Books and Articles in the Field of the Prevention and Peaceful Settlement of Disputes
Compiled by Raymond Ridderhof exclusively from materials available in the Peace Palace Library
1. Books
Bossche, P.L.H. Van den, Baetens, F., Bronckers, M.C.E.J. and Calster, G.A. Van (eds.) Settlement of International Trade Disputes: Achievements and Challenges (2015). ISBN 9789067043502, 127 pp.
Clinchamps, N. and Monjal, P.-M., L'autonomie stratégique de l'Union européenne: perspectives, responsabilité, ambitions et limites de la défense européenne (2015). ISBN 9782804476977, 304 pp.
Deplano, R., The Strategic Use of International Law by the United Nations Security Council. An Empirical Study (2015). ISBN 9783319212814, ix, 76 pp.
Hanne, O., (ed.), Mali, une paix à gagner: analyses et témoignages sur l'opération Serval (2015). ISBN 9782702516140, 256 pp.
Kipke, R., Konfliktherd Südkaukasus: Aserbaidschan im Fokus (sowjet-)russischer und armenischer Interessen (2015). ISBN 9783658098803, 127 pp.
Omer, A., Appleby, R.S. and Little, D. (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Religion, Conflict, and Peacebuilding (2015). ISBN 9780199731640, XVIII, 712 pp.
Sharma, S.K. and Welsh, J.M. (eds.), The Responsibility to Prevent: Overcoming the Challenges of Atrocity Prevention (2015). ISBN 9780198717782, XVII, 455 pp.
Steiner, C., Friedenskonsolidierung durch Verfassungsgerichtsbarkeit in Bosnien und Herzegowina: Lehren aus einem Versuchslabor der Internationalen Gemeinschaft (2015). ISBN 9783832963057, 557 pp.
Valles Cavia, J.A. (ed.), Los conflictos armados contemporáneos: construcción de la paz y derechos humanos (2013). ISBN 9788483198599, 302 pp.
Zimmermann, D., The Independence of International Courts: the Adherence of the International Judiciary to a Fundamental Value of the Administration of Justice (2014). ISBN 9783848712489, 597 pp.
2. Chapters in edited volumes and journal articles
Almqvist, J., ‘Enforcing the Responsibility to Protect through Solidarity Measures’, 19 (2015) The International Journal of Human Rights 1002–1016
Autesserre, S., ‘The Responsibility to Protect in Congo: the Failure of Grassroots Prevention’, in O'Bannon, B.R. (ed.) Reassessing the Responsibility to Protect: Conceptual and Operational Challenges (2015) 93–113
Baetens, F., ‘Investment Chapters Including Dispute Settlement Mechanisms in Bilateral Trade Agreements’, in Van den Bossche, P.L.H., Baetens, F., Bronckers, M.C.E.J. and Calster, G.A. Van (eds.), Settlement of International Trade Disputes: Achievements and Challenges (2015) 35–73
Barcelo, M.J., ‘El “factor tiempo” en el proceso de planificaión y despliegue de las misiones de paz de la Unión europea’, 67 (2015) Revista española de derecho internacional 123–155
Bazirake, J.B. and Bukuluki, P., ‘A Critical Reflection on the Conceptual and Practical Limitations of the Responsibility to Protect’, 19 (2015) The International Journal of Human Rights 1017–1028
Borgia, F., ‘The Responsibility to Protect Doctrine: between Criticisms and Inconsistencies’, 2 (2015) Journal on the Use of Force and International Law 223–237
Bronckers, M., ‘Is Investor-State Dispute Settlement (ISDS) Superior to Litigation before Domestic Courts?: An EU View on Bilateral Trade Agreements’, in Van den Bossche, P.L.H., Baetens, F., Bronckers, M.C.E.J. and Van Calster, G.A. (eds.), Settlement of International Trade Disputes: Achievements and Challenges (2015) 75–103
Cacho Sánchez, Y., ‘La protección contra la explotación y abusos sexuales cometidos por personal de las operaciones de mantenimiento de la paz de las Naciones Unidas’, in Cavia, J.A. Valles (ed.), Los conflictos armados contemporáneos: construcción de la paz y derechos humanos (2013) 101–123
Cogan, J.K., ‘Stabilization and the Expanding Scope of the Security Council's Work’, 109 (2015) American Journal of International Law 324–339
Ferencz, B.B., ‘The Illegal Use of Armed Force as a Crime against Humanity’, 2 (2015) Journal on the Use of Force and International Law 187–198
Ghazi Janaby, M., ‘The Legality of the Use of Private Military and Security Companies in UN Peacekeeping and Peace Enforcement Operations’, 6 (2015) Journal of International Humanitarian Legal Studies 147–187
Giemulla, E. and Kortas, P., ‘Die Internationale Zivilluftfahrt im Zeitalter der “Konfliktzonen”’, 64 (2015) Zeitschrift für Luft und Weltraumrecht 431–452
Gissel, L.E., ‘Justice Tides: How and When Levels of ICC Involvement Affect Peace Processes’, 9 (2015) International Journal of Transitional Justice 428–448
Grasa Hernández, R., ‘Consolidación de la paz y nuevos rostros de la violencia: la evolución de la teoría y de la prática dos décades después del fin de la guerra fría’ / ‘Peacebuilding and the new dimendions of violence: the evolution of theory and practice 25 years after the end of the cold war’, (2014) Cursos de derecho internacional y relaciones internacionales de Vitoria Gasteiz 393–430
Greene, T., ‘Israel's Two States Debate’, 91 (2015) International Affairs 1009–1026
Henderson, C., ‘Non-State Actors and the Use of Force’, in Noortmann, M., Reinisch, A. and Ryngaert, C. (eds.), Non-State Actors in International Law (2015) 77–96
Herro, A., ‘The Responsibility to Protect, the Use of Force and a Permanent United Nations Peace Service’, 19 (2015) The International Journal of Human Rights 1148–1162
Howe, B., Kondoch, B. and Spijkers, O., ‘Normative and Legal Challenges to UN Peacekeeping Operations’, 19 (2015) Journal of International Peacekeeping 1–31
Jakobsen, P.V., ‘Hvorfor standser det internationale samfund ikke krigen i Syrien?’ in Schmidt, S. and Møller, B. (eds.), Konflikten i Syrien: årsager, konsekvenser og handlemuligheder (2015) 137–153
Jasper, S. and Moreland, S., ‘A Comprehensive Approach to Multidimensional Operations’, 19 (2015) Journal of International Peacekeeping 191–210
Kamara, O.K., ‘An Analysis of the Adequacy of the Dispute Settlement Mechanism under UNCLOS: Maritime Boundary Delimitation Disputes’, in Jalloh, C. and Elias, O. (eds.), Shielding Humanity: Essays in International Law in Honour of Judge Abdul G. Koroma (2015) 187–229
Keith, K., ‘The Peaceful Settlement of International Disputes: the Rainbow Warrior Affair - Experiences of a Small State’, in Jalloh, C. and Elias, O. (eds.), Shielding Humanity: Essays in International Law in Honour of Judge Abdul G. Koroma (2015) 21–34
Krieger, H., ‘Addressing the Accountability Gap in Peacekeeping: Law-Making by Domestic Courts as a Way to Avoid UN Reform?’ 62 (2015) Netherlands International Law Review 259–277
Koh, H.H. and Buchwald, T.F., ‘Crime of Aggression: The United States Perspective’, 109 (2015) American Journal of International Law 257–295
Kumar, K.S., ‘The European Union and Conflict Resolution in Sri Lanka’, in Jain, R.K. (ed.), The European Union and South Asia (2015) 111–128
Le Roy, A., ‘Le rôle des Nations Unies dans la paix et la sécurité mondiales’, in Vellano, M. (ed.), Il futuro delle organizzazioni internazionali: prospettive giuridiche / L'avenir des organisations internationales: perspectives juridique: XIX Convegno, Courmayeur, 26–28 giugno 2014 (2015) 591–599
Mastroianni, M.A., ‘Growing Numbers of Chinese Blue Helmets: China's changing Role within the Security Council’, 27 (2015) Florida Journal of International Law 121–161
McMahon, P.C., ‘NGOs in Peacebuilding: High Expectations, Mixed Results’, in DeMars, W.E. and Dijkzeul, D. (eds.), The NGO Challenge for International Relations Theory (2015) 211–236
Miles, C.A., ‘Sir Stafford Northcote's Ode to the Fourth Article: An Insight into the Negotiation of the 1871 Treaty of Washington’, 4 (2015) Cambridge Journal of International and Comparative Law 167–180
Møller, B., ‘Et småstatsperspektiv: den humanitære udfordring’, in Schmidt, S. and Møller, B. (eds.), Konflikten i Syrien: årsager, konsekvenser og handlemuligheder (2015) 197–215
Ngangjoh-Hodu, Y., ‘Re-constructing Dispute Settlement Mechanism in Trade and Investment Agreements: Key Considerations for the PACER Plus Negotiating Parties’, 10 (2015) Global Trade and Customs Journal, 291–307
Orakhelashvili, A., ‘Undesired, yet Omnipresent: “Jus ad Bellum” in Its Relation to Other Areas of International Law’, 2 (2015) Journal on the Use of Force and International Law 238–256
Orakhelashvili, A., ‘The Impact of Unilateral EU Economic Sanctions on the UN Collective Security Framework: the Cases of Iran and Syria’, in Marossi, A.Z. and Bassett, M.R. (eds.), Economic Sanctions under International Law (2015) 3–21
Pacheco de Freitas, J.A., ‘La responsabilidad de proteger y el derecho internacional público: consideraciones sobre la licitud del uso de la fuerza por motivos humanitarios ante la falta de autorización del Consejo de Seguridad de la ONU’, 22 (2015) (Revista) Agenda internacional 101–128
Palchetti, P., ‘Attributing the Conduct of Dutchbat in Screbrenica: the 2014 Judgment of the District Court in the Mothers of Srebrenica Case’, 62 (2015) Netherlands International Law Review 279–294
Rey Marcos, F. and Duval, S., ‘La dimensión humanitaria de los acuerdos de paz: propuestas para la comunidad internacional en Colombia’, in Muguruza, C. Churruca (ed.), Colombia: ¿cómo construir la paz?: redes sociales y espacios de protección de las personas desplazadas (2015) 253–276
Roff, H.M., ‘Lethal Autonomous Weapons and “Jus ad Bellum” Proportionality’, 47 (2015) Case Western Reserve Journal of International Law 37–52
Ryngaert, C. and Schrijver, N., ‘Lessons Learned from the Srebrenica Massacre: From UN Peace-keeping Reform to Legal Responsibility’, 62 (2015) Netherlands International Law Review 229–241
Sacerdoti, G., ‘Il ruolo delle organizzazioni internazionali nella soluzione delle controversie’, in Vellano, M. (ed.), Il futuro delle organizzazioni internazionali: prospettive giuridiche / L'avenir des organisations internationales: perspectives juridiques: XIX Convegno, Courmayeur, 26–28 giugno 2014 (2015) 19–38
Sakai, H., ‘New Relationship between the United Nations and Regional Organizations in Peace and Security: a Case of the African Union’, in Hamamoto, S., Sakai, H. and Shibata, A. (eds.), “L'être situé”, Effectiveness and Purposes of International Law: Essays in Honour of Professor Ryuichi Ida (2015) 165–189
Santschi, M., ‘Traditional Authorities, Local Justice and Local Conflict Resolution Mechanisms in South Sudan’, in Hellmüller, S. and Santschi, M. (eds.), Is Local Beautiful?: Peacebuilding between International Interventions and Locally Led Initiatives (2014) 43–63
Sartre, P., ‘Les opérations et missions extérieures de l’ Europe: historique et bilan’, in Clinchamps, N. and Monjal, P.-Y. (eds.), L'autonomie stratégique de l'Union européenne: perspectives, responsabilité, ambitions et limites de la défense européenne (2015) 109–121
Scheffer, D., ‘The Fate of R2P in the Age of Retrenchment’, in Bassiouni, M. Cherif (ed.), Globalization and its Impact on the Future of Human Rights and International Criminal Justice (2015) 617–628
Schmalenbach, K., ‘Preserving the Gordian Knot: UN Legal Accountability in the Aftermath of Srebrenica’, 62 (2015) Netherlands International Law Review 313–328
Schmidt, S., ‘Internationalisering og regionalisering af konflikten’, in Schmidt, S. and Møller, B. (eds.), Konflikten i Syrien: årsager, konsekvenser og handlemuligheder (2015) 155–178
Schumann, P., ‘Local Ownership and the Settlement of Civil Wars: External Intervention in Internal Armed Conflicts - Arguments for a Conceptual Framework of “Political Ownership”’, in Hellmüller, S. and Santschi, M. (eds.), Is Local Beautiful?: Peacebuilding between International Interventions and Locally Led Initiatives (2014) 15–31
Spijkers, O., ‘The Evolution of United Nations Peacekeeping in the Congo: from MONUC, to MONUSCO and its Force Intervention Brigade’, 19 (2015) Journal of International Peacekeeping 88–117
Steenberghe, R. van, ‘La légalité de la participation de la Belgique à la lutte armée contre l’État en Irak’, 134 (2015) Journal des tribunaux 641–654
Stephens, D. ‘The Role of Courts and Tribunals in Maritime Regulation and Enforcement’, in Warner, R. and Kaye, S. (eds.), Routledge Handbook of Maritime Regulation and Enforcement (2016) 122–136
Subedi, S.P., ‘An Innovative Solution to an Ambitious Project: Dispute Resolution in the 1982 Convention on the Law of the Sea’, in Jalloh, C. and Elias, O. (eds.), Shielding Humanity: Essays in International Law in Honour of Judge Abdul G. Koroma (2015) 163–186
Tan, K.-C., ‘Humanitarian Intervention as a Duty’, 7 (2015) Global Responsibility to Protect 121–141
Tanzi, A. and Contartese, C., ‘Dispute Prevention, Dispute Settlement and Implementation Facilitation in International Water Law: the Added Value of the Establishment of an Implementation Mechanism under the Water Convention’, in Tanzi, A., McIntyre, O., Kolliopoulos, A., Rieu-Clarke, A., and Kinna, R. (eds.), The UNECE Convention on the Protection and Use of Transboundary Watercourses and International Lakes (2015) 319–329
Trapp, K.N., ‘Actor-Pluralism, the “Turn to Responsibility” and the “Jus ad Bellum” Unwilling or Unable in Context’, 2 (2015) Journal on the Use of Force and International Law 199–222
Val Garijo, F., ‘El crimen de agresión: ¿un nuevo factor en la futura prevención de los conflictos armados?’ in Valles Cavia, J.A. (ed.), Los conflictos armados contemporáneos: construcción de la paz y derechos humanos (2013) 260–276
Welsh, J.M., ‘Mediation and Sanctions: Applying Conflict Prevention Tools in Atrocity Crime Settings’, in Sharma, S.K. and Welsh, J.M. (eds.), The Responsibility to Prevent: Overcoming the Challenges of Atrocity Prevention (2015) 103–118
White, N.D., ‘Peacekeeping and International Law’, in Koops, J.A., MacQueen, N., Tardy, T. and Williams, Paul D. (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of United Nations Peacekeeping Operations (2015) 43–59
Williams, A., ‘The Possibilities for Preventive Deployment: the Case of Macedonia’, in Sharma, S.K. and Welsh, J.M. (eds.), The Responsibility to Prevent: Overcoming the Challenges of Atrocity Prevention (2015) 229–249
Zemach, A., ‘Can Occupation Resulting from a War of Self Defense Become Illegal?’, 24 (2015) Minnesota Journal of International Law 313–350
Zhang, T., ‘Conflict-Sensitive Approach to Climate Change Mitigation and Adaption in the urbanizing Asia-Pacific’, 15 (2015) Environmental Law Review of Eastern and Central Europe 1–66