My heart cries for you, oh Lord,
My eyes are heavy with pain.
My soul seeks to find you.
Where are you, my king?
Do not let me be lost.
Stay close to me, oh most high.
My ears listen for your voice,
Your great voice that enters my soul,
Saying, “I'm closer to you every day, every night.”
Put your strong arms around me, Jehovah,
Don't let me go.
I'm afraid of the torment in my mind.
Renew my mind, dear Lord,
Give me peace and love in my spirit.
The gentle wind, let it calm my thoughts.
Let me stand with your might.
Raise me up, Lord, to stand on your highest mountain.
Give me faith to uphold you.
Give me strength for the battles ahead.
Oh Lord, I cry to you,
To live for you, to die for you.
Let me fly to your heavens and
See your magnificent light,
Shining on me brighter than the stars.
I found you, Lord: I am home.