Dementia Care with Black and Latino Families: A Social Work Problem-Solving Approach, by Delia J. Gonzalez Sanders and Richard H. Fortinsky. 2012. New York, NY: Springer Publishing, 314 pp., $55.00 (PB).
Assistive Technologies and Other Supports for People with Brain Impairment, by Marcia J. Scherer. 2012. New York, NY: Springer Publishing, 384 pp., $55.00 (PB).
The Encyclopedia of Neuropsychological Disorders, Chad A. Noggle, Raymond S. Dean, Arthur MacNeill Horton, Jr. (Eds.). 2012. New York, NY: Springer Publishing, 804 pp., $150.00 (HB).
MMPI-2: Assessing Personality and Psychopathology, Fifth Edition, by John R. Graham. 2012. New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 673 pp., $105.00 (HB).
The Oxford Handbook of Event-Related Potential Components, Steven J. Luck and Emily S. Kappenman (Eds.). 2012. New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 641 pp., $250.00 (HB).
Pediatric Forensic Neuropsychology, Elisabeth M.S. Sherman and Brain L. Brooks (Eds.). 2012. New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 368 pp., $79.00 (HB).
Social Neuroscience: People Thinking About Thinking People, John T. Ccacioppo, Penny S. Visser, and Cynthia L. Pickett (Eds.). 2012. Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press, 304 pp., $47.00 (PB).
Biological Learning and Control: How the Brain Builds Representations, Predicts Events, and Makes Decisions, by Reza Shadmehr and Sandro Musso-Ivaldi. 2012. Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press, 385 pp., $40.00 (HB).
Specialty Competencies in Clinical Neuropsychology, by Greg J. Lamberty and Nathaniel W. Nelson. 2012. New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 194 pp., $49.99 (PB).
Specialty Competencies in Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology, by Alfred J. Finch, Jr., John E. Lochman, W. Michael Nelson, III, and Michael C. Roberts. 2012. New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 258 pp., $49.99 (PB).
The Neural Architecture of Grammar, by Stephen E. Nadeau. 2012. Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press, 204 pp., $40.00 (HB).
Nurturing the Older Brain and Mind, by Pamela M. Greenwood and Raja Parasuraman. 2012. Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press, 329 pp., $40.00 (HB).
ADHD in Adults: Characterization, Diagnosis, and Treatment, Jan K. Buitelaar, Cornelis C. Kan, and Philip Asherson, (Eds.). 2012. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press, 314 pp., $85.00 (HB).
Joint Attention: New Developments in Psychology, Philosophy of Mind, and Social Neuroscience, Axel Seemann (Ed.). 2012. Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press, 493 pp., $45.00 (HB).
Trouble In Mind: Stories From a Neuropsychologist's Casebook, by Jenni Ogden. 2012. New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 413 pp., $42.00 (PB).
Plato's Camera: How the Physical Brain Captures a Landscape of Abstract Universals, by Paul M. Churchland. 2012. Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press, 289 pp., $35.00 (HB).