The start of a new issue in a new year is always an opportunity to look back and to say thank you to the members of the editorial board and the editorial staff who made it possible that we were able to publish four interesting issues in Volume 24 last year. First of all, I want to thank the scientific community for submitting a large number of excellent original research papers to Laser and Particle Beams. In 2006, we were able to publish 71 articles plus editorial material and corrections. The average article in the journal is now 8–9 printed pages, and we have thus achieved the editorial goal to offer the community a place to publish their results without general space restrictions. Authors have accepted this opportunity to present their material with the necessary details. This seems to be very important to readers and authors as well, and we see that for a second consecutive year many articles in Laser and Particle Beams are referenced already during the first year, which is remarkable for a small journal with only four issues per year. The four most cited papers in 2006 reported on topics like Inertial Fusion Energy (Glowacz et al., 2006; Neff et al., 2006), Ultrashort Laser Pulses interacting with Matter (Kanapathipillai, 2006), and Plasma Instabilities (Bret et al., 2006). In 2007, we are looking forward to the biannual event of the Inertial Fusion Science and Application (IFSA 2007) which will be held in September in Japan, and the 3rd International Conference on the Frontiers of Plasma Physics which will take place in March 2007 in Bangkok, Thailand. Both conferences address research topics that are covered in Laser and Particle Beams. With regard to the journals impact factor, which is published by the Thomson ISI® Journal Citation Reports, we expect a further increase from the current value of 2.59 to an impact factor in the range of 3–4. For the first time, the total number of references in one year to publications in Laser and Particle Beams was above 1000 and more than 500 of these references referred to publications in 2004 and 2005. The topics that have drawn most attention were: Fast Ignition (Mulser & Bauer, 2004; Mulser & Schneider, 2004; Deutsch, 2004; Badziak et al., 2005), Laser Plasma Interaction and Particle Beam Generation by Ultrashort Laser Pulses (Roth et al., 2005, Malka & Fritzler, 2004; Shorokhov & Pukhov, 2004; Limpouch et al., 2004; Neumayer et al., 2005), Inertial Fusion Energy (Hora, 2004), and High Energy Density Physics and Equation-of-state (Hoffmann et al., 2005; Tahir et al., 2004). Since the development in our science area is very fast, authors ask for a speedy publication of their results. The editorial team will try very hard on this issue in 2007 also, however, at the current publication frequency the best we can do is a publication of 4 to 6 month after submission, if the review process is smooth.