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Publications received.
Baldauf, Richard B. & Robert B. Kaplan. Language planning and policy in Africa, vol. 1: Botswana, Malawi, Mozambique and South Africa. Clevedon, England: Multilingual Matters, 2004. Pp. v, 282. Hb $59.95.
Ball, Arnetha F. & Sarah Warshauer Freedman (eds.). Bakhtinian perspectives on language, literacy, and learning. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2004. Pp. xi, 349. Hb $70.00, pb $27.99.
Bhatia, Vijay K. Worlds of written discourse: A genre-based view (Advances in Applied Linguistics). London: Continuum, 2004. Pp. xvii, 228. Pb. $29.95.
Discourse and Society 15:5 (2004). Includes:
L. Coates & A. Wade, “Telling it like it isn't: Obscuring perpetrator responsibility for violent crime.”
H. Englund, “Towards a critique of rights talk in new democracies: The case of legal aid in Malawi.”
K. Erjavec, “Beyond advertising and journalism: Hybrid promotional news discourse.”
J. Flowerdew, “The discursive construction of a world-class city.”
C. Gordon, “‘Al Gore's our guy’: Linguistically constructing a family political identity.”
M. Higgins, “Putting the nation in the news: The role of location formulation in a selection of Scottish newspapers.”
D. Pinto, “Indoctrinating the youth of post-war Spain: A discourse analysis of a Facist civics textbook.”
Ethos 32:3 (2004). Includes:
C. Dunn, “Cultural models and metaphors for marriage: An analysis of discourse at Japanese wedding receptions.”
Extra, Guus & Kutlay Yagmur (eds.). Urban multilingualism in Europe: Immigrant minority languages at home and school (Multilingual Matters 130). Clevedon, England: Multilingual Matters, 2004. Pp.x, 428. Hb $99.95, pb $34.95.
Follesdal, Dagfinn. Referential opacity and modal logic (Studies in Philosophy). New York: Routledge, 2004. Pp. xxxvi, 157. Hb $60.00.
Fox, Aaron A. Real country: Music and language in working class culture. Durham: Duke University Press, 2004. Pp. xv, 363. Pb $22.95.
Franco-British Studies 33–34 (2004). Special Issue: “Second-person pronouns and forms of address in contemporary European languages.” Includes:
O. Anokhina, “Emploi des pronoms de deuxième personne et d'adresse en russe confronté aux langues romanes.”
H. Bennis, “Pronoms de la deuxième personne en néerlandais: Contrastes en forme et en interprétation.”
J. Brunet, “La troisième personne de politesse en italien: Fait de langue, fait de culture.”
M. Helena Araújo Carreira, “Les formes allocutives du portugais européen: Évolutions, valeurs et fonctionnements discursifs.”
J. Dewaele, “Enquête sur le choix (rapporté) du pronom d'allocution en français natif et non-natif.”
P. Eisenberg, “La deuxième personne et les formes d'adresse en allemand.”
M. Fernández, “Constitución del orden social y desasosiego: Pronombres de segunda persona en español.”
P. Gardner-Chloros, “Le développment historique de T/V en francais et en anglais: Parallélisme et divergence.”
E. Havu, “L'emploi des termes d'adresse dans le finnois actuel.”
G. Luquet, “De la relation signifant/signifié dans les pronoms espagnols de deuxieme personne.”
S. M. de Oliveira, “Para além de poder e solidariedade: Uma retrospectiva sobre formas de tratamento em Portugal (1982–2002).”
G. Scurtu & A. Radulescu, “Approche des variations stylistiques des termes d'adresse en roumain.”
E. Skibínska, “Le Tutoiement en offensive: Évolution de l'emploi du pronom ty en polonais dans quelques modèles textuels.”
R. Vismans, “Les pronoms de la deuxième personne en néerlandais et les étudiants de néerlandais langue étrangère: Forme, usage, apprentissage.”
K. Wales, “Second person pronouns in contemporary English: The end of a story of just the beginning?”
Gardner, Rod & Johannes Wagner (eds.). Second language conversations (Advances in Applied Linguistics). New York: Continuum, 2004. Pp. x, 292. Hb $125.00.
Gibbons, John & Elizabeth Ramirez. Maintaining a minority language: A case study of Hispanic teenagers (Multilingual Matters 129). Clevedon, England: Multilingual Matters, 2004. Pp. x, 240. Pb $65.95.
Glenn, Cheryl, Margaret M. Lyday & Wendy B. Sharer (eds.). Rhetorical education in America. Tuscaloosa: The University of Alabama Press, 2004. Pp. xvi, 245. Hb $40.00.
Gussenhoven, Carlos. The phonology of tone and intonation (Research Surveys in Linguistics). New York: Cambridge University Press, 2004. Pp. xxiii, 355. Hb $90.00, pb $39.99.
Hansen, Hans Lauge (ed.). Disciplines and interdisciplinarity in foreign language studies. Copenhagen: Museum Tusculanum Press, 2004. Pp. 246. Pb $41.00.
Jaworski, Adam, Nikolas Coupland, & Dariusz Galasinski (eds.). Metalanguage: Social and ideological perspectives (Language, Power and Social Process 11). Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter, 2004. Pp. viii, 324. Hb $88.00, pb $32.95.
Journal of Pidgin and Creole Languages 19:2 (2004). Includes:
P. Goncalves, “Toward a unified vision of classes of language acquisition and change: Arguments from the genesis of Mozambican African Portuguese.”
Y. Rivera-Castillo & L. Pickering, “Phonetic correlates of stress and tone in a mixed system.”
S. Kouwenberg & D. LaCharité, “Echoes of Africa: Reduplication in Caribbean Creole and Niger-Congo.”
Journal of Sociolinguistics 8:3 (2004). Includes:
R. Bailey & V. Regan, “Introduction: The acquisition of sociolinguistic competence.”
W. Wolfram, P. Carter & B. Moriello, “Emerging Hispanic English: New dialect formation in the American South.”
D. Preston & A. Yamagata, “Katakana representation of English loanwords: Mora conservation and variable learner strategies.”
R. Young & J. Lee, “Identifying units in interaction: Reactive tokens in Korean and English conversations.”
R. Mougeon, K. Rehner & T. Nadasdi, “The learning of spoken French variation by immersion students from Toronto, Canada.”
J. Dewaele, “Retention or omission of the ‘ne’ in advanced French interlanguage: The variable effect of extralinguistic factors.”
Katriel, Tamar. Dialogic moments: From soul talks to talk radio in Israeli culture (Raphael Putai Series in Jewish Folklore and Anthropology). Detroit: Wayne State University Press, 2004. Pp. 384. Hb $49.95, pb $27.95.
Minnick, Lisa Cohen. Dialect and dichotomy: Literary representations of African American speech. Tuscaloosa: The University of Alabama Press, 2004. Pp. xxi, 194 Hb $39.95.
Psychological Review 111:4 (2004).
Research on Language and Social Interaction 37:3 (2004). Includes:
A. Hepburn, “Crying: Notes on description, transcription, and interaction.”
J. Robinson, “The sequential organization of ‘explicit’ apologies in naturally occurring English.”
A. Evaldsson, “Shifting moral stances: Morality and gender in same-sex and cross-sex game interaction.”
T. Sandel, “Narrated relationships: Mothers-in-law and daughters-in-law justifying conflicts in Taiwan's Chhan-chng.”
Safir, Ken. The syntax of (In)dependence (Linguistic Inquiry Monograph, 44). Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press, 2004. Pp. xiv, 194. Pb $25.00.
Sealey, Alison & Bob Carter. Applied linguistics as social science (Advances in Applied Linguistics). London: Continuum, 2004. Pp. xv, 239. Pb $29.95.
Siewierska, Anna. Person (Cambridge Textbooks in Linguistics). New York: Cambridge University Press, 2004. Pp. xx, 327. Hb $85.00, pb $29.99.
Tomasello, Michael & Dan Isaac Slobin (eds.). Beyond nature-nurture: Essays in honor of Elizabeth Bates. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 2005. Pp. il, 339. Hb $69.95.
Tryon, Darrell T. & Jean-Michel Charpentier. Pacific pidgins and creoles: Origins, growth and development (Trends in Linguistics 132). Berlin, Mouton de Gruyter, 2004. Pp. xix, 559. Hb $88.00.
Wah Kam, Ho & Ruth Y. L. Wong (eds.). English language teaching in east Asia today: Changing policies and practices, 2nd ed. Singapore: Eastern Universities Press, 2004. Pp. xxxvi, 474. Pb $26.00.
Wah Kam, Ho & Ruth Y. L. Wong (eds.). Language policies and language education: The impact in east Asian countries in the next decade, 2nd ed. Singapore: Eastern Universities Press, 2004. Pp. xiv, 384. Pb $29.00.