Spotlight: Still a House Divided: Race and Politics in Obama's America, Desmond S. King and Rogers M. Smith, Princeton University Press
From the Publisher: Why have American policies failed to reduce the racial inequalities still pervasive throughout the nation? Has President Obama defined new political approaches to race that might spur unity and progress? King and Smith examine the enduring divisions of American racial politics and how these conflicts have been shaped by distinct political alliances and their competing race policies. Issues such as housing, employment, criminal justice, multiracial census categories, immigration, voting in majority-minority districts, and school vouchers are explored in depth.
Desmond S. King is the Andrew W. Mellon Professor of American Government at the University of Oxford. Rogers M. Smith is the Christopher H. Browne Distinguished Professor of Political Science at the University of Pennsylvania.
Activitists, Alliance, and Anti-U.S. Base Protests, Andrew Yeo, Cambridge University Press
Attention Deficit Democracy: The Paradox of Civic Engagement, Ben Berger, Princeton University Press
Canadian Idealism and the Philosophy of Freedom: C.B. Macpherson, George Grant, and Charles Taylor, Robert Meynell, McGill-Queens University Press
Comparative Politics: Principles of Democracy and Democratization, Principles of Political Science Series, John T. Ishiyama, Wiley-Blackwell
Competitive Interests: Competition and Compromise in American Interest Group Politics, Thomas T. Holyoke, Georgetown University Press
A Companion to Franklin D. Roosevelt, Blackwell Companions to American History Series, William D. Pederson, ed., Wiley-Blackwell
Getting to the Rule of Law, James E. Fleming, ed., New York University Press
Hollywood Left and Right: How Movie Stars Shaped American Politics, Steven J. Ross, Oxford University Press
India Since 1980, The World Since 1980 Series, Sumit Ganguly and Rahul Mukherji, Cambridge University Press
Kashmir's Right to Secede: A Critical Examination of Contemporary Theories of Secession, Matthew J. Webb, Routledge
The Logic of Discipline: Global Capitalism and the Architecture of Government, Alasdair Roberts, Oxford University Press
Luxembourg as an Immigration Success Story: The Grand Duchy in Pan-European Perspective, Joel S. Fetzer, Lexington Books/Rowman & Littlefield
A Model Discipline: Political Science and the Logic of Representations, Kevin A. Clarke and David M. Primo, Oxford University Press
Not in Our Lifetimes: The Future of Black Politics, Michael C. Dawson, University of Chicago Press
Parliments and Coalitions: The Role of Legislative Institutions in Multiparty Governance, Comparative Politics Series, Lanny W. Martin and Georg Vanberg
Popular Support for an Undemocratic Regime: The Changing Views of Russians, Richard Rose, William Mishler, and Neil Munro, Cambridge University Press
Power from Powerlessness: Tribal Governments, Institutional Niches, and American Federalism, Laura Evans, Oxford University Press
Resolving Controversy in the European Union, Robert Thomson, Cambridge University Press
Return to Nature? An Ecological Counterhistory, Fred Dallmayr, The University Press of Kentucky
States of War: Enlightenment Origins of the Political, David William Bates, Columbia University Press
Taiwan's Political Economy: Meeting Challenges and Pursuing Progress, Cal Clark and Alexander C. Tan, Lynne Rienner Publishers
Transnational Torture: Law, Violence, and State Power in the United States and India, Jinee Lokaneeta, New York University Press
Why Civil Resistance Works: The Strategic Logic of Nonviolent Conflict, Erica Chenoweth and Maria J. Stephan, Columbia University Press
Why Iowa? How Caucuses and Sequential Elections Improve the Presidential Nominating Process, David Redlawsk, Caroline Tolbert, and Todd Donovan, University of Chicago Press
Women, Gender, and Terrorism, Laura Sjoberg and Caron E. Gentry, The University of Georgia Press