Ann Garry, “Editorial Introduction to the Found Cluster on Trans Feminist Philosophy,” Hypatia 34.1: 98‐100
The following error occurred: The article was published containing incomplete page numbers in citations on page 99, line 21; page 99, line 25; page 99, line 27 and page 100, line 4:
In page 99, line 21, the sentence should read as “A productive break requires witnesses/interpretive communities that offer many forms of caring labor “from attending to basic survival needs to generating, supporting, and co‐elaborating continued reasons for living” (Reference MalatinoMalatino 2019, 131).”
In page 99, line 25, the sentence should read as “Malatino seeks an “infrapolitical” (under the radar; see Scott 1990) ethics of care that goes beyond person‐to‐person care ethics and “into a terrain shaped by the recognition that caring, in the context of structural marginalization and systemic violence, must always be collective” (Reference MalatinoMalatino 2019, 131).”
In page 100, line 4, the sentence should read as “It is this shared, collectivized empathetic response—including responses to cultural productions—that can amplify and transform rage into “a source of communal resilience” (Reference StephanoStephano 2019, 151).”
Missing references are also listed below: