The seventy-first General Meeting of the Society took place at McGill University, in Montreal, Canada, during 2–5 August, under the presidency of Prof. Carl Holladay (USA). There were about 190 participants, of which 154 were members. The chair of the Local Organizing Committee was Prof. Gerbern Oegema. On the first evening, the Society was welcomed at a reception in the Redpath Hall.
The Academic Programme
The President delivered his Presidential Address entitled ‘Acts as Kerygma: λαλεῖν τὸν λόγον’ at the opening plenary session of the Society. Main Papers in plenary sessions were presented by Profs. G. Bonneau (Canada), ‘Images et émotions: prolégomènes à l'étude de la réception des textes néotestamentaires dans les tableaux du Caravage’; P. Fredriksen (Israel), ‘How Jewish is God? Theology and Ethnicity in Ancient Christianity’; R. Uro (Finland), ‘Cognitive Science in the Study of Early Christianity: How It Is helpful, and Why?’; and Jens Herzer (Germany), ‘Zwischen Mythos und Wahrheit: Neue Perspektiven auf die Pastoralbriefe’.
In a plenary Quaestiones Disputatae session chaired by the President, the question ‘Marcion's Gospel and the New Testament: Catalyst or Consequence?’ was explored by three disputants: Profs. M. Klinghardt (Germany); J. BeDuhn (USA; guest); and J. Lieu (UK).
Seventeen short papers were presented in three sessions of simultaneous papers. First session: M. Winger (USA), ‘Why Did the Evangelists Make up Stories?’; G. Benyik (Hungary), ‘Love your Enemy and Hate your Neighbour (Matthew 5.43)’; A. Reinhartz (Canada), ‘The Lyin’ King? Duplicity and Christology in the Gospel of John’; C. H. Cosgrove (USA), ‘Did Lamenting Women Compose the Earliest Passion Story? Form and Content of Greek Ritual Laments in the Roman Era’; J. Cook (USA), ‘Resurrection in Paganism and Bousset on an Empty Tomb in 1 Corinthians 15.4’; and R. M. Thorsteinsson (Iceland), ‘Pan(en)theism in Paul?’. Second session: N. Förster (Germany), ‘Jesus der Täufer und die Reinwaschung der Jünger’; J. Glancy (USA), ‘Domestic vs. Conjugal Sexual Ethics: Implications for Understanding Jesus’ Teachings on Adultery in the Gospel of Matthew’; P. N. Anderson (USA), ‘John 6: The Grand Central Station of Johannine Critical Issues’; E. J. Epp (USA), ‘Text-Critical Witnesses and Methodology for Isolating a Distinctive D-Text in Acts’; and R. Aus (Germany), ‘Baptism in 1 Corinthians 10.2, and Washing in Judaic Tradition on Ezekiel 16.9’. Third session: S. Guijarro (Spain), ‘Recent Archaeological Excavations at Magdala and the Galilee of Jesus’; C. Newman (USA), ‘Narrative Apocalyptic in Ephesians’; L. Welborn (USA), ‘Paul's Place in a First-Century Revival of the Discourse of “Equality”’; R. Brawley (USA), ‘Pharisees in the Narrative World of Luke-Acts’; F. Wilk (Germany), ‘Zitat und Anspielung: Sinn und Zweck der Kombination verschiedenartiger Schriftbezüge im 1. Korintherbrief’; and A. A. Das (USA), ‘Imperial Cult Pressure on the Early Christian Movement: Myth and Reality Relative to Paul's Letter to the Galatians’.
Fourteen seminars, with the following topics and presenters, met three times each during the General Meeting:
1. Apostolic Fathers, Apologists and the History of Early Christianity (convenors: C. Breytenbach, C. K. Rothschild). (a) J. A. Kelhoffer (Sweden), ‘Eschatology, Androgynous Thinking, and the Question of Antignosticism in 2 Clement 12’; respondent: I. Dunderberg (Finland); (b) G. Bazzana (USA), ‘2 Clement within the Ancient Clementine Literature: Observations on Scriptural Quotations and Social Thought’; respondent: W. Pratscher (Austria); (c) P. Duncan (USA; guest), ‘The Portrait of the Christian Philosopher in the Pseudo-Clementine Homilies’; respondent: G. Bazzana (USA).
2. The Greek of the New Testament (convenors: J. W. Voelz, J. Peláez, P. Danove). (a) M. E. Hayes (USA; guest), ‘An Analysis of the Attributive Participle and the Relative Clause in the Greek New Testament’; respondent: D. Black (USA); (b) J. Peláez (Spain), ‘The Organization of the Entry γίνομαι in the Greek New Testament Lexicons: a New Proposal’; respondent: P. Danove (USA); (c) J. W. Voelz (USA), ‘The Greek of the Gospel of John: A Deep Sounding. Features of John's Language in John 1–6 and 18–21’.
3. Inhalte und Probleme einer neutestamentlichen Theologie (convenors: C. Landmesser, M. Seifrid). (a) C. Landmesser (Germany), Review of John Barclay, Paul and the Gift (Eerdmans, 2015); respondent: J. Barclay (UK); (b) P-G. Klumbies (Germany), ‘Gnade und Geschenk in den synoptischen Evangelien’.
4. The Johannine Writings (convenors: J. Frey, M. Gruber, Ch. Karakolis). (a) A. Hentschel (Germany; guest), ‘Sin, Healing and Purification in John (John 5, 9 and 13)’; respondent: P. Mareček (Czech Republic); (b) J. Zumstein (Switzerland), ‘Die vielfältige Interpretation des Brotwunders in Joh. 6’; respondent: S. Luther (Germany; guest); (c) I. Dunderberg (Finland), ‘John, the Gnostics and the Eucharist’.
5. The Development of Early Christian Ethics within its Jewish and Greco-Roman Christian Contexts (convenors: M. Konradt; W. R. G. Loader). (a) M. Konradt (Germany), ‘Die Entwicklung frühchristlicher Ethik: Ein forschungsgeschichtlicher Zugang zur Fragestellung des Seminars’; respondent: M. Wolter (Germany); (b) J. Gundry (USA), ‘“Becoming One Flesh” and the Politics of Sexual Reproduction: 1 Corinthians 6–7 in the Light of Biblical/Jewish and Greco-Roman Traditions on Marriage, Sex, Sexual Desire and Procreation’; respondent: K. Gaca (USA; guest); (c) W. R. G. Loader (Australia), ‘Reading Romans 1 on Homosexuality in the Light of Biblical/Jewish and Greco-Roman Perspectives of its Time’.
6. The Mission and Expansion of Earliest Christianity (convenors: E. Eung-Chun Park, P. Trebilco, G. Yorke). (a) D. Palmer (West Indies), ‘Messianic Mission in Acts: A Literary Exploration’; respondent: P. Trebilco (New Zealand); (b) M. Tsuji (Japan), ‘From the Baptism of John to the Baptism in the Name of Jesus Christ (Acts 18.24–19.7): Unification of Baptism in Earliest Christianity?’; (c) E. Wong (Hong Kong), ‘Dialectic of ἀλήθεια and ἐλευθερία as a Theological Foundation for Paul's Torah-Free Mission in Galatians’.
7. Hebrews (convenors: C. A. Eberhart, W. Kraus). (a) D. Moffitt (UK; guest), ‘Diatheke (διαθήκη) in the Septuagint and in Secular Greek Literature / Diathäke (διαθήκη) in der Septuaginta und in der Profangräzität’; (b) C. Eberhart (USA), ‘Covenant Theology in the New Testament (without Hebrews) / Bundestheologie im Neuen Testament (ohne Hebräerbrief)’; respondent: G. Holtz (Germany); (c) W. Kraus (Germany), ‘Covenant Theology in Hebrews / Bundestheologie im Hebräerbrief’; respondent: C. Grappe (France).
8. Social History and the New Testament (convenors: H. Löhr, M. Öhler, A. Runesson). (a) J. R. Harrison (Australia), ‘The Polis, its Gods and the Jews of Asia: Perspectives from Ionia, Lydia and the Lycus Valley’; respondent: P. Fredriksen (Israel); (b) J. S. Kloppenborg (Canada), ‘Associations, Christ Groups and their Place in the Polis’; respondent: J. A. Harrill (USA) [this session met jointly with Seminar 11]; (c) R. Last (Canada; guest), ‘The Neighbourhoods (vici) of Christ-Believers in Roman Cities and Towns’; respondent: M. Öhler (Austria).
9. Early Jewish Theologies and the New Testament (convenors: J. Herzer, G. Oegema). (a) A. Gignac (Canada), ‘Les contributions québécoises et canadiennes à la recherche sur les manuscrits de la mer Morte’; (b) H. Lichtenberger (Germany), ‘The Biblical Psalter and the Hodayot’; (c) A. Harkins (USA; guest), ‘Second Temple Theologies of Mourning: The Hodayot and the New Testament’.
10. Reconsidering Literarkritik of the Pauline Letters and its Impact on their Interpretation (convenors: E.-M. Becker, R. Bieringer). (a) B. Neil (Australia; guest), ‘Papal Letters as Community Documents in the Sixth Century’; (b) E.-M. Becker (Denmark), ‘Überlegungen zur literarischen Einheitlichkeit des Philipperbriefs’; (c) R. Bieringer (Belgium), ‘In Search of the Unity of the So-Called Letter of Reconciliation: An Analysis of 2 Corinthians 1.1–2.13; 7.5–16; 13.11–13’.
11. Papyrology, Epigraphy and the New Testament (convenors: P. Arzt-Grabner, J. S. Kloppenborg). (a) R. Ascough (Canada), ‘Desirable Death: Burial and Memorial in Associations and Paul's “Dying as Gain” (Philippians 1.20–6)’; respondent: D. Smith (Canada); (b) J. S. Kloppenborg (Canada), ‘Associations, Christ Groups and their Place in the Polis’; respondent: J. A. Harrill (USA) [this session met jointly with Seminar 8].
12. Reading Paul's Letters in Context: Theological and Social-Scientific Approaches (convenors: W. Campbell, J. Gundry). (a) T. Donaldson (Canada), ‘Abraham's Seed, Natural Law in a Pessimistic Tenor and Paul's ἔθνη-in-Christ’; (b) P. Fredriksen (Israel), ‘Christ and the Kingdom: The Son of David in Pauline Eschatology’; (c) M. Thiessen (USA; guest), ‘Paul, the Animal Apocalypse and Abraham's Gentile Seed’.
13. New Testament Textual Criticism (convenors: C. Clivaz, U. Schmid, T. Wasserman). (a) H. Houghton (UK), ‘Early Commentaries as Sources for the New Testament Text: Reflections on Theory and Practice’; respondent: D. Trobisch (Germany); (b) A. Donaldson (USA; guest), ‘Explicit References to Variant Readings among the Church Fathers and their Application to Modern Textual Criticism’; respondent: J. Cook (USA); (c) M. Holmes (USA), ‘Early Writers and the Early Text(s) of the New Testament’; respondent: T. Wasserman (Sweden).
14. Memory, Narrative and Christology in the Synoptic Gospels (convenors: S. Byrskog, J. Schröter, S. Hultgren). (a) D. Moessner (USA), ‘Papias's “Living Voice”: “Bedrock” or “Slippery Slope” for Synoptic Tradition?’; (b) A. Zwiep (Netherlands), ‘Orality and Memory in the Story of Jairus and the Haemorrhaging Woman (Mark 5.21–43 parr.): an Attempt (Not) to Go behind What is Written’; (c) S. Hübenthal (Germany), ‘Another Jesus Remembered: Reading Luke's Narration through a Memory Theory Lens’.
The Business Meetings
At the two Business Meetings of the Society, members formally elected Prof. Michael Wolter (Germany) to the post of President for the 72nd General Meeting in Pretoria, South Africa in 2017 (until which time he assumes the office of President-Elect). The Committee intimated the nomination of Prof. Jean Zumstein (Switzerland) to the post of President at the 73rd General Meeting in Athens, Greece in 2018. He becomes Presidential Nominee until the 2017 General Meeting in Pretoria, when his nomination will be voted on by the Society.
Profs. Andreas Dettwiler (Switzerland) and Christos Karakolis (Greece) retired from the Committee at the conclusion of the General Meeting in Montreal. Profs. Uta Poplutz (Germany) and Risto Uro (Finland) were elected to replace them and will serve on the Committee for a period of three years.
The Society received the Treasurer's Report and formally accepted the statement of accounts as presented by the Treasurer, Dr Kathy Ehrensperger (UK). Members were reminded that the collection of membership fees was now being processed electronically by CUP. Members were encouraged to register and make payments online. In the light of successive annual deficits, the membership approved an increase in subscription from 2017.
The Assistant Secretary for International Initiatives, Prof. William R. G. Loader (Australia), reported on the work of the various liaison committees (of which there are four: the Eastern European Liaison Committee, the African Liaison Committee, the Asian/Pacific Liaison Committee and the Latin America/Caribbean Liaison Committee), and the SNTS Electronic Library. The main goals of the international initiatives of the Society remain to promote the scholarly study of the New Testament in all parts of the world, to expand the Society's footprint internationally, and to increase its membership in regions where it is underrepresented.
The Editor of New Testament Studies, Prof. Francis Watson (UK), reported that 118 articles had been submitted to the Journal over the past year; 19 were accepted for publication. J. A. Harrill (USA), D. Horrell (UK), A. Marjanen (Finland), H. Omerzu (Denmark), T. Wasserman (Sweden) and F. Wilk (Germany) were due to retire from the Board at the end of 2016. To replace these members, the Editorial Board nominated, and the Society elected, pending appointment by the Press, the following members to serve in their place, during the period January 2017 – December 2019: P. Arzt-Grabner (Austria), H. Bond (UK), H. Houghton (UK), K. Huber (Germany), J. Kelhoffer (Sweden), C. Moss (USA) and J. Verheyden (Belgium).
The Editor of the Monograph Series, Prof. Paul Trebilco (New Zealand), reported that two monographs had been published since the previous General Meeting, two volumes were in production, and four further projects had been, or were about to be, contracted. The Society elected Prof. Edward Adams (UK) to succeed Prof. Trebilco as Editor of the Monograph Series, from January 2018.
The Society received with regret news of the deaths of the following: Profs. John Ashton (February 2016); Donald S. Deer (January 2013); Heinz Giesen (July 2016); Dikran Hadidian; Ferdinand Hahn (July 2015); Robert Hamerton-Kelly (July 2013); Daniel J. Harrington (February 2014); Niels Hyldahl (August 2015); Ivor Jones (April 2016); Günter Klein (January 2016); Helmut Koester (January 2016); Theo de Kruijf (June 2014); Gerard J. Kuiper (September 2014); Stanley B. Marrow (February 2012); I. Howard Marshall (December 2015); M. J. J. Menken (March 2016); Elliot M. Mgojo (September 2012); Franz Mussner (March 2016); Kurt Niederwimmer (December 2015); Dennis Nineham (July 2016); Gonzalo Aranda Perez (April 2016); Quentin Quesnell (November 2012); Heikki Räisänen (December 2016); James M. Robinson (March 2016); Cyril Rodd (August 2015); Jack T. Sanders (January 2016); B. Schneider (January 2015); Luise Schottroff (February 2015); John H. Schütz (September 2015); D. Moody Smith (May 2016); Jan Szlaga (April 2012); Jean-Marie Van Cangh (May 2013). Members observed a minute's silence in memory of these scholars.
The following eighteen New Testament scholars were elected to the Society: Rev. Dr Vicky (Victoria) S. Balabanski (Senior Lecturer, Flinders University of South Australia; Director of Biblical Studies, Uniting College for Leadership and Theology, Australia); Dr Bärbel Bosenius (Teacher, Grammar School, Wandlitz; Privatdozentin for New Testament, Humboldt University, Berlin, Germany); Dr Marijke H. de Lang (Global Translation Advisor, United Bible Societies); Dr Athanasios Despotis (PD, Protestant Theological Faculty of the University of Bonn, Germany); Dr Gabriella Gelardini (Privatdozentin für Neues Testament, Universität Basel, Switzerland); Dr Nathan Eubank (Associate Professor of New Testament Studies, Oxford University; Tutor Fellow, Keble College, Oxford, UK); Dr Patrick Gray (Associate Professor of Biblical Studies, Rhodes College, Memphis, TN, USA); Prof. George H. Guthrie (Benjamin W. Perry Professor of Bible, Union University, Jackson, TN, USA); Dr Juan Hernández Jr (Professor of New Testament and Early Christianity, Bethel University, St. Paul, MN, USA); Prof. Dr Christina Hoegen-Rohls (Professor für Bibelwissenschaften (Altes/Neues Testament) und ihre Didaktik, Universität Münster, Germany); Dr Fergus J. King (Conjoint Senior Lecturer, University of Newcastle, NSW; Honorary Research Fellow at Trinity Theological College, University of Divinity, Melbourne, Australia); Dr David Lincicum (Associate Professor of New Testament and Early Christian Studies, University of Notre Dame, USA); Prof. Dr Christoph Markschies (Professor of Ancient Christianity, Humboldt University, Berlin, Germany); Dr Kevin B. McCruden (Professor of Religious Studies, Gonzaga University, Spokane, WA, USA); Dr Nils Neumann (Vertretungsdozent für Neues Testament, Universität Bern, Germany); Dr Thomas B. Slater (Professor of New Testament Language and Literature, Mercer University, Macon, GA, USA); Prof. H. Gregory Snyder (Professor of Religion, Davidson College, NC, USA); Dr Michael Theophilos (Senior Lecturer in Biblical Studies and Ancient Languages, Australian Catholic University).
Social Events
Social events at the General Meeting included a Cabane à sucre dinner in Vieux-Montréal at the Auberge St-Gabriel, a reception at the Church of St Andrew and St Paul, followed by an organ and choir concert, and, on the final night, a gala dinner at the Delta Hotel. There were optional excursions on the Saturday to Québec City, Mont-Tremblant and Ottawa.
Future General Meetings
The Society will hold its annual General Meeting in Pretoria, South Africa in 2017, in Athens, Greece in 2018, and in Marburg, Germany in 2019.