DRJ lists all books received, including those scheduled for future reviews.
Blum, Harrison, Ed. 2016. Dancing with Dharma: Essays on Movement and Dance in Western Buddhism. Jefferson: McFarland.
Hay, Deborah. 2015. Using the Sky: A Dance. Abington: Taylor and Francis Limited.
Lázaro, Lydia Platón. 2015. Defiant Itineraries: Caribbean Paradigms in American Dance and Film. New York: Palgrave MacMillan.
Martin, Rose. 2016. Women, Dance and Revolution: Performance and Protest in the Southern Mediterranean. London: I. B. Tauris Publishing.
Rosenberg, Douglas, Ed. 2016. The Oxford Handbook of Screendance Studies. New York: Oxford University Press.
Shay, Anthony, and Young, Barbara Sellers, Eds. 2016. The Oxford Handbook of Dance and Ethnicity. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Sparti, Barbara, Giordano, Gloria, and Pontremoli, Alessandro, Eds. 2015. Dance, Dancers and Dance-Masters in Renaissance and Baroque Italy. Bologna: Massimiliano Piretti Editore.
Wong, Yutian, Ed. 2016. Contemporary Directions in Asian American Dance. Madison: University of Wisconsin Press.
Zeller, Jessica. 2016. Shapes of American Ballet: Teachers and Training Before Balanchine. New York: Oxford University Press.