ReCALL is the journal of EUROCALL (The European Association for Computer-Assisted Language Learning). The following list provides a selection of the resources that are available from EUROCALL’s website at
Information about forthcoming and past conferences, including access to conference Proceedings and online materials from the Virtual Strand.
A peer-reviewed online publication which includes reports on relevant projects as well as other topical information.
National websites
Access to numerous national/regional EUROCALL websites, giving information about local activities.
Events calendar
A regularly-updated listing of conferences, seminars and workshops related to CALL and/or educational technology.
CALL Bibliography
A large, continuously updated bibliography of books, journals and discussion lists for computer-assisted language learning researchers and practitioners.
Postgraduate CALL courses
A list of some of the postgraduate courses related to CALL and educational technology available in the UK and elsewhere.
Online access to ReCALL
Individual and corporate members of EUROCALL can use their membership I/D to access current and back numbers of ReCALL via Cambridge Journals Online. To join EUROCALL, go to
The EUROCALL conference 2010 will be held at theUniversity of Bordeaux, France, 8–11 September 2010.