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Cambridge University Press
Online publication date:
March 2018
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The second edition of Julien's textbook presents an analysis of rivers from mountain streams to river estuaries. The book is rooted in fundamental principles to promote sound engineering practice. State-of-the-art methods are presented to underline theory and engineering applications. River mechanics blends the dual concepts of water conveyance and sediment transport. Like the first edition, this textbook contains ample details on river equilibrium, river dynamics, bank stabilization, and river engineering. Complementary chapters also cover the physical and mathematical modeling of rivers. As well as being completely updated throughout, three new chapters have been added on watershed dynamics, hillslope stability, and stream restoration. Throughout the text, hundreds of examples, exercises, problems, and case studies assist the reader in learning the essential concepts of river engineering. The textbook is very well illustrated to enhance advanced student learning, while researchers and practitioners will find the book to be an invaluable reference.


'This elegantly written book covers the major topics associated with water flow and sediment transport in rivers. It thoughtfully guides readers through descriptions and formulations of key physical processes, and offers many illustrations and worked examples to aid understanding.  The book is a comprehensive companion to the author’s book Erosion and Sedimentation, which focuses on alluvial sediment transport in rivers.'

Robert Ettema - Colorado State University

'As an engineering professional facing the challenges of sediment transport, I found the new edition of River Mechanics to be a great reference and a very useful resource. Its presentation of material has been substantially revised and expanded, including several new chapters. I especially liked the expanded treatment of watershed processes and new material on stream restoration. River Mechanics stands on its own and is even more useful in tandem with Pierre Julien’s other book Erosion and Sedimentation as its companion. Having been familiar with the first edition from my days in graduate school, this new edition will undoubtedly prove to be an indispensable resource for students and practitioners alike.'

Mark Velleux - HDR, Inc.

'A book in river engineering taking the interested reader from its sources to the estuary, painted with concise problem statements and solved by adequate engineering methods and techniques. Professor Julien’s second edition can be fully recommended to graduate students, researchers and practicing engineers in the fields of river basins, river mechanics, river flows, river stability, river equilibrium, river models, and river restoration. Professor Julien should be praised for his integral approach, his technical formulation and his updated presentation involving both problems in practice and exercises of the complicated topic.'

Willi Hager - Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich

'A rare must-read on modern river mechanics that covers the subject not only comprehensively and rigorously but also inspirationally. The author’s philosophy ‘from observations to physical understanding to mathematical modelling and numerical simulations’ underpins every topic in the book, making it very clear and complete. Undoubtedly, this text will quickly become a benchmark source equally important to students, engineers and researchers. It will also be noteworthy to geoscientists and stream ecologists working at the borders between their disciplines and engineering. A genuine pleasure to read!'

Vladimir Nikora, FRSE - University of Aberdeen

'Like its predecessor, the second edition of Julien’s River Mechanics is one of the best books on river morphology to introduce graduate students to the complex interaction between flow and sediment in rivers and subsequent river behaviour. The problems at the end of each chapter help students to digest the complicated learning material provided and challenge teachers to develop similar assignments. The book has a wide coverage, including an introduction into stream restoration and elements of river engineering. The extensive list of references encourages further reading and will be useful for all those interested in broadening their knowledge on the topic.'

Gerrit J. Klaassen - Former Specialist Delft Hydraulics/Ass Prof IHE Delft and presently Consultant for River Engineering and Environment

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