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Preprint policy at Cambridge University Press

A ‘preprint’ is an early version of a manuscript, created prior to the version submitted for publication. Cambridge's preprint policy permits you to share any pre-submission version of your manuscript anywhere, at any time, under any licence.

It is best practice to link preprints to the final published work (the ‘Version of Record’). If you have posted your preprint online, we encourage you to cite your preprint in your submitted manuscript, including details such as a DOI or other persistent identifier. If your manuscript is accepted and published by Cambridge, we also encourage you to update your preprint’s records to link it to your final published Version of Record, using a DOI and URL to link to the version published by Cambridge.

For information about sharing other versions of your manuscript, please see our Green Open Access policies linked below, or contact .

Frequently asked questions

Green Open Access policies

Our Green Open Access policies provide further information about how authors are permitted to share various versions of their manuscripts online.