9.1A variety of different rhythms and pulses presented on a timeline
13.3“Kaleworda” temporal effect of melodic rhythmic patterns
13.4“Miwua 'Gbo Mayi” asymmetry in duration of melodic phrases
13.6“Miwua 'Gbo Mayi” three-then-two pattern in melodic rhythm
13.8“Dzogbe Nye Nutsu Tor” toggling onbeat and upbeat six-feel beats
13.10“Dzogbe Milador” A section, melodic rhythm accentuation of onbeat six
13.11“Dzogbe Milador” B section, melodic rhythm accentuation of onbeat-six in B
13.12“Dzogbe Milador” C section, melodic accentuation “in four”
14.2The five jati “classes,” the suladi sapta tala system, and some common non-suladi structures
18.1Comparison of the maximum events per second attainable through various human physiological and machine means