This book is truly a broad scope text on aerospace propulsion covering the whole spectrum of technologies from gas turbine engines to propellers and space propulsion technologies. The book at its heart is a comprehensive text on aircraft gas turbine engines, hence the title. However, the author has updated the first edition of this text to include more contemporary topics such as a discussion on biofuel economic viability and Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) propulsion technologies as well as extending the scope to cover rocket and space propulsion technologies. While the topics of other propulsion systems such as space propulsion are more introductory, this is not dissimilar to other comparable texts.
For instructors, keep in mind that the end of each chapter contains a good set of example problems and supplementary material is also provided; however, at the time of writing this was not available online! The book is also available in ebook format which is becoming the standard for most engineering textbooks. The book is well laid out with and contains many useful and relevant graphs and figures that support the mathematical and physical treatment of the key design aspects of the propulsion technologies; however, the quality of these figures is not always consistent and some figures have not reproduced well in the print version.
Overall, this is a good comprehensive textbook for Aerospace Propulsion and for instructors looking for a catch-all text, this is certainly an excellent option and it would serve well on any undergraduate aerospace engineering course as a good introduction to most aerospace propulsion technologies. The more comprehensive gas turbine sections would cover more senior undergraduate and taught postgraduate courses.