- Cmd
Command pulse
- Fcut-off
filter cut-off frequency
- Hfe
Transistor amplification factor
- In
Switch input current
- Itrip
Switch trip current
A spacecraft needs power to carry out its various functions. Satellites in low earth sun synchronous orbits (SSO) experience about 35minutes eclipse period out of the 98minutes average orbital period.(Reference Ismail, Bakry, Selim and Shehata1)
For spacecrafts, the primary source of energy comes from the solar cells. These latter provide power to recharge the onboard battery through a battery charge regulator BCR circuitry. In our design, each solar panel has its own battery charge regulator circuit (Fig. 1). Nowadays, new topologies exist. Each solar panel is split into two identical parts. Each half of a panel has its own BCR circuit. This way, a failure of a BCR circuit only affects half of a solar panel, as shown in Fig. 2.
A power conditioning module (PCM) regulates the battery voltage (14V) to provide regulated voltages (+10V, −10V, +5V and −5V) for the spacecraft subsystems and the payloads (primary and secondary).
A power distribution module (PDM) distributes the regulated power from the battery via the PCM and the unregulated raw power (bus) to the subsystems and the payload. It is in the PDM where a power switching system is included. The latter can be operated by commands from the ground via the satellite telecommand system.
When designing power switches for a space mission, one needs to consider the operational environment (i.e. radiation effects and temperature variations) in orbit because it is different from that on the ground. Besides reliability and efficiency of the power switching system, over current and under voltage protection for subsystems and the payload should be considered.
For satellites, power switches are remotely controlled. In this work, bipolar junction transistors (BJT) and field effect transistors (FET) will be investigated.(Reference Slowikowski and Blewett2–Reference Madhusudhana and Kishore10)
The objective of the power distribution module (PDM) is to distribute the different voltages to the subsystems and the payload. An important second task is the protection of the power system against faults and short-circuits in the subsystems and bus circuitry. In general, one can find that there are four different ways of power distribution:(Reference Ismail, Bakry, Selim and Shehata1,Reference Bekhti11–13)
Hard wired
Resettable fuses
Power switches
2.1 Hard wired
Hard wired means that a subsystem is directly connected to the power system, and this way there is no protection. For the subsystem this is the most reliable method. For the power system, however, this method of connection is potentially fatal. A short circuit on one of these lines will severely damage the power system, and therefore the satellite. On certain satellites, some designs have current limiting resistors, which will act as a fuse should the line stay shorted to ground.(Reference Ismail, Bakry, Selim and Shehata1,Reference Bekhti11–13)
2.2 Fused lines
For fused lines, the subsystem is connected to the power system via a fuse, thereby protecting the power system from short circuits down the line. The disadvantage of fuses is that when they break, they cannot be reset. The reason for using fuses is dictated by space requirements as they take little space compared with power switches. Subsystems that must be switched on all the time, are low power, and have enough redundancy to survive an “accidental” break if one fuse are powered by fused lines.(Reference Ismail, Bakry, Selim and Shehata1,Reference Bekhti11–13)
2.3 Resettable fuses
Resettable fuses have become an attractive circuit protection against overcurrent conditions due to their ability to cycle back to a conductive state after the current is removed, acting as circuit breakers. This allows the circuit to function again without having to replace it. Next-generation resettable fuses meet the standards and requirements for secure and reliable overcurrent protection within rated limits. Once system requirements are defined and circuit analysis has determined the operating parameters, selecting the right fuse for a specific design is rather simple.(Reference Grasselli, Schirone and de Luca5)
2.4 Power switches
Power switches are the most flexible way of distribution. The power switch has two main functions. First, it can switch the subsystem ON and OFF by means of a telecommand. This is useful when it is not necessary to have a subsystem powered up all the time. It can also be a necessity to switch off a subsystem when the power budget cannot support the power demand, e.g. the high-power transmitter. Second, the power switch is a protection. The switch is also an electronic fuse that automatically switches OFF when the current drawn by the subsystem becomes larger than a pre-set value. There are two basic types of switches:(13–Reference Mohan, Undeland and Robbins16)
Bipolar junction transistor (BJT, positive and negative) switches
Field effect transistor (FET) switches
2.5 The bipolar junction transistor switch
There are basically two types of bipolar switches in use: a positive switch and a negative switch. The positive switch can be subdivided into two categories:(13–Reference Mohan, Undeland and Robbins16)
Low power switch, up to 200mA trip current
Medium power switch, up to 1A trip current
High power switch, higher than 1A trip current
The negative switch has only a low power version because the −10V line can only support low power. (13–Reference Mohan, Undeland and Robbins16)
2.6 The positive bipolar transistor switch
The positive power switch, shown in Fig. 3, works as follows: In the OFF state, the command line is low. The base of Q2 is low, and there is no current out of the base of Q1. Therefore, Q1 is OFF and the output of the switch is low. Diodes D1 and D3 ensure that the switch stays OFF when the telecommand is low.
When the command line becomes high, a pulse is generated through the capacitor, which switches transistor Q2. Transistor Q1 is ON, and the collector goes to the same level as the emitter. When the output of the switch is ON, the resistor bridge divider (R5, R6) sets the base of Q2 at 3.5volts. This keeps Q2 ON and keeps Q1 ON, so the switch stays ON.
Switching OFF uses the same principle as switching ON. When the telecommand line goes low, a negative pulse from the capacitor forces the base of Q2 to go down to zero; thereby, the switch goes OFF. D2 ensures that the base does not go below zero (−0.6V).
The automatic switch OFF of the switch is obtained as follows: when the switch is operating nominally (normal output current) transistor Q1 is in saturation. When the current through Q1 increases, the transistor, at a certain point, will come out of saturation. When that happens, the voltage drop across the collector and emitter (Vce) of Q1 increases; this causes the output to go down and the voltage at the base of Q2 to go down. Because of that, Q2 will be less saturated, so the base current of Q1 decreases, which causes Q1 to be less saturated until the switch goes OFF.
Because a subsystem requires a higher current than normal (higher than the trip current of the switch) when switched ON (capacitor charging), the switch must be capable of large initial (in-rush) currents. This is done by the capacitor C1. As long as the capacitor’s pulse keeps the base of Q2 above the nominal 3.5V, the in-rush current can be higher than the trip current. By increasing the capacitor, the in-rush capability is increased. A 1F capacitor is judged enough for most subsystems. Some subsystems require larger capacitors; therefore, a 10F electrolytic capacitor can be used.(13–Reference Mohan, Undeland and Robbins16)
The rest of the components are estimated as follows: The transistors, Fig. 3, are chosen according to the current handling of the switch. The trip current of the switch and its components are highly dependent on the Hfe of the transistors. The calculation gives only an estimate, and the real values of the resistors must be selected for each switch. The resistor values of the divider chain R5 and R6 are chosen such that the base of transistor Q2 is at 3.5V. To keep the trip current of the switch as independent as possible from the Hfe of Q2, the current through R5 and R6 must be larger than the base current of Q2. If this current is about 5 times higher and the Hfe of both transistors is about 100, the current through R5 and R6 is given in Equation (1):(13–Reference Mohan, Undeland and Robbins16)
So, the resistance value of R6 is equal to, Equation (2):
And the resistance value of R5 is equal to, Equation (3):
The voltage drop over R5 is different for a 5V, 10V or 14V switch. The value of the resistor R4 sets the trip current of the switch and depends greatly on the Hfe of Q1. A lower Hfe requires a larger base current and thus a lower resistor value for R4.
An approximate value of R4 is given in Equation (4):
Table 1 summarises values for the resistors R6, R5 and R4 for different positive BJT switches. The resistors values are produced for different voltages, i.e. +5V and +10V and different trip currents. Note that positive BJT switches are designed in this case for a large interval of trip currents.(13–Reference Mohan, Undeland and Robbins16)
2.7 The negative bipolar transistor switch
The negative switch, Fig. 4, works according to the same principles as the positive one except for the current flowing in the other direction. Also, the buffer is of the inverting type so switching ON is a negative going pulse and switching OFF as a positive pulse. The telecommand remains the same.
The power switches have one problem – they are temperature sensitive. Because the Hfe of the transistors drops with lower temperatures, the trip current is set approximately two to two-and-a-half times the nominal expected current. This is to compensate for the temperature coefficient of the trip current, which is about 0.5%/°C. It also incorporates the decrease in Hfe of the transistor and an increase in power consumption by the subsystems.
Table 2 summarises values for the resistors R6, R5 and R4 for different negative BJT switches. The resistors values are produced for different voltages, i.e. −5V and −10V and different trip currents. Note that negative BJT switches are designed in this case for lower power.(13–Reference Mohan, Undeland and Robbins16)
2.8 The field effect transistor switch
Since bipolar transistor switches become inefficient at higher currents, a power switch based on a FET has been developed (see Fig. 5). The principle is the same as for the bipolar power switch. The P channel FET is ON when the gate is low (zero volts). The FET is OFF when the gate is at the same voltage as the source.
In the OFF state, the output is low, and the input is high. The positive input of the comparator is kept at approximately 3.5V by the voltage bridge divider chain R1, R2 and is therefore higher than the negative input. Thus, the output is high, and the FET is OFF.
When the command line goes high, a 5V pulse via the capacitor C2 makes the negative input higher than the positive, the comparator output goes low and the FET switch is ON. The switch settles in normal operation with the negative input just above the positive input.
Switching OFF works the same as the bipolar switch. The low going pulse from the capacitor forces the negative input to go below the positive input, causing the switch to turn OFF.
The trip current is obtained in the following way: The FET has a fairly constant internal resistance and so with increasing current drawn through the FET, the voltage drop across the FET increases linearly. When the voltage drop increases, the output voltage decreases so does the voltage at the negative input of the comparator. When the negative input falls below the positive, the switch turns OFF.
The trip current can be set by adjusting select-on-test resistor R14. By making the voltage drop across these resistors larger, the voltage on the negative input becomes higher than the voltage on the positive input and this will make the trip current larger.
A low pass filter from the positive input of the comparator to ground is incorporated to avoid quick variations on the input tripping out the switch, the cut-off frequency of the low pass filter is given in Equation (5):(13–Reference Mohan, Undeland and Robbins16)
With R1 = 68kΩ, R2 = 22kΩ, R12 = 100kΩ and C3 = 470 nF, and assuming that any resistance between the battery and the switch is of no significance, the cut-off frequency of the low pass filter is given:
By connecting the op amp to the 14V supply, the FET is switched OFF with 14V op amp output. The drain-gate voltage is then 0V. To switch ON the output of the op amp goes to 0V so the drain/gate voltage is −14V. The addition of R15 will increase the stability of the switch as the voltage difference between the comparator input increases but has the disadvantage of decreased efficiency. The resistor R15 is also used as a current monitor.
Table 3 summarises values for the resistors R10 and R14 for different FET power switches. The resistors values are produced for the voltage 14V and different trip currents. FET power switches in this case are designed to support current values up to 3500mA (trip current).(13–Reference Mohan, Undeland and Robbins16)
The work presented in this paper summarises a design of a power distribution module for small spacecrafts. Details were given on how we can calculate and implement power switches, both positive and negative, based on BJTs. FETs power switches were also investigated when higher currents demand are requested.
The proposed method of protection has been tested and after the power switches tripping the load current was still supplied but the protection voltage was limited.
Future work is also planned to improve the reliability and efficiency of the power system. FET technology has also advanced considerably in the past few years; therefore, the use of FETs can be more efficient resulting in a greater efficiency for the power system.
Moreover, application of resettable protection for satellites power systems will examined in our future works in the perspective of new EPS designs solutions.