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Cambridge University Press
Online publication date:
December 2014
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Online ISBN:
  • 180.00 (USD)
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Book description

The rise of Asia in global political and economic developments has been facilitated in part by a profound transformation of Asian courts. This book provides the most up-to-date and comprehensive analysis of these courts, explaining how their structures differ from courts in the West and how they have been shaped by the current challenges facing Asia. Contributors from across the continent analyze fourteen selected Asian jurisdictions representing varying degrees of development: Japan, Korea, Taiwan, India, Indonesia, Mongolia, the Philippines, Hong Kong, Singapore, Bangladesh, Malaysia, Thailand, China and Vietnam. Setting the courts of each region in the context of their country's economic, political, and social dynamics, this book shows how and why Asian courts have undergone such profound transformations in recent years and predicts the future trajectories of tradition, transition and globalization to suggest the challenges and developments that lie ahead.


'Asian Courts in Context is a valuable addition to a growing collection academic texts which, increasingly, focus on the practical and institutional sides of the judicial and courts components of government. It would be a useful addition to law library reference collections in law schools, international law firms, international investment advisors, and multi-national corporations with subsidiaries or divisions in one or more of the countries represented. Law and political science faculty who specialize in court systems will find it an important addition to their personal libraries and might even consider it as the primary text for a graduate- level survey course comparing Asian court and justice systems … The editors have produced a work that not only contributes substantially to our understanding of court systems in Asian states but makes for an interesting read.'

Markus Zimmer Source: International Journal for Court Administration

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