1. Introduction
In situations where languages are obsolescing, the grammar of the younger speakers can restructure in quite radical ways.Footnote 1 Some of the most interesting data casting light on this process comes from Nancy Dorian's work on the Scottish-Gaelic-speaking communities of East Sutherland beginning in the 1960s. East Sutherland at that time was a sociolinguistically interesting situation in the Gaelic context because it was quite dramatically isolated from the more numerous Gaelic-speaking communities of the Western Isles and the Western Highlands of Scotland, and because the speakers that Dorian worked with were not literate in Gaelic, so there was little normative pressure on the language as it changed.
This article argues that some of the changes that Dorian reports come from the interaction of a loss of agreement features with two general factors. The first of these is a general principle of structure: agreement features are required to license a certain kind of null pronominal, so loss of these features leads to the inability to license this pronominal. The second factor is related to use, rather than structure. In circumstances where variants are in a hyponymic rather than synonymic relationship, the variant with a more narrow distribution can be lost with no loss of expressive power. These two general factors, however, operate within the overall linguistic system of the language. The way that the constraints of syntax are specified for a particular language affects the types of surface patterns that change, in much the same way that the ecology of a geographical area shapes patterns of population change and speciation. Structures that involve loss of a feature become subject to pre-existing but different constraints in the language. These pre-existing contraints form a kind of syntactic ecology for the change. This approach (loss of features, general principles of structure and use, and the prevailing syntactic ecology of the particular language) explains why certain changes take place (and not others) and why the changes move in the direction that they do. We will see that the direction of change is not well explained by appeal to surface properties of the dominant language (English), nor by surface-oriented analogy.
The main conclusion, then, is that the patterns of variation and change we see in the East Sutherland case are best explained by abstract systemic reorganization of the syntax, rather than by convergence with other languages, or by analogical processes.
2. Changes in East Sutherland Gaelic
Dorian (Reference Dorian1973) and Dorian (Reference Dorian1978) outline some major changes in the syntax of East Sutherland Gaelic. These changes involve possessive constructions, as well as two different kinds of passive.
Focussing first on nominal possessives, Gaelic across Scotland has two grammatical strategies for these. One strategy involves realizing the possessor as a postnominal genitive, or, when it is pronominal, a prenominal proclitic.Footnote 2
a. bràthair Sheumais
brother Seumas.gen
‘Seumas’ brother.’
b. a bhràthair
his brother
‘His brother’
c. mo bhràthair
my brother
‘My brother’
The other involves a prepositional structure appearing after a definite nominal.
a. am peann aig Seumas
the pen at Seumas
‘Seumas's pen’
b. am peann aige
the pen at.3sg
‘His pen’
c. am peann agam
the pen at.1sg
‘My pen’
Prepositions in Gaelic inflect for agreement features when their object is a pronoun, in which case the inflection takes the place of the pronoun, as can be seen in (2b) and (2c).
At the time that Dorian undertook her fieldwork, the oldest speakers, fluent in East Sutherland Gaelic (ESG), restricted their use of the proclitic form to a narrow range of contexts involving inalienable possession.Footnote 3 Over the course of her fieldwork, she reports that the younger generations of speakers use the proclitic forms less and less. In the oldest ESG speakers, the full paradigm of proclitic possessive forms is obtainable only with some effort. Speakers find it possible, though not natural, to access pronominal clitic forms to express the relevant possessive meanings. Aside from some fairly fixed expressions involving kinship and body parts, the singular possessives are typically, and the plural possessives invariably, replaced by the prepositional possessives. This change involves a reduction in the range of variants used to express possession.
The second area where Dorian reports change is in passive constructions. There are two kinds of passives in ESG. The first involves using the suppletive verb dol ‘go’, as in (3) and (4).
(3) Chaidh na daoine a bhathadh anns an loch
go.past the men prt drown.vn in the loch
‘The men were drowned in the loch.’
(4) Chaidh am bathadh pro anns an loch
go.past prt.3pl drown.vn in the loch
‘They were drowned in the loch.’ ESG
In these ‘go’-passives, the object of the verb (which is in a non-finite form) appears before it, with a particle a, homophonous with the third singular masculine possessive pronoun procliticized to the verb. When the object is pronominal, this particle is replaced by a particle that marks the relevant person number and gender properties, and is homophonous with the possessive proclitics just mentioned.
Dorian reports that as we look down the age range, however, new forms emerge when the object is pronominal (see section 4 for details). The first new form involves a full pronoun in its non-possessive form. Dorian reports some variation in whether the particle after the pronoun appears in a form that shares number and gender features.
(5) Chaidh iad a bhathadh anns an loch
go.past they prt drown.vn in the loch
‘They drowned in the loch.’ ESG
(6) Chaidh iad am bathadh anns an loch
go.past they prt.3pl drown.vn in the loch
‘They drowned in the loch.’ ESG
Here we see a syntactic change from the use of a possessive proclitic to a full pronoun.
There is another passive construction also undergoing change during this period. In this construction, the promoted object appears as the subject of the auxiliary verb bith, ‘be’ which is followed by a particle marking aspect (Dorian presents data with the perfect aspect). In the oldest speakers, these ‘be’-passives involve an aspectual particle followed by the verb, with a possessive proclitic, which I will gloss as prt with relevant agreement features, which shares features with the subject.
a. Bha iad air an cumail
be.past they perf prt.3pl keep.vn
‘They were kept.’ ESG
b. Bha i air a cumail
be.past she perf prt.3sf keep.vn
‘She was kept.’ ESG
c. Bha e air a chumail
be.past it perf prt.3sm keep.vn
‘It was kept.’ ESG
However, Dorian reports an age effect of this phenomenon (section 4 gives Dorian's quantitative data). Younger speakers have a variant where no agreement takes place, and we find the same proclitic with all forms, as shown in (8).
(8) Bha iad/i/e air a chumail
be.past they/she/he perf prt.3sm keep.vn
‘They, she, him were/was kept’ ESG
There is a further change that takes place in the Gaelic of the youngest speakers, where the two passive constructions end up in variation. The Subject-Aspectual structure that usually appears with bith, ‘be’, can, for some speakers, appear with dol, ‘go’, so we have the emergence of a new point of variation between (9) and (10) for these speakers.
(9) Chaidh iad air a bhathadh anns an loch
go.past they perf prt drown.vn in the loch
‘They drowned in the loch.’ ESG
(10) Tha iad air a bhathadh anns an loch
be.pres they perf prt drown.vn in the loch
‘They drowned in the loch.’ ESG
There is one final relevant datum from ESG. In Western varieties of Gaelic, the object of a non-finite verbal form is realised by proclitics homophonous with the possessive proclitics. For simple aspect, the only way to express simple present tense in Gaelic, the aspectual particle merges with the proclitic into a set of fused forms, as in (11).
a. An robh a’ ghrian gan dalladh?
Q be.past the sun simp.3pl blind.vn
‘Was the sun blinding them.?’
b. An robh a’ ghrian gad dalladh?
Q be.past the sun simp.2sg blind.vn
‘Was the sun blinding you?’
However Dorian (Reference Dorian1978) reports that such structures barely exist in ESG (she records only one example). Rather than (11), all ESG speakers, even the most fluent, have the type of structure shown in (12), ungrammatical in Western varieties.
(12) An do robh a’ ghrian dalladh iad
Q pst be.past the sun blind.vn them
‘Was the sun blinding them?’ ESG
There is no variation in this construction within ESG, but there is a major syntactic difference between ESG here and other varieties of Gaelic. I argue that this dialectal difference is part and parcel of the other changes that the language was going through at the time.
What I want to do in this article is to present an argument that a syntactic analysis of these constructions allows us to understand why these changes progressed the way they did. I will propose that there is a unifying factor here: a narrowing in the richness and range of the agreement features that license a null pronominal pro. If a speaker's grammar does not allow them access to the relevant agreement features, pro cannot be licensed, and the language restructures to remain consistent with general syntactic principles that constrain the licensing of null pronouns. I will argue that these four cases of change (assuming that ESG has innovated from a common Gaelic system for objects of non-finite verbs) all have the same underlying reason, but that the particular solutions that the language comes up with to maintain a syntactic system depend on what other resources are available in the speakers’ grammars for the particular constructions.
3. Possessives
In this section, I first discuss possessive structures across Gaelic varieties, and then turn to the changes that have taken place in ESG.
3.1 Possessive structures
The two possessive strategies mentioned above for ESG are found across Gaelic varieties. Adger (Reference Adger2013) suggests a way of structurally unifying the two possessive strategies in Gaelic. The structure proposed there for mo bhràthair, ‘my brother’ looks roughly as in (13), abstracting away from details of the theoretical implementation not relevant here.
The first aspect of the proposal to note is that the possessive proclitic mo is treated as a determiner. Evidence for this is that it is in complementary distribution with definite determiners, and also functions like a determiner in other ways; see Adger (Reference Adger2013) for details.
a. a mhac
his son
‘his son’
b. *an a mhac
the his son
‘his son’
There is good evidence that the proclitic structure involves a null pronominal after the noun, as shown in (13). Hale and McCloskey (Reference Hale and McCloskey1984) provide a battery of arguments for a similar structure in Modern Irish; I will replicate just one here for Scottish Gaelic. Gaelic has a series of emphatic particles that attach to pronouns, as in (15b).
a. Tha mi toilichte
be. pres I happy
‘I am happy’
b. Tha mise toilichte
be.pres I-emph happy
‘I am happy’
The generalization about these elements is that they attach to pronouns. Whenever we see a pronoun, we can attach an emphatic particle to emphasize the pronoun. This can be seen when pronouns are in subject position, as in (15), as well as in object position or in a clefted position, as in (16).
a. Bhuail Iain thusa
hit.past Iain you-emph
‘Ian hit YOU.’
b. Is e esan a bhuail mi
cop it he-emph that hit I
‘It's HIM that I hit.’
Recall that prepositions inflect for agreement. If the pronoun is either a null pronoun, or somehow morphologically melded with the preposition, then we would expect that the emphatic elements should attach to the preposition. This is correct, as (17) shows.
(17) Tha cat agadsa
be.pres cat at.2sg-emph
‘YOU have a cat.’
Turning to the proclitic possessives, if these were pronouns, we would expect to find the emphatic particle following them, but (18) is resolutely ungrammatical.
(18) *Tha mo-se bhràthair tinn
be.pres my-emph brother sick
‘MY brother is happy.’
Instead we find the emphatic element attached to the noun, as in (19).
(19) Tha mo bhràthair-se tinn
be.pres my brother-emph sick
‘MY brother is happy.’
Assuming then, that emphatic particles always attach to pronouns, the grammaticality of (19) suggests that there is a null pronoun after the noun, and the structure is as sketched above in (13).
In (13), I have specified the pro with a set of features marking person, number and gender. pro is the element that directly specifies a semantic referent, and so it bears a number of semantically relevant features. However, being null, it obviously cannot express those features morphologically. That job is taken over by D, which bears a set of features that agree with those on pro, just as in familiar pro-drop languages like Italian (Rizzi Reference Rizzi1982).
I assume that person, number and gender are encoded by binary features following Noyer's (Reference Noyer1992) typological investigation of agreement systems: [part:±] (distinguishing speech act participants (first and second person) from non-participants (third person), [auth:±] (author—distinguishing first from second), and [fem:±] (distinguishing feminine and masculine). In Gaelic, [auth] is only relevant when [part] has a + value, and [fem] is only relevant when [part] has a − value. This motivates two versions of D, shown in (20).
a. D[part:+, sing:±, auth:±]
b. D[part:−, sing:±, fem:±]
These Ds are entered into the syntactic construction of the noun phrase, and agree with the semantically active features on pro. The agreement operation values the features, so they can be realized in the appropriate morphological form.
The fundamental syntactic condition on pro is that it enters into an agreement relation with some element that can identify it. Under the analysis proposed here, the D head bearing unvalued agreement features plays that role, so Gaelic is analysed as pro-drop in these possessive constructions.
The final aspect of the structure in (13) is the element poss. I will follow Adger's (Reference Adger2013) analysis for Gaelic possessives, simplifying the account for my purposes here. In that proposal, possessive semantics is introduced by a relational functional category, which I notate here as poss and which takes the possessor as one argument and the possessee as another. Where the possessive relationship is one of kinship, as in mo bhràthair, ‘my brother’, the relevant lexical item is as shown in (21).
(21) ∅::poss::λxλy.kin(x, y)
Here the phonological realization is zero (∅ before ::), its syntactic category is poss, and its semantics is the lambda-term to the right (following ::).
Syntactically, and semantically, poss combines with the possessee and returns a semantic function that combines with the possessor to give a meaning where the possessee is kin to the possessor. The function of the D (mo in mo bhràthair) is syntactically to license the presence of a null pronominal, and semantically to act as a definite determiner.
Speakers across dialects in the Western Isles have a preference for the genitive/proclitic structure for uniquely and inalienably possessed elements, such as bodyparts and kinship terms.
a. cridhe Sheumais
heart Seumas.gen
‘Seumas’ heart’
b. *an cridhe aig Seumas
the heart at Seumas
‘Seumas’ heart
c. corrag Sheumais
finger Seumas.gen
‘Seumas’ finger’
d. a’ chorrag aig Seumas
the finger at Seumas
‘Seumas’ finger’
The difference here between ‘finger’ and ‘heart’ appears to be uniqueness, similar to the difference in English between ‘the finger I hurt’ and ‘the heart I hurt’, where the latter loses its possessive bodypart reading. We see a similar pattern in (23) for non-unique kinship terms.
a. bràthair Sheumais
brother Seumas.gen
‘Seumas’ brother.’
b. ??am bràthair aig Seumas
the brother at Seumas
for ‘Seumas’ brother’
c. bràthairean Sheumais
brother.pl Seumas.gen
‘Seumas’ brothers.’
d. na bràthairean aig Seumas
the brother.pl at Seumas
for ‘Seumas’ brothers.’
Here again, the difference between ‘the brother’ and ‘the brothers’ appears to be related to uniqueness. For example, (24) is generally considered unacceptable.
(24) *a’ mhàthair aig Mòrag
the mother at Morag
‘Morag's mother’
This means that we effectively have some constrained variability in the system. Inalienably possessed but non-unique elements allow both structures with, according to my consultants, no detectable difference in meaning, as illustrated in (22c)–(22d) and (23c)–(23d). We capture this distribution in the analysis partly via the semantics of poss. The various details about definiteness are not crucial to the rest of the analysis here (see Adger Reference Adger2013 for discussion).
For alienables, the genitive structure is extremely high register. (25) is strikingly odd in spoken Gaelic, and even in most written registers.
a. peann Sheumais
pen Seumas.gen
‘Seumas’ pen’
b. a pheann
his pen
‘His pen’
In vernacular speech, then, variability is restricted to inalienably possessed but non-unique elements.
Given the various components of the structure just motivated, Adger (Reference Adger2013) suggests a way of structurally unifying the two possessive strategies, as follows.
Barker (Reference Barker1995) and many others argue for the existence of a semantic function that has a generalized relational semantics, pragmatically determined, which is used to capture the wide range of meaning relations in the English genitive construction.
(26) Anson's ball
The relation between Anson and ball can be any pragmatically reasonable one: Anson could own the ball, have just kicked it, be temporarily holding it, etc. This same range of relations is available for the prepositional possessor in Gaelic, motivating this general relational semantics for poss in the prepositional possessive construction.
This gives us two varieties of the category poss: one is phonologically zero, lacks unvalued agreement features, and has a restricted set of semantic relations associated with it (the lexical item introducing the kin relation we saw above). The other, in the unified analysis, bears agreement features, has a general relational semantics, and is realized via the usual morphology of the preposition aig. For concreteness, (27b) shows the version for first person singular generalized possessor.
a. ∅::poss::λxλy.kin(x, y)
b. agam::poss[sg:+, part:+, auth:+]::λxλy.R(x, y).
The same basic syntax that we used for mo bhràthair is sufficient to capture am bràthair agam, which is literally ‘the brother at-me’, using the generalised possessor instead of the specific kinship possessor.Footnote 4
Here it is poss that will agree with pro, licensing it, rather than D. It follows from the fact that pro is then licensed that D can have no agreement features (or else we would have double agreement, something which is not used for the licensing of pro) and a simple definite article is the only available item that will be syntactically well formed.Footnote 5
Using the generalized possessor poss rather than the kinship poss, am bràthair agam is derived as in (29).
The definite article introduces an iota operator in the semantics, and the possP combines with the head noun by predicate modification, deriving the representation in (30).
(30) ιx. brother(x) ∧ R(x, speaker)
The pragmatics of the situation resolve the R relation to one of kinship in ordinary contexts (or to another pragmatically relevant relation).
This system derives the range of form-meaning relations in the vernacular Gaelic possessive straightforwardly (the high register written varieties simply lack the prepositional version). I give examples here for versions of ‘her brother/pen’.
a. D[sg:+,part:−, fem:+] brother poss pro
a bràthair ∅ ∅
ιx. brother(x) ∧ kin(x, y), where y is an identifiable female.
b. D[def] brother poss[sg:+, part:−, fem:+] pro
am bràthair aice ∅
ιx. brother(x) ∧ R(x, y), where y is an identifiable female. R is resolved pragmatically
c. D[sg:+,part:−, fem:+] pen poss pro
a peann ∅ ∅
ιx. pen(x) ∧ kin(x, y), where y is an identifiable female. Pragmatic clash.
d. D[def] pen poss[sg:+,part:−, fem:+] pro
am peann aice ∅
ιx. pen(x) ∧ R(x, y), where y is an identifiable female. R is resolved pragmatically.
3.2 Change in ESG possessives
Let us now turn to the changes Dorian reports for ESG. As I mentioned in the first section, Dorian reports that her fluent speakers appear to know the relevant possessive forms, though, except for what Dorian takes to be fixed expressions, they are not easily accessible. The younger speakers generalize the prepositional possessive strategy throughout, and Dorian reports that these speakers even seem unaware of the relevant proclitic forms. It's worth quoting the relevant passage from Dorian (Reference Dorian1973: 419) in full.Footnote 6
The full range of possessives, with appropriate mutations or lack of mutation, can be elicited from older speakers, and even occasionally from some younger speakers, in only one environment other than the passive: fossilized fixed expressions involving kinship terms (‘when our father was alive’), body parts (‘at her back’, i.e. ‘behind her’), or other inalienables (‘they lost their lives’). Outside these fixed expressions, the pronouns of the 1st and 2nd singular occur freely12 but the other singulars typically, and the plurals invariably, are replaced by an alternative possessive structure involving the definite article and the preposition aig /ig/ ‘at’, which conjugates for person. Thus with a clothing term, e.g., we would typically get a syntactically suppletive paradigm:
kač ǝn N bel mǝ L pεčan13 ‘Where is my sweater?’
kač ǝn N bel dǝ L pεčan ‘Where is your-sg. sweater?’
kač ǝn N bel ǝ N pεčan ik ‘Where is the sweater at-him?’
kač ǝn N bel ǝn N pεčan εk ‘Where is the sweater at-her?’
and so forth through a plural formed with the aig-construction exclusively.
12I.e., they occur freely within the semantic range open to possessives in ESG, chiefly inalienables and things that can be worn or carried on the person. If the noun modified does not fall into this semantic range, the alternative aig-construction will be used.
For Dorian's younger speakers, even the first and second singular give way to the prepositional strategy, so that the alienable/inalienable distinction is no longer grammatically marked. Why should this be the change that happens here? Dorian later suggests that it may be because the alienable/inalienable distinction is not strong elsewhere in the grammar of the language. The use of possessive clitics is
tied to a distinction not productively necessary to any other lexical or morphological choice in the language, namely (roughly stated) alienability vs. inalienability in nouns. A distinction without any overt marker of its own, revealing itself only in one lexical/syntactic choice, may be a candidate for early loss, even when the result seems “perversely” noncongruent (Dorian Reference Dorian and Dorian1989: 6).
This proposal indeed leads to the expectation that one of the two structures would be lost, but does not explain which one should be lost. It requires us to assume that there is something marked about ‘inalienability’ which is not marked for ‘alienability’, such that the former is lost and the latter maintained. Without some further stipulation, this proposal doesn't lead to an explanation of why the maintained structure is not analogous to English, the speaker's other language. Why do we find an leabhar agam, literally, ‘the book at me’ rather than *mo leabhar, analogous to ‘my book’? More generally, why do the structures not converge to the structure of English, which is, for the younger speakers, the dominant language (Winford Reference Winford1993)?
The answer is twofold: first, the richness of phonological forms associated with different values of agreement features is reduced, leading to a reduction in the features themselves; second, reduced agreement features pose a problem for licensing pro, and the solution is given by what other resources are available in the language to express the relevant meanings. In the case at hand, the prepositional possessor can be used to express anything that the inalienable possessor can express, so there is a route to solving the problem raised by licensing pro in inalienables: to use a structure that does the job, even though that structure is quite unlike possessives in English, the speakers’ dominant language.
The lexical forms found for the ESG proclitics, which Dorian reports are available in fixed expressions, are given in (32).
(32) ESG Possessive Proclitic Paradigm
We can see that there are syncretisms already evident in the plural. ESG is distinct from Western varieties of Gaelic in not distinguishing 1st plural from 2nd plural (in Western Gaelic this would be ar, vs. ur, while these have been neutralised to na in ESG). The morphological distinctions motivate a less rich set of D's than is available in Western varieties.
(33) Morphosyntactic features for possessive proclitics in fixed expressions
Given Dorian's outline of the changes, for all speakers only the first and second persons have an accessible phonology outside these fixed expressions. For ESG, then, D ends up having the relations between the features and the phonology listed in (34).
(34) Morphosyntactic features for possessive proclitics outside fixed expressions
The absence of the ↔ symbol here expresses the lack of a phonological form for this feature specification.
There are, then, two aspects to feature loss here. One is the existence of a reduced morphosyntactic feature set compared to other varieties of Gaelic (including earlier varieties of the language). The other is related to an inability to access phonological forms for the feature bundles, a result of reduced exposure to the full range of morphological forms during acquisition. For these speakers, although pro can be syntactically licensed, there is simply no phonological way of expressing its licenser. However, D is obligatory in Gaelic noun phrases, leading to a problem of how to express the structure.
This weakening of feature specification can be seen as part of the same change that has already gone to completion with the objects of non-finite verbs. Recall that in other varieties of Gaelic, aspectual elements inflect for agreement features, but ESG instead uses an overt pronoun, as shown in (36) and (37).
(36) An robh a’ ghrian gan dalladh?
Q be.past the sun simp.3pl blind.Vn
‘Was the sun blinding them?’ Western Gaelic
(37) An do robh a’ ghrian dalladh iad
Q be.past the sun blind.vn them
‘Was the sun blinding them?’ ESG
We can understand this as a variation in the range of categories that can be specified with licencing agreement features. Western varieties of Gaelic have the relevant features on the element that signifies simple aspect. ESG has lost that specification entirely, so that pro cannot be licensed in object position of non-finite verbs, leading to a grammatical difference between the varieties. The solution in the aspectual constructions is to use an overt pronoun. The same loss appears to be extending to D in possessives. At the time of Dorian's fieldwork, aside from fixed expressions, the only two versions of D which have a phonological form are those that express the difference between first and second person.
This proposal gives us a model for Dorian's observation that the older fluent speakers had difficulty accessing the relevant possessive D, even though they could, with effort, access the right form. That would suggest a cognitive organization of the feature matrix above, where although the items are grammatically available, they are close to impossible to access (one could model this via a probabilistic version of lexical access). However, as the next generation acquires the language, if there is not sufficient data to give them access to the forms, the relevant feature specifications are simply never acquired and language change takes place: the feature matrices are simply not associated with a phonological form. As the change progresses, the version of D bearing the relevant features is totally lost, leading to an inability to license pro.
If the language loses agreement feature specification over time, then, given that pro needs agreement features to be present in the structure in order to be licensed, what are the implications? One might guess that the grammar would just break down here, and the speakers would have only a fragmentary system, but that is not what Dorian reports for even the young speakers. Another possibility would be for speakers to reanalyse the proclitics, not as agreeing Ds, but rather as full pronouns, following the model of English, and this appears to be what has happened in the aspectual construction.
One might imagine, analogizing with the extant aspectual construction, that the language would resort to an overt pronoun, perhaps moving this to the prenominal position under pressure to converge with English. Such a reanalysis would result in structures such as (38).
(38) *iad bràthair
them brother
‘their brother’
However, this did not happen, and the question is why.
The explanation I propose here appeals to the internal workings of the language as opposed to external pressure from English. Recall that the prepositional poss item, which competes for the same structural position as the inalienable poss item, semantically subsumes it: inalienable poss is a hyponym of prepositional poss, which can be used for inalienables as well. Since the range of possible uses of the prepositional poss category semantically contains the range of use of the inalienable poss category, speakers acquiring it maintain full expressive capacity: they can say all the things they need to say.
Consider a situation of normal acquisition of the Western Isles structure. Here the child has to figure out that there are two lexical items that express possessive relationships in the syntax: one is usable for almost all possessive relations, while the other is usable for a narrower range of kinship and bodypart relations. Following the idea that the learning mechanism posits as few featural distinctions as it can, a child will conservatively posit just one of the two possible poss heads. If she posits the narrower one, then general facts about what the child wants to express will immediately require her to also adopt the broader one, simply to deal with inalienables. If, on the other hand, she posits the more general one, the data will, at some point, suggest that there is a bifurcation in the feature space. The child will notice that a cognitively important category, plausibly available as part of UG, will consistently correlate with one structure, while the other structure is available for all kinds of possession. Since there will be sufficient data to suggest a one-to-one match between proclitic possessive syntax and unique kin or bodyparts, the child will posit two lexical items for possession in the language: the two we have seen above.
However, in a situation of reduced input, such as when a language is obsolescing, if the child posits the more generally applicable lexical item, there will simply not be enough data to also posit the more specific lexical item. Further, the general lexical item will perform all of the expressive linguistic tasks that the speaker needs, so the speaker is not left with any gaps in their expressive capacity. Of course the child will encounter a small number of cases where the possessive proclitics are found, but these can be learned as exceptions or idiomatic special cases, as Dorian suggested. Dorian (Reference Dorian1978) provides some evidence that even in fixed expressions, certain forms (the special form of the feminine singular preceding a vowel, for example) are lost, leaving lexical gaps. This proposal follows Yang's suggestion that there is a quantity threshold for when a child posits a rule (Yang Reference Yang2005). In the case of ESG kinship possessives, my proposal is that there is simply not enough data to permit the child to acquire the kinship poss lexical item.
There are then four aspects of this situation that are relevant, listed in (39).
a. Reduction in the range of specification of agreement features, following a reduction in the range of phonological forms distinguishing agreement feature values, and hence a syntactic ‘problem’ of what to do with pro.
b. The generalized possessor item is morphosyntactically realized as a preposition, and prepositional agreement features are robustly present, so can step in.
c. The generalized possessor item is sufficient to accomplish all of the tasks for expressing the meanings the speaker requires.
d. In an obsolescing situation, there is not enough data to reach the threshold where a specialised kinship poss is posited.
This gives rise to a problem raised by structures like (40), where the licenser of pro has no possible expression:
This problem is solved by using a structure such as (41), where the licenser has a wider range of meanings and can be expressed.
The reason that, in the possessive, speakers have not analogized to English and reanalysed the proclitic as a full pronoun is that an expressively equivalent alternative is already available. We saw that one change, a loss of agreeing aspectual particles, had already run to completion, and in that case the solution to pro not being licensed was to use an overt pronoun. In the possessive construction, a more general structure has been substituted, so that there is still a pro, but it is licensed by prepositional inflection, a type of inflection that Dorian reports is very robust, even for her semi-speakers.
The idea that speakers opt for a more general form in situations of language change, or contact, has been proposed for other situations. Silva-Corvalán (Reference Silva-Corvalán1994), for example, reports on a situation in Los Angeles Spanish where the syntax of clitics changes for internal reasons, even though it is in close contact with English.
4. Passives
The two kinds of passive used in ESG are found throughout the Gaelic of the Western Highlands and Isles. In the passive formed with the verb dol, ‘go’, the lexical verb appears in a nominalized verbal form, the object appears before the nominalized verb, and they are linked by a particle a, which causes lenition. This particle is homophonous with the third person masculine singular possessive proclitic.
(42) Chaidh òrain Ghàidhlig a sheinn aig a’ chèilidh
go.past songs Gaelic prt singing at the ceilidh
‘Gaelic songs were sung at the ceilidh.’
I will not motivate the general constituency properties of this passive here, but rather assume that the structure is as in (43). The basic constituency of such structures is well established in Gaelic (see Adger Reference Adger, Watson and MacLeod2010), and the precise categories are not crucial for us here, so I will simply use X to refer to a piece of structure whose constituency is established, but whose category is not relevant. The object moves from the canonical object position of the nominalized verb (NV) to a higher subject position.
Whatever the category X is, it clearly expresses agreement features. When the object of the verb is pronominal, as in (44), we find the same set of forms that we found with the possessive proclitics.
(44) Chaidh an seinn aig a’ chèilidh
go.past their singing at the ceilidh
‘They were sung at the ceilidh.’
(45) Thèid mo phògadh aig a’ chèilidh
go.fut my kissing at the ceilidh
‘I will be kissed at the ceilidh.’
We can model this agreement similarly to the way we modelled the possessive proclitics. The distribution of emphatic particles, shown in (46), suggests that there is a pro in object position.
(46) Thèid mo phògadh-se aig a’ chèilidh
go.past my kissing- emph at the ceilidh
‘I was kissed at the ceilidh.’
Given (46), there is a pro in object position, which gives (47) as the analysis of (44).
When the object is a full DP, it appears in the specifier of TP, and X does not mark agreement features (presumably because there is no pro in the structure). So there are several morphological forms for X, depending on how its feature content is valued, which should be, by now, familiar.
a. an::X[part:−, sing:−, fem:−]
b. mo::X[part:+, sing:+, auth:+]
c. etc.
This general syntax is similar to the agreeing D we saw with possessives, though XP doesn't have the distribution of a DP (for example, XP cannot be a subject), and X, when it is unspecified for agreement features, appears as the third person masculine singular form, not as a definite article. This suggests that X is different from D, even though the mechanisms whereby that category enters into relations with other categories are very similar to what happens with D.
We have seen two areas of the grammar of ESG where quite radical restructuring took place in the way null pronouns are licensed. First, sometime before Dorian began her fieldwork, pro in the object position of non-finite verbs was replaced by an overt pronoun, and agreement features that had been proclitic to the verb were lost. Second, in possessive constructions, agreement features in D were lost, so that they could no longer license a pro possessor, with the result that the pro is instead licensed by an inflecting preposition. Dorian (Reference Dorian1973) reports a change in the ‘go’-passives across the generations. The oldest fluent speakers have a Western Isles-like ‘go’-passive. On the analysis proposed here, this involves agreement features present on X, licensing a pro object as in (49).
(49) Chaidh am bathadh pro anns an loch
go.past prt.3pl drown.vn in the loch
‘They were drowned in the loch.’ ESG
However, just as we saw with D, unvalued agreement features are, over the timescale of Dorian's fieldwork, also being lost on X. If X loses agreement features, then the same issue arises as we addressed above: what is to be done with pro? For the ‘go’-passives, a simple solution is for the object pronoun to appear as an overt pronoun, and we might therefore expect an overt pronoun to appear after the verb, as shown in (50).
(50) *Chaidh a bhathadh iad anns an loch
go.past prt drown.vn they in the loch
‘They were drowned in the loch.’
However, a robust syntactic pattern in ESG is that overt objects prepose to a preverbal position in passives, as we saw in (43); this is part of the syntactic ecology of the language. This rule of ESG grammar is not being lost. It requires the overt object pronominal to prepose, as in (51), and this is exactly what Dorian finds.
(51) Chaidh iad a bhathadh anns an loch
go.past they prt drown.vn in the loch
‘They were drowned in the loch.’ ESG
This development is treated by Dorian as an analogy to the overt subject appearing in the pre-verbal position in ESG ‘be’-passives (as in example (7) and discussed immediately below), and in some sense it is. However, rather than being the result of a simple surface positioning effect, it should be thought of as part of the same system that already reached completion with objects of non-finite active verbs (overt pronouns rather than pro), interacting with an independent and robust syntactic pattern in the language. The dependency between agreement features on a licenser and a null pronoun is replaced by a lack of features and an overt pronoun. In the case of the passive, however, the overt pronoun moves to a preverbal position, just as an overt DP does. The resulting structure is given in (52).
Consider (53), adapted from Dorian (Reference Dorian1973: 422) , which shows the changes in form in the total number of ‘go’-passives across the generations.
The most conservative structure, with the proclitic agreement licensing pro, declines dramatically. It is partly replaced by the structure where the pronoun argument is made overt, and moved to the preverbal object position, in the older (70s) speakers. However, an alternative structure (the third column, under OvertPro+P), illustrated in (54), also comes into play.
(54) Chaidh iad air a bhathadh anns an loch
go. past they perf prt drown. vn in the loch
‘They drowned in the loch.’ESG
Here the overt pronoun appears, followed by an aspectual particle. This is unexpected, given what we have said so far.
In addition to the ‘go’-passive, ESG (and Western Gaelic) has a ‘be’-passive. This involves the suppletive auxiliary bith which occurs with a subject and an aspectual phrase, marking perfect aspect semantics.
(55) Tha an doras air a dhùnadh.
be.pres the door perf prt close.vn
‘The door has been shut/is shut.’
In Western varieties of the language, the particle immediately preceding the verb shows agreement for the object which has been promoted to subject position, as in (56).
(56) Tha a’ chaileag air a pògadh.
be.pres the girl perf prt.3sf kiss.vn
‘The girl has been kissed.’
These are passive in meaning, but note that there is agreement with the (moved) object, so they are transitive in form. In fact, (56) also has a perfectly legitimate active transitive meaning: ‘The girl has kissed her.’
As mentioned earlier, when X occurs with an overt noun phrase in a ‘go’-passive, it appears in a default form with no agreement features, as in (57a). However, in the ‘be’-passive, it appears with agreement features, as in (57b).
a. Chaidh na balaich a phògadh
go.past the boys prt.3sg kiss.vn
‘The boys were kissed.’
b. Bha na balaich air am pògadh
be.pres the boys perf prt.3pl kiss.vn
‘The boys were kissed.’
This is slightly mysterious, in that, until now, agreement features appeared only in situations where they license pro. However, agreement features also appear in passive participial constructions in many languages, and Kayne (Reference Kayne and Benincà1989) has suggested that this arises just when the overt object moves through the specifier of an agreement-bearing participial head. Adopting this idea, the structure for the ‘be’-passive, shown in (58), is minimally different from that of the ‘go’-passive.
Dorian reports that her older speakers have no problem producing any of the relevant agreeing forms in the ‘be’-passive (unlike what we saw with the possessive proclitics). They form ‘be’-passives identically to the structures in Western Isles Gaelic.
a. Bha iad air an cumail
be.past they perf prt.3pl keep.Vn
‘They were kept.’ ESG
b. Bha i air a cumail
be.past she perf prt.3sf keep.Vn
‘She was kept.’ ESG
c. Bha e air a chumail
be.past it perf prt.3sm keep.Vn
‘It was kept.’ ESG
However, Dorian reports an age effect with this phenomenon. Younger speakers have a variant where no agreement takes place, and we find the same proclitic with all forms, as shown in (60).
(60) Bha iad/i/e air a chumail
be.past they/she/he perf prt.3sm keep.vn
‘They, she, him were/was kept’ ESG
Dorian suggests that this is because of a redundancy between the specification of the subject and the appearance of the relevant features on the object. However, she does not report that there is loss of first and second person agreement in these ‘be’-passives, and the first and second person are equally redundant.
I'd like to suggest instead that loss of agreement happens here because the same category (X) is involved as a subpart of both kinds of passives. As we saw earlier, agreement features on X are being lost, so that ‘go’-passives are unable to license pro objects. The ‘be’-passive never involves a pro-object even when the object is pronominal. Rather, it involves true movement of the object: in technical terms, there is a copy in the object position (what used to be called an NP-trace), not a pro. If X is losing agreement features, then we expect a loss of overt morphosyntactic distinctions marked preverbally in the ‘be’-passive, which is exactly what we see.
One question remains: What caused the innovation of the mixed version of the ‘go’- and ‘be’-passives? That is, why do speakers begin to use examples like (61)?
(61) Chaidh iad air a bhathadh anns an loch
go.past they perf prt drown.vn in the loch
‘They drowned in the loch.’ ESG
In fact, as we saw in (53), these innovative structures rise rapidly to become the most frequently used variant in Dorian's data. Why should this be? The answer is the same as for why the prepositional possessive replaced the proclitic possessives: a hyponymic relationship between the variants. The ‘be’-passive semantically subsumes the ‘go’-passive, which means that it can be used wherever the ‘go’-passive can. The ‘be’-passive structure then encroaches on the ‘go’-passive structure, leaving the morphological forms for ‘go’ and ‘be’ as straightforward variants.
Let us briefly look at the semantic interpretation of the two types of passive in Western Gaelic to show that the ‘be’-passive does indeed semantically subsume the ‘go’-passive. ‘Be’-passives in Gaelic can be used for either event or state readings, like the passive in English.
a. The door was closed abruptly. (event)
b. The door was closed for three years. (state reading prominent)
c. The door was closed abruptly for three years. (repetitive reading only)
When a manner adverb is present, as in (62a), the event reading in an English passive is prominent, while a durative prepositional phrase favours (but does not force) a state reading, as in (62b). When both appear, as in (62c), we find that the most prominent reading is that the same abrupt event takes place repeatedly for three years. Both readings are available for the passive in English, with pragmatic considerations giving prominence to different readings, depending on modifiers of the event.
We find the same ambiguity with the ‘be’-passive in Gaelic, as in (63).
(63) Tha an uinneag air a dhùnadh fad dà uair a thìde
Be.pres the window perf prt.3sf close.vn for two hours of time
‘The state of closedness of the window lasted two hours.’
‘The event of closing the window took two hours.’
However, the ‘go’-passive in (64) is unambiguous—it only involves the event reading.
(64) Chaidh an uinneag a dhùnadh fad dà uair a thìde
go.past the window prt.3sf close.vn for two hours of time
‘The event of closing the window took two hours.’
Other tests for stativity lead to the same conclusion. The ‘be’-passive – but not the ‘go’-passive – is compatible with adverbs like ‘still’ which modify the state that holds after the event has completed.
(65) Tha an doras air a dhùnadh fhathast
Be-past the door asp prt close-vn still
‘The door has been shut/is shut still’
(66) *Chaidh an doras a dhùnadh fhathast
go-past the door prt close-vn still
‘The door has been shut/is shut still’
There is also an effect on the interpretation of temporal clauses. A ‘when’-clause with a ‘be’-passive specifies a point in time, while a ‘when’-clause with a ‘go’-passive specifies a causal event. In English, ‘get’-passives are perhaps the closest to a ‘go’-passive in Gaelic, though they are by no means identical.
(67) Nuair a thàinig sinn dhachaigh, bha an uinneag air a bhriseadh
When that arrived we home, was the window asp prt break-vn
‘When we arrived home, the window was broken.’
(68) Nuair a shleamhnaich am fàradh, chaidh an uinneag a bhriseadh
When that slipped the ladder, went the window prt break- vn
‘When the ladder slipped, the window got broken.’
The fact that ‘be’-passives can have a stative reading allows them to function adjectivally, as in (69).
(69) Òran air a dheagh-ghabhail
song asp prt well-sung
‘A well-sung song.’
No such possibility is available for ‘go’-passives.
The data just presented suggest that the ‘be’-passive semantically subsumes the ‘go’-passive, just as the generalized possessor subsumes the kinship possessor semantically. We should therefore expect that, if there is change in this area of the grammar, it should be in the direction of the ‘be’-passive. This is exactly what (53) shows: the prepositional element of the ‘be’-passive appears with both ‘be’ and ‘go’ auxiliaries, and amounts to almost 80% of the forms in the youngest generation.
We have seen that there are several changes which either had taken place or were taking place during Dorian's fieldwork. All of these changes can be traced back to a reduction in agreement features and hence difficulties in licensing pro. It is instructive to compare these structures with the structures found in Western varieties of Gaelic, as shown in (70).
What is even more striking is that these are almost all the areas in Gaelic grammar where agreement features are implicated, except for prepositional agreement, where the morphology in ESG is robust.Footnote 7
5. Conclusion
What I hope to have done in this article is to show that the changes reported by Dorian in her foundational work on ESG are all rooted in a single abstract change: a loss of agreement features and a concomitant effect on licensing pro. In addition, I attempted to make an argument about how a syntactic analysis of the forms available in a language can explain, not why a language begins to change, but rather why the changes go in the direction they do. The reduction in the range of agreement features in ESG led to a change in the syntax of non-finite verbs in simple aspect so that a new structure with verb-pronoun order appeared. The same reduction also led to a change in the possessive system, with a loss of the system marking inalienables differently from alienables, since the latter construction took over the syntactic job that was no longer being done by the former. This same reduction also led to the appearance of preverbal overt pronouns in ‘go’-passives, and a loss of overt morphological agreement distinctions in ‘be’-passives. I further suggested that the fact that ‘be’-passives could be used to express a wider range of meanings than ‘go’-passives allowed speakers to maintain a semantically expressive system, while essentially replacing ‘go’-passives with ‘be’-passives, unifying at an abstract level the reasons for the direction of change in both possessives and passives.
There are of course other explanations for the direction of language change. In a circumstance like that of ESG, one might expect the prestige language to exert pressure on the structures of the less dominant language, but the evidence from possessives in ESG suggests that that is not what is going on here. Further, Dorian (Reference Dorian1981) notes that only a few individuals in the community are notorious for speaking ‘‘darn’ leth Gàidhlig, darn’ leth Beurl’’ (half-Gaelic, half-English), suggesting that codeswitching is not a major factor in the changes we see. The syntactic explanation presented here therefore seems to be broadly applicable across the structures of ESG, and, to the extent that it is successful, argues against any direct transfer of structure from English to ESG for the major syntactic changes noted by Dorian. Of course, it may be that the loss of the agreement features in ESG, and the concomitant reduction in the distribution of pro, may ultimately be an effect of speakers acquiring and using English in preference to Gaelic, but if this is so, then the influence of English would be at an abstract systemic level best modelled by the feature specification of functional elements in the grammar.