General Editors
leslie bank, Human Sciences Research Council, South Africa
harri englund, University of Cambridge
deborah james, London School of Economics and Political Science
adeline masquelier, Tulane University, Louisiana
helene neveu-kringelbach, University College London
david pratten, University of Oxford
Managing Editor
Stephanie Kitchen, International African Institute, London
The International African Library is a major monograph series from the International African Institute. Theoretically informed ethnographies, and studies of social relations ‘on the ground’ which are sensitive to local cultural forms, have long been central to the Institute’s publications programme. The IAL maintains this strength and extends it into new areas of contemporary concern, both practical and intellectual. It includes works focussed on the linkages between local, national, and global levels of society; writings on political economy and power; studies at the interface of the sociocultural and the environmental; analyses of the roles of religion, cosmology, and ritual in social organisation; and historical studies, especially those of a social, cultural, or interdisciplinary character.
For a list of titles published in the series, please see the end of the book.