1.1The Rolling Stones in Paris, 1964 (Charlie Watts is absent from the photo). Courtesy HIP/Art Resource, NY.
2.1Mick Jagger with Billy Preston, Plaza Monumental, Barcelona, 1976. Album/Francesc Fàbregas/Art Resource, NY.
4.1Poster for the 1972 “Exile on Main St” American tour. Grybowski Collection, Library and Archives, Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Museum.
4.2Author in front of the 24-track Helios console inside the Rolling Stones Mobile studio, 2016. National Music Centre, Calgary, Alberta (photo by Tom Knowles).
4.3Cover of Life magazine (July 14, 1972) published during the 1972 tour. Grybowski Collection, Library and Archives, Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Museum.
5.1Atlantic Records promotional photo of the Rolling Stones (1978). Jeff Gold Collection, Library and Archives, Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Museum.
5.2African-American protestors of Some Girls outside Warner Communications, New York City, 1978. Jeff Gold Collection, Library and Archives, Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and Museum.
6.1Publicity shot with Mick Jagger for Godard’s Sympathy for the Devil [One Plus One], 1970. Jeff Gold Collection, Library and Archives, Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and Museum.
7.1Mick Jagger and Dolly Parton following her performance at the Bottom Line, New York, May 14, 1977. Jeff Gold Collection, Library and Archives, Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and Museum.
8.1Brian Jones playing sitar on Ready Steady Go, 1966. Jan Olofsson/Redferns/Getty Images.
8.2Rolling Stones concert at the Berlin Waldbühne, September 15, 1965. From l–r: Bill Wyman, Brian Jones, Mick Jagger. Photo: Alexander Enger, Preußischer Kulturbesitz; bpk Bildagentur/Art Resource, NY.
8.3Inter-Office Memo from Andy Wickham to Mo Ostin, December 19, 1969. Mo Ostin Collection, Library and Archives, Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and Museum.
9.1Invoice for the rental of camera and recorder used by Whitehead for the filming of Charlie Is My Darling. Courtesy of Peter Whitehead.
10.1Hasbro “Rolling Stones Trivial Pursuit” (c. 2010). Photo by author.
P.1Rolling Stones concert at the Berlin Waldbühne: audience in front of the stage, September 15, 1965. Photo: Alexander Enger, Preußischer Kulturbesitz; bpk Bildagentur/Art Resource, NY.