Number 1, Spring 2017
European Statistics, Russian Numbers, and Social Dynamics, 1861–1914
Alessandro Stanziani 1
Read Zamiatin, but Not to Correct His Math
Yanni Kotsonis 24
Quantification and the Economic History of Imperial Russia
Steven Nafziger 30
A Quantitative Approach to the Russian Past: A Comment on “European Statistics, Russian Numbers and Social Dynamics, 1861–1914” by Alessandro Stanziani
Andrei Markevich and Ekaterina Zhuravskaya 37
On the Uses of Russian Statistics: A Response to Alessandro Stanziani's “European Statistics, Russian Numbers and Social Dynamics, 1861–1914”
Mikhail Avrekh 45
Introduction to “The Afterlife of Photographs”
Harriet Murav 52
Photographs as Historic Documents: An Examination of Two of Evgenii Khaldei's Budapest Photos
Peter Pastor 53
Between Affect and Authenticity: Disobedient Photographs
Ewa Stańczyk 63
Afterlives of Photographs: The Artist's Point of View
Jacek Frąś 72
The Elusive Search for Evidence: Evgenii Khaldei's Budapest Ghetto, Images of Rape, and Soviet Holocaust Photography
David Shneer 80
Photographs and Their Many Lives
Olga Shevchenko 90
Dissimulation and Memory in Early Modern Poland-Lithuania: the Art of Forgetting
Maria Ivanova and Michelle R. Viise 98
From All Sides: Interdisciplinary Knowledge, Scientific Collaboration, and the Soviet Criminological Laboratories of the 1920s
Kenneth M. Pinnow 122
Nabokov's The Gift, Dostoevskii, and the Tradition of Narratorial Ambiguity
Stephen Blackwell 147
Social Media and EuroMaidan: A Review Essay
Megan MacDuffee Metzger and Joshua A. Tucker 169
Number 2, Summer 2017
Zsuzsa Gille, Critical Forum Guest Editor
Introduction: From Comparison to Relationality
Zsuzsa Gille 285
The Refugee Crisis and the Return of the East-West Divide in Europe
Ivan Krastev 291
Coherent Selves, Viable States: Eastern Europe and the “Migration/Refugee Crisis”
Dace Dzenovska 297
The Unbearable Whiteness of the Polish Plumber and the Hungarian Peacock Dance around “Race”
József Böröcz and Mahua Sarkar 307
Beyond East and West: Solidarity Politics and the Absent/Present State in the Balkans
Jessica Greenberg and Ivana Spasić 315
Honored Citizens and the Creation of a Middle Class in Imperial Russia
Alison K. Smith 327
“Vladimir Lenin in Smolnyi” by Isaak I. Brodskii: The History of a Twin
Andrei Keller 350
The Oil Deal: Nariman Narimanov and the Sovietization of Azerbaijan
Sara Brinegar 372
Revolution, Production, Representation: Iurii Rozhkov's Photomontages to Maiakovskii's Poem “To the Workers of Kursk”
Aleksandar Bošković 395
High Modernism in Theory and Practice: Karel Teige and Tomáš Baťa
Jessica E. Merrill 428
Wedded to Welfare? Working Mothers and the Welfare State in Communist Poland
Piotr Perkowski 455
Special Online Issue
Anna Grzymala-Busse S:1
Global Populisms and Their Impact
Anna Grzymala-Busse S:3
“Neoliberalism is Fascism and Should Be Criminalized”: Bulgarian Populism as Left-Wing Radicalism
Venelin I. Ganev S:9
Taking Far-Right Claims Seriously and Literally: Anthropology and the Study of Right-Wing Radicalism
Agnieszka Pasieka S:19
Draining the Swamp: Understanding the Crisis in Mainstream Politics as a Crisis of the State
Abby Innes S:30
Harriet Murav S:39
Trump, Putin, and the Future of US-Russian Relations
Peter Rutland S:41
Kompromat Goes Global?: Assessing a Russian Media Tool in the United States
Sarah Oates S:57
Red Scares and Orange Mobilizations: A Critical Anthropological Perspective on the Russian Hacking Scandal
Julie Hemment S:66
Exclusionary Egalitarianism and the New Cold War
Brian Porter-Szűcs S:81
Number 3, Fall 2017
Anti-imperialism: The Leninist Legacy and the Fate of World Revolution
Jeremy Friedman and Peter Rutland 591
Violence to Velvet: Revolutions – 1917 to 2017
Roger D. Markwick 600
Making Sense of 1917: Towards a Global History of the Russian Revolution
Matthew Rendle 610
The Great Socialist Experiment? The Soviet State in its International Context
David L. Hoffmann 619
Lenin in Barcelona: the Russian Revolution and the Spanish trienio bolchevista, 1917–1920
Arturo Zoffmann Rodriguez 629
Queer Harlem, Queer Tashkent: Langston Hughes's “Boy Dancers of Uzbekistan”
Jennifer Wilson 637
The Russian Revolution and the Instrumentalization of Death
Svetlana Malysheva 647
Russian Revolutions in Print: The Fate of the Ethnic Press
Joseph Lenkart 655
The Legacy of 1917 in Graphic Satire
John Etty 664
5 = 100: Long Live the “Filologicheskaia Revoliutsiia”
Elena Fratto 675
In Pursuit of a Different Revolution: Russian Populists of the Seventies Generation in 1917
Ben Eklof and Tatiana Saburova 683
Women and Gender in 1917
Rochelle Goldberg Ruthchild 694
1917: Revolution as Demobilization and State Collapse
Eric Lohr and Joshua Sanborn 703
(Good) Land and Freedom (for Former Serfs): Determinants of Peasant Unrest in European Russia, March–October 1917
Evgeny Finkel, Scott Gehlbach, and Dmitrii Kofanov 710
Revolutionary Economic Reasoning in the Context of Revolution: The Origins and Fate of Bolshevik Economics
Denis Mel'nik 722
February 23 and March 8: Two Holidays that Upstaged the February Revolution
Elizabeth A. Wood 732
“Do It the Russian Way”: Narratives of the Russian Revolution in European History Textbooks
Marharyta Fabrykant 741
The Russian Revolution As a Tourist Attraction
Diane P. Koenker 753
Number 4, Winter 2017
Sex in the City that Peter Built: The Demimonde and Sociability in Mid-Eighteenth Century St. Petersburg
Igor Fedyukin 907
Probing the Heart and Mind of the Viewer: Scientific Studies of Film and Theatre Spectators in the Soviet Union, 1917–1936
Anna Toropova 931
Unholy Alliances? Language Exams, Loyalty, and Identification in Interwar Romania
Gábor Egry 959
The Battle for Language: Opposition to Khrushchev's Education Reform in the Soviet Republics, 1958–59
Jeremy Smith 983
Between Scholarship and Dissidence: The Dissident Historical Collection Pamiat΄ (1975–1982)
Barbara Martin and Anton Sveshnikov 1003
Confessing to Leviathan: The Mass Practice of Writing Autobiographies in the USSR
Yury Zaretskiy 1027
INDEX 1174
Abraham, David (review) 1:221
Ackermann, Felix (review) 3:890
Alvis, Robert E. (review) 4:1078
Anderson, Sheldon (review) 4:1084
Andrews, Josephine T. (review) 3:849
Atwood, Christopher (featured review) 4:1061
Autio-Sarasmo, Sari (review) 4:1144
Avrekh, Mikhail. “On the Uses of Russian Statistics: A Response to Alessandro Stanziani's ‘European
Statistics, Russian Numbers and Social Dynamics, 1861–1914’” 1:45
Baer, Brian James (review) 1:265
Baer, Josette (review) 4:1076
Baker, Catherine (review) 4:1100
Barkey, Karen (review) 4:1093
Bartig, Kevin M. (review) 2:569
Bartlett, Rosamund (review) 2:561
Beer, Daniel (review) 3:857
Beissinger, Margaret (review) 4:
Bemporad, Elissa (review) 3:819
Berend, Ivan T. (review) 3:802
Bernstein, Lina (review) 3:821
Bershtein, Evgenii (review) 1:262
Beumers, Birgit (review) 4:1139
Bidlack, Richard (review) 3:868
Bílek, Petr A. (review) 4:
Blackwell, Stephen. “Nabokov's The Gift, Dostoevskii, and the Tradition of Narratorial Ambiguity” 1:147
Blake, Elizabeth (review) 3:824
Bodin, Per-Arne (review) 2:562
Bodnár, Judit (featured review) 1:202
Bolton, Jonathan (review) 3:878
Bonhomme, Brian (review) 3:867
Borenstein, Eliot (review) 3:828
Böröcz, József and Mahua Sarkar. The Unbearable Whiteness of the Polish Plumber and the Hungarian
Peacock Dance around ‘Race’” 2:307
Bošković, Aleksandar. “Revolution, Production, Representation: Iuiri Rozhkov's Photomontages to
Maiakovskii's Poem ‘To the Workers of Kursk’” 2:395
Bowlt, John E. (review) 4:1133
Bradshaw, Michael (review) 3:872
Brain, Stephen (review) 2:557; (review) 4:1085
Briggs, Anthony (review) 3:825
Brinegar, Sara. “The Oil Deal: Nariman Narimanov and the Sovietization of Azerbaijan” 2:372
Brown, Julie V. (review) 2:556
Brown, Keith (featured review) 1:205
Bruess, Gregory (review) 3:794
Brunnbauer, Ulf (featured review) 1:199
Carmichael, Cathie (featured review) 3:782
Cassedy, Steven (review) 2:563
Chadaga, Julia Bekman (review) 2:566
Chakars, Melissa (review) 2:553
Chandler, Robert (memoriam) 4:1172
Chulos, Chris J. (review) 4:1142
Cichopek-Gajraj, Anna (reviews) 3:807
Cohen, Laurie R. (review) 3:869
Cole, Tim (review) 1:219
Conermann, Stephan (featured review) 2:498
Cooper, David L. (review) 1:276
Cormack, Robin (review) 3:791
Corni, Gustavo (review) 2:523
Cox, John K. (review) 3:801
Crnković, Gordana P. (review) 2:537
Crowe, David M. (review) 3:803
Crowley, Stephen (review) 3:847
Curry, Jane Leftwich (review) 3:888
Davies, Brian (review) 2:548
DeBlasio, Alyssa (memoriam) 2:587
De George, Richard (memoriam) 2:587
Demshuk, Andrew (review) 1:227
Diment, Galya (review) 1:272
Dunn, Elizabeth Cullen (book review) 3:818
Dymshits, Valery (review) 4:1115
Dzenovska, Dace. “Coherent Selves, Viable States: Eastern Europe and the “Migration/Refugee Crisis” 2:297
Edele, Mark (review) 4:1083
Egry, Gábor. “Unholy Alliances? Language Exams, Loyalty, and Identification in Interwar Romania” 4:
Eklof, Ben and Tatiana Saburova. “In Pursuit of a Different Revolution: Russian Populists of the Seventies Generation in 1917” 3:683
Ellman, Michael (featured review) 1:212
English, Robert D. (featured review) 3:779
Etty, John. “The Legacy of 1917 in Graphic Satire” 3:664
Evans-Romaine, Karen (review) 3:834
Ewington, Amanda (review) 3:833
Fabrykant, Marharyta. “‘Do It the Russian Way’: Narratives of the Russian Revolution in European History Textbooks” 3:741
Falkowska, Janina (review) 1:234
Farkas, Richard P. (featured review) 4:1058
Fedyashin, Anton (review) 3:861
Fedyukin, Igor. “Sex in the City that Peter Built: The Demimonde and Sociability in Mid-Eighteenth Century St. Petersburg” 4:907
Finkel, Evgeny, Scott Gehlbach, and Dmitrii Kofanov. “(Good) Land and Freedom (for Former Serfs):
Determinants of Peasant Unrest in European Russia, March–October 1917” 3:710
Follis, Karolina (review) 3:810
Forrester, Sibelan (review) 4:1073
Frąś, Jacek. “Afterlives of Photographs: The Artist's Point of View” 1:72
Fratto, Elena. “5 = 100: Long Live the ‘Filologicheskaia Revoliutsiia’” 3:675
Friedman, Jeremy and Peter Rutland. “Anti-imperialism: The Leninist Legacy and the Fate of World Revolution” 3:591
Friedman, Rebecca (review) 1:264
Frost, Robert (review) 2:521
Fujimura, Clementine (review) 2:542
Fusso, Susanne (review) 3:840
Galbraith, Marysia H. (review) 2:540
Ganev, Venelin I. (review) 2:535
Ganev, Venelin I. “‘Neoliberalism is Fascism and Should Be Criminalized’: Bulgarian Populism as Left-
Wing Radicalism” S:9
Gatejel, Luminita (review) 2:511
Gehlbach, Scott, Evgeny Finkel, and Dmitrii Kofanov. “(Good) Land and Freedom (for Former Serfs): Determinants of Peasant Unrest in European Russia, March–October 1917” 3:710
Ghodsee, Kristen (review) 3:885
Gilbert, George (review) 4:1113
Gille, Zsuzsa. “Introduction: From Comparison to Relationality” 2:285
Giustino, Cathleen M. (review) 3:815
Glenn, John (review) 1:247
Grant, Bruce (review) 2:555
Grant, Susan (review) 1:250
Greenberg, Jessica and Ivana Spasić. “Beyond East and West: Solidarity Politics and the Absent/Present State in the Balkans” 2:315
Gregory, Paul R. (review) 1:254
Greiner, Bettina (review) 3:851
Grzymala-Busse, Anna. “Introduction to Critical Forum: Global Populisms” S:1
Grzymala-Busse, Anna. “Global Populisms and Their Impact” S:3
Grzymala-Busse, Anna (review) 3:882
Guesnet, François (review) 3:806
Hagen, William W. (review) 4:1069
Halmos, Károly (review) 2:515
Hamm, Michael F. (review) 2:530
Hanebrink, Paul (review) 3:811
Hann, Chris (review) 2:538
Harris, Jane Gary (review) 1:269
Haslam, Jonathan (featured review) 2:494
Hasselmann, Chris (review) 4:1072
Hemment, Julie. “Red Scares and Orange Mobilizations: A Critical Anthropological Perspective on the Russian Hacking Scandal” S:66
Henderson, Sarah (review) 4:1105
Henze, Charlotte (review) 2:549
Herwig, Holger H. (review) 4:1080
Hessler, Julie (review) 1:259; (review) 4:1128
Hicks, Jeremy (review) 1:267
Hitchins, Keith (review) 4:1091
Hodgson, Katharine (review) 3:829
Hoffmann, David L. “The Great Socialist Experiment? The Soviet State in its International Context” 3:619; (review) 3:881
Holland, Kate (review) 3:822
Hollander, Paul (review) 2:532
Hollingsworth, Paul (review) 3:792
Hosking, Geoffrey (featured review) 4:1055
Hromadžić, Azra (review) 1:241
Hudson, Hugh D., Jr. (review) 2:528
Huskey, Eugene (review) 3:852
Innes, Abby. “Draining the Swamp: Understanding the Crisis in Mainstream Politics as a Crisis of the State” S:30
Ivanova, Maria and Michelle R. Viise. “Dissimulation and Memory in Early Modern Poland-Lithuania: The Art of Forgetting” 1:98
Janos, Andrew C. (review) 4:1103
Jones, Stephen (review) 2:545
Judson, Pieter M. (review) 3:795
Junes, Tom (review) 2:513
Kaganovitch, Albert (review) 4:1116
Kan, Sergei (review) 3:875
Kane, Eileen (review) 3:859
Kassymbekova, Botakoz (review) 4:1106
Kauffman, Jesse (review) 1:228
Keller, Andrei. “‘Vladimir Lenin in Smolnyi’ by Isaak I. Brodskii: The History of a Twin” 2:350
Kenez, Peter (review) 1:223
Kennedy, Janet E. (review) 2:559
Kerenji, Emil (review) 4:1087
Khalid, Adeeb (review) 4:1125
Khitrova, Daria (review) 4:1140
Kideckel, David A. (review) 2:526
Kind-Kovács, Friederike (review) 2:534
Knoll, Paul W. (review) 2:520
Koenker, Diane P. “The Russian Revolution As a Tourist Attraction” 3:753
Kofanov, Dmitrii, Evgeny Finkel, and Scott Gehlbach. “(Good) Land and Freedom (for Former Serfs): Determinants of Peasant Unrest in European Russia, March–October 1917” 3:710
Kolonitskii, Boris (review) 3:863
Kotsonis, Yanni. “Read Zamiatin, but Not to Correct His Math” 1:24
Kowalsky, Sharon A. (review) 1:225
Krastev, Ivan. “The Refugee Crisis and the Return of the East-West Divide in Europe” 2:291
Kukulin, Ilya (review) 3:830
Kunicki, Mikołaj (review) 4:1079
Kurbanovsky, Alexei (review) 2:571
Kuznitz, Cecile E. (review) 1:252
Lazzerini, Edward J. (review) 3:855
Lenkart, Joseph. “Russian Revolutions in Print: The Fate of the Ethnic Press” 3:655
Liber, George O. (review) 2:527
Lindenmeyr, Adele (review) 4:1122
Lohr, Eric (review) 4:1123
Lohr, Eric and Joshua Sanborn. “Russia, 1917: Revolution as Demobilization and State Collapse” 3:703
Lovejoy, Alice (film review) 3:788
Lovell, Stephen (review) 2:570
Magnus, Shulamit S. (review) 2:509
Majewski, Piotr M. (review) 4:1088
Malysheva, Svetlana. “The Russian Revolution and the Instrumentalization of Death” 3:647
Mandel, Ruth (review) 3:873
Markevich, Andrei and Ekaterina Zhuravskaya. “Quantitative Approach to the Russian Past: A Comment on ‘European Statistics, Russian Numbers and Social Dynamics, 1861–1914’ by Alessandro Stanziani” 1:37
Markowitz, Fran (review) 2:543
Markowitz, Lawrence (review) 4:1109
Markwick, Roger D. “Violence to Velvet: Revolutions—1917 to 2017” 3:600
Marples, David R. (review) 1:230
Martin, Alexander (review) 4:1119
Martin, Barbara and Anton Sveshnikov. “Between Scholarship and Dissidence: The Dissident Historical Collection Pamiat’ (1975–1982)” 4:
McMillin, Arnold (review) 3:837
Meir, Natan (review) 3:876
Mel'nik, Denis. “Revolutionary Economic Reasoning in the Context of Revolution: the Origins and Fate of Bolshevik Economics” 3:722
Merchant, Tanya (review) 4:1136
Merrill, Jessica E. “High Modernism in Theory and Practice: Karel Teige and Tomáš Baťa” 2:428
Metzger, Megan MacDuffee and Joshua Tucker. “Social Media and EuroMaidan: A Review Essay” 1:169
Mickiewicz, Ellen (critical review) 1:192
Mikhailova, Yulia (review) 4:1117
Milner, John (review) 2:567
Morozova, Irina (review) 4:1108
Morris, Jeremy (review) 4:1147
Morrison, Alexander (featured review) 3:772
Moser, Michael (review) 4:1094
Moss, Kenneth B. (review) 3:839
Munro, George E. (review) 4:1131
Murav, Harriet. “Introduction to Critical Forum: Russian Influence in 2016 US Presidential Elections” S:39
Musekamp, Jan (review) 4:1102
Nafziger, Steven. “Quantification and the Economic History of Imperial Russia” 1:30
Naumović, Slobodan (critical review) 2:481
Neirick, Miriam (review) 2:507
Nelson, Amy (review) 1:258
Norris, Stephen M. (review) 1:260
Oates, Sarah. “Kompromat Goes Global?: Assessing a Russian Media Tool in the United States” S:57
Oates-Indruchova, Libora (review) 4:1090
Offord, Derek (review) 2:551
Omelicheva, Mariya Y. (review) 1:246
Orenstein, Mitchell (review) 3:842
Orlovsky, Daniel (critical review) 3:763
Ostling, Michael (review) 3:889
Oushakine, Serguei (review) 2:504
Owen, Catherine (review) 3:844
Paloff, Benjamin (review) 1:237
Papazian, Elizabeth (review) 3:864
Pasieka, Agnieszka. “Taking Far-Right Claims Seriously and Literally: Anthropology and the Study of Right-Wing Radicalism” S:19
Pastor, Peter. “Photographs as Historic Documents: An Examination of Two of Evgenii Khaldei's Budapest Photos” 1:53
Patyk, Lynn Ellen (review) 3:843
Peri, Alexis (review) 4:1071
Perkowski, Piotr. “Wedded to Welfare? Working Mothers and the Welfare State in Communist Poland” 2:455
Pettai, Eva-Clarita (review) 4:1129
Pfahlert, Jeanine (review) 3:813
Phillips, Sarah D. (film review) 3:789
Pine, Frances (review) 3:886
Pinnow, Kenneth M. “From All Sides: Interdisciplinary Knowledge, Scientific Collaboration, and the Soviet Criminological Laboratories of the 1920s” 1:122
Pintar, Olga Manojlović (featured review) 2:498
Porter-Szűcs, Brian. “Exclusionary Egalitarianism and the New Cold War” S:81
Portnov, Andrii (review) 1:231
Prokhorov, Alexander and Elena Prokhorova (critical review) 4:1048
Prokhorova, Elena and Alexander Prokhorov (critical review) 4:1048
Prozorov, Sergei (featured review) 2:491
Prusin, Alexander (review) 1:224
Pyman-Sokolov, Avril (review) 2:565
Rabinowitch, Alexander (memoriam) 3:904
Rabinovitch, Simon (review) 1:220
Rees, E.A. (review) 4:1127
Reese, Roger (review) 4:1124
Rendle, Matthew. “Making Sense of 1917: Towards a Global History of the Russian Revolution” 3:610
Rifkin, Benjamin (review) 3:826
Ristić, Katarina (review) 3:816
Rodriguez, Arturo Zoffmann. “Lenin in Barcelona: the Russian Revolution and the Spanish trienio bolchevista, 1917–1920” 3:629
Rosenthal, Bernice Glatzer (review) 2:505
Rossabia, Morris (review) 1:248
Rubenstein, Roberta (review) 1:268
Rudova, Larissa (review) 1:232
Ruthchild, Rochelle Goldberg. “Women and Gender in 1917” 3:694
Rutland, Peter. “Trump, Putin, and the Future of US-Russian Relations” S:41
Rutland, Peter and Jeremy Friedman. “Anti-imperialism: The Leninist Legacy and the Fate of World Revolution” 3:591
Rutter, Nick (review) 3:797
Saburova, Tatiana and Ben Eklof. “In Pursuit of a Different Revolution: Russian Populists of the Seventies Generation in 1917” 3:683
Safran, Gabriella (review) 1: 239
Sakwa, Richard (review) 2:573; (review) 4:1143
Sanborn, Joshua A. (review) 1:251
Sanborn, Joshua and Eric Lohr. “Russia, 1917: Revolution as Demobilization and State Collapse” 3:703
Sarkar, Mahua and József Böröcz. “The Unbearable Whiteness of the Polish Plumber and the Hungarian Peacock Dance around ‘Race’” 2:307
Scheide, Carmen (review) 3:805
Schimmelpenninck van der Oye, David (review) 1:216
Schmid, Ulrich (review) 1:274
Shafir, Michael (review) 2:524
Shaw, Denis J. (review) 4:1148
Shearer, David (featured review) 1:209
Sheinberg, Esti (review) 4:1137
Shevchenko, Olga. “Photographs and their Many Lives” 1:90
Shneer, David. “The Elusive Search for Evidence: Evgenii Khaldei's Budapest Ghetto, Images of Rape, and Soviet Holocaust Photography” 1:80; (review) 4:1112
Shoshan, Nitzan (review) 3:858
Shtakser, Inna (review) 4:1111
Skinner, Barbara (review) 3:854
Slaveski, Filip (review) 1:257
Smith, Alison K. “Honored Citizens and the Creation of a Middle Class in Imperial Russia” 2:327
Smith, Jeremy (review) 3:871; “The Battle for Language: Opposition to Khrushchev's Education Reform in the Soviet Republics, 1958–59” 4:983
Smola, Klavdia (review) 4:1066
Spasić, Ivana and Jessica Greenberg. “Beyond East and West: Solidarity Politics and the Absent/Present State in the Balkans” 2:315
Spektor, Alex (review) 3:836
Stańczyk, Ewa. “Between Affect and Authenticity: Disobedient Photographs” 1:63
Stanziani, Alessandro. “European Statistics, Russian Numbers and Social Dynamics, 1861–1914” 1:1
Stefes, Christoph H. (reviews) 3:884
Sternstein, Malynne (review) 3:879
Stivachtis, Yannis A. (review) 1:243
Stojanović, Dubravka (review) 1:244
Stone, Jonathan (review) 1:271
Struve, Kai (review) 2:531
Sunderland, Willard (review) 4:1120
Suny, Ronald Grigor (review) 4:1075
Sveshnikov, Anton and Barbara Martin. “Between Scholarship and Dissidence: The Dissident Historical Collection Pamiat’ (1975–1982)” 4:1003
Svoboda, Jiří (review) 4:1065
Thaler, Peter (review) 2:516
Todorova, Maria (review) 3:799
Tompkins, David G. (review) 3:832
Toropova, Anna. “Probing the Heart and Mind of the Viewer: Scientific Studies of Film and Theatre Spectators in the Soviet Union, 1917–1936” 4:1003
Troebst, Stefan (reviews) 2:552
Tucker, Joshua and Megan MacDuffee Metzger. “Social Media and EuroMaidan: A Review Essay” 1:169
Tynkkynen, Veli-Pekka (review) 3:846
Uzelac, Gordana (review) 1:217
Vaingurt, Julia (review) 4:1135
Van Boeschoten, Riki (review) 2:510
Venclova, Tomas (review) 2:517
Viise, Michelle R. and Maria Ivanova. “Dissimulation and Memory in Early Modern Poland-Lithuania: The Art of Forgetting” 1:98
Wampuszyc, Ewa (review) 1:236
Weaver, Carol (review) 2:575
Weeks, Theodore R. (review) 4:1082
Whitewood, Peter (review) 1:255
Wilson, Christopher S. (review) 1:240
Wilson, Jennifer. “Queer Harlem, Queer Tashkent: Langston Hughes's ‘Boy Dancers of Uzbekistan’” 3:637
Winter, Jay (review) 4:1068
Wittenberg, Jason (review) 2:546
Witts, Noel (review) 4:1095
Wood, Elizabeth A. “February 23 and March 8: Two Holidays that Upstaged the February Revolution, 1917–1923” 3:732
Wood, Nathaniel D. (featured review) 3:784
Worrall, Nick (review) 4:1132
Wróbel, Piotr J. (review) 3:808
Youngblood, Denise J. (memoriam) 2:586
Zaretskiy, Yury. “Confessing to Leviathan: The Mass Practice of Writing Autobiographies in the USSR” 4:1027
Zhuravskaya, Ekaterina and Andrei Markevich. “Quantitative Approach to the Russian Past: A Comment on ‘European Statistics, Russian Numbers and Social Dynamics, 1861–1914’ by Alessandro Stanziani” 1:37
Ziegler, Charles (review) 2:577
Zimmerman, William (review) 1:277
In Memoriam
Atkinson, Dorothy (Denise J. Youngblood) 2:586
Gomolstock, Igor (Robert Chandler) 4:1172
Scanlan, James P. (Alyssa DeBlasio and Richard De George) 2:587
Thompson, John P. (Alexander Rabinowitch) 3:904
Films Reviewed
Bogart, Anne and Holly Morris, dir. The Babushkas of Chernobyl (Sarah D. Phillips) 3:789
Loznitsa, Sergei, dir. The Event (Alice Lovejoy) 3:788
Morris, Holly and Anne Bogart, dir. The Babushkas of Chernobyl (Sarah D. Phillips) 3:789
Rasza, Maple and Pacho Velez, dir. Bastards of Utopia (Slobodan Naumović) 2:481
Rasza, Maple, dir. Maple Razsa's Videos (Slobodan Naumović) 2:481
Velez, Pacho and Maple Rasza, dir. Bastards of Utopia (Slobodan Naumović) 2:481
Books Reviewed
Abraham, Florin. Romania since the Second World War: A Political, Social and Economic History (Keith Hitchins) 4:1091
Adamczyk, Dariusz and Norbert Kersken, eds. Fernhändler, Dynasten, Kleriker. Die piastische Herrschaft in kontinentalen Beziehungsgeflechten vom 10. bis zum frühen 13. Jahrhundert. (Paul W. Knoll) 2:520
Alvis, Robert E. White Eagle Black Madonna: One Thousand Years of the Polish Catholic Tradition (Mikołaj Kunicki) 4:1079
Antonov, Sergei. Bankrupts and Usurers of Imperial Russia: Debt, Property, and the Law in the Age of Dostoevsky and Tolstoi (Adele Lindenmeyr) 4:1122
Argenbright, Robert. Moscow under Construction: City Building, Place-Based Protest, and Civil Society (Denis J. Shaw) 4:1148
Baberowski, Jörg. Scorched Earth: Stalin's Reign of Terror, trans. Steven Gilbert, Ivo Komljen, and Samantha Jeanne Taber, (E.A. Rees) 4:1127
Baer, Brian James. Translation and the Making of Modern Russian Literature (David L. Cooper) 1:276
Baker, Mark R. Peasants, Power, and Place: Revolution in the Village of Kharkiv Province, 1914–1921. (Hugh D. Hudson, Jr.) 2:528
Balakirsky Katz, Maya. Drawing the Iron Curtain: Jews and the Golden Age of Soviet Animation (Birgit Beumers) 4:1139
Barna, Ildikó and Andrea Pető. Political Justice in Budapest after World War II (Peter Kenez) 1:223
Bassin, Mark. The Gumilev Mystique: Biopolitics, Eurasianism and the Construction of Community in Modern Russia (Sergei Prozorov) 2:491
Beissinger, Margaret, Speranţa Rădulescu, and Anca Giurchescu, eds. Manele in Romania: Cultural Expression and Social Meaning in Balkan Popular Music (Catherine Baker) 4:1100
Berger, Stefan and Alexei Miller, eds. Nationalizing Empires (Pieter M. Judson) 3:795
Berman, Anna A. Siblings in Tolstoy and Dostoevsky: The Path to Universal Brotherhood (Kate Holland) 3:822
Beumers, Birgit, ed. A Companion to Russian Cinema (Elizabeth Papazian) 3:864
Blackwell, Martin J. Kyiv as Regime City: The Return of Soviet Power after Nazi Occupation (Laurie R. Cohen) 3:869
Blackwell, Stephen H. and Kurt Johnson, eds. Fine Lines: Vladimir Nabokov's Scientific Art (Galya Diment) 1:272
Blakesley, Rosalind P. The Russian Canvas: Painting in Imperial Russia 1757–1881 (Janet E. Kennedy) 2:559
Blauvelt, Timothy K. and Jeremy Smith, eds. Georgia after Stalin: Nationalism and Soviet Power (Stephen Jones) 2:545
Blazek, Matej. Rematerializing Children's Agency: Everyday Practices in a Post-Socialist Estate (Clementine Fujimura) 2:542
Blum, Douglas W. The Social Process of Globalization: Return Migration and Cultural Change in Kazakhstan (John Glenn) 1:247
Boeck, Elena N. Imagining the Byzantine Past: The Perception of History in the Illustrated Manuscripts of Skylitzes and Manasses (Robin Cormack) 3:791
Bogumił, Zuzanna, Joanna Wawrzyniak, Tim Buchen, Christian Ganzer and Maria Senina. The Enemy on Display. The Second World War in Eastern European Museums (Tim Cole) 1:219
Borakovskyy, Lyubomyr. Zwischen Liebe, Verständigung und Hass: Die Darstellung religiöser Konflikte in der Literatur Galiziens (1848–1914) (Klavdia Smola) 4:1066
Borhi, László. Dealing with Dictators: The United States, Hungary, and East Central Europe, 1942–1989 (Sheldon Anderson) 4:1084
Boškovska, Nada, Angelika Strobel, and Daniel Ursprung, eds. “Entwickelter Sozialismus” in Osteuropa. Arbeit, Konsum und Öffentlichkeit (Luminita Gatejel) 2:511
Bowers, Katherine and Ani Kokobobo, eds. Russian Writers and the Fin de Siècle: The Twilight of Realism (Evgenii Bershtein) 1:262
Bozovic, Marijeta. Nabokov's Canon: From Onegin to Ada (Julia Vaingurt) 4:1135
Brenner, Michael, Franziska Davies, and Martin Schulze Wessel, eds. Jews and Muslims in the Russian Empire and the Soviet Union (Eileen Kane) 3:859
Brenner, Naomi. Lingering Bilingualism: Modern Hebrew and Yiddish Literatures in Contact (Kenneth B. Moss) 3:839
Brophy, David. Uyghur Nation: Reform and Revolution on the Russia-China Frontier (Morris Rossabi) 1:248
Brown, Kate. Dispatches from Dystopia: Histories of the Places Not Yet Forgotten (Serguei Oushakine) 2:504
Brunnbauer, Ulf. Globalizing Southeastern Europe: Emigrants, America and the State since the Late Nineteenth Century (Van Boeschoten, Riki) 2:510
Bruno, Andy. The Nature of Soviet Power: An Arctic Environmental History (Stephen Brain) 2:557
Brunson, Molly. Russian Realisms: Literature and Painting, 1840–1890 (Elizabeth Blake) 3:824
Brykczynski, Paul. Primed for Violence: Murder, Antisemitism, and Democratic Politics in Interwar Poland (Anna Cichopek-Gajraj) 3:807
Buchen, Tim and Mathe Rolf eds. Eliten im Vielvölkerreich: Imperiale Biographien in Russland und Österreich-Ungarn (1850-1918) (David Schimmelpenninck van der Oye) 1:216
Buchen, Tim, Zuzanna Bogumił, Joanna Wawrzyniak, Christian Ganzer and Maria Senina, The Enemy on Display. The Second World War in Eastern European Museums (Tim Cole) 1:219
Bulgakova, Oksana. Golos kak kul΄turnyi fenomen (Jeremy Hicks) 1:267
Burry, Alexander and Frederick H. White, eds. Border Crossing: Russian Literature into Film (Benjamin Rifkin) 3:826
Buyukbay, Can. Euroscepticism in Turkey: Power and Beyond (Yannis A. Stivachtis) 1:243
Casteel, James E. Russia in the German Global Imagination: Imperial Visions and Utopian Desires, 1905–1941 (Stefan Troebst) 2:552
Chen, Cheng. The Return of Ideology: The Search for Regime Identities in Postcommunist Russia and China (Richard Sakwa) 4:1143
Chowaniec, Urszula. Melancholic Migrating Bodies in Contemporary Polish Women's Writing (Ewa Wampuszyc) 1:236
Chrissidis, Nikolaos A. An Academy at the Court of the Tsars: Greek Scholars and Jesuit Education in Early Modern Russia (Barbara Skinner) 3:854
Clewing, Konrad and Holm Sundhaussen. Lexikon zur Geschichte Südosteuropas (Maria Todorova) 3:799
Dale, Robert. Demobilized Veterans in Late Stalinist Leningrad: Soldiers to Civilians (Filip Slaveski) 1:257
Dalhouski, Aliaksandr. Tschernobyl in Belarus: Ökologische Krise und sozialer Kompromiss, 1986–1996 (Felix Ackermann) 3:890
Danylenko, Andrii. From the Bible to Shakespeare: Pantelejmon Kuliš (1819–1897) and the Formation of Literary Ukrainian (Michael Moser) 4:1094
Davies, Franziska, Martin Schulze Wessel, and Michael Brenner, eds. Jews and Muslims in the Russian Empire and the Soviet Union (Eileen Kane) 3:859
Dietze, Carola. Die Erfindung des Terrorismus in Europa, Russland, und den USA 1858–1866 (Lynn Ellen Patyk) 3:843
Dimou, Augusta, Maria Todorova, and Stefan Troebst, eds. Remembering Communism, Private and Public Recollections of Lived Experience in Southeast Europe (Olga Manojlović Pintar) 2:498
Dobrenko, Evgeny and Mark Lipovetsky, eds. Russian Literature since 1991 (Ulrich Schmid) 1:274
Dorondel, Stefan. Disrupted Landscapes: State, Peasants, and the Politics of Land in Postsocialist Romania (David A. Kideckel) 2:526
Dumitru, Diana. The State, Antisemitism, and Collaboration in the Holocaust: The Borderlands of Romania and the Soviet Union (Paul Hanebrink) 3:811
Dutkiewicz, Piotr, Richard Sakwa, and Vladimir Kulikov, eds. The Social History of Post-Communist Russia (Catherine Owen) 3:844
Efron, John M. German Jewry and the Allure of the Sephardic (Shulamit S. Magnus) 2:509
Eklof, Ben and Tat΄iana Saburova. Druzhba, sem΄ia, revoliutsiia: Nikolai Charushin i pokolenie narodnikov 1870-kh godov (Daniel Beer) 3:857
Ellis, Frank. Barbarossa 1941: Reframing Hitler's Invasion of Stalin's Soviet Empire (Peter Whitewood) 1:255
Engel, David, ed. The Assassination of Symon Petliura and the Trial of Scholem Schwarzbard 1926–1927: A Selection of Documents (Elissa Bemporad) 3:819
Engelstein, Laura. Russia in Flames: War, Revolution, Civil War, 1914–1921 (Daniel Orlovsky) 3:763
Engvall, Johan and Marlene Laruelle, eds. Kyrgyzstan Beyond “Democracy Island” and “Failing”
State”: Social and Political Changes in a Post-Soviet Society (Mariya Y. Omelicheva) 1:246
Engvall, Johan. The State as Investment Market: Kyrgyzstan in Comparative Perspective (Lawrence Markowitz) 4:1109
Evans, Christine E. Between Truth and Time: A History of Soviet Central Television (Alexander Prokhorov and Elena Prokhorova) 4:1048
Evstratov, Alexeï. Les Spectacles francophones à la cour de Russie (1743–1796): L'invention d'une société (George E. Munro) 4:1131
Fairclough, Pauline. Classics for the Masses: Shaping Soviet Musical Identity under Lenin and Stalin (Kevin M. Bartig) 2:569
Feferman, Kiril. The Holocaust in the Crimea and the North Caucasus (Albert Kaganovitch) 4:1116
Finder, Gabriel and Laura Jockusch, eds. Jewish Honor Courts: Revenge, Retribution, and Reconciliation in Europe and Israel after the Holocaust (David Abraham) 1:221
Fischer von Weikersthal, Felicitas and Karoline Thaidigsmann, eds. (Hi-)Stories of the Gulag. Fiction and Reality (Bettina Greiner) 3:851
Fitzpatrick, Sheila. On Stalin's Team: The Years of Living Dangerously in Soviet Politics (Paul R. Gregory) 1:254
Frederiksen, Martin Demant. Young Men, Time, and Boredom in the Republic of Georgia (Jeremy Morris) 4:1147
Friedman, Jeremy. Shadow Cold War: The Sino-Soviet Competition for the Third World (Jonathan Haslam) 2:494
Fritzsche, Peter. An Iron Wind: Europe under Hitler (Alexis Peri) 4:1071
Frolova-Walker, Marina. Stalin's Music Prize: Soviet Culture and Politics (David G. Tompkins) 3:832
Gandlevsky, Sergey. Trepanation of the Skull (Arnold McMillin) 3:837
Ganzer, Christian, Zuzanna Bogumił, Joanna Wawrzyniak, Tim Buchen and Maria Senina. The Enemy on Display. The Second World War in Eastern European Museums (Tim Cole) 1:219
Garapich, Michał. Transnationalizing Class and Ethnicity among Polish Migrants in London (Karolina Follis) 3:810
Gerovitch, Slava. Soviet Space Mythologies: Public Images, Private Memories, and the Making of a Cultural Identity (Amy Nelson) 1:258
Gilbert, George. The Radical Right in Late Imperial Russia (Anton Fedyashin) 3:861
Gilić, Nikica and Miranda Jakiša, eds. Partisans in Yugoslavia: Literature, Film and Visual Culture (Gordana P. Crnković) 2:537
Gill, Graeme. Building an Authoritarian Polity: Russia in Post-Soviet Times (Josephine T. Andrews) 3:849
Gille, Zsuzsa. Paprika, Foie Gras, and Red Mud: The Politics of Materiality in the European Union (Judit Bodnár) 1:202
Giurchescu, Anca, Margaret Beissinger, and Speranţa Rădulescu, eds. Manele in Romania: Cultural Expression and Social Meaning in Balkan Popular Music (Catherine Baker) 4:1100
Glantz, David and Mary Elizabeth Glantz. Battle for Belorussia: The Red Army's Forgotten Campaign of October 1943–April 1944 (Roger Reese) 4:1124
Glantz, Mary Elizabeth and David Glantz. Battle for Belorussia: The Red Army's Forgotten Campaign of October 1943–April 1944 (Roger Reese) 4:1124
Glassheim, Eagle. Cleansing the Czechoslovak Borderlands. Migration, Environment, and Health in the Former Sudetenland (Piotr M. Majewski) 4:1088
Gould, Rebecca. Writers and Rebels: The Literature of Insurgency in the Caucasus (Elizabeth Cullen Dunn) 3:818
Graham, Loren. Lysenko's Ghost: Epigenetics and Russia (Julie V. Brown) 2:556
Grinchenko, Gelinada and Natalia Khanenko-Friesen, eds. Reclaiming the Personal: Oral History in Post-Socialist Europe (Marysia H. Galbraith) 2:540
Grob, Thomas and Sabina Horber, eds. Moskau: Metropole zwischen Kultur und Macht (Stephen Lovell) 2:570
Grodsky, Brian. The Democratization Disconnect: How Recent Democratic Revolutions Threaten the Future of Democracy (Chris Hasselmann) 4:1072
Grudzińska-Gross, Irena and Iwa Nawrocki, eds. Poland and Polin: New Interpretations in Polish-Jewish Studies (Piotr J. Wróbel) 3:808
Gwiazda, Anna. Democracy in Poland: Representation, Participation, Competition and Accountability since 1989 (Jane Leftwich Curry) 3:888
Haggard, Stephan and Robert R. Kaufman. Dictators and Democrats: Masses, Elites and Regime Change (Richard P. Farkas) 4:1058
Hajdarpašić, Edin. Whose Bosnia? Nationalism and Political Imagination in the Balkans 1840–1914 (Cathie Carmichael) 3:782
Hale, Henry E. and Robert W. Orttung, eds. Beyond the Euromaidan: Comparative Perspectives on Advancing Reform in Ukraine (Stephen Crowley) 3:847
Halemba, Agnieszka. Negotiating Marian Apparitions. The Politics of Religion in Transcarpathian Ukraine (Chris Hann) 2:538
Hallama, Peter and Stephan Stach, eds. Gegengeschichte: Zweiter Weltkrieg und Holocaust im ostmitteleuropäischen Dissens (Tom Junes) 2:513
Hamburg, Gary M. Russia's Path toward Enlightenment: Faith, Politics, and Reason, 1500–1801 (Alexander Martin) 4:1119
Hamersky, Heidrun. Störbilder einer Diktatur: Zur subversive fotografischen Praxis Ivan Kyncls im Kontext der tschechoslowakischen Bürgerrechtsbewegung der 1970er Jahre (Jonathan Bolton) 3:878
Hansen-Löve, Aage A. Über das Vorgestern ins Übermorgen: Neoprimitivismus in Wort- und Bildkunst der russischen Moderne (John E. Bowlt) 4:1133
Harrison, Lonny. Archetypes from Underground: Notes on the Dostoevskian Self (Steven Cassedy) 2:563
Hommel, Peter N. and Irina Savinetskaya. Nomadic Cultures in the Mega-Structure of the Eurasian World, trans. Evgenij N. Chernykh (Jiří Svoboda) 4:1065
Horber, Sabina and Thomas Grob, eds. Moskau: Metropole zwischen Kultur und Macht (Stephen Lovell) 2:570
Horvat, Srećko and Igor Štiks, eds. Welcome to the Desert of Post-Socialism: Radical Politics after Yugoslavia (Keith Brown) 1:205
Houžvicka, Václav. Czechs and Germans 1848–2004: The Sudeten Question and the Transformation of Central Europe (Jeanine Pfahlert) 3:813
Hroch, Miroslav. European Nations: Explaining Their Formation, trans. Karolina Graham (Ronald Grigor Suny) 4:1075
Huseynova, Aida. Music of Azerbaijan: From Mugham to Opera (Tanya Merchant) 4:1136
Hutchings, Stephen and Vera Tolz. Nation, Ethnicity, and Race on Russian Television: Mediating Post-Soviet Difference (Stephen M. Norris) 1:260
Iampol΄skii, Mikahil B. Prigov: Ocherki khudozhestvennogo nominalizma (Alexei Kurbanovsky) 2:571
Imre, Anikó. TV Socialism (Alexander Prokhorov and Elena Prokhorova) 4:1048
Jakiša, Miranda and Nikica Gilić, eds. Partisans in Yugoslavia: Literature, Film and Visual Culture (Gordana P. Crnković) 2:537
Jansen, Stef. Yearnings in the Meantime: ‘Normal Lives’ and the State in a Sarajevo Apartment Complex (Azra Hromadzic) 1:241
Jockusch, Laura and Gabriel Finder, eds. Jewish Honor Courts: Revenge, Retribution, and Reconciliation in Europe and Israel after the Holocaust (David Abraham) 1:221
Johnson, Juliet. Priests of Prosperity: How Central Bankers Transformed the Postcommunist World (Mitchell Orenstein) 3:842
Johnson, Kurt and Stephen H. Blackwell, eds. Fine Lines: Vladimir Nabokov's Scientific Art (Galya Diment) 1:272
Judson, Peter. The Habsburg Empire: A New History (Nathaniel D. Wood) 3:784
Jusová, Iveta and Jiřina Šiklová, eds. Czech Feminisms: Perspectives on Gender in East Central Europe (Libora Oates-Indruchova) 4:1090
Kaczmarski, Marcin. Russia-China Relations in the Post-Crisis International Order (Charles Ziegler) 2:577
Kaganovitch, Al΄bert. Druz΄ia ponevole: Rossiia i bukharskie evrei, 1800–1917 (Valery Dymshits) 4:1115
Kanet, Roger E. and Matthew Sussex, eds. Power, Politics and Confrontation in Eurasia: Foreign Policy in a Contested Region (Carol Weaver) 2:575
Kanet, Roger E. and Matthew Sussex, eds. Russia, Eurasia and the New Geopolitics of Energy: Confrontation and Consolidation (Carol Weaver) 2:575
Karpinowitz, Abraham. Vilna My Vilna: Stories, trans. Helen Mintz (Gabriella Safran) 1:239
Kassymbekova, Botakoz. Despite Cultures: Early Soviet Rule in Tajikistan (Adeeb Khalid) 4:1125
Kaufman, Robert R. and Stephan Haggard. Dictators and Democrats: Masses, Elites and Regime Change (Richard P. Farkas) 4:1058
Keller, Márkus. Experten und Beamte: Die Professionalisierung der Lehrer höherer Schulen in der zweiten Hälfte des 19. Jahrhunderts (Károly Halmos) 2:515
Kelly, Aileen M. The Discovery of Chance: The Life and Thought of Alexander Herzen (Derek Offord) 2:551
Kelly, Martha M. F. Unorthodox Beauty: Russian Modernism and Its New Religious Aesthetic (Per-Arne Bodin) 2:562
Kersken, Norbert and Dariusz Adamczyk, eds. Fernhändler, Dynasten, Kleriker. Die piastische Herrschaft in kontinentalen Beziehungsgeflechten vom 10. bis zum frühen 13. Jahrhundert. (Paul W. Knoll) 2:520
Kezer, Zeynep. Building Modern Turkey: State, Space and Ideology in the Early Republic (Christoper S. Wilson) 1:240
Khalid, Adeeb. Making Uzbekistan: Nation, Empire, and Revolution in the Early USSR (Stephan Conermann) 2:498
Khanenko-Friesen, Natalia and Gelinada Grinchenko. Reclaiming the Personal: Oral History in Post-Socialist Europe (Marysia H. Galbraith) 2:540
Khiterer, Victoria. Jewish City or Inferno of Russian Israel? A History of the Jews in Kiev before February 1917 (Michael F. Hamm) 2:530
Kilcher, Andreas and Gabriella Safran, Writing Jewish Culture: Paradoxes in Ethnography (Sergei Kan) 3:875
Kim, Kwangmin. Borderland Capitalism: Turkestan Produce, Qing Silver, and the Birth of an Eastern Market (Christopher Atwood) 4:1061
Kivelson, Valerie A. and Ronald Grigor Suny. Russia's Empires (Geoffrey Hosking) 4:1055
Klein-Pejšová, Rebekah. Mapping Jewish Loyalties in Interwar Slovakia (Simon Rabinovitch) 1:220
Kliger, Ilya and Boris Maslov, eds. Persistent Forms: Explorations in Historical Poetics (Jonathan Stone) 1:271
Klimke, Martin, Reinhold Kreis, and Christian F. Ostermann, eds. Trust, But Verify: The Politics of Uncertainty and the Transformation of the Cold War Order, 1969–1991 (Sari Autio-Sarasmo) 4:1144
Knapp, Liza. Anna Karenina and Others: Tolstoy's Labyrinth of Plots (Anthony Briggs) 3:825
Koivunen, Pia and Simo Mikkonen eds. Behind the Divide: Entangled Histories of Cold War Europe (Nick Rutter) 3:797
Kokobobo, Ani and Katherine Bowers, eds. Russian Writers and the Fin de Siècle: The Twilight of Realism (Evgenii Bershtein) 1:262
Korowin, Elena. Der Russen-Boom. Sowjetische Ausstellungen als Mittel der Diplomatie in der BRD (Carmen Scheide) 3:805
Krasztev, Peter and Jon Van Til, eds. The Hungarian Patient: Social Opposition to an Illiberal Democracy (Jason Wittenberg) 2:546
Kreis, Reinhold, Martin Klimke, and Christian F. Ostermann, eds. Trust, But Verify: The Politics of Uncertainty and the Transformation of the Cold War Order, 1969–1991 (Sari Autio-Sarasmo) 4:1144
Kuc, Kamila, Kuba Mikurda, and Michał Oleszczyk. Boro, l'ile d'amour: The Films of Walerian Borowczyk (Janina Falkowska) 1:234
Kucherenko, Olga. Soviet Street Children and the Second World War: Welfare and Social Control under Stalin (Richard Bidlack) 3:
Kuchinskaya, Olga. The Politics of Invisibility: Public Knowledge about Radiation Health Effects after Chernobyl (David R. Marples) 1:230
Kulczycki, John J. Belonging to the Nation: Inclusion and Exclusion in the Polish-German Borderlands (Jesse Kauffman) 1:228
Kulik, Alexander, Catherine Mary MacRobert, Svetlina Nikolova, Moshe Taube, and Cynthia M. Vakareliyska, eds. The Bible in Slavic Tradition (Paul Hollingsworth) 3:792
Kulikov, Vladimir, Piotr Dutkiewicz, and Richard Sakwa, eds. The Social History of Post-Communist Russia (Catherine Owen) 3:844
Kunichika, Michael. “Our Native Antiquity”: Archaeology and Aesthetics in the Culture of Russian Modernism (Julia Bekman Chadaga) 2:566
Kushkova, Anna. Krest΄ianskaia ssora: opyt izucheniia derevenskoi povsednevnosti po materialam evropeiskoi chasti Rossii vtoroi poloviny XIX—nachala XX veka (Chris J. Chulos) 4:1142
Kuzmic, Tatiana. Adulterous Nations: Family Politics and National Anxiety in the European Novel (Sibelan Forrester) 4:1073
Lampland, Martha. The Value of Labor: The Science of Commodification in Hungary, 1920–1956 (David L. Hoffmann) 3:881
Landa, Marianna S. Maximilian Voloshin's Poetic Legacy and the Post-Soviet Russian Identity (Katharine Hodgson) 3:829
Laruelle, Marlene and Johan Engvall, eds. Kyrgyzstan Beyond “Democracy Island” and “Failing State”: Social and Political Changes in a Post-Soviet Society (Mariya Y. Omelicheva) 1:246
Laszczkowski, Mateusz. “City of the Future”: Built Spaces, Modernity and Urban Change in Astana (Nitzan Shoshan) 3:858
Lavrov, Aleksandr Vasil΄evich. Simvolisty i drugie: Stat΄i, Razyskaniia. Publikatsii (Avril Pyman-Sokolov) 2:565
Lee, Rensselaer and Artyom Lukin. Russia's Far East: New Dynamics in Asia Pacific and Beyond (Michael Bradshaw) 3:872
Leitch, Duncan. Assisting Reform in Post-Communist Ukraine 2000–2012: The Illusion of Donors and the Disillusion of Beneficiaries (Sarah Henderson) 4:1105
Levin, Zeev. Collectivization and Social Engineering: Soviet Administration and the Jews of Uzbekistan, 1917–1939 (Botakoz Kassymbekova) 4:1106
Liber, George O. Total Wars and the Making of Modern Ukraine, 1914–1954 (Kai Struve) 2:531
Lipovetsky, Mark and Evgeny Dobrenko, eds. Russian Literature since 1991 (Ulrich Schmid) 1:274
Lubanska, Magdalena. Muslims and Christians in the Bulgarian Rhodopes (Kristen Ghodsee) 3:885
Lukin, Artyom and Rensselaer Lee. Russia's Far East: New Dynamics in Asia Pacific and Beyond (Michael Bradshaw) 3:872
Luthar, Oto, ed. The Great War and Memory in Central and South-Eastern Europe (Jay Winter) 4:1068
Lyon, James. Serbia and the Balkan Front, 1914: The Outbreak of the Great War (John K. Cox) 3:801
Mačiulis, Dangiras and Darius Staliūnas. Lithuanian Nationalism and the Vilnius Question, 1883–1940 (Tomas Venclova) 2:517
Maclean, Caroline. The Vogue for Russia: Modernism and the Unseen in Britain 1900–1930 (Roberta Rubenstein) 1:268
MacRobert, Catherine Mary, Alexander Kulik, Svetlina Nikolova, Moshe Taube, and Cynthia M. Vakareliyska, eds. The Bible in Slavic Tradition (Paul Hollingsworth) 3:792
Magyar, Bálint. Post-Communist Mafia State: The Case of Hungary (Anna Grzymala-Busse) 3:882
Majtényi, Balász and György Majtényi. A Contemporary History of Exclusion: The Roma Issue in Hungary from 1945 to 2015 (David M. Crowe) 3:803
Majtényi, György and, Balász Majtényi. A Contemporary History of Exclusion: The Roma Issue in Hungary from 1945 to 2015 (David M. Crowe) 3:803
Makarychev, Andrey and Alexandra Yatsik. Celebrating Borderlands in a Wider Europe. Nations and Identities in Ukraine, Georgia and Estonia (Andrew C. Janos) 4:1103
Marzec, Wiktor. Rebelia i reakcja: Rewolucja 1905 roku i plebejskie doświadczenie polityczne (Theodore R. Weeks) 4:1082
Maslov, Boris and Ilya Kliger, eds. Persistent Forms: Explorations in Historical Poetics (Jonathan Stone) 1:271
McCarthy, Lauren A. Trafficking Justice: How Russian Police Enforce New Laws, from Crime to Courtroom (Eugene Huskey) 3:852
McMeekin, Sean. The Russian Revolution: A New History (Daniel Orlovsky) 3:763
Michałowski, Roman. The Gniezno Summit: The Religious Premises of the Founding of the Archbishopric of Gniezno, trans. Anna Kijak (Robert E. Alvis) 4:1078
Mićić-Dimovska, Milica. The Cataract, trans. Sibelan Forrester (Margaret Beissinger) 4:1097
Mikkonen, Simo and Pia Koivunen, eds. Behind the Divide: Entangled Histories of Cold War Europe (Nick Rutter) 3:797
Mikurda, Kuba, Kamila Kuc and Michał Oleszczyk. Boro, l'ile d'amour: The Films of Walerian Borowczyk (Janina Falkowska) 1:234
Miller, Chris. The Struggle to Save the Soviet Economy: Mikhail Gorbachev and the Collapse of the USSR (Julie Hessler) 4:1128
Miller, Alexei and Stefan Berger, eds. Nationalizing Empires (Pieter M. Judson) 3:795
Miodonska-Joucaviel, Kinga, ed. Tadeusz Kantor: Portrait Multiple. Polyphonie, Inspirations, Renaissances (Noel Witts) 4:1095
Mishtal, Joanna. The Politics of Morality: The Church, the State, and Reproductive Rights in Postsocialist Poland (Frances Pine) 3:886
Monahan, Erika. The Merchants of Siberia: Trade in Early Modern Eurasia (Brian Davies) 2:548
Mücke, Pavel and Miroslav Vaněk. Velvet Revolutions: An Oral History of Czech Society (Cathleen M. Giustino) 3:815
Naar, Devin E. Jewish Salonica: Between the Ottoman Empire and Modern Greece (Karen Barkey) 4:1093
Nawrocki, Iwa and Irena Grudzińska-Gross, eds. Poland and Polin: New Interpretations in Polish-Jewish Studies (Piotr J. Wróbel) 3:808
Nemes, Robert. Another Hungary: The Nineteenth-Century Provinces in Eight Lives (Peter Thaler) 2:516
Ngo, Tam T. T. and Justine B. Quijada, eds. Atheist Secularism and Its Discontents: A Comparative Study of Religion and Communism in Eurasia (Bernice Glatzer Rosenthal) 2:505
Nikiporets-Takigava, Galina and Emil Pain. Internet i ideologicheskie dvizheniia v Rossii: Kollektivnaia monografia Internet (Ellen Mickiewicz) 1:192
Nikolova, Svetlina, Alexander Kulik, Catherine Mary MacRobert, Moshe Taube, and Cynthia M. Vakareliyska, eds. The Bible in Slavic Tradition (Paul Hollingsworth) 3:792
Oldfield, Jonathan D. and Denis J. B. Shaw. The Development of Russian Environmental Thought: Scientific and Geographical Perspectives on the Natural Environment (Brian Bonhomme) 3:867
Oleszczyk, Michał, Kamila Kuc, and Kuba Mikurda. Boro, l'ile d'amour: The Films of Walerian Borowczyk (Janina Falkowska) 1:234
Olšaková, Doubravka, ed. In the Name of the Great Work (Stephen Brain) 4:1085
Opiłowska, Elżbieta and Jochen Roose, eds. Microcosm of European Integration: The German-Polish Border Regions in Transformation (Jan Musekamp) 4:1102
Orttung, Robert W. and Henry E. Hale, eds. Beyond the Euromaidan: Comparative Perspectives on Advancing Reform in Ukraine (Stephen Crowley) 3:847
Ospovat, Kirill. Terror and Pity: Aleksandr Sumarokov and the Theater of Power in Elizabethan Russia (Amanda Ewington) 3:833
Østbø, Jardar. The New Third Rome: Readings of a Russian Nationalist Myth (Richard Sakwa) 2:573
Ostermann, Christian F., Martin Klimke, and Reinhold Kreis, eds. Trust, But Verify: The Politics of Uncertainty and the Transformation of the Cold War Order, 1969–1991 (Sari Autio-Sarasmo) 4:1144
Pacer, Valerie A. Russian Foreign Policy under Dmitry Medvedev, 2008–2012 (William Zimmerman) 1:277
Pain, Emil and Galina Nikiporets-Takigava. Internet i ideologicheskie dvizheniia v Rossii: Kollektivnaia monografia Internet (Ellen Mickiewicz) 1:192
Papadogiannis, Nikolaos. Militant around the Clock? Left-Wing Youth Politics, Leisure, and Sexuality in Post-Dictatorship Greece, 1974–1981 (Friederike Kind-Kovács) 2:534
Parvulescu, Constantin. Orphans of the East: Postwar Eastern European Cinema and the Revolutionary Subject (Larissa Rudova) 1:232
Pasieka, Agnieszka. Hierarchy and Pluralism: Living Religious Difference in Catholic Poland (Michael Ostling) 3:889
Pearl, Deborah. Creating a Culture of Revolution: Workers and the Revolutionary Movement in Late Imperial Russia (Boris Kolonitskii) 3:863
Peters, Benjamin. How not to Network a Nation: The Uneasy History of the Soviet Internet (Ellen Mickiewicz) 1:192
Pető, Andrea and Ildikó Barna. Political Justice in Budapest after World War II (Peter Kenez) 1:223
Pickhan, Gertrud and Rüdiger Ritter, eds. Meanings of Jazz in State Socialism (Venelin I. Ganev) 2:535
Platt, Jonathan Brooks. Greetings, Pushkin! Stalinist Cultural Politics and the Russian National Bard (Daria Khitrova) 4:1140
Plokhy, Serhii. The Gates of Europe: A History of Ukraine (George O. Liber) 2:527
Podhajský, František A., ed. Fikce Jaroslava Haška (Petr A. Bílek) 4:1098
Polak-Springer, Peter. Recovered Territory: A German-Polish Conflict over Land and Culture, 1919–1989 (Alexander Prusin) 1:224
Polese, Abel. Limits of a Post-Soviet State: How Informality Replaces, Renegotiates, and Reshapes Governance in Contemporary Ukraine (Christoph H. Stefes) 3:884
Prais, Lea. Displaced Persons at Home: Refugees in the Fabric of Jewish Life in Warsaw September 1939—July 1942, trans. Naftali Greenwood (Gustavo Corni) 2:523
Price, David H. Cold War Anthropology: The CIA, the Pentagon, and the Growth of Dual Use Anthropology (Robert D. English) 3:779
Prozorov, Sergei. The Biopolitics of Stalinism. Ideology and Life in Soviet Socialism (Veli-Pekka Tynkkynen) 3:846
Quijada, Justine B. and Tam T. T. Ngo, eds. Atheist Secularism and Its Discontents: A Comparative Study of Religion and Communism in Eurasia (Bernice Glatzer Rosenthal) 2:505
Rabinovitch, Simon. Jewish Rights, National Rites: Nationalism and Autonomy in Late Imperial and Revolutionary Russia (Cecile E. Kuznitz) 1:252
Rădulescu, Speranţa, Margaret Beissinger, and Anca Giurchescu, eds. Manele in Romania: Cultural Expression and Social Meaning in Balkan Popular Music (Catherine Baker) 4:1100
Razuvalova, Anna. Pisateli-“derevenshchiki”: literatura i konservativnaia ideologiia 1970-kh godov (Ilya Kukulin) 3:830
Reynolds, David and Kristina Spohr, eds. Transcending the Cold War: Summits, Statecraft, and the Dissolution of Bipolarity in Europe, 1970–1990 (Sari Autio-Sarasmo) 4:1144
Ritter, Rüdiger and Gertrud Pickhan, eds. Meanings of Jazz in State Socialism (Venelin I. Ganev) 2:535
Rittersporn, Gábor T. Anguish, Anger, and Folkways in Soviet Russia (David Shearer) 1:209
Rogers, Douglas. The Depths of Russia: Oil, Power and Culture after Socialism (Michael Ellman) 1:212
Rolf, Mathe and Tim Buchen, eds. Eliten im Vielvölkerreich: Imperiale Biographien in Russland und Österreich-Ungarn (1850-1918) (David Schimmelpenninck van der Oye) 1:216
Roose, Jochen and Elżbieta Opiłowska, eds. Microcosm of European Integration: The German-Polish Border Regions in Transformation (Jan Musekamp) 4:1102
Różycki, Tomasz. Colonies, trans. Mira Rosenthal (Benjamin Paloff) 1:237
Różycki, Tomasz. Twelve Stations, trans. Bill Johnston (Benjamin Paloff) 1:237
Rupprecht, Tobias. Soviet Internationalism after Stalin: Interaction and Exchange between the USSR and Latin America during the Cold War (Julie Hessler) 1:259
Sablin, Ivan. Governing Post-Imperial Siberia and Mongolia, 1911–1924: Buddhism, Socialism, and Nationalism in State and Autonomy Building (Melissa Chakars) 2:553
Saburova, Tat΄iana and Ben Eklof. Druzhba, sem΄ia, revoliutsiia: Nikolai Charushin i pokolenie narodnikov 1870-kh godov (Daniel Beer) 3:857
Safran, Gabriella and Andreas Kilcher. Writing Jewish Culture: Paradoxes in Ethnography (Sergei Kan) 3:875
Sakwa, Richard, Piotr Dutkiewicz, and Vladimir Kulikov, eds. The Social History of Post-Communist Russia (Catherine Owen) 3:844
Sambuk, Daria. Wächter der Gesundheit: Staat und lokale Gesellschaften beim Aufbau des Medizinalwesens im Russischen Reich, 1762–1831 (Charlotte Henze) 2:549
Sanders, Rita. Staying at Home: Identities, Memories and Social Networks of Kazakhstani Germans (Ruth Mandel) 3:873
Savinetskaya, Irina and Peter N. Hommel. Nomadic Cultures in the Mega-Structure of the Eurasian World, trans. Evgenij N. Chernykh (Jiří Svoboda) 4:1065
Schainker, Ellie R. Confessions of the Shtetl: Converts from Judaism in Imperial Russia, 1817–1906 (Inna Shtakser) 4:1111
Schedrin, Vassili. Jewish Souls, Bureaucratic Minds: Jewish Bureaucracy and Policymaking in Late Imperial Russia, 1850–1917 (David Shneer) 4:1112
Schulze Wessel, Martin, Franziska Davies, and Michael Brenner, eds. Jews and Muslims in the Russian Empire and the Soviet Union (Eileen Kane) 3:859
Schwartz, Matthias and Heike Winkel, eds. Eastern European Youth Cultures in a Global Context (Fran Markowitz) 2:543
Scott, Erik R. Familiar Strangers: The Georgian Diaspora and the Evolution of Soviet Empire (Bruce Grant) 2:555
Segal, Raz. Genocide in the Carpathians: War, Social Breakdown, and Mass Violence, 1914–1945 (Paul Hanebrink) 3:811
Senina, Maria, Zuzanna Bogumił, Joanna Wawrzyniak, Tim Buchen, and Christian Ganzer, The Enemy on Display. The Second World War in Eastern European Museums (Tim Cole) 1:219
Shabanov, Andrei. Peredvizhniki: Mezhdu kommercheskim tovarishchestvom i khudozhestvennym dvizheniem (Rosamund Bartlett) 2:561
Shapiro, Paul A. The Kishinev Ghetto 1941–1942: A Documentary History of the Holocaust in Romania's Contested Borderlands (Michael Shafir) 2:524
Shaw, Denis J. B. and Jonathan D. Oldfield. The Development of Russian Environmental Thought: Scientific and Geographical Perspectives on the Natural Environment (Brian Bonhomme) 3:867
Šiklová, Jiřina and Iveta Jusová, eds. Czech Feminisms: Perspectives on Gender in East Central Europe (Libora Oates-Indruchova) 4:1090
Skonechnaia, Olga. Russkii paranoidal΄nyi roman: Fedor Sologub, Andrei Belyi, Vladimir Nabokov (Eliot Borenstein) 3:828
Sleptsov, Vasily. Hard Times: A Novel of Liberals and Radicals in 1860s Russia (Susanne Fusso) 3:840
Smele, Jonathan D. The “Russian” Civil Wars, 1916–1926: Ten Years that Shook the World (Eric Lohr) 4:1123
Smith, Jeremy and Timothy K. Blauvelt, eds. Georgia after Stalin: Nationalism and Soviet Power (Stephen Jones) 2:545
Smith, S. A. Russia in Revolution: An Empire in Crisis, 1890 to 1928 (Daniel Orlovsky) 3:763
Sokol, Edward Dennis. The Revolt of 1916 in Russian Central Asia (Alexander Morrison) 3:772
Solov΄eva, Inna. Pervaia Studiia. Vtoroi Mkhat: Iz praktiki teatral΄nykh idei XX veka (Nick Worrall) 4:1132
Sombatpoonsiri, Janjira. Humor & Nonviolent Struggle in Serbia (Dubravka Stojanović) 1:244
Spohr, Kristina and David Reynolds, eds. Transcending the Cold War: Summits, Statecraft, and the Dissolution of Bipolarity in Europe, 1970–1990 (Sari Autio-Sarasmo) 4:1144
Stach, Stephan and Peter Hallama, eds. Gegengeschichte: Zweiter Weltkrieg und Holocaust im ostmitteleuropäischen Dissens (Tom Junes) 2:513
Staliūnas, Darius and Dangiras Mačiulis. Lithuanian Nationalism and the Vilnius Question, 1883–1940 (Tomas Venclova) 2:517
Staliūnas, Darius. Enemies for a Day: Antisemitism and Anti-Jewish Violence in Lithuania under the Tsars (Natan Meir) 3:876
Stauter-Halsted, Keely. The Devil's Chain: Prostitution and Social Control in Partitioned Poland (Sharon A. Kowalsky) 1:225
Steinberg, Mark D. The Russian Revolution, 1905–1921 (Daniel Orlovsky) 3:763
Steinwedel, Charles. Threads of Empire: Loyalty and Tsarist Authority in Bashkiria, 1552–1917 (Edward J. Lazzerini) 3:855
Štiks, Igor and Srećko Horvat. Welcome to the Desert of Post-Socialism: Radical Politics after Yugoslavia (Keith Brown) 1:205
Stoff, Laurie S. Russia's Sisters of Mercy and the Great War: More than Biding Men's Wounds (Susan Grant) 1:250
Strobel, Angelika, Nada Boškovska, and Daniel Ursprung, eds. “Entwickelter Sozialismus” in Osteuropa. Arbeit, Konsum und Öffentlichkeit (Luminita Gatejel) 2:511
Sundhaussen, Holm and Konrad Clewing. Lexikon zur Geschichte Südosteuropas (Maria Todorova) 3:799
Suny, Ronald Grigor and Valerie A. Kivelson. Russia's Empires (Geoffrey Hosking) 4:1055
Sussex, Matthew and Roger E. Kanet, eds. Power, Politics and Confrontation in Eurasia: Foreign Policy in a Contested Region (Carol Weaver) 2:575
Sussex, Matthew and Roger E. Kanet, eds. Russia, Eurasia and the New Geopolitics of Energy: Confrontation and Consolidation (Carol Weaver) 2:575
Szarota, Tomasz. On the Threshold of the Holocaust: Anti-Jewish Riots and Pogroms in Occupied Europe. Warsaw – Paris – The Hague – Amsterdam – Antwerp – Kaunas, trans. Tristan Korecki (William W. Hagen) 4:1069
Szołtysek, Mikołaj. Rethinking East-Central Europe: Family Systems and Co-residence in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth (Robert Frost) 2:521
Taube, Moshe, Alexander Kulik, Catherine Mary MacRobert, Svetlina Nikolova, and Cynthia M. Vakareliyska, eds. The Bible in Slavic Tradition (Paul Hollingsworth) 3:792
Teichmann, Christian. Stalins Herrschaft in Zentralasien 1920–1950 (Irina Morozova) 4:1108
Teller, Adam. Money, Power, and Influence in Eighteenth-Century Lithuania: The Jews on the Radziwiłł Estates (François Guesnet) 3:806
Thaidigsmann, Karoline and Felicitas Fischer von Weikersthal, eds. (Hi-)Stories of the Gulag. Fiction and Reality (Bettina Greiner) 3:851
Ther, Philipp. Europe since 1989: A History (Ivan T. Berend) 3:802
Titus, Joan. The Early Film Music of Dmitry Shostakovich (Esti Sheinberg) 4:1137
Todorova, Maria, Augusta Dimou, and Stefan Troebst, eds. Remembering Communism, Private and Public Recollections of Lived Experience in Southeast Europe (Olga Manojlović Pintar) 2:498
Tolochko, Aleksei. Ocherki nachal΄noi Rusi (Yulia Mikhailova) 4:1117
Tolz, Vera and Stephen Hutchings, Nation, Ethnicity, and Race on Russian Television: Mediating Post-Soviet Difference (Stephen M. Norris) 1:260
Tomić, Đorđe. Phantomgrenzen und Regionale Autonomie im Postsozialistischen Sudosteuropa: Die Vojvodina und das Banat im Vergleich (Emil Kerenji) 4:1087
Törnquist-Plewa, Barbara, ed. Whose Memory? Which Future? Remembering Ethnic Cleansing and Lost Cultural Diversity in Eastern, Central and Southeastern Europe (Katarina Ristić) 3:816
Troebst, Stefan, Maria Todorova, and Augusta Dimou, eds. Remembering Communism, Private and Public Recollections of Lived Experience in Southeast Europe (Olga Manojlović Pintar) 2:498
Trubikhina, Julia. The Translator's Doubts: Vladimir Nabokov and the Ambiguity of Translation (Brian James Baer) 1:265
Tsipursky, Gleb. Socialist Fun: Youth, Consumption, & State-Sponsored Popular Culture in The Soviet Union, 1945–1970 (Miriam Neirick) 2:507
Tunstall, Graydon A. Written in Blood: The Battles for Fortress Przemyśl in WWI (Holger H. Herwig) 4:1080
Ursprung, Daniel, Nada Boškovska, and Angelika Strobel, eds. “Entwickelter Sozialismus” in Osteuropa. Arbeit, Konsum und Öffentlichkeit (Luminita Gatejel) 2:511
Vakareliyska, Cynthia M., Alexander Kulik, Catherine Mary MacRobert, Svetlina Nikolova, and Moshe Taube, eds. The Bible in Slavic Tradition (Paul Hollingsworth) 3:792
Valentino, Russell Scott. The Woman in the Window: Commerce, Consensual Fantasy and the Quest for Masculine Virtue in the Russian Novel (Rebecca Friedman) 1:264
Van Buskirk, Emily. Lydia Ginzburg's Prose: Reality in Search of Literature (Jane Gary Harris) 1:269
Vaněk, Miroslav and Pavel Mücke. Velvet Revolutions: An Oral History of Czech Society (Cathleen M. Giustino) 3:815
Van Til, Jon and Peter Krasztev, eds. The Hungarian Patient: Social Opposition to an Illiberal Democracy (Jason Wittenberg) 2:546
Varga-Harris, Christine. Stories of House and Home: Soviet Apartment Life during the Khrushchev Years (Jeremy Smith) 3:871
Vovchenko, Denis. Containing Balkan Nationalism: Imperial Russia and Ottoman Christians, 1856–1914 (Gregory Bruess) 3:794
Vujačić, Veljko. Nationalism, Myth, and the State in Russia and Serbia: Antecedents of the Dissolution of the Soviet Union and Yugoslavia (Gordana Uzelac) 1:217
Wawrzyniak, Joanna, Zuzanna Bogumił, Tim Buchen, Christian Ganzer and Maria Senina, The Enemy on Display. The Second World War in Eastern European Museums (Tim Cole) 1:219
Wawrzyniak, Joanna. Veterans, Victims, and Memory: The Politics of the Second World War in Communist Poland (Andrew Demshuk) 1:227
Weber, Claudia. Krieg der Täter. Die Massenerschiessungen von Katyn (Mark Edele) 4:1083
Weeks, Theodore R. Vilnius Between Nations 1795–2000 (Tomas Venclova) 2:517
Westrate, Michael T. Living Soviet in Ukraine from Stalin to Maidan: Under the Falling Red Star in Kharkiv (Paul Hollander) 2:532
White, Frederick H. and Alexander Burry, eds. Border Crossing: Russian Literature into Film (Benjamin Rifkin) 3:826
Whitewood, Peter. The Red Army and the Great Terror: Stalin's Purge of the Soviet Military (Joshua A. Sanborn) 1:251
Wiese, Stefan. Pogrome im Zarenreich. Dynamiken kollektiver Gewalt (George Gilbert) 4:1113
Winkel, Heike and Matthias Schwartz, eds. Eastern European Youth Cultures in a Global Context (Fran Markowitz) 2:543
Winkler, Martina. Das Imperium und die Seeotter: Die Expansion Russlands in den nordpazifischen Raum, 1700–1867 (Willard Sunderland) 4:1120
Witt, Sabine. Nationalistische Intellektuelle in der Slowakei 1918–1945: Kulturelle Praxis zwischen Sakralisierung und Säkularisierung (Josette Baer) 4:1076
Wulf, Meike. Shadowlands: Memory and History in Post-Soviet Estonia (Eva-Clarita Pettai) 4:1129
Wünsche, Isabel. The Organic School of the Russian Avant-Garde: Nature's Creative Principles (John Milner) 2:567
Wyman, Alina. The Gift of Active Empathy: Scheler, Bakhtin, and Dostoevsky (Alex Spektor) 3:836
Yatsik, Alexandra, and Andrey Makarychev. Celebrating Borderlands in a Wider Europe. Nations and Identities in Ukraine, Georgia and Estonia (Andrew C. Janos) 4:1103
Yekelchyk, Serhy. The Conflict in Ukraine: What Everyone Needs to Know (Andrii Portnov) 1:231
Zahra, Tara. The Great Departure: Mass Migration from Eastern Europe and the Making of the Free World (Ulf Brunnbauer) 1:199
Zehnder, Christian. Axiome der Dämmerung: eine Poetik des Lichts bei Boris Pasternak (Karen Evans-Romaine) 3:834
Zmeškal, Tomáš. Love Letter in Cuneiform (Malynne Sternstein) 3:879
Zorin, Andrei. Poiavlenie geroia: Iz istorii russkoi emotsional΄noi kul΄tury kontsa XVIII-nachala XIX veka (Lina Bernstein) 3:821