1. Introduction
be a Hopf algebra over a field
. A Hopf cocycle
with coefficients in
for A is a linear map
$\sigma\colon A\otimes A\to \Bbbk$
which is convolution invertible and satisfies
This condition allows to deform the multiplication
$m\rightsquigarrow m_\sigma=\sigma\ast m\ast \sigma^{-1}$
into a new associative product, so that the cocycle deformation
is again a Hopf algebra. Introduced by Doi and Takeuchi in [Reference Doi and Takeuchi11], Hopf cocycles have evolved in recent years from a technical device to an inescapable and key tool in the classification program for non-semisimple Hopf algebras.
Indeed, the classification of finite-dimensional pointed Hopf algebras over abelian groups is completely determined by Hopf cocycles. Each such Hopf algebra is a cocycle deformation of the bosonization
$B\# H$
, where
is a finite-dimensional Nichols algebra of diagonal type and
is a commutative group algebra. This was first observed by Masuoka in [Reference Masuoka21], see also [Reference Grunelfelder and Mastnak18], for the Hopf algebras classified in [Reference Andruskiewitsch and Schneider3], and proved in full generality in [Reference Angiono and García Iglesias7]. A similar statement is true for every known example of a finite-dimensional pointed Hopf algebra over
$H=\Bbbk G$
, G non-necessarily abelian, cf. [Reference García and Mastnak13, Reference García Iglesias and Mombelli14, Reference García Iglesias and Vay16, Reference García Iglesias and Vay17]. Moreover, the same holds for copointed Hopf algebras over
, see [Reference Andruskiewitsch and Vay4, Reference Fantino, García and Mastnak12, Reference García Iglesias and Vay17].
It is important to remark that, despite the name, Hopf cocycles do not arise from a cohomology setup (unless the Hopf algebra is cocommutative, in which case there are no deformations in this sense). In fact, the set
of Hopf cocycles in A is not a group. This is a major obstruction for a systematic construction of cocycles. There is, however, a notion of cohomologous cocycles, via an action of the group of convolution units in
As a matter of fact, the classification results bypass an explicit description of the cocycles involved and work with the algebraic counterpart of cleft objects. These are certain comodule algebras C endowed with a convolution invertible comodule isomorphism
$\gamma\colon A \to C$
. Any pair
defines a Hopf cocycle via
There is a more cohomological alternative to compute Hopf cocycles, rooted in the Hochschild cohomology
of A, as some Hopf cocycles can be obtained as exponentials of Hochschild 2-cocycles in
. We also investigate this approach, which turns out to be rather limited. We say that a Hopf cocycle is pure when it is not cohomologous to an exponential.
We propose to explicitly compute the Hopf cocycles involved in the classification by writing down the section for each cleft object and calculating the values of
using (1.1). Also, we determine which of these cocycles are pure and which are exponentials.
1.1. Setting
Motivated by the state-of-the-art of the classification program just described, we restrict ourselves to the following context
$A=B\# H$ , where H is a semisimple Hopf algebra and
$B\in{}^{H}_{H}\mathcal{YD}$ is a (braided) graded Hopf algebra
$B=\bigoplus_{n\geq 0} B_n$ with
$B_0=\Bbbk$ and generated by
$V\,:\!=\, B_1$ . That is, B is a pre-Nichols algebra.
The Hopf cocycles
$\sigma$ for A belong to the set
\begin{equation*} Z^2_0(A)\,:\!=\,\left\{\sigma\in Z^2(A) | \sigma_{|H\otimes H}=\epsilon\right\}. \end{equation*}
\begin{equation*} Z^2(B)^H\,:\!=\,\left\{\sigma_B\in Z^2(B) | \sigma\!\left(h_{(1)}\cdot x,h_{(2)}\cdot y\right)=\epsilon(h)\sigma(x,y), \ h\in H, x,y\in B\right\} \end{equation*}
$\sigma_B$ for B, as a braided bialgebra, see (2.3), so that
(1.2)Thus,\begin{align} \sigma(ah,bk)=\sigma_B(a,h\cdot b)\epsilon(k), \qquad a,b\in B, \ h,k\in H. \end{align}
$\sigma_B=\sigma_{|B\otimes B}$ and
$\sigma$ is determined by its values on a basis of B. We write
$\sigma=\sigma_B\# \epsilon$ , so
$Z^2_0(A)\simeq Z^2(B)^H$ . See [Reference Andruskiewitsch and García Iglesias1] for details on braided cocycles.
We develop some tools that reduce the number of calculations we need to perform to compute the cocycles, see Lemma 3.2.
Ştefan shows in [Reference Ştefan25] that there is an action of H on
, that descends to
$M\in B\textrm{-bimod}$
, in such a way that
$\textrm{H}^\bullet(A,M)\simeq \textrm{H}^\bullet(B,M)^H$
. This action is not explicit in loc.cit. We write down Ştefan's Theorem in our context as Theorem 4.4: we present an element-based proof of it and show that the action is:
$h\in H$
$f\in \textrm{Z}^q(B,M)\subset\textrm{Hom}_\Bbbk(B^{\otimes\,q}, M)$
${\textbf{x}}\in B^{\otimes\,q}$
denotes the antipode of H. See also [Reference Căldăraru, Giaquinto and Witherspoon9] for H a group algebra. As well, we show that we can restrict the study of
to cocycles in
$\eta_B\in \textrm{Z}^2(B,\Bbbk)^H$
, cf. (1.2). Finally, we show in Proposition 5.5 that
$e^\eta\in Z^2(B)^H$
if and only if
$\eta\in \textrm{Z}^2(B,\Bbbk)^H$
Now, the cleft objects in the classification arise as
$C=E\# H$
, for E a cleft object for B in
. In particular the section
is given by
$\gamma_B\colon B\to E$
. Formula (1.1) extends to this context, see [Reference Andruskiewitsch and García Iglesias1].
In this setting, our strategy runs as follows.
(a) Compute the section
$\gamma_B\colon B\to E$ in a basis
$\mathbb{B}$ of B.
(b) Write down the table of values of
$\sigma$ as in (1.1) in terms of
$\mathbb{B}^2$ .
(c) Compute the space
$\textrm{Z}^2(B,\Bbbk)^H$ of H-invariant Hochschild 2-cocycles and find necessary and sufficient conditions so that
$e^\eta$ is a Hopf cocycle.
(d) Determine those Hopf cocycles that are cohomologous to exponentials
$e^\eta$ and those that are pure.
1.2. An example of diagonal type
We perform all of these steps for a braiding
of Cartan type
, with parameter
, and a principal YD-realization, see (2.10), in
for a semisimple Hopf algebra H. We recall that
is a PBW basis for the Nichols algebra
and that the deformations
$A=B\# H$
are classified by triplets
, subject to certain restrictions (depending on H), see Section 6. Our main results are Theorems 6.5 and 6.13, which can be summarized as follows.
Theorem. Let
, H be as above. Any Hopf cocycle
$\sigma\in Z^2\!\left(\mathfrak{B}_{\mathfrak{q}}\right)^H$
is cohomologous to a cocycle
, as in the following table:
In particular,
In turn, the cocycle
is cohomologous to an exponential if and only if at most one of the parameters
is nonzero.
This table was computed by the second author in his Tesis de Licenciatura [Reference Sánchez23].
1.3. About the exponential
The theorem above shows in particular that the exponential approach is far from optimal. Up to cohomology, only three non-trivial cocycles are exponentials, namely
$\sigma_{(1,0,0)}, \sigma_{(0,1,0)}$
On the other hand, it is unclear which conditions on
are necessary to imply that the exponential
is a Hopf cocycle. There are well-known sufficient commutation conditions (5.1) and (5.2) in the convolution algebra
$\textrm{Hom}(A^{\otimes 3},\Bbbk)$
. As a byproduct of our calculations, we obtain in Lemma 6.11 that
There are Hochschild cocycles
$\eta$ that fail (5.1), (5.2) but still
$e^\eta$ is a Hopf cocycle.
However, we show that in our examples such cocycles
$\eta$ are cohomologous to a cocycle satisfying those conditions. We are not aware if this a general fact.
An important comment worth making is that, depending on the realization and certain normalization conditions, a pure cocycle deformation
can be isomorphic to an exponential deformation
, see Remark 6.2. Nevertheless, the corresponding cleft objects are not isomorphic.
Some of these observations have already been implicitly pointed in [Reference García and Mastnak13], for cocycles related to pointed Hopf algebras over
. Nevertheless, the exponential Hopf cocycles obtained in loc.cit. considered a restricted class of Hochschild cocycles, namely those that are concentrated in degree one. We hope to obtain a full description of the missing pure cocycles in future work.
On the other hand, those restrictions are enough to find all cocycles for pointed Hopf algebras over
ibid., as deformations of the Fomin-Kirillov algebra
and copointed Hopf algebras over the dihedral groups
in [Reference Fantino, García and Mastnak12]. In a forthcoming work [Reference García Iglesias and Sánchez15], we show that pure cocycles are indeed needed for pointed deformations of
over more general groups
, or for copointed deformations over
It is also worth mentioning that, under certain conditions, some families of cocycles for the pointed Hopf algebras in [Reference Andruskiewitsch and Schneider3] were described in [Reference Mastnak and Witherspoon20]. The example we treat in this article escapes those restrictions.
1.4. Organization
The paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, we recall some preliminaries on Hopf algebras and deformations. In Section 3, we develop some tools and techniques to compute the cocycles. In Section 4, we study the Hochschild cohomology of the algebras in our setting Section 1.1, in particular the structure of the set of H-invariant 2-cocycles. We also investigate the H-invariance introduced in [Reference Ştefan25] and give an explicit description of the action. We combine these analysis to study the exponential cocycles in Section 5. Finally, we apply all of these steps in Section 6 where we compute in detail the cocycles associated to a deformation of Cartan type
2. Preliminaries
We work over an algebraically closed field of characteristic zero
. All tensor products, vector spaces and maps are assumed to be defined over
. If
, we set
$I_\theta=\{1,\dots,\theta\}\subset \mathbb{N}$
We let
be a Hopf algebra; we use Sweedler’s notation
$\Delta(h)=h_{(1)}\otimes h_{(2)}$
for the comultiplication, similarly for comodules over H and the coaction. We set
. We write G(H) for the set of group-like elements on H,
for the primitive elements and U(H) for the units. We denote by
the coradical of H. Recall that H is pointed when
$H_0=\Bbbk G(H)$
and copointed when
for some (finite) non-abelian group G.
A (right) cleft object for H is a right comodule algebra C endowed with a convolution invertible comodule isomorphism
$\gamma\colon H\to C$
. This map is called a section when
. We let
denote the set of cleft objects up to isomorphism. Left, and bi-cleft, objects are defined similarly.
2.1. Hopf cocycles
A Hopf 2-cocycle
$\sigma\,:\, H\otimes H \to \Bbbk$
is a convolution-invertible linear map
$x\otimes y\mapsto\sigma(x,y)$
It follows that
$\sigma(1,1)\neq 0$
$\sigma(x, 1) = \sigma(1, x) = \epsilon(x)\sigma(1,1)$
$x\in H$
, so by
we can always assume that
$\sigma(x, 1) = \sigma(1, x) = \epsilon(x)$
. Such cocycles are called normalized. We shall denote by
the set of normalized Hopf 2-cocycles in H.
We will use a coordinate-free version of (2.1), namely
This allows us to consider a braided version of Hopf cocycles for any bialgebra in a braided category; see [Reference Andruskiewitsch and García Iglesias1] for details.
2.1.1. Cocycle deformations
$\sigma\in Z^2(H)$
. Then
$\cdot_{\sigma}\,:\,H\otimes H\rightarrow H$
, given by
defines an associative product on the vector space H. Moreover, the collection
$(H,\cdot_\sigma, \Delta)$
is a Hopf algebra with antipode
$\mathcal{S}_{\sigma} = f*\mathcal{S}*f^{-1}$
, for
$f =\sigma\circ(\textrm{id}\otimes\,\mathcal{S})\circ\Delta$
. This Hopf algebra is denoted
and referred to as a cocycle deformation of H.
$\sigma\in Z^2(H)$
, then there is another deformation of the multiplication in H. Namely,
$\cdot_{(\sigma)}\,:\,H\otimes H\rightarrow H$
, given by
also defines an associative product on the vector space H; we denote this new algebra by
. In this case, the comultiplication
$H\to H\otimes H$
defines coactions
$H_{(\sigma)}\to H_{(\sigma)}\otimes H$
$H_{(\sigma)}\to H_{\sigma}\otimes H_{(\sigma)}$
in such a way that
becomes a
-bicleft object.
Moreover, any (right) cleft object C for H (and hence any cocycle deformation
) arises in this way. If C is a cleft object with a normalized section
$\gamma\,:\,H\to C$
, then
$C\simeq H_{(\sigma)}$
; for the cocycle
$\sigma\colon H\otimes H\to \Bbbk$
determined by the formula
We stress that formula (2.6) extends to cleft objects in braided categories, see [Reference Andruskiewitsch and García Iglesias1].
Furthermore, it is possible to recover
completely in terms of the cleft object C, as the so-called Schauenburg left Hopf algebra L(C, H); in particular, no cocycles are explicitly involved. See [Reference Schauenburg24] for further details.
2.1.2. Cohomologous Hopf cocycles
The group
of convolution units in
acts on
We write
and set
Moreover, if
, then
$H_\sigma\simeq H_{\sigma^{\prime}}$
as Hopf algebras. However, the converse is not true, see Remark 2.1 below.
The equivalence does hold for H-cleft objects, namely
$(C,\gamma)\simeq (C^{\prime},\gamma^{\prime})$
if and only if
, for
the Hopf 2-cocycles associated to
, respectively, as in (2.6), so that
$C\simeq H_{(\sigma)}$
$C^{\prime}\simeq H_{(\sigma^{\prime})}$
, see [Reference Doi10, Theorem 2.2]. That is, there is an equivalence
We may always assume that such
as in (2.7) is such that
. Indeed,
$c=\alpha(1)\neq 0$
is convolution invertible and
Remark 2.1. Two cocycle deformations
may be isomorphic for two non-equivalent cocycles
$\sigma,\sigma^{\prime}\in Z^2(H)$
We briefly develop an example. Let
$H=\Bbbk\big\langle x,g\,:\,x^2=0, g^2=1, gx=-xg\big\rangle$
be the Taft algebra and let
, be the cocycle determined by
. It follows that
$H_{\sigma_{\lambda}}\simeq H$
for every
. If
$\lambda\neq 0$
, then
$\sigma_{\lambda}\not\sim \sigma_1$
, but
$\sigma_{1}\not\sim \sigma_0=\epsilon$
. Indeed, they determine the (non-isomorphic) cleft objects
$C_\lambda=\Bbbk\big\langle y,g\,:\,y^2=\lambda, g^2=1, gy=-yg\big\rangle$
2.2. Yetter–Drinfeld modules and Nichols algebras
We recall that the category
of Yetter–Drinfeld modules over H is the category of all simultaneously left modules and left comodules M such that the action
and the coaction
are subject to
When the antipode
of H is bijective this is a braided category, with braiding
$c_{M,N}\colon M\otimes N\to N\otimes M$
$m\otimes n\mapsto m_{({-}1)}\cdot n\otimes m_{(0)}$
$m\in M$
$n\in N$
A braided vector space is a pair (V, c), where V is a vector space together with an invertible linear map
$c\colon V\otimes V\to V\otimes V$
that satisfies the braid equation
$(c\otimes\textrm{id})(\textrm{id}\otimes\, c)(c\otimes\textrm{id})=(\textrm{id}\otimes\, c)(c\otimes\textrm{id})(\textrm{id}\otimes \,c)$
. In particular, any
is a braided vector space with
. Conversely, a realization of (V, c) over H is a structure of Yetter–Drinfeld module on V so that
is an algebra, then one may use the braiding to define an algebra structure on
$B\otimes B\in{}^{H}_{H}\mathcal{YD}$
. A bialgebra, resp. Hopf algebra, in
is defined under this convention. In this case, the bosonization
$B\# H$
becomes a (Hopf) algebra. We recall that in this case the multiplication is defined via
We write bh for an element
$B\# H$
. Notice that this is coherent with the multiplication just defined as
as algebras and
$(b\otimes 1)(1\otimes h)=b\otimes h$
. As well, notice that, for
$h\in H$
$b \in B$
In turn, the comultiplication is given by the rule
See [Reference Andruskiewitsch and Schneider2] for details.
A Nichols algebra is a connected graded Hopf algebra
$B=\oplus_{n\geq 0} B_n$
generated by
and such that
. We say that such a Hopf algebra is pre-Nichols when this last condition is not satisfied, so that
$V\subsetneq \textrm{P}(V)$
. We denote such Nichols algebra by
, as it is completely determined by the braided vector space (V, c), independently of the realization in
A finite-dimensional braided vector space is of diagonal type when there is a basis
of V and a matrix
so that the braiding
is given by
$c\!\left(x_i\otimes x_j\right)=q_{ij}x_j\otimes x_i$
$i,j\in \mathbb{I}_\theta$
. In this setting
is also denoted
A principal YD-realization of V over H is a family
$(\chi_i,g_i)_{i\in \mathbb{I}_\theta}$
$g_i\in G(H)$
$\chi_i\colon H\to \Bbbk$
algebra maps so that
$i,j\in \mathbb{I}_\theta$
$g\in G(H), h\in H$
. This determines a realization
Remark 2.2. Diagonal braided vector spaces
, or equivalently matrix braidings
, with finite-dimensional associated Nichols algebra, are classified in [Reference Heckenberger19] in terms of decorated Dynkin diagrams. On top of that, the Nichols algebras
are presented by generators and relations in [Reference Angiono5, Reference Angiono6] as quotients of the tensor algebra T(V). In turn, if H is a semisimple Hopf algebra with a principal YD-realization
, then all deformations of
$A=\mathfrak{B}_{\mathfrak{q}}\# H$
are classified in [Reference Angiono and García Iglesias7], by defining an exhaustive family of cleft objects
for A in such a way that every deformation arises as the associated Schauenburg left Hopf algebra
, which is presented by generators and relations as a quotient
$T(V)\# H$
. In particular,
is a cocycle deformation of A.
For any connected
$B=\bigoplus_{n\geq 0} B_n$
bialgebra and
$b\in B^+\,:\!=\,\bigoplus_{n\geq 1} B_n$
, we shall consider the restricted comultiplication:
Also, we set
$\underline{\Delta}(1)=1\otimes 1$
; and write
$\underline{\Delta}(b)=b_{\underline{{(1)}}}\otimes b_{\underline{{(2)}}}$
$b\in B.$
We will use a similar notation
for coactions. A restricted version of coassociativity holds:
As usual, we write
$b_{\underline{{(1)}}{\underline{{(1)}}}}\otimes b_{\underline{{(1)}}{\underline{{(2)}}}}\otimes b_{\underline{{(2)}}}=b_{\underline{{(1)}}}\otimes b_{\underline{{(2)}}{\underline{{(1)}}}}\otimes b_{\underline{{(2)}}{\underline{{(2)}}}}=b_{\underline{{(1)}}}\otimes b_{\underline{{(2)}}}\otimes b_{\underline{{(3)}}}$
3. Some tools to compute the cocycles
Recall our setting from Section 1. Namely, H is a semisimple Hopf algebra,
$A=B\# H$
and we consider Hopf cocycles
$\sigma_B\in Z^2(B)^H$
, see (1.2). We let
be a homogeneous basis of B, set
$V\,:\!=\, B_1$
and fix
$\{x_1,\dots,x_\theta\}\subset \mathbb{B}$
a basis of V.
In this section, we collect some ideas that reduce the number of computations necessary to calculate the values
We also investigate the orbit of
under the action of
in Section 3.1.
The first result is straightforward.
Lemma 3.1. Let
be a cleft object for B in
and let
the associated cocycle as in (2.1). For each
$x\in \textrm{P}(B), b\in B^+$
, we have
Proof. Indeed, we have that
Hence, we get
by (2.1).
Next lemma drastically reduces the number of computations, showing that the values
rely on the bialgebra structure of B in
and the set:
$\left(c_{i,j}^{p,q}\right)_{ \begin{smallmatrix} i,j,\\ p,q \end{smallmatrix} \in\mathbb{I}_\theta}$
be the matrix coefficients of the braiding
$c\,:\,V\otimes V\to V\otimes V$
, so
Lemma 3.2. Let
$a=xa^{\prime},b\in B^+$
$x\in V$
$\deg a^{\prime}>0$
. If a is a monomial, then
In particular, for each
there is a subset
$S_\sigma^{a,b}\subseteq S_\sigma$
such that
for some
$\left(c_{s_1\dots s_\ell}\right)_{s_i\in S_\sigma^{a,b}}\in\mathbb{Z}\!\left[c_{i,j}^{p,q}\right]_{\begin{smallmatrix} i,j,\\ p,q \end{smallmatrix} \in\mathbb{I}_\theta}$
Proof. We proceed by induction on the degree
of a monomial
$a\in B$
. If
, this is clear. Fix
and assume that such decomposition exists for elements of degree
$\leq n-1$
. If
$a\in B$
is of degree n, then there exists
$x\in V$
such that
, where
. Hence, we have
$\Delta(x)=x\otimes 1+1\otimes x$
cf. (2.11). In this case, (2.1) becomes:
Now, the left hand side can be developed further and we get
that is,
Now we can develop the right hand side, and obtain:
, then we obtain (3.2). The conclusion is obtained by applying inductive hypothesis on each summand.
Definition 3.3. The expression obtained in (3.3) via the recursive process (3.2) is the Hopf cocycle decomposition of
in terms of the set
from (3.1).
Example 3.4. We exhibit explicitly the Hopf cocycle decomposition of a cocycle
, in low degrees.
$x,y,w,z\in V$
$b\in \mathbb{B}^+$
, then
We have the following straightforward but useful consequence of the decomposition exhibited in Lemma 3.2.
Corollary 3.5. Let
be two Hopf cocycles in B.
(a) If
$\sigma(x_i,b)=\sigma^{\prime}(x_i,b)$ for each
$i\in\mathbb{I}_\theta$ and every
$b\in\mathbb{B}$ , then
$\sigma=\sigma^{\prime}$ .
(b) If
$\alpha\in B^\ast$ is convolution invertible and
$\alpha\rightharpoonup\sigma(x_i,b)=\sigma^{\prime}(x_i,b)$ , for each
$i\in\mathbb{I}_\theta$ and every
$b\in\mathbb{B}$ , then
$\alpha\rightharpoonup\sigma=\sigma^{\prime}$ .
3.1. Some remarks on
$\sigma\in Z^2_0(A)$
$\alpha\in U(A^*)$
, so that
$\sigma^{\prime}\,:\!=\, \alpha\rightharpoonup\sigma$
as in (2.7) is a Hopf cocycle cohomologous to
. Moreover, we assume that
$\sigma^{\prime}\in Z^2_0(A)$
. Recall that we may assume
Remark 3.6.
$\gamma_\alpha\,:\!=\, \alpha\ast\gamma\colon A\to E$
is another section, with associated cocycle
Lemma 3.7. If
, then
. Hence
Proof. The cocycle
associated to
, which satisfies
. But
which shows that
, by uniqueness of the convolution inverse.
Lemma 3.8. We have
In particular,
$\alpha_{|B}\,:\,B\to \Bbbk$
is H-linear. That is,
Proof. Notice that
is a left convolution inverse to
; hence
. The other equality is similar, considering
$\alpha_{|B}(h\cdot x)=\alpha(h_{(1)}x \mathcal{S}(h_{2}))=\alpha\!\left(h_{(1)}\right)\alpha(x)\alpha(\mathcal{S}(h_{2}))=\epsilon(h)\alpha(x)$
Lemma 3.9. We can assume, without loss of generality, that
Proof. Set
; if
$\varphi\neq \epsilon$
, consider
and set
. On the one hand,
, and
. Now, observe that
Hence, we can replace
Proposition 3.10. Let
. Fix
$\sigma=\sigma_B\#\epsilon, \sigma^{\prime}=\sigma^{\prime}_B\#\epsilon\in Z^2(A)$
(a) If
$\alpha^{\prime}\colon B\to\Bbbk$ is convolution invertible, H-linear, and
$\alpha^{\prime}\rightharpoonup\sigma_B=\sigma^{\prime}_B$ , then
$\alpha \rightharpoonup \sigma=\sigma^{\prime}$ , for
$\alpha=\alpha^{\prime}\#\epsilon$ .
(b) If
$\alpha\colon A\to\Bbbk$ is convolution invertible is such that
$\alpha\rightharpoonup\sigma=\sigma^{\prime}$ , then we have
$\alpha_{|B}\rightharpoonup \sigma_B=\sigma^{\prime}_B$ .
Proof. (a) We have that
, that is for
$x,y\in B$
$x_{(1)}\otimes x_{(2)}=\Delta_B(x)$
stands for the coproduct in B. Recall that the coproduct
$\Delta(xh)=x_{(1)}x_{(2)({-}1)}h_{(1)}\otimes x_{(2)(0)}h_{(2)}$
in A from (2.9) so
$\alpha\rightharpoonup \sigma(xh,yk)$
gives, using that that
is H-linear:
(b) Follows as (a), using that
is H-linear by Lemma 3.8 and the compatibility between
, see (2.9).
Next lemma will also allow us to reduce computations when dealing with Hopf cocycles arising as exponentials of Hochschild cocycles.
Lemma 3.11. Let
$\tau,\sigma\in Z^2(B)^H$
and let
$\alpha\in B^\ast$
be convolution invertible.
(a) For any
$x\in V$ ,
$b\in\mathbb{B}$ , we have that
\begin{equation*} \alpha\rightharpoonup \tau (x,b)=\alpha\!\left(x_{({-}1)}\cdot b_{(1)}\right)\tau\!\left(x_{(0)}, b_{(2)}\right)\alpha^{-1}\!\left(b_{(3)}\right)+\alpha\!\left(x_{({-}1)}\cdot b_{(1)}\right)\alpha^{-1}\!\left(x_{(0)}b_{(2)}\right). \end{equation*}
(b) Assume that
$\alpha\rightharpoonup \tau=\sigma$ . Then for any
$x,y\in V$ , we have that
Proof. (1) Let
$x\in V$
$b\in \mathbb{B}$
, then
When we act by
, we get
(2) Use the formula in (1) to compute
$\alpha\rightharpoonup \tau(x,y)=\sigma(x,y)$
, then
Now, as
we obtain (3.5).
4. Invariant Hochschild cohomology
We let B, H,
$A=B\# H$
be as in Section 1.1. Recall that
denotes a linear basis of
$V\,:\!=\, B_1$
, contained in an homogeneous basis
of B.
Let M be an A-bimodule; hence a B-bimodule by restriction. In this section we focus on the Hochschild cohomology
of A with coefficients on M and the relation with
In particular, we present a proof of a Theorem of Ştefan in [Reference Ştefan25], which shows that there is an action of H on
in such a way that
$\textrm{H}^{\bullet}(A,M)\simeq \textrm{H}^{\bullet}(B,M)^H$
. We give an explicit description of this action in our context.
As well, we will be particularly interested in the case
. We write
for the space of cocycles and
for the cobordisms. When
, we may simply write
$\textrm{H}^{\bullet}(A), \textrm{Z}^{\bullet}(A), \textrm{B}^{\bullet}(A)$
. We denote by
$\textrm{Z}^{\bullet}(B)^H\subset \textrm{Z}^{\bullet}(B)$
the subset of H-invariant cocycles. The subset
will be of big relevance in our work.
We refer the reader to [Reference Brown8] for details on Hochschild cohomology.
4.1. Hochschild 2-cocycles with coefficients in
$B^+=\bigoplus_{n > 0} B_n$
. We begin with an alternative description of the set
Lemma 4.1. Let
$\eta\,:\,B\otimes B\to \Bbbk$
be a linear map. The following are equivalent.
$\eta\in \textrm{Z}^2(B,\Bbbk)$ .
$\eta\,:\,B\otimes B\to \Bbbk$ satisfies, for
$a,c\in B^+$ ,
(4.1)\begin{equation}\eta(a,1) = \eta(1,c)=0,\end{equation}
(4.2)\begin{equation}\eta(a,bc) = \eta(ab,c), \quad b\in B.\end{equation}
$\eta\in \textrm{B}^2(B,\Bbbk)$
if and only if (4.1) holds and there is a linear map
$f\colon B\to \Bbbk$
such that
Proof. Recall that
if and only if, for
$a,b,c\in B$
Now, if
$a,c\in B^+$
, then this becomes (4.2). On the other hand, if
$a=\epsilon(a)\in B_0=\Bbbk$
$c\in B^+$
(or viceversa), then this is
$a,c\in B_0=\Bbbk$
then (4.3) is tautological.
Recall that
if and only if there is
$f\colon B\to \Bbbk$
in such a way that
This is in turn equivalent to
$a,b\in B^+$
We compute an easy example in (4.4) to fix some notation. We will apply Lemma 4.1 to write down in Section 6.2 two more non-trivial examples in (6.8) and (6.9).
Lemma 4.2. For each
$i,j\in I_\theta$
, let
$\xi_j^i\colon B\otimes B\to \Bbbk$
be the linear map defined by
$\xi_j^i\in \textrm{Z}^2(B,\Bbbk)$
4.2. Ştefan's Theorem revisited
The following result, in general terms is due to Ştefan [Reference Ştefan25], and it is of central importance in our work. It is in fact a compendium of several results in loc.cit., which we have adapted to our setting, and this allows us to find explicit formulas that are implicit in Stefan's work. It is our belief that it is in this shape that might evoke more interest in the scope of this article. In particular, we state it in terms of left actions because of this idea.
Theorem 4.4. Let H be a Hopf algebra with bijective antipode and let
. Let
$A=B\# H$
and let M be an A-bimodule.
Then there is a left H-action
$q\geq 0$
$q=0$ , this is
(4.5)for\begin{align} h\rightharpoonup m=h_{(1)}\cdot m\cdot \mathcal{S}(h_{(2)}), \end{align}
$h\in H$ and
$m\in \textrm{H}^0(B,M)=\{m\,:\,b\cdot m=m\cdot b, \forall\,b\in B\}\subseteq M$ .
$q>0$ , this is
(4.6)for\begin{align} (h\rightharpoonup f)({\textbf{x}})=h_{(1)}\cdot f\!\left(\mathcal{S}(h_{(2)})\cdot {\textbf{x}}\right)\cdot \mathcal{S}\!\left(h_{(3)}\right), \end{align}
$h\in H$ and
$f\in \textrm{Z}^q(B,M)\subset\textrm{Hom}_\Bbbk(B^{\otimes\,q}, M)$ ,
${\textbf{x}}=(x_1,\cdots, x_q)\in B^{\otimes\,q}$ .
If H is semisimple, then
Proof. Following [Reference Ştefan25] we work, equivalently, with a right action. We update our equations and need to show that there is a right H-action
so that
$q=0$ , this is
(4.5’)\begin{align}m\leftharpoonup h=\mathcal{S}\!\left(h_{(1)}\right)\cdot m \cdot h_{(2)}, \quad m\in \textrm{H}^0(B,M), h\in H; \end{align}
$q>0$ , this is
(4.6’)Observe that the left action\begin{align}(f\leftharpoonup h)({\textbf{x}})=\mathcal{S}\!\left(h_{(1)}\right)\cdot f(h_{(2)}\cdot {\textbf{x}})\cdot h_{(3)}, \quad f\in \textrm{Z}^q(B,M), {\textbf{x}}\in B^{\otimes\,q}. \end{align}
$h\cdot b$ can also be interpreted as
$b\cdot \mathcal{S}^{-1}(h)$ .
First, recall that A is a right H-Galois object with coaction
$A\to A\otimes H$
given by
$b\# h\mapsto b\# h_{(1)}\otimes h_{(2)}$
, with
$A^{\textrm{co} H}\simeq B$
by [Reference Schauenburg24, Theorem 2.2.7].
We let
$\textrm{can}\colon A\otimes_B A\to A\otimes H$
be the canonical isomorphism; in particular,
$M\in A\textrm{-bimod}$
, we write
both for the left and right action. By [Reference Ştefan25], the H-action
is given by
$m\leftharpoonup h=\sum \ell_i(h)\cdot m\cdot r_i(h)$
, which in this case translates to (4.5’):
For left actions, this is (4.5).
Assume this action (4.5’) has been extended to
(here we admit
Next paragraph is almost verbatim from the proof of [Reference Ştefan25, Proposition 2.4]. We refer the reader to loc.cit. and references therein for fuller details.
$R\colon A\textrm{-bimod}\to B\textrm{-bimod}$
is the functor given by restriction of scalars, then
$\textrm{H}^{\bullet}(A,-)\circ R$
is a cohomological and coeffaceable
-functor. Hence the morphisms
$\rho^h_0\colon \textrm{H}(A,-)\circ R\to \textrm{H}(A,-)\circ R$
$h\in H$
, given by
$\rho^h_0(M)(m)=m\leftharpoonup h$
can be extended univocally to morphisms of
$\rho^h_{\bullet}\colon \textrm{H}^{\bullet}(A,-)\circ R\to \textrm{H}^{\bullet}(A,-)\circ R$
We will describe this action explicitly in our context. For the content of this proof, we shall write, for shortness,
$H^\bullet(A,-)\circ R(M)=H^\bullet(M)$
. We denote by
$d^q_{M}\colon \textrm{Hom}_\Bbbk(B^{\otimes q},M)\to \textrm{Hom}_\Bbbk(B^{\otimes q+1},M)$
the differential.
Let us fix a short exact sequence
; we write
$M\ni m\twoheadrightarrow\bar{m}\in M^{\prime\prime}$
for the projection.
First, the fact that
is a morphism of
-functors establishes that
In other words this is the recipe to extend the action, as it gives
We shall write, wlog,
$\delta(f)\colon B^{\otimes q}\to M^{\prime}$
for an element in
such that
. Now, the morphism
$\delta\colon \textrm{H}^q(M^{\prime\prime})\to \textrm{H}^{q+1}(M^{\prime})$
is the usual connecting homomorphism for the long exact sequence in cohomology:
Explicitly, for
$f\in\textrm{Z}^q(M^{\prime\prime})=\ker d^q_{M^{\prime\prime}}$
, let
$\tilde{f}\colon B^{\otimes q}\to M$
be such that
, in the sense that
. Now we consider
$d^q_M\!\left({\tilde{f}}\right)\in \textrm{Z}^{q+1}(M^{\prime\prime})$
and see that
. That is
$\left[d^q_M\!\left({\tilde{f}}\right)\right]\in\ker \textrm{H}^{q+1}(\pi)=\textrm{img} \textrm{H}^{q+1}(\iota)$
and we can consider
as an element
$\delta([f])\in \textrm{H}^{q+1}(M^{\prime})$
. By abuse of notation we shall write
In our setting, if
$m\in M, b\in B$
, then
$dm(b)=b\cdot m-m\cdot b$
. Also, recall the commutations (2.8). The connection reads as
$dm\leftharpoonup h$
is as in (4.5’).
Now, we turn to
. If
${\textbf{b}}=b_1\otimes \cdots \otimes b_{q+1}\in B^{\otimes\,q+1}$
, then recall that we write
${\textbf{b}}=b_1\otimes {\textbf{b}}^2={\textbf{b}}^q\otimes b_{q+1}$
${\textbf{b}}_{i\,i+1}=b_1\otimes \cdots \otimes b_ib_{i+1}\otimes \cdots\otimes b_{q+1}\in B^{\otimes\,q}$
Hence, we obtain, with commutations (2.8) as above:
which shows (4.6’).
By uniqueness of the extension; this shows that (4.6') is indeed the action announced on [Reference Ştefan25, Proposition 2.4]; which implies (4.6) for the case of left actions.
The identity (4.7) is [Reference Ştefan25, (3.6.1) in p.229].
4.3. Invariant Hochschild 2-cocycles with coefficients in
In this setting, the action
in (4.6) from Theorem 4.4 becomes
Since the antipode
is bijective, a cocycle
$\eta\in \textrm{Z}^2(B)$
is H-invariant when
Similarly, if
$\eta\in Z^2(B)^H$
, then
extends to
$\eta\in \textrm{Z}^2(B\# H)$
via the formula
Conversely, if
$\eta\in Z^2(B\# H)$
then the restriction
defines a cocycle
$\eta_{|B}\in Z^2(B)$
; this is not necessarily H-invariant. If
$\int\in H$
is an integral with
, then we can project
$\eta\in Z^2(B)$
$\eta^{\int}\in Z^2(B)^H$
5. Hopfschild cohomology
be a Hopf algebra and let
$\eta\in \textrm{Z}^2(A,\Bbbk)$
be a Hochschild 2-cocycle with coefficients in
. Under certain conditions, it is possible to consider the exponential
which becomes a convolution invertible map with inverse
. For instance, this holds when
$\eta_{|A\otimes A_0+A_0\otimes A}=0$
We show that this map is always well-defined in our setting in Section 5.1.
Moreover, there are occasions in which this exponential map is a Hopf 2-cocycle. A sufficient condition is given by the
-commutations in
$\textrm{Hom}(A^{\otimes 3},\Bbbk)$
However, we observe the following:
On the other hand, under some hypothesis, these equations are equivalent to each other, see [Reference García and Mastnak13]. We investigate some of these instances in Section 5.2.
The sufficiency of (5.1) and (5.2) is clear: for
, (2.3) becomes
This is the content of [Reference Grunelfelder and Mastnak18, Lemma 4.1].
Notice that, in terms of elements, (5.1) and (5.2) are, for
$x,y,z\in A$
Based on our examples, we observe that Hopf cocycle deformations are generically determined by cocycles which do not arise as exponentials. Hence we introduce the following concept, to name and study this phenomenon.
Definition 5.2. We say that a Hopf 2-cocycle
$\sigma\in Z^2(A)$
is pure if it is not cohomologous to an exponential
of a Hochschild 2-cocycle
$\eta\in \textrm{Z}^2(A,\Bbbk)$
We shall speak of pure deformations and exponential deformations, as expected.
5.1. Exponential and invariance
$A=B\# H$
be as in Section 1.1.
We start with some simple though meaningful observations in Lemma 5.3. Let
$\eta\in \textrm{Z}^2(B,\Bbbk)^H$
be an H-invariant Hochschild 2-cocycle; and set
$\eta\in \textrm{Z}^2(A,\Bbbk)$
the extension as in (4.9). Notice that
$\eta_{|A^+\otimes A_0+A_0\otimes A^+}=0$
. Hence if
$\eta_{|A_0\otimes A_0}=0$
, then the exponential
$\sigma\,:\!=\, e^\eta$
is well-defined. Moreover, as in our case
$h,k\in H=A_0$
, it is enough to require
Next lemma shows that we can always assume (5.4), without loss of generality.
Lemma 5.3. Let
$\eta\in \textrm{Z}^2(B,\Bbbk)^H$
and set
$\eta^{\prime}=\eta - \eta(1,1)\epsilon$
. Then
$\eta^{\prime}\in \textrm{Z}^2(B,\Bbbk)$ and
$[\eta]=[\eta^{\prime}]$ in
$\textrm{H}^2(B,\Bbbk)$ .
$\eta^{\prime}(1,1)=0$ and
$\eta^{\prime}=\eta$ in
$B^+\otimes B+B\otimes B^+$ .
$e^{\eta^{\prime}}\colon B\otimes B\to \Bbbk$ is a normalized convolution invertible linear map and
$e^\eta\colon B\otimes B\to \Bbbk$ is a convolution invertible linear map.
$e^\eta$ is a Hopf 2-cocycle if and only if
$e^{\eta^{\prime}}$ is a (normalized) Hopf 2-cocycle.
Proof. Let
, then
$\theta\in \textrm{B}^2(B,\Bbbk)$
and (a) holds. Also,
. (b) is clear and it implies that
$e^{\eta^{\prime}}\colon B\otimes B\to \Bbbk$
is well-defined normalized convolution invertible linear map. As
, then
$e^{\theta}\ast e^{\eta^{\prime}}=e^{\eta}$
, which proves (c). (d) is straightforward, cf. (2.2).
Remark 5.4. If
, then
In particular,
In our setting, we require that
satisfies (1.2). Next proposition shows that this is to require that
$\eta\in \textrm{Z}^2(B,\Bbbk)^H$
Proposition 5.5. Let
$\eta\in \textrm{Z}^2(B,\Bbbk)$
be a Hochschild 2-cocycle. Then
is H-linear if and only if
$\eta\in \textrm{Z}^2(B,\Bbbk)^H$
Proof. We show that
$e^\eta\in Z^2(B)^H\Rightarrow\eta\in \textrm{Z}^2(B,\Bbbk)^H$
, the other implication is clear. We need to show that
$\eta\!\left(h_{(1)}\cdot x,h_{(2)}\cdot y\right)=\epsilon(h)\eta(x,y)$
. If
$\deg y=0$
, then this is automatic. If
$\deg y=1$
, say
, then by (5.5) we have that
Now, for the general case, assume
$\deg y=n>1$
and let us write
$\deg y^{\prime}=n-1$
. Then
Hence the result follows.
Remark 5.6. Set
in Lemma 3.11 so
. In particular, (3.5) becomes
, then this is
Assume that
$c(x\otimes x)=-x\otimes x$
, thus
is primitive and
If, moreover,
is H-linear, then
That is,
and (5.6) becomes
In particular, if
(v.g. when B is a Nichols algebra) we obtain
In other words,
is a necessary condition to
5.2. Equivalence of the commutation conditions
In [Reference García and Mastnak13], for a Hopf algebra
$A=\mathfrak{B}(V)\# H$
, the authors work with cocycles
concentrated in degree (1,1), that is
$(n,m)\neq (1,1)$
and show in [Reference García and Mastnak13, Lemma 2.3] that (5.1) and (5.2) are equivalent to each other and in turn to two other identities in
$V^{\otimes 4}$
We are interested in finding more general contexts where this equivalence holds, to reduce the number of identities to check. We obtain some answers in Lemmas 5.7 and 5.8 below.
Lemma 5.7. Let A be a Hopf algebra. If
for every
$x,y\in A$
and some
, then (5.1) and (5.2) are equivalent.
Proof. Interchange a and c in one of the lines from (5.3) to obtain the other.
The following lemma is rather technical, see (6.17) for a concrete and detailed application.
Lemma 5.8. Let A be a Hopf algebra and fix a linear basis
of A. Let
be a Hochschild 2-cocycle. Fix
the polynomial algebra on
$\dim A$
variables given by the symbols
$\tau_x\,:\!=\, \eta({-},x)\colon A\to \Bbbk$
In particular, for every
$y,z\in A$
, there are families of scalars
such that the following identities hold in T:
Assume that
The converse is also true, mutatis mutandis.
Proof. Assume that (5.1) and (5.10) hold. Let us set
$\omega_z\,:\!=\, \eta({-},z)\colon A\to \Bbbk$
, for each
. Now, if
$x,y\in A$
, then
Which shows that (5.2) also holds.
6. An example of abelian type
In this section, we consider the Nichols algebra
associated to a braided vector space
of Cartan type
, with parameter
. The Dynkin diagram is
and the braiding matrix
is such that
We fix a basis
associated to this matrix; then the relations defining the Nichols algebra are given by
$x_{12}\,:\!=\, x_1x_2 - q_{12}x_2x_1$
. A linear PBW basis for this algebra is given by
We assume that there is a principal YD-realization
so that
for some Hopf algebra H, cf. (2.10). We set
$A=B\# H$
and fix
6.1. Hopf cocycles
The (braided) cleft objects for the Nichols algebra
are given by the family of algebras
, generated by
and relations
$y_{12}\,:\!=\, y_1y_2 - q_{12}y_2x_1$
. The scalars
are subject to:
This conditions can also be written as
This algebra inherits a basis as in (6.2).
Remark 6.1. Observe that unless
, and thus
$q_{21}=\mp 1$
, then we have
For each triple
, the corresponding deformation of
$A=\mathfrak{B}_{\mathfrak{q}}\# H$
is the quotient
$T(V)\# H$
modulo the relations
$a_{12}\,:\!=\, a_1a_2 - q_{12}a_2a_1$
Remark 6.2. Notice that when
, we can normalize
in the deformations (6.6), on top of the restriction (6.5). Idem for
. However, the cleft objects are not isomorphic, cf. (6.4).
Henceforward, we will assume that
as we shall investigate Hopf 2-cocycles
associated to non-trivial deformations
Lemma 6.3. The section
is given by
The convolution inverse for
is determined by
Proof. The values for
$\gamma(x_i), \gamma(x_{12}), \gamma(x_{2}x_1)$
are straightforward. We see that
and thus setting
$\gamma(x_{12}x_1)=(y_{12}y_{1} - 2q_{21}\lambda_1 y_2 )$
$(\gamma\otimes \textrm{id})\Delta(x_{12}x_1)=\rho\gamma(x_{12}x_1)$
as expected. On the other hand, it is easy to see
. Finally,
as (recall
$\lambda_1q_{21}^3=\lambda_1 q_{21}$
Now, to see that
is the convolution inverse of
, we only need to verify that
, for each
. To illustrate this, we expose some calculations below.
The rest of the computations, which are simpler, are left to the reader.
Remark 6.4. Notice that
as in Lemma 6.3 is H-linear. Indeed, it suffices to check this on
and this follows since
Theorem 6.5. Let
. The Hopf cocycle
associated to the cleft object
is given by
Proof. In first place, we use Lemma 3.1 to calculate the elements of
as in (3.1). Indeed, let
, then
here we use that
. It is easy to see that
For the other hand, we show
The reader will have no difficulty to see that
. From now on, we use the formulas of decomposition in Example 3.4 to get the others values of
, following Lemma 3.2. In this case, the matrix coefficients of the braiding
$\left(c_{i,j}^{p,q}\right)_{ \begin{smallmatrix} i,j,\\ p,q \end{smallmatrix} \in\mathbb{I}}$
are given by
$\mathbb{Z}\!\left[c_{i,j}^{p,q}\right]_{\begin{smallmatrix} i,j,\\ p,q \end{smallmatrix} \in\mathbb{I}}=\mathbb{Z}\!\left[q_{12}^{\pm 1}\right]\simeq \mathbb{Z}$
, as
One example of application is shown below.
The other values are computed analogously.
6.2. Hochschild cocycles
Recall the cocycles
$\xi_j^i\in \textrm{Z}^2\!\left(\mathfrak{B}_{\mathfrak{q}},\Bbbk\right)$
, from Example 4.2. Additionally, we denote
$\xi_0=\epsilon\otimes\epsilon\in \textrm{Z}^2\!\left(\mathfrak{B}_{\mathfrak{q}},\Bbbk\right)$
, the cocycle such that
, and zero elsewhere.
We shall consider two more Hochschild 2-cocycles
. Namely, let
$\xi_{121}^2\colon \mathfrak{B}_{\mathfrak{q}}\otimes \mathfrak{B}_{\mathfrak{q}}\to \Bbbk$
be the linear map given by
and zero elsewhere in the basis
$\mathbb{B}\otimes \mathbb{B}$
. Following Lemma 4.1, it is an easy computation to check that
$\xi_{121}^2\in \textrm{Z}^2\!\left(\mathfrak{B}_{\mathfrak{q}},\Bbbk\right)$
. As well, we define
$\xi_{212}^1\in \textrm{Z}^2\!\left(\mathfrak{B}_{\mathfrak{q}},\Bbbk\right)$
and zero elsewhere in
$\mathbb{B}\otimes \mathbb{B}$
We further note that
. Indeed, let
$f\colon B\to \Bbbk$
be the linear map defined on the basis
and zero elsewhere. Then
Recall the group
$\Gamma\leq G(H)$
from (6.3).
Lemma 6.6.
is spanned over
$\xi_0, \xi_1^1,\xi_2^2,\xi_{121}^2, \xi_{212}^1$
$\xi_i^i\in \textrm{Z}^2\!\left(\mathfrak{B}_{\mathfrak{q}},\Bbbk\right)^H$ if and only if
$\chi_i^2=\epsilon$ ,
$\xi_{iji}^j\in \textrm{Z}^2\!\left(\mathfrak{B}_{\mathfrak{q}},\Bbbk\right)^H$ if and only if
$\left(\chi_{1}\chi_{2}\right)^2=\epsilon$ ;
$i,j\in\mathbb{I}_2$ .
Proof. By Lemma 4.1, see Remark 4.3,
$\eta\in \textrm{Z}^2\!\left(\mathfrak{B}_{\mathfrak{q}},\Bbbk\right)$
is determined by the values
Furthermore, as
, we get
Also, it is easy to see that
Now we let
act and obtain
which forces
but also
which also gives
, a contradiction to
. Thus
, similarly
. Similarly, we need to have
which gives
; and similarly
. That is, we are left with the values
and therefore
$\eta\in\Bbbk\left\{\xi_0, \xi_1^1,\xi_2^2,\xi_{121}^2, \xi_{212}^1\right\}$
The second statement is straightforward; recall
$h\cdot x_i=\chi_i(h)x_i$
$h\in H, i\in\mathbb{I}_\theta$
6.3. Exponentials
$\eta\in \textrm{Z}^2\!\left(\mathfrak{B}_{\mathfrak{q}},\Bbbk\right)^H$
, we are interested in finding the conditions for
such that
is a Hopf cocycle; set
In particular,
Next proposition characterizes the cocycles
that satisfy (5.1) and (5.2); so in particular
is a Hopf cocycle. It is enough to assume that
$\eta\in \textrm{Z}^2\!\left(\mathfrak{B}_{\mathfrak{q}},\Bbbk\right)^\Gamma$
Proposition 6.7. A cocycle
satisfies (5.1) and (5.2) if and only if
In particular if
$\eta\in \textrm{C}$
, then
is a Hopf 2-cocycle.
We will show in Lemma 6.11 that conditions (5.1) and (5.2) are not necessary for
to be a Hopf 2-cocycle.
Remark 6.8. Let
$\eta=\eta_1\xi_1^1+ \eta_2\xi^2_2+\eta_{121}\xi_{121}^2+\eta_{212}\xi_{212}^1\in \textrm{Z}^2\!\left(\mathfrak{B}_{\mathfrak{q}},\Bbbk\right)^\Gamma$
. We can rephrase Proposition 6.7 as follows:
$\eta\in \textrm{C}$
if and only if
Proof. Suppose that
verifies (5.1) and (5.2). That is for any
$x,y,z\in \mathfrak{B}_{\mathfrak{q}}$
Now, we see that if
, then (6.13) gives
Similarly, if
, then (6.13) gives
Thus, from (6.15) and (6.16), we obtain
If we suppose that
$\eta(x_1,x_1)\neq 0$
, then
. Furthermore, if
, then we obtain from (6.13) that
for any
. Hence, we get that
. Through the same calculations for
$\eta(x_2,x_2)\neq 0$
, we get that
. Thus,
$\eta\in \textrm{C}$
Conversely, suppose that
$\eta\in \textrm{C}$
. On one hand, if
, then by [Reference García and Mastnak13, Lemma 2.3.], we have the conclusion as
clearly satisfies (5.9).
Now, we show that the hypothesis of Lemma 5.8 hold when
, such that
$\deg(y), \deg(z)$
are positive. In first place, note that if
, then we obtain zero in both sides of (5.1) and thus
. Now, if
, then (5.1) becomes
and so,
$x\neq 1$
. On the other hand, we explicitly show the most representative calculations below.
deg(y) + deg(z) = 5:
$y=x_{12}$ and
$z=x_{12}x_1$ :
\begin{align*}\eta({-},y_1z_1)\eta(y_2,z_2)=&2\eta({-},x_1)\eta(x_2,x_{12}x_1)-2q_{21}\eta({-},x_1)\eta(x_{12},x_2x_1) +\eta({-},x_1)\eta(x_{12},x_{12}),\\ \eta(y_1,z_1)\eta({-},y_2z_2)=&\eta(x_{12},x_{12})\eta({-},x_1).\end{align*}
$u_{x_1}\!\left(x_{12},x_{12}x_1\right)=\eta(x_{12},x_{12})=d_{x_1}\!\left(x_{12},x_{12}x_1\right)$ .
$u_x\!\left(x_{12},x_{12}x_1\right)=d_x\!\left(x_{12},x_{12}x_1\right)=0$ for
$x\neq x_1$ .
$y=x_{12}$ and
$z=x_2x_{12}$ :
$u_{x_2}(x_{12},x_2x_{12})=\eta(x_{12},x_{12})=d_{x_2}(x_{12},x_2x_{12})$ .
$u_x(x_{12},x_2x_{12})=d_x(x_{12},x_2x_{12})=0$ for
$x\neq x_2$ .
$y=x_2x_1$ and
$z=x_{12}x_{1}$ :
$u_{x}(x_{12},x_2x_{12})=0=d_{x}(x_{12},x_2x_{12})$ for any
$x\in \mathbb{B}_\mathfrak{q}$ .
$y=x_{2}x_1$ and
$z=x_{2}x_{12}$ :
$u_{x_2}(x_{2}x_1,x_2x_{12})=\eta(x_{12},x_{12})=d_{x_2}(x_{2}x_1,x_2x_{12})$ .
$u_x(x_{2}x_1,x_2x_{12})=d_x(x_{2}x_1,x_2x_{12})=0$ for
$x\neq x_2$ .
$y=x_{2}$ and
$z=x_{2}x_{12}x_1$ :
$u_{x_2}(x_{2},x_2x_{12}x_1)=-\eta(x_{2},x_{12}x_1)=d_{x_2}(x_{2},x_2x_{12}x_1)$ .
$u_x(x_{2},x_2x_{12}x_1)=d_x(x_{2},x_2x_{12}x_1)=0$ for
$x\neq x_2$ .
deg(y) + deg(z) = 6:
$y=x_{12}$ and
$z=x_2x_{12}x_1$ :
$u_{x_2x_1}(x_{12},x_2x_{12}x_1)=q_{21}\eta(x_{12},x_{12})=d_{x_2x_1}(x_{12},x_2x_{12}x_1)$ .
$u_x(x_{12},x_2x_{12}x_1)=d_x(x_{12},x_2x_{12}x_1)=0$ for
$x\neq x_2x_1$ .
$y=x_{2}x_1$ and
$z=x_2x_{12}x_1$ :
$u_{x_2x_1}(x_{2}x_1,x_2x_{12}x_1)=\eta(x_{1},x_2x_{12})=d_{x_2x_1}(x_{2}x_1,x_2x_{12}x_1)$ .
$u_x(x_{2}x_1,x_2x_{12}x_1)=d_x(x_{2}x_1,x_2x_{12}x_1)=0$ for
$x\neq x_2x_1$ .
$y=x_{12}x_1$ and
$z=x_2x_{12}$ :
$u_{x_{12}}(x_{12}x_1,x_2x_{12})=-q_{12}\eta(x_2x_1,x_{12})=d_{x_{12}}(x_{12}x_1,x_2x_{12})$ .
$u_{x_{2}x_1}(x_{12}x_1,x_2x_{12})=-\eta(x_2x_1,x_{12})=d_{x_{2}x_1}(x_{12}x_1,x_2x_{12})$ .
$u_x(x_{12}x_1,x_2x_{12})=d_x(x_{12}x_1,x_2x_{12})=0$ for
$x\neq x_{12},x_2x_1$ .
$y=x_{12}x_1=z$ or
$y=x_2x_{12}=z$ . In these cases, we obtain zero in both sides of (5.1) and so
$u_x(y,z)=0=d_x(y,z)$ .
deg(y) + deg(z) = 7:
$y=x_{12}x_1$ and
$z=x_2x_{12}x_1$ :
\begin{align*}\eta({-},y_1z_1)\eta(y_2,z_2) & = -4\eta({-},x_1x_2x_1)\eta(x_2x_1,x_2x_1)+2q_{21}\eta({-},x_1x_{12})\eta(x_2x_1,x_2x_1)\\ & \quad +2q_{21}\eta({-},x_1x_2x_1)\eta(x_2x_1,x_{12})-\eta({-},x_1x_{12})\eta(x_{12},x_2x_1)\\ &\quad +2q_{21}\eta({-},x_1x_2x_1)\eta(x_{12},x_2x_1)-\eta({-},x_1x_2x_1)\eta(x_{12},x_{12})\\ &\quad +\eta({-},x_{12}x_1)\eta(x_1,x_2x_{12})+\eta({-},x_{12}x_1)\eta(x_{12}x_1,x_2),\\ \eta(y_1,z_1)\eta({-},y_2z_2) & =\eta(x_{12}x_1,x_2)\eta({-},x_{12}x_1)+\eta(x_1,x_2x_{12})\eta({-},x_{12}x_1)\\ &\quad -2q_{12}\eta(x_{12},x_2x_1)\eta({-},x_1x_2x_1)-\eta(x_{12},x_{12})\eta({-},x_1x_2x_1)\\ &\quad -\eta(x_{12},x_2x_1)\eta({-},x_1x_{12}).\end{align*}
$u_{x_{12}x_1}(x_{12}x_1,x_2x_{12}x_1)=2\eta(x_1,x_2x_{12})=d_{x_{12}x_1}(x_{12}x_1,x_2x_{12}x_1)$ .
$u_x(x_{12}x_1,x_2x_{12}x_1)=d_x(x_{12}x_1,x_2x_{12}x_1)=0$ for
$x\neq x_{12}x_1$ .
$y=x_2x_{12}$ and
$z=x_2x_{12}x_1$ :
\begin{align*}\eta({-},y_1z_1)\eta(y_2,z_2) & =q_{21}\eta({-},x_{12}x_2)\eta(x_2,x_{12}x_1)-2\eta({-},x_2x_1x_2)\eta(x_2,x_{12}x_1)\\ &\quad +q_{21}\eta({-},x_2x_{12})\eta(x_{12},x_2x_1)-\eta({-},x_2x_{12})\eta(x_2x_{12},x_1),\\ \eta(y_1,z_1)\eta({-},y_2z_2) & =-\eta(x_2x_{12},x_1)\eta({-},x_2x_{12})-q_{21}\eta(x_{12},x_2x_1)\eta({-},x_2x_{12})\\ &\quad +2\eta(x_2x_1,x_2x_1)\eta({-},x_2x_{12})-q_{21}\eta(x_{12},x_{2}x_1)\eta({-},x_2x_{12}).\end{align*}
$u_{x_2x_{12}}(x_{2}x_{12},x_2x_{12}x_1)=-\eta(x_2,x_{12}x_1)=d_{x_2x_{12}}(x_2x_{12},x_2x_{12}x_1)$ .
$u_x(x_{2}x_{12},x_2x_{12}x_1)=d_x(x_{2}x_{12},x_2x_{12}x_1)=0$ for
$x\neq x_2x_{12}$ .
(i) We obtain zero in both sides of (5.1), hence
The other cases are very similar. Now, we have that
verifies (5.1) and the hypothesis of the Lemma 5.8; hence
verifies (5.2) and
is multiplicative.
Lemma 6.9. Let
be as in Theorem 6.5 and
$\eta\in \textrm{Z}^2\!\left(\mathfrak{B}_{\mathfrak{q}},\Bbbk\right)^H$
as in (6.11).
Assume that
is a Hopf cocycle, cohomologous to
. Then
Moreover, if
$\alpha\in U\!\left(\mathfrak{B}_{\mathfrak{q}}^{\ast}\right)$
, then
Proof. Suppose that there exist
$\alpha\in U(\mathfrak{B}_{\mathfrak{q}}^\ast)$
such that
$\alpha\rightharpoonup \sigma=e^\eta$
. In first place, we may define
and then Remark 5.6 gives us
. In particular, it follows that
$\alpha(x_1)=\alpha(x_2)=0$ .
$\alpha\!\left(x_ix_j\right)=0$ , for all
$i,j\in \mathbb{I}_2$ with
$i\neq j$ .
On the other hand, from the relations
we obtain that
, so
. Now we compute
, expanding
$\alpha\rightharpoonup \sigma(x_1,x_2x_{12})=e^\eta(x_1,x_2x_{12})$
$\alpha\rightharpoonup \sigma(x_2,x_{12}x_1)=e^\eta(x_2,x_{12}x_1)$
. For the first,
For the second, we obtain
Hence, as
exists, then
be the set defined by
Notice that
$\eta\in \overline{\textrm{C}}$
if and only if
Remark 6.10. In particular,
$\textrm{C}\subset \overline{\textrm{C}}$
and this inclusion is strict. However, they coincide up to cobordisms, see (6.10):
We have the following characterization of Hopf cocycles that are an exponential map of a Hochschild cocycle.
Lemma 6.11.
is a Hopf 2-cocycle if and only if
$\eta \in \overline{\textrm{C}}$
Proof. Let
$\eta\in \textrm{Z}^2\!\left(\mathfrak{B}_{\mathfrak{q}},\Bbbk\right)^\Gamma$
be a Hochschild cocycle as in (6.11). Assume
is a Hopf 2-cocycle. We compute the values of
in two ways. Namely, via the decomposition formulas in Example 3.4 and via the definition of an exponential map. We obtain a list of equations that imply that
$\eta \in \overline{\textrm{C}}$
. We show below some of these calculations.
: Using the decomposition formula, we obtain
but the definition of exponential map gives
. From now on, we suppose that this relations hold.
: We obtain
So, we get the relation
: Here we get
Therefore, we see that
Conversely, suppose that
. If
, then
is a Hopf cocycle by Proposition 6.7. Now, suppose that
. The case
is analogous.
We claim that, by definition,
is given by the table
Indeed, by Remark 5.4 and a degree argument, plus considering that
, we see that
$\deg x+\deg y\leq4$
On the other hand, if
$\deg x+\deg y=5$
, then
in this case. Now, when
$\deg x+\deg y=6$
$\deg x\neq\deg y$
, it follows that for each of the four possible cases, there are scalars
, depending on x, y, such that the following relation holds:
. If
$\deg x=\deg y=3$
, then it follows that
$\deg x+\deg y=7$
, then we see that
. Finally, if
, then it is easy to see that
$\eta^{\ast k}(x,y)=0$
$k\neq 2$
Hence, recalling that
, we obtain that
$e^\eta(x,y)=\frac{1}{2}\eta^{\ast 2}(x,y)=-\eta_{121}^2$
Now, let
as in Theorem 6.5 and
$\alpha\in U\!\left(\mathfrak{B}_{\mathfrak{q}}^{\ast}\right)$
as in (6.19). Then
, for any
$b\in \mathbb{B}_\mathfrak{q}$
, see Lemma 6.9. Next, we apply the decomposition formulas to compute all values of the Hopf cocycle
and we obtain that
. Therefore,
is a Hopf cocycle.
$\textrm{Exp}(\textrm{C}), \textrm{Exp}(\overline{\textrm{C}})\subset Z^2(\mathfrak{B}_{\mathfrak{q}})$
be the subsets of Hopf cocycles that arise as exponential maps of elements of C and
, respectively. Next, we show that it is enough to consider exponential cocycles in
Lemma 6.12. Let
$\sigma_{\boldsymbol\lambda}\in Z^2(\mathfrak{B}_{\mathfrak{q}})$
be as in Theorem 6.5. Then
is cohomologous to a cocycle in
if and only
is cohomologous to a cocycle in
Proof. One implication is trivial. Assume
$\sigma\sim_\alpha e^\eta$
$\eta\in \overline{\textrm{C}}$
. That is,
, then
$\eta\in \textrm{C}$
and we can take
Fix now
. By Lemma 6.9, (notice that
) if we define
$\alpha^{\prime}\rightharpoonup e^\eta=\sigma_{\eta_1,0,0}$
. But
$\eta^{\prime}=\eta_1\xi_1^1\in \textrm{C}$
. Hence
$\sigma\sim_\beta e^{\eta^{\prime}}$
, for
The next theorem characterizes the cocycles that are co-homologous to an exponential map of a Hochschild cocycle.
Theorem 6.13. Let
be a Hopf 2-cocycle as in Theorem 6.5,
. Then the following are equivalent:
$\sigma\sim e^\eta$ for some
$\eta\in \textrm{Z}^2\!\left(\mathfrak{B}_{\mathfrak{q}},\Bbbk\right)^H$ .
(b) There is a unique no null
$\lambda\in\{\lambda_1,\lambda_2,\lambda_{12}\}$ .
$\sigma\in \textrm{Exp}\!\left(\textrm{Z}^2\!\left(\mathfrak{B}_{\mathfrak{q}},\Bbbk\right)^H\right)$
In particular, any
with at least two nonzero parameters is pure.
Proof. First, notice that we can assume
$\eta\in \textrm{C}$
, by Lemma 6.12.
$(a)\Rightarrow (b)$
. Combining Lemma 6.9 with equations (6.12), we obtain
$(b)\Rightarrow (c)$
. By looking at the tables in Theorem 6.5 and in the proof of Lemma 6.11, we see that this implication is clear as
. Similarly,
. Finally, if
, it follows from Lemma 6.9 that
, as
$(c)\Rightarrow (a)$
. Clear.
Remark 6.14. In the setting of Lemma 6.9, we see that if
$e^\eta\sim \epsilon$
, then
. In other words,
$\eta\in \textrm{B}^2(B,\Bbbk)$
as it is a scalar multiple of
, see (6.10). Conversely,
is a Hopf cocycle by Proposition 6.7 and Lemma 6.9 shows that
We remark that
$e^\beta\neq \epsilon$
, as shown in the table in the proof of Lemma 6.11.
We thank Andrea Solotar for conversations in early stages of this work, particularly about the contents of [Reference Ştefan25].