1. Introduction
be a finite Galois extension of number fields or
-adic fields and let
. The classical normal basis theorem says that
is free of rank
as a module over the group algebra
. A much more difficult problem is that of determining whether the ring of integers
is free of rank
over an appropriate
-order in
. The natural choice of such an order is the so-called associated order

since this is the only
-order in
over which
can possibly be free.
It is clear that the group ring
is contained in
. In fact,
if and only if
is at most tamely ramified. It is in this setting that by far the most progress has been made and we say that
has a normal integral basis if
is free over
. The celebrated Hilbert-Speiser theorem says that if
is a tamely ramified finite abelian extension, then it has a normal integral basis. Leopoldt removed the assumption on ramification to obtain the following generalisation of this result.
Theorem 1.1. [Reference Leopoldt27] Let
be a finite abelian extension. Then,
is free over
Leopoldt also specified a generator and the associated order; Lettl [Reference Lettl28] gave a simplified and more explicit proof of the same result. We also have the following result of Bergé.
Theorem 1.2. [Reference Bergé2] Let
be a prime and let
be a dihedral extension of degree
. Then,
is free over
Now let
be a Galois extension with
$\textrm{Gal}(K/\mathbb{Q})\cong Q_{8}$
, the quaternion group of order
. Suppose that
is tamely ramified. Martinet [Reference Martinet31] gave three examples of such extensions, one with and two without normal integral bases. Moreover, Fröhlich [Reference Fröhlich14] showed that both possibilities occur infinitely often. By contrast, in the case that
is wildly ramified, we have the following result of Martinet.
Theorem 1.3. [Reference Martinet and Sci32] Let
be a wildly ramified Galois extension with
$\textrm{Gal}(K/\mathbb{Q})\cong Q_{8}$
. Then,
is free over
In the present article, we prove other Leopoldt-type theorems for non-abelian extensions of
. An important notion is that of local freeness, which we now review.
For the rest of the introduction, let
be a finite Galois extension and let
. We recall that
is said to be locally free over
at a rational prime
$\mathcal{O}_{K,p}\;:\!=\;\mathbb{Z}_p\otimes _{\mathbb{Z}}\mathcal{O}_K$
is free as an
$\mathfrak{A}_{K/\mathbb{Q},p}\;:\!=\;\mathbb{Z}_p\otimes _{\mathbb{Z}}\mathfrak{A}_{K/\mathbb{Q}}$
-module. We say that
is locally free over
if this holds for all rational primes
. Of course, this condition is necessary for
to be free over
is tamely ramified, then
is locally free over
(see Theorem 3.14). By contrast, if
is wildly ramified then
is strictly contained in
is not necessarily locally free over
. For instance, Bergé [Reference Bergé4] gave examples of wildly ramified dihedral extensions of
without the local freeness property (see Theorem 3.18 for a complete classification).
Now let
be a finite Galois extension of
-adic fields. One can consider the analogous problem of whether
is free over
. Indeed, this is the case when
is unramified, tamely ramified or weakly ramified, or
is abelian or dihedral of order
for some prime
(see Section 3.1 for a detailed overview of such results). However, freeness in this situation does not relate to the aforementioned notion of local freeness in the way one might expect.
Definition 1.4.
A rational prime
is said to be a decomposition obstruction for
is free over
for one (indeed, every) prime
, but
is not free over
denotes the completion of
Note that decomposition obstructions do exist. This is an important obstacle that can arise when the decomposition group is a proper non-trivial subgroup of the Galois group, and it needs to be overcome in the proofs of the main results of the present article. In Sections 6 and 7, we will present a detailed algebraic interpretation of such a property: we will start from the results of Bergé [Reference Bergé4] on the induction of associated orders and then prove new results that will be crucial for our purpose.
We now return to the problem of whether
is free over
. If
is (at most) tamely ramified, then the problem of determining whether it has a normal integral basis is well understood, thanks to Taylor’s proof of Fröhlich’s conjecture [Reference Taylor39]: he determined the class of
in the so-called locally free class group
(see Definition 2.4) in terms of Artin root numbers of the irreducible symplectic characters of
(see [Reference Fröhlich15, I] for an overview). In particular, if
has no irreducible symplectic characters (this is the case, for instance, if
is abelian, dihedral or of odd order), then
has a normal integral basis.
In the present article, we consider the question of whether
is free over
in certain cases where the locally free class group
is trivial. In this situation, it is also the case that
is trivial and the question reduces to whether
is locally free over
. A result of Endô and Hironaka [Reference Endô and Hironaka12] shows that if
is non-abelian and non-dihedral then
is trivial if and only if
is isomorphic to
In the case that
is dihedral of order
for a prime number
and a positive integer
, Keating [Reference Keating26] gave sufficient conditions for
to be trivial and Bergé [Reference Bergé4] gave necessary and sufficient conditions for
to be locally free over
. Despite being a straightforward application of these existing results, the following result does not appear to have been known until now.
Theorem 1.5.
be a positive integer and let
$p\geq 5$
be a regular prime number such that the class number of
$\mathbb{Q}(\zeta _{p^{n}})^+$
. Let
be a dihedral extension of degree
. Then,
is free over
if and only if the ramification index of
either is coprime to
or is a power of
$\mathbb{Q}(\zeta _{p^{n}})^+$
denotes the maximal totally real subfield
$\mathbb{Q}(\zeta _{p^{n}})$
. Using the class number computations of Miller [Reference Miller33], we obtain the following corollary.
Corollary 1.6.
be a dihedral extension of degree
. Then,
is free over
if and only if the ramification index of
either is coprime to
or is a power of
Similar but more complicated results hold when
(see Theorem 5.2 for the full statement and proof).
The main results of the present article will be necessary and sufficient conditions for
to be free over
is isomorphic to
. The discussion above shows that the main work is in determining when
is locally free over
. A key ingredient is the notion of hybrid
-adic group rings, introduced by Johnston and Nickel [Reference Johnston and Nickel21]; using this tool, it is straightforward to show that
is locally free over
is isomorphic to
The statements of the following theorems will depend on certain primes of
having given decomposition or inertia subgroups up to conjugation. We remark that such properties will not depend on which prime of
we choose above a given rational prime. For example, saying that a prime
is tamely ramified will mean that some, and hence every, prime of
is (at most) tamely ramified in
. We shall henceforth abbreviate ‘at most tamely ramified’ to ‘tamely ramified’. We will say that a rational prime
has full decomposition group if there is only one prime in
, with decomposition group equal to
The following result is Theorem 8.1.
Theorem 1.7.
be a Galois extension with
$\textrm{Gal}(K/\mathbb{Q}) \cong A_{4}$
. Then,
is free over
if and only if
is tamely ramified or has full decomposition group.
The proof of the ‘if’ direction of this result involves the aforementioned tools. To prove the converse, we show that if
is wildly ramified and has decomposition group of order
is not locally free over
. This reduces to showing that the lattice
$\textrm{Ind}_{D}^{G}\mathfrak{A}_{K_{\mathfrak{P}}/\mathbb{Q}_{2}}\;:\!=\;\mathbb{Z}_{2}[G]\otimes _{\mathbb{Z}_{2}[D]}\mathfrak{A}_{K_{\mathfrak{P}}/\mathbb{Q}_{2}}$
is not free over
, where
is a fixed prime above
is its decomposition group. The main theorem used here is Hattori’s result [Reference Hattori17] that commutative orders are ‘clean’ (see Section 6.2).
The following two results are Theorem 8.3 and Theorem 8.6, respectively.
Theorem 1.8.
be a Galois extension with
$G\;:\!=\;\textrm{Gal}(K/\mathbb{Q})\cong S_4$
. Then,
is free over
if and only if one of the following conditions on
$2$ is tamely ramified;
$2$ has decomposition group equal to the unique subgroup of
$G$ of order
$12$ ;
$2$ is wildly and weakly ramified and has full decomposition group; or
$2$ is wildly and weakly ramified, has decomposition group of order
$8$ in
$G$ , and has inertia subgroup equal to the unique normal subgroup of order
$4$ in
$G$ .
Theorem 1.9.
be a Galois extension with
$\textrm{Gal}(K/\mathbb{Q}) \cong A_{5}$
. Then,
is free over
if and only if all three of the following conditions on
$2$ is tamely ramified;
$3$ is tamely ramified or is weakly ramified with ramification index
$6$ ; and
$5$ is tamely ramified or is weakly ramified with ramification index
$10$ .
In contrast to the proof of Theorem 1.7, the proofs of Theorems 1.8 and 1.9 use the (updated) implementations in Magma [Reference Bosma, Cannon and Playoust1] of the algorithms developed by Bley and Johnston [Reference Bley and Johnston5] and by Hofmann and Johnston [Reference Hofmann and Johnston18].
Notation and conventions. All rings are assumed to have an identity element, and all modules are assumed to be left modules unless otherwise stated. We denote certain finite groups as follows:
$D_{2n}$ is the dihedral group of order
$2n$ ;
$Q_{8}$ is the quaternion group of order
$8$ ;
$A_{n}$ is the alternating group on
$n$ letters;
$S_{n}$ is the symmetric group on
$n$ letters.
be a number field. By a prime of
, we mean a non-zero prime ideal of
. If
be a prime of
, we let
denote the completion of
. We say that a prime is tamely ramified if it is at most tamely ramified.
be a subgroup of a finite group
. We denote by
the normal closure of
, defined as the smallest normal subgroup of
or, equivalently, the subgroup generated by all the conjugates of
For a positive integer
, we let
$\zeta _n$
denote a primitive
th root of unity.
2. Associated orders and local freeness
2.1. Lattices and orders
For further background, we refer the reader to [Reference Reiner35] or [Reference Curtis and Reiner9]. Let
be a Dedekind domain with field of fractions
. An
is a finitely generated torsion-free
-module, or equivalently, a finitely generated projective
-module. Note that any
-submodule of an
-lattice is again an
-lattice. For any finite-dimensional
-vector space
, an
-lattice in
is a finitely generated
. We define a
-vector subspace of

and say that
is a full
-lattice in
. We may identify
$F \otimes _{R} M$
be a finite-dimensional
-algebra. An
-order in
is a subring
(so in particular has the same unity element as
) such that
is a full
-lattice in
. A
-lattice is a
-module which is also an
-lattice. For
, a homomorphism of
$f\;:\; M \rightarrow N$
is called a homomorphism of
The following well-known lemma follows from [Reference Curtis and Reiner9, Exercise 23.2].
Lemma 2.1.
$\Lambda \subseteq \Gamma$
be two
-orders in
. Let
-lattices and let
$f\; :\; M\rightarrow N$
be a homomorphism of
-lattices. Then,
is a homomorphism of
2.2. Associated orders
be an
-order in a finite-dimensional
. Let
be a full
-lattice in a free
-module of rank
$FM \cong A$
-modules). The associated order of
is defined to be

Note that
$\mathfrak{A}(A, M)$
is an
-order (see [Reference Reiner35, §8]). In particular, it is the largest order
over which
has a structure of
-module. The following well-known result says that
$\mathfrak{A}(A, M)$
is the only
-order in
over which
can possibly be free.
Proposition 2.2.
be an
-order in
and let
be a free
-lattice of rank
. Then,
is a free
-module of rank
$\Lambda =\mathfrak{A}(A, M)$
Proof. By hypothesis there exists
$\alpha \in M$
such that
$M=\Lambda \alpha$
is a free
-module. Thus,
is free over
. Let
$x \in \mathfrak{A}(A, M)$
. Then,
$x \alpha \in M = \Lambda \alpha$
, so
$x\alpha = y\alpha$
for some
$y \in \Lambda$
. Since
is freely generated by
, we must have
. Hence,
$\mathfrak{A}(A, M) \subseteq \Lambda$
. The reverse inclusion is trivial and therefore
$\Lambda = \mathfrak{A}(A, M)$
Remark 2.3.
is an
-order in
. Then, clearly
$\Lambda \subseteq \mathfrak{A}(A, \Lambda )$
. Moreover,
$\mathfrak{A}(A, \Lambda ) 1_{A} \subseteq \Lambda$
and so
$\mathfrak{A}(A, \Lambda ) \subseteq \Lambda$
. Therefore,
$\mathfrak{A}(A, \Lambda ) = \Lambda$
2.3. Completion and local freeness
be any maximal ideal of
. Let
denote the completion of
with respect to a valuation defined by
and let
be the corresponding valuation ring. For any
we write
$R_{\mathfrak{p}} \otimes _{R} M$
$V_{\mathfrak{p}}= F_{\mathfrak{p}} \otimes _{F} V$
for any
-vector space
. These two notations are consistent as the map
$\lambda \otimes _{\mathcal{O}_{F}} v \mapsto \lambda \otimes _{F} v$
$v \in V$
$\lambda \in \mathcal{O}_{F_{\mathfrak{p}}}$
) is an isomorphism (see [Reference Fröhlich and Taylor16, p. 93]).
be an
-order and let
be a
-lattice in some
. Then,
$\Lambda _{\mathfrak{p}}$
is an
-order in
is a
$\Lambda _{\mathfrak{p}}$
-lattice in
. We say that
is locally free over
is free over
$\Lambda _{\mathfrak{p}}$
for every
be a finite group and let
be a full
-lattice in a free
-module of rank
. Then,
$R[G] \subseteq \mathfrak{A}(F[G], M)$
$R_{\mathfrak{p}}[G] \subseteq \mathfrak{A}(F_{\mathfrak{p}}[G], M_{\mathfrak{p}}) \cong \mathfrak{A}(F[G], M)_{\mathfrak{p}}$
. Moreover,
is locally free over
$\mathfrak{A}(F[G], M)$
is free over
$\mathfrak{A}(F_{\mathfrak{p}}[G], M_{\mathfrak{p}})$
for every
2.4. Associated orders of rings of integers and decomposition obstructions
be a finite Galois extension of number fields and let
. We consider the behaviour of the associated order
with respect to localisation and induction.
be a maximal ideal of
. Then, we have decompositions

$\{ \mathfrak{P}' \mid \mathfrak{p} \}$
consists of the primes of
(see [Reference Fröhlich and Taylor16, p. 109]). Fix a prime
and let
be its decomposition group in
. Then, as
acts transitively on
$\{ \mathfrak{P}' \mid \mathfrak{p} \}$
we have

where the products run over a system of representatives of the left cosets
. Hence,


where the last isomorphism follows from [Reference Curtis and Reiner9, Exercise 24.2], for instance. Thus,
is locally free over
if and only if
is free over
We recall from the introduction that it may be the case that we encounter a prime
that is a decomposition obstruction for
, i.e. such that
is free over
is not locally free over
(indeed, Definition 1.4 can be easily generalised to base fields other than
). In Section 6, we will consider the relationship between
, as well as conditions under which the implication ‘if
is free over
is locally free over
’ holds.
Notation. We henceforth consider the isomorphism
$\mathfrak{A}_{K/F,\mathfrak{p}}\cong \mathfrak{A}(F_{\mathfrak{p}}[G],\mathcal{O}_{K,\mathfrak{p}})$
as an identification. In particular, we consider
as an
-order in
2.5. Reduction to the study of local freeness
We define locally free class groups. Background material on locally free class groups, including a discussion of equivalent definitions, can be found in [Reference Curtis and Reiners10, §49].
Definition 2.4.
be a number field with ring of integers
and let
be an
-order in a finite-dimensional semisimple
. Let
$P(\Lambda )$
be the free abelian group generated by symbols
, one for each isomorphism class of locally free
, modulo relations
$[X] = [X_{1}] + [X_{2}]$
$X \cong X_{1} \oplus X_{2}$
. We define the locally free class group
$\text{Cl}(\Lambda )$
to be the subgroup of
$P(\Lambda )$
consisting of all expressions
, with
locally free and
$FX \cong FY$
. If
is a
-lattice such that
$FX\cong A$
, we will refer to
$[X]-[\Lambda ]$
as the class of
$\textrm{Cl}(\Lambda )$
Remark 2.5.
By [
Reference Curtis and Reiner9, Corollary (31.7)], each element of
$\text{Cl}(\Lambda )$
can be written in the form
$[M]-[\Lambda ]$
for some locally free
of rank
. As a consequence, the Jordan-Zassenhaus Theorem [
Reference Curtis and Reiner9, Theorem (24.1)] implies that the locally free class group
$\text{Cl}(\Lambda )$
is always finite.
The following proposition underpins the proofs of all the new theorems stated in the introduction.
Proposition 2.6.
be a finite group such that
is trivial and let
be a Galois extension with
$\textrm{Gal}(K/\mathbb{Q}) \cong G$
. Then,
is free over
if and only if
is locally free over
Proof. One implication is trivial. By [Reference Curtis and Reiners10, Theorem (49.25)], the inclusion
$\mathbb{Z}[G]\subseteq \mathfrak{A}_{K/\mathbb{Q}}$
induces a surjection
$\text{Cl}(\mathbb{Z}[G]) \twoheadrightarrow \text{Cl}(\mathfrak{A}_{K/\mathbb{Q}})$
, and so
is also trivial. Moreover, by [Reference Endô and Hironaka12] the triviality of
implies that
must be abelian, dihedral, or isomorphic to
(see also [Reference Curtis and Reiners10, Theorem (50.29)]). In each of these cases,
is isomorphic to a finite direct product of matrix rings over number fields. Hence by [Reference Curtis and Reiners10, Proposition (51.2)]
satisfies the Eichler condition (see [Reference Curtis and Reiners10, Definitions (45.4) or §51A]). Thus the Jacobinski cancellation theorem [Reference Jacobinski19] (see also [Reference Curtis and Reiners10, Theorem (51.24)]) implies that
has the locally free cancellation property. The non-trivial implication now follows easily.
Corollary 2.7.
be a Galois extension with
$\textrm{Gal}(K/\mathbb{Q}) \cong A_{4},S_{4}$
. Then,
is free over
if and only if
is locally free over
Proof. Let
. In each case
is trivial, as shown in [Reference Reiner and Ullom37].
3. Review of results relating to local freeness in field extensions
3.1. Freeness results for Galois extensions of
-adic fields
Many of the results and definitions of this subsection also hold for local fields of positive characteristic, but for simplicity we restrict to the case of
-adic fields. We fix a prime number
Theorem 3.1.
be a tamely ramified finite Galois extension of
-adic fields and let
. Then,
is free over
Remark 3.2.
Theorem 3.1 is usually attributed to Emmy Noether [Reference Noether34]. In fact, as noted in [Reference Chapman8], she only stated and proved the result in the case that
$p \nmid |G|$
. Complete proofs can be found in [Reference Fröhlich15], [Reference Kawamoto25] and [Reference Chapman8].
Theorem 3.3. [Reference Lettl29] Let
be an extension of
-adic fields such that
is a finite abelian extension. Then,
is free over
Theorem 3.4. [Reference Bergé2] Let
be a Galois extension with
$\textrm{Gal}(K/\mathbb{Q}_p)\cong D_{2\ell }$
, where
is a prime number. Then,
is free over
Theorem 3.5. [Reference Martinet and Sci32] Let
be a Galois extension with
$\textrm{Gal}(K/\mathbb{Q}_p)\cong Q_{8}$
. Then,
is free over
Remark 3.6. Theorem 3.5 is not explicitly stated in [Reference Martinet and Sci32]. However, the proof of Theorem 1.3 given in loc. cit. also works essentially unchanged in the setting of Theorem 3.5.
Theorem 3.7. [Reference Jaulent20] Let
be positive integers such that
is an odd prime,
is a primitive
th root modulo
. Let
be the metacyclic group with the following structure:

be a Galois extension with
$\textrm{Gal}(K/\mathbb{Q}_p) \cong G$
. Then,
is free over
Remark 3.8.
In the special case
, the group
of (3.1) is dihedral of order
be a Galois extension of
-adic fields and let
. We recall that for an integer
$t \geq -1$
th ramification group is defined to be

is the normalised valuation on
(i.e. with image
). When it is not obvious which extension we are referring to we will use the notation ‘
’ or similar. Thus,
is unramified if and only if
is trivial and is tamely ramified if and only if
is trivial. We say that the extension is weakly ramified if
is trivial.
Theorem 3.9. [Reference Johnston23] Let
be a weakly ramified finite Galois extension of
-adic fields and let
. Then,
is free over
. Moreover, if
is both wildly and weakly ramified then
$\mathfrak{A}_{K/F}=\mathcal{O}_F[G][\pi _{F}^{-1}\textrm{Tr}_{G_0}]$
(i.e. the
$\mathcal{O}_ F[G]$
-algebra generated by
$\pi _{F}^{-1}\textrm{Tr}_{G_0}$
, which is an
-order), where
$\pi _{F}$
is a uniformiser of
$\textrm{Tr}_{G_0}=\sum _{\gamma \in G_{0}}\gamma$
is the sum of the elements of the inertia group
For a subgroup
$\textrm{Tr}_{H}=\sum _{h\in H}h \in F[G]$
$e_{H}=\frac{1}{|H|}\textrm{Tr}_{H} \in F[G]$
. Note that
is an idempotent. We say that
is almost-maximally ramified if
$e_{H} \in \mathfrak{A}_{K/F}$
for every subgroup
such that
$G_{t+1} \subseteq H \subseteq G_{t}$
for some
$t \geq 1$
Theorem 3.10 ([Reference Bergé4, Proposition 7]). Let
be a finite dihedral extension of
-adic fields such that
is unramified. Let
. Then,
is projective over
if and only if
is free over
if and only if either
$K/F$ is almost-maximally ramified, in which case
$\mathfrak{A}_{K/F}=\mathcal{O}_F[G][\{e_{G_t}\}_{t\geq 1}]$ , or
$K/F$ is not almost-maximally ramified, and the inertia subgroup
$G_0$ is dihedral of order
$2p$ , in which case
$\mathfrak{A}_{K/F}=\mathcal{O}_F[G][2e_{G_0}]$ .
Remark 3.11.
Throughout the article, and in particular in Theorem 3.10, the group
$C_2\times C_2$
is considered to be dihedral of order
$2\cdot 2$
Remark 3.12.
be a subgroup of
and let
be a positive integer. We now show how to determine whether
$\frac{1}{r}\textrm{Tr}_{H}\in \mathfrak{A}_{K/F}$
. For example, when
this can be used to check for almost-maximal ramification. Let
be the subfield of
fixed by
. We denote by
the different of the extension
(see [
Reference Serre38, III§3]) and by
-adic valuation of an integer
is the restriction of

Remark 3.13.
From Theorem 3.4, Theorem 3.10, and Remark 3.12 (also see [
Reference Bergé3, Corollaire to Proposition 3]), we deduce that a dihedral extension
of degree
either is almost-maximally ramified or is weakly and totally ramified.
3.2. Local freeness results for Galois extensions of number fields
be a finite Galois extension of number fields. If
is free over
, then it is clear that
is locally free over
. In particular, the analogues of Theorems 1.1, 1.2 and 1.3 all hold, with ‘locally free’ in place of ‘free’. Theorems 3.15 and 3.17 below are generalisations of the first two of these analogues.
Theorem 3.14.
be a finite Galois extension of number fields. Let
and let
be a prime of
that is tamely ramified in
. Then,
$\mathcal{O}_{K, \mathfrak{p}}$
is free over
$\mathfrak{A}_{K/F,\mathfrak{p}} = \mathcal{O}_{F_{\mathfrak{p}}}[G]$
Theorem 3.15. [Reference Lettl29] Let
be an extension of number fields such that
is a finite abelian extension. Then,
is locally free over
Remark 3.16. Theorems 3.14 and 3.15 are well-known consequences of Theorems 3.1 and 3.3, respectively. For a proof see Remark 6.3 and Corollary 6.6 , for instance.
Theorem 3.17. [Reference Jaulent20] Let
be a Galois extension such that
is metacyclic of type (
). Then,
is locally free over
Theorem 3.18 ([Reference Bergé4, Théorème]). Let
be a finite dihedral extension and let
. Let
be an odd prime number that is wildly ramified in
and let
be the unique cyclic subgroup of
of index
. Then,
is projective over
if and only if
is free over
if and only if one of the following conditions holds:
$p$ is almost-maximally ramified in
$K/\mathbb{Q}$ , in which case
\begin{equation*} \mathfrak {A}_{K/\mathbb {Q},p}=\mathbb {Z}_p[G][\{e_{G_t}\}_{t\geq 1}],\text { }or \end{equation*}
$p$ is not almost-maximally ramified,
$|G_{0}|=2p$ and
$[G\;:\;G_0] \mid 2$ , in which case
\begin{equation*} \mathfrak {A}_{K/\mathbb {Q},p}=\mathbb {Z}_p[G][e_{G_0}]. \end{equation*}
Remark 3.19.
In fact, Theorem 3.18 is [
Reference Bergé4, Théorème] specialised to the case that
is odd and the base field is
; the more general statement is somewhat more complicated.
4. Hybrid group rings and applications to local freeness
4.1. Hybrid group rings
be a discrete valuation ring with fraction field
and let
be a finite group. Let
be a full
-lattice in
. Note that
$R[G]\subseteq \mathfrak{A}(F[G], M)$
For a normal subgroup
$e_{N}=\frac{1}{|N|}\sum _{n\in N}n \in F[G]$
to be the central idempotent associated with
Proposition 4.1.
is a normal subgroup of
such that
$|N| \in R^{\times }$
, then
$R[G] = e_{N} R[G] \times (1-e_{N})R[G]\cong R[G/N] \times (1-e_N)R[G]$ ,
$e_{N}M$ has the structure of a
$e_{N}R[G]\cong R[G/N]$ -lattice, and
$e_{N}\mathfrak{A}(F[G],M)=\mathfrak{A}(F[G],M)\cap e_{N}F[G]=\mathfrak{A}(e_NF[G],e_{N}M)\cong \mathfrak{A}(F[G/N],e_{N}M)$ .
Proof. Since
$|N| \in R^{\times }$
we have
$e_{N} \in R[G]$
. Moreover, it is straightforward to show that
$e_{N}R[G] \cong R[G/N]$
. Thus, we have established (i) and (ii), and it remains to prove (iii).
The last isomorphism of (iii) is immediate from (ii). We now prove the first equality, that is,
$e_{N}\mathfrak{A}(F[G],M)=\mathfrak{A}(F[G],M)\cap e_{N}F[G]$
. Since
$e_{N}\in R[G]\subseteq \mathfrak{A}(F[G],M)$
, we easily have that
$e_{N}\mathfrak{A}(F[G],M)\subseteq \mathfrak{A}(F[G],M)\cap e_{N}F[G]$
. The other containment follows from the fact that
; hence, any element in
$\mathfrak{A}(F[G],M)\cap e_{N}F[G]$
, with the harmless multiplication by
, can be written as an element in
We now prove that
$\mathfrak{A}(F[G],M)\cap e_{N}F[G]=\mathfrak{A}(e_NF[G],e_{N}M)$
. Consider
$e_Nx\in \mathfrak{A}(F[G],M)\cap e_NF[G]$
for a certain
$x\in F[G]$
; we have to prove that
. Since
$e_{N}M\subseteq M$
$e_{N}x\in \mathfrak{A}(F[G],M)$
, we have that
$e_{N}xe_{N}M\subseteq M$
. Hence,
$e_{N}xe_{N}M=e_{N}e_{N}xe_{N}M\subseteq e_{N}M$
. Conversely, let us consider an element
$e_{N}x\in \mathfrak{A}(e_NF[G],e_NM)$
, thus such that
$e_{N}xe_{N}M\subseteq e_{N}M$
. We must prove that
$e_{N}x\in \mathfrak{A}(F[G],M)$
, which is automatic since
$e_{N}xM=e_{N}e_{N}xM=e_{N}xe_{N}M\subseteq e_{N}M\subseteq M$
We now recall the notion of hybrid group ring introduced in [Reference Johnston and Nickel21, §2] and further developed in [Reference Johnston and Nickel22, §2].
Definition 4.2.
be a normal subgroup of
. We say that
-hybrid if
$|N| \in R^{\times }$
is a maximal
-order in
Remark 4.3.
The group ring
is a maximal
-order if and only if
$|G| \in R^{\times }$
if and only if
-hybrid, where the first equivalence is given by [
Reference Curtis and Reiner9, Proposition (27.1)]. In this situation,
$\mathfrak{A}(F[G], M)=R[G]$
, and thus,
is free over
$\mathfrak{A}(F[G], M)$
by [
Reference Reiner35, Theorem (18.10)].
Example 4.4.
and let
be its unique normal subgroup of order
. Then,
-hybrid as shown in [
Reference Johnston and Nickel21, Examples 2.16 and 2.18]. Indeed, we have

$M_{3 \times 3}(\mathbb{Z}_{p})$
is a maximal
-order by [
Reference Reiner35, Theorem (8.7)].
Example 4.5.
be an odd positive integer and let
be the unique subgroup of index
. Then,
-hybrid as shown in [
Reference Johnston and Nickel21, Example 2.14].
Proposition 4.6.
-hybrid. Then,

is free over
if and only if
is free over
Proof. The first claim follows from Proposition 4.1, Definition 4.2, and the fact that
$R[G] \subseteq \mathfrak{A}(F[G],M)$
. Since
is a maximal
is free over
by [Reference Reiner35, Theorem (18.10)]. The second claim now follows from the decomposition
$M \cong e_{N} M \oplus (1-e_{N})M$
4.2. Applications to local freeness for extensions of number fields
Proposition 4.7.
be a finite Galois extension of number fields and let
. Let
be a rational prime and let
be a prime of
. Let
be a normal subgroup of
such that
$p \nmid |N|$
and let
be the subfield of
fixed by
. Then, we have an identification
. Moreover, via this identification, the structure of
as an
-module coincides with the structure of
as an
-module under the canonical identification
$G/N \cong \textrm{Gal}(M/F)$
. In particular,

Now further suppose that
-hybrid. Then,

is free over
if and only if
is free over
Proof. The claims regarding the identifications are clear. The remaining claims are then specialisations of Propositions 4.1 and 4.6.
Corollary 4.8.
be a finite Galois extension and let
. Let
be a normal subgroup of
and such that
is abelian or metacyclic of type (
). Let
be a rational prime. If
-hybrid, then
is free over
Proof. Let
be the subfield of
fixed by
. Then,
is free over
by Theorem 1.1 or Theorem 3.17. The result now follows from Proposition 4.7.
Remark 4.9.
Jaulent [Reference Jaulent20] developed similar arguments to Corollary 4.8
, but restricted to the case that
is metacyclic of type (
4.3. Preliminary results on
-extensions of
Proposition 4.10.
be a Galois extension with
$\textrm{Gal}(K/\mathbb{Q})\cong A_{4}$
. Then,
is free over
if and only if
is free over
Proof. By Corollary 2.7, it suffices to show that
is free over
for each rational prime
$p \geq 3$
. For
$p \geq 5$
, this follows from Theorem 3.14. Let
and let
be its unique normal subgroup of order
. By Example 4.4, the group ring
-hybrid. Moreover,
$G/N \cong C_{3}$
(note that
$S_{3} \cong D_{6}$
is metacyclic of type (3.1)). Thus by Corollary 4.8, we have that
is free over
Lemma 4.11.
There is a unique Galois extension
$\textrm{Gal}(L/\mathbb{Q}_{2}) \cong A_{4}$
. Moreover, this extension is wildly and weakly ramified, and the inertia subgroup is equal to the unique (normal) subgroup of order
Proof. This can easily be checked by, for instance, using the database of
-adic fields [Reference Jones and Roberts24] (which is now accessible via the database [30]). Indeed,
is the Galois closure of the extension of
generated by the polynomial
Proposition 4.12.
be a Galois extension with
$\textrm{Gal}(K/\mathbb{Q}) \cong A_{4}$
. If
either is tamely ramified in
or has full decomposition group in
, then
is free over
Proof. By Proposition 4.10, it suffices to show that
is free over
. If
is tamely ramified in
, then this follows from Theorem 3.14. Now suppose that
has full decomposition group in
. Then,
is weakly ramified in
by Lemma 4.11. Let
be the unique prime of
. Then,

so the result now follows from Theorem 3.9.
5. Leopoldt-type theorems for certain dihedral extensions of
We first recall the following theorem of Bergé stated in the introduction.
Theorem 5.1. [Reference Bergé2] Let
be a prime number and let
be a dihedral extension of degree
. Then,
is free over
In the following theorem and corollaries, we consider other dihedral extensions of
. For a positive integer
, let
$\mathbb{Q}(\zeta _{m})^+$
denote the maximal totally real subfield of the
th cyclotomic field
$\mathbb{Q}(\zeta _{m})$
. If
is odd, then
$\mathbb{Q}(\zeta _{2m})= \mathbb{Q}(\zeta _{m})$
and so
$\mathbb{Q}(\zeta _{2m})^{+}= \mathbb{Q}(\zeta _{m})^{+}$
. We recall that we abbreviate ‘at most tamely ramified’ to ‘tamely ramified’.
Theorem 5.2.
be a prime and let
$n\geq 2$
be an integer. Let
be a dihedral extension of degree
. Suppose that
is a regular prime such that the class number of
$\mathbb{Q}(\zeta _{2p^{n}})^{+}$
. Consider the following assertions:
$\mathcal{O}_{K}$ is free over
$\mathfrak{A}_{K/\mathbb{Q}}$ ;
$\mathcal{O}_{K}$ is locally free over
$\mathfrak{A}_{K/\mathbb{Q}}$ at
$p$ ;
$p$ tamely ramified or is almost-maximally ramified in the extension
$K/\mathbb{Q}$ ;
(iv) the ramification index of
$p$ in
$K/\mathbb{Q}$ either is coprime to
$p$ or is a power of
$p$ .
Then, we have the following conclusions:
(i) (i) and (ii) are equivalent;
(ii) if
$p$ is odd, then (i), (ii) and (iii) are equivalent;
(iii) if
$p$ is odd, then (iv) implies (i), (ii) and (iii);
(iv) if
$p\geq 5$ , then (i), (ii), (iii) and (iv) are equivalent.
Proof. Let
$G=\textrm{Gal} (K/\mathbb{Q})$
. By [Reference Washington40, Theorem 10.1] the condition on the class number of
$\mathbb{Q}(\zeta _{2p^{n}})^{+}$
implies that the class number of
$\mathbb{Q}(\zeta _{2p^d})^+$
for every
$d\leq n$
. This together with the regularity of
implies that the locally free class group
is trivial: if
is odd this follows from a special case of the main result of [Reference Keating26, Theorem 1] (also see [Reference Curtis and Reiners10, (50.28)]), if
this follows from the results of [Reference Fröhlich, Keating and Wilson13] (also see [Reference Curtis and Reiners10, Theorem (50.31)] and [Reference Curtis and Reiner9, Example (7.39)]). Therefore,
is free over
if and only if
is locally free over
by Proposition 2.6. Note that
is locally free over
for every rational prime
$\ell \neq 2,p$
by Theorem 3.14. Moreover, if
is odd then Example 4.5 implies that
-hybrid where
is the unique subgroup of
of index
, and so
is locally free over
$\ell =2$
by Corollary 4.8. Thus we have proven claim (a).
Claim (b) now follows from Theorems 3.14 and 3.18 (note that case (ii) of Theorem 3.18 cannot occur when
is odd and
$n \geq 2$
). Finally, claims (c) and (d) follow from the definition of tame ramification and the characterisation of almost-maximal ramification in dihedral extensions given in [Reference Bergé4, Corollaire to Proposition 6].
Remark 5.3.
be a prime and let
be a positive integer. It is well known that
is regular if
$p \lt 37$
. Moreover, by the results of [Reference Miller33] the class number of
$\mathbb{Q}(\zeta _{2p^{n}})^{+}$
, or the same pairs with a smaller choice of
$n \geq 2$
. Hence, the hypotheses of Theorem 5.2 hold for these values. In particular, we obtain the following corollaries.
Corollary 5.4.
be a dihedral extension of degree
$2 \cdot 3^{n}$
. If the ramification index of
either is coprime to
or is a power of
is free over
Corollary 5.5.
be a dihedral extension of degree
. Then,
is free over
if and only if the ramification index of
either is coprime to
or is a power of
Remark 5.6.
In the proof of Theorem 5.2, we could have used [
Reference Bergé4, Théorème] to establish local freeness at
$\ell =2$
instead of Example 4.5 and Corollary 4.8
6. Review of results on induction of lattices and associated orders
In this section, we shall give an exposition of Bergé’s results contained in [Reference Bergé4, §I]. We include some of the proofs for the convenience of the reader. The motivation for this section comes from Section 2.4.
6.1. Associated orders and induction
be a Dedekind domain with field of fractions
. Let
be a subgroup of a finite group
and let
be an
-lattice such that
is free of rank
We recall that
$\textrm{Ind}_{H}^{G} M$
is the induced module
$R[G] \otimes _{R[H]} M \cong \bigoplus _{s\in G/H} sM$
, where on the right-hand side we choose a system of representatives in
of the left cosets
and the left
-module structure is given by the relation
for some coset representative
$h\in H$
. We wish to understand the relationship between
$\mathfrak{A}(F[G], \textrm{Ind}_{H}^{G} M)$
$\textrm{Ind}_{H}^{G} \mathfrak{A}(F[H], M)$
. Note that these both contain the group ring
Proposition 6.1 ([Reference Bergé4, §1.3]). We have

Corollary 6.2.
$\textrm{Ind}_{H}^{G} \mathfrak{A}(F[H], M)$
is a ring if and only if it is equal to
$\mathfrak{A}(F[G], \textrm{Ind}_{H}^{G} M)$
Proof. If
$\textrm{Ind}_{H}^{G} \mathfrak{A}(F[H], M)$
is a ring, then
$g\textrm{Ind}_{H}^{G} \mathfrak{A}(F[H], M)g^{-1} = \textrm{Ind}_{H}^{G} \mathfrak{A}(F[H], M)$
for all
$g \in G$
and thus
$\textrm{Ind}_{H}^{G} \mathfrak{A}(F[H], M)=\mathfrak{A}(F[G], \textrm{Ind}_{H}^{G} M)$
by Proposition 6.1. Conversely, if
$\textrm{Ind}_{H}^{G} \mathfrak{A}(F[H], M)=\mathfrak{A}(F[G], \textrm{Ind}_{H}^{G} M)$
then the left-hand side is a ring since the right-hand side is an associated order and thus a ring.
Remark 6.3.
In general,
$\textrm{Ind}_{H}^{G} \mathfrak{A}(F[H], M)$
need not be a ring. However, it is straightforward to deduce from the above that
$\textrm{Ind}_{H}^{G} \mathfrak{A}(F[H], M)$
is a ring in the following cases:
(i) there exists a subgroup
$K\leq G$ such that
$G\cong H\times K$ ,
$H$ is contained in the centre of
$G$ , or
$\mathfrak{A}(F[H], N) = R[H]$ .
Remark 6.4.
Proposition 6.1 implies that
$\mathfrak{A}(F[G], \textrm{Ind}_{H}^{G} M)\subseteq \textrm{Ind}_{H}^{G} \mathfrak{A}(F[H], M)$
. Hence
$\textrm{Ind}_{H}^{G} \mathfrak{A}(F[H], M)$
is an
$\mathfrak{A}(F[G], \textrm{Ind}_{H}^{G} M)$
Proposition 6.5.
is free over
$\mathfrak{A}(F[H], M)$
, then
$\textrm{Ind}_{H}^{G} M \cong \textrm{Ind}_{H}^{G} \mathfrak{A}(F[H], M)$
$\mathfrak{A}(F[G], \textrm{Ind}_{H}^{G} M)$
Proof. Since
$R[H] \subseteq \mathfrak{A}(F[H], M)$
is free (necessarily of rank
) over
$\mathfrak{A}(F[H], M)$
, we see that
$\mathfrak{A}(F[H], M)$
are isomorphic as
-lattices. Extension of scalars gives an isomorphism
$\textrm{Ind}_{H}^{G}M \cong \textrm{Ind}_{H}^{G} \mathfrak{A}(F[H], M)$
-lattices. By Lemma 2.1, this is also an isomorphism of
$\mathfrak{A}(F[G], \textrm{Ind}_{H}^{G} M)$
Corollary 6.6.
Suppose that
is free over
$\mathfrak{A}(F[H], M)$
. If
$\textrm{Ind}_{H}^{G} \mathfrak{A}(F[H], M)$ is free over
$\mathfrak{A}(F[G], \textrm{Ind}_{H}^{G} M)$ ,
$\textrm{Ind}_{H}^{G} \mathfrak{A}(F[H], M)=\mathfrak{A}(F[G], \textrm{Ind}_{H}^{G} M)$ , or
$\textrm{Ind}_{H}^{G} \mathfrak{A}(F[H], M)$ is a ring,
$\textrm{Ind}_{H}^{G} M$
is free over
$\mathfrak{A}(F[G], \textrm{Ind}_{H}^{G} M)$
Proof. In case (i) this follows immediately from Proposition 6.5. Clearly, (ii)
(i). Moreover, (ii)
(iii) by Corollary 6.2.
Remark 6.7. In the proofs of the main theorems of the present article, Corollary 6.6 will be used to show that certain primes are not decomposition obstructions (see Definition 1.4).
The following is a partial converse to Corollary 6.6(i).
Proposition 6.8 ([Reference Bergé4, Proposition 2]). If
$\textrm{Ind}_{H}^{G} M$
is a projective
$\mathfrak{A}(F[G], \textrm{Ind}_{H}^{G} N)$
-lattice, then
is a projective
$\mathfrak{A}(F[H], M)$
is normal in
, then we define
$\mathfrak{A}^{*}(M)=\bigcap _{g\in G}g\mathfrak{A}(F[H], M)g^{-1}$
Proposition 6.9 ([Reference Bergé4, Proposition 3]). Suppose that
is normal in
. Then,
$\mathfrak{A}^{*}(M)$ is an
$R$ -order in
$F[H]$ ,
$\mathfrak{A}(F[G], \textrm{Ind}_{H}^{G} M)=\textrm{Ind}_{H}^{G}\mathfrak{A}^{*}(M)$ , and
$\textrm{Ind}_{H}^{G} M$ is a projective
$\mathfrak{A}(F[G], \textrm{Ind}_{H}^{G} M)$ -lattice if and only if
$M$ is a projective
$\mathfrak{A}^{*}(M)$ -lattice.
6.2. Clean orders and induction
be a discrete valuation ring with field of fractions
of characteristic zero and suppose that the residue field of
is finite.
Definition 6.10.
be an
-order in a finite-dimensional semisimple
. Then,
is said to be clean if it has the following property: if
is a projective
-lattice such that
is free over
is free over
Theorem 6.11 (Hattori). Commutative
-orders in finite-dimensional semisimple
-algebras are clean.
Proof. See [Reference Hattori17] or [Reference Roggenkamp36, IX Corollary 1.5].
Proposition 6.12 ([Reference Bergé4, Corollaire to Proposition 3]). Let
be a normal abelian subgroup of a finite group
and let
be an
-lattice such that
is free of rank
. Then, the following are equivalent:
$\textrm{Ind}_{H}^{G}M$ is projective over
$\mathfrak{A}(F[G], \textrm{Ind}_{H}^{G} M)$ ;
$\textrm{Ind}_{H}^{G}M$ is free over
$\mathfrak{A}(F[G], \textrm{Ind}_{H}^{G} M)$ ;
$\textrm{Ind}_{H}^{G} \mathfrak{A}(F[H], M)$ is a ring and
$\textrm{Ind}_{H}^{G}M$ is free over
$\textrm{Ind}_{H}^{G} \mathfrak{A}(F[H], M)$ ;
$M$ is free over
$\mathfrak{A}(F[H], M)$ and
$\mathfrak{A}^{*}(M)=\mathfrak{A}(F[H], M)$ .
Proof. (i)
(iv). By Proposition 6.9(iii),
is projective over
. Moreover,
is a clean order by Theorem 6.11 and thus
is in fact free over
. Hence
$\mathfrak{A}^{*}(M)=\mathfrak{A}(F[H], M)$
by Proposition 2.2.
(iii). We have
$\textrm{Ind}^{G}_{H}\mathfrak{A}(F[H], M)=\textrm{Ind}^{G}_{H}\mathfrak{A}^{*}(M)=\mathfrak{A}(F[G], \textrm{Ind}_{H}^{G} M)$
, where the second equality is Proposition 6.9(ii). Thus,
$\textrm{Ind}^{G}_{H}\mathfrak{A}(F[H], M)$
is a ring by Corollary 6.2. Hence,
is free over
$\textrm{Ind}_{H}^{G} \mathfrak{A}(F[H], M)$
by Corollary 6.6(iii).
(ii). This follows from Corollary 6.2.
(i). This follows from the general fact that every free module is projective.
Remark 6.13.
be a finite Galois extension, let
be a prime of
above the rational prime
, let
, let
be the decomposition group and let
. If
is normal and abelian in
is free over
, Proposition 6.12 tells us that
is a decomposition obstruction for
. This observation is crucial in the proofs in Section
7. Induction for orders of a certain structure
be a discrete valuation ring with field of fractions
of characteristic zero and suppose that the residue field of
is finite. Let
be a finite group and let
be a subgroup of
. In Section 6, we reviewed some general induction properties of the associated order
$\mathfrak{A}(F[H], M)$
(with weaker hypotheses on
for some results). In this section, we prove new results concerning inductions of orders of a certain form and then consider arithmetic applications such as the study of weakly ramified extensions.
be a uniformiser of
. For a subgroup
, let
denote the normal closure of
and let
$\textrm{Tr}_{P} = \sum _{k\in P}k \in R[G]$
Theorem 7.1.
be an
-lattice such that
is free of rank
. Suppose that there exists a positive integer
and a subgroup
such that

Then, the following statements hold:
$\textrm{Ind}_{H}^{G} \mathfrak{A}(F[H], M)=R[G]+\pi ^{-n}R[G]\textrm{Tr}_P$ .
$\mathfrak{A}(F[G], \textrm{Ind}_{H}^{G} M)=R[G]+\pi ^{-n}R[G]\textrm{Tr}_{\textrm{ncl}_G(P)}$ .
$\textrm{Ind}_{H}^{G} \mathfrak{A}(F[H], M)$ is a ring if and only if
$P$ is normal in
$G$ .
(iv) If
$P$ is normal in
$G$ and
$M$ is free over
$\mathfrak{A}(F[H], M)$ , then
$\textrm{Ind}_{H}^{G} \mathfrak{A}(F[H], M)$ is free over
$\mathfrak{A}(F[G], \textrm{Ind}_{H}^{G} M)$ .
(v) If
$H$ is abelian and normal in
$G$ and
$\textrm{Ind}_{H}^{G} M$ is projective over
$\mathfrak{A}(F[G], \textrm{Ind}_{H}^{G} M)$ , then
$P$ is normal in
$G$ .
Proof. Note that if
runs through a set of coset representatives of
runs through a set of coset representatives of
, then
runs through a set of left coset representatives of
. Thus, we have

which proves (i). Moreover, we have

Thus for every
$g\in G$
, we have

We will now use the following general fact. Let
be a group, let
be any set, let
be a subset of
and let
be the subgroup of
generated by
. Then from the description of the elements of
in terms of products of elements of
and their inverses, we have

This said, by Proposition 6.1, we have that

which proves (ii).
By Corollary 6.2,
$\textrm{Ind}_{H}^{G} \mathfrak{A}(F[H], M)$
is a ring if and only if it is equal to
$\mathfrak{A}(F[G], \textrm{Ind}_{H}^{G} M)$
, which by (i) and (ii) is true if and only if
. This proves (iii). Part (iv) follows from (iii) and Corollary 6.6(iii). Part (v) follows from (iii) and Proposition 6.12(i)
We have the following application to the understanding of local freeness in weakly ramified extensions of number fields.
Corollary 7.2.
be a finite Galois extension of number fields with Galois group
and let
be two primes of
such that
is wildly and weakly ramified.
(i) If the inertia group
$G_{0}=G_{0}(\mathfrak{P}|\mathfrak{p})$ is normal in
$G$ , then
$\mathcal{O}_{K,\mathfrak{p}}$ is free over
$\mathfrak{A}_{K/F,\mathfrak{p}}$ .
(ii) Suppose that the decomposition group
$D=D(\mathfrak{P}|\mathfrak{p})$ is abelian and normal in
$G$ . Then,
$\mathcal{O}_{K,\mathfrak{p}}$ is free over
$\mathfrak{A}_{K/F,\mathfrak{p}}$ if and only if
$G_{0}$ is normal in
$ G$ .
Proof. Let
be any uniformiser of
. Then by Theorem 3.9, we have

is free over
$\mathfrak{A}(F_{\mathfrak p}[D],\mathcal{O}_{K_{\mathfrak{P}}})$
. Hence claim (i) follows from Theorem 7.1(iv). Claim (ii) follows from Theorem 7.1(v) for one direction and from claim (i) for the other direction.
Remark 7.3.
Note that by using Corollary 7.2(ii), databases such as [30], and a computational algebra system such as Magma to determine whether certain subgroups are normal, we can easily read off examples of number fields
and decomposition obstructions for
. For instance, let
be the splitting field of
. Then,
is an
-extension of
, for which the prime
is weakly ramified, has normal decomposition group isomorphic to
and (non-normal) inertia group isomorphic to
: in other words,
is a decomposition obstruction for
(this case is in fact covered in the proof of Theorem 8.3
: it lies on the entry (5) of Table
We now prove the following generalisation of Theorem 7.1.
Theorem 7.4.
be an
-lattice such that
is free of rank
. Suppose that there exist integers
$0=n_0\lt n_1\lt \cdots \lt n_r$
and subgroups

such that

Then, the following statements hold:
$\textrm{Ind}_{H}^{G} \mathfrak{A}(F[H], M)=\sum _{i=0}^r\pi ^{-n_i}R[G]\textrm{Tr}_{P_i}$ .
$\mathfrak{A}(F[G], \textrm{Ind}_{H}^{G} M)=\sum _{i=0}^r\pi ^{-n_i}R[G]\textrm{Tr}_{\textrm{ncl}_G(P_i)}$ .
$\textrm{Ind}_{H}^{G} \mathfrak{A}(F[H], M)$ is a ring if and only if
$P_i$ is normal in
$ G$ for every
$i$ .
(iv) If
$P_i$ is normal in
$ G$ for every
$i$ and
$M$ is free over
$\mathfrak{A}(F[H], M)$ , then
$\textrm{Ind}_{H}^{G} \mathfrak{A}(F[H], M)$ is free over
$\mathfrak{A}(F[G], \textrm{Ind}_{H}^{G} M)$ .
(v) If
$H$ is abelian and normal in
$G$ and
$\textrm{Ind}_{H}^{G} M$ is projective over
$\mathfrak{A}(F[G], \textrm{Ind}_{H}^{G} M)$ , then
$P_i$ is normal in
$ G$ for every
$i$ .
Proof. The proof of part (i) is exactly as for Theorem 7.1(i).
We already know from Theorem 7.1 that (ii) holds if
. So suppose that
$r\gt 1$
. Note that, since each
is normal in
, for each
$g \in G$
we have that

is the sum over any fixed choice of coset representatives of
. Hence for each
$g\in G$
we have
$\pi ^{-n_i}\textrm{Tr}_{\textrm{ncl}_G(P_i)}\in g\textrm{Ind}_{H}^{G} \mathfrak{A}(F[H], M)g^{-1}$
. Together with Proposition 6.1, this implies that
$\pi ^{-n_i}\textrm{Tr}_{\textrm{ncl}_G(P_i)}\in \mathfrak{A}(F[G], \textrm{Ind}_{H}^{G} M)$
. Therefore

It remains to show the reverse containment. First note that

where the containment follows from Remark 6.4 and the equality is part (i). Let
$\theta \in \mathfrak{A}(F[G], \textrm{Ind}_{H}^{G} M)$
. Then, we can write
$\theta =\sum _{i=0}^{r} \pi ^{-n_i}\theta _{i}\textrm{Tr}_{P_i}$
, where
$\theta _{i} \in R[G]$
for each
. For each integer
$0 \leq j \leq r$
, we shall prove that

We proceed by induction on
and first consider the base case
. We have that

Also note that for each
$g \in G$
, we have


where the equality follows from the case
. Thus there exists
$\alpha \in R[G]$
such that

where the equality follows from (7.2) and the containment
$R[G]\textrm{Tr}_{P_r}\subseteq R[G]\textrm{Tr}_{P_{r-1}}$
, which holds since
. This completes the base case
We now proceed with the induction step. Suppose our claim is valid for
, and let us prove it for
. Using the inductive hypothesis and subtracting an appropriate element of
$\sum _{i=j+1}^{r} \pi ^{-n_i}R[G]\textrm{Tr}_{\textrm{ncl}_G(P_i)}$
, we can and do assume without loss of generality that

for some
$\theta _{i} \in R[G]$
. Hence, it remains to show that

As in the base case, for each
$g\in G$
we have

so, by the result for
, we have

Thus, there exists
$\alpha \in R[G]$
such that

This concludes the induction step. Therefore, we deduce that

which concludes the proof of part (ii).
We easily see with the same methods that

precisely when
for every
, establishing part (iii). Part (iv) follows from part (iii) and Corollary 6.6(iii). Part (v) follows from Proposition 6.12(i)
Remark 7.5.
It follows from the proof of Theorem 7.4 that the subgroups
and the numbers
are uniquely determined by
. Moreover,
is normal in
(a way to see this from what we already proved is the following:
$\textrm{Ind}_H^H\mathfrak{A}(F[H], M)=\mathfrak{A}(F[H], M)$
is a ring, so that we can apply (iii) with
) and
$\pi ^{n_i}$
divides the order of
for all
8. Leopoldt-type theorems for
-extensions of
In this section, we prove Theorems 1.7, 1.8 and 1.9 from the introduction. We first give an overview of our methods. Let
be a finite Galois extension, let
, and suppose that
$G \cong A_4$
. As proven in Corollary 2.7, the only property to check is local freeness. By Proposition 4.10, if
is isomorphic to
then we only have to check for local freeness at
, while freeness in the
$G\cong A_5$
-case only happens if we have local freeness simultaneously at
$G\cong A_4$
, let
. If
$G\cong A_5$
, let
$p\in \{2,3,5\}$
. Let
be a prime of
, with decomposition group
. We will first apply the techniques of the previous sections to compute
and determine whether
is free over
$G\cong A_4$
, in some cases it will suffice to directly apply results such as Theorem 3.14, Lemma 4.11, Proposition 4.12 or Corollary 7.2(i). We will study these cases at the beginning of each of the proofs. In the remaining cases, the analysis will be somewhat more complicated.
It could be the case that
is not even free over
. In general, this does not necessarily imply that
is not free over
. However, this will occur only when
$G\cong S_4$
and in two specific cases:
$D=G$ , which guarantees that
$\mathcal{O}_{K,p}=\mathcal{O}_{K_{\mathfrak{P}}}$ is not free over
$\mathfrak{A}_{K/\mathbb{Q},p}=\mathfrak{A}_{K_{\mathfrak{P}}/\mathbb{Q}_p}$ : we will use [Reference Bley and Johnston5, Algorithm 3.1(6)] to verify that in four specific
$S_{4}$ -extensions of
$\mathbb{Q}_{2}$ the ring of integers is not free over its associated order;
$D$ is dihedral of order
$8$ , in which case, by Theorem 3.10,
$\mathcal{O}_{K_{\mathfrak{P}}}$ is not even projective over
$\mathfrak{A}_{K_{\mathfrak{P}}/\mathbb{Q}_p}$ , which allows us to conclude that
$\mathcal{O}_{K,p}$ cannot be free over
$\mathfrak{A}_{K/\mathbb{Q},p}$ by Proposition 6.8.
We call this method ‘the non-freeness method’.
In all the remaining cases, we have that
is free over
. We will see that the structure of
will always satisfy the hypotheses of Theorem 7.4 (in some cases its simpler version, i.e. Theorem 7.1). We can then apply Theorem 7.4(i) and (ii) to compute
. By Proposition 6.5, we are reduced to verifying whether
is free over
. In all cases of
$G\cong A_4$
with predicted non-freeness of
, we can reduce to the case in which
is normal in
and abelian, hence apply Theorem 7.4(v). We call this method ‘the theoretical freeness method’; this can also be applied to some cases when
$G\cong S_4$
When the above strategy cannot be followed, the structure of
allows us to construct both
in Magma. Hofmann and Johnston [Reference Hofmann and Johnston18, §8.5] described the implementation of an algorithm in Magma that, given a finite group
, a rational prime
, and
$\mathbb{Z}[\Gamma ]$
contained in
$\mathbb{Q}[\Gamma ]$
, determines whether the localisations
are isomorphic over
$\mathbb{Z}_{(p)}[\Gamma ]$
. Note that by [Reference Curtis and Reiner9, Proposition (30.17)], this is equivalent to checking whether the
-adic completions are isomorphic over
$\mathbb{Z}_{p}[\Gamma ]$
. In present situation, we are interested in understanding whether
is free over its associated order
. By Lemma 2.1 this condition is equivalent to
being isomorphic to
-lattices. Since both lattices will be of the form
$\mathbb{Z}_p[G]+\frac{1}{p^{n_1}}\mathbb{Z}_p[G]\textrm{Tr}_{H_1}+\cdots +\frac{1}{p^{n_k}}\mathbb{Z}_p[G]\textrm{Tr}_{H_k}$
, which is the completion of
$\mathbb{Z}[G]+\frac{1}{p^{n_1}}\mathbb{Z}[G]\textrm{Tr}_{H_1}+\cdots +\frac{1}{p^{n_k}}\mathbb{Z}[G]\textrm{Tr}_{H_k}$
, the aforementioned algorithm will tell us if
is free over
. We call this method ‘the algorithmic freeness method’.
With both freeness methods we will mostly find that
is not free over
, that is,
is a decomposition obstruction for
Notation. Let
be a finite group, let
$H_1,\dots, H_k$
be subgroups of
and let
$n_1,\cdots, n_k$
be integers. We will denote by
$\langle 1,\frac{1}{p^{n_1}}\textrm{Tr}_{H_1},\cdots,\frac{1}{p^{n_k}}\textrm{Tr}_{H_k}\rangle _G^p$
the lattice

8.1. Galois module structure of
-extensions of
In this subsection, we shall prove the following result, which is Theorem 1.7 stated in the introduction.
Theorem 8.1.
be a Galois extension with
$\textrm{Gal}(K/\mathbb{Q})\cong A_4$
. Then,
is free over
if and only if
is tamely ramified or has full decomposition group.
Remark 8.2.
After considering computational evidence, in [
Reference Bley and Johnston5, §8] the authors raised the question of whether it is always the case that
is free over
for every
. Theorem 8.1 shows that this is false. Indeed, one can use the database of number fields [30] to verify that every possible decomposition group of
of even order can be realised by an
in which
is wildly ramified.
Proof of Theorem 8.1. We already showed the ‘if’ direction in Proposition 4.12. Now we prove that if
is wildly ramified in
and does not have full decomposition group then
is not (locally) free (at
) over
. Let
denote the unique normal subgroup of
$G\;:\!=\;\textrm{Gal}(K/\mathbb{Q})\cong A_{4}$
of order
, which is isomorphic to
$C_{2} \times C_{2}$
. Recall that
$A_{4} \cong V_{4} \rtimes C_{3}$
and we have the following lattice of the subgroups of
up to conjugacy (see, for instance, the GroupNames database [Reference Dokchitser11]).

Here the subscript on the left denotes the number of conjugate subgroups and is taken to be
when omitted (so that the subgroup is normal).
be a prime of
, let
be the decomposition group and let
be the inertia group of
. Since
is wildly ramified,
has even order. Thus, since
is a proper subgroup of
, the subgroup lattice implies that either
$D \cong C_2$
. More precisely, there are three possibilities for the pair
up to isomorphism:
. Since
is abelian in each of these cases, we have that
is free over
by Theorem 3.3. Thus by Proposition 6.5 we have that
$\textrm{Ind}_{D}^{G}\mathfrak{A}_{K_{\mathfrak{P}}/\mathbb{Q}_2} \cong \textrm{Ind}_{D}^{G} \mathcal{O}_{K_{\mathfrak{P}}} \cong \mathcal{O}_{K,2}$
-lattices. Therefore, it suffices to show that
is not free over
in each of the three cases; in other words, we will show that
is a decomposition obstruction for
. We will apply the ‘theoretical freeness method’ in all cases.
First suppose that
. Then from the database of
-adic fields [Reference Jones and Roberts24], we see that there are four possible extensions
, each of which has
as (lower) ramification jumps. Let
denote the subfield of
fixed by
. Then by Remark 3.12, we have
$e_{G_2} \in \mathfrak{A}_{K_{\mathfrak{P}}/\mathbb{Q}_{2}}$

Similarly, we have
$e_{V_4}=e_{G_1} \in \mathfrak{A}_{K_{\mathfrak{P}}/\mathbb{Q}_{2}}$

is almost-maximally ramified, and so by Theorem 3.10(i) we have that

$G_2\cong C_2$
is not normal in
is both abelian and normal in
, Theorem 7.4(v) implies that
is not free over
. Hence
is not free over
. As an aside, using Theorem 7.4(i) and (ii) and the fact that
, we note that in this case we have

Now suppose that
$G_{0} \cong C_{2}$
. Since
is free over
is not dihedral of order
, Theorem 3.10 implies that
$\mathfrak{A}_{K_{\mathfrak{P}}/\mathbb{Q}_2}=\mathbb{Z}_2[D][e_{G_0}]=\langle 1,\frac{1}{2}\textrm{Tr}_{G_0}\rangle _D^2$
. (Alternatively, we can use the database of
-adic fields [Reference Jones and Roberts24] to check for almost-maximal ramification as in the previous case; the ramification jump turns out to be
). Since
is both abelian and normal in
is not normal in
, Theorem 7.1(v) implies that
is not free over
. Hence,
is not free over
. Note that in the next paragraph, we shall use that

which follows from Theorem 7.1(i) and (ii).
Finally, suppose
$D=G_{0} \cong C_{2}$
. Then,
is a
-order in
$\mathbb{Q}_2[D]\cong \mathbb{Q}_2[C_2]$
strictly containing
. As there is only one such order, we must have
$\mathfrak{A}_{K_{\mathfrak{P}}/\mathbb{Q}_2}=\langle 1,\frac{1}{2}\textrm{Tr}_D\rangle _D^2$
. Since
is not normal in
, we cannot directly apply Theorem 7.1(v) as in the previous cases. Instead, Theorem 7.1(i) and (ii) implies that

Once we fix a copy of
, note that
$\textrm{Ind}_{D}^{G} \mathfrak{A}_{K_{\mathfrak{P}}/\mathbb{Q}_2}$
are exactly the same as in the
-case of the previous paragraph, where we already showed that
$\textrm{Ind}_{D}^{G} \mathfrak{A}_{K_{\mathfrak{P}}/\mathbb{Q}_2}$
is not free over
. Therefore
is not free over
8.2. Galois module structure of
-extensions of
In this subsection, we shall prove the following result, which is Theorem 1.8 stated in the introduction.
Theorem 8.3.
be a Galois extension with
$G\;:\!=\;\textrm{Gal}(K/\mathbb{Q})\cong S_4$
. Then,
is free over
if and only if one of the following conditions on
$2$ is tamely ramified;
$2$ has decomposition group equal to the unique subgroup of
$G$ of order
$12$ ;
$2$ is wildly and weakly ramified and has full decomposition group; or
$2$ is wildly and weakly ramified, has decomposition group of order
$8$ in
$G$ , and has inertia subgroup equal to the unique normal subgroup of order
$4$ in
$G$ .
Proof. By Proposition 4.10,
is free over
if and only if
is free over
We first show that if any of conditions (i)–(iv) hold then
is free over
. In case (i), this follows from Theorem 3.14. In case (ii), Lemma 4.11 shows that
is wildly and weakly ramified in
and has inertia group equal to the unique normal subgroup of order
(note that
is the unique subgroup of
of order
). Therefore in cases (ii), (iii) and (iv),
is wildly and weakly ramified in
and its inertia group is normal in
, and so the desired result follows from Corollary 7.2(i).
It now remains to show that if we are not in any of the cases (i)–(iv) then
is not free over
. We have the following lattice of the subgroups of
up to conjugacy (see, for instance, the GroupNames database [Reference Dokchitser11]).

Here the subscript on the left denotes the number of conjugate subgroups and is taken to be
when omitted (so that the subgroup is normal). In particular, the only normal subgroups are
. (Recall that
$V_{4} \cong C_{2} \times C_{2}$
We fix an isomorphism
$G\;:\!=\;\textrm{Gal}(K/\mathbb{Q}) \cong S_{4}$
and denote by
a choice of subgroups of
in such a way that whenever there is a containment between choices of conjugates of two such subgroups, one of the subgroups is in fact contained in the other.
Suppose that
does not satisfy any of the conditions (i)–(iv). Let
be a prime of
and let
be the decomposition group. In particular,
is wildly ramified in
and so
must be of even order. We cannot have
as this corresponds to case (ii). Moreover, we cannot have
since the subgroups of
of order
are not normal, but the wild inertia subgroup
must be normal in
We will start by applying the ‘non-freeness method’ in those cases in which
is not free over
. By Theorem 3.3, we are in the case in which
is not abelian. Suppose that
. Since we are not in case (iii), this implies that
is wildly but not weakly ramified in
. From the database of
-adic fields [Reference Jones and Roberts24], we see that there are four possibilities for the completed extension
. By using the updated Magma implementation of [Reference Bley and Johnston5, Algorithm 3.1(6)], which is based on that of [Reference Bley and Wilson7, §4.2], we can verify that
is not free over
in any of these cases (for the details on the implementation see Section A.1). Since the decomposition group is full, this immediately implies that
is not free over
Now suppose that
$D\cong D_8$
; without loss of generality, we can and do assume that
. Since we are assuming
is not free over
, we have that
is not projective over
by Theorem 3.10, and so
is not free over
by Proposition 6.8. As an aside, by using the database [Reference Jones and Roberts24], Theorem 3.10 and Remark 3.12, it is straightforward to check that
is not free over
if and only if the ramification jumps of
Therefore in the remaining cases, we can and do assume that
is free over
, since either
is abelian (in which case we can apply Theorem 3.3) or
(in which case the situation in which
is not free over
has already been considered in the previous paragraph). For these cases, we will apply the ‘algorithmic freeness method’. As we wish to show that
is not free over
(so that
is a decomposition obstruction for
), by Proposition 6.5 it suffices to show that
$\textrm{Ind}_D^G \mathfrak{A}_{K_{\mathfrak{P}}/\mathbb{Q}_2}$
is not free over
. Our strategy will be to determine the possible ramification groups, use this to derive the explicit structure of
and then apply Theorem 7.4(i) and (ii) to obtain explicit descriptions of
$\textrm{Ind}_D^G \mathfrak{A}_{K_{\mathfrak{P}}/\mathbb{Q}_2}$
, which will be listed in Table 1 below. For instance, if
$\mathfrak{A}_{K_{\mathfrak{P}}/\mathbb{Q}_2}=\langle 1,\frac{1}{2}\textrm{Tr}_{V_2},\frac{1}{4}\textrm{Tr}_{C_4},\frac{1}{8}\textrm{Tr}_{D_8}\rangle _{D_8}^2$
is the subgroup of
of order
), then by Theorem 7.4(i) the same groups will appear in
, so that
$\textrm{Ind}_D^G\mathfrak{A}_{K_{\mathfrak{P}}/\mathbb{Q}_2}=\langle 1,\frac{1}{2}\textrm{Tr}_{V_2},\frac{1}{4}\textrm{Tr}_{C_4},\frac{1}{8}\textrm{Tr}_{D_8}\rangle _{G}^2$
. The normal closure of
, while the normal closure of
; by Theorem 7.4(ii), this tells us that
$\mathfrak{A}_{K/\mathbb{Q},2}=\langle 1,\frac{1}{2}\textrm{Tr}_{V_4},\frac{1}{8}\textrm{Tr}_{G}\rangle _G^2$
(in fact, this will be entry (1) of Table 1).
We first consider the case
. We have the following subgroup lattice.

Note that
has a unique normal subgroup of order
, which we denoted by
, and, as a subgroup of
, this is generated by a double transposition and contained in
. (Also note that under
-conjugation we have three conjugacy classes of subgroups of order
compared to two in the
We now find
using Theorem 3.10, which determines the structure of the associated order depending upon whether
is almost-maximally ramified or not. We recall we are assuming
is free over
. Suppose that
is almost-maximally ramified. Then by Theorem 3.10(i), we have
$\mathfrak{A}_{K_{\mathfrak{P}}/\mathbb{Q}_2}=\mathbb{Z}_2[D]+\sum _{t\geq 1}\frac{1}{|G_t|}\mathbb{Z}_2[D]\textrm{Tr}_{G_t}$
and all quotients of two consecutive different ramification groups are of order
(see the database [Reference Jones and Roberts24], for example). We have that
must be among the ramification groups since they are all normal in
. Thus if the ramification index of
is 2, then
is the unique ramification group. Otherwise, there is a ramification group of order
, which must be one of
. Moreover,
is a ramification group if and only if the ramification index of
. This case contributes to entries (1), (2), (3), (4), (5), (6) and (9) of Table 1.
Suppose that
is not almost-maximally ramified. Then by Theorem 3.10(ii), we deduce that
$G_0\cong C_2^2$
$\mathfrak{A}_{K_{\mathfrak{P}}/\mathbb{Q}_2}=\langle 1,\frac{1}{2}\textrm{Tr}_{G_0}\rangle _G^2$
. Moreover, by Remark 3.12 we must have that
$G_2\cong C_2$
, but in the latter case the upper ramification jumps are not integral, which is not possible by Hasse-Arf theorem (alternatively, just use the database [Reference Jones and Roberts24]); hence,
is weakly ramified. Note that
is not equal to
; otherwise, we are in case (iv) of the statement of Theorem 8.3; hence, we can assume
. This contributes to entry (8) of Table 1.
Now suppose that
$D\cong C_4$
; without loss of generality, we can and do assume that
. If the ramification index of
, then
and by Remark 3.12
is almost-maximally ramified, and hence
$\mathfrak{A}_{K_{\mathfrak{P}}/\mathbb{Q}_2}=\langle 1,\frac{1}{2}\textrm{Tr}_{G_0}\rangle _D^2$
(see [Reference Bergé3, Corollaire 3 to Théorème 1], for example), which contributes to entry (9) of Table 1. If the ramification index is
, then there must be two ramification jumps; since the upper ramification jumps are integral, Remark 3.12 implies that the extension is almost-maximally ramified and so
belong to
. Hence
$\mathfrak{A}_{K_{\mathfrak{P}}/\mathbb{Q}_2} = \langle 1,\frac{1}{2}\textrm{Tr}_{V_2},\frac{1}{4}\textrm{Tr}_{D}\rangle _D^2$
, where the containment ‘
’ follows from the fact that the right-hand side is the unique maximal order in
(see [Reference Bergé3, Proposition 5], for example). This corresponds to entry (4) of Table 1.
Finally, in the cases
$D\cong C_2^2$
$D\cong C_2$
, we already computed
in the proof of Theorem 8.1. Note that in the present proof and notation the case
$D\cong C_2^2$
corresponds to either
(which contributes to entry (5) of Table 1) or
(entries (6) and (7), where we denote by
a choice of a subgroup of
generated by a transposition and contained in
). The case
$D\cong C_2$
corresponds to
(entry (9)) or
(entry (10)).
Table 1. Local freeness at 2 in

As anticipated, all the possible values of
are listed in Table 1.
We conclude the application of the ‘algorithmic freeness method’ by using the algorithm [Reference Hofmann and Johnston18, §8.5], as explained in the overview at the beginning of this section. We find that
is not free over
in each of the ten cases in Table 1 (for the implementation see Section A.2).
Remark 8.4. In some of the cases, we can apply the ‘theoretical freeness method’: cases (5) and (9) from Table 1 can be tackled using Theorem 7.4 (v) and cases (7) and (10) using Theorem 7.4 (v) combined with Proposition 6.8 . More precisely:
• for (5) we apply Theorem 7.4 (v) with
$H=V_4$ and
$G=S_4$ ;
• for (7) we apply Theorem 7.4 (v) with
$H=C_2^2$ and
$G=D_8$ and Proposition 6.8 inducing from
$D_8$ to
$\textrm{Gal}(K/\mathbb{Q})\cong S_4$ ;
• for (9) we apply Theorem 7.4 (v) with
$H=V_4$ and
$G=S_4$ ;
• for (10) we apply Theorem 7.4 (v) with
$H=W_2$ and
$G=D_8$ and Proposition 6.8 inducing from
$D_8$ to
$\textrm{Gal}(K/\mathbb{Q})\cong S_4$ .
Note that here
is not necessarily the Galois group and
is not necessarily one of the decomposition groups.
Remark 8.5.
The computations in the proof of Theorem 8.3 show that each of the lattices considered is free over its associated order if and only if the lattice is a ring if and only if the lattice is equal to its associated order. However, with the algorithm of [
Reference Hofmann and Johnston18, §8.5] we found that
$\langle 1,\frac{1}{4}\textrm{Tr}_{V_4},\frac{1}{8}\textrm{Tr}_{D_8}\rangle _G^2$
is free over
$\langle 1,\frac{1}{4}\textrm{Tr}_{V_4},\frac{1}{8}\textrm{Tr}_{G}\rangle _G^2$
(see Section A.2 for the implementation).
8.3. Galois module structure of
-extensions of
In this subsection, we shall prove the following result, which is Theorem 1.9 stated in the introduction.
Theorem 8.6.
be a Galois extension with
$\textrm{Gal}(K/\mathbb{Q}) \cong A_{5}$
. Then,
is free over
if and only if all three of the following conditions on
$2$ is tamely ramified;
$3$ is tamely ramified or is weakly ramified with ramification index
$6$ ; and
$5$ is tamely ramified or is weakly ramified with ramification index
$10$ .
Proof of Theorem 8.6. By Corollary 2.7,
is free over
if and only if
is free over
for every rational prime
. If
is tamely ramified in
is indeed free over
by Theorem 3.14. Thus, it remains to consider the situation in which at least one of the primes
is wildly ramified in
We have the following lattice of the subgroups of
up to conjugacy (see, for instance, the GroupNames database [Reference Dokchitser11]).

Here the subscript on the left denotes the number of conjugate subgroups. Recall that
is simple and note that the subgroup lattice shows that isomorphic subgroups must be conjugate. Moreover, since
is not soluble, no prime can have full decomposition group. We fix an isomorphism
$G\;:\!=\;\textrm{Gal}(K/\mathbb{Q}) \cong A_{5}$
and denote by
etc. a choice of subgroups of
in such a way that whenever there is a containment between choices of conjugates of two such subgroups, one of the subgroups is in fact contained in the other.
Suppose that
is wildly ramified in
. Let
be a prime of
and let
be its decomposition group. Then,
must be isomorphic to
, since for every other subgroup
there is no normal non-trivial
-subgroup in
. Hence in each of these cases
is free over
, this follows from Lemma 4.11 and Theorem 3.9; otherwise, this follows from Theorem 3.3). We will apply the ‘algorithmic freeness method’ for every such case. By Proposition 6.5,
$\textrm{Ind}_{D(2)}^{G}\mathfrak{A}_{K_{\mathfrak{P}}/\mathbb{Q}_2} \cong \textrm{Ind}_{D(2)}^{G} \mathcal{O}_{K_{\mathfrak{P}}} \cong \mathcal{O}_{K,2}$
-lattices. Thus we need to analyse when
is free over
. Note that, by Lemma 4.11, Theorem 3.9 and Theorem 7.1(i), the structure of
in the case
is covered by the proof of Theorem 8.1. Hence, in each of the aforementioned possibilities for
, we already know
from the proof of Theorem 8.1, using Theorem 7.4(i) and (ii). The results are shown in Table 2.
Table 2. Local freeness at 2 in

We now use the Magma implementation of the algorithm described in [Reference Hofmann and Johnston18, §8.5]. We can hence verify that in none of the above cases
$\textrm{Ind}_{D(2)}^{G}\mathfrak{A}_{K_{\mathfrak{P}}/\mathbb{Q}_2}\cong \mathcal{O}_{K,2}$
is free over
(see Section A.3 for the implementation).
Now suppose that
and that
is wildly ramified in
. Let
be a choice of a prime of
and let
be its decomposition group. There is no Galois extension
such that
$\textrm{Gal}(L/\mathbb{Q}_{3}) \cong A_{4}$
(since the subgroups of
of order
are not normal). Hence,
must be isomorphic to either
, which implies that
is free over
by Theorems 3.3 and 3.4. Again we can use the ‘algorithmic freeness method’, so that our goal is to analyse when
is free over
. If
$D(p)\cong C_p$
(in which case we can and do assume that
), then as
is wildly ramified this implies that
$\mathfrak{A}_{K_{\mathfrak{P}}/\mathbb{Q}_p}=\langle 1,\frac{1}{p}\textrm{Tr}_{D(p)}\rangle _{D(p)}^p$
, which is the unique maximal order in
. If
$D(p)\cong D_{2p}$
(in which case we can and do assume that
), we can use Theorem 3.10: in case of almost-maximal ramification,
$\mathfrak{A}_{K_{\mathfrak{P}}/\mathbb{Q}_p}=\langle 1,\frac{1}{p}\textrm{Tr}_{C_p}\rangle _{D(p)}^p$
(which gives the same structure for
as when
); otherwise, by Remark 3.13,
is weakly and totally ramified and
$\mathfrak{A}_{K_{\mathfrak{P}}/\mathbb{Q}_p}=\langle 1,\frac{1}{p}\textrm{Tr}_{D(p)}\rangle _{D(p)}^p$
. Hence there are two possibilities for
, shown in Table 3.
Table 3. Local freeness at 3 and 5 in

We used the Magma implementation of the algorithm from [Reference Hofmann and Johnston18, §8.5] to verify that
is free over
if and only if we are in case (2), that is, precisely when
is weakly ramified or, equivalently, when it is not almost-maximally ramified (see Section A.3).
Remark 8.7.
Note that from the proof of Theorem 8.1, we already knew that neither
$\langle 1,\frac{1}{2}\textrm{Tr}_{C_2}\rangle _{A_4}^2$
$\langle 1,\frac{1}{2}\textrm{Tr}_{C_2},\frac{1}{4}\textrm{Tr}_{C_2^2}\rangle _{A_4}^2$
are even projective over their associated orders; induction from
and Proposition 6.8 permit us to conclude that
$\langle 1,\frac{1}{2}\textrm{Tr}_{C_2}\rangle _G^2$
$\langle 1,\frac{1}{2}\textrm{Tr}_{C_2},\frac{1}{4}\textrm{Tr}_{C_2^2}\rangle _G^2$
are not projective over their associated orders. Thus we can treat cases (1) and (2) from Table
without using the algorithm.
Remark 8.8.
Note that for
we found that
$\langle 1,\frac{1}{p}\textrm{Tr}_{D_{2p}}\rangle _G^p$
is free over
$\langle 1,\frac{1}{p}\textrm{Tr}_{G}\rangle _G^p$
without the two being equal. We also found with the algorithm from [Reference Hofmann and Johnston18] that
$\langle 1,\frac{1}{2}\textrm{Tr}_{A_4}\rangle _G^p$
, which does not come from a ring of integers, is free over
$\langle 1,\frac{1}{2}\textrm{Tr}_G\rangle _G^p$
(see Section A.3).
This work is part of the author’s PhD thesis at the University of Exeter. The author wishes to thank his PhD supervisor, Henri Johnston, for his encouragement and valuable comments, Nigel Byott and Christian Wuthrich for helpful comments and discussions, and Werner Bley and Tommy Hofmann for their help with the computer calculations in Appendix A. Finally, the author is grateful to the anonymous referee for a number of helpful comments, which led to an improved exposition.
The author is grateful to the University of Exeter for funding his PhD scholarship; he was subsequently supported by an LMS Early Career Fellowship and then by EPSRC grant EP/W52265X/1.
Data availability statement
Data sharing is not applicable to this article, as no datasets were generated or analysed during the present work.
Appendix A: Computer calculations
A.1. Determining freeness for
-extensions of
be an
-extension with full decomposition group that is wildly ramified. Here we describe how to use the Magma implementation of [Reference Bley and Johnston5, Algorithm 3.1(6)] to check whether or not
is locally free at
, or equivalently, whether
is free over
, where
is the unique prime of
. We used the database [30] to find six number fields, each of which has a completion at
equal to one of the six wildly ramified
-extensions of
listed in the database of
-adic fields [Reference Jones and Roberts24]. Note that two of these extensions of
are weakly ramified, and so Corollary 7.2(ii) already shows that
is free over
in both cases, but we include them anyway as an additional check. The files RelAlgKTheory.m and INB.m referred to below are available on Werner Bley’s website https://www.mathematik.uni-muenchen.de/~bley/pub.php
We refer to the sample file sample.m from the article [Reference Bley and Johnston5]. Note that here we use the updated file INB.m from [Reference Bley and Johnston6] rather than the original file ao.m.

A.2. Determining local freeness at
-extensions of
Here we describe how to use the Magma implementation of [Reference Hofmann and Johnston18, §8.5] to show that for an
we have that
is not locally free at
does not satisfy any of the conditions (i)–(iv) of Theorem 8.3 and
is free over
, where
is a prime of
(see Table 1). Moreover, we also prove the freeness claim of Remark 8.5. The files Iso.m, Lattices.m and Iso.spec referred to below are contained in Iso.zip, available in the link to [Reference Hofmann and Johnston18] on Tommy Hofmann’s website https://www.thofma.com

A.3. Determining local freeness for
-extensions of
Here we describe how to use the Magma implementation of [Reference Hofmann and Johnston18, §8.5] to check local freeness in
-extensions of
at the wildly ramified primes (see Tables 2 and 3). Moreover, we also prove the second freeness claim of Remark 8.8. The files Iso.m, Lattices.m and Iso.spec referred to below are contained in Iso.zip, available in the link to [Reference Hofmann and Johnston18] on Tommy Hofmann’s website https://www.thofma.com
When IsLocallyIsomorphic(QG, BasisMatrix(M), BasisMatrix(A), 2) is ‘true’, we suppress the full output, which includes an element
$x\in \mathbb{Q}[G]$
such that
$x(\mathbb{Z}_2\otimes _{\mathbb{Z}}M)=\mathbb{Z}_2\otimes _{\mathbb{Z}} A$
(whose existence is in our case equivalent to
$\mathbb{Z}_2\otimes _{\mathbb{Z}}M$
being free over
$\mathbb{Z}_2\otimes _{\mathbb{Z}} A$