1. Introduction
The link between temperature and economic outcomes in agricultural markets around the world and, in particular, in Brazil, has been the subject of much research.Footnote 1 But despite Brazil's agriculture sector being of great relevance for the country's economy, the majority of its population lives in urban areas, and most of the country's labor force is employed in non-agriculture sectors.Footnote 2 A complete picture of the economic effects of temperature variations requires, therefore, the analysis of outcomes for those employed in non-agriculture activities. And yet, the empirical evidence on the existence and magnitude of such effects, especially using detailed individual-level data, is scant.Footnote 3 This study helps to fill in this gap.
In this paper, we analyze the effects of short-term temperature shocks on Brazil's non-agricultural labor markets. In particular, we focus on individual wages. To that end, we leverage rich data from administrative records covering the universe of Brazilian formal workers and their workplaces. After we draw a random sample from the universe, we end up with individual-level panel data on 209,350 workers for whom we observe monthly data on wages; hours worked; firm, sector and municipality of employment; and other labor market outcomes; spanning the period January 2015 through December 2016.Footnote 4 We then merge daily weather data to the panel using information on workers’ municipality of employment.
We argue that our panel data analysis exploiting monthly variation in wages and daily temperature distribution presents important advantages. As we show in figure 1, there is considerable wage variation in our sample, both in nominal and real figures.Footnote 5 Thus, we would be missing much of the movement in wages that occurs within a year if we employed annual data instead. Furthermore, because we are interested in the short-term effects of temperature shocks, month-to-month variation in daily temperatures represents a more unexpected change to assess the consequences of extreme heat.Footnote 6 Finally, climate change is expected to increase unevenly across seasons in Brazil as winter temperatures might increase 1$^{\circ }$C more than summer temperatures between 2070–2099.Footnote 7 The data, therefore, allow us to explore differential effects by month and understand future changes in weather at a finer level of disaggregation.
Our econometric approach is based on a specification where temperature effects are captured by the number of days in a month that falls in various temperature bins – following Deschenes and Greenstone (Reference Deschenes and Greenstone2011) – and worker, firm, municipality-month, and municipality-year fixed effects are included. We find that one additional day in a month where temperatures reach levels above 30$^{\circ }$C – and one fewer day in the 18–21$^{\circ }$C range – reduces real wages in formal labor markets by 0.2 per cent. Assuming a climate change scenario where daily temperatures rise uniformly by 2$^{\circ }$C, we estimate annual income losses equivalent to 0.12 per cent of Brazil's 2015 GDP.
One concern we face is that weather shocks could have affected individuals’ labor market mobility. If workers respond to temperature shocks by migrating out of their current municipality, changing sectors, or switching employers, any temperature-wage relationship estimated from municipality-level data could be reflecting changes in job types and labor force composition. Because our analysis exploits a rich panel data on individuals and firms, we can empirically check for this mechanism. We find little evidence that these transitions have a role in explaining our results.
This paper dialogues more directly with a vast literature that exploits short-term, mostly annual, weather changes to assess the broad impacts of temperature on agriculture outcomes (Deschenes and Greenstone, Reference Deschenes and Greenstone2007; Schlenker and Roberts, Reference Schlenker and Roberts2009; Burke and Emerick, Reference Burke and Emerick2016; Chen et al., Reference Chen, Chen and Xu2016; Zhang et al., Reference Zhang, Zhang and Chen2017), county-level income (Deryugina and Hsiang, Reference Deryugina and Hsiang2014), and country-level GDP (Hsiang, Reference Hsiang2010; Dell et al., Reference Dell, Jones and Olken2012). We add to this body of knowledge by providing novel evidence of adverse effects on individual-level income from month-to-month increases in the incidence of days with extreme high temperatures. This paper also relates to a recent literature that investigates and finds links between extreme temperatures and workers’ output in non-agriculture sectors of developing countries (Cai et al., Reference Cai, Lu and Wang2018; Somanathan et al., Reference Somanathan, Somanathan, Sudarshan and Tewari2018; Zhang et al., Reference Zhang, Deschenes, Meng and Zhang2018; Chen and Yang, Reference Chen and Yang2019; Adhvaryu et al., Reference Adhvaryu, Kala and Nyshadham2020; Colmer, Reference Colmer2020), as well as a strand that studies wage adjustments to transitory economic and environmental shocks (Jayachandran, Reference Jayachandran2006; Franklin and Labonne, Reference Franklin and Labonne2019; Kaur, Reference Kaur2019).Footnote 8
Aside from this introduction, we structure the paper as follows. We describe the monthly wage and weather data in section 2. We outline our empirical strategy and discuss identification of temperature effects from individual-level panel data, as well as presenting the main results, in section 3. We discuss additional results and robustness checks in section 4. And finally, we offer some big-picture insights drawn from our results in section 5.
2. Wage and weather data
2.1. Employer-employee panel
We source worker-level data on monthly wages from the Annual Social Information Report (RAIS), which is an employer-employee administrative database covering 99 per cent of the formal labor force, starting in January 2015 and ending in December 2016.Footnote 9 We draw a random sample of the universe of workers and match them to weather data pertaining to the municipality (county) where they work. We further restrict our sample to workers aged 25 to 55 and exclude workers in agriculture, public administration and military occupations. Our final estimating sample has 3,468,613 worker-month observations representing 209,350 workers.Footnote 10
We calculate hourly wages as the ratio between monthly wages and monthly hours of work in the main occupation.Footnote 11 To create a measure of real wages (base month-year is January 2015), we deflate nominal wages using the Brazilian official consumer price index by month, calculated by the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE).
Although our main focus is on the temperature-wage relationship, we exploit the relationship with other labor market outcomes that could complement our main findings: contractual hours worked per month, days on leave (in a given month) and type of employment contract (permanent versus temporary), as well as changes in firm, sector, and/or municipality of employment.
Table 1 presents descriptive statistics of workers from our estimating sample. The average worker makes, in real terms, about 12.40 Brazilian real (R$) per hour (US$3.10/hour) and has less than a high-school degree (11.44 years of schooling), revealing the relatively low-skill level of the workers in Brazil's formal labor markets.Footnote 12 From the descriptive statistics we also see that these workers are engaged in long-term contracts since as many as 98 per cent of the sample is employed in permanent jobs. The average worker is employed for an average of 43 hours per week; about 10 per cent of them missed at least one day of work in the 2015–2016 period.
Notes: The table presents summary statistics of selected variables calculated for the 209,350 workers in our estimating sample. Real hourly wages are in January 2015 figures. Data source: RAIS 2015–2016.
Table 1 also shows numbers that characterize the panel dimension of the data. Data on wages are available for an average of 16.57 months (out of 24). Wages rose 5.92 times and fell 5.13 times on average over the course of 2015–2016. We also learn that in the two-year period only 3 per cent of workers changed municipalities, 4 per cent changed sector of employment, and 8 per cent switched employers. These low numbers are not surprising given the short time frame our study covers.
Because the vast majority of our sample of formal workers is employed in permanent jobs, it is reasonable to ask how much monthly wages vary within our two-year time span. Figure 1 shows the distribution of the percentage variation in nominal and real wages between consecutive months from January 2015 to December 2016. The panels on the left display all the data, while the panels on the right condition on there being a non-zero change in wages between consecutive months. We observe a spike around zero: 40 per cent of nominal wages do not change and 10 per cent change very little. Excluding zero changes (panels on right), the $10^{th}$ and $90^{th}$ percentiles of the distribution are $-20.7$ and 29.7 per cent respectively. These numbers demonstrate that there is a considerable amount of month-to-month variation in nominal wages. The variation in real wages is even larger because monthly inflation rates are always positive over the period we analyze.
We also note that only a small fraction of the workers in our estimating sample did not experience any changes in nominal wages within the 24-month period (4,612 or 2.2 per cent of the sample). And around 12.8 per cent of the workers (26,860) had their nominal wages change every month within the same period. The deflation of wages naturally creates small variations in real wages even when nominal wages were constant, which explains a larger fraction of workers whose real wages changed every month.Footnote 13
2.2. Monthly weather data
To calculate monthly temperature bins, we use daily weather data generated by Xavier et al. (Reference Xavier, King and Scanlon2017).Footnote 14 The authors use historical weather observations collected from rain gauges and weather stations from the Instituto Nacional de Meteorologia, the Agência Nacional deÁguas, and the Departamento deÁguas e Energia Elétrica de São Paulo. Temperature is available for all Brazilian territory starting in January 1980 and ending in June 2017, and precipitation is available from January 1980 to December 2016. The spatial resolution is 0.25$\times$0.25$^{\circ }$, resulting in 27,216 grids.
We convert grid-level data to municipality-level data as follows. For latitude-longitude pairs which fall inside a municipality's boundaries, we assign as the municipality weather the average weather variables for those grids. When latitude-longitude pairs do not belong to the municipality polygon, we attribute the closest grid to the municipality centroid within a 0.5$^{\circ }$ ($\sim$55 km) range. Using this procedure, we are able to assign weather data to 3,226 municipalities, representing 137 million people, or about 67 per cent of the country's population in 2015.Footnote 15 After we assign daily grid-level data to each municipality, we distribute daily temperature in eight bin categories, ranging from less than 12$^{\circ }$C to more than 30$^{\circ }$C in intervals of 3$^{\circ }$C. We do the same for precipitation, but using nine bins (see section 3).
Table 2 presents summary statistics of daily temperatures and number of days in a month that fall within each of the eight temperature bins. We calculate these averages from our worker-month sample because that allows us to look at the average number of days in a month that a worker is exposed to a particular temperature range. As the numbers indicate, within a month a worker is exposed to an average of 0.35 days when temperatures are below 12$^{\circ }$C and to 0.40 days when temperatures are above 30$^{\circ }$C. Workers are most exposed to temperatures in the 24–27$^{\circ }$C range – an average of 8.77 days a month.
Notes: The table summarizes monthly average daily temperatures and the number of days in eight temperature bins spanning the months from January 2015 to December 2016. Averages are calculated based on the 3,468,613 worker-month observations employed in our estimations. This sample represents 2,436 Brazilian municipalities. Data source: RAIS 2015–2016 and Xavier et al. (Reference Xavier, King and Scanlon2017), 2015–2016.
We also present the averages in table 2 by macro-regions to highlight the extent of the spatial climate variability in Brazil.Footnote 16 The workers most exposed to lower temperature ranges are located in the South and Southeast; they are the ones contributing to the identification of wage effects in those temperature ranges. Indeed, the average number of days in temperature ranges below 18$^{\circ }$C is zero for those residing in the North and Northeast. Analogously, those most exposed to higher temperatures live in the North and Northeast. For example, workers living in the North experience an average of 22 days a month when temperatures are in the 27–30$^{\circ }$C range, and those in the Northeast, an average of 14 days in that range.
To get a sense of how future changes in climate may alter workers’ exposure to days registering higher temperatures, we simulate the change in the average number of days in the various temperature bins assuming a uniform increase of 2$^{\circ }$C in daily temperatures between 2015 and 2016. We present the simulated averages in figure 2. We see that individuals would experience an average of 2.6 additional days in a typical month when temperatures are above 30$^{\circ }$C and 3.0 more days when temperatures reach levels between 27 and 30$^{\circ }$C. Workers would be exposed to many fewer days with temperatures below 24$^{\circ }$C.
3. Temperature shocks and formal sector wages
3.1. Empirical approach
To estimate the impact of short-term temperature changes on real wages, we adopt an approach based on temperature bins, first employed by Deschenes and Greenstone (Reference Deschenes and Greenstone2011). Because our estimation rests on month-to-month variation in temperature as an identifying source, we ultimately rely on the short-term weather unpredictability for causal inference.
We choose the bins specification below:
where $wage_{ifcmt}$ is the real hourly wage of worker $i$ employed by firm $f$ located in municipality $c$ in month $m$ of year $t$; $Temp^{j}_{cmt}$ is the number of days in municipality $c$, month $m$ of year $t$ that fall in temperature bin $j$. $Rain^{h}_{cmt}$ is the number of days in municipality $c$, month $m$ of year $t$ that fall in precipitation bin $h$. We employ the following temperature bins: below 12$^{\circ }$C; 12 to 15$^{\circ }$C; 15 to 18$^{\circ }$C; 18 to 21$^{\circ }$C (base category); 21 to 24$^{\circ }$C; 24 to 27$^{\circ }$C; 27 to 30$^{\circ }$C; and above 30$^{\circ }$C.Footnote 17
The remaining parameters, $\alpha _i$, $\alpha _f$, $\alpha _{cm}$ and $\alpha _{ct}$, denote worker, firm, municipality-month, and municipality-year fixed effects, respectively; $\epsilon _{ifcmt}$ is the idiosyncratic error term. These fixed effects are key for identifying the short-term causal effects of temperature on wages. First, municipality-year fixed effects hold constant time-invariant municipality attributes, such as historical and cultural determinants of regional economic development, which are correlated with long-term climate; they also absorb annual shocks to local labor markets that are potentially associated with climate conditions. Municipality-month fixed effects are key to control for weather seasonality that may coincide with economic seasonality that causes labor markets to be more active. Individual fixed effects allow us to account for changes in workforce skill composition, both observed and unobserved, spurred by weather shocks within a municipality. Firm fixed effects help us control for firm-level unobservable characteristics such as endogenous adoption of climate-control technology, as well as changes in the sector/industry mix within a municipality.
3.2. Main results
We present the results in figure 3. Standard errors are clustered by economic region.Footnote 18 The coefficients on temperature bins lower than the base category (18–21$^{\circ }$C), although negative, are not statistically discernible from the coefficient on the base category. We then conclude that there is no sizable impact on wages from an additional day that falls in those temperature ranges relative to the 18–21$^{\circ }$C range. We do, however, find significant reductions in wages following increases in days that fall in temperature bins above the base category, and the higher the temperatures the higher the point estimates. Notably, the estimates indicate that one day in a month in the 27–30$^{\circ }$C, and not in the 18–21$^{\circ }$C range, leads to a 0.14 per cent reduction in real wages on average; the corresponding impact for the $>$30$^{\circ }$C interval is a 0.2 per cent wage reduction.Footnote 19 This 0.2 per cent is equivalent to a loss of R$10.44 (US$2.61) in monthly income for the average worker.Footnote 20
We use our estimates to calculate the potential gains in formal sector wages if the daily temperature distribution in 2015 were replaced by that observed in the 1980–2009 period.Footnote 21 We estimate a 0.34 per cent gain in average annual wages which, considering the average annual wage of US$6,565.73 in our sample, amounts to nearly US$21.75 per worker. Given the size of the formal sector workforce, this figure adds up to US$1.26 billion in annual wage gains.
Our point estimates are in line with Chen and Yang (Reference Chen and Yang2019), whose analysis of annual firm-level data reveals a 0.21 per cent decline in Chinese industrial output from an additional day at 30$^{\circ }$C relative to the 21–24$^{\circ }$C range. They also compare to the findings reported in Deryugina and Hsiang (Reference Deryugina and Hsiang2014) based on annual county-level data for the U.S. – the authors report a 0.07 per cent reduction in annual net earnings per capita from an additional day above 30$^{\circ }$C relative to the 21–24$^{\circ }$C range. Our results show a 0.12 per cent reduction in hourly wages from an exchange of days between those temperature bins.
Finally, to arrive at a daily-productivity-loss figure, we follow the approach in Deryugina and Hsiang (Reference Deryugina and Hsiang2014).Footnote 22 Assuming that workers’ labor incomes are distributed uniformly across 30 days within a month, each day of work would contribute 1/30 to monthly wages.Footnote 23 Then, a 0.2 per cent reduction in monthly labor income from an additional day in the $>$30$^{\circ }$C range implies that day is nearly 6 per cent less productive than an average day. Assuming a linear effect above 20$^{\circ }$C – the midpoint of the omitted bin category – yields a marginal effect in daily productivity of $-$0.6%/$^{\circ }$C. This is smaller than the $-$1.7%/$^{\circ }$C effect obtained from annual county-level income data for the U.S. (Deryugina and Hsiang, Reference Deryugina and Hsiang2014), and the $-$1.0%/$^{\circ }$C and $-$2.5%/$^{\circ }$C from annual country-level GDP data for low and middle-income countries (Hsiang, Reference Hsiang2010; Dell et al., Reference Dell, Jones and Olken2012). It is worth noting, however, that these differences are expected since our estimates are obtained from worker-level data and only represent the formal sector of the Brazilian economy.Footnote 24
3.3. Climate change
In this subsection, we use our estimates from figure 3 to perform back-of-the-envelope calculations assuming that daily temperatures have uniformly increased by 2$^{\circ }$C to reflect climate change predictions (Guivarch and Hallegatte, Reference Guivarch and Hallegatte2013; Kwok et al., Reference Kwok, Xu, Liu and Leung2018).
To that end, we compute the predicted change in the number of days in each temperature bin for each municipality (see figure 2) and multiply the change by the estimated coefficient of the corresponding bin. We then impute this change in wages to the observed real wages of each individual in our estimating sample for each month of the year 2015 and sum it across all individuals. Under this flat 2$^{\circ }$C-increase scenario, average annual wages would be 0.87 per cent lower compared to what prevails in 2015.Footnote 25 Extrapolating the losses to the universe of formal workers, we arrive at a R$8.44 billion loss in annual labor income – equivalent to US$2.17 billion. This figure corresponds to 0.12 per cent of 2015 GDP.
To assess regional differences, we consider the same exercise but now separate the sample in two: (i) The North, which encompasses the North and Northeast macro-regions; and (ii) The Center-South, which includes the Midwest, the South and the Southeast macro-regions.Footnote 26 We conclude that the effects are even greater among the warmest and least developed Northern regions: while formal sector workers in the North would lose 1.2 per cent of their monthly wages assuming a uniform increase of 2$^{\circ }$C in temperatures, workers from the Center-South would lose 0.8 per cent.
4. Other labor market outcomes
We turn to a potentially relevant mechanism leading to wage effects from temperature shocks: jobs and labor force composition. Most analyses based on data aggregated at the county or municipality level do not deal with the possibility that weather shocks alter the types of jobs and workers that are observed in a given locality at a certain period of time, especially studies relying on annual data where economic agents have more time to adapt to changes. If individuals react to environmental shocks by migrating in and out of localities, or switching jobs and sectors, an empirical relationship between wages and temperature may not be attributed to causal direct productivity impacts only, but also to changes in workforce skill composition, both observed and unobserved, or sectoral mix.
Because we have a uniquely rich panel of workers and observe them as they change municipality, sector or firm, we examine further if temperature shocks lead to such changes. We employ the same econometric approach used to estimate equation (1). In table 3, we present the results for three outcomes: an indicator for whether the individual has changed municipalities; an indicator for whether they have changed sector of employment; and another for whether they have changed firms.Footnote 27
Notes: ‘Municipality’ is an indicator for whether the worker changes municipalities; ‘Sector’ is an indicator for changing sector of employment; and ‘Firm’ is an indicator for changing firms. Temperature bins range from below 12$^{\circ }$C to above 30$^{\circ }$C in sets of 3$^{\circ }$C. The 18–21$^{\circ }$C bin is the base category. We use our preferred specification, which includes worker, firm, municipality-month and municipality-year fixed effects. All regressions also include precipitation bins as controls and standard errors are clustered by economic region. Data sources: labor market data from RAIS 2015–2016 and weather data from Xavier et al. (Reference Xavier, King and Scanlon2017). p-values: ** p $<$0.05, *** p $<$0.01.
Some low-temperature bins in column (2) regarding effects on sector of employment are positive and significant; these cannot be reconciled with our baseline results, however, because we do not find significant impact on real wages at those temperature ranges. At the same time, the coefficients on the high-temperature bins are almost all insignificant, the only exception being the coefficient associated with the 24–27$^{\circ }$C bin in column (3). The lack of systematic movements in the labor market is expected given that our results only capture responses to very short-term changes in temperature. Case in point, as displayed in table 1, the percentage of workers that changed sector or firm at any time within the period we study is small (4 and 8 per cent respectively).Footnote 28
To further investigate the issue, online appendix table A2, column (2), shows estimates obtained after removing from the sample those workers that have changed municipality, firm or sector at any time during the period of analysis. The coefficients are similar to those from the baseline, suggesting that these transitions are unlikely to drive our results. Finally, in appendix table A2 we compare our main estimates (column (1)) to estimates removing firm and worker fixed effects (column (3)). The comparison reveals that while the point estimates without these fixed effects are larger for high-temperature bins, we cannot reject that they are statistically similar to the baseline based on the estimated standard errors.
Next, we ask whether we see evidence that short-term temperature shocks lead to impacts on other measurable labor market outcomes that could be mediating the effects we find on hourly wages. From the RAIS dataset we are able to estimate versions of equation (1) using as outcomes hours of work, an indicator for days on leave, and an indicator for permanent employment contracts.Footnote 29 Table 4 presents the new set of results. From column (1) we see no significant effects of temperature on hours worked.Footnote 30 And while the coefficients on some temperature bins are statistically significant in column (3), their magnitudes are very small considering that 98 per cent of the workers held a permanent job. The estimates for days on leave presented in column (2) point to a slight increase in the likelihood a worker will be on leave of absence when the incidence of days hotter than 30$^{\circ }$C goes up relative to days in the 18–21$^{\circ }$C range. More specifically, an additional day above 30$^{\circ }$C raises the likelihood by 0.035 percentage points. This corresponds to a 2 per cent increase in the incidence of leave of absence based on worker-month observations, suggesting that part of what we observe for wages could be explained by workers losing days of work.Footnote 31
Notes: ‘Log hours’ is the log of contractual working hours; ‘I(Days on leave$>$0)’ is an indicator for whether the worker is on leave of absence; and ‘Permanent’ job is an indicator for whether the worker is in a permanent contract (zero, if temporary). We include worker, firm, municipality-month and municipality-year fixed effects, as well as precipitation bins. Temperature bins range from below 12$^{\circ }$C to above 30$^{\circ }$C in sets of 3$^{\circ }$C. The 18–21$^{\circ }$C bin is the base category. Standard errors are clustered by economic region. Data sources: labor market data from RAIS 2015–2016 and weather data from Xavier et al. (Reference Xavier, King and Scanlon2017). p-values: * p $<$0.10, ** p $<$0.05.
5. Final remarks
This paper employs worker-level panel data and exploits monthly variations in weather to study whether and how wages respond to short-term temperature shocks that potentially affect workers’ productivity. We find that temperature plays an important role in formal, mostly non-agriculture, labor markets. Relative to the daily temperature distribution observed in the period 1980–2009, we estimate average annual wage losses of US$1.26 billion in 2015 for the universe of Brazilian formal sector workers.
We are able to draw some relevant insights from our analysis. Because Brazil's warmer North and Northeast regions are the poorest, weather vulnerability might deepen the existing south-north inequality. We calculate that workers from Northern Brazil could lose 1.2 per cent of their labor income when faced with uniform temperature increases of 2$^{\circ }$C, while Southern workers could lose 0.8 per cent.
It is worth noting that because of data limitations, our analysis is restricted to formal-sector workers, leaving out around 40 per cent of Brazil's labor force that is employed in the informal sector. We believe, however, that this omission leads us to understate the adverse wage effects of elevated temperature, as informal workers are likely to be more vulnerable to weather shocks.
Supplementary material
The supplementary material for this article can be found at https://doi.org/10.1017/S1355770X21000073.
We are indebted to two anonymous referees for their invaluable comments and suggestions. Special thanks to The Regional and Urban Economics Lab (NEREUS) at the University of São Paulo for providing access to the their server. Any errors are our own.