Hutton, Ronald, The witch. A history of fear, from ancient times to the present. Pp. xvi + 360 incl. 16 ills. New Haven–London: Yale University Press, 2017. £25. 978 0 300 22904 2
Kauffmann, C. M., Eve's apple to the last supper. Picturing food in the Bible. Pp. viii + 175 incl. 158 colour ills. Woodbridge–Rochester, NY: Boydell Press, 2017. £50. 978 1 78327 137 5
McKanan, Dan, A documentary history of Unitarian universalism, I: From the beginning to 1899; II: From 1900 to the present. Pp. xviii + 503; xxiii + 566. Boston: Skinner House Books, 2017. $40 (paper). 978 1 55896 789 2; 978 1 55896 791 5
Maryks, Robert A., A companion to Jesuit mysticism. (Companions to the Christian Tradition, 78.) Pp. viii + 393. Leiden–Boston: Brill, 2017. €219. 978 90 04 31013 1;
Rusch, William G. (intro.), From conflict to communion. Lutheran-Catholic common commemoration of the Reformation in 2017. The Lutheran World Federation and the Pontifical Council for promoting Christian unity. (Reformation Resources, 1517–2017.) Pp. vi + 153. Grand Rapids, Mi: Wm B. Eerdmans, 2017. £14.99 (paper). 978 0 8028 7377 4
Young, Francis, A history of exorcism in Catholic Christianity. (Historical Studies in Witchcraft and Magic.) Pp. ix + 275 incl. 3 tables. London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2016. £63. 978 3 319 29111 6
Ancient world
Adamiak, Stanislaw, Carthage, Constantinople and Rome. Imperial and papal interventions in the life of the Church in Byzantine Africa (533–698). (Miscellanea Historiae Pontificiae, 68.) Pp. x + 192 incl. 1 map. Rome: Gregorian & Biblical Press, 2016 (for Pontifical Biblical Institute). €26. 978 88 7839 347 9
Bevan, George A., The new Judas. The case of Hestorius in Ecclesiastical politics, 428–451 CE. (Late Antique History and Religion, 13.) Pp. xii + 374. Bristol, Ct–Leuven: Peeters, 2016. €87. 978 90 429 3259 3
Boulnois, Marie-Odile (intro.), Riedweig, Christoph (Greek text), Bouffartigue, Jean, Boulnois, Marie-Odile and Castan, Pierre (trans.), Cyrille D’Alexandrie Contre Julien, II: (Books III–V) (Sources Chrétiennes, 582.) Pp. 675. Paris: Éditions du Cerf, 2016. €59 (paper). 978 2 204 11754 8;
Broadhead, Edwin K., The Gospel of Matthew on the landscape of antiquity. (Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testament, 378.) Pp. xviii + 353 incl. 20 ills and 5 tables. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2017. €139. 978 3 16 154454 5;
Carleton Paget, James and Lieu, Judith, Christianity in the second century. Themes and developments. Pp. xii + 354 incl. 4 ills and 2 tables. Cambridge–New York: Cambridge University Press, 2017. £74.99. 978 1 107 16522 9
Chin, Catherine M. and Schroeder, Caroline T. (eds), Melania. Early Christianity through the life of one family. (Christianity in Late Antiquity. The Official Book Series of the North American Patristics Society.) Pp. x + 328. Oakland, Ca: University of California Press, 2017. £79.95. 978 05 2029 208 6
Dodson, Joseph R. and Briones, David E., Paul and Seneca in dialogue. (Ancient Philosophy & Religion, 2.) Pp. xviii + 340. Leiden–Boston: Brill, 2017. €138. 978 90 04 34135 7;
Évieux, Pierre and Vinel, Nicolas, Isidore de Péluse. Lettres, III: Lettres, 1701–2000. (Sources Chrétiennes, 586.) Pp. 499. Paris: Les Éditions du Cerf, 2013. €50 (paper). 978 2 204 12329 7;
Funk, Wolf-Peter and Funk, Mahé, Exposé du mythe valentinien et textes liturgiques (NH XI, 2). (Bibliothèque Copte de Nag Hammadi Section «Textes», 36.) Pp. xii + 162. Québec: Les Presses de L'Université Laval/Bristol, Ct–Leuven: Peeters, 2016. €89 (paper). 978 90 429 3214 2
Gregory, Andrew, The Gospel according to the Hebrews and the Gospel of the Ebionites. (Early Christian Gospel Texts.) Pp. xvi + 344 incl. 19 tables. Oxford–New York: Oxford University Press, 2017. £115. 978 0 19 928786 4
Heil, Uta and von Stockhausen, Annette (eds), Die Synoden im Trinitarischen Streit. Über die Etablierung eines synodalen Verfahrens und die Probleme seiner Anwendung im 4. und 5. Jahrhundert. (Texte und Untersuchungen zur Geschichte der altchristlichen Literatur (TU), 177.) Pp. x + 231. Berlin–Boston: De Gruyter, 2017. €89.95. 978 3 11 041959 7;
Hellholm, David and Dieter Sänger, The eucharist. Its origins and contexts. Sacred meal, communal meal, table fellowship in late antiquity, early Judaism, and early Christianity, I: Old Testament, early Judaism, New Testament; II: Patristic traditions, iconography; III: Near eastern and Graeco-Roman traditions, archaeology. (Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testament, 376.) Pp. xxxvi + 771; xiv + 772–1375; xii + 1376–2201 incl. 155 black-and-white and colour figs and 3 tables. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2017. €289. 978 3 16 153918 3;
Jacobs, Andrew S., Epiphanius of Cyprus. A cultural biography of late antiquity. (Christianity in Late Antiquity. The Official Book Series of the North American Patristics Society.) Pp. xiv + 335. Oakland, Ca: University of California Press, 2016. £79.95. 978 0 520 29112 6
Klostergaard Petersen, Anders and van Kooten, George, Religio-philosophical discourses in the Mediterranean world. From Plato, through Jesus, to late antiquity. (Ancient Philosophy & Religion, 1.) Pp. viii + 420. Leiden–Boston: Brill, 2017. €154. 978 90 04 34146 3;
Kraus, Matthew A., Jewish, Christian, and classical exegetical traditions in Jerome's translation of the Book of Exodus. Translation technique and the Vulgate. (Supplements to Vigiliae Christianae, 141.) Pp. xiv + 266 incl. 3 tables. Leiden–Boston: Brill, 2017. €114. 978 90004 34297 2; 0920 623X
Pachoumi, Eleni, The concepts of the divine in the Greek magical papyri. (Studies and Texts in Antiquity and Christianity, 102.) Pp. xvi + 259. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2017. €79 (paper). 978 3 16 154018 9
Papoutsakis, Manolis, Vicarious kingship. (Studies and Texts in Antiquity and Christianity, 100.) Pp. x + 229. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2017. €69 (paper). 978 3 16 153929 9
Rothchild, Clare K., New essays on the apostolic Fathers. (Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testament, 375.) Pp. xviii + 305 incl. 3 tables. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2017. €129. 978 3 16 5
Rusch, William G. (ed. and intro.) (foreword Williams, Rowan), Henry Chadwick. Selected writings. Pp. xxxii + 347. Grand Rapids, Mi: Eerdmans, £49.99. 978 0 8028 7277 7
Sidaway, Janet, The human factor. ‘Deification’ as transformation in the theology of Hilary of Poitiers. (Studia Patristica, Supplement 6.) Pp. vi + 155 incl. 1 table. Bristol, Ct–Leuven: Peeters, 2016. €65 (paper). 978 90 429 3369 9
Vinzent, Marcus, Tertullian's preface to Marcion's gospel. (Studia Patristica, Supplement 5.) Pp. vi + 398 incl 114 tables. Bristol, Ct–Leuven: Peeters, 2016. €86 (paper). 978 90 429 3320 0
Medieval Europe and Byzantium
Bradford, Phil and McHardy, Alison K. (eds), Proctors for parliament: clergy, community and politics, c. 1248–1539. (The National Archives, Series SC 10), I: c.1248–1377. (The Canterbury and York Society, CVII.) Pp. lxii + 256 incl. 8 ills. Woodbridge–Rochester, NY: Boydell Press, (for the Canterbury and York Society), 2017. £75. 978 0 907239 80
Bucklow, Spike, Richard Marks and Lucy Wrapson, The art and science of the church screen in medieval Europe. Making, meaning, preserving. (Studies in Medieval Art and Architecture.) Pp. xviii + 310 incl. 77 figs, 62 colour plates, 3 tables and 1 graph. Woodbridge–Rochester, NY: Boydell Press, 2017. £75. 978 1 78327 123 8
Bugyis, Katie Ann-Marie, Kraebel, A. B. and Fassler, Margot E., Medieval cantors and their craft. Music, liturgy and the shaping of history, 800–1500. (Writing History in the Middle Ages, 3.) Pp. xviii + 373 incl. frontispiece, 17 figs, 15 tables and 4 music examples. Woodbridge–Rochester, NY: Boydell Press (for York Medieval Press), 2017. £60. 978 1 903153 67 3
Chunko-Dominguez, Betsy, English gothic misericord carvings. History from the bottom up. (Art and Material Culture in Medieval and Renaissance Europe, 9.) Pp. xii + 187 incl. frontispiece, 85 colour and black-and-white ills and 1 table. Leiden–Boston: Brill, 2017. €112. 978 90 04 34118 0;
Dunning, Andrew N. J., Samuel Presbiter. Notes from the School of William de Montibus. Collecta ex diuresis auditis in scola magistri Willelmi de Monte. Edited from Oxford Bodleian Library MS Bodley 860. (Toronto Medieval Latin Texts, 33.) Pp. ix + 122. Toronto: Pontifical Institute of Medieval Studies, 2016 (for Centre for Medieval Studies). £17.95 (paper). 978 0 88844 483 7
Durrer, Antonia, Die Kreuzfahrerherrschaften des 12. und 13. Jahrhunderts zwischen Integration und Segregation. Zeitgenössische und moderne Stimmen im Vergleich. (Mittelalter-Forschungen, 51.) Pp. x + 407 incl. 4 tables. Ostfeldern: Jan Thorbecke Verlag, 2016. €45. 978 3 7995 4371 2
Jones, Andrew Willard, Before Church and State. A study of social order in the sacramental kingdom of St Louis IX. Pp. xviii + 492. Steubenville, Oh: Emmaus Academic, 2017. $39.95. 978 1 945125 14 0
Kissane, Noel, Saint Brigid of Kildare. Life, legend and cult. Pp. 357 incl. 38 ills and 2 maps. Dublin: Four Courts Press, 2017. £22.50. 978 1 84682 632 0
Loud, Graham and Staub, Martial, The making of medieval history. Pp. xvi + 240 incl. 30 ills. Woodbridge: Boydell & Brewer (for York Medieval Press), 2017. £25 (paper). 978 1 903153 70 3
McSheffrey, Shannon, Seeking sanctuary. Crime, mercy, and politics in English courts, 1400–1550. Pp. xii + 219 incl. 10 figs and 1 table. New York–Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2017. £60. 978 0 19 879814 9
Matus, Zachary A., Franciscans and the elixir of life. Religion and science in the later Middle Ages. (The Middle Ages Series.) Pp. viii + 203. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2017. £52. 978 0 8122 4921 7
Ó Corráin, Donnchadh, The Irish Church, its reform and the English invasion. (Trinity Medieval Ireland Series, 2.) Pp. viii + 148. Dublin: Four Courts Press, 2017. £30. 978 1 84682 667 2
Powell, Susan, Saints and cults in medieval England. Proceedings of the 2015 Harlaxton symposium. (Harlaxton Medieval Studies, 27.) Pp. xviii + 493 incl. 3 figs, 2 tables, 1 map and 97 colour plates. Donington: Shaun Tyas, 2017. £49.50. 978 1 907730 59 7
Presciutti, Diana Bullen, Space, place, and motion. Locating confraternities in the late medieval and early modern city. (Art and Material Culture in Medieval and Renaissance Europe, 8.) Pp. xx + 450 incl. 117 colour and black-and-white figs. Leiden–Boston: Brill, 2017. €180. 978 90 04 29297 0;
Rabin, Andrew and Liam Felsen, The Disputatio Puerorum. A ninth-century monastic instructional text. Edited from Vienna, Österreichische Nationalbibliothek, 458. (Toronto Medieval Latin Texts, 34.) Pp. viii + 102 incl. 1 ill. Toronto: Pontifical Institute of Medieval Studies, 2017 (for Centre for Medieval Studies). £17.95 (paper). 978 0 88844 484 4
Räsänen, Marika, Thomas Aquinas's relics as focus for conflict and cult in the late Middle Ages. The restless corpse. (Crossing Boundaries. Turku Medieval and Early Modern Studies.) Pp. 308 incl. 13 ills. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, 2017. £80. 978 90 8964 873 0
Rehberg, Andreas (ed.), Ablasskampagnen des Spätmittelalters. Luthers Thesen von 1517 im Kontext. (Bibliothek des Deutschen Historischen Instituts in Rom, 132.) Pp. xviii + 712 incl. 21 ills, 9 tables and 4 maps. Boston–Berlin: De Gruyter, 2017. €129.95. 978 3 11 050162 9;
Robson, Michael J. P., The English province of the Franciscans (1224–c.1350). (The Medieval Franciscans, 14.) Pp. xxx + 496 incl. 5 colour and black-and-white figs. Leiden–Boston: Brill, 2017. €137. 978 90 04 33161 7;
Salonen, Kirsi, Papal justice in the late Middle Ages. The sacra romana rota. (Church, Faith and Culture in the Medieval West.) Pp. xvi + 199 incl. 14 tables and 2 graphs. London–New York: Routledge, 2016. £110. 978 1 4724 8226 6
Salzer, Kathryn E., Vaucelles Abbey. Social, political and ecclesiastical relationships in the Borderland region of the Cambrésis, 1131–1300. (Medieval Monastic Studies, 2.) Pp. xxviii + 367 incl. 5 figs, 3 maps and 7 tables. Turnhout: Brepols, 2017. €100. 978 2 503 55524 9
Staunton, Michael, The historians of Angevin England. Pp. xii + 402. New York–Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2017. £75. 978 0 19 876996 5
Thomson, Rodney M., Emily Dolmans and Emily A. Winkler (eds), Discovering William of Malmesbury. Pp. xii + 232 incl. 2 tables. Woodbridge–Rochester, NY: Boydell Press, 2017. £70. 978 1 78327 136 8
Van der Meer, Matthieu H. (ed.), Glosae in regula Sancti Benedicti abbatis ad usum Smaragdi Sancti Michaelis abbatis. (Corpvs Christianorvm Continuatio Mediaevalis, 282.) Pp. cxxii + 369 incl. 6 colour and black-and-white ills and 22 tables. Turnhout: Brepols, 2017. €275. 978 2 503 57276 5
Reformation and Counter-Reformation Europe
Bacciagaluppi, Claudio, Artistic disobedience. Music and confession in Switzerland, 1648–1762. (St Andrews Studies in Reformation History.) Pp. xvi + 263 incl. 15 colour figs, 12 tables and 7 music examples. Leiden–Boston: Brill, 2017. €120. 978 90 04 33074 0;
Beyer, Jürgen, Lay prophets in Lutheran Europe (c.1550–1700). (Church History and Religious Culture, 74.) Pp. xiv + 474. Leiden–Boston: Brill, 2017. €144. 978 90 04 15628 9;
Branch, Laura, Faith and fraternity. London Livery Companies and the Reformation, 1510–1603. (St Andrews Studies in Reformation History.) Pp. xii + 275 incl. 2 tables. Leiden–Boston: Brill, 2017. €110. 978 90 04 33069 6;
Bruening, Michael W. (ed.), A Reformation sourcebook. Documents from an age of debate. Pp. xxiv + 273. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2017. €59.95 (paper). 978 1 4426 3568 5
Campbell, Alexander D., The life and works of Robert Baillie (1602–1662). Politics, religion and record-keeping in the British Civil Wars. (St Andrews Studies in Scottish History.) Pp. x + 260. Woodbridge–Rochester, NY: Boydell Press, 2017. £75. 978 1 78327 184 9
Caravele, Giorgia (trans. Weinstein, Donald), Beyond the inquisition. Ambriogio Catarino Politi and the origins of the Counter-Reformation. (First publ. as Sulle trace dell'eresia: Ambrogio Catarino Politi [1484–1553], Florence: Leo S Olschki, 2007.) Pp. xvi + 420. Notre Dame, In: University of Notre Dame Press, 2017. $60. 978 0 268 10008 7
Chibi, Andrew Allan, The wheat and the tares. Doctrines of the Church in the Reformation, 1500–1590. Pp. xvi + 486. Cambridge: James Clarke & Co., 2017. 978 0 227 17638 2
Comerford, Kathleen M., Jenkins, Gary W. and Kirby, W. J. Torrance (eds), From Rome to Zurich, between Ignatius and Vermigli. Essays in honor of John Patrick Donnelly, SJ. (Studies in the History of Christian Tradition, 184.) Pp. x + 229. Leiden–Boston: Brill, 2017. €109. 978 90 04 33176 1;
Ducheyne, Steffen (ed.), Reassessing the radical enlightenment. Pp. xii + 318 incl. 8 figs. New York–London: Routledge, 2017. £95. 97 1 472 45168 2
Ellis, David L., Politics and piety. The Protestant awakening in Prussia, 1816–1856. (Studies in the History of Christian Traditions, 186.) Pp. xii + 337. Leiden–Boston: Brill, 2017. €189. 978 90 04 30808 4;
Empey, Mark, Ford, Alan and Moffitt, Miriam (eds), The Church of Ireland and its past. History, interpretation and identity. Pp. xii + 322 incl. 4 tables. Dublin: Four Courts Press, 2017. £50. 978 1 84682 637 5
Esswein, Benjamin, Truber, Ungnad and Vergerio. Territorial Churches in the Habsburg/Ottoman borderlands. (Studies in Modern European History, 72.) Pp. xii + 262 incl. 3 figs and 1 colour map. Frankfurt–New York: Peter Lang, 2016. £64. 978 1 4331 3400 5
Forrestal, Alison, Vincent de Paul, the Lazarist Mission, and French Catholic reform. Pp. x + 312 incl. 1 map. Oxford–New York: Oxford University Press, 2017. £70. 978 0 19 878576 7
Fragnito, Gigliola and Tallon, Alain (eds), Hétérodoxies croisées. Catholicismes pluriels entre France et Italie, XVIe–XVIIe siècles. (Collection de L’École Française de Rome, 508.) Pp. 518. Rome: École Française de Rome, 2017. €27 (paper). 978 2 7283 1143 9
García-Arenal, Mercedes, After conversion. Iberia and the emergence of modernity. (Catholic Christendom, 1300–1700.) Pp. xii + 463 incl. 13 colour figs. Leiden–Boston: Brill, 2016. €181. 978 90 04 32432 9;
Grendler, Paul F., The Jesuits and Italian universities, 1548–1773. Pp. xviii + 505 incl. 5 figs, 6 tables and 2 maps. Washington, DC: The Catholic University of America Press, 2017. $34.95. 978 0 8132 2936
Hamilton, Tom, Pierre de L'Estoile and his world in the wars of religion. (Past and Present Book Series.) Pp. xviii + 237 incl. 28 ills. Oxford–New York: Oxford University Press, 2017. £65. 98 0 19 880009 5
Heal, Bridget and Kremers, Anorthe (eds), Radicalism and dissent in the world of Protestant reform. Pp. 275 incl. 18 colour figs. Göttingen–Bristol, Ct: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2017. €40. 978 3 525 55258 2
Josephson-Storm, Jason Ā., The myth of disenchantment. Magic, modernity, and the birth of the human sciences. Pp. xvi + 411 incl. 5 figs. Chicago–London: University of Chicago Press, 2017. £24. 978 0 226 40336 6
Killeen, Kevin, The political Bible in early modern England. (Studies in Early Modern British History.) Pp. xii + 310. Cambridge–New York: Cambridge University Press, 2017. £75. 978 1 107 10797 7
Leaver, Robin A., The whole church sings. Congregational singing in Luther's Wittenberg. (The Calvin Institute of Christian Worship Liturgical Studies Series.) Pp. xiv + 206 incl. 11 ills and 10 tables. Grand Rapids, Mi: Eerdmans, 2017. £17.99 (paper). 978 0 8028 7375 0
Leppin, Volker, Die fremde Reformation. Luthers mystische Wurzeln. Pp. 285 incl. 11 ills. München: C. H. Beck, 2016. €21.95. 978 3 406 69081 5
Littlejohn, W. Bradford, The peril and promise of Christian liberty. Richard Hooker, the Puritans and Protestant political theology. (Emory Studies in Law and Religion.) Pp. xv + 298. Grand Rapid, Mi: Eerdmans, 2017. £29.99. 978 0 8028 7256 2
McCoog sj, Thomas M., The Society of Jesus in Ireland, Scotland, and England, 1598–1606. ‘Lest our lamp be entirely extinguished’. (Catholic Christendom, 1300–1700; Biblioteca Instituti Historici Societatis Iesu, 78.) Pp. xiv + 612. Leiden–Boston: Brill/Rome: Institutum Historicum Societatis Iesu, 2017. €139. 978 90 04 33044 3;
McQuade, Paula, Catechisms and women's writing in seventeenth-century England. Pp. xii + 208. New York–Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2017. £75. 978 1 107 19825 8
Marshall, Peter, Heretics and believers. A history of the English Reformation. Pp. xx + 652 incl. 22 black-and-white plates. New Haven–London: Yale University Press, 2017. £30. 978 0 300 17052 7
Nicholas, Lucy R., Roger Ascham's ‘A defence of the Lord's supper’. Latin text and English translation. (St Andrews Studies in Reformation History.) Pp. x + 226. Leiden–Boston: Brill, 2017. €80. 978 04 33003 0;
Nicholls, Angela, Almshouses in early modern England. Charitable housing in the mixed economy of welfare, 1550–1725. (People, Markets, Goods: Economies and Societies in History, 8.) Pp. xii + 279 incl. 19 ills and 15 tables. Woodbridge–Rochester, NY: Boydell Press, 2017. £19.99 (paper). 978 1 78327 178 8
O'Banion, Patrick J. (ed.), This happened in my presence. Moriscos, old Christians, and the Spanish inquisition in the town of Deza, 1569–1611. Pp. lxxxii + 184 incl. 5 figs and 3 maps. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2017. $26.95 (paper). 978 1 4426 3513 5
O'Connor, Michael, Cajetan's biblical commentaries. Motive and method. (St Andrews Studies in Reformation History.) Pp. xvi + 302. Leiden–Boston: Brill, 2017. €145. 978 90 04 32506 7;
Parker, Charles H. and Starr-Lebeau, Gretchen, Judging faith, punishing sin. Inquisitions and consistories in the early modern world. Pp. xx + 388 incl. 4 maps and 2 tables. Cambridge–New York: Cambridge University Press, 2017. £90. 978 1 107 14024 0
Ryrie, Alec, Protestants. The radicals who made the modern world. Pp. xiv + 514 incl. 32 colour and black-and-white ills and 1 map. London: William Collins, 2017. £25. 978 0 00 746503 3
Saak, Eric Leland, Luther and the reformation of the later Middle Ages. Pp. xii + 399. New York–Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2017. £90. 978 1 107 18722 1
Scarlatta, Gabriella and Radi, Lidia (eds), Representing heresy in early modern France. (Essays and Studies, 40.) Pp. 297 incl. 29 colour ills. Toronto: Centre for Reformation and Renaissance Studies, 2017. $34.95 (paper). 978 0 7727 2187 7
Selderhuis, Herman J. and Marius, J. van Ravenswaay, J. Lange (eds), Luther and Calvinism. Image and reception of Martin Luther in the history and theology of Calvinism. (Refo500 Academic Studies, 42.) Pp. 547 incl. 32 figs and 1 table. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2017. €130. 978 3 525 55262 9;
Urquízar-Herrera, Antonio, Admiration and awe. Morisco buildings and identity negotiations in early modern Spanish historiography. Pp. xvi + 272 incl. 15 ills. Oxford–New York: Oxford University Press, 2017. £70. 978 0 19 879745 6
Von Friedeburg, Robert, Luther's legacy. The Thirty Years War and the modern notion of ‘state’ in the empire, 1530s to 1790s. Pp. vi + 441. Cambridge–New York: Cambridge University Press, 2015. £84.99. 978 1 107 11187 5
Wabuda, Susan, Thomas Cranmer. (Historical Biographies.) Pp. xxvi + 261. New York–Abingdon: Routledge, 2017. £90. 978 0 415 50077 7
Weinreich, Spencer J. (ed. and trans.), Pedro de Ribadeneyra's ‘Ecclesiastical history of the schism of the kingdom of England’. A Spanish Jesuit's history of the English Reformation. (Jesuit Studies, 8.) Pp. xxvi + 839 incl. 21 figs. Leiden–Boston: Brill, 2017. €220. 978 90 04 32395 7;
Wilkinson, Peter M., Chichester archdeaconry depositions, 1603–1608. (Sussex Record Society, 97.) Pp. xlviii + 310 incl. frontispiece, 3 ills and 3 tables. Lewes: Sussex Record Society, 2017. £25. 978 0 85445 079 4
Modern Europe
Arnold, Claus and Vian, Giovanni (eds), The reception and application of the encyclical Pascendi. The reports of the diocesan bishops and the superiors of the religious orders until 1914. (Studi di storia, 3.) Pp. 324 incl. 1 map. Venezia: Edizioni Ca’ Foscari, 2017. 978 88 6969 130 0
Berglund, Bruce R., Castle and cathedral in modern Prague. Longing for the sacred in a skeptical age. Pp. xvi + 372 incl. 46 figs. Budapest–New York: Central European University Press, 2017. £40. 978 963 386 157 8
Bray, Gérald, Procès-verbal de l'assemblée générale extraordinaire du clergé de France. Tenue à Paris, au Couvent des Grands Augustins, en l'année 1788. (Bibliothèque des Lumières, XC.) Pp. lxxvii + 519. Genève: Librairie Droz, 2017. €39.97 (paper). 978 2 600 04759 3
Brown, Stewart J., Nockles, Peter B. and Pereiro, James, The Oxford handbook of the Oxford Movement. Pp. xx + 646. New York–Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2017. £95. 978 0 19 958018 7
Camroux, Martin (foreword Cornick, David), Ecumenism in retreat. How the United Reformed Church failed to break the mould. Pp. xii + 238 incl. 11 tables and 1 graph. Eugene, Or: Wipf & Stock, 2016. $30 (paper). 978 1 4982 3400 9
Fejérdy, András, Pressed by a double loyalty. Hungarian attendance at the Second Vatican Council, 1959–1965. Pp. xx + 426. Budapest–New York: Central European University Press, 2016. £40. 978 963 386 142 4
Fontaine, Darcie, Decolonizing Christianity. Religion and the end of empire in France and Algeria. Pp. xvi + 251 incl. 5 ills. Cambridge–New York: Cambridge University Press, 2016. £64.99. 978 1 107 11817 1
Gibson, William and Begiato, Joanne, Sex and the Church in the long eighteenth century. Religion, enlightenment and the sexual revolution. Pp. xii + 384 incl. 15 figs. London–New York: I. B. Tauris, 2017. £69. 978 1 78453 377 9
Goossen, Benjamin W., Chosen nation. Mennonites and Germany in a global era. Pp. xvi + 266 incl. 16 ills, 6 maps and 1 table. Princeton–Oxford: Princeton University Press, 2017. £41.95. 978 0 691 17428 0
Hauser, Alan J. and Watson, Duane F (eds), A history of biblical interpretation, III: The Enlightenment through the nineteenth century. Pp. xii + 428. Grand Rapids, Mi: Wm B. Eerdmans, 2017. £49.99. 978 0 8028 4275 6
Howard, Thomas Albert, The pope and the professor. Pius IX, Ignaz von Döllinger, and the quandary of the modern age. Pp. xx + 339 incl. 11 figs and 1 map. Oxford–New York: Oxford University Press, 2017. £35. 978 0 19 872919 8
Hylson-Smith, Kenneth, The English Protestant Churches since 1770. Politics, class and society. Pp. x + 439. Frankfurt–New York: Peter Lang, 2017. £50. 978 1 78707 178 0
Krawchuk, Andrii and Thomas Bremer, Churches in the Ukrainian crisis. Pp. xviii + 225 incl. 4 figs. London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2016. £70. 978 3 319 34143 9
Mackley, Alan, The restoration of Blythburgh church, 1881–1906. The dispute between the Society for the Protection of Ancient Buildings and the Blythburgh Church Restoration Committee. (Suffolk Records Society, LX.) Pp. lx + 315 incl. frontispiece, 22 colour and black-and-white plates and 1 map. Woodbridge–Rochester, NY: Boydell Press (for the Suffolk Records Society), 2017. £25. 978 1 78327 167 2
O'Brien, Susan, Leaving God for God. The daughters of charity of St Vincent de Paul in Britain, 1847–2017. Pp. xii + 448 incl. 173 colour ills, 34 tables and 8 maps. London: Darton, Longman and Todd, 2017. £25. 978 0 232 53288 3
Rasmussen, Joel D. S., Wolfe, Judith and Zachhuber, Johannes, The Oxford handbook of nineteenth-century Christian thought. Pp. xviii + 718. Oxford–New York: Oxford University Press, 2017. £110. 978 0 19 871840 6
Shaw, Jane and Lockley, Philip, The history of a modern millennial movement. The Southcottians. Pp. xvi + 235 incl. 27 black-and-white and colour plates. London–New York: I. B. Tauris, 2017. £62. 978 1 78453 846 0
Slinn, Sara, The education of the Anglican clergy, 1780–1839. (Studies in Modern British Religious History.) Pp. x + 276 incl. 2 figs and 11 tables. Woodbridge–Rochester, NY: Boydell Press, 2017. £70. 978 1 78327 175 7
Smitten, Jeffrey R., The life of William Robertson. Minister, historian and principal. Pp. x + 268. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2017. £70. 978 0 7486 4610 4
Udy, Giles, Labour and the Gulag. Russia and the seduction of the British Left. Pp. xxvii + 660 incl. 12 ills and 1 map. London: Biteback Publishing, 2017. £30. 978 1 78590 204 8
Urdank, Albion M., Birth, death and religious faith in an English dissenting community. A microhistory of Nailsworth and hinterland, 1695–1837. Pp. xvi + 133 incl. frontispiece and 30 figs. Lanham, Md–London: Lexington Books, 2016. £49.95. 978 1 498 52352 3
Vickers, Mark, Reunion revisited. 1930s ecumenism exposed. Pp. xx + 282 incl. 11 ills. Leominster: Gracewing, 2017. £14.99 (paper). 978 085244 916 5
Zeiss-Horbach, Auguste, Evangelische Kirche und Frauenordination. Der Beitrag der Evangelisch-Lutherischen Kirche in Bayern zur deutschlandweiten Diskussion im 20. Jahrhundert. (Historisch-theologische Genderforschung, 8.) Pp. 455 + CD ROM. Leipzig: Evangelische Verlagsanstalt, 2017. €88 (paper). 978 3 374 04879 3
Africa, Asia and Australasia
Barnes, Andrew E., Global Christianity and the black Atlantic. Tuskegee, colonialism, and the shaping of African industrial education. (Studies in World Christianity.) Pp. xiv + 205 incl. 1 ills. Waco, Tx: Baylor University Press, 2017. £47.99. 978 1 4813 0392 7
Clark, Anthony E., China's Christianity. From missionary to indigenous Church. (Studies in Christian Mission, 50.) Pp. xvi + 300 incl. 25 colour and black-and-white figs and 7 tables. Leiden–Boston: Brill, 2017. €127. 978 90 04 34002 2;
Di Salvo, Mario (collaboration with Carolyn Gossage and foreword Michael Gervers.) The basilicas of Ethiopia. An architectural history. Pp. xiv + 145 incl. 1 frontispiece, 186 black-and-white and colour figs and 6 colour maps. London–New York: I. B. Tauris, 2017. £25. 978 1 78453 725 8
Kam Wah Mak, George, Protestant Bible translation and Mandarin as the national language of China. (Sinica Leidensia, 131.) Pp. xiv + 413 incl. 20 figs. and 9 tables. Leiden–Boston: Brill, 2017. €125. 978 90 04 31627 0;
Kilcourse, Carl S., Taiping theology. The localization of Christianity in China, 1843–64. (Christianities of the World.) Pp. xviii + 281 incl. 10 ills. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2016. €93.59. 978 1 137 54314 1
Lin, Jennifer, Shanghai faithful. Betrayal and forgiveness in a Chinese Christian family. Pp. xiv + 317 incl. 37 ills and 4 maps. New York–London: Rowman & Littlefield, 2017. £24.95. 978 1 4422 5693 4
Mungello, D. E., The Catholic invasion of China. (Critical Issues in World and International History.) Pp. xviii + 175 incl. 10 figs and 4 maps. Lanham, Md-London: Rowman & Littlefield, 2015. £24. 978 1 4422 5048 2
Snedegar, Keith, Mission, science and race in South Africa. A. W. Roberts of Lovedale, 1883–1938. Pp. xii + 189 incl. 10 ills. Lanham, Md–London: Lexington Books, 2015. £52.95. 978 0 7391 9624 3
The Americas
Cox, R. David (foreword Noll, Mark A.), The religious life of Robert E. Lee. (Library of Religious Biography). Pp. xxii + 336 incl. 14 ills. Grand Rapids, Mi: Eerdmans, 2017. £21.99 (paper). 978 0 8028 7482 5
Goff, Philip, Farnsley, Arthur E. ii and Thuesen, Peter J. (eds), The Bible in American life. Pp. xii + 432 incl. 38 figs and 19 tables. New York–Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2017. £22.99 (paper). 978 0 19 046892 Y
Lombardo, Michael F., Founding father. John J. Wynne, S.J. and the inculturation of American Catholicism in the progressive era. (Jesuit Studies, 9.) Pp. xvi + 359 incl. 5 colour and black-and-white ills. Leiden–Boston: Brill, 2107. €136. 978 90 04 30114 6;
Taylor, William Harrison, Unity in Christ and country. American Presbyterians in the revolutionary era, 1758–1801. (Religion and American Culture.) Pp. xii + 186. Tuscaloosa, Al: University of Alabama Press, 2017. $49.95. 978 0 8173 1945 8
Willsky-Ciollo, Lydia, American Unitarianism and the Protestant dilemma. The conundrum of biblical authority. Pp. xxiv + 281. Lanham, Md–London: Lexington Books, 2015. £70. 978 0 7391 8892 7
General: Modern world
Burson, Jeffrey D. and Wright, Jonathan, The Jesuit suppression in global context. Causes, events, and consequences. Pp. xii + 297 incl. 1 map and 3 tables. Cambridge–New York: Cambridge University Press, 2015. £64.99. 978 1 107 03058 9
D'Ambrosio, Rocco (trans. Hudock, Barry), Will Pope Francis pull it off? The challenge of church reform. Pp. x + 90. Collegeville, Mn: Liturgical Press, 2017. $14.95 (paper). 978 0 8146 4501 7
Enns, James C., Saving Germany. North American Protestants and Christian mission to West Germany, 1945–1974. (Studies in the History of Religion, Series Two, 77.) Pp. xviii + 308. Montreal & Kingston–London: McGill-Queen's University Press, 2017. £29.99 (paper). 978 0 7735 4913 5
Faggioli, Massimo, Catholicism and citizenship. Political cultures of the Church in the twenty-first century. Pp. xxii + 165. Collegeville, Mn: Liturgical Press, 2017. $19.95 (paper). 978 0 814 8423 8
Hempton, David and McLeod, Hugh, Secularization and religious innovation in the North Atlantic World. Pp. xiv + 407 incl. 8 figs. Oxford–New York: Oxford University Press, 2017. £75. 978 0 19 879807 1
Larsen, Timothy and Ledger-Lomas, Michael (eds), The Oxford history of Protestant dissenting traditions, III: The nineteenth century. (History of Protestant Dissenting Traditions.) Pp. xx + 546. Oxford–New York: Oxford University Press, 2017. £95. 978 0 19 968371 0
Van Osselaer, Tine, de Smaele, Henk and Wils, Kaat (eds), Sign or symptom? Exceptional corporeal phenomena in religion and medicine in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. Pp. 205 incl. 23 ills and 1 table. Leuven: Leuven University Press, 2017. €45 (paper). 978 94 6270 107 6
Weigelt, Horst, Migration and faith. The migrations of the Schwenkfelders from Germany to America. Risks and opportunities. (Forschungen zur Kirchen- und Dogmengeschichte, 110.) Pp. 230 incl. 22 ills. Göttingen–Bristol, Ct: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2017. €45. 978 3 525 56435 6;