Number 1, Spring 2021
Introduction: The Sociology of Belarusian Protest
Nelly Bekus and Mischa Gabowitsch 1
Echo of 1989? Protest Imaginaries and Identity Dilemmas in Belarus
Nelly Bekus 4
“Tear Down These Prison Walls!” Verses of Defiance in the Belarusian Revolution
Simon Lewis 15
Belarusian Protest: Regimes of Engagement and Coordination
Mischa Gabowitsch 27
How Feminist is the Belarusian Revolution? Female Agency and Participation in the 2020 Post-Election Protests
Natalia Paulovich 38
Class, Agency, and Citizenship in Belarusian Protest
Elena Gapova 45
The Anatomy of Impatience: Exploring Factors behind 2020 Labor Unrest in Belarus
Volodymyr Artiukh 52
The Moral Economy of the Kolkhoz Worker, Or Why the Protest Movement in Belarus Does Not Seem to Concern the Collectivized Countryside
Ronan Hervouet 61
Calendar Reform under Peter the Great: Absolutist Prerogatives, Plural Temporalities, and Christian Exceptionalism
Andreas Schönle 69
An Ancient in Catherinian Russia: Classical Reception, Sensibility, and Nobility in Princess Ekaterina Urusova's Poetry of the 1770s
Kelsey Rubin-Detlev 90
“To a Dog, a Dog's Death!”: Naïve Monarchism and Regicide in Imperial Russia, 1878–1884
Daniel Beer 112
Number 2, Summer 2021
Joy Carew and Christina Kiaer 203
When Race Is a Language and Empire Is a Context
Marina Mogilner 207
A Moment of Reckoning: Transcending Bias, Engaging Race and Racial Formations in Slavic and East European Studies
Sunnie Rucker-Chang and Chelsi West Ohueri 216
The Invisibility of Race in Sociological Research on Contemporary Russia: A Decolonial Intervention
Marina Yusupova 224
Reading Race in Slavic Studies Scholarship through a Digital Lens
Hilah Kohen, Katherine M. H. Reischl, Andrew Janco, Susan Grunewald and Antonina Puchkovskaia 234
When Pushkin's Blackness Was in Vogue: Rediscovering the Racialization of Russia's Preeminent Poet and His Descendants
Korey Garibaldi and Emily Wang 245
Race-ing the Russian Nineteenth Century
Edyta M. Bojanowska 258
Exotic Aesthetics: Representations of Blackness in Nineteenth-Century Russian Painting
Maria Taroutina 267
A Sphinx upon the Dnieper: Black Modernism and the Yiddish Translation of Race
Eli Rosenblatt 280
Racism, the Highest Stage of Anti-Communism
Rossssen Djagalov 290
A Cold War Cold Case: What Huldah Clark Can Teach Us about Teaching Soviet History
Brigid O'Keeffe 299
Rereading Russia through the Contact Zone of HBCUs
Kelly Knickckmeier Cummings and B. Amarilis Lugo de Fabritz 307
The Afterlife of Soviet Russia's “Refusal to be White”: A Du Boisian Lens on Post-Soviet Russian-US Relations
Christy Monet 316
Subjects, Subjectivities, and Slavic Studies: A Design for Anti-Racist Pedagogy
Erin Katherine Krafft 327
The Contingent Problem: A Counter-Narrative on Race and Class in the Field of Slavic Studies
Louis Howard Porter 334
Kalmyk DPs and the Narration of Displacement in Post-World War II Europe
Elvira Churyumova and Edward C. Holland 341
The Man Who Struck the Judge with a Fly Swatter: Justice and Performance in Contemporary Kazakhstan
Nari Shelekpayev 363
Number 3, Fall 2021
Authority and Power in Russia
Oleg Kharkhordin 469
Response to “Authority and Power in Russia”
Anthony Kaldellis 489
A Muscovite Republic?
Nancy Shields Kollmann 492
The Third Rome and Russian Republicanism: A Comment on Oleg Kharkhordin “Power and Authority in Russia”
Miguel Vatter 498
“First Love Is Exactly Like Revolution”: Intimacy as Political Allegory in Ivan Turgenev's Novella Spring Torrents
Alexey Vdovin and Pavel Uspenskij 504
Czechoslovak Tariffs in the 1920s: An Example of Historical Specificity in Economic Policy Introduction
Oldřich Krpec and Vít Hloušek 523
Škoda Arms Exports in the 1930s
Aleš Skřivan Jr. and Tereza Burianová 544
Small Socialism: The Scales of Self-Management Culture in Postwar Yugoslavia
James Robertson 563
Democratic Backsliding in Poland and Hungary
Michael Bernhard 585
Political Game-Changers: The Importance of Leaders for Newly Emerged Parties in Romania
Sergiu Gherghina and Marius Grad 608
Number 4, Winter 2021
CRITICAL DISCUSSION FORUM: Crisis, Contingency, and the Future of REEES—Perspectives on the Present and Future of the Field
Jason Cieply, Rossen Djagalov and Natalia Plagmann 727
Addressing Contingency in REEES Fields
Ania Aizman 731
An Unstable Bridge: A REEES Graduate Student Perspective on Contemporary Academia
Caitlin Giustiniano and Zachary Hicks 741
Slutsk in 1920: Entangled Fighters, Locals, and Conflicts
Aleksandra Pomiecko 749
The Poetics of Shock: “The Pitiful Vice” in Khodasevich's “Under the Ground”
Edward Waysband 769
The Thaw's Provincial Margins: Place, Community and Canon in Pages from Tarusa
Polly Jones 792
The Problems of Perestroika: The KGB and Mikhail Gorbachev's Reforms
Simon Miles 816
Nuclear Power as Cultural Heritage in Russia
Eglė Rindzevičiūtė 839
“Cheerful Nonchalance” as an Affective Response to Precarity: Refusing Safety Measures in Eastern Siberia
Vasilina Orlova 863
Adler, Eliyana R. (review) 2:427
Aizman, Ania, “Addressing Contingency in REEES Fields” 4:731
Amar, Tarik Cyril (critical review) 2:383
Andreyev, Catherine (review) 1:170
Artiukh, Volodymyr, “The Anatomy of Impatience: Exploring Factors behind 2020 Labor Unrest in Belarus” 1:52
Atkin, Muriel (review) 4:956
Avrutin, Eugene (memoriam) 2:466
Beer, Daniel, “‘To a Dog, a Dog's Death!’: Naïve Monarchism and Regicide in Imperial Russia, 1878– 1884” 1:112
Bekus, Nelly and Mischa Gabowitsch, “Introduction: The Sociology of Belarusian Protest” 1:1
Bekus, Nelly, “Echo of 1989? Protest Imaginaries and Identity Dilemmas” 1:4
Bernhard, Michael, “Democratic Backsliding in Poland and Hungary” 3:585
Bernstein, Seth (review) 2:431
Bershtein, Evgenii (review) 4:969
Bodnár, Judit (critical review) 3:629
Bohlman, Philip V. (review) 4:972
Bojanowskska, Edyta M., “Race-ing the Russian Nineteenth Century” 2:258
Bozovic, Marijeta (film review) 3:643
Brintlinger, Angela (review) 1:179
Buchanan, Donna A. (featured review) 4:897
Budnitskii, Oleg (review) 2:428
Budraitskis, Ilya (film review) 2:392
Burak, Alexander (review) 4:926
Burianová, Tereza and Aleš Skřivan Jr., “Škoda Arms Exports in the 1930s” 3:544
Butterwick, Richard (review) 3:649
Carew, Joy and Christina Kiaer, “Introduction to Critical Discussion Forum on Race and Bias” 2:203
Cherkaev, Xenia (film review) 4:900
Chernetsky, Vitaly (review) 1:159
Chown, Ekaterina (review) 2:434
Churyumova, Elvira and Edward C. Holland, “Kalmyk DPs and the Narration of Displacement in Post- World War II Europe” 2:341
Cicovacki, Predrag (review) 1:177
Cieply, Jason, Rossen Djagalov, and Natalia Plagmann, “Introduction, Critical Discussion Forum: Crisis, Contingency, and the Future of REEES—Perspectives on the Present and Future of the Field” 4:727
Condee, Nancy (film review) 2:391
Condren, Dustin (review) 1:180
Cummings, Kelly Knickmeier and B. Amarilis Lugo de Fabritz, “Rereading Russia through the Contact Zone of HBCUs” 2:307
Dabrowski, Patrice M. (featured review) 3:638
Daly, Jonathan (review) 4:951
Davis, R. Chris (review) 4:909
Demshuk, Andrew (review) 4:918
Djagalov, Rossen, “Racism, the Highest Stage of Anti-Communism” 2:290; (review) 3:646; Djagalov, Rossen, Jason Cieply, and Natalia Plagmann, “Introduction, Critical Discussion Forum: Crisis, Contingency, and the Future of REEES—Perspectives on the Present and Future of the Field” 4:727
Douds, Lara (review) 4:950
Drace-Francis, Alex (review) 4:914
Eglitis, Daina S. (review) 4:931
Egorova, Galina (review) 1:160
Egry, Gábor (review) 1:148
Emerson, Caryl (review) 4:930
Epstein, Catherine (review) 1:143
Exeler, Franziska (review) 4:944
Ezerova, Daria (film review) 2:393
Fairweather-Vega, Shelley (review) 2:418
Forrester, Sibelan (review) 2:441
Franklin, Simon (featured review) 1:133
Gabowitsch, Mischa and Nelly Bekus, “Introduction: The Sociology of Belarusian Protest” 1:1
Gabowitsch, Mischa, “Belarusian Protest: Regimes of Engagement and Coordination” 1:27
Gapova, Elena, “Class, Agency, and Citizenship in Belarusian Protest” 1:45
Garibaldi, Korey and Emily Wang, “When Pushkin's Blackness Was in Vogue: Rediscovering the Racialization of Russia's Preeminent Poet and His Descendants” 2:245
Gherghina, Sergiu and Marius Grad, “Political Game-Changers: The Importance of Leaders for Newly Emerged Parties in Romania” 3:608
Giustiniano, Caitlin and Zachary Hicks, “An Unstable Bridge: A REEES Graduate Student Perspective on Contemporary Academia” 4:741
Golstein, Vladimir (review) 1:171
Gow, James (review) 2:405
Grant, Susan (review) 2:415
Grunewald, Susan, Hilah Kohen, Katherine M. H. Reischl, Andrew Janco, and Antonina Puchkovskaia, “Reading Race in Slavic Studies Scholarship through a Digital Lens” 2:234
Haber, Erika (critical review) 4:883
Hall, Richard C. (review) 4:921
Hanukai, Maksim (review) 2:439
Hasty, Olga Peters (review) 2:442
Healy, Maureen (review) 2:397
Hervouet, Ronan, “The Moral Economy of the Kolkhoz Worker, Or Why the Protest Movement in Belarus Does Not Seem to Concern the Collectivized Countryside” 1:61
Hickey, Michael C. (memoriam) 2:467
Hicks, Zachary and Caitlin Giustiniano, “An Unstable Bridge: A REEES Graduate Student Perspective on Contemporary Academia” 4:741
Hladnik, Mirjam Milharčič (review) 4:929
Hloušek, Vít and Oldřich Krpec, “Czechoslovak Tariffs in the 1920s: An Example of Historical Specificity in Economic Policy” 3:523
Holland, Edward C. and Elvira Churyumova, “Kalmyk DPs and the Narration of Displacement in Post- World War II Europe” 2:341
Holmgren, Beth (film review) 4:902
Hosking, Geoffrey (review) 2:404
Hromadzic, Azra (review) 4:933
Ilchuk, Yuliya (film review) 4:904
Janco, Andrew, Susan Grunewald, Hilah Kohen, Katherine M. H. Reischl, and Antonina Puchkovskaia, “Reading Race in Slavic Studies Scholarship through a Digital Lens” 2:234
Jirušek, Martin (review) 2:448; 2:449
Johnson, Colin (review) 2:447
Johnson, Eric (review) 4:954
Jones, Polly, “The Thaw's Provincial Margins: Place, Community and Canon in Pages from Tarusa” 4:792
Kalashnikov, Antony (review) 2:402
Kaldellis, Anthony, “Response to ‘Authority and Power in Russia’” 3:489
Kalik, Judith (review) 3:648
Kennedy, Michael D. (review) 4:934
Kharkhordin, Oleg, “Authority and Power in Russia” 3:469
Khazan, Vladimir (review) 1:183
Kiaer, Christina and Joy Carew, “Introduction to Critical Discussion Forum on Race and Bias” 2:203
Kieval, Hillel J. (review) 4:923
Kissel, Wolfgang Stephan (review) 4:958
Kivelson, Valerie (memoriam) 2:466
Kohen, Hilah, Susan Grunewald, Katherine M. H. Reischl, Andrew Janco, and Antonina Puchkovskaia, “Reading Race in Slavic Studies Scholarship through a Digital Lens” 2:234
Koller, Sabine (review) 2:437
Kollman, Nancy Shields, “A Muscovite Republic?” 3:492
Konarzewska, Aleksandra (review) 2:419
Koposov, Nikolay (review) 4:946
Kovačević, Predrag (film review) 3:642
Krafft, Erin Katherine, “Subjects, Subjectivities, and Slavic Studies: A Design for Anti-Racist Pedagogy” 2:327
Krpec, Oldřich and Vít Hloušek, “Czechoslovak Tariffs in the 1920s: An Example of Historical Specificity in Economic Policy” 3:523
Kurtović, Larisa (featured review) 4:894
Lahti, Katherine (review) 1:182
Leiderman, Daniil (film review) 4:901
Lewis, Simon, “‘Tear Down These Prison Walls!’ Verses of Defiance in the Belarusian Revolution” 1:15
Lipovetsky, Mark (film review) 2:390
Love, Jeff (review) 1:174
Lovell, Stephen (featured review) 1:135
Lovejoy, Alice (film review) 2:395
Lucey, Colleen (review) 2:401
Lugo de Fabritz, B. Amarilis and Kelly Knickmeier Cummings, “Rereading Russia through the Contact Zone of HBCUs” 2:307
Lyanda-Geller, Olga (review) 1:176
Mälksoo, Lauri (review) 2:424
Marković, Alexander (review) 4:936
Marsh, Christopher (review) 1:167
Meier, Esther (review) 4:948
Mentzel, Peter C. (review) 4:910
Mertelsmann, Olaf (review) 4:920
Meytes, Milana (film review) 3:642
Michelson, Patrick Lally (review) 4:939
Miles, Simon, “The Problems of Perestroika: The KGB and Mikhail Gorbachev's Reforms” 4:816
Miller, Laurence H. “Reference Books of 2019–2020: A Selection,” 2:452
Mogilner, Marina, “When Race Is a Language and Empire Is a Context” 2:207
Monet, Christy, “The Afterlife of Soviet Russia's ‘Refusal to be White’: A Du Boisian Lens on Post- Soviet Russian-US Relations” 2:316
Moser, Michael (review) 1:154
Mudrak, Myroslava M. (review) 4:925
Naydan, Michael M. (review) 2:420
Neuburger, Mary (review) 4:911
Ohueri, Chelsi West and Sunnie Rucker-Chang, “A Moment of Reckoning: Transcending Bias, Engaging Race and Racial Formations in Slavic and East European Studies” 2:216
O'Keeffe, Brigid, “A Cold War Cold Case: What Huldah Clark Can Teach Us about Teaching Soviet History” 2:299
Önol, Onur (review) 4:943
Orlova, Vasilina, “‘Cheerful Nonchalance’ as an Affective Response to Precarity: Refusing Safety Measures in Eastern Siberia” 4:863
Ost, David (review) 4:937
Oukaderova, Lida (review) 1:187
Paine, S.C.M. (featured review) 3:636
Parks, Jenifer (review) 1:144
Patton, Raymond (review) 1:156
Paulovich, Natalia, “How Feminist is the Belarusian Revolution? Female Agency and Participation in the 2020 Post-Election Protests” 1:38
Pedaliu, Effie G. H. (review) 1:153
Peters, Benjamin (film review) 3:641
Peterson, Dale (review) 4:942
Peterson, Maya K. (review) 2:408
Pinkham, Sophie (film review) 2:394
Plagmann, Natalia, Jason Cieply, and Rossen Djagalov, “Introduction, Critical Discussion Forum: Crisis, Contingency, and the Future of REEES—Perspectives on the Present and Future of the Field” 4:727
Pomiecko, Aleksandra, “Slutsk in 1920: Entangled Fighters, Locals, and Conflicts” 4:749
Porter, Louis Howard, “The Contingent Problem: A Counter-Narrative on Race and Class in the Field of Slavic Studies” 2:334
Porter, Thomas Earl (review) 4:940
Puchkovskaia, Antonina, Susan Grunewald, Hilah Kohen, Katherine M. H. Reischl, and Andrew Janco, “Reading Race in Slavic Studies Scholarship through a Digital Lens” 2:234
Radchenko, Sergey (featured review) 4:892
Reischl, Katherine M. H., Susan Grunewald, Hilah Kohen, Andrew Janco, and Antonina Puchkovskaia, “Reading Race in Slavic Studies Scholarship through a Digital Lens” 2:234
Rewakowicz, Maria G. (review) 1:157
Ribak, Gil (review) 4:960
Rindzevičiūtė, Eglė, “Nuclear Power as Cultural Heritage in Russia” 4:839
Robertson, James, “Small Socialism: The Scales of Self-Management Culture in Postwar Yugoslavia” 3:563
Romaniello, Matthew P. (review) 1:163
Rosenblatt, Eli, “A Sphinx upon the Dnieper: Black Modernism and the Yiddish Translation of Race” 2:280
Rotaru, Vasile (review) 4:953
Rozenblit, Marsha L. (review) 4:916
Rubin-Detlev, Kelsey, “An Ancient in Catherinian Russia: Classical Reception, Sensibility, and Nobility in Princess Ekaterina Urusova's Poetry of the 1770s” 1:90
Rucker-Chang, Sunnie and Chelsi West Ohueri, “A Moment of Reckoning: Transcending Bias, Engaging Race and Racial Formations in Slavic and East European Studies” 2:216
Sanchez-Sibony, Oscar (review) 1:164
Schechter, Brandon (review) 1:162
Schönle, Andreas, “Calendar Reform under Peter the Great: Absolutist Prerogatives, Plural Temporalities, and Christian Exceptionalism” 1:69
Semyonov, Alexander (review) 2:425
Shelekpayev, Nari, “The Man Who Struck the Judge with a Fly Swatter: Justice and Performance in Contemporary Kazakhstan” 2:363
Shpolberg, Masha (film review) 3:644
Shtakser, Inna (review) 2:414
Siddiqi, Asif A. (review) 4:965
Simpson, Pat (review) 2:444
Sjöberg, Erik (review) 1:146
Sklokin, Volodymyr (review) 1:150
Skřivan Jr., Aleš and Tereza Burianová, “Škoda Arms Exports in the 1930s” 3:544
Slobodchikoff, Michael O. (review) 1:168
Sovic, Silvia (review) 4:928
Spektor, Alexander (review) 2:432
Stańczyk, Ewa (review) 2:416
Stauter-Halsted, Keely (review) 2:412
Stefanov, Nenad (review) 1:151
Steinberg, Mark D. (review) 2:435
Sunderland, Willard (review) 4:907
Szakonyi, David (review) 4:973
Tarnawsky, Maxim (review) 2:410
Taroutina, Maria, “Exotic Aesthetics: Representations of Blackness in Nineteenth-Century Russian Painting” 2:267
Tempest, Richard (review) 4:967
Todorova, Maria (review) 4:913
Trachtenberg, Barry (review) 2:430
Trecker, Max (review) 2:399
Tuna, Mustafa (review) 2:406
Udovički-Selb, Danilo François (review) 4:961
Urinboyev, Rustamjon (review) 2:445
Urry, James (review) 2:411
Uspenskij, Pavel and Alexey Vdovin, “‘First Love Is Exactly Like Revolution’: Intimacy as Political Allegory in Ivan Turgenev's Novella Spring Torrents” 3:504
Van Til, Jon (review) 2:422
Vatter, Miguel, “The Third Rome and Russian Republicanism: A Comment on Oleg Kharkhordin ‘Power and Authority in Russia’” 3:498
Vdovin, Alexey and Pavel Uspenskij, “‘First Love Is Exactly Like Revolution’: Intimacy as Political Allegory in Ivan Turgenev's Novella Spring Torrents” 3:504
Vid, Natalia Kaloh (review) 4:963
Wang, Emily and Korey Garibaldi, “When Pushkin's Blackness Was in Vogue: Rediscovering the Racialization of Russia's Preeminent Poet and His Descendants” 2:245
Waysband, Edward, “The Poetics of Shock: ‘The Pitiful Vice’ in Khodasevich's ‘Under the Ground’” 4:769
Wilmes, Justin (film review) 4:903
Wishnick, Elizabeth (review) 4:906
Yafimava, Katja (featured review) 1:138
Yusupova, Marina, “The Invisibility of Race in Sociological Research on Contemporary Russia: A Decolonial Intervention” 2:224
Zbinden, Karine (review) 1:186
Zubel, Marla (review) 2:438
Zhuk, Sergei I. (review) 1:166
Zimmerman, Joshua (review) 3:661
In Memoriam
Becker, Seymour (Marina Mogilner) 3:721
Brenner, Rachel Feldhay (Gwen Walker) 1:201
Greene, Robert H. (Eugene Avrutin, Valerie Kivelson) 2:466
Johnson, Donald Barton (Sara Pankenier Weld) 1:198
Lantz, Kenneth Alfred (Donna Orwin) 1:199
Resis, Albert (Michael C. Hickey) 2:467
Wagner, William G. (Christine Worobec, Roy Robson, Tom Ewing) 3:724
Films Reviewed
Antonijević, Predrag, dir. Dara of Jasenovac (Milana Meytes and Predrag Kovačević) 3:642
Balagov, Kantemir, dir. Beanpole (Nancy Condee) 2:391
CD Project Red, dir. Cyberpubk 2077 (Daniil Leiderman) 4:901
Davydov, Dmitrii, dir. Scarecrow (Justin Wilmes) 4:903
Dud΄, Yuri, dir. HIV in Russia (Sophie Pinkham) 2:394
Holoubek, Jan, dir. The Mire and The Mire ’97 (Beth Holmgren) 4:902
Khrzhanovsky, Ilya, dir. DAU (Mark Lipovetsky) 2:390
Konchalovsky, Andrei, dir. Dear Comrades (Masha Shpolberg) 3:644
Kravchuk, Andrei, dir. Union of Salvation (Ilya Budraitskis) 2:392
Marhoul, Václav, dir. The Painted Bird (Alice Lovejoy) 2:395
Oganesyan, Eudard, dir. Chicks (Daria Ezerova) 2:393
Roman Protasevich's Televised Confessions as Media Event (2021) (Benjamin Peters) 3:641
Vasiliev, Sergei, dir. Cyberpunk Farm; Russia Tomorrow News; AI-Vanich in the Russian CyberFarm (Xenia Cherkaev) 4:900
Von Horn, Magnus, dir. Sweat, (Marijeta Bozovic) 3:643
Žbanić, Jasmila, dir. “Quo Vadis, Aida?” (Yuliya Ilchuk) 4:904
Books Reviewed
Adamsky, Dmitry. Russian Nuclear Orthodoxy: Religion, Politics, and Strategy (Christopher Marsh) 1:167
Adams, Margarethe. Steppe Dreams: Time, Mediation, and Postsocialist Celebrations in Kazakhstan (Tanya Merchant) 3:673
Anderson, Margaret Lavinia, Hans-Lukas Kieser, Seyhan Bayraktar, and Thomas Schmutz, eds. The End of the Ottomans: The Genocide of 1915 and the Politics of Turkish Nationalism (Erik Sjöberg) 1:146
Arkhipova, Aleksandra and Anna Kirziuk. Opasnye sovetskie veshchi: Gorodskie legendy i strakhi v SSSR (Sergei I. Zhuk) 1:166
Bailey, Heather L. The Public Image of Eastern Orthodoxy: France and Russia, 1848–1870 (Patrick Lally Michelson) 4:939
Balina, Marina, Mads Sohl Jessen, Ben Hellman, and Johs. Nørregaard Frandsen, eds. Hans Christian Andersen in Russia (Erika Haber) 4:883
Bashiri, Iraj. The History of the Civil War in Tajikistan (Muriel Atkin) 4:956
Bayraktar, Seyhan, Hans-Lukas Kieser, Margaret Lavinia Anderson, and Thomas Schmutz, eds. The End of the Ottomans: The Genocide of 1915 and the Politics of Turkish Nationalism (Erik Sjöberg) 1:146
Bellows, Amanda Brickell. American Slavery and Russian Serfdom in the Post-Emancipation Imagination (Dale Peterson) 4:942
Bemporad, Elissa. Legacy of Blood: Jews, Pogroms, and Ritual Murder in the Lands of the Soviets (Barry Trachtenberg) 2:430
Bennich-Björkman, Li and Sergiy Kurbatov, eds. When the Future Came: The Collapse of the USSR and the Emergence of National Memory in Post-Soviet History Textbooks (Antony Kalashnikov) 2:402
Berecz, Ágoston. Empty Signs, Historical Imaginaries: The Entangled Nationalization of Names and Naming in a Late Habsurg Borderland (Alex Drace-Francis) 4:914
Berelovich, Vladimir, Vladislav Rzheutskii, and Igor Fedyukin, eds. Ideal vospitaniia dvorianstva v Evrope: XVII–XIX veka (John Randolph) 6:685
Bergman, Jay. The French Revolutionary Tradition in Russian and Soviet Politics, Political Thought, and Culture (Jonathan Daly) 4:951
Bird, Robert, Christina Kiaer, and Zachary Cahill, eds. A Revolution Every Day: A Calendar, 1917–2017 (Mark D. Steinberg) 2:435
Blacker, Uilleam. Memory, the City and the Legacy of World War II in East Central Europe: The Ghosts of Others (Ewa Stańczyk) 2:416
Bodó, Béla. The White Terror: Antisemitic and Political Violence in Hungary, 1919–1921 (Marsha L. Rozenblit) 4:916
Bohn, Thomas M. The Vampire: Origins of a European Myth, trans. Francis Ipgrave (Colleen Lucey) 2:401
Bonola, Anna and Giovanni Maddalena, eds. Vasily Grossman: A Writer's Freedom (Vladimir Khazan) 1:183
Boterbloem, Kees, ed. Life in Stalin's Soviet Union (Esther Meier) 4:948
Brooks, Jeffrey. The Firebird and the Fox: Russian Culture under Tsars and Bolsheviks (Stephen Lovell) 1:135
Brown, Archie. The Human Factor: Gorbachev, Reagan, and Thatcher, and the End of the Cold War (Sergey Radchenko) 4:892
Brumfield, William Craft. Journeys Through the Russian Empire: The Photographic Legacy of Sergey Prokudin-Gorsky (Susan Smith-Peter) 3:708
Burski, Jacek, Agata Zysiak, Kamil Śmiechowski, Kamil Piskała, Wiktor Marzec, and Kaja Kaźmierska. From Cotton and Smoke: Łódź—Industrial City and Discourses of Asynchronous Modernity, 1897–1994 (Keely Stauter-Halsted) 2:412
Bykova, Marina F. and Vladislav A. Lektorsky, eds. Philosophical Thought in Russia in The Second Half of The Twentieth Century: A Contemporary View from Russia and Abroad (Olga Lyanda-Geller) 1:176
Cahill, Zachary, Robert Bird, and Christina Kiaer, eds. A Revolution Every Day: A Calendar, 1917–2017 (Mark D. Steinberg) 2:435
Chokobaeva, Aminat, Cloé Drieu, and Alexander Morrison, eds. The Central Asian Revolt of 1916: A Collapsing Empire in the Age of War and Revolution (Maya K. Peterson) 2:408
Chumakov, Alexander N., Mikhail Sergeev, and Mary Theis, eds. Russian Philosophy in the Twenty-First Century: An Anthology (Caryl Emerson) 4:930
Ciancia, Kathryn. On Civilization's Edge: A Polish Borderland in the Interwar Period (Andrew Demshuk) 4:970
Cotoi, Călin. Inventing the Social in Romania, 1848–1914: Networks and Laboratories of Knowledge (Florin Anghel) 3:653
Crowe, David M., ed. Stalin's Soviet Justice: “Show” Trials, War Crimes Trials, and Nuremberg (Franziska Exeler) 4:944
Cvajner, Martina. Soviet Signoras: Personal and Collective Transformations in Eastern European Migration (Mirjam Milharčič Hladnik) 4:929
Danon, Dina. The Jews of Ottoman Izmir: A Modern History (Katherine E. Fleming) 3:703
Dapía, Silvia G., ed. Gombrowicz in Transnational Context: Translation, Affect, and Politics (Aleksandra Konarzewska) 2:419
Djagalov, Rossen. From Internationalism to Postcolonialism: Literature and Cinema between the Second and the Third Worlds (Marla Zubel) 2:438
Dobrenko, Evgeny. Late Stalinism: The Aesthetics of Politics (Danilo François Udovički-Selb) 4:961
Douds, Lara, James Harris, and Peter Whitewood, eds. The Fate of the Bolshevik Revolution: Illiberal Liberation 1917–1941 (Isabel Tirado) 3:695
Dragojević, Mila. Amoral Communities: Collective Crimes in Time of War (James Gow) 2:405
Drążkiewicz, Elżbieta. Institutionalised Dreams: The Art of Managing Foreign Aid (Janine R. Wedel) 3:678
Drieu, Cloé, Aminat Chokobaeva, and Alexander Morrison, eds. The Central Asian Revolt of 1916: A Collapsing Empire in the Age of War and Revolution (Maya K. Peterson) 2:408
Droitcour, Brian and Yelena Kalinsky, eds. and trans. Andrei Monastyrski: Elementary Poetry (Daniil Leiderman) 3:711
Drzewiecka, Ewelina. Jubilee and Modern: The Cyrillo-Methodian Narrative during Socialism in Bulgaria (Maria Todorova) 4:913
Edelman, Robert and Christopher Young, eds. The Whole World Was Watching: Sport in the Cold War (Jenifer Parks) 1:144
Edgar, Adrienne and Benjamin Frommer, eds. Intermarriage from Central Europe to Central Asia; Mixed Families in the Age of Extremes (Silvia Sovic) 4:928
Efremenko, Dmitrii V. and Alexei I. Miller, eds. Politika pamiati v sovremennoy Rossii i stranakh Vostochnoy Evropy: Aktory, instituty, narrativy (Nikolay Koposov) 4:946
Epstein, Michael. The Phoenix of Philosophy: Russian Thought of the Late Soviet Period (1953–1991) (Jeff Love) 1:174
Estraikh, Gennady. Transatlantic Russian Jewishness: Ideological Voyages of the Yiddish Daily Forverts in the First Half of the Twentieth Century (Gil Ribak) 4:960
Fedyukin, Igor. The Enterprisers: The Politics of School in Early Modern Russia (Simon Franklin) 1:133
Fedyukin, Igor, Vladimir Berelovich, and Vladislav Rzheutskii, eds. Ideal vospitaniia dvorianstva v Evrope: XVII–XIX veka (John Randolph) 3:685
Fellerer, Jan. Urban Multilingualism in East-Central Europe: The Polish Dialect of Late-Habsburg L’viv (Michael Moser) 1:154
Fenghi, Fabrizio. It Will Be Fun and Terrifying: Nationalism and Protest in Post-Soviet Russia (Evgenii Bershtein) 4:969
Flynn, Molly. Witness Onstage: Documentary Theatre in Twenty-First Century Russia (Maksim Hanukai) 2:439
Frandsen, Johs. Nørregaard, Mads Sohl Jessen, Marina Balina, and Ben Hellman, eds. Hans Christian Andersen in Russia (Erika Haber) 4:883
Freeze, ChaeRan. A Jewish Woman of Distinction: The Life and Diaries of Zinaida Poliakova, Gregory Freeze, trans., (Eliyana R. Adler) 2:427
Friesen, Aileen E. Colonizing Russia's Promised Land: Orthodoxy and Community on the Siberian Steppe (William G. Wagner) 3:688
Frommer, Benjamin and Adrienne Edgar, eds. Intermarriage from Central Europe to Central Asia; Mixed Families in the Age of Extremes (Silvia Sovic) 4:928
Gadowska, Kaja and Peter H. Solomon, Jr. eds. Legal Change in Post-Communist States: Progress, Reversions, Explanations (Kathryn Hendley) 3:674
Gehler, Michael, Piotr H. Kosicki, and Helmut Wohnout, eds. Christian Democracy and the Fall of Communism (Geoffrey Hosking) 2:404
Gille, Zsuzsa, Cristofer Scarboro, and Diana Mincytė, eds. The Socialist Good Life: Desire, Development, and Standards of Living in Eastern Europe (Daina S. Eglitis) 4:931
Golubev, Pavel. Konstantin Somov: Dama snimaiushia masku (Pat Simpson) 2:444
Goodwin, Elena, Translating England into Russian: The Politics of Children's Literature in the Soviet Union and Modern Russia (Erika Haber) 4:883
Gradskova, Yulia and Ildikó Asztalos Morell, eds. Gendering Postsocialism: Old Legacies and New Hierarchies (Jill Massino) 3:680
Gresh, Geoffrey F. To Rule Eurasia's Waves: The New Great Power Competition at Sea (Elizabeth Wishnick) 4:906
Guay, Robert. Dostoevsky's Crime and Punishment: Philosophical Perspectives (Predrag Cicovacki) 1:177
Gulina, Olga. R. Migration as a (Geo-)Political Challenge in the Post-Soviet Space. Border Regimes, Policy Choices, Visa Agendas (Colin Johnson) 2:447
Gustafson, Thane. The Bridge: Natural Gas in a Redivided Europe (Katja Yafimava) 1:138
Győri, Zsolt and Ewa Mazierska, eds. Eastern European Popular Music in a Transnational Context: Beyond the Borders (Raymond Patton) 1:156
Habeck, Joachim Otto, ed. Lifestyle in Siberia and the Russian North (Petra Rethmann) 3:712
Harris, James, Lara Douds, and Peter Whitewood, eds. The Fate of the Bolshevik Revolution: Illiberal Liberation 1917–1941 (Isabel Tirado) 3:695
Hellman, Ben, Mads Sohl Jessen, Marina Balina, and Johs. Nørregaard Frandsen, eds. Hans Christian Andersen in Russia (Erika Haber) 4:883
Henderson, James and Arild Moe, The Globalization of Russian Gas: Political and Commercial Catalysts (Martin Jirušek) 2:448
Henig, David. Remaking Muslim Lives: Everyday Islam in Postwar Bosnia and Herzegovina (Azra Hromadzic) 4:933
Hrytsak, Yaroslav. Ivan Franko and His Community, Marta Daria Olynyk, trans. (Maxim Tarnawsky) 2:410
Hundorova, Tamara. The Post-Chornobyl Library: Ukrainian Postmodernism of the 1990s, Sergiy Yakovenko, trans. (Michael M. Naydan) 2:420
Hutcheson, Derek. Politics for Profit: Business, Elections, and Policymaking in Russia (David Szakonyi) 4:973
Ilić, Angela, Florian Kührer-Wielach, Irena Samide, and Tanja Žigon, eds. Blick ins Ungewisse: Visionen und Utopien im Donau-Karpaten-Raum 1917 und danach (Gábor Egry) 1:148
Jessen, Mads Sohl, Marina Balina, Ben Hellman, and Johs. Nørregaard Frandsen, eds. Hans Christian Andersen in Russia (Erika Haber) 4:883
Kaganovsky, Lilya, Scott McKenzie, and Anna Westerstahl Stenport, eds. Arctic Cinemas and the Documentary Ethos (Lida Oukaderova) 1:187
Kalinovsky, Artemy, James Mark, and Steffi Marung, eds. Alternative Globalizations: Eastern Europe and the Postcolonial World (Max Trecker) 2:399
Kalinsky, Yelena and Brian Droitcour, eds. and trans. Andrei Monastyrski: Elementary Poetry (Daniil Leiderman) 3:711
Kay, Alex J. and David Stahel, eds. Mass Violence in Nazi-Occupied Europe (Catherine Epstein) 1:143
Kaźmierska, Kaja, Agata Zysiak, Kamil Śmiechowski, Kamil Piskała, Wiktor Marzec, and Jacek Burski. From Cotton and Smoke: Łódź—Industrial City and Discourses of Asynchronous Modernity, 1897–1994 (Keely Stauter-Halsted) 2:412
Kaźmierska, Kaja and Katarzyna Waniek, eds. Telling the Great Change: The Process of the Systemic Transformation in Poland in Biographical Perspective (David Ost) 4:937
Kendirbai, Gulnar T. Russian Practices of Governance in Eurasia: Frontier Power Dynamics, Sixteenth Century to Nineteenth Century (Mustafa Tuna) 2:406
Kiaer, Christina, Robert Bird, and Zachary Cahill, eds. A Revolution Every Day: A Calendar, 1917–2017 (Mark D. Steinberg) 2:435
Kieser, Hans-Lukas, Margaret Lavinia Anderson, Seyhan Bayraktar, and Thomas Schmutz, eds. The End of the Ottomans: The Genocide of 1915 and the Politics of Turkish Nationalism (Erik Sjöberg) 1:146
Kirmse, Stefan. The Lawful Empire: Legal Change and Cultural Diversity in Late Tsarist Russia (Alexander Semyonov) 2:425
Kirziuk, Anna and Aleksandra Arkhipova. Opasnye sovetskie veshchi: Gorodskie legendy i strakhi v SSSR (Sergei I. Zhuk) 1:166
Koerber, Jeffrey. Borderland Generation: Soviet and Polish Jews Under Hitler (Joshua Zimmerman) 3:661
Kontorovich, Vladimir. Reluctant Cold Warriors: Economists and National Security (Oscar Sanchez-Sibony) 1:164
Kosicki, Piotr H., Michael Gehler, and Helmut Wohnout, eds. Christian Democracy and the Fall of Communism (Geoffrey Hosking) 2:404
Kotzer, Sophie. Russian Orthodoxy, Nationalism and the Soviet State During the Gorbachev Years, 1985–1991 (Kristina Stoeckl) 3:697
Kovács, János Mátyás and Balázs Trencsényi, eds. Brave New Hungary: Mapping the “System of National Cooperation” (Jon Van Til) 2:422
Kóczé, Angéla and Huub van Baar, eds. The Roma and Their Struggle for Identity in Contemporary Europe (R. Chris Davis) 4:909
Krżyzanowski, Łukasz. Ghost Citizens: Jewish Return to a Postwar City (Antony Polonsky) 3:659
Kubal, Agnieszka. Immigration and Refugee Law in Russia: Socio-Legal Perspectives (Rustamjon Urinboyev) 2:445
Kudaibergenova, Diana T. Toward Nationalizing Regimes: Conceptualizing Power and Identity in the Post-Soviet Realm (Michele E. Commercio) 3:677
Kurbatov, Sergiy and Li Bennich-Björkman, eds. When the Future Came: The Collapse of the USSR and the Emergence of National Memory in Post-Soviet History Textbooks (Antony Kalashnikov) 2:402
Kührer-Wielach, Florian, Angela Ilić, Irena Samide, and Tanja Žigon, eds. Blick ins Ungewisse: Visionen und Utopien im Donau-Karpaten-Raum 1917 und danach (Gábor Egry) 1:148
Lachmann, Renate. Lager und Literatur: Zeugnisse des GULAG (Alfred Gall) 3:704
Ladygina,Yuliya V. Bridging East and West: Ol΄ha Kobylians΄ka, Ukraine's Pioneering Modernist (Iryna Borysiuk) 3:669
Lektorsky, Vladislav A. and Marina F. Bykova, eds. Philosophical Thought in Russia in The Second Half of The Twentieth Century: A Contemporary View from Russia and Abroad (Olga Lyanda-Geller) 1:176
Levi, Scott C. The Bukharan Crisis: A Connected History of 18th-Century Central Asia (Eric Johnson) 4:954
Li, Darryl. The Universal Enemy: Jihad, Empire and the Challenge of Solidarity (Larisa Kurtović) 4:894
Litvinova, Tat΄iana. “Pomeshchich΄ia Pravda”: Dvorianstvo Levoberezhnoi Ukrainy i krest΄ianskii vopros v kontse XVIII—pervoi polovine XIX veka (Volodymyr Sklokin) 1:150
Loginov, Vladlen. Vladimir Lenin: How to Become a Leader (Lara Douds) 4:950
Maddalena, Giovanni and Anna Bonola, eds. Vasily Grossman: A Writer's Freedom (Vladimir Khazan) 1:183
Madlovics, Bálint and Bálint Magyar. The Anatomy of Post-Communist Regimes: A Conceptual Framework (Michael D. Kennedy) 4:934
Magyar, Bálint and Bálint Madlovics. The Anatomy of Post-Communist Regimes: A Conceptual Framework (Michael D. Kennedy) 4:934
Manchester, Laurie and Denis Sdvizhkov, eds. Vera i lichnost΄ v meniaiushchemsia obshchestve: Avtobiografika i pravoslavie v Rossii kontsa XVII-nachala XX veka (Galina Egorova) 1:160
Mark, James, Artemy Kalinovsky, and Steffi Marung, eds. Alternative Globalizations: Eastern Europe and the Postcolonial World (Max Trecker) 2:399
Markowitz, Lawrence P. and Mariya Y. Omelicheva. Webs of Corruption: Trafficking and Terrorism in Central Asia (Denis Melnik) 3:701
Marung, Steffi, James Mark, and Artemy Kalinovsky, eds. Alternative Globalizations: Eastern Europe and the Postcolonial World (Max Trecker) 2:399
Marzec, Wiktor. The 1905 Revolution and the Origins of Modern Polish Politics (Inna Shtakser) 4:414
Marzec, Wiktor, Agata Zysiak, Kamil Śmiechowski, Kamil Piskała, Kaja Kaźmierska, and Jacek Burski. From Cotton and Smoke: Łódź—Industrial City and Discourses of Asynchronous Modernity, 1897–1994 (Keely Stauter-Halsted) 2:412
Matios, Maria. Sweet Darusya: A Tale of Two Villages (Vitaly Chernetsky) 1:159
Matzner-Gore, Greta. Dostoevsky and the Ethics of Narrative Form: Suspense, Closure, Minor Characters (Alexander Spektor) 2:432
Mazierska, Ewa and Zsolt Győri, eds., Eastern European Popular Music in a Transnational Context: Beyond the Borders (Raymond Patton) 1:156
McGeever, Brendan. Antisemitism and the Russian Revolution (Oleg Budnitskii) 2:428
McKenzie, Scott, Lilya Kaganovsky, and Anna Westerstahl Stenport, eds. Arctic Cinemas and the Documentary Ethos (Lida Oukaderova) 1:187
Medzhibovskaya, Inessa, ed. Tolstoy and His Problems: Views from the Twenty-First Century (Vladimir Golstein) 1:171
Methodieva, Milena. Between Empire and Nation: Muslim Reform in the Balkans (Mary Neuburger) 4:911
Merhaut, Luboš, ed. Tomáš Garrigue Masaryk, Hilsneriáda: Texty z let 1898–1900. (Hillel J. Kieval) 4:923
Michelbacher, Dallas. Jewish Forced Labor in Romania, 1940–1944 (Felicia Waldman) 3:654
Miller, Alexei I. and Dmitrii V. Efremenko, eds. Politika pamiati v sovremennoy Rossii i stranakh Vostochnoy Evropy: Aktory, instituty, narrativy (Nikolay Koposov) 4:946
Mincytė, Diana, Cristofer Scarboro, and Zsuzsa Gille, eds. The Socialist Good Life: Desire, Development, and Standards of Living in Eastern Europe (Daina S. Eglitis) 4:931
Moe, Arild and James Henderson. The Globalization of Russian Gas: Political and Commercial Catalysts (Martin Jirušek) 2:448
Molnar, Christopher A. and Mirna Zakić, eds. German-Balkan Entangled Histories in the Twentieth Century (Richard C. Hall) 4:921
Moon, David. The American Steppes: The Unexpected Russian Roots of Great Plains Agriculture, 1870s–1930s (Willard Sunderland) 4:907
Morell, Ildikó Asztalos and Yulia Gradskova, eds. Gendering Postsocialism: Old Legacies and New Hierarchies (Jill Massino) 3:680
Morrison, Alexander, Aminat Chokobaeva, and Cloé Drieu, eds. The Central Asian Revolt of 1916: A Collapsing Empire in the Age of War and Revolution (Maya K. Peterson) 2:408
Moss, Anne Eakin. Only Among Women: Philosophies of Community in the Russian and Soviet Imagination, 1860–1940 (Olga Peters Hasty) 2:442
Nakhimovsky, Alexander D. The Language of Russian Peasants in the Twentieth Century: A Linguistic Analysis and Oral History (Ekaterina Chown) 2:434
Nethercott, Frances. Writing History in Late Imperial Russia: Scholarship and the Literary Canon (Wayne Dowler) 3:691
Nicolosi, Riccardo. Vyrozhdenie: Literatura i psikhiatriia v russkoi kul΄ture kontsa XIX veka. N. Stavrogina, trans. (Angela Brintlinger) 1:179
Niziołek, Grzegorz. The Polish Theatre of the Holocaust (Michael Steinlauf) 3:667
Omelicheva, Mariya Y. and Lawrence P. Markowitz. Webs of Corruption: Trafficking and Terrorism in Central Asia (Denis Melnik) 3:701
Osthold, Christian Paul. Politik und Religion in Nordkaukasien. Das Verhältnis von Islam und Widerstand am Beispiel von Tschetschenen und Inguschen (1757–1961) (Michael Kemper) 3:700
Patterson, Sean. Makhno and Memory: Anarchist and Mennonite Narratives of Ukraine's Civil War, 1917–1921 (James Urry) 2:411
Pearson, Sevan. Wem gehört Bosnien? Die Nationalitätenpolitik der Kommunisten in Bosnien- Herzegowina, 1943–1974 (Nenad Stefanov) 1:151
Pechlivanis, Paschalis. America and Romania in the Cold War: A Differentiated Détente, 1969–80 (Effie G. H. Pedaliu) 1:153
Piskała, Kamil, Agata Zysiak, Kamil Śmiechowski, Wiktor Marzec, Kaja Kaźmierska, and Jacek Burski. From Cotton and Smoke: Łódź—Industrial City and Discourses of Asynchronous Modernity, 1897–1994 (Keely Stauter-Halsted) 2:412
Plotnikov, Nikolaj, ed. Gerechtigkeit in Russland: Sprachen, Konzepte, Praktiken (Lauri Mälksoo) 2:424
Pronin, Aleksandr. Bumazhnyi Vertov / Tselluloidnyi Maiakovskii (Katherine Lahti) 1:182
Pucci, Molly. Security Empire: The Secret Police in Communist Eastern Europe (John R. Lampe) 3:658
Qualls, Karl D. Stalin's Niños: Educating Spanish Civil War Refugee Children in the Soviet Union, 1937–1951 (Seth Bernstein) 2:431
Ramet, Sabrina P. ed. Interwar East Central Europe, 1918–1941: The Failure of Democracy-building, the Fate of Minorities (Susan Mikula) 3:666
Rann, James. The Unlikely Futurist: Pushkin and the Invention of Originality in Russian Modernism (Wolfgang Stephan Kissel) 4:958
Reese, Kevin. Celestial Hellscapes: Cosmology as the Key to the Strugatskii's Science Fictions (Asif A. Siddiqi) 4:965
Reese, Roger R. The Imperial Russian Army in Peace, War, and Revolution, 1856–1917 (Brandon Schechter) 1:162
Richter, Klaus. Fragmentation in East Central Europe: Poland and the Baltics, 1915–1929 (Olaf Mertelsmann) 4:920
Riegg, Stephen Badalyan. Russia's Entangled Embrace: The Tsarist Empire and the Armenians, 1801–1914 (Onur Önol) 4:943
Robinson, Paul. Russian Conservatism (Stephen M. Woodburn) 3:684
Ross, Danielle. Tatar Empire: Kazan's Muslims and the Making of Imperial Russia (Paul W. Werth) 3:699
Roubal, Petr. Spartakiads: The Politics of Physical Culture in Communist Czechoslovakia (Susan Grant) 2:415
Rowley, Alison. Putin Kitsch in America (Richard Tempest) 4:967
Rymbu, Galina. Life in Space (Stephanie Sandler) 3:710
Rzheutskii, Vladislav, Vladimir Berelovich, and Igor Fedyukin, eds. Ideal vospitaniia dvorianstva v Evrope: XVII–XIX veka (John Randolph) 3:685
Saethre, Eirik. Wastelands: Recycled Commodities and the Perpetual Displacement of Ashkali and Romani Scavengers (Alexander Marković) 4:936
Sagramoso, Domitilla. Russian Imperialism Revisited: From Disengagement to Hegemony (Vasile Rotaru) 4:953
Samide, Irena, Angela Ilić, Florian Kührer-Wielach, and Tanja Žigon, eds. Blick ins Ungewisse: Visionen und Utopien im Donau-Karpaten-Raum 1917 und danach (Gábor Egry) 1:148
Sartori, Paolo and Pavel Shablei, Eksperimenty imperii: Adat, shariat, i proizvodstvo znanii v kazakhskoi stepi (Ian Campbell) 3:687
Scarboro, Cristofer, Diana Mincytė, and Zsuzsa Gille, eds. The Socialist Good Life: Desire, Development, and Standards of Living in Eastern Europe (Daina S. Eglitis) 4:931
Schmelz, Peter J. Alfred Schnittke's Concerto Grosso No. 1 (Philip V. Bohlman) 4:972
Schmutz, Thomas, Hans-Lukas Kieser, Margaret Lavinia Anderson, and Seyhan Bayraktar, eds. The End of the Ottomans: The Genocide of 1915 and the Politics of Turkish Nationalism (Erik Sjöberg) 1:146
Sdvizhkov, Denis and Laurie Manchester, eds. Vera i lichnost΄ v meniaiushchemsia obshchestve: Avtobiografika i pravoslavie v Rossii kontsa XVII-nachala XX veka (Galina Egorova) 1:160
Sergeev, Mikhail, Alexander N. Chumakov, and Mary Theis, eds. Russian Philosophy in the Twenty-First Century: An Anthology (Caryl Emerson) 4:930
Shablei, Pavel and Paolo Sartori. Eksperimenty imperii: Adat, shariat, i proizvodstvo znanii v kazakhskoi stepi (Ian Campbell) 3:687
Skórczewski, Dariusz. Polish Literature and National Identity: A Postcolonial Perspective. Agnieszka Polakowska, trans. (Jolanta Wrobel-Best) 3:671
Śmiechowski, Kamil, Agata Zysiak, Kamil Piskała, Wiktor Marzec, Kaja Kaźmierska, and Jacek Burski. From Cotton and Smoke: Łódź—Industrial City and Discourses of Asynchronous Modernity, 1897–1994 (Keely Stauter-Halsted) 2:412
Smith-Peter, Susan. Imagining Russian Regions: Subnational Identity and Civil Society in Nineteenth Century Russia (Thomas Earl Porter) 4:940
Smola, Klavdia. Wiedererfindung der Tradition: Russisch-jüdische Literatur der Gegenwart (Sabine Koller) 2:437
Solomon, Peter H. Jr. and Kaja Gadowska, eds. Legal Change in Post-Communist States: Progress, Reversions, Explanations (Kathryn Hendley) 3:674
Sonevytsky, Maria. Wild Music: Sound and Sovereignty in Ukraine (Donna A. Buchanan) 4:897
Stahel, David and Alex J. Kay, eds. Mass Violence in Nazi-Occupied Europe (Catherine Epstein) 1:143
Stewart, Neil. Bohemiens im böhmischen Blätterwald: Die Zeitschrift Moderní revue und die Prager Moderne (Peter Zusi) 3:670
Subotić, Milan. Napred, u prošlost: Studije o politici istorije u Poljskoj, Ukrajini i Rusiji (Mila Dragojević) 6:664
Suny, Ronald Grigor. Stalin: A Passage to Revolution (Sean McMeekin) 3:694
Suslov, Mikhail and Dmitry Uzlaner, eds. Contemporary Russian Conservatism: Problems, Paradoxes, and Perspectives (Michael O. Slobodchikoff) 1:168
Tasić, Dmitar. Paramilitarism in the Balkans: The Cases of Yugoslavia, Bulgaria, and Albania, 1917–1924 (Karl Kaser) 3:650
Tatsumi, Yukiko and Taro Tsurumi, eds. Publishing in Tsarist Russia: A History of Print Media from Enlightenment to Revolution (Damiano Rebecchini) 3:690
Tazhi, Aigerim. Paper-Thin Skin (Shelley Fairweather-Vega) 2:418
Tempest, Richard. Overwriting Chaos: Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn's Fictive Worlds (Elisa Kriza) 3:707
Theis, Mary, Mikhail Sergeev, and Alexander N. Chumakov, eds. Russian Philosophy in the Twenty- First Century: An Anthology (Caryl Emerson) 4:930
Thyrȇt, Isolde. Saint-making in Early Modern Russia: Religious Tradition and Innovation in the Cult of Nil Stolobenskii (Michael C. Paul) 3:683
Tihanov, Galin. The Birth and Death of Literary Theory: Regimes of Relevance in Russia and Beyond (Karine Zbinden) 1:186
Toker, Leona. Gulag Literature and the Literature of Nazi Camps: An Intercontextual Reading (Julie Draskoczy Zigoris) 3:705
Tokić, Mate Nikola. Croatian Radical Separatism and Diaspora Terrorism During the Cold War (Tvrtko Jakovina) 3:656
Trecker, Max. Red Money for the Global South: East-South Economic Relations in the Cold War (Yakov Feygin) 3:663
Trencsényi, Balázs and János Mátyás Kovács, eds. Brave New Hungary: Mapping the “System of National Cooperation” (Jon Van Til) 2:422
Tsurumi, Taro and Yukiko Tatsumi, eds. Publishing in Tsarist Russia: A History of Print Media from Enlightenment to Revolution (Damiano Rebecchini) 3:690
Tynkkynen, Veli-Pekka. The Energy of Russia: Hydrocarbon Culture and Climate Change (Martin Jirušek) 2:449
Urbansky, Sören. Beyond the Steppe Frontier: A History of the Sino-Russian Border (Matthew P. Romaniello) 1:163
Uzlaner, Dmitry and Mikhail Suslov, eds., Contemporary Russian Conservatism: Problems, Paradoxes, and Perspectives (Michael O. Slobodchikoff) 1:168
van Baar, Huub and Angéla Kóczé, eds. The Roma and Their Struggle for Identity in Contemporary Europe (R. Chris Davis) 4:909
Vit, Michal. The EU's Impact on Identity Formation in East-Central Europe between 2004 and 2013: Perceptions of the Nation and European Political Parties of the Czech Republic, Poland and Slovakia (Michael Mannin) 3:676
Vogman, Elena. Dance of Values: Sergei Eisenstein's Capital Project (Dustin Condren) 1:180
Voronina, Olga G. Depicting the Divine: Mikhail Bulgakov and Thomas Mann (Natalia Kaloh Vid) 4:963
Voronina, Olga, ed. A Companion to Soviet Children's Literature and Film (Erika Haber) 4:883
Wallo, Oleksandra. Ukrainian Women Writers and the National Imaginary: From the Collapse of the USSR to the Euromaidan (Maria G. Rewakowicz) 1:157
Waniek, Katarzyna and Kaja Kaźmierska, eds. Telling the Great Change: The Process of the Systemic Transformation in Poland in Biographical Perspective (David Ost) 4:937
Wanner, Adrian. The Bilingual Muse: Self-Translation among Russian Poets (Sibelan Forrester) 2:441
Weck, Nadja. Eisenbahn und Stadtentwicklung in Zentraleuropa am Beispiel der Stadt Lemberg (Lwów, L'viv) (Peter C. Mentzel) 4:910
Westerstahl Stenport, Anna, Lilya Kaganovsky, and Scott McKenzie, eds. Arctic Cinemas and the Documentary Ethos (Lida Oukaderova) 1:187
White, Elizabeth. A Modern History of Russian Childhood: From the Late Imperial Period to the Collapse of the Soviet Union (Clementine Fujimura) 3:693
Whitewood, Peter, Lara Douds, and James Harris, eds. The Fate of the Bolshevik Revolution: Illiberal Liberation 1917–1941 (Isabel Tirado) 3:695
Wohnout, Helmut, Michael Gehler, and Piotr H. Kosicki, eds. Christian Democracy and the Fall of Communism (Geoffrey Hosking) 2:404
Wolff, Larry. Woodrow Wilson and the Reimagining of Eastern Europe (Maureen Healy) 2:397
Young, Christopher and Robert Edelman, eds. The Whole World Was Watching: Sport in the Cold War (Jenifer Parks) 1:144
Zakić, Mirna and Christopher A. Molnar, eds. German-Balkan Entangled Histories in the Twentieth Century (Richard C. Hall) 4:921
Zayarnyuk, Andriy. Lviv's Uncertain Destination: A City and Its Train Terminal from Franz Joseph I to Brezhnev (Christoph Mick) 3:652
Zelensky, Natalie K. Performing Tsarist Russia in New York: Music, Émigrés, and the American Imagination (Catherine Andreyev) 1:170
Zhadan, Serhiy. A New Orthography: Poems (Alexander Burak) 4:926
Žigon, Tanja, Angela Ilić, Florian Kührer-Wielach, and Irena Samide, eds. Blick ins Ungewisse: Visionen und Utopien im Donau-Karpaten-Raum 1917 und danach (Gábor Egry) 1:148
Zychowicz, Jessica. Superfluous Women: Art, Feminism, and Revolution in Twenty-First Century Ukraine (Myroslava M. Mudrak) 4:925
Zysiak, Agata, Kamil Śmiechowski, Kamil Piskała, Wiktor Marzec, Kaja Kaźmierska, and Jacek Burski. From Cotton and Smoke: Łódź—Industrial City and Discourses of Asynchronous Modernity, 1897–1994 (Keely Stauter-Halsted) 2:412