Bennett, Nicholas, Lincolnshire parish clergy, c. 1214–1968. A biographical register, II: The deaneries of Beltisloe and Bolingbroke. Pp. xxiv + 518 incl. 28 plates, 3 ills and 2 maps. Woodbridge–Rochester, NY: Boydell Press (for the Lincoln Records Society, 105), 2016. £40. 978 1 910653 00 5
Bradley, James E. and Muller, Richard A., Church history. An introduction to research methods and resources. 2nd edn. (First publ. Eerdmans. 1995.) Pp. xxi + 293. Grand Rapids, Mi–Cambridge: Eerdmans, 2016. £19.99. 978 0 80 287405 4
Brockliss, L. W. B., The University of Oxford. A history. Pp. xl + 871 incl. 111 ills, 10 tables and 7 maps. New York–Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2016. £35. 978 0 19 924356 3
Broomhill, Susan, Ordering emotions in Europe, 1100–1800. (Studies in Medieval and Reformation Traditions, 195.) Pp. xvi + 319 incl. 22 figs and 1 table. Leiden–Boston: Brill, 2015. €126. 978 9004 30509 0;
Buisman, Jan Wim, Derks, Marjet and Raedts, Peter (eds), Episcopacy, authority, and gender. Aspects of religious leadership in Europe, 1100–2000. (Church History and Religious Culture, 71.) Pp. xii + 240 incl. 8 ills and 4 tables. Leiden–Boston: Brill, 2015. €104. 978 90 04 30311 9;
Cherry, Stephen, The dark side of the soul. An insider's guide to the web of sin. Pp. xii + 265. New York–London: Bloomsbury, 2016. £16.99 (paper). 978 1 4729 0081 4
Gray, Patrick (ed.), Varieties of religious invention. Founders and their functions in history. Pp. xi + 210. Oxford–New York: Oxford University Press, 2016. £19.99 (paper). 978 0 19 935972 1
Hutton, Ronald (ed.), Physical evidence for ritual acts, sorcery and witchcraft in Christian Britain. A feeling for magic. (Historical Studies in Witchcraft and Magic.) Pp. ix + 261 incl. 18 figs, 11 plates, 3 tables and frontispiece. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2016. £63. 978 1 137 44481 3
Jacobsen, Douglas, Global gospel. An introduction to Christianity on five continents. Pp. xviii + 249 incl. 69 figs. Grand Rapids, Mi: Baker Academic, 2015. $21.99 (paper). 978 0 8010 4993 4
Lausten, Martin Schwarz (trans. Margaret Ryan Hellman), Jews and Christians in Denmark. From the Middle Ages to recent times, ca. 1100–1948. (Reference Library of Judaism, 48.) Pp. xii + 296 incl. 7 figs. Leiden–Boston: Brill, 2015. €115. 978 90 04 30436 9;
Range, Matthias, British royal and state funerals. Music and ceremonial since Elizabeth I. Pp. xvi + 408 incl. 18 ills, 5 music examples and 2 tables. Woodbridge–Rochester, NY: Boydell Press, 2016. £50. 978 78327 092 7
Ancient world
Barclay, John M. G., Paul and the gift. Pp. xvi + 656. Grand Rapids, Mi–Cambridge: Eerdmans, 2015. £46.99. 978 0 8028 6889 3
Becker, Matthias, Porphyrios, Contra Christianos. Neue Sammlug der Fragmente, Testimonien und Dubia mit Einleitung, Übersetzung und Anmerkungen. (Texte und Kommentaire. Eine altertunswissenschaftliche Reihe, 52.) Pp. x + 667 incl. 2 tables. Berlin–Boston: De Gruyter, 2016. €139.95. 978 3 11 044005 8
Bitton-Ashkelony, Briouria, de Bruyn, Theodore and Harrison, Carol, Patristic studies in the twenty-first century. Proceedings of an international conference to mark the 50th anniversary of the International Association of Patristic Studies. Pp. 650 incl. 18 black-and-white and colour figs and 4 tables. Turnhout: Brepols, 2015. €115. 978 2 503 55919 3
Blowers, Paul M., Maximus the Confessor. Jesus Christ and the transfiguration of the world. (Christian Theology in Context.) Pp. xvi + 367 incl. 4 figs. New York–Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2016. £65. 978 0 19 967394 0
Boersma, Gerald P., Augustine's early theology of image. A study in the development of pro-Nicene theology. (Oxford Studies in Historical Theology.) Pp. xvii + 318 incl. 1 table. New York–Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2016. £47.99. 978 0 19 025136 9
Clivaz, Claire, Minouni, Simon Claude and Pouderon, Bernard, Les Judaïsmes dans tous leurs états aux Ier–IIIe siècles. Les Judéens des synagogues, les chrétiens et les rabbins. Actes du colloque de Lausanne, 12–14 Décembre 2012. (Judaïsme ancien et origins du christianisme.) Pp. 460. Turnhout: Brepols, 2015. €95 (paper). 978 2 503 55465 5
Conticello, Carmelo Giuseppe (ed.), La Théologie Byzantine et sa tradition I/1(VIe–VIIe s.) (Corpus Christianorum) Pp. 805 incl. 11 ills. Turnhout: Brepols, 2015. €150. 978 2 503 51715 5
Demacopoulos, George E., Gregory the Great. Ascetic, pastor, and the first man of Rome. Pp. viii + 237. Notre Dame, In: University of Notre Dame Press, 2015. $28 (paper). 978 0 268 02621 9
Dirschlmayer, Michaela, Kirchenstiftungen römischer Kaiserinnen vom 4. bis zum 6. Jahrhundert. Die Erschließung neuer Handlungsspielräume. (Jahrbuch für Antike und Christentum. Ergäzungsband Kleine Reihe, 13.) Pp. x + 268 incl. 6 colour and black-and-white ills and 1 map. Münster: Aschendorff, 2015. €44. 978 3 402 10920 5
Dunn, James D. G., Neither Jew nor Greek. A contested identity. (Christianity in the Making, 3.) Pp. xiv + 946 incl. 100 tables and 1 map. Grand Rapids, Mi– Cambridge: Eerdmans, 2015. $60. 978 0 8028 3933 6
Elm, Susanna, Sons of Hellenism. Fathers of the Church. Emperor Julian, Gregory of Nazianzus, and the vision of Rome. Pp. xx + 553 incl. 1 map. Berkeley–London: University of California Press, 2012. £24.95. 978 0 520 28754 9
Friesen, Courtney J. P., Reading Dionysus. Euripides' Bacchae and the cultural contestations of Greeks, Jews, Romans, and the Christians. (Studies and Texts in Antiquity and Christianity, 95.) Pp. xii + 336. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2015. €79. 978 3 16 153813 1
Houghton, H. A. G., The Latin New Testament. A guide to its early history, texts, and manuscripts. Pp. xx + 366 incl. 16 ills. New York–Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2016. £25. 978 0 19 874473 3
Kalvesmaki, Joel and Young, Robin Darling (eds), Evagrius and his legacy. Pp. x + 404 incl. 3 figs and 2 tables. Notre Dame, In: University of Notre Dame Press, 2016. $39 (paper). 978 0 26 803329 3
Lagouanére, Jeróme and Fialon, Sabine (eds), Tertullianus Afer. Tertullien et la littérature chrétienne d'Afrique. (Instrumenta Patristica et Mediaevalia, 70.) Pp. 380 incl. 1 table. Turnhout: Brepols, 2015. €110. 978 2 503 55578 2
Lenski, Noel, Constantine and the cities. Imperial authority and civic politics. (Empire and After.) Pp. ix + 404 incl. 49 figs, 2 tables and 7 maps. Philadelphia, Pa: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2016. £52. 978 0 8122 4777 0
Matthews, Edward G. Jr (ed. and trans.), On this day. The Armenian church Synaxarion. February. (Middle Eastern Texts Initiative.) Pp. xiv + 195. Provo, Ut: Brigham Young University Press, 2015. $49.95. 978 0 8425 2940 2
Parry, Ken (ed.), The Wiley Blackwell companion to patristics. (Companions to Religion.) Pp. xvi + 530. Chichester: Wiley Blackwell, 2015. £120. 978 1 118 43871 8
Riedweg, Christoph (ed.) (intro. Wolfram Kinzig), Kyrill von Alexandrien I. Gegen Julian I: 5. (Die Griechischen Christlichen Schriftsteller der ersten Jahrhunderte, 20.) Pp. ccxxxiii + 407. Berlin–Boston: de Gruyter, 2016. 978 3 11 035914 5;
Roth, Dieter T., The text of Marcion's gospel. (New Testament Tools, Studies and Documents, 49.) Pp. x + 491 incl. 1 table. Leiden–Boston: Brill, 2015. €158. 978 90 04 24520 4;
Shuve, Karl, The Song of Songs and the fashioning of identity in early Latin Christianity. (Oxford Early Christian Studies). Pp. xix + 236. Oxford–New York: Oxford University Press, 2016. £65. 978 0 19 876644 5
Smith, Yancy, The mystery of anointing. Hippolythus’ commentary on the Song of Songs in social and critical contexts. Texts, translations, and comprehensive study. (Studies in Early Christianity and Patristics, 62.) Pp. xxxviii + 614 incl. 12 figs. Piscataway, NJ: Gorgias Press, 2015. $170. 978 1 4632 0218 7;
Smoak, Jeremy D., The priestly blessing in inscription and Scripture. The early history of Numbers 6:24–26. Pp. xix + 242 incl. 5 figs. Oxford–New York: Oxford University Press, 2015. £47.99. 978 0 19 939997 0
Williams, Rowan, On Augustine. Pp. xii + 221. New York–London: Bloomsbury, 2016. £25. 978 1 4729 2527 5
Wu, Siu Fung (foreword Todd D. Still), Suffering in Romans. Pp. xviii + 288 incl. 5 tables. Cambridge: James Clarke, 2015. £22. 978 0 227 17590 3
Young, Frances M., Construing the Cross. Type, sign, symbol, word, action. (The Didsbury Lecture Series.) Pp. xviii + 141 incl. 23 figs. Eugene, Or: Cascade Books, 2015. $15.20 (paper). 978 1 4982 2002 6
Medieval Europe and Byzantium
Aris, Marc-Aeilko, Enno Bünz, Martina Hartmann, and Märtl, Claudia (eds), Deutsches Archiv für Erforschung des Mittelalters. Namens der Monumenta Germaniae Historica, LXXI/1. Pp. xxxvii + 462. Wein: Böhlau, 2015. €80 (paper). 978 3 412 50275 1;
Arnold, John H. and Biller, Peter (ed. and trans.), Heresy and inquisition in France, 1200–1300. (Medieval Sources Series.) Pp. xii + 521. Manchester: Manchester University Press, 2016. £22.99 (paper). 978 0 7190 8131 6
Badham, Sally, Seeking salvation. Commemorating the dead in the late-medieval English parish. Pp. ix + 474 incl. 119 colour figs. Donington: Shaun Tyas, 2015. £39.95. 978 1 907730 47 4
Barnwell, P. S. (ed.), Places of worship in Britain and Ireland, 300–950. (Rewley House Studies in the Historic Environment, 4.) Pp. xvi + 240 incl. 48 ills and 14 colour plates. Donington: Shaun Tyas, 2015. £40. 978 1 907730 48 1
Baxter, Ron, The royal abbey of Reading. (Studies in Medieval Art and Architecture.) Pp. xix + 355 incl. 164 ills, 50 colour plates and 5 tables. Woodbridge–Rochester, NY: Boydell Press, 2016. £60. 978 1 78327 084 2
Brȋnzei, Monica, Nicholas of Dinkelsbühl and the Sentences at Vienna in the early fifteenth century. (Studia Sententiarum, 1.) Pp. 489 incl. 1 ill and 15 tables. Turnhout: Brepols, 2015. €85 (paper). 978 2 503 56281 0
Brown, A. T., Rural society and economic change in County Durham. Recession and recovery, c.1400–1640. Pp. xv + 288 incl. 19 figs + 22 tables and 4 maps. Woodbridge–Rochester, NY: Boydell Press, 2015. £60. 978 1 78327 075 0
Buc, Philippe, Keil, Martha and Tolan, John (eds), Jews and Christians in medieval Europe. The historiographical legacy of Bernard Blumenkranz. (Religion and Law in Medieval Christian and Muslim Societies, 7.) Pp. 383 incl. 61 figs and 1 table. Turnhout: Brepols, 2016. €75. 978 2 503 56516 3
Carpenter, David X. (ed.), The cartulary of St Leonard's Hospital, York. Rawlinson volumes, I, II . (The Yorkshire Archaeological Society Record Series, 163. The Borthwick Institute for Archives.) (Borthwick Texts and Studies, 42.) Pp. lxxiv + 565; 566–1134 incl. 10 plates and 1 graph. Woodbridge–Rochester, NY: Boydell Press, 2015. £140. 978 1 903564 22 6
Carr, Mike, Merchant crusaders in the Aegean, 1291–1352. (Warfare in History.) Pp. xvi + 198 incl. 4 figs. and 4 maps. Woodbridge–Rochester, NY: Boydell Press, 2015. £60. 978 1 84383 990 3
Cleaver, Laura, Education in the twelfth century. Art and architecture. Images of learning in Europe, c. 1100–1220. (Studies in Medieval Art and Architecture.) Pp. x + 230 incl. 66 figs and 7 colour plates. Woodbridge–Rochester, NY: Boydell Press, 2016. £60. 978 1 78327 085 9
Dailey, E. T., Queens, consorts, concubines. Gregory of Tours and women of the Merovingian elite. (Mnemosyne Supplements, 381.) Pp. xiv + 202 incl. 2 charts. Leiden–Boston: Brill, 2015. €99. 978 90 04 29089 1;
Erdélyi, Gaíiella, A cloister on trial. Religious culture and everyday life in late medieval Hungary. (Catholic Christendom, 1300–1700.) Pp. xiii + 262 incl. 6 figs, 4 maps and 8 tables. Farnham–Burlington, Vt: Ashgate, 2015. £70. 978 1 409 46759 5
Everson, Paul and Stocker, David (with Graham K. Lott and David N. Parsons), Corpus of Anglo–Saxon stone sculpture, XII: Nottinghamshire. Pp. xx + 354 incl. 32 figs, 1 frontispiece, 1 plate and 3 tables. New York–Oxford: Oxford University Press (for the British Academy), 2015. £80. 978 0 19 726595 6
Fudge, Thomas A., Jan Hus between time and eternity. Reconsidering a medieval heretic. Pp. xx + 277. London–Lanham, Md: Lexington Books, 2016. £65. 978 1 4985 2750 7
Gemeinhardt, Peter and Georges, Tobias (eds), Theologie und Bildung im Mittelalter. (Archa Verbi. Yearbook for the Study of Medieval Theology, 13.) Pp. xvi + 520 incl. 1 colour ill. and 2 tables. Münster: Aschendorff, 2015. €68. 978 3 402 10231 2;
Gilchrist, Roberta and Green, Cheryl, Glastonbury Abbey archaeological investigations, 1904–79. Pp. xxi + 501 incl. 289 colour and black-and-white figs + 18 tables and 5 plans. London: Society of Antiquaries of London, 2015. £45. 98 0 85431 300 6
Hahn, Cynthia, Strange beauty. Issues in the making and meaning of reliquaries, 400–circa 1204. Pp. xiv + 302 incl. 126 colour and black-and-white ills and 1 frontispiece. University Park, Pa: Pennsylvania State University Press, 2012. £36.95 (paper). 978 0 271 05078 2
Hogg, James and Clark, John (eds), Adam of Witham. De Quadripertito exercitio cellӕ. A critical edition, I: Introduction, text and apparatus; II: Commentary and notes on the text. Scriptural references. Ecclesiastical writers. Classical writers. Selected bibliography. (Analecta Cartusiana, 256.) Pp. xxx + 236. Salzburg: University of Salzburg Press, 2015. 978 3 902895 59 2; 978 3 902895 79 0
Hogg, James, Excoffon, Sylvain, Girard, Alain and Le Blévec, Daniel (eds), El Paular. Anatomy of a charterhouse. Phillip Jeffrey Guilbeau, I: Text; II: Illustrations. (Analecta Cartusiana, 320.) Pp. xiv + 457 incl. 189 colour and black-and-white figs. Salzburg: University of Salzburg Press, 2015. 978 3 902895 80 6; 978 3 902895 81 3
Maiorino, Marco (with Sergio Pagano), Diplomatica Pontificia. Tavole. Silloge di scritture dei registro papali da Innocenzo III ad Alessandro VI (1198–1503). (Littera Antiqua, 17.) Pp. 199 plus 169 loose-leaf facsimiles and CD. €60. Vatican City: Sculoa Vaticana di Paleografia
Mazel, Florian, L'Evêque et le territoire. L'invention médiévale de l'espace (Ve–XIIIe siècle). (L'Univers historique.) Pp. 543 incl. 9 figs and 31 maps. Paris: Éditions du Seuil, 2016. €27. 978 2 02 118310 8
Morris, Stephen, ‘When brothers dwell in unity’. Byzantine Christianity and homosexuality. Pp. ix + 227 incl. 5 tables. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2016. £43.95 (paper.) 978 0 7864 9517 7
Nelson, Jinty and Kempf, Damien (eds), Reading the Bible in the Middle Ages. (Studies in Early Medieval History.) Pp. ix + 284 incl. 7 tables. New York–London: Bloomsbury, 2015. £69.99. 978 1 47424 572 2
O'Brien, Emily, The commentaries of Pope Pius II, (1458–1464) and the crisis of the fifteenth-century papacy. Pp. xiii + 335. Toronto–London: University of Toronto Press, 2015. $65. 978 1 4426 4763 3
Ott, John S., Bishops, authority and community in northwestern Europe, c. 1050–1150. (Studies in Medieval Life and Thought, 4th Ser.) Pp. xii + 380 incl. 2 figs, 2 tables and 2 maps. New York–Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2015. £74.99. 978 1 107 01781 8
Rainini, Marco, Il profeta del papa. Vita e memoria di Raniero da Ponza eremita di Curia. (Dies Nova.) Pp. 189. Milano: Vita e Pensiero, 2016. €30. 978 88 343 29998 6
Rist, Rebecca, Popes and Jews, 1095–1291. Pp. xxviii + 323 incl. 2 maps. New York–Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2016. £65. 978 0 19 871798 0
Ritchey, Sara, Holy matter. Changing perceptions of the material world in late medieval Christianity. Pp. xi + 235 incl. 16 figs. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 2015. $55. 978 0 8014 5253 6
Rose, E. M., The murder of William of Norwich. The origins of the blood libel in medieval Europe. Pp. xvi + 394 incl. 15 ills and 2 maps. New York–Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2015. £16.99. 978 0 19 021962 8
Salisbury, Matthew Cheung, The secular liturgical office in late medieval England. (Medieval Church Studies, 36.) Pp. xvi + 261 incl. 39 tables. Turnhout: Brepols, 2015. €80. 978 2 503 54806 7
Sicard, Patrice, Iter Victorinum. La tradition manuscrite des oeuvres de Hugues et de Richard de Saint-Victor. Répertoire complémentaire et études. (Bibliotheca Victorina, 24.) Pp. 904. Turnhout: Brepols, 2015. €150. 978 2 503 55492 1
Simeonova, Liliana (trans.), Лиудпранд Кремонски. Разплата. История на Отон. Пратеничество в Константинопол [Liudprand of Cremona. Antapodosis, Historia Ottonis, Relatio de Legatione Constantinopolitana.] Pp. 336 incl. 4 ills. Sofia: Iztok–Zpad, 2015. £7.16. 978 619 152 691 8
Simonutti, Luisa (ed.), Religious obedience and political resistance in the early modern world. Jewish, Christian and Islamic philosophers addressing the Bible. (Studies in Late Antique, Medieval and Renaissance Thought, 7.) Pp. 489 incl. 1 colour frontispiece. Turnhout: Brepols, 2014. €105 (paper). 978 2 503 55163 0
Strübind, Andrea and Weger, Tobias (eds), Jan Hus. 600 Jahre Erste Reformation. (Schriften des Bundesinstituts für Kultur und Geschichte der Deutschen im östlichen Europa, 60.) Pp. 264 incl. 61 ills and frontispiece. Oldenbourg: De Gruyter, 2015. €39.95. 978 3 11 044361 5
Tealdi, Elena (ed.) (intro. Robert E. Lerner and Gian Luca Potestà), Giovanni di Rupescissa, Vade mecum in tribulatione. (Dies Nova.) Pp. 330. Milan: Vita e Pensiero, 2015. €30. 978 88 343 29998 6
Thomson, R. M. and Winterbottom, M. (ed. and trans.), William of Malmesbury. The miracles of the Blessed Virgin Mary. (Medieval Texts.) Pp. lxvii + 154 incl. 5 tables. Woodbridge–Rochester, NY: Boydell Press, 2015. £65. 978 1 78327 016 3
Vuillemin, Pascal, Droit et réforme ecclésiastique à Venise à la fin du moyen âge. Le Synodicon Giustiniani (1438). Édition critique Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana Ms. Lat. IV, 105 (=2378). (Sources et documents publiés par l’École française de Rome, 5.) Pp. xii + 308 incl. 6 ills and 4 tables. Rome: École française de Rome, 2015. (paper). 978 2 7283 1149 1
Waters, Claire M., Translating clergie. Status, education, and salvation in thirteenth-century vernacular texts. (The Middle Ages.) Pp. xvii + 289 incl. 6 ills. Philadelphia, Pa: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2016. £45.50. 978 0 8122 4772 5
Wenzel, Siegfried, Of sins and sermons. (Synthema, 10.) Pp. xii + 432 incl. 2 ills and 2 tables. Leuven: Peeters, 2015. €84 (paper). 978 90 429 3174 9
Wierzbick, Hyacintho Matthaeo (ed.), Alexandri de Hales. Qvaestiones dispvtatae de Lapsv Angelorvm ac Protoparentvm. (Bibliotheca Franciscana Scholastica Medii Aevi, 31.) Pp. 398. Rome: Collegio San Bonaventura, 2015. 978 88 7013 294 6
Woolgar, C. M., The culture of food in England, 1200–1500. Pp. xiii + 341 incl. 32 ills and 8 tables. New Haven–London: Yale University Press, 2016. £30. 978 0 300 18191 3
Wurtzel, Carl (trans.) and Hoyland, Robert G. (foreword Robert G. Hoyland), Khalifa ibn Khayya's history on the Umayyad dynasty (660–750). Pp. xiii + 332 incl. 1 map. Liverpool: Liverpool University Press, 2015. £25 (paper). 978 1 78138 5
Wycherley, Niamh, The cult of relics in early medieval Ireland. (Studies in the Early Middle Ages, 43.) Pp. xi + 257. Turnhout: Brepols, 2015. €75. 978 2 503 55184 5
Reformation and Counter-Reformation Europe
Aers, David, Beyond reformation? An essay on William Langland's Piers Plowman and the end of Constantinian Christianity. Pp. xix + 257. Notre Dame, In: University of Notre Dame Press, 2015. $35 (paper). 978 0 268 02046 0
Allen, Bruce Ware, The great siege of Malta. The epic battle between the Ottoman Empire and the Knights of St John. Pp. xiii + 325 incl. 21 ills and 3 maps. Lebanon, NH: University Press of New England, 2015. £24.99. 978 1 61168 765 1
Aston, Margaret, Broken idols of the English reformation. Pp. xvii + 1109 incl. 99 figs. New York–Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2016. £120. 978 0 521 77018 7
Bahlcke, Joachim and Dingel, Irene (eds), Die Reformierten in Schlesien. Vom 16. Jahrhundert bis zur Altpreußischen Union von 1817. (Veröffentlichungen des Instituts für Europȁische Geschichte Mainz, 106.) Pp. 376 incl. 27 ills. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2016. €90. 978 3 525 10140 7
Balsamo, Jean, Nicklas, Thomas and Bruno Restif, (eds), Un Prélat français de la renaissance. Le cardinal de Lorraine entre Reims et l'Europe. (Travaux d'Humanisme et Renaissance, 546.) Pp. 470 incl. 26 black-and-white and colour figs and 1 table. Genève: Librairie Droz, 2015. €55. 978 2 600 01889 0;
Barnes, Robin B, Astrology and reformation. Pp. xiii + 389 incl. 15 figs and 1 graph. Oxford–New York: Oxford University Press, 2016. £47.99. 978 0 19 973605 8
Brogan, Stephen, The royal touch in early modern England. Politics, medicine and sin. (Royal Historical Society Studies in History, New Ser.) Pp. xii + 265 incl. 17 figs, 5 tables and 9 colour plates. Woodbridge–Rochester, NY: Boydell Press, 2015. £50. 978 0 8193 337 2;
Demers, Patricia, Lady Anne Bacon. An apology or answer in defence of the Church of England. (Tudor & Stuart Translations, 22.) Pp. xii + 213. Cambridge: Modern Humanities Research Association, 2016. £29.99. 978 1 78188 127 9
Dowley, Tim, Atlas of the European reformations. Pp. 160 incl. 32 black-and-white and colour ills. and 60 maps. Minneapolis, Mn: Fortress Press, 2015. £16.99 (paper). 978 1 4514 9969 8
Eppley, Daniel, Reading the Bible with Richard Hooker. Pp. xxviii + 307. Minneapolis, Mn: Fortress Press, 2016. $79. 978 1 5064 1078 4
Frazier, Alison K. (ed.), The saint between manuscript and print. Italy, 1400–1600. (Essays and Studies, 37.) Pp. 495 incl. 34 black-and-white and colour figs and 4 tables. Toronto: Toronto Centre for Reformation and Renaissance Studies, 2015. $49.95 (paper). 978 0 7727 2181 5
Hendrickson, D. Scott, Jesuit polymath of Madrid. The literary enterprise of Juan Eusebio Nieremberg, (1595–1658). (Jesuit Studies, 4.) Pp. ix + 243 incl. 10 ills. Leiden–Boston: Brill, 2015. €110. 978 90 04 29351 9;
Lake, Peter, Bad Queen Bess? Libels, secret histories and the politics of publicity in the reign of Queen Elizabeth I. Pp. xii + 497. New York–Oxford Oxford University Press, 2016. £35. 978 0 19 875399 5
Leppin, Volker, Reformatorische Gestaltungen. Theologie und Kirchenpolitik in Spätmittelalter und Früher Neuzeit. (Arbeiten Zur Kirchen – Und Theologiegeschichte, 43.) Pp. 400 incl. 1 ill. Leipzig: Evangelische Verlagsanstalt, 2016. €68. 978 3 374 04141 1
Lewis, Jack P., The day after Domesday. The making of the Bishops' Bible. Pp. xiv + 150 incl. 37 figs. Eugene, Or: Wipf & Stock. $16 (paper). 978 1 4982 3343 9
Lindley, Phillip, The Howards and the Tudors. Studies in science and heritage. Pp. x + 118 incl. 101 colour ills. and 1 chart. Donington: Shaun Tyas, 2015. £14.95 (paper). 978 1 907730 44 3
Loewen, Harry, Ink against the devil. Luther and his opponents. Pp. xx + 325. Waterloo, On: Wilfrid Laurier University Press, 2015. £26.50 (paper). 978 1 77112 136 1
Louthan, Howard and Murdock, Graeme (eds), A companion to the Reformation in central Europe. (Companions to the Christian Tradition, 61.) Pp. xx + 484 incl. 22 ills and 1 map. Leiden–Boston: Brill, 2015. €154. 978 90 04 25527 2;
Maag, Karin, Lifting hearts to the Lord. Worship with John Calvin in sixteenth-century Geneva. (The Church at Worship. Case Studies from Christian History.) Pp. xiv + 209 incl. 22 ills and 1 map. Grand Rapids, Mi–Cambridge: Eerdmans, 2016. £18.99 (paper). 978 0 8028 7147 3
McKee, Elsie Anne, The pastoral ministry and worship in Calvin's Geneva. (Travaux d'Humanisme et Renaissance, 556.) Pp. 976 incl. 4 figs, 1 table and 8 graphs. Genève: Librairie Droz, 2016. €112.80. 978 2 600 01962 0
Merkle, Benjamin R., Defending the Trinity in the reformed Palatinate. The Elohistae. (Oxford Theology and Religion Monographs.) Pp. xi + 224. Oxford–New York: Oxford University Press, 2015. £60. 978 0 19 874962 2
Oberholzer, S. J. (ed.), Diego Lainez (1512–1565) and his generalate. Jesuit with Jewish roots, close confidant of Ignatius of Loyola, preeminent theologian of the Council of Trent. (Bibliotheca Instituti Historici S. I. 76.) Pp. xx + 1074 incl. 21 figs, 15 colour plates and 5 tables. Rome: Institutum Historicum Societatis Iesu, 2015. €60. 978 88 7041 376 2
Oehmig, Stefan (ed.), Buchdruck und Buchkultur im Wittenberg der Reformationszeit. (Schriften der Stiftung Luthergedenkstätten in Sachsen-Anhalt, 21.) Pp. 368 incl. 40 colour and black-and-white ills and 22 tables. Leipzig: Evangelische Verlagsanstalt, 2015. €68. 978 3 374 04078 0
Rice, Nicole R. and Pappano, Margaret Aziza, The civic cycles. Artisan drama and identity in premodern England. (Reformations Medieval and Early Modern.) Pp. xii + 361 incl. 15 figs. Notre Dame, In: University of Notre Dame Press, 2015. $42 (paper). 978 0 268 03900 4
Rummel, Erika (trans.) (annotated Milton Kooistra), The correspondence of Wolfgang Capito, III: 1532–1536. Pp. xxix + 515. Toronto–London: University of Toronto Press, 2015. $175. 978 14426 37214
Sierhuis, Freya, The literature of the Arminian controversy. Religion, politics, and the stage in the Dutch Republic. Pp. xi + 294 incl. 14 ills. New York–Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2015. £60. 978 0 19 874973 8
Stewart, Laura A. M., Rethinking the Scottish revolution. Convenanted Scotland, 1637–1651. Pp. xv + 391. New York–Oxford Oxford University Press, 2016. £65. 978 0 19 87184 4
Stjerna, Kirsi I. (ed.), The annotated Luther, II: Word and faith. Pp. xiv + 514 incl. 87 ills and 2 maps. Minneapolis, Mn: Fortress Press, 2015. £25.99. 978 1 4514 6279 8
Wengert, Timothy J. (ed.), The annotated Luther, I: The roots of reform. Pp. xiii + 574 incl. 73 ills and 2 maps. Minneapolis, Mn: Fortress Press, 2015. £25.99. 978 1 4514 6269 2
Modern Europe
Atherstone, Andrew (ed.), The journal of Bishop Daniel Wilson of Calcutta, 1845–1847. (Church of England Record Society, 21.) Pp. lii + 377. Woodbridge–Rochester, NY: Boydell Press, 2015. £70. 978 1 78327 111 5
Bank, Jan and Gevers, Lieve (eds) (trans. Brian Doyle), Churches and religion in the Second World War. (Occupation in Europe Series.) Pp. xv + 605 incl. 21 ills. London–New York: Bloomsbury, 2016. £19.99 (paper). 978 1 8452 0483 9
Baran, Emily B., Dissent on the margins. How Soviet Jehovah's Witnesses defied Communism and lived to preach about it. Pp. xvii + 382 incl. 2 maps. New York–Oxford: Oxford: University Press, 2014. £51. 978 0 19 994553 5
Calder, Sandy, The origins of primitive Methodism. (Studies in Modern British Religious History, 33.) Pp. xvii + 297 incl. 9 figs, 3 diagrams and 20 tables. Woodbridge–Rochester, NY: Boydell Press, 2016. £75. 978 1 78327 081 1
Carpenter, Anne M. (foreword Peter J. Casarella), Theo-poetics. Hans Urs von Balthasar and the risk of art and being. Pp. xv + 251. Notre Dame, In: University of Notre Dame Press, 2015. $32 (paper). 978 0 268 02378 2
Castelli, Eva Fontana, Marianna D'Asburgo Lorena. Protagonista di una storia rimossa, (1770–1809). (Prefazione Nadia Verdile.) Pp. 344 incl. 8 ills and 1 frontispiece. Verona: Il Segno dei Gabrielli, 2015. €23 (paper). 978 88 6099 281 9
Christ, Heinrich, Zwischen Religion und Geschäft. Die Basler Missions-Handlungs-Gesellschaft und ihre Unternehmensethik, 1859–1917. (Beiträge zur Europäischen Überseegeschichte, 103.) Pp. 276 incl. 8 ills, 2 maps and 10 tables. Stuttgart: Franz Steiner, 2015. €49 (paper). 978 3 515 11083 9
Etherington, Norman, Griffiths, Gareth and Van Gent, Jacqueline, Indigenous evangelists and questions of authority in the British Empire, 1750–1940. First fruits. (Studies in Christian Mission, 46.) Pp. xiv + 286 incl. 13 figs. Leiden–Boston: Brill, 2015. €115. 978 90 04 29914 6;
Gerber, Simon, Schleiermachers Kirchengeschichte. (Beiträge zur historischen Theologie, 177.) Pp. xii + 525. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2015. €110. 978 3 16 154079 0
Gordon, Grant, A great blessing to me. John Newton encounters George Whitefield. Pp. 224 incl. 8 ills. Fearn, Ross-shire: Christian Focus Publishers, 2016. £8.99 (paper). 978 1 78191 715 2.
Hardwick, Joseph, An Anglican British world. The Church of England and the expansion of the settler empire, c. 1790–1860. (Studies in Imperialism.) Pp. xi + 281. Manchester–New York: Manchester University Press, 2014. £75. 978 0 7190 8722 6
Healy, Philip and Roden, Frederick S. (eds) (trans. Nancy Erber and William A. Peniston), Marc-André Raffalovick's Ramism and unisexuality. A study of different manifestations of the sexual instinct. (Genders and Sexualities in History.) Pp. xii + 312 incl. frontispiece. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2016. £70. 978 1 137 45138 5
Hodgson, Peter C. (ed.) (trans. Robert F. Brown), Lectures on New Testament theology. Ferdinand Christian Baur. Pp. x + 401. New York–Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2016. £85. 978 0 19 875417 6
Hug, Adam (ed.), Traditional religion and political power. Examining the role of the Church in Georgia, Armenia, Ukraine and Moldova. Pp. 98 incl. 5 ills. London: The Foreign Policy Centre, 2015. £7.95 (paper). 978 1 905833 28 3
Knight, Frances, Victorian Christianity at the fin de siècle. The culture of English religion in a decadent age. Pp. x + 294. New York–London: I. B. Tauris, 2016. £62. 978 1 78076 891 5
Lehner, Ulrich, The Catholic enlightenment. The forgotten history of a global movement. Pp. vii + 257. New York–Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2016. £19.99. 978 0 19 023291 7
Litten, Julian W. S. (foreword Roy Strong), The mystery of Marquis D'Oisy, Pp. viii + 120 incl. 1 frontispiece, 76 black-and-white and colour ills. Donington: Shaun Tyas (with the Society of Faith.), 2015. £14.95 (paper). 978 1 907730 49 8
Luxmoore, Jonathan, The god of the Gulag, I: Martyrs in an age of revolution; II: Martyrs in an age of secularism. Pp. xxiii + 511; xiii + 468. Leominster: Gracewing, 2016. £40 (paper). 978 0 85244 639 3; 978 0 85244 584 6
Mulsow, Martin (trans. H. C. Erik Midelfort), Enlightenment underground. Radical Germany, 1680–1720. (Studies in Early Modern German History.) (First publ. as Moderne aus dem Untergrund: Radikale Frühaufklärung in Deutschland, 1680–1720, Meiner 2002.) Pp. x + 454 incl. 9 ills. Charlottesville, NC–London: University of Virginia Press, 2015. £41.95. 978 0 8139 3815 8
Oelke, Harry, Kraus, Wolfgang, Schneider-Ludorff, Gury, Töllner, Axel and Schuberg, Anselm (eds), Martin Luthers ‘Judenschriften’. Die Rezeption im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert. (Arbeiten zur Kirchlichen Zeitgeschichte, 64.) Pp. 340 incl. 3 ills. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2016. €80. 978 3 525 55789 1
Subotić, Gojko, Alex, Dragnich, Todorovich, Slavko, Emmert, Thomas A., Ćirković, Sima M., Evans, Arthur and others, The Christian heritage of Kosovo and Metohija. The historical and spiritual heartland of the Serbian people. Pp. 1008 incl. 796 colour and black-and-white ills and 1 frontispiece. Los Angeles: Sebastian Press, 2015. $150. 978 1 036773 18 3
Te Velde, Dolf, The doctrine of God in reformed orthodoxy, Karl Barth, and the Utrecht School. A study in method and content. (Studies in Reformed Theology, 25.) Pp. xiv + 820 incl. 1 table. Leiden–Boston: Brill, 2013. €231. 978 90 04 25245 5;
Africa, Asia and Australasia
Hassen, Mohammed, The Oromo and the Christian kingdom of Ethiopia, 1300–1700. (Eastern Africa.) Pp. xx + 380 incl. 14 maps. Woodbridge–Rochester, NY: Boydell Press, 2015. £45. 978 1 84701 117 6
Plaatjies-Van Huffel, Mary-Anne and Vosloo, Robert (eds), Reformed Churches in South Africa and the struggle for justice. Remembering 1960–1990. Pp. 425 incl. 1 ills. Stellenbosch: Sun Press, 2013. 350 ZAR (paper). 978 1 920689 10 0
Tang, Kaijian, Setting off from Macau. Essays on Jesuit history during the Ming and Qing dynasties. (Jesuit Studies. Modernity through the Prism of Jesuit History.) Pp. ix + 331 incl. 7 figs, 1 map and 6 tables. Leiden: Brill, 2016. €140. 978 90 04 30551 9;
Vanysacker, Dries, Les Missionnaires dans la tempête de la rebellion des Simbas au Congo en 1964–1966. (Bibliothèque de la Revue d'historire ecclésiastique, 100.) Pp. vii + 240 incl. 5 tables and 3 maps. Turnhout: Brepols, 2016. €49 (paper). 978 2 503 56699 3
The Americas
Andes, Stephen J. C. and Young, Julia G. (eds), Local Church, global Church. Catholic activism in Latin America from Rerum Novarum to Vatican II. Pp. xxix + 353 incl. 2 tables. Washington, DC: The Catholic University of America Press, 2016. €59.95. 978 0 8132 2791 7
Catron, John W., Embracing Protestantism. Black identities in the Atlantic world. Pp. xi + 303 incl. 2 tables. Gainesville, Fl: University Press of Florida, 2016. $24.95. 978 8 083061 63 4
Crowther, Edward R. and Harper, Keith (eds) (afterword Wayne Flynt), Between fetters and freedom. African American Baptists since emancipation. (The James N. Griffith Series in Baptist Studies.) Pp. ix + 261. Macon, Ga: Mercer University Press, 2015. $35. 978 0 88146 540 2
Henery, Charles R., Yankee bishops. Apostles in the new republic, 1783 to 1873. (Studies in Episcopal and Anglican Theology, 7.) Pp. xxiv + 352 incl. 7 ills. Frankfurt–Oxford: Peter Lang, 2015. £58. 978 1 4331 2361 0
Lejon, Kjell O., George H. W. Bush. Faith, presidency, and public theology. Pp. 253 incl. colour frontispiece. Frankfurt–Oxford: Peter Lang, 2014. £37. 978 3 631 64955 8
Levterov, Theodore N., The development of the Seventh-Day Adventist understanding of Ellen G. White's prophetic gift, 1844–1889. (American University Studies. Ser. 7. Theology and religion, 347.) Pp. xvii + 252. Frankfurt–New York: Peter Lang, 2015. £54. 978 1 4331 2810 3
McAndrews, Lawrence J., Refuge in the Lord. Catholics, presidents and the politics of immigration, 1981–2013. Pp. xii + 289. Washington, DC: Catholic University of America Press, 2015. £47.45 (paper). 978 0 8132 2779 5
Noll, Mark A., In the beginning was the Word. The Bible in American public life, 1492–1783. Pp. xiii + 431 incl. 15 ills. New York–Oxford Oxford University Press, 2016. £19.99. 978 0 19 02639 8
Ramírez, Daniel, Migrating faith. Pentecostalism in the United States and Mexico in the twentieth century. Pp. xxi + 283 incl. 4 figs., 4 maps and 2 tables. Chapel Hill, NC: University of North Carolina Press, 2015. $29.95 (paper). 978 1 4696 2406 8
Ruotsila, Markku, Fighting fundamentalist. Carl McIntire and the politicization of American fundamentalism. Pp. ix + 403 incl. 20 figs. New York–Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2016. £22.99. 978 0 19 937299 7
Sánchez, Peter M., Priest under fire. Padre David Rodriguez, the Catholic Church, and El Salvador's revolutionary movement. Pp. xvi + 309 incl. 23 ills, 1 map and 1 table. Gainsville, Fl: University Press of Florida, 2015. $44.95. 978 0 8130 6119 1
Stievermann, Jan, Prophecy, piety, and the problem of historicity. Interpreting the Hebrew Scriptures in Cotton Mather's Biblia Americana. (Beiträge zur historischen Theologie, 179.) Pp. xiii + 494. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2016. €120. 978 3 16 154270 1
Sweeney, Douglas A., Edwards the exegete. Biblical interpretation and Anglo-Protestant culture on the edge of the Enlightenment. Pp. xii + 391. New York–Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2016. £47.99. 978 0 19 979322 8
Young, Julia G., Mexican exodus. Emigrants, exiles and refugees of the Cristero war. Pp. xiii + 271 incl. 15 figs. Oxford–New York Oxford University Press, 2015. £47.99. 978 0 19 020500 3
General: Modern world
Boeve, Lieven, Lamberigts, Mathijs and Merrigan, Terrence (eds), The contested legacy of Vatican II. Lessons and prospects. (Louvain Theological and Pastoral Monographs, 43.) Pp. xvii + 225. Leuven: Peeters, 2015. €45 (paper). 978 90 429 3206 7
Heideman, Eugene P., Hendrik P. Scholte. His legacy in the Netherlands and in America. (Historical Series of the Reformed Church in America in Cooperation with the Van Raalte Institute, 84.) Pp. xxxv + 278 incl. 30 ills. Grand Rapids, Mi–Cambridge: Eerdmans, 2015. $30 (paper). 978 0 8028 7352 1