Crossref Citations
This article has been cited by the following publications. This list is generated based on data provided by Crossref.
de S Thiago Filho, Alexandre Magno
Amaral, Israel Filipe S.
de S Thiago Neto, Nilton Costa Pereira
Torres, Mário César Delunardo
Rezende, Adriano
Cruz Júnior, Gilmar P.
Júnior, Renato Silva Pereira
Cid, André Luiz Maciel
Domingues, Jacó Dias
de Barros, Luiz Guilherme Dias
Azpúrua, Héctor
Pessin, Gustavo
Freitas, Gustavo Medeiros
Robotic Pipe Inspection: Low-Cost Device and Navigation System.
Journal of Control, Automation and Electrical Systems,
Vol. 36,
Issue. 1,