‘So, what have we got here then, and what do you wish to use it for?’ Well, it's a reference book with over 1000 pages of pictures and print, produced by the finest facial plastic surgeons that America can muster. ‘Doorstop?’ I hear you say. ‘Impressive bookshelf filler, with which to impress colleagues, punters and girlfriends?’ is another worthy shout. ‘Tedious tome relegated to the category of ‘you must have this or you'll never be any good’, but seldom referred to unless needed for the above two uses?' is a chorus from the back of the class.
Well, I am pleased to say that, although it's big and brash and ‘very American’, this book is also true to the core values that motivate our cousins across the pond. Now, that's not to say that, in acquiring and (occasionally) reading this, you'll be driving a Bentley by next Tuesday, but you will have access to a book that delivers an up-to-date account of advances in facial plastic and reconstructive surgery, as written by the very people who perform these procedures on a daily basis. The list of proverbial heavyweight contributors reads like a ‘Who's Who’ of facial plastic surgery royalty and, although it does waffle in parts (ten words used when one would do), it is ably supported by good quality pictures and diagrams. The majority of these are black and white and, for such an authoritative book, this lack of colour lets it down a little. But this is a minor point which, on the whole, matters little, when the cases have been selected with precision to demonstrate (sometimes startling) pre- and post-operative changes.
This version is the third edition, and the book has been updated sensibly, keeping the familiar topics but also adding new ones such as anti-ageing medicine, paediatric rhinoplasty and non-ablative skin resurfacing techniques, which is good. Bearing in mind this book was first published in 1992, a revision every five years or so is a good idea and stops the book becoming staid.
No matter what you want to use this book for, buy it, because it delivers on every front and is a ‘must have’ for aspiring and established facial plastic surgeons alike.