) Context: There are tours around the set of the Fifty Shades of Grey film. The tour guide is pointing out the various rooms and what Christian Grey uses each room for (censored version!).
(a) This is his room to meet in / This is his room in which to meet.
(b) This is his room to kiss in / This is his room in which to kiss.
(c) This is his room to hug in / This is his room in which to hug.
This is hisi room PROi+ to meet/kiss/hug in.
This is hisi room in which PROi+ to meet/kiss/hug.
All of these examples exhibit partial control, i.e. the referent of PRO properly includes the controller (indicated by the index i+). Furthermore, verbs like hug (and for many speakers kiss as well) do not take comitative arguments in English. This shows that the partial control interpretation is not dependent on a covert comitative argument (pace Boeckx, Hornstein & Nunes Reference Boeckx, Hornstein and Nunes2010) at least in English (see also Sheehan Reference Sheehan, Lahousse and Marzo2014; Landau Reference Landau2016).
Partial control can also be seen in the following example:
A: You had to be at school at 7am?!
B: That was the headmaster's time to gather at! It certainly wouldn't have been mine!
The presence of partial control in IRCs thus supports the results from the structural diagnostics above, namely that we are dealing with OC.Footnote 8
The final OC/NOC diagnostic concerns arbitrary control. Given the evidence for OC that we have seen above, we would expect that PRO cannot be interpreted as arbitrary since PROarb is impossible in OC contexts by definition. However, it is perfectly possible to have a prenominal possessor attached to the RC head whilst simultaneously interpreting the IRC subject as arbitrary PRO. Consider our by-now familiar example:
(43) This is John's book to read.
We already know that this example has an interpretation where the IRC subject is interpreted as John. However, it also has an interpretation where PRO is arbitrary, for example, John may have recommended a book for others to read.Footnote 9 This is represented in (44).
(44) This is John's book PROarb to read.
On this interpretation it is possible to have a pronoun in the IRC in non-subject position that is co-referential with John without triggering a Condition B violation.
(45) This is Johni’s book PROarb to read to himi.
When John does control PRO, a Condition B violation is present, as in (46a). To express such an interpretation, an anaphor satisfying Condition A must be used instead, as in (46b).
(a) *This is Johni’s book PROJohn to read to himi.
(b) This is Johni’s book PROJohn to read to himselfi.
Inducing Condition B violations is also considered a strong test for partial control. Consider the following non-IRC OC context:
(a) Johni wants PROi+ to gather at 6pm.
(b) *Johni wants PROi+ to gather at 6pm without himi.
In an OC context, John is included in the referent of PRO; co-indexing John and him thus leads to a Condition B violation. Now, let us consider IRCs. If PROarb interpretations are available, we would expect that it would be possible for him to be co-indexed with John on certain interpretations. This prediction is borne out. Consider (48):
(48) This is Johni’s room in which to gather at 6pm without himi.
According to my consultants, in (48) either John is considered to be one of those gathering at 6pm, in which case my consultants report a Condition B violation, or John is not considered as such (for example, he may simply have suggested a room for other people to gather in), in which case my consultants report no Condition B violation. I thus take this as further evidence that IRCs permit both partial control and PROarb interpretations.
We saw above that the strict reading of PRO is impossible under ellipsis, as in (28) repeated below.
(49) This is John's book to read and that is Mary's.
(a) This is John's book to read and that is Mary's <book PROMary to read>.
(b) *This is John's book to read and that is Mary's <book PROJohn to read>.
A PROarb interpretation can also be licensed in the ellipsis site, but only if such an interpretation is present in the antecedent, as in (50a, b). Furthermore, a PROarb interpretation in the antecedent cannot license a controlled-PRO interpretation in the ellipsis site, as in (50c).
(a) This is John's book PROarb to read and that is Mary's <book PROarb to read>.
(b) *This is John's book PROJohn to read and that is Mary's <book PROarb to read>.
(c) *This is John's book PROarb to read and that is Mary's <book PROMary to read>.
It is important to note that PRO is interpreted either as co-referential with the prenominal possessor or as arbitrary. As we observed above in relation to long-distance control and strict/sloppy interpretations under ellipsis, the reference of PRO in IRCs is not free. The relevant examples from above are repeated below as (51a, b).
(a) *This is John's book to read and that is Mary's <book PROJohn to read>.
(b) Mary said this is John's book PROJohn/*Mary to read.
If the reference of PRO were free, we would not expect these restrictions since the relevant interpretations would presumably be available through accidental co-reference. Therefore, we conclude that, in IRCs, PRO can be interpreted either as being controlled by the prenominal possessor or as arbitrary.
To summarise, the structural diagnostics very strongly suggest that we are dealing with OC. However, as far as interpretation is concerned, control is evidently not obligatory. In the next section, I will discuss an approach to this paradoxical state of affairs.
4 Analysis
I assume that control is a syntactic relation. A purely semantic account of control, which would claim that the control relation is established on the basis of the semantics of a control verb/predicate, would be inappropriate for control into IRCs precisely because there is no obvious control verb/predicate and, furthermore, because the control relation between a prenominal possessor and the IRC subject is established entirely within DP, i.e. independently of any matrix predicate semantics.
4.1 Previous accounts of control by a possessor
Control into IRCs cannot be assimilated to previous accounts of control by a possessor. Control by a possessor can be seen in so-called logophoric extension contexts and control within nominalisations. Let us first consider logophoric extension contexts. Landau (Reference Landau2000: 109ff.) notes that a controller seems not to be a direct argument of the matrix predicate in a well-defined set of cases. The following examples are taken from Landau (Reference Landau2000: 109–10):
(a) It would help Billi’s development [PROi to behave himself in public].
(b) PROi finishing his work on time is important to Johni’s development.
(c) PROi finishing his work on time is important to John's friendsi.
(a) *It would help Billi’s friends [PROi to behave himself in public].
(b) It would help Bill's confidence [PRO to plan his itinerary in advance].
(c) *It would help Bill's car [PRO to plan his itinerary in advance].
(d) [PRO causing an uproar] is important for John's career.
Landau notes that the class of nouns that can contain the controller (as a possessor) is quite small and denotes abstract notions reflecting the individuality of the controller via actions, characters traits or social attributes (Landau Reference Landau2000: 110). This class contains nouns like career, status, confidence, performance, development, image, reputation, behaviour, etc. When a prenominal possessor denoting an individual, X, is attached to one of these nouns, Landau calls the result the logophoric extension of X. Landau (Reference Landau2000: 111) suggests that the class of logophoric extensions could be assimilated to the class of inalienably possessed nouns: these nouns do not introduce new individuals to the discourse, but rather highlight some aspect of the individual denoted by the possessor. Consequently, Landau suggests that such nouns do not block the index of the possessor (or, alternatively, such nouns inherit the index of their possessors) and so, in a way, the possessor can be considered an argument of the matrix predicate. However, our IRC examples are not amenable to a similar analysis since the prenominal possessor can control the IRC subject regardless of whether the RC head belongs to the class of logophoric extensions or not.
Now let us consider control within nominalisations. This is potentially more relevant since, in our examples, the possessor controls PRO within the DP projected by the external determiner. Hornstein (Reference Hornstein and Hendrick2003), cited in Landau (Reference Landau2013: 215), notes that possessors can be related to their head nouns in a number of different ways. In some cases, it looks as if we can choose between OC and NOC, which is particularly interesting from our perspective. Consider (54) (Landau Reference Landau2013: 215):
(54) [Johni’s plan [PROj≠i to bury himi in the pit]] just won't work.
(54) can have an interpretation where PRO is disjoint in reference from John (ensured by the Condition B effect that would otherwise arise), showing that PRO is not obligatorily controlled by the possessor. However, Landau points out a potential confound. This interpretation relies on John not being interpreted as the thematic agent of plan, but in such cases, plan has a result reading rather than an eventive/process reading. Consequently, in such cases, plan does not take genuine arguments. Landau concludes that there is OC within DPs in derived nominals on their event readings (parallel to clauses) but not on their result readings.
However, in our examples, we cannot make recourse to an event vs result distinction to account for the controlled-PRO vs PROarb alternation that we observed above because the RC head is clearly not necessarily eventive and need not be a nominalisation of a canonical control predicate at all, as (55) shows.
(55) This is Johni’s book to read to himi.
This example also forces disjoint reference between the prenominal possessor and PRO, i.e. in this example PRO cannot be interpreted as John and must be interpreted as arbitrary. However, unlike in (54), this is not plausibly related to any result vs eventive ambiguity relating to the RC head book. I thus conclude that previous accounts of control by a possessor cannot be extended to control into IRCs by a prenominal possessor.
4.2 Against a movement account
Control into IRCs would be problematic for any purely movement-based account (e.g. Hornstein Reference Hornstein1999; Manzini & Roussou Reference Manzini and Roussou2000; Boeckx, Hornstein & Nunes Reference Boeckx, Hornstein and Nunes2010) which attempts to say that the prenominal possessor has moved out of the IRC to its surface position.
First, movement out of IRCs with wh-relative pronouns is prohibited.
(a) This is John's book in which to write a message.
(b) *What (kind of message) is this John's book in which to write?
(c) *the message that this is John's book in which to write
It therefore seems unlikely that the IRC subject has moved out of an IRC with a wh-relative pronoun to become the prenominal possessor. Furthermore, recall that partial control into IRCs with wh-relative pronouns is permitted. As pointed out by Landau (Reference Landau2003), partial control is very difficult to capture on a movement account of control. Furthermore, as pointed out above, whilst exhaustive control and a covert comitative might give the illusion of partial control (Boeckx, Hornstein & Nunes Reference Boeckx, Hornstein and Nunes2010), this analysis has been argued to be incorrect for English at least (Sheehan Reference Sheehan, Lahousse and Marzo2014; Landau Reference Landau2016).
The situation with IRCs without a wh-relative pronoun is potentially more debatable. In some cases, extraction from within the IRC is permitted, but in other cases it is not. In general, it seems that if the resulting configuration involves a nested dependency, the result is fine (at least for some speakers), but if it involves a crossing dependency, the result is degraded or ungrammatical.Footnote 10 Consider the following examples:
(a) This is John's book to give to that student.
(b) Which student is this John's book to give to?
(c) To which student is this John's book to give?
(d) the student who/that this is John's book to give to
(e) the student to whom this is John's book to give
(a) This is John's message to write in that book.
(b) Which book is this John's message to write in?
(c) the book that this is John's message to write in
In (57) and (58), the direct object of the infinitival clause has been relativised. As the data show, extracting a prepositional object from the IRC is fine. Configurationally, in such examples the IRC relativisation chain is nested within the chain formed by movement of the prepositional object, i.e. there is a nested dependency.
If, however, the prepositional object of the infinitival clause is relativised, and one tries to extract the direct object from the IRC, as in (59) and (60), the result is degraded or ungrammatical.
(a) This is John's student to give that book to.
(b) ?/*Which book is this John's student to give to?
(c) ?/*the book that this is John's student to give to
(a) This is John's book to write that message in.
(b) ?/*Which message is this John's book to write in?
(c) ?/*the message that this is John's book to write in
Configurationally, the chain formed by movement of the direct object crosses over the IRC relativisation chain, i.e. there is a crossing dependency.
Importantly, if one were to extract the IRC subject from the IRC, it would always cross the IRC relativisation chain and hence would always result in a crossing dependency. We would thus expect the result to be degraded or ungrammatical, contrary to fact.
I thus conclude that the control relation between a prenominal possessor and the IRC subject is not established by movement.
4.3 An Agree-based account
I will assume that the control relation is established by the operation Agree.Footnote 11 Agree directly between the controller and PRO yields exhaustive control, whilst Agree between the controller and PRO that is mediated by the C-domain of the infinitival clause yields partial control (Landau Reference Landau2004, Reference Landau2008, Reference Landau2013, Reference Landau2015).
Since control into IRCs permits partial control, I will assume that the Agree relation between the prenominal possessor and PRO is mediated by a C-domain head in the IRC.Footnote 12
Following McFadden & Sundaresan (Reference McFadden, Sundaresan, Hammerly and Prickett2016), I will assume that OC PRO, NOC PRO, PROarb and definite pro are manifestations of the same underlying minimal pronoun (UPro). As a minimal pronoun, UPro is maximally underspecified, i.e. contains only unvalued features, when it enters the derivation. Assuming its unvalued features must be valued at Spellout, UPro must enter an Agree relation. According to McFadden & Sundaresan, OC PRO, NOC PRO and pro are all consequences of UPro entering into an Agree relation: OC PRO results when UPro Agrees with a matrix controller, NOC PRO results when UPro Agrees with a perspective-holder in the left-periphery of the infinitival clause, and pro results when UPro Agrees with a null topic in the left-periphery. As for PROarb, McFadden & Sundaresan propose that, if UPro fails to Agree with an antecedent, the derivation does not crash (see Preminger Reference Preminger2014) and UPro receives a default PROarb interpretation. In other words, PROarb is the elsewhere case and only arises where Agree fails to be established.
I have claimed above that PRO in IRCs is either controlled or interpreted as PROarb, i.e. NOC PRO and pro are unavailable in English. The absence of pro is perhaps unsurprising for English given that it is a non-pro-drop language. Furthermore, I have independently argued in previous work that English IRCs (and English RCs more generally) do not permit topics in their C-domains (Douglas Reference Douglas2016), i.e. UPro cannot Agree with a null topic in English and hence pro will not arise in IRCs. As for the absence of NOC PRO, we would have to say that IRCs do not contain a perspective holder in the left-periphery. Generally, if there is a perspective holder, we would expect only mind-possessing subjects to be possible, since only minds can hold perspectives. If, however, a perspective holder is absent, both mind-possessing and mind-lacking subjects should be possible. As (62) shows, it appears to be possible to have a mind-lacking controller.
(62) Context: A landscape gardener is designing an elaborate rock garden with several waterfalls and rivulets. The gardener takes the client to the proposed site of the rock garden and explains where various things will be, including where the water will be flowing. The gardener can indicate the proposed path of the water by saying:
(a) This will be the water's path to flow down.
(b) This will be the water's path down which to flow.
(c) This will be the water's path to follow.
Water is not mind-possessing yet it can still serve as the controller of the IRC PRO, thus suggesting that there is no perspective holder in an IRC and hence accounting for the absence of NOC PRO.Footnote 13
We can now turn to the analysis of controlled-PRO and PROarb. Let us first consider IRCs where the prenominal possessor does control PRO, i.e. when a (mediated) Agree relation is established between the prenominal possessor and UPro. For this to happen, the prenominal possessor must (i) c-command UPro, and (ii) be local to UPro. That UPro is c-commanded by the prenominal possessor was demonstrated above, so I will focus here on the issue of locality, which I will assume is defined in phasal terms. Consider again the following structure (note that the IRC is now illustrated as having at least part of a C-domain given the framework adopted above):
(63) John's book to read
For John to be able to control PRO, there can be no phase boundary between them (where phase boundary means the maximal projection of a phase head). Infinitival clauses in canonical control contexts are generally considered not to be phasal because they lack all or part of the C-domain (see, e.g., Landau Reference Landau2015). More specifically relating to IRCs, recall from (57) and (58) that extraction out of IRCs is possible provided that nested dependencies are involved. As pointed out by an anonymous reviewer, assuming that the ‘phase’ edge is occupied by the relative operator, the fact that extraction is still permitted suggests that IRCs cannot be phases. In addition, in previous work I have independently argued that IRCs either lack the C-domain or only contain a truncated C-domain (Douglas Reference Douglas2016), so may not be phasal. One piece of evidence in favour of this comes from Distinctness effects. Richards (Reference Richards2010) proposes that the reason wh-relative pronouns must pied-pipe a preposition in IRCs, as shown in (64), but not in finite RCs, as shown in (65), is due to Distinctness.
(a) The book in which to write is there.
(b) *The book which to write in is there.
(a) The book in which you should write is there.
(b) The book which you should write in is there.
Distinctness says that two categories of the same type cannot be in the same Spellout domain because they will be unlinearisable. Adapting the details of Richards’ exact analysis slightly (see Douglas Reference Douglas2016 for discussion), Richards proposes that the RC head and wh-relative pronoun are in the same Spellout domain in IRC contexts and so cannot both be DPs. To avoid this problem, the wh-relative pronoun pied-pipes a preposition, i.e. it is a PP. Because P is phasal in English, the DP wh-relative pronoun and the DP RC head are no longer in the same Spellout domain, and the structure can be successfully linearised. In contrast, wh-relative pronouns in finite RC contexts do not have to pied-pipe a preposition. Richards proposes that this is because finite RCs have a phase boundary. Consequently, the RC head and wh-relative pronoun will always be in separate Spellout domains in finite RC contexts. Exact details aside, the important claim is that there is no phase boundary at the left edge of an IRC.Footnote 14
English D is commonly assumed to be a phase head (see, e.g., Bošković Reference Bošković2014) and the prenominal possessor is standardly taken to occupy SpecDP in English. Elements in the phase edge may form Agree relations with elements in the phase head's complement. Furthermore, recall that restrictive RCs (including IRCs) modify NPs, which are considered to be non-phasal in English (Bošković Reference Bošković2014). Consequently, we would not necessarily expect there to be a phase boundary between the prenominal possessor and PRO (though see below). These considerations lead us to expect that the prenominal possessor and PRO are local in the phase-theoretic sense.
I will thus assume that UPro Agrees with a C head and that this C head Agrees with the prenominal possessor in SpecDP.Footnote 15 Because there is no phase boundary between SpecDP and UPro, UPro can be valued by the prenominal possessor via the C head. I will set aside the interesting question of which C head this is and what its properties are for future research. Landau (Reference Landau2015), for example, draws a very tight connection between this C-position and logophoricity. However, if my characterisation of the IRC data is correct (recall (62)), this C head should not be equated with the logophoric centre (see also McFadden & Sundaresan Reference McFadden, Sundaresan, Hammerly and Prickett2016).
Let us now consider IRCs where PRO is interpreted as PROarb. According to the theory of control being pursued here, this means that we are dealing with a case where UPro fails to be valued by anything via Agree. There are thus two analytic possibilities that could in principle account for why the prenominal possessor fails to value UPro: (i) the c-command condition is not met, or (ii) the locality condition is not met.
We can rule out the c-command condition option by showing that the prenominal possessor c-commands UPro even in cases where UPro is interpreted as PROarb. This can be shown using Condition C effects. We have already seen that prenominal possessors generally c-command the RC head and the RC, as shown by the Condition C violation in (36a), repeated below.
(66) *This is hisi book for Johni to read.
If it were possible for the prenominal possessor to appear in a position that did not c-command the IRC subject (except for those possessors appearing in compounds, as mentioned above), we would expect it to be possible to avoid the Condition C violation. However, this does not seem to be possible, suggesting that the c-command relations between the prenominal possessor and the IRC subject do not change.
Indeed, we can get a Condition C violation in the IRC whilst simultaneously getting a PROarb interpretation. Recall (55), repeated as (67a). Swapping the pronoun and R-expression results in a Condition C violation, as in (67b), showing that the pronominal prenominal possessor c-commands into the IRC.
(a) This is Johni’s book PROarb to read to himi.
(b) *This is hisi book PROarb to read to Johni.
The same point can be made for (68) (thanks to an anonymous reviewer for suggesting the example from which this is adapted).
(a) This is Maryi’s image to compare oneself to using heri recognition software.
(b) *This is heri image to compare oneself to using Maryi’s recognition software.
In (68), use of oneself in the IRC is designed to make the PROarb interpretation of the IRC subject more salient. The adjunct using Mary's/her recognition software modifies the IRC verb phrase, i.e. it is the means by which the comparison is carried out, and thus it is c-commanded by anything that c-commands the IRC as a whole. (68b) shows that her and Mary cannot be co-indexed, i.e. a Condition C violation, thus showing that her (the prenominal possessor) c-commands into the IRC without necessarily simultaneously controlling the IRC subject (PROarb). (68a) shows that switching the pronominal and R-expression results in a grammatical example.
These data show that the c-command relations between the IRC PRO subject and the prenominal possessor attached to the RC head do not change depending on whether PRO is controlled or PROarb. Consequently, a violation of the c-command condition cannot be the reason for the failure of the prenominal possessor to value UPro in PROarb cases.
By the process of elimination, this leaves the locality condition. The existence of PROarb interpretations suggests that there must be a phase boundary between the prenominal possessor and UPro. There are in principle two ways of implementing this idea: (i) the prenominal possessor is merged higher than SpecDP in PROarb contexts, i.e. it is external to the DP phase, or (ii) there is a DP-internal phase boundary between the prenominal possessor and UPro (this phase boundary would have to be optional to account for the availability of the controlled-PRO interpretation).
Option (i) is reminiscent of possessor raising constructions in which the possessor is syntactically external to the DP with which it is semantically associated. This could be implemented either as a type of raising operation or as a type of control (see Deal Reference Deal2013 for an overview). However, syntactically speaking, in cases of possessor raising, the possessor and possessum generally constitute separate constituents and separate arguments of the verb. If this were so in our IRC examples, we might expect it to be possible to extract one without the other. However, this is not possible.
(69) *Which book to read did you say that this was John's?
(cf. You said that this was John's crime novel PROarb to read)
This suggests that we are not dealing with anything resembling a possessor raising construction.
This leaves option (ii); there is an optional phase boundary between the prenominal possessor and UPro. This would predict that there is an intermediate landing site for elements undergoing successive cyclic movement. We saw above that wh-movement from IRCs is permitted provided there is a nested dependency between the relativised element and the wh-extracted element (at least for some speakers). We should therefore, in principle, be able to test whether an element can be licensed only in that intermediate position. Following Fox (Reference Fox2000), I will attempt to isolate this position by using a combination of variable binding and Condition C diagnostics. Consider the following on the interpretation where Mary is the subject of write:
(70) This is every fani’s message for Maryj to write on the picture that hei took of herj.
We can force a Condition C violation by switching Mary and her (again, on the interpretation where her is the subject of write).
(71) *This is every fani’s message for herj to write on the picture that hei took of Maryj.
For every fan to variable bind he, the former must c-command the latter, and to satisfy Condition C, her must not c-command Mary. Now consider what happens when the constituent containing picture and its relative clause is questioned. (70) thus becomes (72).
(72) On which picture that hei took of herj is this every fani’s message for Maryj to write?
(72) permits simultaneous variable binding of he and satisfaction of Condition C. For this to happen, the questioned constituent is interpreted in a position c-commanded by every fan (via reconstruction). Now consider what happens when Mary and her are switched, i.e. (71) becomes (73).
(73) On which picture that hei took of Maryj is this every fani’s message for herj to write?
Unlike (71), which contains a Condition C violation, (73) permits simultaneous variable binding of he and satisfaction of Condition C. For this to be possible, the questioned constituent must be reconstructing to a position where it is c-commanded by every fan but not c-commanded by her. The availability of this interpretation in (73) indicates the presence of an intermediate landing site somewhere between the IRC subject (her) and the prenominal possessor (every fan). Assuming this is evidence for a phase boundary, when this phase boundary is present, a UPro subject will be spelled out before the prenominal possessor in SpecDP has a chance to value UPro's features. By assumption, this does not cause the derivation to crash, but it does result in UPro's features being valued by default, yielding PROarb.
Ideally, one would like to show that this intermediate phase edge is absent in cases where the prenominal possessor controls the IRC subject. However, the sort of test employed above will not work as the control relation itself forces the prenominal possessor and IRC subject to be co-referential (or partially so in the case of partial control). An intermediate landing site between the prenominal possessor and IRC subject would thus be indistinguishable from an intermediate landing site in clause-medial position in the IRC (at least in terms of the interpretations it licences).
Therefore, given the tools and diagnostics currently available, I conclude that the proposal of there being an optional phase boundary between the prenominal possessor and IRC subject is at least not inconsistent with the data. However, further research would be required to make any firmer conclusions. I thus tentatively conclude that there is an optional phase boundary between the prenominal possessor and UPro. When the phase boundary is absent, the prenominal possessor values UPro's features (mediated by a C head) resulting in the controlled-PRO interpretation; when the phase boundary is present, UPro is spelled out before the prenominal possessor can value UPro's features resulting in the PROarb interpretation.
5 Conclusion
This article focused on a novel empirical problem, namely the relation between a prenominal possessor attached to an RC head and the PRO subject of an IRC. I showed that this relation is one of control but that it exhibits apparently paradoxical properties, i.e. it bears the structural hallmarks of OC, yet PROarb interpretations are possible. I discussed how such data can be accounted for in a syntactic, Agree-based theory of control, tentatively concluding that there is an optional phase boundary somewhere between the IRC subject and prenominal possessor. When the phase boundary is absent, the prenominal possessor can form an Agree relation with UPro (mediated by a C-domain head), resulting in OC. However, when the phase boundary is present, the prenominal possessor and UPro are no longer in the same local domain. Valuation via Agree thus fails, resulting in a default, PROarb interpretation. Although this is in some sense a restatement of the original problem, the analysis identifies the locus of this problem within the syntactic structure and rules out a number of other a priori possible reasons for why the control relation may appear to be optional. I thus hope to have shown that control into IRCs is both empirically and theoretically interesting with important consequences for the analysis of control and the structure of infinitival relative clauses.