A heavy-ion beam (HIB) has preferable features to release the fusion energy in inertial fusion: in particle accelerators HIBs are generated with a high driver efficiency of ~30–40%, and the HIB ions deposit their energy inside of materials. Therefore, a requirement for the fusion target energy gain is relatively low, that would be ~50 to operate a HIF fusion reactor with the standard energy output of 1 GW of electricity (Kawata et al., Reference Kawata, Karino and Ogoyski2016). Key issues in heavy-ion inertial fusion (HIF) include a target implosion uniformity to obtain a sufficient fusion energy output. The requirement for the implosion uniformity is very stringent, and the implosion non-uniformity must be less than a few % (Emery et al., Reference Emery, Orens, Gardner and Boris1982; Kawata & Niu, Reference Kawata and Niu1984; Kawata & Karino, Reference Kawata and Karino2015; Kawata et al., Reference Kawata, Karino and Ogoyski2016). Therefore, it is essentially important to improve the fuel target implosion uniformity. The target implosion should be robust against the implosion non-uniformities for the stable reactor operation. In general, the target implosion non-uniformity is introduced by the driver beams’ illumination non-uniformity, an imperfect target sphericity, a non-uniform target density, a target alignment error in a fusion reactor, etc. To reduce the non-uniformity, we have focused on the Rayleigh–Taylor instability(RTI) (Wolf, Reference Wolf1970; Troyon & Gruber, Reference Troyon and Gruber1971; Boris, Reference Boris1977; Betti et al., Reference Betti, Mccrory and Verdon1993; Piriz et al., Reference Piriz, Prieto, Diaz and Cela2010, Reference Piriz, Piriz and Tahir2011; Kawata, Reference Kawata2012; Kawata & Karino, Reference Kawata and Karino2015): by an additional oscillating acceleration δg, the RTI growth is mitigated and the RTI perturbation growth is significantly reduced. In this paper, we propose to realize the mitigation mechanism by pulsating and dephasing HIBs in the HIB target implosion. Each HIB has its pulsating phase depending on the HIB axis position in order to produce the global controlled δg to mitigate the implosion non-uniformity. Our fluid implosion simulations demonstrate that the implosion acceleration is successfully modulated by the pulsating and dephasing HIBs’ illumination, and the controlled δg was created during the target implosion.
In this study, we analyze the implosion non-uniformity by the arbitrary Lagrangian–Eulerian method hydrodynamics simulation (Hirt et al., Reference Hirt, Amsden and Cook1974). The target structure is shown in Figure 1. The 32 Pb+ ion beams are illuminated in the arrangement shown in Figure 2 to the target (Skupsky & Lee, Reference Skupsky and Lee1983; Ogoyski et al., Reference Ogoyski, Someya and Kawata2004, Reference Ogoyski, Kawata and Popov2010). The HIB particle density has the Gaussian distribution, and the transverse beam emittance is 3.2 mm-mrad.
When the instability driver wobbles uniformly in time, the imposed perturbation δg(t) for a gravity g 0 at t = τ may be written as
Here, δg is the amplitude, Ω is the wobbling or oscillation frequency defined actively by the dribing wobbler, and Ωτ is the phase shift of superimposed perturbations. At each time t, the wobbler or the modulated driver provides a new perturbation with the phase and the amplitude actively defined by the driving wobbler itself. The superposition of the perturbations provides the actual perturbation at t as follows:
When Ω ≫ γ, the perturbation amplitude is reduced by the factor of γ/Ω, compared with the pure instability growth (Ω = 0) based on the energy deposition non-uniformity. The result in Eq. (2) presents that the perturbation phase should oscillate with Ω ≳ γ for the effective amplitude reduction.
In the simulations, we realize the oscillating δg and the mitigation mechanism by the following pulsating foot and main HIB pulses. The foot pulse power P foot and the main pulse power P main (see Fig. 3) are represented by the following equations:
Here A is the amplitude of the input pulse, T is the pulsation period and ξ is the phase of each pulsating HIB. In this case, we employ A = 0.100 and T = 1.00 ns for our simulations. The phase ξ for each HIB is listed in Table 1.
In this study, we use the root mean square (RMS) shown by the following equation for the non-uniformity evaluation:
F ij is a physical quantity, 〈F ij 〉 is the average of physical quantity of circumferential direction on a certain radius, θmesh is the total mesh number in the θ-direction, and (i, j) is the mesh numbers for the radial direction and the azimuthal direction, respectively.
We also perform the mode analysis for the non-uniformity f(θ) based on the Legendre polynomial P n . Here the amplitude of the mode n is obtained by the following equation:
The Legendre polynomial P n (P 0 ~ P 5) is shown in Figure 4 for reference.
First, we examine the effect of the pulsating and dephasing HIBs illumination on the target implosion acceleration. Figures 5 shows the implosion acceleration histories at θ = 0°, 74.6°, and 152° for the deuterium and tritium (DT) layer. In Figure 5a, the pulsating HIBs are in phase, and so the implosion acceleration is also in phase. However, in Figure 5b the pulsating HIBs’ phases are controlled as shown in Table 1. Figure 5b demonstrates that the pulsating and controlled dephasing HIBs illumination creates the DT fuel implosion acceleration oscillation of δg.
Table 2 shows the summary of the implosion simulation results for the in-phase HIBs illumination and for the dephasing HIBs.
Figure 6 shows the non-uniformity histories of the density ρ, the ion temperature T i, the pressure P and the radial direction speed V r of the DT layer. The solid line shows the non-uniformities by the in-phase HIBs’ illumination, and the dotted line shows them by the dephasing pulsating HIBs’ illumination. Figure 6 presents that the dephasing and pulsating HIBs reduce the non-uniformities successfully.
Figures 7a, 7b show the non-uniformity mode analyses results for the averaged ion temperature T i of the DT layer at t = 38 ns). Figure 7 presents that the dephasing and pulsating HIBs reduce the largest mode of the “Mode 2” significantly.
In Table 1, and Figures 5, 6, and 7b, the oscillation amplitude A of the HIBs input power in Eqs (3) and (4) was A = 0.100. Figure 8 shows the relation of the fuel target gain versus the oscillation amplitude A of the HIBs input power. When the HIBs input power oscillation of A is 0.1, the fuel target gain becomes the maximum. The target gain becomes 0, when A exceeds 0.140. The results in Figure 8 demonstrate that the dephasing and pulsating HIBs illumination realizes the better uniformity in the DT fuel implosion, and consequently leads a higher gain.
We also study the robustness against the displacement dz (see Fig. 9) of the target misalignment in a fusion reactor. Figure 10 shows the relation between the fuel target gain and the displacement dz for each input pulse modulation amplitude A. Figure 10 presents that the dephasing and pulsating HIBs illumination is robust against the target misalignment dz. When dz increases, the implosion non-uniformity increases (Kawata et al., Reference Kawata, Karino and Ogoyski2016). Therefore, the relatively larger dz does not induce the fuel ignition, and for the larger dz no fusion output energy is obtained as shown in Figure 10. The gain curve tendency in Figure 10 should be studied further in the near future.
In this paper, we have shown that the pulsating and dephasing HIBs illumination creates the oscillating acceleration δg, which mitigates the RTI growth. In our previous works (Kawata et al., Reference Kawata, Sato, Teramoto, Bandoh, Masubuchi and Takahashi1993; Kawata, Reference Kawata2012; Kawata & Karino, Reference Kawata and Karino2015), it was demonstrated that the oscillating acceleration δg reduces the instability growth significantly. The pulsating HIBs illumination onto a fuel target induces the oscillating δg successfully. It was found that the target material responds to the deposited HIBs pulsation directly. In this paper, the pulsating HIBs phases are designed as shown in Table 1 to create the large wave mode of P 2 or so, so that the RTI growth rate would be also minimized. The work presented in this paper demonstrates that the controlled HIBs illumination provides a useful tool to realize a stable and uniform implosion in HIF.
The work was partly supported by JSPS, MEXT, CORE (Center for Optical Research and Education, Utsunomiya University), ILE/Osaka University, and CDI (Creative Department for Innovation, Utsunomiya University). The authors also would like to extend their acknowledgements to friends in HIF research group in Japan, in Tokyo Institute of Technology, Nagaoka University of Technology, KEK and also in HIF-VNL, USA.