Books and Articles in the Field of the Prevention and Peaceful Settlement of Disputes Compiled by Ingrid Kost exclusively from materials available in the Peace Palace Library, The Hague
1. Books
Alter, K. J., The New Terrain of International Law: Courts, Politics, Rights (2014). ISBN 9780691154749, xxvi, 450 pp.
Chechi, A., The Settlement of International Cultural Heritage Disputes (2014). ISBN 9780198703990, xxx, 343 pp.
Davis, J., Seeking Human Rights Justice in Latin America: Truth, Extra-Territorial Courts, and the Process of Justice (2014). ISBN 9780521514361, xi, 239 pp.
Fritz, J. M. (ed.), Moving Toward a Just Peace: The Mediation Continuum (2014). ISBN 9789400728844, xxi, 360 pp.
Hodges, A. (ed.), Discourses of War and Peace (2013). ISBN 9780199937271, ix, 291 pp.
Kappler, S., Local Agency and Peacebuilding: EU and International Engagement in Bosnia–Herzegovina, Cyprus and South Africa (2014). ISBN 9781137307187, xii, 225 pp.
Leroux-Martin, P., Diplomatic Counterinsurgency: Lessons from Bosnia and Herzegovina (2014). ISBN 978110702003, xii, 323 pp.
Murphy, J. G., War's Ends: Human Rights, International Order, and the Ethics of Peace (2014). ISBN 9781626160279, 232 pp.
Romano, C. P. R., Alter, K. J, and Shany, Y. (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of International Adjudication (2014). ISBN 9780199660681, xcii, 975 pp.
Shany, Y., Assessing the Effectiveness of International Courts (2014). ISBN 9780199643295, xix, 322 pp.
Spernbauer, M., EU Peacebuilding in Kosovo and Afghanistan: Legality and Accountability (2014). ISBN 9789004265707, xvii, 434 pp.
Stahn, C., Easterday, J. S., and Iverson, J. (eds.), Jus Post Bellum: Mapping the Normative Foundations (2014). ISBN 9780199685899, xxxiv, 564 pp.
Wilson, G., The United Nations and Collective Security (2014). ISBN 9780415505895, xv, 247 pp.
2. Chapters in edited volumes and journal articles
Ahmad, J., ‘The Indus Waters, Kishenganga Arbitration and State-to-State Disputes’, (2013) 29 Arbitration International 507–37
Akokpari, J., and Ancas, S., ‘The African Union and Regional Economic Communities: A Partnership for Peace and Security?’, in Murithi, T. (ed.), Handbook of Africa's International Relations (2014), 73–81
Alter, K. J., ‘The Multiplication of International Courts and Tribunals after the End of the Cold War’, in Romano, C. P. R., Alter, K. J., and Shany, Y. (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of International Adjudication (2014), 63–89
Alter, K. J., Helfer, L. R., and McAllister, J. R., ‘A New International Human Rights Court for West Africa: The ECOWAS Community Court of Justice’, (2013) 107 American Journal of International Law 737–79
Alvarez, J. E., ‘What are International Judges for?: The Main Functions of International Adjudication’, in Romano, C. P. R., Alter, K. J., and Shany, Y. (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of International Adjudication (2014), 158–78
Amer, R., ‘China, Vietnam, and the South China Sea: Disputes and Dispute Management’, (2014) 45 Ocean Development and International Law 17–40
Anton, D. K., ‘Timor Sea Treaty Arbitration: Timor-Leste Challenges Australian Espionage and Seizure of Documents’, (2014) 18 ASIL Insights, Issue 6, unpaged
Bah, A. B., ‘Civil Non-State Actors in Peacekeeping and Peacebuilding in West Africa’, (2013) 17 Journal of International Peacekeeping 337–60
Baetens, F., ‘Facilitating Post-Conflict Reconstruction: Is the UN Peacebuilding Commission Successfully Filling an Institutional Gap or Marking a Missed Opportunity?’, in Stahn, C., Easterday, J. S., and Iverson, J. (eds.), Jus Post Bellum: Mapping the Normative Foundations (2014), 346–75
Besson, S., ‘Legal Philosophical Issues of International Adjudication’, in Romano, C. P. R., Alter, K. J., and Shany, Y. (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of International Adjudication (2014), 413–33
Bogdandy, A. von, and Venzke, I., ‘The Spell of Precedents: Lawmaking by International Courts and Tribunals’, in Romano, C. P. R., Alter, K. J., and Shany, Y. (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of International Adjudication (2014), 503–22
Boisson de Chazournes, L., ‘Organismes et Commissions de Bassin: Aspects de Coopération Régionale et de Règlements des Différends’, in Kamga, M. and Mbengue, M. M. (eds.), L’Afrique et le Droit International: Variations sur l’Organisation Internationale: Liber Amicorum Raymond Ranjeva (2013), 435–44
Bollée, S., ‘L’Arbitrage et le Nouveau Règlement Bruxelles’, (2013) Revue de l’Arbitrage 979–87
Bothe, M., ‘Das Internationale Komitee vom Roten Kreuz und die Weiterentwicklung des Rechts des Nicht-Internationalen Konflikts’, in Weingärtner, D. and Krieger, H. (eds.), Streitkräfte und Nicht-Staatliche Akteure (2013), 11–22
Branch, A., ‘The Responsibility to Protect and Africa's International Relations’, Murithi, T. (ed.), Handbook of Africa's International Relations (2014), 187–96
Charlton, P., ‘Health and Peacebuilding’, in Zelizer, C. (ed.), Integrated Peacebuilding: Innovative Approaches to Transforming Conflict (2014), 249–73
Carment, D., Landry, J., and Samy, Y., ‘State Failure, Development, and International Security: The Challenges of Intervening in Fragile States’, in Newman, E. and DeRouen, K. R. (eds.), Routledge Handbook of Civil Wars (2014), 334–45
Carswell, A. J., ‘Unblocking the UN Security Council: The Uniting for Peace Resolution’, (2013) 18 Journal of Conflict and Security Law 453–80
Chigas, D., ‘The Role and Effectiveness of Non-Governmental Third Parties in Peacebuilding, in Fritz, J. M. (ed.), Moving Toward a Just Peace: The Mediation Continuum (2014), 273–315
Coning, C. de, ‘Africa and International Peace Operations’, in Murithi, T. (ed.), Handbook of Africa's International Relations (2014), 155–64
Conley-Zilkic, B., and de Waal, A., ‘Setting the Agenda for Evidence-Based Research on Ending Mass Atrocities’, (2014) 16 Journal of Genocide Research 55–76
Corten, O., and Klein, P., ‘La Commission du Droit International comme Agent de Formalisation du Droit de la Responsabilité: Modalités et Significations de l’Utilisation d’Arbitrages Partiellement Détechés du Droit Positif’, in Alland, D., Chetail, V., de Frouville, O., and Viñuales, J. E. (eds.), Unité et Diversité du Droit International: Écrits en l’Honneur du Professeur Pierre-Marie Dupuy = Unity and Diversity of International Law / Essays in Honour of Professor Pierre-Marie Dupuy (2014), 399–420
Dersso, S., ‘The African Peace and Security Architecture’, in Murithi, T. (ed.), Handbook of Africa's International Relations (2014), 51–61
Easterday, J. S., Peace Agreements as a Framework for “Jus Post Bellum”’, in: Stahn, C., Easterday, J. S., and Iverson, J. (eds.), Jus Post Bellum: Mapping the Normative Foundations (2014), 379–415
Ebere, S., and Xheraj, B., ‘Who Decides Arbitrability Where a Precondition to Arbitration Has Not Been Satisfied?: A Comment on the US Supreme Court's Decision to Hear the Appeal in BG Group v. Argentina’, (2014) 31 Journal of International Arbitration 101–10
Ebobrah, S. T., ‘International Human Rights Courts’, in: Romano, C. P. R., Alter, K. J., and Shany, Y. (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of International Adjudication (2014), 225–49
Feigenbaum, S., Goldberg, R., and Vance-Cheng, R., ‘Security and Peacebuilding’, in Zelizer, C. (ed.), Integrated Peacebuilding: Innovative Approaches to Transforming Conflict (2013), 199–223
Felix da Costa, D., and Karlsrud, J., ‘“Bending the Rules”: The Space Between HQ Policy and Local Action in UN Civilian Peacekeeping’, (2013) 17 Journal of International Peacekeeping 293–312
Firsing, S., ‘Thinking through the Role of Africa's Militaries in Peacekeeping: The Cases of Nigeria, Ethiopia and Rwanda’, (2014) 21 South African Journal of International Affairs 45–67
Franceschini, G., ‘Keeping Nuclear Cooperation Peaceful: The Technical Cooperation Program and the Safeguards Mandate of the International Atomic Energy Agency’, in Meier, O. (ed.), Technology Transfers and Non-Proliferation: Between Control and Cooperation (2014), 99–115
Fritz, J. M., ‘UN Security Council Resolution 1325, Inclusive Peacebuilding and Countries in Transition’, in Fritz, J. M. (ed.), Moving Toward a Just Peace: The Mediation Continuum (2014), 245–72
Gahlaut, B., ‘Jammu and Kashmir: Legal Position, Security Council Mediation and Future Prospect’, (2014) 40 Commonwealth Law Bulletin 17–31
Giraudeau, G., ‘La Naissance du Soudan du Sud: La Paix Impossible?’, (2012) 58 Annuaire Français de Droit International 61–82
Glanville, L., ‘Is Just Intervention Morally Obligatory?’, in Gentry, C. E. and Eckert, A. E. (eds.), The Future of Just War: New Critical Essays (2014), 48–61
Goring, N. W., ‘Rethinking the CARICOM Dispute Settlement Mechanism’, (2013) 2 Global Journal of Comparative Law 27–59
Green, A., ‘Trade Rules, Dispute Settlement, and Barriers to Regional Climate Cooperation’, in Craik, N., Studer, I., and Van Nijnatten, D. (eds.), Climate Change Policy in North America: Designing Integration in a Regional System (2013), 301–32
Haddad, H. N., ‘Judicial Institution Builders: NGOs and International Human Rights Courts’, in Smith, C. A. (ed.), Globalizing Human Rights: Emerging Issues and Approaches (2014), 126–49
Hamerník, P., ‘The Non-State Adjudication of Disputes by the Court of Arbitration for Sport as an Inspiring Alternative for Effective Dispute Resolution’, (2014) 5 Czech Yearbook of International Law 137–54
Hansen, T. O., ‘Africa and the International Criminal Court’, in Murithi, T. (ed.), Handbook of Africa's International Relations (2014), 165–79
Harris, P., ‘A Political Trilemma?: International Security, Environmental Protection and Human Rights in the British Indian Ocean Territory’, (2014) 51 International Politics 87–100
Hartzell, C. A., ‘Peacebuilding after Civil War’, in Newman, E. and DeRouen, K. R. (eds.), Routledge Handbook of Civil Wars (2014), 376–86
Helfer, L. R., ‘The Effectiveness of International Adjudicators’, in Romano, C. P. R., Alter, K. J., and Shany, Y. (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of International Adjudication (2014), 464–82
Hodges, A., ‘War, Discourse, and Peace’, in Hodges, A. (ed.), Discourses of War and Peace (2013), 3–19
Huda, Q., and Marshall, K., ‘Religion and Peacebuilding’, in Zelizer, C. (ed.), Integrated Peacebuilding: Innovative Approaches to Transforming Conflict (2013), 151–71
Ibaba, I. S., ‘Amnesty and Peace-Building in the Niger Delta: Addressing the Frustration–Aggression Trap’, in LaMonica, C. and Omotola, J. S. (eds.), Horror in Paradise: Frameworks for Understanding the Crises of the Niger Delta Region of Nigeria (2014), 251–69
Ishikawa, Y., ‘The EU–Faroe Islands Herring Stock Dispute at the WTO: The Environmental Justification’, (2014) 18 ASIL Insights, issue 4, unpaged
Jacob, P., and Latty, F., ‘Arbitrage Transnational et Droit International Général, (2012) 58 Annuaire Français de Droit International 605–52
Jacquet, J.-M., ‘La “Lex Arbitrii” dans l’Arbitrage Commercial International: Mythe ou Réalité?’, in Alland, D. et al. (eds.), Unité et Diversité du Droit International: Écrits en l’Honneur du Professeur Pierre-Marie Dupuy = Unity and Diversity of International Law/Essays in Honour of Professor Pierre-Marie Dupuy (2014), 669–88
Jobbins, M., ‘Humanitarian Assistance and Peacebuilding’, in Zelizer, C. (ed.), Integrated Peacebuilding: Innovative Approaches to Transforming Conflict (2013), 77–102
Kalderimis, D., ‘Exploring the Differences between WTO and Investment Treaty Dispute Resolution’, in Frankel, S. and Lewis, M. K. (eds.), Trade Agreements at the Crossroads (2014), 46–65
Kenkel, K. M., ‘Brazil's Peacekeeping and Peacebuilding Policies in Africa, (2013) 17 Journal of International Peacekeeping 272–92
Kennedy, C., Waldman, T., ‘The Changing Nature of Intrastate Conflict and “New Wars”’, in Newman, E. and DeRouen, K. R. (eds.), Routledge Handbook of Civil Wars (2014), 213–23
Kritz, B. A., ‘The Rule of Law and Peacebuilding’, in Zelizer, C. (ed.), Integrated Peacebuilding: Innovative Approaches to Transforming Conflict (2013), 275–96
Lewis, M. K., and Van den Bossche, P., ‘What to Do when Disagreement Strikes?: The Complexity of Dispute Settlement under Trade Agreements’, in Frankel, S. and Lewis, M. K. (eds.), Trade Agreements at the Crossroads (2014), 9–25
Macauley, S., ‘No Justice, No Peace: The Elusive Search for Justice and Reconciliation in Sierra Leone’, in Veney, C. R. and Simpson, D. (eds.), African Democracy and Development: Challenges for Post-Conflict African Nations, (2013), 13–35
MacDonald, S., ‘Peacebuilding and the Private Sector’, in Zelizer, C. (ed.), Integrated Peacebuilding: Innovative Approaches to Transforming Conflict (2013), 127–150
Maina, G., ‘Africa and the United Nations Peacebuilding Commission’, in Murithi, T. (ed.), Handbook of Africa's International Relations (2014), 241–50
McArthur, A.L., Environmental Change and Peacebuilding, in Zelizer, C. (ed.), Integrated Peacebuilding: Innovative Approaches to Transforming Conflict (2013), 173–97
Miles, C. A., ‘The Origins of the Law of Provisional Measures before International Courts and Tribunals’, (2013) 73 Zeitschrift für Ausländisches Öffentliches Recht und Völkerrecht 615–72
Mourre, A., and Nioche, M., ‘Le Règlement Bruxelles I <Refondu> Évite le Risque d’une Régionalisation de l’Arbitrage’, (2013) Les Cahiers de l’Arbitrage = Paris Journal of International Arbitration 567–83
Murphy, C., and Radzik, L., ‘“Jus Post Bellum” and Political Reconciliation’, in May, L., Edenberg, E. (eds.), “Jus Post Bellum” and Transitional Justice (2013), 305–25
Murphy, S. D., ‘International Judicial Bodies for Resolving Disputes between States’, in Romano, C. P. R., Alter, K. J., and Shany, Y. (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of International Adjudication (2014), 181–204
Nasu, H., and Rothwell, D. R., ‘Re-Evaluating the Role of International Law in Territorial and Maritime Disputes in East Asia’, (2014) 4 The Asian Journal of International Law 55–79
Nowland, S. G., ‘Three's (Not) a Crowd in International Tax Arbitration: International Tax Arbitration as a Development of International Commercial Arbitration rather than a MAP Fix’, (2014) 37 Hastings International and Comparative Law Review 183–222
O’Connell, M. E., and Vanderzee, L., ‘The History of International Adjudication’, in Romano, C. P. R., Alter, K. J., and Shany, Y. (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of International Adjudication (2014), 40–62
Odoemene, A., ‘The Niger Delta Amnesty Programme: What Manner of Peace Deal?’, in LaMonica, C. and Shola Omotola, J. (eds.), Horror in Paradise: Frameworks for Understanding the Crises of the Niger Delta Region of Nigeria (2014), 271–85
O’Malley, N. D., and Eaton, L.N., ‘US Discovery in Aid of International Arbitration: Where Things Presently Stand’, (2014) 31 Journal of International Arbitration 111–20
Opongo, E. O., ‘The African Union and a Liberal Peace Agenda to Conflict’, in Murithi, T. (ed.), Handbook of Africa's International Relations (2014), 94–102
Otite, A., and Umukoro, N., ‘The Amnesty Programme and the Future of the Niger Delta: An Overview of the Disarmament, Demobilization, and Reintegration (DDR) Strategy for Sustainable Peace’, in LaMonica, C. and Shola Omotola, J. (eds.), Horror in Paradise: Frameworks for Understanding the Crises of the Niger Delta Region of Nigeria (2014), 237–50
Polovets, I., Smith, M., and Terry, B., ‘GAFTA Arbitration as the Most Appropriate Forum for Disputes Resolution in Grain Trade’, (2013) 30 Arizona Journal of International and Comparative Law 559–603
Puig, S., ‘Responsibility of International Organizations and Justiciability of Disputes’, in Ragazzi, M. (ed.), Responsibility of International Organizations: Essays in Memory of Sir Ian Brownlie (2013), 339–50
Romano, C. P. R., Alter, K. J., and Shany, Y., ‘Mapping International Adjudicative Bodies, the Issues, and Players’, in Romano, C. P. R., Alter, K. J., and Shany, Y. (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of International Adjudication (2014), 3–26
Romano, C. P. R., ‘The Shadow Zones of International Judicialization’, in Romano, C. P. R., Alter, K. J., and Shany, Y. (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of International Adjudication (2014), 90–110
Romano, C. P. R., ‘Trial and Error in International Judicialization’, in Romano, C. P. R., Alter, K. J., and Shany, Y. (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of International Adjudication (2014), 111–34
Schreuer, C., ‘Investment Arbitration’, in Romano, C. P. R., Alter, K. J., and Shany, Y. (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of International Adjudication (2014), 295–315
Seybolt, T. B., ‘Significant Numbers: Civilian Casualties and Strategic Peacebuilding’, in Seybolt, T. B., Aronson, J. D., and Fischhoff, B. (eds.), Counting Civilian Casualties: An Introduction to Recording and Estimating Nonmilitary Deaths in Conflict (2014), 15–28
Singh, J. P., ‘Media and Peacebuilding’, in Zelizer, C. (ed.), Integrated Peacebuilding: Innovative Approaches to Transforming Conflict (2013), 225–47
Sivakumaran, S., ‘Command Responsibility in the Sierra Leonean Conflict: The Duty to Take Measures to Prevent Crimes and Punish the Perpetrators’, in Jalloh, C. C. (ed.), The Sierra Leone Special Court and its Legacy: the Impact for Africa and International Criminal Law (2014), 128–43
Suhrke, A., ‘Post-War States: Differentiating Patterns of Peace’, in Stahn, C., Easterday, J. S., and Iverson, J. (eds.), Jus Post Bellum: Mapping the Normative Foundations (2014), 269–84
Svensson, I., ‘Conflict Resolution in Civil Wars’, in Newman, E. and DeRouen, K. R. (eds.), Routledge Handbook of Civil Wars (2014), 363–75
Tehindrazanarivelo, D. L., ‘Le Réalisation du Droit du Peuple Malgache à la Paix’, in Kamga, M., Mbengue, M. M. (eds.), L’Afrique et le Droit International: Variations sur l’Organisation Internationale: Liber Amicorum Raymond Ranjeva (2013), 351–70
Thornton, E., Whitman, T., ‘Gender and Peacebuilding’, in Zelizer, C. (ed.), Integrated Peacebuilding: Innovative Approaches to Transforming Conflict (2013), 103–25
Tumonis, V., ‘Adjudication Fallacies: The Role of International Courts in Interstate Dispute Settlement’, (2013) 31 Wisconsin International Law Journal 35–64
Svensson, I., ‘Conflict Resolution in Civil Wars’, in Newman, E. and DeRouen, K. R. (eds.), Routledge Handbook of Civil Wars (2014), 363–75
Vatanparast, R., ‘Waging Peace: Ambiguities, Contradictions, and Problems of a “Jus Post Bellum” Legal Framework’, in Stahn, C., Easterday, J. S., and Iverson, J. (eds.), Jus Post Bellum: Mapping the Normative Foundations (2014), 142–60
Velasco, Z. A., ‘Self-Determination and Secession: Human Rights-Based Conflict Resolution’, (2014) 16 International Community Law Review 75–105
Vermeer, T., ‘A River Runs Through It: The Case for an International Peace Park on the US Mexico Border’, (2014) 36 Houston Journal of International Law 287–322
Vervliet, J., ‘Peaceful Settlement of International Disputes and the History and Legacy of the 1899 and 1907 Hague Conventions’, in One Century Peace Palace, from Past to Present (2013), 39–72
Vierucci, L., ‘International Arbitrators as Part of a Peace Process: Lessons from the Abyei Arbitration?’, in Alland, D. et al. (eds.), Unité et Diversité du Droit International: Écrits en l’Honneur du Professeur Pierre-Marie Dupuy = Unity and Diversity of International Law/Essays in Honour of Professor Pierre-Marie Dupuy (2014), 615–38
Vorpeil, K., ‘Die Neuen ICC Mediation Rules’, (2014) 60 Recht der Internationalen Wirtschaft 37–43
Vraneski, A., ‘Problem-Solving Mediation in Israel’, in Fritz, J. M. (ed.), Moving Toward a Just Peace: the Mediation Continuum (2014), 131–47
White, N. D., ‘The Use of Weapons in Peace Operations’, in Casey-Maslen, S. (ed.), Weapons under International Human Rights Law (2014), 197–239
Wisler, A., ‘International Development and Peacebuilding’, in: Zelizer, C. (ed.), Integrated Peacebuilding: Innovative Approaches to Transforming Conflict (2013), 57–75
Woods, J. M., ‘Theorizing Peace as a Human Right’, (2013) 7 Human Rights & International Legal Discourse 178–236
Yu, Mincai, ‘China's Responses to the Compulsory Arbitration on the South China Sea Dispute: Legal Effects and Policy Options’, (2014) 45 Ocean Development and International Law 1–16
Zelizer, C., ‘The Business of Peacebuilding’, in Zelizer, C. (ed.), Integrated Peacebuilding: Innovative Approaches to Transforming Conflict (2013), 31–54
Zirhlioglu, E., ‘The Diamond Industry and the Industry's Dispute Resolution Mechanisms’, (2013) 30 Arizona Journal of International and Comparative Law 477–506