This is the first issue of volume 31 of the Nordic Journal of Linguistics. The NJL is the journal of the Nordic Association of Linguists. Individuals may subscribe to the Nordic Journal of Linguistics by joining the Nordic Association of Linguists. The NAL membership form can be found on the Cambridge University Press web site of the NJL, <>, as well as on the NAL web site, <>. We are well aware that there have been problems with joining the NAL in the not so distant past, but we have reasons to hope that soon such problems will only be a memory.
We are happy to announce that the issue 32.2 (2009) of the Nordic Journal of Linguistics will be a special issue on sociolinguistics, edited by Frans Gregersen and Unn Røyneland. For full details, see the call for papers immediately after this note.
We would like to remind our readers and potential contributors that there are three different ways to contribute to the Nordic Journal of Linguistics: (longer) articles, (shorter) debate contributions, and book reviews.
Last, but not least: To all the reviewers who have reviewed papers for the Nordic Journal of Linguistics in the year 2007, we would like to express our heartfelt thanks for your time and effort (also on the part of the editors of the special issue on Aspect and Aktionsart, Raffaella Folli, Heidi Harley and Britta Jensen). In addition to the members of our Editorial Board, these reviewers include:
Ash Asudeh (Ottawa), Uffe Bergeton (Ann Arbor), Kasper Boye, (Copenhagen), Gösta Bruce (Lund), Ken Ramshøj Christensen (Århus), Denis Delfitto (Verona), Nomi Erteschik-Shir (Beer Sheva), Martine Grice (Köln), Gunnar Ólafur Hansson (British Columbia), Pétur Helgason (Uppsala), Gunnar Hrafn Hrafnbjargarson (Tromsø), Lars Johnsen (Bergen), Elsi Kaiser (Los Angeles), Alexandra Kratschmer (Århus), Gjert Kristoffersen (Bergen), Aditi Lahiri (Oxford), Ove Lorentz (Tromsø), Benjamin Lyngfelt (Göteborg), Satu Manninen (Lund), Bruce Morén (Tromsø), Joakim Nivre (Växsjö), Jörg Peters (Nijmegen), Colin Phillips (College Park), Florian Schäfer (Stuttgart), Helmut Schmid (Stuttgart), Jon Sprouse (Irvine), Anne Vainikka (Baltimore), and Matthew Whelpton (Reykjavík).