Adalet, Begüm, Hotels and Highways: The Construction of Modernization Theory in Cold War Turkey, 1121
Ahram, Ariel I., Break All the Borders: Separatism and the Reshaping of the Middle East, 1251
Aklin, Michaël, Patrick Bayer, S. P. Harish, and Johannes Urpelainen, Escaping the Energy Poverty Trap: When and How Governments Power the Lives of the Poor, 1220
Alexander, Robert M., Representation and the Electoral College, 1192
Asare, Abena Ampofoa, Truth Without Reconciliation: A Human Rights History of Ghana, 1245
Bächtiger, André and John Parkinson, Mapping and Measuring Deliberation: Towards a New Deliberative Quality, 1170
Barak, Oren, State Expansion and Conflict: In and Between Israel/Palestine and Lebanon, 1238
Bashevkin, Sylvia, Women as Foreign Policy Leaders: National Security and Gender Politics in Superpower America, 1255
Bell, Duncan, Empire, Race and Global Justice, 1150
Bermeo, Sarah Blodgett, Targeted Development: Industrialized Country Strategy in a Globalizing World, 1247
Bishara, Dina, Contesting Authoritarianism: Labor Challenges to the State in Egypt, 1241
Bob, Clifford, Rights as Weapons: Instruments of Conflict, Tools of Power, 1269
Bolleyer, Nicole, The State and Civil Society: Regulating Interest Groups, Parties, and Public Benefit Organizations in Contemporary Democracies, 1144
Braun, Robert, Protectors of Pluralism: Religious Minorities and the Rescue of Jews in the Low Countries During the Holocaust, 1202
Buehler, Matt, Why Alliances Fail: Islamist and Leftist Coalitions in North Africa, 1234
Chambers, Clare, Against Marriage: An Egalitarian Defence of the Marriage-Free State, 1156
Cochrane, Alasdair, Sentientist Politics: A Theory of Global Inter-Species Justice, 1165
Corbett, Jack and Wouter Veenendaal, Democracy in Small States: Persisting Against All Odds, 1215
Dagger, Richard, Playing Fair: Political Obligation and the Problems of Punishment, 1166
Danielson, Michael S., Emigrants Get Political: Mexican Migrants Engage Their Home Towns, 1230
Desch, Michael C., Cult of the Irrelevant: The Waning Influence of Social Science on National Security, 1109
Dodd, Lynda G., The Rights Revolution Revisited: Institutional Perspectives on the Private Enforcement of Civil Rights in the US, 1185
Dow, Jay K., Electing the House: The Adoption and Performance of the U.S. Single-Member District Electoral System, 1184
Drezner, Daniel W., The Ideas Industry: How Pessimists, Partisans, and Plutocrats are Transforming the Marketplace of Ideas, 1109
Dryzek, John S. and Jonathan Pickering, The Politics of the Anthropocene, 1157
Dyck, Joshua J. and Edward L. Lascher, Jr, Initiatives without Engagement: A Realistic Appraisal of Direct Democracy’s Secondary Effects, 1183
Elazar, Yiftah and Geneviève Rousselière, Republicanism and the Future of Democracy, 1172
Erman, Eva and Niklas Möller, The Practical Turn in Political Theory, 1133
Félix, Adrián, Specters of Belonging: The Political Life Cycle of Mexican Migrants, 1230
Faber, Michael J., An Anti-Federalist Constitution: The Development of Dissent in the Ratification Debates, 1159
Fettweis, Christopher J., Psychology of a Superpower: Security and Dominance in U.S. Foreign Policy, 1139
Fraga, Bernard L., The Turnout Gap: Race, Ethnicity, and Political Inequality in a Diversifying America, 1181
Fridkin, Kim L. and Patrick J. Kenney, Taking Aim at Attack Advertising: Understanding the Impact of Negative Campaigning in U.S. Senate Races, 1199
Galeotti, Anna Elisabetta, Political Self-Deception, 1153
Gartzke, Erik and Jon R. Lindsay, eds., Cross-Domain Deterrence: Strategy in an Era of Complexity, 1254
Getachew, Adom, Worldmaking after Empire: The Rise and Fall of Self-Determination, 1115
Ghanem, As’ad and Mohanad Mustafa, Palestinians in Israel: The Politics of Faith after Oslo, 1219
Gilady, Lilach, The Price of Prestige: Conspicuous Consumption in International Relations, 1249
Goodhart, Michael, Injustice: Political Theory for the Real World, 1135
Grube, Dennis C., Megaphone Bureaucracy: Speaking Truth to Power in the Age of the New Normal, 1206
Hanchard, Michael G., The Spectre of Race: How Discrimination Haunts Western Democracy, 1118
Hanieh, Adam, Money, Markets, and Monarchies: The Gulf Cooperation Council and the Political Economy of the Contemporary Middle East, 1256
Hegghammer, Thomas, Jihadi Culture: The Art and Social Practices of Militant Islamists, 1208
Henig, Jeffrey R., Rebecca Jacobsen, and Sarah Reckhow, Outside Money in School Board Elections: The Nationalization of Education Politics, 1189
Hertzberg, Benjamin R., Chains of Persuasion: A Framework for Religion in Democracy, 1176
Hindman, Matthew Dean, Political Advocacy and Its Interested Citizens: Neoliberalism, Postpluralism, and LGBT Organizations, 1194
Ho, Selina, Thirsty Cities: Social Contracts and Public Goods Provision in China and India, 1216
Hollander, Ethan J., Hegemony and the Holocaust: State Power and Jewish Survival in Occupied Europe, 1202
Honig, Dan, Navigation by Judgment: Why and When Top-Down Management of Foreign Aid Doesn’t Work, 1247
Hussin, Iza R., The Politics of Islamic Law: Local Elites, Colonial Authority, and the Making of the Muslim State, 1212
Idler, Annette, Borderland Battles: Violence, Crime, and Governance at the Edges of Colombia’s War, 1237
Ish-Shalom, Piki, Beyond the Veil of Knowledge: Triangulating Security, Democracy, and Academic Scholarship, 1252
Ismail, Salwa, The Rule of Violence: Subjectivity, Memory and Government in Syria, 1204
Jackson, Van, On the Brink: Trump, Kim, and the Threat of Nuclear War, 1262
Jacobson, Gary C., Presidents and Parties in the Public Mind, 1179
Jones, Calvert W., Bedouins into Bourgeois: Remaking Citizens for Globalization, 1124
Kaufman, Alexander, Rawls’s Egalitarianism, 1160
Kennedy, John James and Yaojiang Shi, Lost and Found: The “Missing Girls” in Rural China, 1227
King, Aaron S., Unfolding Ambition in Senate Primary Elections: Strategic Politicians and the Dynamics of Candidacy Decisions, 1198
Koß, Michael, Parliaments in Time: The Evolution of Legislative Democracy in Western Europe, 1866–2015, 1240
Kramer, Sina, Excluded Within: The (Un)Intelligibility of Radical Political Actors, 1162
Kroenig, Matthew, The Logic of American Nuclear Strategy: Why Strategic Superiority Matters, 1266
Laborde, Cécile, Liberalism’s Religion, 1164
Lebovic, James H., Planning to Fail: The US Wars in Vietnam, Iraq, and Afghanistan, 1258
Lippert-Rasmussen, Kasper, Relational Egalitarianism: Living as Equals, 1160
Loxton, James and Scott Mainwaring, eds., Life after Dictatorship: Authoritarian Successor Parties Worldwide, 1226
Lynch, Gabrielle, Performances of Injustice: The Politics of Truth, Justice and Reconciliation in Kenya, 1245
Makse, Todd, Scott L. Minkoff, and Anand E. Sokhey, Politics on Display: Yard Signs and the Politicization of Social Spaces, 1178
McClendon, Gwyneth H., Envy in Politics, 1242
McLendon, Michael Locke, The Psychology of Inequality: Rousseau’s “Amour-Propre”, 1154
McNulty, Stephanie L., Democracy from Above? The Unfulfilled Promise of Nationally Mandated Participatory Reforms, 1146
Meernik, James David and Kimi Lynn King, Judging Justice: How Victim Witnesses Evaluate International Courts, 1259
Melzer, Arthur M. and Steven J. Kautz, Are Markets Moral?, 1174
Merriman, Ben, Conservative Innovators: How States Are Challenging Federal Power, 1188
Miler, Kristina C., Poor Representation: Congress and the Politics of Poverty in the United States, 1195
Milkis, Sidney M. and Daniel J. Tichenor, Rivalry and Reform: Presidents, Social Movements, and the Transformation of American Politics, 1187
Moe, Terry M., The Politics of Institutional Reform: Katrina, Education, and the Second Face of Power, 1197
Morse, Yonatan L., How Autocrats Compete: Parties, Patrons, and Unfair Elections in Africa, 1207
Niedzwiecki, Sara, Uneven Social Policies: The Politics of Subnational Variation in Latin America, 1222
Pangle, Thomas L., The Socratic Way of Life: Xenophon’s Memorabilia, 1169
Pahnke, Anthony, Brazil’s Long Revolution: Radical Achievements of the Landless Workers Movement, 1127
Palanza, Valeria, Checking Presidential Power: Executive Decrees and the Legislative Process in New Democracies, 1211
Provine, Doris Marie, Monica W. Varsanyi, Paul G. Lewis, and Scott H. Decker, Policing Immigrants: Local Law Enforcement on the Front Lines, 1191
Raymond, Mark, Social Practices of Rule-Making in World Politics, 1263
Reich, Rob, Just Giving: Why Philanthropy Is Failing Democracy and How It Can Do Better, 1175
Rhodes-Purdy, Matthew, Regime Support Beyond the Balance Sheet: Participation and Policy Performance in Latin America, 1232
Rosenfeld, Sophia, Democracy and Truth: A Short History, 1153
Rossi, Federico M., The Poor’s Struggle for Political Incorporation: The Piquetero Movement in Argentina, 1129
Ryan, Curtis R., Jordan and the Arab Uprisings: Regime Survival and Politics Beyond the State, 1229
Ryan, Josh M., The Congressional Endgame: Interchamber Bargaining and Compromise, 1201
Samuels, David J. and Cesar Zucco, Partisans, Antipartisans, and Nonpartisans: Voting Behavior in Brazil, 1213
Schulze, Jennie L., Strategic Frames: Europe, Russia, and Minority Inclusion in Estonia and Latvia, 1217
Schulzke, Marcus, Pursuing Moral Warfare: Ethics in American, British, and Israeli Counterinsurgency, 1261
Soper, J. Christopher and Joel S. Fetzer, Religion and Nationalism in Global Perspective, 1235
Stein, Rachel M., Vengeful Citizens, Violent States: A Theory of War and Revenge, 1267
Sylvester, Christine, Curating and Re-Curating the American Wars in Vietnam and Iraq, 1265
Tabaar, Mohammad Ayatollahi, Religious Statecraft: The Politics of Islam in Iran, 1244
Threadcraft, Shatema, Intimate Justice: The Black Female Body and the Body Politic, 1151
Toit, Fanie du, When Political Transitions Work: Reconciliation as Interdependence, 1245
Tripković, Milena, Punishment and Citizenship: A Theory of Criminal Disenfranchisement, 1168
Yarhi-Milo, Keren, Who Fights for Reputation: The Psychology of Leaders in International Conflict, 1141
Yildirim, A. Kadir, Muslim Democratic Parties in the Middle East: Economy and Politics of Islamist Moderation, 1223