Aitken, James K. and Paget, James Carleton (eds), The Jewish-Greek tradition in antiquity and the Byzantine Empire. Pp. xxii + 359 incl. frontispiece and 20 figs. Cambridge–New York: Cambridge University Press, 2014. £65. 978 1 107 00163 3
Arnold, David, In the context of eternity. A short history of the Christian Church. Pp. xiv + 303. Guildford: Grosvenor House, 2015. £10 (paper). 978 1 78148 448 7
Boersma, Hans and Levering, Matthew (eds), The Oxford handbook of sacramental theology. Pp. xx + 716. Oxford–New York: Oxford University Press, 2015. £95. 978 0 19 965906 7
Boucheron, Patrick and Gioanni, Stéphane (eds), La memoria di Ambrogio di Milano. Usi politici di una autorità patristica in Italia (secc. V–XVIII). (Histoire ancienne et medieval, 133. Série du Lamop, 2.) Pp. 631 incl. 108 black-and-white and colour figs and 10 tables. Paris: Publications de la Sorbonne, 2015. €40. 978 2 7283 1131 6;
Castelo, Daniel, Pneumatology. A guide for the perplexed. (Bloomsbury Guides for the Perplexed.) Pp. xiv + 144. London: Bloomsbury T&T Clark, 2015. £16.99 (paper). 978 0 567 46165 0; 978 0 567 00680 6
Johnson, Adam J., Atonement. A guide for the perplexed. (Bloomsbury Guides for the Perplexed.) Pp. ix + 212. London: Bloomsbury T&T Clark, 2015. £16.99 (paper). 978 0 567 42468 6; 978 0 567 25402 3
Jones, E. A., England's last medieval monastery. Syon Abbey, 1415–2015. Pp. xii + 151 incl. 39 ills. Leominster Gracewing, 2015. £9.99 (paper). 978 085244 872 4
Moore, Tara, Christmas, The sacred to Santa. Pp. 261 incl. 72 black-and-white and colour ills. London: Reaktion, 2015. £12.99 (paper). 978 1 78023 357 4
Mora, Fabio, Uses of the Bible, I: Uses of the Bible. A starting point; VI: Anglican lectionairies, 1549–1969. (Sintesi E Ricerche Storico – Religiose, 9, 10.) Pp. iii + 300; iii + 259 incl. numerous tables. Charleston: Create Space Independent Publishing Platform, 2015. $88 (paper). 978 1 50873 289 1; 978 1 50873 284 6
Roth, John K., The failures of ethics. Confronting the holocaust, genocide, and other mass atrocities. Pp. x + 277. New York–Oxford Oxford University Press, 2015. £25. 978 0 19 872533 6
Suttner, Ernst Christoph, Ekklesiologische Überlegungen zur Geschichte der Kirchenspaltungen. Pp. 93. Würzburg: Echter, 2015. €9.90 (paper). 978 3 429 03879 3
Wilkinson, Robert J., Tetragrammaton. Western Christians and the Hebrew name of God. From the beginnings to the seventeenth century. (Studies in the History of Christian Traditions, 179.) Pp. xi + 587 incl. 37 ills. Leiden–Boston: Brill, 2015. €199. 978 90 04 28462 3;
Ancient world
Bergjan, Silke-Petra, Gleede, Benjamin and Heimgartner, Martin (eds), Apollinarius und seine Folgen. (Studien und Texte zu Antike und Christentum. Studies and Texts in Antiquity and Christianity, 93.) Pp. xii + 314. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2015. €69 (paper). 978 3 16 153587 1;
Dijkstra, Jitse H. F. and Fisher, Greg (eds), Inside and out. Interactions between Rome and the peoples of the Arabian and Egyptian frontiers in late antiquity. (Late Antique History and Religion, 8.) Pp. xviii + 481 incl. 4 tables, 8 maps and 14 black-and-white and colour ills. Leuven: Peeters, 2014. €94. 978 90 429 3061 4
Dunderberg, Ismo (ed.), Gnostic morality revisited. (Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testament, 347.) Pp. ix + 260. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2015. $99. 978 3 16 152567 4;
Dupont, Anthony, Gaumer, Matthew Alan, and Lamberigts, Mathijs (eds) (with De Maeyer, Nicolas and van Egmond, Bart), The uniquely African controversy. Studies on Donatist Christianity. (Late Antique History and Religion, 9.) Pp. xv + 388. Leuven: Peeters, 2015. €94. 978 90 429 3155 8
Gathercole, Simon, Defending substitution. An essay on atonement in Paul. (Acadia Studies in Bible and Theology.) Pp. 128. Grand Rapids, Mi: Baker Academic, 2015. $19.99 (paper). 978 0 8010 4977 4
Groen, Bert, Galadza, Daniel, Gilibetic, Nina and Radle, Gabriel (eds), Rites and rituals of the Christian East. Proceedings of the fourth international congress of the Society of Oriental Liturgy, Lebanon, 10–15 May 2012. (Eastern Christian Studies, 22.) Pp. xii + 484 incl. 25 figs and 18 tables. Leuven: Peeters, 2014. €85. 978 90 429 3080 3
Grundeken, Mark, Community building in the Shepherd of Hermas. A critical study of some key aspects. (Supplements to Vigiliae Christianae, 131.) Pp. vii + 235. Leiden–Boston: Brill, 2015. €110. 978 90 04 29885 9
Harrington, Wilfrid J., Reading Luke for the first time. Pp. iii + 170. New York–Mahwah, NJ: Paulist Press, 2015. $14.95 (paper). 978 0 8091 4930 8
Kavvadas, Nestor, Isaak von Ninive und seine ‘Kephalaia Gnostika’. Die Pneumatologie und ihr Kontext. (Supplements to Vigiliae Christianae. Texts and Studies of Early Christian Life and Language, 128.) Pp. ix + 193. Leiden–Boston: Brill, 2015. €99. 978 90 04 28440 1;
Kim, Young Richard, Epiphanius of Cyprus. Imagining an orthodox world. Pp. xvi + 278. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 2015. $85. 978 0 472 11954 7
Kitzler, Petr, From Passio Perpetuae to Acta Perpetuae. Recontextualizing a martyr story in the literature of the Early Church. (Arbeiten zur Kirchengeschichte 127.) Pp. xiv + 159. Berlin–Boston: de Gruyter, 2015. €99.95. 978 3 11 041942 9;
Liebs, Detlef, Das Recht der Römer und die Christen. Gesammelte Aufsätze in überarbeiteter Fassung. Pp. xii + 281. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2015. €34 (paper). 978 3 16 154031 8
Lieu, Judith M., Marcion and the making of a heretic. God and Scripture in the second century. Pp. xvi + 502. Cambridge–New York: Cambridge University Press, 2015. £70. 978 1 107 02904 0
Madden, Andrew M., Corpus of Byzantine church mosaic pavements from Israel and the Palestinian territories. (Colloquia Antiqua. Supplements to Ancient West and East, 13.) Pp. xvi + 243 incl. 38 figs. Leuven: Peeters, 2014. €78. 978 90 429 3061 2
Oakham, Douglas E., Jesus, debt and the Lord's Prayer. First century debt and Jesus’ intentions. Pp. xix + 144 incl. 8 figs. and 2 tables. Cambridge: James Clarke & Co, 2015. £15 (paper). 978 0 227 17529 3
Rosenblum, Jordan D., Young, Lily C. and DesRosiers, Nathaniel P. (eds), Religious competition in the third century CE: Jews, Christians and the Greco-Roman world. (Supplements to Journal of Ancient Judaism, 15.) Pp. 260. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck and Ruprecht, 2014. €79.99. 978 3 525 55068 7
Salisbury, Joyce E., Rome's Christian empress. Galla Placidia rules at the twilight of the empire. Pp. xi + 236 incl. 12 figs and 7 maps. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2015. $34.95. 978 1 4214 1700 4
Schnelle, Udo, Die ersten 100 Jahre des Christentums. 30–130 n.Chr. Die Entstehungsgeschichte einer Weltreligion. Pp. 592 incl. 6 ills, 4 maps and 5 tables. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck and Ruprecht, 2015. €29.99. 978 3 8252 4411 8
Scholten, Clemens (trans.), Theodoret. De Graecorum affectionum curatione. Heilung der griechischen Krankheiten. (Supplements to Vigiliae Christianae, 126.) Pp. xxiv + 825. Leiden–Boston: Brill, 2015. €226. 978 90 04 27932 2
Simmons, Michael Bland, Universal salvation in late antiquity. Porphyry of Tyre and the pagan-Christian debate. (Oxford Studies in Late Antiquity.) Pp. xliv + 491. Oxford–New York: Oxford University Press, 2015. £64. 978 0 19 020239 2
Theobald, Florian, Teufel, Tod und Trauer. Der Satan im Johannesevangelium und seine Vorgeschichte. (Novum Testamentum et Orbis Antiquus/Studien zur Umwelt des Neuen Testaments, 109.) Pp. 323 incl. 4 tables. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck and Ruprecht, 2015. €89.99. 978 3 525 59367 7;
Von Harnack, Adolf (ed. Steiger, Johann Anselm with Illg, Thomas), Einleitung in das Neue Testament. Berliner Vorlesung im Wintersemester 1899/1900. Eine Nachschrift von Carl Richard Schenkel. Pp. vi + 254 incl. frontispiece and 3 ills. Stuttgart–Bad Cannstatt: Frommann Holzboog, 2014. €148. 978 3 7728 2611 5
Vranic, Vasilije, The constancy and development in the Christology of Theodoret of Cyrrhus. (Supplements to Vigiliae Christianae. Texts and Studies of Early Christian Life and Language, 129.) Pp. xiii + 245. Leiden–Boston: Brill, 2015. €110. 978 90 04 28995 6;
Zwierlein, Otto, Die Urfassungen der Martyria Polycarpi et Pionii und das Corpus Polycarpianum, I: Editiones criticae; II: Textgeschichte und Rekonstruktion. Polykarp, Ignatius und der Redaktor Ps.-Pionius. (Untersuchungen zur antiken Literatur und Geschichte 116.) Pp. xx + 194; xii + 425. Berlin–Boston: de Gruyter, 2014. €149.95. 978 3 11 037100 0;
Medieval Europe and Byzantium
Abelard, Peter, Historia calamitatum. Consolation to a friend. Edited from Troyes, Médiathèque du Grand Troyes, MS 802, by Andrée, Alexander. (Toronto Medieval Latin Texts, 32.) Pp. ix + 108. Toronto: Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies (for the Centre for Medieval Studies), 2015. $17.95 (paper). 978 0 88844 482 0
Becker, Hansjakob, Ansgar, Franz and Serfaß, Alexander, Bruno von Köln und die Liturgie der Kartause. Rekonstruktion des Antiphonale Sancti Brunonis und Reproduktion der ältesten kartusiensischen Offiziumshandschriften. (Analecta Cartusiana, 292.) Pp. vi + 407 incl. 196 ills. Salzburg: Universität Salzburg: Institut für Anglistik und Amerikanistik, 2014. 978 3 902895 34 9
D'Avray, D. L., Papacy, monarchy and marriage, 860–1600. Pp. xiii + 355. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2015. £65. 978 1 107 06253 5
Debié, Muriel, L’Écriture de l'histoire en Syriaque. Transmissions interculturelles et constructions identitaires entre hellénisme et islam. (Late Antique History and Religion, 12.) Pp. xxxiv + 724 incl. 2 maps and 8 black-and-white and colour ills. Louvain: Peeters, 2015. €105. 978 90 429 3237 1
Dempsey, G. T., Aldhelm of Malmesbury and the end of late antiquity. (Studia Traditionis Theologiae, Explorations in Early and Medieval Theology, 16.) Pp. xiii + 358 incl. 1 map and 3 tables. Turnhout: Brepols, 2015. €75 (paper). 978 2 503 55490 7
Foerster, Thomas, Godfrey of Viterbo and his readers. Imperial tradition and universal history in late medieval Europe. (Church, Faith and Culture in the Medieval West.) Pp. xiii + 195 incl. 7 ills. Farnham–Burlington: Ashgate, 2015. £70. 978 1 4724 4268 0
Franco, Bradley R. and Mulvaney, Beth A. (eds), The world of St Francis of Assisi. Essays in honor of William R. Cook. (The Medieval Franciscans, 11.) Pp. xvi + 247 incl. 34 black-and-white and colour figs + colour frontispiece. Leiden–Boston: Brill, 2015. €140. 978 90 04 27098 5;
Herde, Peter, Bonifaz VIII. (1294–1303). Erster Halbband. Benedikt Caetani. (Päpste und Papsttum, 43/1.) Pp. x + 302. Stuttgart: Anton Hiersemann, 2015. €158. 978 3 7772 1508 2
Hogg, James (ed.), The Statuta Jancelini, 1222. Manuscript of the Charterhouse of Glandier. Vol 1: part 1. (Analecta Cartusiana, 65.) Pp. 161 incl. 5 colour ills and colour frontispiece. Salzburg, 2015. 978 3 902895 64 6
Hogg, James (ed.) and Excoffon, Sylvain, Girard, Alain and Le Blévec, Daniel (co-eds), Le Nécrologe primitive de la Grande Chartreuse. (Analecta Cartusiana, 309.) Pp. 89 incl. 19 colour ills. Saint-Etienne: Cercor, 2015. €40 (paper). 978 2 9546115 3 2
Hogg, James (ed.) and Excoffon, Sylvain, Girard, Alain and Le Blévec, Daniel (co-eds), Tradition et transformation. Les chartreux dans l'europe médiévale et moderne. Colloque interntional à l'occasion du 650e anniversaire de la foundation de la chartreuse de Liége (6–8 octobre 2010): actes réunis par Tom Gaens et Francis Timmermans. (Analecta Cartusiana, 306.) Pp. 430 incl. 24 colour figs. and 6 tables. Saint-Etienne: Cercor, 2015. 978 2 9546115 1 8
Hurlock, Kathryn and Oldfield, Paul (eds), Crusading and pilgrimage in the Norman world. Pp. xiv + 234 incl. 1 map. Woodbridge: Boydell Press, 2015. £60. 978 1 78327 025 5
Maranci, Christina, Vigilant powers: three churches of early medieval Armenia. (Studies in the Visual Cultures of the Middle Ages, 8.) Pp. iv + 281 incl. 127 figs. and 2 maps. Turnhout: Brepols, 2015. €120. 978 2 503 54900 2
Maurey, Yossi, Medieval music, legend, and the cult of St Martin. The local foundations of a universal saint. Pp. xvi + 298 incl. 11 colour figs, 21 musical ill. and 11 tables. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2014. €110. 978 1 107 06095 1
Mesley, Matthew M. and Wilson, Louise E. (eds), Contextualizing miracles in the Christian West, 1100–1500. New historical approaches. (Medium Ævum Monographs, 32.) Pp. v + 231. Oxford: The Society for the Study of Medieval Languages and Literature, 2014. £30. 978 0 907570 24 0; 978 0 907570 32 5
Mistry, Zubin, Abortion in the early Middle Ages, c. 500–900. Pp. xiii + 342. Rochester–Woodbridge: Boydell (for the York Medieval Press), 2015. £60. 978 1 903153 57 4
Mulitzer, Matthias, Monasticon Coronense II. Die Architektur der Architektur der Kamaldulenser-Eremiten von Monte Corona in Europa. (Analecta Cartusiana, 311.) Pp. x + 554 incl. numerous black-and-white and colour plates. Salzburg: Universität Salzburg: Institut für Anglistik und Amerikanistik, 2014. 978 3 902895 63 9; 978 3 85418 181 3
Pansters, Krijn (ed.), The Carthusians in the Low Countries. Studies in monastic history and heritage. (Miscellanea Neerlandica, xliii. Studia Cartusiana, 4.) Pp. 413 incl. 33 tables, 15 black-and-white ills and 10 colour plates. Leuven: Peeters, 2014. €64. 978 90 429 3180 0
Pinner, Rebecca, The cult of St Edmund in medieval East Anglia. Pp. xi + 276 incl. 4 plates, 8 figs, 1 map and 3 tables. Rochester–Woodbridge: Boydell Press, 2015. £60. 978 1 78327 035 4
Reeves, Andrew, Religious education in thirteenth century England. The creed and articles of faith. (Education and Society in the Middle Ages and Renaissance, 50.) Pp. xiv + 218. Leiden–Boston: Brill, 2015. €104. 978 90 04 29443 1; .
Roche, Jason T. and Jensen, Janus Møller (eds), The Second Crusade. Holy war on the periphery of Latin Christendom. (Outremer. Studies in the Crusades and the Latin East, 2.) Pp. xii + 338 incl. 5 maps. Turnhout: Brepols, 2015. €86. 978 2 503 52327 9
Rollason, Lynda (ed.), The Thorney Liber Vitae. London, British Library, additional MS 40,000, fols 1–12r. Edition, facsimile and study. Pp. xxxiv + 354 incl. 36 colour and black-and-white plates, 6 figs. and 2 maps. Woodbridge: Boydell Press 2015. £95. 978 1 78327 010 1
Schüllner, Simone, Die Gartenkultur der Kartäuser unter besonderer Berücksightigung der Kartausen im Rheinland. (Analecta Cartusiana, 303.) Pp. x + 291 + 246 black-and-white and colour plates. Salzburg: Universität Salzburg: Institut für Anglistik und Amerikanistik, 2014. 978 3 902895 44 8
Šmahel, František (ed.) (in cooporation with Pavlĭček, Ota), A companion to Jan Hus. (Brill's Companions to the Christian Tradition 54.) Pp. x + 447 incl. 7 black-and-white and colour figs. Leiden–Boston: Brill, 2015. $162. 978 90 04 28055 7
Stone, Rachel and West, Charles (eds), Hincmar of Rheims. Life and work. Pp. xv + 309 incl. 7 figs and 2 tables. Manchester: Manchester University Press, 2015. £75. 978 07190 9140 7
Thibodeau, T. (ed.), William Durand. Rationale V. Commentary on the Divine Office. (Corpvs Christianorvm in Translation, 23.) Pp. 227. Turnhout: Brepols, 2015. €50. 978 2 503 5555 8
Tugwell, Simon op (ed.), Peter Ferrandi legenda sancti dominici. (Monumenta Ordinis Fratrum Prædicatorum Historica, xxxii.) Pp. xi + 484. Rome: Angelicum University Press, 2015. €65 (paper). 978 88 88660 69 1
Tyerman, Christopher, How to plan a crusade. Reason and religious war in the high Middle Ages. Pp. xxvii + 400 incl. 6 ills., 29 colour plates and 4 maps. London: Allen Lane (Penguin), 2015. £25. 978 1 846 14477 6
Vann, Theresa M. and Kagay, Donald J., Hospitaller piety and crusader propaganda. Guillaume Caoursin's description of the Ottoman Siege of Rhodes, 1480. Pp. xiii + 380 incl. 12 figs. Farnham–Burlington Ashgate, 2015. £80. 978 0 7546 3741 7
Webster, Paul, King John and religion. (Studies in the History of Medieval Religion, xliii.) Pp. xv + 253 incl. 4 maps, 1 fig. and 2 tables. Woodbridge–Rochester: Boydell & Brewer 2015. £60. 978 1 78327 029 3
Reformation and Counter-Reformation Europe
Allen, Marion E. (ed.), Wills of the Archdeaconry of Suffolk, 1627–1628. (Suffolk Records Society, lviii). Pp. xxii + 181 incl. frontispiece, endpapers and 3 plates. Woodbridge: Boydell Press (for the Suffolk Records Society), 2015. £25. 978 1 84383 72 9
Bulman, William J., Anglican enlightenment. Orientalism, religion and politics in England and its empire, 1648–1715. (Cambridge Studies in Early Modern British History.) Pp. xix + 340 incl. 6 black-and-white ills. Cambridge: Cambridge: University Press, 2015. £64.99. 978 1 107 07368 5
Christman, Victoria, Pragmatic toleration. The politics of religious heterodoxy in early reformation Antwerp, 1515–1555. Pp. xiii + 241. Rochester–Woodbridge: University of Rochester Press, 2015. £75. 978 1 58046 516 8
Daubresse, Sylvie and Haan, Bertrand (eds), La Ligue et ses frontiéres. Engagements catholiques à distance due radicalism à la fin des guerres de religion. (Histoire.) Pp. 258 + 2 tables. Rennes: Presses Universitaires de Rennes, 2015. €18 (paper). 978 2 7535 4124 5
Douglas, Alexander X., Spinoza & Dutch Cartesianism. Philosophy and theology. Pp. vii + 184. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2015. £30. 978 0 19 873250 1
Gatti, Hilary, Ideas of liberty in early modern Europe. From Machiavelli to Milton. Pp. ix + 215. Princeton–Oxford Princeton University Press, 2015. £30.95. 978 0 691 16383 3
Gwynn, Robin, The Huguenots in later Stuart Britain, I: Crisis, renewal, and the ministers’ dilemma. Pp. xix + 481 incl. 7 figs. and 9 plates. Brighton–Chicago–Toronto: Sussex Academic Press, 2015. £95. 978 1 84519 618 9
Hache, Sophie and Favier, Thierry (eds), À la Croisée des arts. Sublime et musique religieuse en Europe (XVIIe–XVIIIe siècles) (Série musique et litterature dirigée par Anne-Madeleine Goulet 4.) Pp. 524 incl. 26 figs and 12 ills. Paris: Classiques Garnier, 2015. €59. 978 2 8124 4678 8;
Hofman, Andrea, Psalmenrezeption in reformatorischem Liedgut. Entstehung, Gestalt und konfessionelle Eigenarten des Psalmliedes, 1523–1650. (Arbeiten zur Kirchen – und Theologiegeschichte 45.) Pp. 352 incl. frontispiece. Leipzig: Evangelische Verlagsanstalt, 2015. €68. 978 3 374 04065 0
Kilroy, Gerard, Edmund Campion. A scholarly life. Pp. xxi + 458 incl. 4 colour plates and 22 figs. Farnham–Burlington: Ashgate, 2015. £80. 978 1 40940 151 3
Lake, Peter and Stephens, Isaac, Scandal and religious identity in early Stuart England. A Northamptonshire maid's tragedy. (Studies in Modern British Religious History, 32.) Pp. viii + 395 incl. frontispiece. Rochester–Woodbridge: Boydell Press, 2015. £60. 978 78327 014 944
Leppin, Volker (ed.) (with Burnett, Amy Nelson, Helmrath, Johannies, Pohlig, Matthias and Schlotheuber, Eva), Reformatorische Theologie und Autoritäten. (Spätmittelalter, Humanismus, Reformation. Studies in the late Middle Ages, Humanism and the Reformation 85.) Pp. viii + 310. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2015. €99. 978 3 16 153823 0;
Helmers, Helmer J., The royalist republic. Literature, politics, and religion in the Anglo-Dutch public sphere, 1639–1660. Pp. xv + 325 incl. 15 figs. and 1 table. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2015. £65 (cloth). 978 1 107 08761 3; 978 1 107 45792 8
Martins, João Furtado, Corrupção e incúria no Santo Oficio. Ministros e oficialis sob suspeita e julgamento. (Estudos de História Religiosa, 18.) Pp. 128. Lisboa: Centro de Estudos de História Religiosa, 2015. €9 (paper). 978 972 8361 65 5
Poor, Sara S. and Smith, Nigel (eds), Mysticism and Reform, 1400–1750. (Reformations Medieval and Early Modern.) Pp. x + 408 incl. 13 figs. Notre Dame, In: University of Notre Dame Press, 2015. $45 (paper). 978 0 268 03898 8
Rospocher, Massimo, Il papa guerriero. Giulio II nello spazio pubblico europeo. (Annali dell'istituto storico italo-germanico in Trento Monografie, 65.) Pp. 392 incl. 27 figs. Bologna: Societá editrice il Mulino, 2015. €32 (paper). 978 88 15 25350 7
Scott, Anne M. (ed.), Experiences of charity, 1250–1650. Pp. xix + 305 incl. 3 figs, 2 tables and 13 colour plates. Farnham–Burlington, Vt: Ashgate, 2015. £75. 978 1472 4 4338 0
Slotemaker, John T. and Witt, Jeffrey C. (eds), A companion to the theology of John Mair. (Brill's Companions to the Christian Tradition 60.) Pp. xiv + 395. Leiden–Boston: Brill, 2015. €148. 978 90 04 21876 5
Tingle, Elizabeth C., Indulgences after Luther: Pardons in Counter-Reformation France, 1520–1720. (Religious Cultures in the Early Modern World, 21.) Pp. xiii + 217 incl. 3 figs. Vermont–London: Pickering & Chatto, 2015. £95. 978 1 84893 502 0
Tingle, Elizabeth C and Willis, Jonathan (eds), Dying, death, burial and commemoration in Reformation Europe. Pp. xi + 230 incl. 7 figs. Farnham–Burlington, Vt: Ashgate, 2015. £70. 978 1 4724 3014 4
Trocmé-Latter, Daniel, The singing of the Strasbourg Protestants, 1523–1541. (St Andrews Studies in Reformation History.) Pp. xviii + 396 incl. 11 figs, 2 tables and 3 musical examples. Farnham–Burlington, Vt: Ashgate, 2015. £85. 978 1 4724 3206 3
Waddell, Mark A., Jesuit science and the end of nature's secrets. Pp. x + 214 incl. 16 figs. Farnham–Burlington, Vt: Ashgate, 2015. £70. 978 8 1472 4497 26
Werrell, Ralph S., The blood of Christ in the theology of William Tyndale. Pp. 166. Cambridge: James Clarke, 2015. £20 (paper). 978 0 227 17487 6
Modern Europe
Destivelle, Hyacinthe (foreword Hilarion, Metropolitan [Alfeyev]) (trans. Ryan, Jerry; ed. Plekon, Michael and Permiakov, Vitaly), The Moscow Council (1917–1918). The creation of the conciliar institutions of the Russian Orthodox Church. Pp. xviii + 448. Notre Dame, In: University of Notre Dame Press, 2015. £36 (paper). 978 0 268 02617 2
Fitzpatrick, David, Descendancy. Irish Protestant histories since 1795. Pp. ix + 271 incl. 9 charts. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2014. £65. 978 1 107 08093 5
Froeschlé-Chopard, Marie-Héléne, Regards sur les bibliothéques religieuses d'ancien régime. (Histoirie du livre et des bibliothéques 11.) Pp. 352 incl. 10 ills, 45 charts and 11 maps. Paris: Honoré Champion, 2014. €75 (paper). 978 2 7453 2652 2
Garrard, James, Archbishop Howley, 1828–1848. (The Archbishops of Canterbury Series.) Pp. xv + 172. Farnham–Burlington: Ashgate, 2015. £60. 978 1 4724 5133 0
Hughes, Alexander J., Oliver Quick and the quest for a Christian metaphysic. Pp. ix + 226 incl. frontispiece. Burlington–Farnham Ashgate, 2015. £60. 978 1 4724 5250 4
Landes, Jordan, London Quakers in the Trans-Atlantic World. The creation of an early modern community. (Christianities in the Trans-Atlantic World, 1500–1800.) Pp. viii + 252 incl. 1 fig. and 5 tables. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2015. £60. 978 1 137 36667 2
Lesti, Sante, Riti di Guerra. Religione e politica nell'Europa della Grande Guerra. (Studi e Ricerche, 690.) Pp. 264. Bologna: il Mulino, 2015. €24 (paper). 978 88 15 25804 5
Longenecker, Bruce W. and Parsons, Mikeal C. (eds), Beyond Bultmann. Reckoning a New Testament theology. Pp. x + 372 and 1 table. Waco: Baylor University Press, 2014. £33.50 (paper). 978 1 4813 0041 4
Moll, Sebastian, Albert Schweitzer. Meister der Selbstinszenierung. Pp. 250. Wiesbaden: Berlin University Press, 2014. €29.90. 978 3 86280 072 8
Nebgen, Christoph, Konfessionelle Differenzerfahrungen. Reiseberichte von Rhein (1648–1815). (Ancien Régime, Aufklärung und Revolution, 40.) Pp. xii + 295 incl. 14 ills. Berlin–Boston: de Gruyter, 2014. €59.95. 978 3 11 035159 0;
Newman, John Henry (ed. and intro. Gilley, Sheridan), Loss and gain. The story of a convert. (The Works of Cardinal John Henry Newman, Birmingham Oratory Millennium edition xi.) Pp. xliv + 456. Leominster–Notre Dame: University of Notre Dame Press. $48. 978 0 268 03613 3
Peucker, Paul, A time of sifting. Mystical marriage and the crisis of Moravian piety in the eighteenth century. (Pietist, Moravian and Anabaptist Studies.) Pp. xv + 248 incl. 10 ills. Pennsylvania: Penn State Press, 2015. $84.95. 978 0 271 06643 1
Platt, Jane, Subscribing to faith? The Anglican parish magazine, 1859–1929. (Histories of the Sacred and Secular.) Pp. xii + 278 incl. frontispiece and 36 figs. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2015. £60. 978 1 137 36243 8
Radcliff, Jason Robert, Thomas F. Torrance and the Church Fathers. A reformed, Evangelical and ecumenical reconstruction of the patristic tradition. Pp. xx + 228. Cambridge: James Clark, 2015. £17.50 (paper) 978 0 227 17530 9
Schweighofer, Astrid, Religiöse Sucher in der Modern. Konversionen vom Judentum zum Protestantismus in Wien um 1900. (Arbeiten zur Kirchengeschichte 126.) Pp. xviv + 493. Berlin–Boston: de Gruyter, 2015, €99.95. 978 3 11 036767 6;
Seale, Joshua T and Cherenkov, Mykhailo N. (foreword Michael Bourdeaux, afterword Sergey Rakhuba), A future and a hope. Mission, theological education, and the transformation of post-Soviet society. Pp. xvi + 190. Eugene, Or: Wipf and Stock, 2014. $23 (paper). 978 1 4982 0252 7
Slocum, Robert Boak, The Anglican imagination. Portraits and sketches of modern Anglican theologians. (Ashgate Contemporary Ecclesiology.) Pp. xv + 177 incl. 11 ills. Farnham–Burlington, Vt: Ashgate, 2015. £60. 978 1 4724 4735 7
Thompson, David M. (ed.), Religious life in mid-19th century Cambridgeshire and Huntingdonshire. The returns for the 1851 census of religious worship. (Cambridgeshire Records Society, 21.) Pp. viii + 275 incl. 5 maps and 23 tables. Cambridge: Cambridgeshire Records Society, 2014. £27 (paper). 978 0 904323 23 8
Weir, Todd H., Secularism and religion in nineteenth-century Germany. The rise of the fourth confession. Pp. xv + 304 incl. 9 figs. and 2 maps. Cambridge–New York Cambridge University Press, 2014. £60. 978 1 107 04156 1
Young, Francis, The Gages of Hengrave and Suffolk Catholicism, 1640–1767. (The Catholic Record Society.) Pp. xxxiv + 241 incl. 5 colour and black-and-white figs, 1 map and 1 table. Rochester–Woodbridge: Boydell Press, 2015. £50. 978 0 902832 29 9
Young, Francis, Inferior office? A history of deacons in the Church of England. Pp. xxxviii + 180 incl. 6 tables. Cambridge: James Clarke, 2015. £25 (paper). 978 0 227 17488 3
Africa, Asia and Australasia
D'Alòs-Moner, Andreu Martìnez, Envoys of a human God. The Jesuit mission to Christian Ethiopia, 1557–1632. (Jesuit Studies, 2.) Pp. xxxiii + 419 incl. 3 figs, 5 maps, 22 plates and 17 tables. Leiden–Boston: Brill, 2015. €146. 978 90 04 28914 7
Engelsviken, Tormod, Thelle, Notto R. and Larsen, Knut Edvard (eds), A passion for China. Norwegian mission to China until 1949. (Regnum Studies in Mission.) Pp. vii + 204 incl. 1 ill. Oxford: Regnum Books, 2015. £26.99 (paper). 978 1 908355 82 9
Hauser, Julia, German religious women in late Ottoman Beirut. Competing missions. (Studies in Christian Mission, 45.) Pp. x + 391 incl. 8 figs. Leiden–Boston: Brill, 2015. €140. 978 90 04 28249 0
Schatz, Klaus, ‘Dass diese Mission eine der blühendsten des Ostens werde’. P. Alexander de Rhodes (1593–1660) und die frühe Jesuitenmission in Vietnam. Pp. 260 incl. 3 black-and-white and 8 colour ills and 1 map. Münster: Aschendorff Verlag, 2015. €39.80. 978 3 402 13100 8
Van Wyk, Ilana, The Universal Church of the Kingdom of God in South Africa. A church of strangers. (The International African Library.) Pp. xxii + 282 incl. 10 figs. Cambridge–New York: Cambridge University Press, 2014. £65. 978 1 107 05724 1
The Americas
Bankhurst, Benjamin, Ulster Presbyterians and the Scots Irish diaspora, 1750–1764. (Christianities in the Trans-Atlantic World, 1500–1800.) Pp. xiii + 202 incl. 2 figs. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2015. £53. 978 1 137 32819 9
Bremer, Francis J., Lay empowerment and the development of Puritanism. (Christianities in the Trans-Atlantic World, 1500–1800.) Pp. viii + 239. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2015. £60. 978 1 137 35288 0
Brittain, Christopher Craig, A plague on both their houses. Liberal vs. conservative Christians and the divorce of the Episcopal Church USA. Pp. xvi + 263. London–New York Bloomsbury T&T Clark, 2015. £65. 978 0 5676 5845 6
Cussen, Celia, Black saint of the Americas. The life and afterlife of Martín de Porres. Pp. xvi + 295 incl. 17 ills. and 15 tables. Cambridge–New York: Cambridge University Press, 2014 £60. 978 1 107 03437 2
George, Carol V. R., One Mississippi, two Mississippi. Methodists, murder, and the struggle for racial justice in Neshoba County. Pp. xv + 298 incl. frontispiece, 18 figs and 2 maps. Oxford–New York Oxford University Press, 2015. £19.99. 978 0 19 023108 8
Harlow, Luke E., Religion, race and the making of confederate Kentucky, 1830–1880. (Cambridge Studies on the American South.) Pp. xiv + 242 incl. frontispiece. Cambridge–New York: Cambridge University Press, 2014. £60. 978 1 107 00089 6
Kennedy, Rick, The first American Evangelical. A short life of Cotton Mather. (Library of Religious Biography.) Pp. xiv + 162 incl. frontispiece, 3 maps and 10 ills. Michigan–Cambridge: Eerdmans Publishing Company, 2015. £11.99 (paper). 978 0 8028 7211 1
Reeve, W. Paul, Religion of a different color. Race and the Mormon struggle for whiteness. Pp. xiii + 335 incl. 36 figs. New York–Oxford Oxford University Press, 2015. £22.99. 978 0 19 9754 07 6
Reklis, Kathryn, Theology and the Kinesthetic imagination. Jonathan Edwards and the making of modernity. Pp. xiii + 166. Oxford–New York: Oxford University Press, 2014. 978 0 19937 306 2
Richey, Russell E., Methodism in the American forest. Pp. viii + 230. New York–Oxford Oxford University Press, 2015. £35.99. 978 0 19 935962 2
Smith, Gary Scott, Religion in the Oval Office. The religious lives of American presidents. Pp. xi + 647. Oxford–New York Oxford University Press, 2015. £22.99. 978 0 19 939139 4
Strobel, Kyle C., The ecumenical Edwards. Jonathan Edwards and the theologians. Pp. xii + 257. Farnham–Burlington Ashgate, 2015. £65. 978 1 4094 6110 4