The present bibliography is a continuation of and a complement to those published in the Urban History Yearbook 1974–91 and Urban History from 1992. The arrangement and format closely follows that of previous years. The list of abbreviations identifies only those periodicals from which articles cited this year have been taken, though many other journals are also checked.
I General
Research methods, aids and materials
Maps and plans
Archives – descriptions and examples
Urban history, definitions and aims
Theory of urbanization
Empirical studies of urbanization
History, growth and fortunes of individual towns
Literary portrayals and personal reminiscences
II Population
General features of urban population
Natality and mortality
Migration to, from and between towns
Family and household structure
III Physical structure
Research methods, aids and materials
Physical and structural characteristics of towns
Physical and structural characteristics of area
Land ownership
Heritage and the historic environment
IV Social structure
Research methods, aids and materials
Social organization, clubs and societies
Class structure
Social life
Social life, customs and traditions
Social problems and deviance
Social reforms and improvement
Minority groups
Family life
V Economic activity
Urban economic activity
External trade
Food supply
Finance, banking and industry
Standard of living
Working conditions
Labour organization
VI Communications
Inter-urban communications
VII Politics and administration
Aspects of urban administration
Political activism
VIII Shaping the urban environment
Research methods, aids and materials
Town planning (and environmental control)
Utopian planning and experiments
Urban renewal
IX Urban culture
Urban culture and entertainment
Forms of entertainment
Exchange of information
Emotions and the senses
X Attitudes towards cities
Attitudes towards cities
Views of the city in literature, graphics & drama
Journals abbreviations used
- A
- A & R
Archives & Records
Annals of the American Association of Geographers
- AC
Archaeologia Cantiana
Annals de Démographie Historique
Australian Economic History Review
- AJ
Archaeological Journal
Archives of Natural History
- Arc
- ArchH
Architectural History
- AtlSt
Atlantic Studies
- B & L
Buildings and Landscapes
- BatW
Britain and the World
Bulletin of the History of Medicine
British Journal for the History of Science
British Journal of Middle Eastern Studies
Book of the Old Edinburgh Club
- BookH
Book History
- BQ
Baptist Quarterly
- BuH
Business History
Contemporary British History
Canadian Bulletin of Medical History
Central European History
- ChH
Church History
- ChP
Childhood in the Past
- CitC
City and Community
- ContC
Continuity and Change
- CH
Court Historian
Comparative Studies in Society and History
- CulSH
Cultural and Social History
- CVeE
Cahiers Victorians et édourdiens
- DC
Dutch Crossing
- EAmS
Early American Studies
Early Modern Women
- EcHR
Economic History Review
Eighteenth Century Music
Eighteenth Century Studies
English Historical Review
- EI
- EMus
Early Music
- EnH
Environmental History
- EnvH
Environment and History
- EP A
Environment and Planning A
- EP B
Environment and Planning B
- EP E
Environment and Planning E
Explorations in Renaissance Culture
- ES
Enterprise and Society
- EurRH
European Review of History
Family and Community History
- FH
French History
French Historical Studies
- G & H
Gender and History
- GE
Global Environment
- GeH
German History
Global Food History
- H
- HC
History Compass
- HE
History of Education
- HF
History of the Family
- HIre
History Ireland
- HJ
Historical Journal
Historical Journal of Massachusetts
- HM
Historical Methods
- HR
Historical Research
Historical Reflections/Réflexions historiques
History of Retailing and Consumption
- HS
Histoire Sociale/Social History
- HSci
History of Science
- HT
History Today
- HU
Histoire urbaine
History Workshop Journal
- I & M
Immigrants & Minorities
Industrial Archaeology Review
Irish Economic and Social History
Indian Economic and Social History Review
- IG
Irish Geography
International Journal of Historical Archaeology
International Journal of African Historical Studies
- IJHerS
International Journal of Heritage Studies
International Journal of the History of Sport
International Journal of Maritime History
International Journal of Regional and Local History
International Journal of Urban and Regional Research
International Labor and Working-Class History
- IM
Imago Mundi
- InnR
Innes Review
International Review of Social History
Irish Studies Review
- JA
Journal of Architecture
Journal of Australian Colonial History
Journal of American Ethnic History
- JAfrH
Journal of African History
- JASc
Journal of Archaeological Science
Journal of the British Archaeological Association
Journal of British Studies
Journal of Colonialism and Colonial History
- JeH
Jewish History
Journal of Early Modern History
Journal of Family History
Journal of the Galway Archaeological and Historical Society
Journal of Genocide Research
Journal of the History of Collections
Journal of Historical Geography
Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Services
Journal of Hellenistic Pottery and Material Culture
Journal of Historical Sociology
Journal of Imperial and Commonwealth History
Journal of Medieval History
- JModH
The Journal of Modern History
- JPacH
Journal of Pacific History
Journal of Planning History
- JPopC
Journal of Popular Culture
Journal of South East Asian Studies
- JSocH
Journal of Social History
Journal of Tourism History
Journal of Urban History
Journal of World History
Journal of Victorian Culture
Journal of Women's History
- L&HR
Law and History Review
- LabH
Labor History
- LandH
Landscape History
Law, Crime and History
Labour History Review
- LJ
London Journal
- LocH
Local Historian
Local Population Studies
- MAsS
Modern Asian Studies
Middle Eastern Studies
- MH
Medical History
- MidH
Midland History
- MM
Mariner's Mirror
- MuHJ
Museum History Journal
Nineteenth Century Theatre and Film
- NH
Northern History
New Hibernia Review
- NP
Nomadic Peoples
New Theatre Quarterly
- P & P
Past & Present
- PaedH
Paedagogica Historica
- ParlH
Parliamentary History
- PH
Pennsylvania History
- PlP
Planning Perspectives
Post-Medieval Archaeology
- PQ
Print Quarterly
- R & C
Race and Class
- RatA
Religion and the Arts
Research Chronicle, Royal Musical Association
Radical History Review
- RS
Renaissance Studies
- SaA
Slavery and Abolition
- SAs
South Asia
Studies in Church History
- SH
Social History
- Sha
Studies in the History of Gardens and Design
- SHib
Studia Hibernica
- SHMed
Social History of Medicine
Scandinavian Journal of History
Scottish Labour History
Scottish Literary Review
- Spec
- SpiH
Sport in History
Transactions of the Bristol and Gloucestershire Archaeological Society
Twentieth Century British History
- ThJ
Theatre Journal
Transactions of the Royal Historical Society
- UH
Urban History
- US
Urban Studies
- VA
Vernacular Architecture
Visual Culture in Britain
- VL&C
Victorian Literature and Culture
Victorian Periodicals Review
- W & MQ
William and Mary Quarterly
- WA
World Archaeology
- WH
Water History
Welsh History Review
- WomHR
Women's History Review
Women's Studies International Forum
Yorkshire Archaeological Journal
I General
Research methods, aids and materials
1 CRISTIANINI N, LANSDALL-WELFARE T & DATO G, Large-scale content analysis of historical newspapers in the town of Gorizia 1873–1914. HM 51 3 (2018) 139–64.
2 DOLANSKY F & RAUCCI S, Rome: a sourcebook on the ancient city. London: Bloomsbury Academic 2018. pp 272.
3 MUHTADI A & NAÏLI F, Back into the imperial fold: the end of Egyptian rule through the court records of Jerusalem, 1839–1840. In DALACHANIS A & LEMIRE V eds, Ordinary Jerusalem, 1840–1940: opening new archives, revisiting a global city. Leiden: Brill 2018. 186–99.
4 NIGHTINGALE C, Will the transnational city be digitalized? The dialectics of diversified spatial media and expanded spatial scopes. In SANDOVAL-STRAUSZ A & KWAK N eds, Making cities global: the transnational turn in urban history. Philadelphia: University of Philadelphia Press 2018. 252–64.
5 OATES J, London's East End: a guide for family and local historians. Barnsley: Pen and Sword Books 2018. pp 182.
6 O'CONNELL S, The troubles with a lower case t: undergraduates and Belfast's difficult history. TRHS 28 1 (2018) 219–39.
7 SANDOVAL-STRAUSZ A & KWAK N, Introduction. Why transnationalize urban history? In SANDOVAL-STRAUSZ A & KWAK N eds, Making cities global: the transnational turn in urban history. Philadelphia: University of Philadelphia Press 2018. 1–16.
8 SMITH H, BENNETT R & RADICIC D, Towns in Victorian England and Wales: a new classification. UH 45 4 (2018) 568–94.
Maps and plans
9 KOYOUMJIAN P, Herman Moll and the London map trade, 1678–1732. IM 70 2 (2018) 252–3.
10 MARTIN B, A history of the cartography of Burgos in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. IM 70 2 (2018) 253–4.
11 Ó CIONAITH F, The anatomy of a map: John Brownrigg's 1799 Dublin Series. SHib 44 1 (2018) 79–102.
12 PINTO S, A sixteenth-century draft plan of Lisbon's western suburb. IM 70 1 (2018) 27–51.
13 SVATEK P, Ethnic cartography and politics in Vienna, 1918–1945. BJHS 51 1 (2018) 99–121.
14 WILES K, The map: Kyoto c. 1626. HT 68 2 (2018) 4–5.
15 ZELLER O & GAUTHIEZ B, Se repérer à Lyon à l’époque moderne habitants, consuls et cartographes. HU 53 3 (2018) 37–62.
Archives – descriptions and examples
16 AVCI Y, LEMIRE V & ÖZDEMIR Y, Collective petitions (ʿarż-ı maḥżār) as a reflective archival source for Jerusalem's networks of Citadinité in the late 19th century. In DALACHANIS A & LEMIRE V eds, Ordinary Jerusalem, 1840–1940: opening new archives, revisiting a global city. Leiden: Brill 2018. 161–85.
17 DALACHANIS A & TSELIKAS A, Patriarchal archives and scales of analysis of Greek Orthodox Jerusalem in the late Ottoman and Mandate periods. In DALACHANIS A & LEMIRE V eds, Ordinary Jerusalem, 1840–1940: opening new archives, revisiting a global city. Leiden: Brill 2018. 118–36.
18 GERD L & POTIN Y, Foreign affairs through private papers: Bishop Porfirii Uspenskii and his Jerusalem archives, 1842–1860. In DALACHANIS A & LEMIRE V eds, Ordinary Jerusalem, 1840–1940: opening new archives, revisiting a global city. Leiden: Brill 2018. 100–17.
19 MEMIŞ S, Appointment registers as archival sources for Waqf studies. The case of Jerusalem's Maghariba neighborhood. In DALACHANIS A & LEMIRE V eds, Ordinary Jerusalem, 1840–1940: opening new archives, revisiting a global city. Leiden: Brill 2018. 75–99.
20 MITCHAM J, Digitizing a hospital archive: the Retreat, York. JVC 23 2 (2018) 238–46.
21 RAVENWOOD C & ZIJLSTRA T, Business archives and local communities: corporate heritage in Loughborough, UK. A & R 39 2 (2018) 211–23.
22 SADLER R & COX A, ‘Civil disobedience' in the archive: documenting women's activism and experience through the Sheffield Feminist Archive. A & R 39 2 (2018) 158–73.
23 SMITH R, Early modern petitions in the Norwich city records: a newly-catalogued collection at Norfolk Record Office. Arc 136 1 (2018) 12–26.
24 TAMARI S, Waqf endowments in the old city of Jerusalem: changing status and archival sources. In DALACHANIS A & LEMIRE V eds, Ordinary Jerusalem, 1840–1940: opening new archives, revisiting a global city. Leiden: Brill 2018. 490–509.
25 VAUGHAN S, Art and sonic mining in the archives: methods for investigating the wartime history of Birmingham School of Art. HE 47 2 (2018) 225–40.
Urban history, definitions and aims
26 ALTROCK U & FISCHER K, Windows upon the perspectives of planning history. In FISCHER K & ALTROCK U eds, Windows upon planning history. Abingdon: Routledge 2018. 265–8.
27 BEAUREGARD R, Cities in the urban age: a dissent. Chicago: University of Chicago Press 2018. pp 224.
28 GUERRA M, Changing windows on European urban planning history in the twentieth century. In FISCHER K & ALTROCK U eds, Windows upon planning history. Abingdon: Routledge 2018. 52–63.
29 HEYNEN N, AIELLO D, KEEGAN C & LUKE N, The enduring struggle for social justice and the city. AAAG 108 2 (2018) 301–16.
30 MARIN B & FOLIN M, Comment s'orienter dans la ville moderne: Introduction. HU 53 3 (2018) 5–16.
31 NIGHTINGALE C, The global urban history project. PlP 33 1 (2018) 135–8.
32 ORILLARD C, Inventing Grand Paris: metropolitan planning history and its valorization. PlP 33 1 (2018) 125–33.
33 PICCINATO G, How many histories: notes on the tradition of urban history and the reasons that force us to change – changing windows upon the city. In FISCHER K & ALTROCK U eds, Windows upon planning history. Abingdon: Routledge 2018. 40–51.
34 WHYTE W, Buildings, landscapes and regimes of materiality. TRHS 28 1 (2018) 135–48.
35 BLONDÉ B, BOONE M & VAN BRUAENE A-L, City and society in the Low Countries: urbanisation and urban historiography. In BLONDÉ B, BOONE M & VAN BRUAENE A-L eds, City and society in the Low Countries, 1100–1600. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 2018. 1–21.
36 KOHL S, Creating situationist ambiences: Peter Ackroyd's London: the biography. In EHLAND C & FISCHER P eds, Resistance and the city: challenging urban space. Leiden: Brill 2018. 127–42.
37 MORLEY I, The first Filipino city beautiful plans. PlP 33 3 (2018) 433–47.
Theory of urbanization
38 BLONDÉ B, BOONE M & VAN BRUAENE A-L, Epilogue: the legacy of the medieval city in the Low Countries. In BLONDÉ B, BOONE M & VAN BRUAENE A-L eds, City and society in the Low Countries, 1100–1600. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 2018. 255–64.
39 CRAWFORD C, From tractors to territory: socialist urbanization through standardization. JUH 44 1 (2018) 54–77.
40 MARTEK I & LOZANOVSKA M, Consciousness and amnesia: the reconstruction of Skopje considered through ‘Actor Network Theory’. JPH 17 3 (2018) 163–83.
41 RANGANATHAN M, Rule by difference: empire, liberalism, and the legacies of urban ‘improvement’. EP A 50 7 (2018) 1386–406.
42 RAO N, Suburbanization and urban practice in India. In SANDOVAL-STRAUSZ A & KWAK N eds, Making cities global: the transnational turn in urban history. Philadelphia: University of Philadelphia Press 2018. 241–51.
43 VAN DEN BERG M, The discursive uses of Jane Jacobs for the genderfying city: understanding the productions of space for post-Fordist gender notions. US 55 4 (2018) 751–66.
Empirical studies of urbanization
44 BARRETT C, Origins of the French Bastides. JUH 44 3 (2018) 421–56.
45 CRABTREE P, Early medieval Britain: the rebirth of towns in the post-Roman west. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 2018. pp 246.
46 HINGLEY R, Londinium: a biography – Roman London from its origins to the fifth century. London: Bloomsbury Academic 2018. pp 400.
47 SHIN H, Urban movements and the genealogy of urban rights discourses: the case of urban protestors against redevelopment and displacement in Seoul, South Korea. AAAG 108 2 (2018) 356–69.
History, growth and fortunes of individual towns
This section is arranged alphabetically by the name of the town
48 LASSMAN D & LASSMAN N, Bath at war 1939–45. Barnsley: Pen and Sword Books 2018. pp 142.
49 SONG W, Mapping modern Beijing: space, emotion, literary topography. Oxford: Oxford University Press 2018. pp 320.
50 PHILLIPS J, Birmingham at war 1939–45. Barnsley: Pen and Sword Books 2018. pp 209.
51 RIDING T, ‘Making Bombay Island': land reclamation and geographical conceptions of Bombay, 1661–1728. JHG 59 (2018) 27–39.
52 GREEN M, Boston in the Great War. Barnsley: Pen and Sword Books 2018. pp 288.
53 BROWN A & DUMOLYN J, Medieval Bruges c. 850–1550. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 2018. pp 568.
54 DOBBS G, Cardiff and the valleys at war 1939–45. Barnsley: Pen and Sword Books 2018. pp 114.
55 MCCARTHY M, Carlisle: function and change between the first and seventh centuries AD. AJ 175 2 (2018) 292–314.
56 THOMAS M, Making a town: urbanity, rurality, and the politics of place in Ebersbach (Fils), 1945–1989. JUH 44 6 (2018) 1062–80.
57 ARMSTRONG C, Edinburgh at war 1939–45. Barnsley: Pen and Sword Books 2018. pp 216.
58 NISBET S, ‘The different fruits of all the world' – the early colonial connections of Glasgow (c.1660–1740). In CAMPBELL L, WRIGHT D & HALL N eds, Roots of nationhood: the archaeology and history of Scotland. Oxford: Archaeopress 2018. 155–78.
59 WUBS-MROZEWICZ J, Neutrality before Grotius: a city, a state and seven salt ships in the Baltic (1564–1567). JEMH 22 6 (2018) 446–74.
60 WYNN S, Hartlepool in the Great War. Barnsley: Pen and Sword Books 2018. pp 160.
61 DILLEN K, A paradox of maritime access. Origins and consequences of subaltern relations in a medieval portuary system in Flanders: the case of Hoeke. IJMH 30 3 (2018) 405–21
62 OWEN C, Ironbridge in the Great War. Barnsley: Pen and Sword Books 2018. pp 151.
63 BERROCAL M, HERRERO E, MORET M, GONZÁLEZ A, PÉREZ M, RODRÍGUEZ S, CHEVALIER A, VALENTIN F & TSANG C, A comprised archaeological history of Taiwan through the long-term record of Heping Dao, Keelung. IJHA 22 4 (2018) 905–40.
64 ELLIS M, The buzz of business: soundscapes of urbanisation in eighteenth-century London. In DENNEY P, BUCHAN B, ELLISON D & CRAWLEY K eds, Sound, space and civility in the British world, 1700–1850. Abingdon: Routledge 2018. 83–105.
65 COOPER G, Manchester at war 1939–45. Barnsley: Pen and Sword Books 2018. pp 140.
66 LAWRENCE S & DAVIES P, Melbourne: the archaeology of a world city. IJHA 22 1 (2018) 117–30.
67 LAWRENCE S, DAVIES P & SMITH J, Introduction: the archaeology of ‘marvellous Melbourne’. IJHA 22 1 (2018) 1–5.
68 SHEEAN G, Trippers discouraged: New Filey, the building of a select resort, 1800–1900. LocH 48 2 (2018) 146–59.
69 STALLARD M, New Orleans: the bubble and the big easy. HT 68 6 (2018) 8–11.
70 CORNELL P, NILSSON A, PALM L & ROSÉN C, A Scandinavian town and its hinterland: the case of Nya Lödöse. IJHA 22 2 (2018) 186–202.
71 LOMAS K, The rise of Rome: from the Iron Age to the Punic Wars. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press 2018. pp 432.
72 WYNN S, Scarborough in the Great War. Barnsley: Pen and Sword Books 2018. pp 254.
73 ARMSTRONG C, Tynemouth and Wallsend at war 1939–45. Barnsley: Pen and Sword Books 2018. pp 136.
74 TIPTON P, Yateley in the Great War. Barnsley: Pen and Sword Books 2018. pp 216.
Literary portrayals and personal reminiscences
75 AIKEN S, ‘Ní cathair mar a tuairisg í’: (mis)representing the American city in the literature of the Gaelic revival?. EI 51 3 & 4 (2018) 93–118.
76 BOGGS M, ‘Given to you by nature for an enemy’: the landlady in mid-century London. JVC 23 3 (2018) 310–31.
77 FISCHER P, Blending spaces: the Gordon riots in literature. In EHLAND C & FISCHER P eds, Resistance and the city: challenging urban space. Leiden: Brill 2018. 98–112.
78 KUNNAPPILLY A, The trade of the port of Muziris in ancient times. IJMH 30 3 (2018) 519–25.
79 LENNARTZ N, The earl of Rochester: sexual politics, riots and the chaos of the carnivalesque. In EHLAND C & FISCHER P eds, Resistance and the city: challenging urban space. Leiden: Brill 2018. 35–46.
80 MAČEK I, Transmission and transformation: memories of the siege of Sarajevo. In DOWDALL A & HORNE J eds, Civilians under siege from Sarajevo to Troy. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan 2018. 15–35.
81 MAREEL S, Urban space and the literary exploration of self – a rhetorician makes a mental tour through his city. RS 32 1 (2018) 106–20.
82 NUNAN R, Urban depravity, rural unsophistication: hereditary taint in Hardy's Tess of the D'Urbervilles. VL&C 46 2 (2018) 289–307.
83 WACHTER A, ‘This did not happen’: survivors of the siege of Leningrad (1941–1944) and the ‘truth about the blockade’. In DOWDALL A & HORNE J eds, Civilians under siege from Sarajevo to Troy. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan 2018. 37–60.
84 WALLACH Y, Reading the city, writing the self: Arabic and Hebrew urban texts in Jerusalem, 1840–1940. In DALACHANIS A & LEMIRE V eds, Ordinary Jerusalem, 1840–1940: opening new archives, revisiting a global city. Leiden: Brill 2018. 287–304.
II Population
General features of urban population
85 ANDERSSON E & MALMBERG B, Segregation and the effects of adolescent residential context on poverty risks and early income career: a study of the Swedish 1980 cohort. US 55 2 (2018) 365–83.
86 CAMPOS M, Placing Jerusalemites in the history of Jerusalem: the Ottoman census (sicil-i nüfūs) as a historical source. In DALACHANIS A & LEMIRE V eds, Ordinary Jerusalem, 1840–1940: opening new archives, revisiting a global city. Leiden: Brill 2018. 15–28.
87 KUKLO C, Old people in Polish cities in the late eighteenth century. HF 23 3 (2018) 446–65.
88 MCMANUS R, Dublin's lodger phenomenon in the early twentieth century. IESH 45 1 (2018) 23–46.
Natality and mortality
89 ANDREASSON K & SVENSSON P, Demographics and social topography at Nya Lödöse cemetery. IJHA 22 2 (2018) 302–13.
90 BREATHNACH C & GURRIN B, Maternal mortality, Dublin, 1864–1902. SHMed 31 1 (2018) 79–105.
91 BROWN J & GUINNANE T, Infant mortality decline in rural and urban Bavaria: fertility, economic transformation, infant care, and inequality in Bavaria and Munich, 1825–1910. EcHR 71 3 (2018) 853–86.
92 DA SILVA TELLES L, Pregnant slaves, workers in labour: amid doctors and masters in a slave-owning city (nineteenth-century Rio de Janeiro). WomHR 27 6 (2018) 924–38.
93 GLAVATSKAYA E, BOROVIK J & THORVALDSEN G, Urban infant mortality and religion at the end of the nineteenth and in the early twentieth century: the case of Ekaterinburg, Russia. HF 23 1 (2018) 135–53.
94 KLINE W, Back to bed: from hospital to home obstetrics in the city of Chicago. JHMAS 73 1 (2018) 29–51.
95 PICKERING M, GHISLANDI S, USAI M, WILSON C, CONNELLY P, BROTHWELL D & KEELY B, Signatures of degraded body tissues and environmental conditions in grave soils from a Roman and an Anglo-Scandinavian age burial from Hungate, York. JASc 99 (2018) 87–98.
96 PIMENTA T, Midwifery and childbirth among enslaved and freed women in Rio de Janeiro in the first half of the nineteenth century. WomHR 27 6 (2018) 910–23.
97 BARABANOVA K & KRAIKOVSKI A, The management of cholera epidemics and the Neva river in St Petersburg in the nineteenth century. WH 10 2–3 (2018) 163–81.
98 CAFERRO W, Petrarch's war: Florence and the black death in context. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 2018. pp 238.
99 CHIU R, Singing on the street and in the home in times of pestilence: lessons from the 1576–78 plague of Milan. In CORRY M, FAINI M & MENEGHIN A eds, Domestic devotions in early modern Italy. Leiden: Brill 2018. 27–44.
100 COHN JR S, Epidemics: hate and compassion from the plague of Athens to AIDS. Oxford: Oxford University Press 2018. pp 656.
101 ENGELMANN L, ‘A source of sickness': photographic mapping of the plague in Honolulu in 1900. In ENGELMANN L, HENDERSON J & LYNTERIS C eds, Plague and the city. Abingdon: Routledge 2018. 139–58.
102 EVANS N, The disease map and the city: desire and imitation in the Bombay plague, 1896–1914. In ENGELMANN L, HENDERSON J & LYNTERIS C eds, Plague and the city. Abingdon: Routledge 2018. 116–38.
103 FALEYE O, Plague and trade in Lagos, 1924–1931. IJMH 30 2 (2018) 287–301.
104 HARDING V, Plague in early modern London: chronologies, localities, and environments. In ENGELMANN L, HENDERSON J & LYNTERIS C eds, Plague and the city. Abingdon: Routledge 2018. 39–68.
105 HENDERSON J, ‘Filth is the mother of corruption': plague, the poor, and the environment in early modern Florence. In ENGELMANN L, HENDERSON J & LYNTERIS C eds, Plague and the city. Abingdon: Routledge 2018. 69–90.
106 JENNINGS S, Nottinghamshire 1646; plague, disruption of trade and commerce and the cancelling of the goose fair in the county town of Nottingham. MidH 43 2 (2018) 174–89.
107 JILLINGS K, An urban history of the plague: socio-economic, political and medical impacts in a Scottish community, 1500–1650. Abingdon: Routledge 2018. pp 222.
108 JONES C, Whistling in the dark: the local press response in Liverpool to Spanish Flu 1918–1919. LocH 48 4 (2018) 277–85.
109 KERR M, Contagion, isolation, and biopolitics in Victorian London. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan 2018. pp xvii + 370.
110 KHERAJ S, The great epizootic of 1872–73: networks of animal disease in North American urban environments. EnH 23 3 (2018) 495–521.
111 PECKHAM R, Plague views: epidemics, photography, and the ruined city. In ENGELMANN L, HENDERSON J & LYNTERIS C eds, Plague and the city. Abingdon: Routledge 2018. 91–115.
112 POLEYKETT B, Public culture and the spectacle of epidemic disease in Rabat and Casablanca. In ENGELMANN L, HENDERSON J & LYNTERIS C eds, Plague and the city. Abingdon: Routledge 2018. 159–72.
113 RAFFERTY S, SMALLMAN-RAYNOR M & CLIFF A, Variola Minor in England and Wales: the geographical course of a smallpox epidemic and the impediments to effective disease control, 1920–1935. JHG 59 (2018) 2–14.
114 RAWCLIFFE C, ‘Great stenches, horrible sights, and deadly abominations': butchery and the battle against plague in late medieval English towns. In ENGELMANN L, HENDERSON J & LYNTERIS C eds, Plague and the city. Abingdon: Routledge 2018. 18–38.
115 BARRY J, John Houghton and medical practice in London c. 1700. BHM 92 4 (2018) 575–603.
116 BARRY J, The ‘compleat physician’ and experimentation in medicines: Everard Maynwaring (c.1629–1713) and the restoration debate on medical practice in London. MH 62 2 (2018) 155–76.
117 BAUM E, The invention of madness: state, society, and the insane in modern China. Chicago: University of Chicago Press 2018. pp 304.
118 BOURMAUD P, Epidemiology and the city: communal vs. intercommunal health policy-making in Jerusalem from the Ottomans to the Mandate, 1908–1925. In DALACHANIS A & LEMIRE V eds, Ordinary Jerusalem, 1840–1940: opening new archives, revisiting a global city. Leiden: Brill 2018. 440–56.
119 CHAREST-BOURDON N & PETITCLERC M, Le ‘sou du pauvre’: les municipalités, l'indigence et l'accès aux soins hospitaliers au début du XXe siècle à Montréal. HS 51 103 (2018) 75–96.
120 COAKLEY D & COAKLEY M, The history and heritage of St James's Hospital, Dublin. Dublin: Four Courts 2018. pp 528.
121 COX C & MARLAND H, ‘He must die or go mad in this place’: prisoners, insanity, and the Pentonville model prison experiment, 1842–52. BHM 92 1 (2018) 78–109.
122 HEIMDAHL J & VRETEMARK M, Oozing ulcer: herbal cure the medical cultures of Nya Lödöse reflected in bones and plants. IJHA 22 2 (2018) 314–42.
123 HELM D, Doctors, druggists and patients: the end of the medical marketplace in mid-nineteenth-century Gloucester. MidH 43 1 (2018) 62–81.
124 HREŠANOVÁ E, The island of alternatives: power, medical science, and ‘gentle birthing’ in socialist Czechoslovakia. JHMAS 73 1 (2018) 73–95.
125 KUHN P, When Ernest Jones first arrived in Toronto; or, reappraising the Bruce letter. CBMH 35 1 (2018) 94–136.
126 LÓPEZ-DURÁN F & MOORE N, Meat-milieu: medicalization, aestheticization and productivity in Buenos Aires and its pampas, 1868–1950. UH 45 2 (2018) 253–74.
127 MANGION C, ‘Tolerable intolerance’: Protestantism, sectarianism and voluntary hospitals in late-nineteenth-century London. MH 62 4 (2018) 468–84.
128 MANT M, Children in the London: inpatient care in a voluntary general hospital. MH 62 3 (2018) 295–313.
129 MARTUCCI J, Religion, medicine, and politics: Catholic physicians' guilds in America, 1909–32. BHM 92 2 (2018) 287–316.
130 MOLD A, Exhibiting good health: public health exhibitions in London, 1948–71. MH 62 1 (2018) 1–26.
131 NAKAJIMA C, Body, society, and nation: the creation of public health and urban culture in Shanghai. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press 2018. pp 328.
132 PINTO S, Lunatic asylums in colonial Bombay: shackled bodies, unchained minds. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan 2018. pp xvii + 242.
133 RAZ M, Psychiatrists and the transformation of juvenile justice in Philadelphia, 1965–1972. JHMAS 73 4 (2018) 437–63.
134 STOLBERG M, Learning anatomy in late sixteenth-century Padua. HSci 56 4 (2018) 381–402.
135 VAUGHAN M, A research enclave in 1940s Nigeria: the Rockefeller Foundation yellow fever research institute at Yaba, Lagos, 1943–49. BHM 92 1 (2018) 172–205.
136 WILLIAMS C, Health and welfare in St Petersburg, 1900–1941. Abingdon: Routledge 2018. pp 310.
137 WITHEY A, Medical practice in early modern Wrexham and Cardiff. WHR 29 2 (2018) 168–95
Migration to, from and between towns
138 ABOUT I, Control, identification, and expulsion in Paris, Lyon, and Marseille, 1900s–1930s. In GREEFS H & WINTER A eds, Migration policies and materialities of identification in European cities, paper and gates 1500–1930s. Abingdon: Routledge 2018. 265–86.
139 BARBER L, ‘This would be a ghost town’: urban crisis and Latino migration in Lawrence, 1945–2000. HJM 46 1 (2018) 47–78.
140 BECKER P, Passports and personal identification in cities of Habsburg Austria. In GREEFS H & WINTER A eds, Migration policies and materialities of identification in European cities, paper and gates 1500–1930s. Abingdon: Routledge 2018. 217–42.
141 BEN-BASSAT Y & HALEVY D, A tale of two cities and one telegram: the Ottoman military regime and the population of Greater Syria during WW1. BJMES 45 2 (2018) 212–30.
142 BINDERNAGEL F, Deutschsprachige migranten in Buenos Aires: geteilte erinnerungen and umkämpfte geschichtsbilder 1910–1932. Leiden: Brill 2018. pp 271.
143 CHEN C & FAN C, Gender and generational differences in first outward- and first inward-moves: an event-history analysis of rural migrants of China. EP A 50 8 (2018) 1646–69.
144 CRYMBLE A, DENNETT A & HITCHCOCK T, Modelling regional imbalances in English plebeian migration to late eighteenth-century London. EcHR 71 3 (2018) 747–71.
145 DE SOUZA B, Immigration and the path dependence of education: the case of German-speakers in São Paulo, Brazil (1840–1920). EcHR 71 2 (2018) 506–39.
146 DEBACKERE E, The use of travel and identity documents in Antwerp during the second half of the nineteenth century. In GREEFS H & WINTER A eds, Migration policies and materialities of identification in European cities, paper and gates 1500–1930s. Abingdon: Routledge 2018. 175–92.
147 DIAZ D, Receiving, selecting, and rejecting foreign migrants and refugees in port cities. In GREEFS H & WINTER A eds, Migration policies and materialities of identification in European cities, paper and gates 1500–1930s. Abingdon: Routledge 2018. 153–74.
148 DINÇER S, From community registers to domestic passports: the migration regime in Ottoman Istanbul. In GREEFS H & WINTER A eds, Migration policies and materialities of identification in European cities, paper and gates 1500–1930s. Abingdon: Routledge 2018. 111–31.
149 EL-MAKSOUD M, EL-FATTAH A & EL-DIN M, The early Greek presence in Alexandria. In ZEREFOS C & VARDINOYANNIS M eds Hellenistic Alexandria: celebrating 24 centuries. Oxford: Archaeopress 2018. 50–9.
150 FAIRBURN H, Evacuation to Northallerton in 1939–1940: a community divided?. LocH 48 1 (2018) 58–72.
151 GREEFS H & WINTER A, Migration policies and materialities of identification in European cities: papers and gates, 1500–1930s. In GREEFS H & WINTER A eds, Migration policies and materialities of identification in European cities, paper and gates 1500–1930s. Abingdon: Routledge 2018. 3–24.
152 GREEN S, Tracing black racial and spatial politics in south Florida via memory. JUH 44 6 (2018) 1176–96.
153 KAMP J, Controlling strangers: identifying migrants in early modern Frankfurt am Main. In GREEFS H & WINTER A eds, Migration policies and materialities of identification in European cities, paper and gates 1500–1930s. Abingdon: Routledge 2018. 46–65.
154 KAUR R, Since 1947 : partition narratives among Punjabi migrants of Delhi. Oxford: Oxford University Press 2018. pp 292.
155 LALLANI S, The culinary gender binary in an era of multiculturalism: foodwork in Toronto's late postwar Italian immigrant community. JFH 43 4 (2018) 409–24.
156 LEE C, Migration to the ‘first large suburban ghetto’ in America: Korean immigrant merchants in south central Los Angeles in the 1980s. HR/RH 44 2 (2018) 87–106.
157 LUNDH C & ŐBERG S, Routes and determinants of leaving the home: the city of Gothenburg, 1915–1943. HF 23 2 (2018) 260–89.
158 MORRIS D & COZENS K, The Thames as a barrier in the eighteenth century. LPS 101 1 (2018) 26–46.
159 PROKOPOVYCH M, Mapping migration and the materiality of identification in fin-de-siècle Vienna and Budapest. In GREEFS H & WINTER A eds, Migration policies and materialities of identification in European cities, paper and gates 1500–1930s. Abingdon: Routledge 2018. 193–216.
160 REINECKE C, Producing the ‘undocumented migrant’: registration and deportation in early twentieth century London and Berlin. In GREEFS H & WINTER A eds, Migration policies and materialities of identification in European cities, paper and gates 1500–1930s. Abingdon: Routledge 2018. 243–64.
161 RENSHAW D, Investigating the ‘other’ – a comparative study of migrant settlement in the work of Charles Booth and Jacob Riis in Victorian London and New York. In RUIZ M ed, International migrations in the Victorian era. Leiden: Brill 2018. 278–302.
162 SALZBERG R, Controlling and documenting migration via urban ‘spaces of arrival’ in early modern Venice. In GREEFS H & WINTER A eds, Migration policies and materialities of identification in European cities, paper and gates 1500–1930s. Abingdon: Routledge 2018. 27–45.
163 SENNEFELT K, Ordering identification: migrants, material culture, and social bonds in Stockholm, 1650–1720. In GREEFS H & WINTER A eds, Migration policies and materialities of identification in European cities, paper and gates 1500–1930s. Abingdon: Routledge 2018. 66–86.
164 SERKIN R, On the streets of New York City. HT 68 5 (2018) 32–7.
165 SMITH A, Documents, migration, and governance in imperial Russian towns. In GREEFS H & WINTER A eds, Migration policies and materialities of identification in European cities, paper and gates 1500–1930s. Abingdon: Routledge 2018. 132–50.
166 SOLIMENE M, Romani (im)mobility, between camps, evictions and ambivalent representations of ‘nomads’ in the Eternal City. NP 22 1 (2018) 65–82.
167 STAMMERS T, From the Tuileries to Twickenham: the Orléans, exile and Anglo-French liberalism, c.1848–1880. EHR 133 564 (2018) 1120–54.
168 WRIGLEY E, The general and the particular. LPS 100 1 (2018) 25–32.
Family and household structure
169 PAVLOVIĆ M, RADIVOJEVIĆ A, FILIPOVIĆ I & MILOVANOVIĆ M, Changes in the household structure during the period 1961–2011 in Serbia: example of Sokobanja municipality. JFH 43 2 (2018) 194–203.
170 PIMM-SMITH R & PROBERT R, Evaluating marital stability in late-Victorian Camberwell. FCH 21 1 (2018) 38–50.
171 SOARES C & DA HORA C, African mothers in the city of Bahia, 1734–99. WomHR 27 6 (2018) 875–91.
III Physical structure
Research methods, aids and materials
172 HEWITT G, PAYNTER N, GOULDING M, LANE S, TURNBULL J & WOFF B, Salvage archaeology in Melbourne's CBD: reflections upon documentary sources and the role of prefabricated buildings in construction of the ‘instant city’ of gold-rush-era Melbourne. IJHA 22 1 (2018) 27–42.
Physical and structural characteristics of towns
173 AMMERMAN A, The east bank of the Tiber below the island: two recent advances in the study of early Rome. A 92 362 (2018) 398–409.
174 DENNIS R, The London bus: an unlikely architecture of hurry. In MACKINTOSH P, DENNIS R & HOLDSWORTH D eds, Architectures of hurry – mobilities, cities and modernity. Abingdon: Routledge 2018. 45–64.
175 EVANS D, The fortifications of Hull between 1321 and 1864. AJ 175 1 (2018) 87–156.
176 FERGUSON L, A gateway without a port: making and contesting San Francisco's early waterfront. JUH 44 4 (2018) 603–24.
177 GEVA H, Hasmonean Jerusalem in the light of archaeology – notes on urban topography. JHPMC 3 1 (2018) 30–60.
178 GILL K, The grove as an urban tree planting type: the case of Nagele. SHGDL 38 4 (2018) 269–92.
179 LE BAIGUE A & LEACH A, ‘Where streams of (living) water flow’: the religious and civic significance of Archbishop Abbot's conduit in St Andrew's, Canterbury, 1603–1625. AC 139 (2018) 111–34.
180 MANOVICH E, ‘Time and change will surely show’: contested urban development in Ohio State's university district, 1920–2015. JSocH 51 4 (2018) 1069–99.
181 MAZANIK A, ‘Shiny shoes’ for the city: the public abattoir and the reform of meat supply in imperial Moscow. UH 45 2 (2018) 214–32.
182 MURRAY S, The battle for bankside: electricity, politics and the plans for post-war London. UH 45 4 (2018) 616–34.
183 O'MARA M, Silicon dreams: states, markets, and the transnational high-tech suburb. In SANDOVAL-STRAUSZ A & KWAK N eds, Making cities global: the transnational turn in urban history. Philadelphia: University of Philadelphia Press 2018. 17–46.
184 SAMMARTINO A, The new socialist man in the Plattenbau: the East German housing program and the development of the socialist way of life. JUH 44 1 (2018) 78–94.
185 SINGH D, The tales of two mobility infrastructures: the street and the underground railway of Buenos Aires, 1880s–1940s. In MACKINTOSH P, DENNIS R & HOLDSWORTH D eds, Architectures of hurry – mobilities, cities and modernity. Abingdon: Routledge 2018. 65–82.
186 THELLE M, The meat city: urban space and provision in industrial Copenhagen, 1880–1914. UH 45 2 (2018) 233–52.
Physical and structural characteristics of area
187 ADAMS S, CHAMBERS D & SCHULTZ M, A moving target: the geographic evolution of Silicon Valley, 1953–1990. BuH 60 6 (2018) 859–83.
188 CARMICHAEL K & MORRISON K, A great house of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries: Westmorland House in West Smithfield, London. LJ 43 3 (2018) 215–42.
Land ownership
189 SHANKAR D, Contested lands and contentious lines: land acquisition for the railways in late nineteenth- and early twentieth-century Delhi. IESHR 55 4 (2018) 491–513.
190 AKSAMIJA N, Reviving the Renaissance: Alfonso Rubbiani and quattrocento architecture in post-unification Bologna. In BOLZONI L & PAYNE A eds, The Renaissance in the 19th century: revision, revival, and return. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press 2018. 465–90.
191 ANDERSON E, The experience of the public rooms of the London ‘grand hotel’ at the end of the nineteenth century. In GILLIN E & JOYCE H eds, Experiencing architecture in the nineteenth century: buildings and society in the modern age. London: Bloomsbury Visual 2018. 133–44.
192 BALCHIN P, The shaping of London: a political and economic perspective 1066–1870. Abingdon: Routledge 2018. pp 514.
193 BORK R, Late gothic architecture: its evolution, extinction, and reception. Turnhout: Brepols Publishers 2018. pp x + 552.
194 BUTLER R, Notes on the art and architecture of East Galway in the vicinity of Ahascragh. JGAHS 70 1 (2018) 35–51.
195 BUTTER A, Showcase and window to the world: East German architecture abroad 1949–1990. PlP 33 2 (2018) 249–69.
196 COLEMAN L, Building Scotland, building solidarity: a Scottish architect's knowledge of nation. CSSH 60 4 (2018) 873–906.
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199 DESMAREST C, The Melville monument and the shaping of the Scottish metropolis. ArchH 61 (2018) 105–30.
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201 DINSDALE S & GREENGLASS G, Guildhall: City of London. Barnsley: Pen and Sword Books 2018. pp 184.
202 EMERY P & HASLAM R, Archaeological investigations of York south motive power depot. IAR 40 2 (2018) 88–102.
203 ERKAL N, Grain scale of Ottoman Istanbul: architecture of the Unkapanı landing square. JUH 44 3 (2018) 351–81.
204 GILKS D, The fountain of the innocents and its place in the Paris cityscape, 1549–1788. UH 45 1 (2018) 49–73.
205 GORSE G, Architecture and urban topography. In BENEŠ C ed, A companion to medieval Genoa. Leiden: Brill 2018. 218–42.
206 HAGGAG M, Graeco-Egyptian elements in Alexandrian architectural mouldings. In ZEREFOS C & VARDINOYANNIS M eds Hellenistic Alexandria: celebrating 24 centuries. Oxford: Archaeopress 2018. 92–111.
207 HAYES R, Ambivalent and contradictory: Victorian architects' responses to technology. CVeE 87 (2018) 1–15.
208 HIGGOTT A, Key modern architects: 50 short histories of modern architecture. London: Bloomsbury Visual 2018. pp 312.
209 HILLING J, The architecture of Wales: from the first to the twenty-first century. Cardiff: University of Wales Press 2018. pp 320.
210 HURX M, Architecture as profession: the origins of architectural practice in the Low Countries in the fifteenth century. Turnhout: Brepols Publishers 2018. pp 459.
211 JOYCE H, New York's Harvard House and the origins of an alumni culture in America. In GILLIN E & JOYCE H eds, Experiencing architecture in the nineteenth century: buildings and society in the modern age. London: Bloomsbury Visual 2018. 89–100.
212 KENAWI M & MARCHIORI G, Italian archaeology in Alexandria. In ZEREFOS C & VARDINOYANNIS M eds Hellenistic Alexandria: celebrating 24 centuries. Oxford: Archaeopress 2018. 60–8.
213 LENTON D, Ethnic buildways: phenomenology in the architectural grammar of later medieval Córdoba (Spain). In THOMAS L & CAMPBELL J eds, Buildings in society: international studies in the historic era. Oxford: Archaeopress 2018. 63–78.
214 LEVINE N, The unexpected fate of the Italian Renaissance in nineteenth-century French architecture. In BOLZONI L & PAYNE A eds, The Renaissance in the 19th century: revision, revival, and return. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press 2018. 491–510.
215 LEWIS D, Imparting Californian identity through architectural experience on the early Stanford University campus. In GILLIN E & JOYCE H eds, Experiencing architecture in the nineteenth century: buildings and society in the modern age. London: Bloomsbury Visual 2018. 45–60.
216 LEWITTES D, Berthold Lubetkin's Highpoint II and the Jewish contribution to modern English architecture. Abingdon: Routledge 2018. pp 110.
217 LUCAS A & RUSSELL H, The livery halls of the City of London. London: Merrell Publishers 2018. pp 280.
218 MURAWSKI M, Actually-existing success: economics, aesthetics, and the specificity of (still-)socialist urbanism. CSSH 60 4 (2018) 907–37.
219 NOTT J, Dance halls: towards an architectural and spatial history, c. 1918–65. ArchH 61 (2018) 205–33.
220 OLYMPIOS M, Building the sacred in a crusader kingdom: gothic church architecture in Lusignan Cyprus, c. 1209–1373. Turnhout: Brepols Publishers 2018. pp viii + 445.
221 OTTENHEYM K, A missing link? Sixteenth-century Protestant basilicas by Netherlandish architects outside the Low Countries. In KAVALER E & VAN BRUAENE A-L eds, Netherlandish culture of the sixteenth century: urban perspectives. Turnhout: Brepols 2018. 355–74.
222 PROSSER L, The princely houses of Edward, duke of Kent. CH 23 1 (2018) 40–61.
223 ROWLEY E, Housing, architecture and the edge condition: Dublin is building, 1935–1975. Abingdon: Routledge 2018. pp 294.
224 SCHOENEFELDT H, Evaluating the performance of the Houses of Commons' first environmental system, 1852–4. In GILLIN E & JOYCE H eds, Experiencing architecture in the nineteenth century: buildings and society in the modern age. London: Bloomsbury Visual 2018. 115–32.
225 SHARPLES J, ‘The visible embodiment of modern commerce’: speculative office buildings in Liverpool, c. 1780–1870. ArchH 61 (2018) 131–93.
226 SHASORE N, ‘A stammering bundle of Welsh idealism’: Arthur Trystan Edwards and principles of civic design in interwar Britain. ArchH 61 (2018) 175–203.
227 URBAN F, Berlin's construction groups and the politics of bottom-up architecture. UH 45 4 (2018) 683–711.
228 WHYTE W, Architecture and experience: regimes of materiality in the nineteenth century. In GILLIN E & JOYCE H eds, Experiencing architecture in the nineteenth century: buildings and society in the modern age. London: Bloomsbury Visual 2018. 15–28.
229 ALLWEIL Y, The tent: the uncanny architecture of agonism for Israel-Palestine, 1910–2011. US 55 2 (2018) 316–31.
230 BARYKINA N, ‘The dissolution of cities’: the horseshoe settlement in Weimar Berlin. UH 45 3 (2018) 471–88.
231 BENMERGUI L, Building the alliance for progress: local and transnational encounters in a low-income housing program in Rio de Janeiro, 1962–67. In SANDOVAL-STRAUSZ A & KWAK N eds, Making cities global: the transnational turn in urban history. Philadelphia: University of Philadelphia Press 2018. 71–97.
232 BLACKLAWS N, ‘Old’ and ‘new’ welfare: the poor law and social housing in Leicestershire, c.1925–1929. MidH 43 1 (2018) 82–96.
233 CHILD P, Landlordism, rent regulation and the Labour Party in mid-twentieth century Britain, 1950–64. TCBH 29 1 (2018) 79–103.
234 CLEMENT W, The ‘unrealizable Chimera’: workers' housing in nineteenth-century Mulhouse. FH 32 1 (2018) 66–85.
235 CURRIE C, Why historians believe that customary tenants normally paid for their own buildings: a reply to Pamela Slocombe. VA 49 1 (2018) 38–43.
236 DAMER S, Scheming: a social history of Glasgow council housing, 1919–1956. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press 2018. pp 208.
237 FORD C, The Paris housing crisis and a social revolution in domestic architecture on the eve of the First World War. JModH 90 3 (2018) 580–620.
238 HESS D, Transport in mikrorayons: accessibility and proximity to centrally planned residential districts during the socialist era, 1957–1989. JPH 17 3 (2018) 184–204.
239 KEFFORD A, Housing the citizen-consumer in post-war Britain: the Park Morris report, affluence and the even briefer life of social democracy. TCBH 29 2 (2018) 225–58.
240 KELLY C, ‘A pleasant and tidy arrangement’: housing development and economies of segregation in Mtwara, Tanganyika, 1949–1954. JUH 44 4 (2018) 713–35.
241 KHOLODILIN K & MEEROVICH M, Housing policy in Soviet Russia and Germany between the two World Wars: comparative analysis of two systems. JUH 44 5 (2018) 930–52.
242 KRÖLL D, Architect-surveyors as designers of speculative housing: the case of Norfolk and Prior 1901–1923. LJ 43 2 (2018) 163–88.
243 KWAK N, Slum clearance as a transnational process in globalizing Manila. In SANDOVAL-STRAUSZ A & KWAK N eds, Making cities global: the transnational turn in urban history. Philadelphia: University of Philadelphia Press 2018. 98–113.
244 LIEB E, ‘Baltimore does not condone profiteering in squalor’: the Baltimore plan and the problem of housing-code enforcement in an American city. PlP 33 1 (2018) 75–95.
245 MACINTYRE S, Owners and tenants: the Commonwealth housing commission and post-war housing, 1943–1949. AEHR 58 3 (2018) 265–82.
246 MCMANUS R, Lodging in the Ulsara area in 1911. In SLEVIN F ed, Cherishing heritage preserving community: celebrating 50 years of the upper Lesson Street area residents association. Dublin: Ulsara 2018. 135–48.
247 METSPALU P & HESS D, Revisiting the role of architects in planning large-scale housing in the USSR: the birth of socialist residential districts in Tallinn, Estonia, 1957–1979. PlP 33 3 (2018) 335–61.
248 MITCHELL P, The development of the apartment building in 18th century Vienna. In THOMAS L & CAMPBELL J eds, Buildings in society: international studies in the historic era. Oxford: Archaeopress 2018. 95–112.
249 MORTON D, The shape of aspiration: clandestine masonry house construction in Lourenço Marques, Mozambique (1960–75). JAfrH 59 3 (2018) 283–304.
250 NILSEN A & TAGESSON G, Houses and buildings – on physical and social space in early modern Swedish towns. In THOMAS L & CAMPBELL J eds, Buildings in society: international studies in the historic era. Oxford: Archaeopress 2018. 39–50.
251 NORDYKE M, Restyling the postwar prefab: the National Homes Corporation's revolution in home merchandising. B & L 25 2 (2018) 66–94.
252 ROSS A, Down with the walls! The politics of place in Spanish and German urban extension planning, 1848–1914. JModH 90 2 (2018) 292–322.
253 SHORTO S, British houses in late Mughal Delhi. Martlesham: Boydell Press 2018. pp 249.
254 SLOCOMBE P, ‘To beg a tree and tarry his pleasure to assign it to me’ – the roles of lords, landlords and tenants in house building and improvement. VA 49 1 (2018) 32–7.
255 TRENTMANN F & CARLSON-HYSLOP A, The evolution of energy demand in Britain: politics, daily life, and public housing, 1920s-1970s. HJ 61 3 (2018) 807–39.
256 VUKSANOVIĆ-MACURA Z & MACURA V, The right to housing: settlements in interwar Belgrade – the defense and demolition of Jatagan-mala. JUH 44 4 (2018) 755–74.
Heritage and the historic environment
257 BEEKMAN B & BAILEY R, A painted Viking-age sculpture from York. YAJ 90 1 (2018) 59–66.
258 BERTA M, BOTTERO M & FERRETTI V, A mixed methods approach for the integration of urban design and economic evolution: industrial heritage and urban regeneration in China. EP B 45 2 (2018) 208–32.
259 BIDDLE M & HENIG M, A Jupiter temple (?) outside the west gate of Venta Belgarum and the development of Winchester's western suburb. JBAA 171 1 (2018) 1–33.
260 BLACKWELL T & KOHL S, Urban heritages: how history and housing finance matter to housing form and homeownership rates. US 55 16 (2018) 3669–88.
261 BOZGEYIK O & DALKILIÇ N, Traditional soap workshops in Nizip (Gaziantep), South-Eastern Turkey. IAR 40 1 (2018) 39–52.
262 BROWN W, Reconstructing historic landmarks: fabrication, negotiation, and the past. Abingdon: Routledge 2018. pp 214.
263 BUKOWCZYK J, The new Americans museum in San Diego. JAEH 37 2 (2018) 62–70.
264 COOK D & NEAVE S, Early fabric in historic towns: the Beverley project. VA 49 1 (2018) 58–78.
265 CORNELL P & ROSÉN C, Introduction: early modern urban periphery in Europe, the new Lödöse project. IJHA 22 2 (2018) 183–5.
266 DINES N, An irreconcilable first-place: the precarious life of tourism and heritage in a southern European historic centre. IJHerS 24 2 (2018) 142–53.
267 EBERT B, A skewed balance? Examining the display and research history of the medieval collection at the Museum of Cultural History, University of Oslo. JHC 30 1 (2018) 139–51.
268 ELLIS A & WOFF B, Bottle merchants at A'Beckett Street, Melbourne (1875–1914): new evidence for the light industrial trade of bottle washing. IJHA 22 1 (2018) 6–26.
269 ELSWORTH D & MACE T, Investigation of burgage plots to the rear of number 9 High Street and the Town Hall, off Jerry Croft, Skipton, North Yorkshire. YAJ 90 1 (2018) 67–95.
270 EMPEREUR J-Y, New data concerning the foundation of Alexandria. In ZEREFOS C & VARDINOYANNIS M eds Hellenistic Alexandria: celebrating 24 centuries. Oxford: Archaeopress 2018. 3–12.
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272 GUICHARD-MARNEUR M, Forgetting communism, remembering World War II? The case of the permanent exhibition of the Schindler Factory Museum, Krakow, Poland. IJHerS 24 8 (2018) 811–27.
273 HANNEDATTER J & FREDRIKSEN P, When the past is slipping. Value tensions and responses by heritage management to demographic changes: a case study from Oslo, Norway. IJHerS 24 4 (2018) 406–20.
274 HE Y & BOWRING J, Five site visits over four centuries: imagining pasts and futures for Yuanming Yuan Garden, Beijing, China. SHGDL 38 4 (2018) 330–41.
275 JOHNSON D, Incarcerating the poor: interpreting poverty and punishment in British prison museums. LCH 8 1 (2018) 91–107.
276 KATZ M, ‘Only the most morbid among the rich will find it entertaining’: interpreting 1930s urban homelessness in museums. JUH 44 2 (2018) 278–97.
277 KENAWI M & MARCHIORI G, Unearthing Alexandria's archaeology: the Italian contribution. Oxford: Archaeopress 2018. pp viii + 194.
278 LAMONT C, Allan Ramsay and Edinburgh: commemoration in the city of forgetting. SLR 10 1 (2018) 117–37.
279 MADGIN R, WEBB D, RUIZ P & SNELSON T, Resisting relocation and reconceptualising authenticity: the experiential and emotional values of the Southbank Undercroft, London, UK. IJHerS 24 6 (2018) 585–98.
280 MAJCHEREK G, ‘Crumbs from the table' – archaeological remains of Hellenistic Alexandria. In ZEREFOS C & VARDINOYANNIS M eds Hellenistic Alexandria: celebrating 24 centuries. Oxford: Archaeopress 2018. 69–83.
281 MCCELLAND A, A ‘ghastly interregnum’: the struggle for architectural heritage conservation in Belfast before 1972. UH 45 1 (2018) 150–72.
282 MAJOR J, SMITH C & MACKAY R, Reconstructing landscape: archaeological investigations of the Royal Exhibition Buildings western forecourt, Melbourne. IJHA 22 1 (2018) 43–66.
283 MASS S, Commercial heritage as democratic action: historicizing the ‘save the market’ campaigns in Bradford and Chesterfield, 1969–76. TCBH 29 3 (2018) 459–84.
284 MAZARIEGOS O, Technologies of urbanism in Mesoamerica: the pre-Columbian bridges of Cotzumalhuapa, Guatemala. A 92 362 (2018) 456–71.
285 MILOŠEVIĆ A, Historicizing the present: Brussels attacks and heritagization of spontaneous memorials. IJHerS 24 1 (2018) 53–65.
286 MUALAM N & ALTERMAN R, Looking into the ‘black box’ of heritage protection: analysis of conservation area disputes in London through the eyes of planning inspectors. IJHerS 24 6 (2018) 599–618.
287 MYERS S, MIRAMS S & MALLETT T, Langlands Iron Foundry, Flinders Street, Melbourne. IJHA 22 1 (2018) 78–99.
288 NAISMITH R, Citadel of the Saxons: the rise of early London. London: I.B. Tauris 2018. pp 288.
289 NELSON L, Object lesson: monuments and memory in Charlottesville. B & L 25 2 (2018) 17–35.
290 NOVOA M, Insurgency, heritage and the working class: the case of the theatre of union no6 of the coal miners of Lota, Chile. IJHerS 24 4 (2018) 354–73.
291 PENDLEBURY J, WANG Y-W & LAW A, Re-using ‘uncomfortable heritage’: the case of the 1933 Building, Shanghai. IJHerS 24 3 (2018) 211–29.
292 PÉREZ J & MARTÍNEZ P, Lights and shadows over the recommendation on the historic urban landscape: ‘managing change’ in Ballarat and Cuenca through a radical approach focused on values and authenticity. IJHerS 24 1 (2018) 101–16.
293 POOLE S, The politics of ‘protest heritage’, 1790–1850. In GRIFFIN C & MCDONAGH B eds, Remembering protest in Britain since 1500: memory, materiality and the landscape. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan 2018. 187–213.
294 POSPISEK P, ‘General Grant isn't coming back’: local economics, politics, and historic preservation in Galena, Illinois, 1964–1981. B & L 25 1 (2018) 5–22.
295 RAUSCH C, Maisons tropicales/maisons coloniales: contesting technologies of authenticity and value in Niamey, Brazzaville, Paris, New York and Venice. IJHerS 24 1 (2018) 83–100.
296 REICHL A, Manufacturing landmarks in New York City parks. JUH 44 4 (2018) 736–54.
297 RÉV I, Liberty Square, Budapest: how Hungary won the Second World War. JGR 20 4 (2018) 607–23.
298 SIMPSON D, Medical collecting on the frontiers of natural history: the rise and fall of Haslar Hospital Museum (1827–1855). JHC 30 2 (2018) 253–67.
299 SLEIGHT S, Memory and the city. In MAERKER A, SPEIGHT S & SUTCLIFFE A eds History, memory and public life: the past in the present. Abingdon: Routledge 2018. 126–58.
300 SMITH J, The city revealed: reflections on 25 years of archaeology in Melbourne. Lessons from the past and future challenges. IJHA 22 1 (2018) 67–77.
301 SOMERVILLE K, An archaeological study of a streetcar suburb: the east main streetcar barns and Hayword-Hobbie subdivisions, City of Rochester, New York. IAR 40 2 (2018) 127–36.
302 TRAVERS I, The other side of the coin: subsurface deposits at the former royal Melbourne mint. IJHA 22 1 (2018) 147–66.
303 TWELLS A, Iron dukes and naked races; Edward Carpenter's Sheffield and LGBTQ public history. IJRLH 13 1 (2018) 47–67.
304 VYNER B, The prehistory of York. YAJ 90 1 (2018) 13–28.
305 WARWICK T, Research in urban history: recent Ph.D. theses on heritage and the city in Britain. UH 45 3 (2018) 549–60.
306 WEBB M, Local responses to the protection of medieval buildings and archaeology in British post-war town reconstruction: Southampton and Coventry. UH 45 4 (2018) 635–59.
307 WEIRICK J, Heritage, community activism and urban development: a window on the personification of planning history. In FISCHER K & ALTROCK U eds, Windows upon planning history. Abingdon: Routledge 2018. 220–30.
308 WILD C, Tracks across the Irwell: from the Liverpool & Manchester railway to the Ordsall Chord. IAR 40 2 (2018) 74–87.
309 WINCHESTER H & ROBINSON G, Intangible heritage and women's lives in two Queensland frontier mining towns. JACH 20 1 (2018) 155–78.
310 WYLIE D, ‘Part of who we are’: using old buildings to foster citizenship in North Africa (Oran, Algeria, and Casablanca, Morocco). B & L 25 1 (2018) 44–63.
IV Social structure
Research methods, aids and materials
311 DOWLER L & RANJBAR A, Praxis in the city: care and (re)injury in Belfast and Orumiyeh. AAAG 108 2 (2018) 434–44.
312 MAHARAWAL M & MCELROY E, The anti-eviction mapping project: counter mapping and oral history toward Bay Area housing justice. AAAG 108 2 (2018) 380–9.
Social organization, clubs and societies
313 BYCROFT M, Regulation and intellectual change at the Paris goldsmiths' guild, 1660–1740. JEMH 22 6 (2018) 500–27.
314 CROMBIE L, Craft guild ideology and urban literature: the Four Crowned Martyrs and the Lives of Saints Nazarius and Celsus as told by the Masons' Guild of fifteenth-century Ghent. UH 45 3 (2018) 404–25.
315 FLEMING S, Avison and his subscribers: musical networking in eighteenth-century Britain. RCRMA 49 1 (2018) 21–49.
316 HATCHER B, Imitation, then and now: on the emergence of philanthropy in early colonial Calcutta. MAsS 52 1 (2018) 62–98.
317 ISMAY P, Trust among strangers: friendly societies in modern Britain. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 2018. pp 228.
318 MCCABE C, ‘The going out of the voluntary and the coming in of the compulsory’: the impact of the 1838 Irish poor law on voluntary charitable societies in Dublin City. IESH 45 1 (2018) 47–69.
319 MANLEY K, Irish reading societies and circulating libraries founded before 1825: useful knowledge and agreeable entertainment. Dublin: Four Courts 2018. pp 248.
320 MASAKI K, Within the bounds of acceptability: tory associational culture in early 19th century Britain. ParlH 37 3 (2018) 389–414.
321 PENTLAND G, The freethinkers' zetetic society: an Edinburgh radical underworld in the eighteen-twenties. HR 91 252 (2018) 314–32.
322 RATNAPALAN L, Science and politics in the Hawaiian Kingdom: the progress of the Honolulu social science association, 1882–87. JPacH 53 2 (2018) 133–47.
323 REES A, Collective action to meet social needs. Edinburgh voluntary organizations councils. BOEC 14 (2018) 89–98.
324 THEVOZ S, Club government: how the early Victorian world was ruled from London clubs. London: I.B. Tauris 2018. pp 336.
325 TOPALOV C, Paris, capitale de la charité. HU 52 2 (2018) 5–14.
326 TOPALOV C, Les mondes sociaux de la charité parisienne en 1900. HU 52 2 (2018) 91–119.
327 WEBBER M, Troubling agency: agency and charity in early nineteenth-century London. HR 91 251 (2018) 116–36.
Class structure
328 CHATTERJEE A, ‘New wine in new bottles’: class politics and the ‘uneven electrification’ of colonial India. HRC 4 1 (2018) 94–108.
329 CHHABRIA S, The aboriginal alibi: governing dispossession in colonial Bombay. CSSH 60 4 (2018) 1096–126.
330 DOOLING W, Poverty and respectability in early twentieth-century Cape Town. JAfrH 59 3 (2018) 411–35.
331 DUROU G, ‘Il y a des gens d'humeur vagabonde qui déménagent tous les ans’: stratégies et mobilité sociale de la classe ouvrière de Québec durant la Longue Dépression de 1873. HS 51 104 (2018) 205–30.
332 DYSON R, The wealthier inhabitants of Croydon in the late sixteenth and early seventeenth centuries. FCH 21 1 (2018) 3–14.
333 HAYES S, A golden opportunity: Mayor Smith and Melbourne's emergence as a global city. IJHA 22 1 (2018) 100–16.
334 YANG M, The rise of ‘gangnam style’: manufacturing the urban middle class in Seoul, 1976–1996. US 55 15 (2018) 3404–20.
Social life
335 ANNAVARAPU S, ‘Where do all the lovers go?’ – the cultural politics of public kissing in Mumbai, India (1950–2005). JHS 31 4 (2018) 405–19.
336 AUFSEESER D, Challenging conceptions of young people as urban blight: street children and youth's ambiguous relationship with urban revitalization in Lima, Peru. EP A 50 2 (2018) 310–26.
337 BLONDÉ B, BUYLAERT F, DOMOLYN J, HANUS J & STABEL P, Living together in the city: social relationships between norm and practice. In BLONDÉ B, BOONE M & VAN BRUAENE A-L eds, City and society in the Low Countries, 1100–1600. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 2018. 59–92.
338 CHANDAVARKAR R, The perils of proximity: rivalries and conflicts in the making of a neighbourhood in Bombay City in the twentieth century. MAsS 52 2 (2018) 351–93.
339 FORD E, Childhood and modernity in Cold War Mexico City. London: Bloomsbury Academic 2018. pp 240.
340 FUHG F, Ambivalent relationships: London youth culture and the making of the multi-racial society in the 1960s. BatW 11 1 (2018) 4–26.
341 HALLAM C, White drug cultures and regulation in London, 1916–1960. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan 2018. pp viii + 249.
342 IMMERWAHR D, Thinking small: the United States and the lure of community development. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press 2018. pp 272.
343 KOTTARIDI A, Macedonian elements in Alexandria. In ZEREFOS C & VARDINOYANNIS M eds Hellenistic Alexandria: celebrating 24 centuries. Oxford: Archaeopress 2018. 38–49.
344 LÉVY-AKSU N, The state and the city, the state in the city: another look at Citadinité. In DALACHANIS A & LEMIRE V eds, Ordinary Jerusalem, 1840–1940: opening new archives, revisiting a global city. Leiden: Brill 2018. 143–60.
345 LOGAN J, GRAZIUK C & FREY N, Neighbourhood formation in St Louis, 1930. EP B 45 6 (2018) 1157–74.
346 MALCOLMSON P & MALCOLMSON R, A shop assistant in wartime: the Dewsbury diary of Kathleen Hey, 1941–1945. Leeds: Yorkshire Archaeological and Historical Society 2018. pp 231.
347 MANSKER A, ‘Marriages by the Petites Affiches’: advertising love, marital choice, and commercial matchmaking in Napoléon's Paris. FHS 41 1 (2018) 1–31.
348 MARZANO A, Bodily practices and colonialism: sport and physical culture in Luanda, 1860–1930. IJHS 35 4 (2018) 314–34.
349 MORGAN S, John Deakin Heaton and the ‘elusive civic pride of the Victorian middle class’. UH 45 4 (2018) 595–615.
350 NORDIN J, Center of diversity: Sámi in early modern Stockholm in the light of European colonial expansion. A historical archaeological approach. IJHA 22 4 (2018) 663–85.
351 ODA M, The gateway to the Pacific: Japanese Americans and the remaking of San Francisco. Chicago: University of Chicago Press 2018. pp 304.
352 PRAK M, Citizens without nations: urban citizenship in Europe and the World, c.1000–1789. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 2018. pp 442.
353 ROSÉN C & LARSSON D, Burghers, soldiers, and widows: social and building blocks at Nya Lödöse. IJHA 22 2 (2018) 245–73.
354 ROWLES R, The Civil War in London: voices from the city. Barnsley: Pen and Sword Books 2018. pp 134.
355 RUSSELL P, The sounds of incivility: insults and abuse in early Sydney. In DENNEY P, BUCHAN B, ELLISON D & CRAWLEY K eds, Sound, space and civility in the British world, 1700–1850. Abingdon: Routledge 2018. 226–42.
356 SCHRIJNDERS M, From London to Leipzig and back: a transnational approach to the Enzeit (r)evolution (1976–92). BatW 11 1 (2018) 75–100.
357 SHATZ J, Governing Jerusalem's children, revealing invisible inhabitants: the American colony aid association, 1920s–1950s. In DALACHANIS A & LEMIRE V eds, Ordinary Jerusalem, 1840–1940: opening new archives, revisiting a global city. Leiden: Brill 2018. 423–39.
358 VAUGHAN L, Mapping society: the spatial dimensions of social cartography. London: UCL Press 2018. pp 268.
359 VIS B, Cities made of boundaries: mapping social life in urban form. London: UCL Press 2018. pp 416.
360 WAITES I, ‘One big playground for kids’: a contextual appraisal of some 1970s photographs of children hanging out on a post-Second-World-War British council estate. ChP 11 2 (2018) 114–28.
361 WRIGHT V, ‘Tinkering at a local level’: unemployment, state intervention and community agency in Ferguslie Park, Paisley c. 1972–1977. SLH 53 1 (2018) 192–211.
Social life, customs and traditions
362 GUIMIER-SORBETS A-M, Believing in afterlife in Hellenistic and Roman Alexandria. A study of some funerary paintings. In ZEREFOS C & VARDINOYANNIS M eds Hellenistic Alexandria: celebrating 24 centuries. Oxford: Archaeopress 2018. 84–91.
363 LOFQUIST W, Justice on the western frontier: the death penalty in pre-industrial Pittsburgh, 1754–1840. PH 85 4 (2018) 556–93.
364 MACALLAN H, ‘Pommy town’: remembering the Lysaght workers' estate in Australia. HWJ 85 (2018) 72–94.
365 OWEN C, Recreating citizens: leisure, mobility, and urban status in late colonial Kenya. IJAHS 51 1 (2018) 85–109.
366 SPOSATO P, Chivalry in late medieval Tuscany and Florence: current historiography and new perspectives. HC 16 7 (2018) 1–14.
367 BENOFF T, The re-education of Conversos in 17th century Amsterdam. DC 42 3 (2018) 238–48.
368 CARTER H, Union made: working people and the rise of social Christianity in Chicago. Oxford: Oxford University Press 2018. pp 296.
369 COPSON S, Jonathan Dawson and some early nineteenth century Baptist networks in London. BQ 49 4 (2018) 139–45.
370 CRUMP J, ‘Our struggle in London’: primitive Methodists and the metropolis. LJ 43 2 (2018) 137–62.
371 DAHAN M, From Rome to Montreal: importing relics of catacomb saints through ultramontane networks, 1820–1914. HS 51 104 (2018) 255–77.
372 DANIELS J, Protest and participation: reconsidering the Quaker slave trade in early eighteenth-century Philadelphia. PH 85 2 (2018) 239–65.
373 DAUSSY H, London, nerve centre of the Huguenot diplomatic network in the later sixteenth century. In LARMINIE V ed, Huguenot networks, 1560–1780: the interactions and impact of a Protestant minority in Europe. New York: Routledge 2018. 29–40.
374 DIELEMAN K, Conceiving of the Sabbath in 17th-century Kampen: ‘disorderly,’ ‘public’ and ‘scandalous’ desecration. DC 42 1 (2018) 28–36.
375 GLOVER A, What constitutes sculpture? The guild dispute of 1544 over the Saint Gertrude choir stalls in Leuven. In KAVALER E & VAN BRUAENE A-L eds, Netherlandish culture of the sixteenth century: urban perspectives. Turnhout: Brepols Publishers 2018. 99–112.
376 GWYNN R, Overcoming the conformist/nonconformist divide: Huguenot networking in later Stuart London. In LARMINIE V ed, Huguenot networks, 1560–1780: the interactions and impact of a Protestant minority in Europe. New York: Routledge 2018. 93–108.
377 HANSEN A, Writing, London, and the bishops' ban of 1599. LJ 43 2 (2018) 102–19.
378 IVANIČ S, Amulets and the material interface of beliefs in seventeenth-century Prague burgher homes. In FAINI M & MENEGHIN A eds, Domestic devotions in the early modern World. Leiden: Brill 2018. 209–25.
379 KATZ M, Commemoration of the prophet's birthday as a domestic ritual in fifteenth- and sixteenth-century Damascus. In FAINI M & MENEGHIN A eds, Domestic devotions in the early modern world. Leiden: Brill 2018. 167–81.
380 KAVALER E, Mapping time: the Netherlandish carved altarpiece in the early sixteenth century. In KAVALER E & VAN BRUAENE A-L eds, Netherlandish culture of the sixteenth century: urban perspectives. Turnhout: Brepols Publishers 2018. 31–64.
381 MARNEF G & VAN BRUAENE A-L, Civic religion: community, identity and religious transformation. In BLONDÉ B, BOONE M & VAN BRUAENE A-L eds, City and society in the Low Countries, 1100–1600. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 2018. 128–61.
382 MCKEE J, The early Huguenot community of Dublin and its networks. In LARMINIE V ed, Huguenot networks, 1560–1780: the interactions and impact of a Protestant minority in Europe. New York: Routledge 2018. 187–202.
383 OSBORNE C, American Catholics and the church of tomorrow: building churches for the future, 1925–1975. Chicago: University of Chicago Press 2018. pp 288.
384 RENSHAW D, Socialism and the diasporic ‘other’: a comparative study of Irish Catholic and Jewish radical and communal politics in East London, 1889–1912. Liverpool: Liverpool University Press 2018. pp 296.
385 ROODENBURG H, Continuities or discontinuities? Exploring affective piety in the sixteenth-century Low Countries. In KAVALER E M & VAN BRUAENE A-L eds, Netherlandish culture of the sixteenth century: urban perspectives. Turnhout: Brepols Publishers 2018. 311–28.
386 ROSSER G, The church and religious life. In BENEŠ C ed, A companion to medieval Genoa. Leiden: Brill 2018. 345–67.
387 ROWLEY B, ‘We will never forget you’: Christian charities and the rehabilitation of disabled ex-serviceman in inter-war Leeds. LPS 101 1 (2018) 47–63.
388 SANDERS J, Irish vs. Yankees: a social history of the Boston schools. Oxford: Oxford University Press 2018. pp 232.
389 STUBBS T, ‘Efficiency and evangelism’: Peter Bryce and the making of liberal Protestantism at Toronto's Earlscourt Methodist Church. HS 51 104 (2018) 231–54.
390 TAYLOR K, The relief of Belgian refugees in the Archdiocese of Glasgow during the First World War: ‘a crusade of Christianity’. InnR 69 2 (2018) 147–64.
391 VINE E, ‘Those enemies of Christ, if they are suffered to live among us’: locating religious minority homes and private space in early modern London. LJ 43 3 (2018) 197–214.
392 VIOLA V, Spaces for domestic devotion in the noble residences of Palermo in the age of Catholic reform. In CORRY M, FAINI M & MENEGHIN A eds, Domestic devotions in early modern Italy. Leiden: Brill 2018. 63–88.
393 WALSH M & MARSHALL N, Necessary cessation from toil and work: young Christian workers and the question of sport on Sundays in post-war Melbourne. IJHS 35 1 (2018) 87–107.
394 WHITNAH L, Aelred of Rievaulx and the saints of Hexham: tradition, innovation, and devotion in twelfth-century northern England. ChH 87 1 (2018) 1–30.
395 ALEGRE A, Children's parks in Lisbon's urban spaces: a childhood education and assistance programme during the Portuguese dictatorial regime (1933–1974). PlP 33 2 (2018) 229–48.
396 BRUNNER M, Manly Sikhs and loyal citizens: physical education and sport in Khalsa College, Amritsar, 1914–47. SAs 41 1 (2018) 33–50.
397 DINCES S, Bulls markets: Chicago's basketball business and the new inequality. Chicago: University of Chicago Press 2018. pp 336.
398 GUTZKE D & LAW M, The roadhouse comes to Britain: drinking, driving and dancing, 1925–1955. London: Bloomsbury Academic 2018. pp 192.
399 HANNIKAINEN M, Sport in London's public green spaces in the inter-war years. SpiH 38 3 (2018) 331–64.
400 HIRSHON N, We want fish sticks: the bizarre and infamous rebranding of the New York Islanders. Lincoln, NE: University of Nebraska Press 2018. pp 321.
401 HODSON P, The ‘isle of vice’? Youth, class and the post-war holiday on the Isle of Man. CulSH 15 3 (2018) 433–51.
402 PARK S-Y, Hygienic promenades: the Montagnes Russes as medical and urban artifacts. HR/RH 44 3 (2018) 29–49.
403 SNAPE R, Leisure, voluntary action and social change in Britain, 1880–1939. London: Bloomsbury Academic 2018. pp 256.
404 WOOD K, Balls on walls, feet on streets: subversive play in Grand Ducal Florence. RS 32 3 (2018) 365–87.
Social problems and deviance
405 ALMEROTH-WILLIAMS T, The watchdogs of Georgian London: non-human agency, crime prevention and control of urban space. LJ 43 3 (2018) 267–88.
406 ANDREWS A, Multiple deprivation, the inner city, and the fracturing of the welfare state: Glasgow, c.1968–78. TCBH 29 4 (2018) 605–24.
407 BAER A, The men who lived underground: the Chicago police torture cases and the problem of measuring police violence, 1970–2016. JUH 44 2 (2018) 262–77.
408 CASLIN S, Save the womanhood!: vice, urban immorality and social control in Liverpool, c.1900–1976. Liverpool: Liverpool University Press 2018. pp ix + 234.
409 CHURCHILL D, Crime control and everyday life in the Victorian city: the police and the public. Oxford: Oxford University Press 2018. pp xv + 290.
410 COATES T, The depósito de degredados in Luanda, Angola: binding and building the Portuguese empire with convict labour, 1880s to 1932. IRSH 63 S26 (2018) 151–67.
411 CROOKS K, ‘Profits, savings, health, peace, order': prostitution, urban planning and imperial identity in Halifax, Nova Scotia, 1898–1912. JICH 46 3 (2018) 446–72.
412 CRYMBLE A, How criminal were the Irish? Bias in the detection of London currency crime, 1797–1821. LJ 43 1 (2018) 36–52.
413 DARBY N, The Hampstead murder: subversion in press portrayals of a murderess. LCH 8 1 (2018) 5–20.
414 EMENY A, When Bill Sykes Junior came to visit: the rise in juvenile crime in Southend during the Great War. LocH 48 3 (2018) 180–93.
415 FELKER-KANTOR M, ‘Kid thugs are spreading terror through the streets’: youth, crime, and the expansion of the juvenile justice system in Los Angeles, 1973–1980. JUH 44 3 (2018) 476–500.
416 FRANK K, The slippery slope to the gallows: crime and punishment in early eighteenth-century London. In EHLAND C & FISCHER P eds, Resistance and the city: challenging urban space. Leiden: Brill 2018. 60–78.
417 HANSEN C, Learning the streets: ‘prostitutes’ in inner-city Copenhagen, 1930s. HE 47 6 (2018) 806–22.
418 JEWELL J, ‘An injurious effect on the neighbourhood': narratives of neighbourhood decline and racialised class identities in late nineteenth-century San Francisco. I & M 36 1 (2018) 1–19.
419 JOHNSON B, Sheffield's most notorious gangs. Barnsley: Pen and Sword Books 2018. pp 150.
420 JOHNSON J, ‘The law must never be a game for fair and upright men in a republic': revolutionary justice in Lyon 1792–3. FH 32 2 (2018) 182–202.
421 LOW P, The changing presentation of execution in Newcastle Upon Tyne, 1844–1863. LCH 8 1 (2018) 38–52.
422 MAYEUX S, ‘An honest but fearless fighter’: the adversarial ideal of public defenders in 1930s and 1940s Los Angeles. L & HR 36 3 (2018) 619–66.
423 MONTICELLI C, ‘Aménager l'espace et contrôler la population. La mise en place des bureaux de police à Rome entre la période française et la Restauration’. HU 53 3 (2018) 127–40.
424 NEWELL P, Shocking tales from Victorian Portsmouth. Bury: Moyhill Publishing 2018. pp 148.
425 NØRGÅRD I, The role of charity in public relief, 1708–1871: Copenhagen as case. SJH 43 2 (2018) 260–83.
426 O'DANIEL P, Crusaders, gangsters, and whiskey: prohibition in Memphis. Jackson: University Press of Mississippi 2018. pp 272.
427 PIPER A, ‘Us girls won't put one another away': relations among Melbourne's prostitute pickpockets, 1860–1920. WomHR 27 2 (2018) 247–65.
428 PIPER A, Victimization narratives and courtroom sexual politics: prosecuting male burglars and female pickpockets in Melbourne, 1860–1921. JSocH 51 4 (2018) 760–83.
429 ROODHOUSE M, Crime reporters at work: investigating the underworld in wartime Leeds, 1944–45. CulSH 15 5 (2018) 723–43.
Social reforms and improvement
430 ABOULKER M, Le Comité de bienfaisance israélite de Paris. Ses membres dans l'espace philanthropique parisien (1887–1905). HU 52 2 (2018) 33–48.
431 DE KOSTER M, DERUYTTER B & VRINTS A, Police–public relations in transition in Antwerp, 1840s–1914. EurRH 25 1 (2018) 147–65.
432 DE LAVERGNÉE M, Philanthropie et notabilité urbaine. L'itinéraire parisien d'Augustin Cochin (1823–1872). HU 52 2 (2018) 15–32.
433 HENTHORN T, Building a moral metropolis: philanthropy and city building in Houston, Texas. JUH 44 3 (2018) 402–20.
434 JUNG B, Organiser la charité, rendre le secours efficace Institutions et acteurs de l'assistance par le travail à Paris (1889–1905). HU 52 2 (2018) 69–89.
435 JUSSEAUME A, Résistances à la laïcisation. Le maintien des congrégations soignantes dans les arrondissements parisiens sous la Troisième République, de 1880 à 1914. HU 52 2 (2018) 49–67.
436 MARIN B, L’îlot comme unité spatiale de référence. Le cas de Madrid au xviiie siècle. HU 53 3 (2018) 63–84.
437 OFFNER A, Homeownership and social welfare in the Americas: Ciudad Kennedy as a midcentury crossroads. In SANDOVAL-STRAUSZ A & KWAK N eds, Making cities global: the transnational turn in urban history. Philadelphia: University of Philadelphia Press 2018. 47–70.
438 SHAPELY P, Deprivation, state interventions and urban communities in Britain, 1968–79. Abingdon: Routledge 2018. pp 371.
439 VIDAL F, L'organisation d'une poste à domicile à Lisbonne durant la première moitié du xixe siècle Gestion et usage de l'espace urbain. HU 53 3 (2018) 141–60.
Minority groups
440 ANCEL S, The Ethiopian orthodox community in Jerusalem: new archives and perspectives on daily life and social networks, 1840–1940. In DALACHANIS A & LEMIRE V eds, Ordinary Jerusalem, 1840–1940: opening new archives, revisiting a global city. Leiden: Brill 2018. 50–74.
441 BAVERY A, ‘Crashing America's back gate’: illegal Europeans, policing, and welfare in industrial Detroit, 1921–1939. JUH 44 2 (2018) 239–61.
442 BENTON M, ‘Just the way things are around here’: racial segregation, critical junctures, and path dependence in Saint Louis. JUH 44 6 (2018) 1113–30.
443 BOLTON J, London and the anti-alien legislation of 1439–40. In ORMROD M, MCDONALD N & TAYLOR C eds, Resident aliens in later medieval England. Turnhout: Brepols Publishers 2018. 33–50.
444 BUSTEED M, The Irish in Manchester c.1750–1921: resistance, adaptation and identity. Manchester: Manchester University Press 2018. pp 296.
445 CARDON N, A dream of the future: race, empire, and modernity at the Atlanta and Nashville world's fairs. Oxford: Oxford University Press 2018. pp 192.
446 CHRONOPOULOS T, Police misconduct, community opposition, and urban governance in New York City, 1945–1965. JUH 44 4 (2018) 643–68.
447 CORBOULD C, Race, photography, labor, and entrepreneurship in the life of Maurice Hunter, Harlem's ‘man of 1,000 faces’. RHR 132 1 (2018) 144–71.
448 CRANGLE J, Left to fend for themselves: immigration, race relations and the state in twentieth century Northern Ireland. I & M 36 1 (2018) 20–44.
449 DEAN T, A protected minority? Jews and criminal justice: Bologna, 1370–1500. JeH 31 3–4 (2018) 197–227.
450 ELLIS M, WRIGHT R, FIORIO L & HOLLOWAY S, Predicting neighbourhood racial change in large US metropolitan areas, 1990–2010. EP B 45 6 (2018) 1022–37.
451 ESTEVES O, Babylon by bus? The dispersal of immigrant children in England, race and urban space (1960s–1980s). PaedH 54 6 (2018) 750–65.
452 FRINK S, Race, crime, and ‘hambone's meditations’ in Memphis, 1920–1923. JPopC 51 4 (2018) 878–901.
453 FULANI I, Celluloid documents: migrant women in Black Audio Film Collective's Handsworth songs and Sankofa Film and Video Collective's Dreaming rivers. AtlSt 15 1 (2018) 1–15.
454 GARCIA M, Requiem for a barrio: race, space, and gentrification in Southern California. In SANDOVAL-STRAUSZ A & KWAK N eds, Making cities global: the transnational turn in urban history. Philadelphia: University of Philadelphia Press 2018. 166–90.
455 GLASS M, From sword to shield to myth: facing the facts of de facto school segregation. JUH 44 6 (2018) 1197–226.
456 GOLDSTEIN E & WEINER D, On middle ground: a history of the Jews of Baltimore. Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins 2018. pp 400.
457 GRISWOLD S, The colonial museum of Marseille: empire and object in France's ‘porte de l'Orient’. JHC 30 3 (2018) 395–406.
458 GROVE M, OGDEN L, PICKETT S, BOONE C, BUCKLEY G, LOCKE D, LORD C & HALL B, The legacy effect: understanding how segregation and environmental injustice unfold over time in Baltimore. AAAG 108 2 (2018) 524–37.
459 GUIDI-BRUSCOLI F & LUTKIN J, Perception, identity, and culture: the Italian communities in fifteenth-century London and Southampton revisited. In ORMROD M, MCDONALD N & TAYLOR C eds, Resident aliens in later medieval England. Turnhout: Brepols Publishers 2018. 89–104.
460 HACKWORTH J, Race and the production of extreme land abandonment in the American rust belt. IJURR 42 1 (2018) 51–73.
461 HALPIN D, ‘The struggle for land and liberty’: segregation, violence, and African American resistance in Baltimore, 1898–1918. JUH 44 4 (2018) 691–712.
462 HAMILTON A & FOOTE K, Police torture in Chicago: theorizing violence and social justice in a racialized city. AAAG 108 2 (2018) 399–410.
463 HARDESTY J, Unfreedom: slavery and dependence in eighteenth-century Boston. New York: New York University Press 2018. pp 272.
464 HARRIS L, ‘Women and girls in jeopardy by his false testimony’: Charles Dancy, urban policing, and black women in New York City during the 1920s. JUH 44 3 (2018) 457–75.
465 HEROLD B, The diary of the Swiss Leonhard Thurneysser and Black Africans in Renaissance Lisbon. RS 32 3 (2018) 463–88.
466 HOFFER R, Something in the air: American passion and defiance in the 1968 Mexico City Olympics. Lincoln, NE: University of Nebraska Press 2018. pp 276.
467 JACKSON W, An unmistakeable trace of colour: racializing children in segregation-era Cape Town, 1908–1933. P & P 238 1 (2018) 165–95.
468 JOHNSON V, ‘The half has never been told’: Maritcha Lyons' community, black women educators, the woman's loyal union, and ‘the color line’ in progressive era Brooklyn and New York. JUH 44 5 (2018) 835–61.
469 KOWALESKI M, The assimilation of foreigners in late medieval Exeter: a prosopographical analysis. In ORMROD M, MCDONALD N & TAYLOR C eds, Resident aliens in later medieval England. Turnhout: Brepols Publishers 2018. 163–80.
470 KURT U, Theatres of violence on the Ottoman periphery: exploring the local roots of genocidal policies in Antep. JGR 20 3 (2018) 351–71.
471 LEVY P, The great uprising: race riots in urban America during the 1960s. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 2018. pp 344.
472 LIDDY C & LAMBERT B, The civic franchise and the regulation of aliens in Great Yarmouth, c. 1430–c. 1490. In ORMROD M, MCDONALD N & TAYLOR C eds, Resident aliens in later medieval England. Turnhout: Brepols Publishers 2018. 125–46.
473 MCDONALD J, Minority groups in the metropolitan Chicago housing market: 1970–2015. US 55 11 (2018) 2431–50.
474 MALONEY P & SCULLION A, From the Gorbals to the Lower East Side: the cosmopolitanism of the Glasgow Jewish institute players. NTQ 34 1 (2018) 58–73.
475 MARSH K, Colonial workers, imperial migrants, and surveillance: policing in Le Havre, 1914–40. SH 43 1 (2018) 1–29.
476 PEPLOW S, ‘A tactical manoeuvre to apply pressure': race and the role of public inquiries in the 1980 Bristol ‘riot’. TCBH 29 1 (2018) 129–55.
477 PÉREZ L, Sugar, cigars, and revolution: the making of Cuban New York. New York: New York University Press 2018. pp 400.
478 PIOTROWSKA M, ‘Isle of death’: the demographic grounds of social changes in the Warsaw ghetto. ADH 136 2 (2018) 137–58.
479 RAMSEY P, Migration and common schooling in urban America: educating newcomers in Boston and Cincinnati, 1820s–1860s. PaedH 54 6 (2018) 704–19.
480 RENSHAW D, The violent frontline: space, ethnicity and confronting the state in Edwardian Spitalfields and 1980s Brixton. CBH 32 2 (2018) 231–52.
481 SAINI R, ‘England failed to do her duty towards them’: the India office and pauper Indians in the metropole, 1857–1914. JICH 46 2 (2018) 226–56.
482 SCHAFFER G & NASAR S, The white essential subject: race, ethnicity, and the Irish in post-war Britain. CBH 32 2 (2018) 209–30.
483 SHIBLEY G, Negotiating urban environment and economy in New York's Little Syria, 1880–1946. JUH 44 6 (2018) 1081–97.
484 VANDAMME T, The rise of nationalism in a cosmopolitan port city: the foreign communities of Shanghai during the First World War. JWH 29 1 (2018) 37–64.
485 VON ROSENBERG I, Black citizens – British spaces: struggles in the 1970s and 1980s and cinematic representations. In EHLAND C & FISCHER P eds, Resistance and the city: negotiating urban identities – race, class, and gender. Leiden: Brill 2018. 17–33.
486 WALKER J, Most of 14th Street is gone: the Washington, DC riots of 1968. Oxford: Oxford University Press 2018. pp 200.
487 WAWRZENIUK P, ‘Lwów saved us’: Roma survival in Lemberg 1941–44. JGR 20 3 (2018) 327–50.
488 WHITTEMORE A, The role of racial bias in exclusionary zoning: the case of Durham, North Carolina, 1945–2014. EP A 50 4 (2018) 826–47.
Family life
489 BAATSEN I, BLONDÉ B, DE GROOT J, & STURTEWAGEN I, At home in the city: the dynamics of material culture. In BLONDÉ B, BOONE M & VAN BRUAENE A-L eds, City and society in the Low Countries, 1100–1600. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 2018. 192–219.
490 BEZZINA D, Charting the extrados (non-dotal goods) in Genoa and Liguria in the mid twelfth to thirteenth centuries. JMH 44 4 (2018) 422–38.
491 CHUNG S, Creating ‘family’ networks across time and space: the Alsagoffs in Singapore, 1824–2009. MAsS 52 2 (2018) 458–91.
492 MATSUO H & MATTHIJS K, The role of secularization on marriage and conception seasonality patterns: a study of Antwerp (Flanders, Belgium) in the second half of the nineteenth and the early twentieth century. JFH 43 4 (2018) 335–56.
493 MORSE M, Domestic portraiture in early modern Venice: devotion to family and faith. In CORRY M, FAINI M & MENEGHIN A eds, Domestic devotions in early modern Italy. Leiden: Brill 2018. 117–38.
494 PUJADAS-MORA J-M, SÁNCHEZ J-P & CABRÉ A, The apple never falls far from the tree: siblings and intergenerational transmission among farmers and artisans in the Barcelona area in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. HF 23 4 (2018) 533–67.
495 ROPER M, The bush, the suburbs and the long Great War: a family memoir. HWJ 86 (2018) 90–113.
496 ROZEN M, Jamila Harabun and her two husbands: on betrothal and marriage among Ottoman Jews in sixteenth-century Salonika. JFH 43 3 (2018) 227–52.
497 STUARD S, Where notaries provided legal services to medieval townspeople. JFH 43 3 (2018) 270–80.
498 WOLLINA T, Between home and Sufi convent: devotional book use in early modern Damascus. In FAINI M & MENEGHIN A eds, Domestic devotions in the early modern World. Leiden: Brill 2018. 147–66.
499 BARDYN A, The gender distribution of real property ownership in late medieval Brussels (1356–1460). ContC 33 1 (2018) 29–57.
500 BARTRAM R, Emplacing risks in the city: class, politics, risk, and the built environment of women's residential clubs, 1896–1917. JUH 44 2 (2018) 219–38.
501 BOBRYCKI S, The flailing women of Dijon: crowds in ninth-century Europe. P & P 240 1 (2018) 3–46.
502 BUTLER C, Hiding in documents: the lives of women in a patriarchal society – sixteenth century Southampton. LocH 48 2 (2018) 90–103.
503 COOPER G, Struggle and suffrage in Manchester. Barnsley: Pen and Sword Books 2018. pp 116.
504 DRINKALL M, Struggle and suffrage in Sheffield. Barnsley: Pen and Sword Books 2018. pp 179.
505 DUVAL L, Mastering Charleston: property and patriarchy in British-occupied Charleston, 1780–82. W & MQ 75 4 (2018) 589–622.
506 EIDINOW E, Envy, poison, & death: women on trial in classical Athens. Oxford: Oxford University Press 2018. pp 448.
507 FASCHING D & RESCH C, Female murderers and the representation of crime in execution broadsheets in eighteenth century Vienna. LCH 8 1 (2018) 108–25.
508 FRISONE A, ‘Wandering thoughts'; the writing experience of working-class housewives in 1970s Milan. G & H 30 1 (2018) 177–95.
509 HARFORD J, Women's education associations: the role of the central association of Irish schoolmistresses and the women's education association, Boston in advancing the cause of women's admission to Trinity College Dublin and Harvard University. PaedH 54 5 (2018) 626–42.
510 HASHASH Y, Being on a list: class and gender in the registries of Jewish life in Jerusalem, 1840–1900. In DALACHANIS A & LEMIRE V eds, Ordinary Jerusalem, 1840–1940: opening new archives, revisiting a global city. Leiden: Brill 2018. 457–74.
511 HUGHES A & WRIGHT V, What did the rent strikers do next? Women and housing struggles in interwar Scotland. In GRAY N ed, Rent and its discontents: a century of housing struggle. London: Rowman & Littlefield 2018. 17–32.
512 HUNT C, A history of women's lives in Coventry. Barnsley: Pen and Sword Books 2018. pp 218.
513 HUTTON S, Organizing specialized production: gender in the medieval Flemish wool cloth industry (c. 1250–1384). UH 45 3 (2018) 382–403.
514 IRELAND J, Quasi-careers for ladies in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries: schools in Chester and Warrington. LocH 48 3 (2018) 214–25.
515 LEHTSALU L, A welcome presence: the custodial activities of third order women religious in seventeenth- and eighteenth-century Italy. JEMH 22 1–2 (2018) 49–66.
516 LETT D, Gender and sexual violence against children in the judicial registers of Bologna in the fifteenth century. ADH 135 1 (2018) 141–72.
517 MCCORMICK L, The dangers and temptations of the street: managing female behaviour in Belfast during the First World War. WomHR 27 3 (2018) 414–31.
518 MILLER E, Gender differences in intercity commuting patterns in the Fox River Valley, Illinois, 1912–1936. JHG 60 (2018) 89–99.
519 MILNER L & BRIGDEN C, No handmaidens here: women, volunteering and gender dynamics in the Sydney New Theatre. WomHR 27 2 (2018) 266–87.
520 MOSS R, Ready to disport with you: homosocial culture amongst the wool merchants of fifteenth-century Calais. HWJ 86 (2018) 1–21.
521 MUBARKI M, Looking beyond post-colonial modernity: subaltern masculinity and the Mumbai cinema. SAs 41 4 (2018) 723–43.
522 QUAIL S, Struggle and suffrage in Portsmouth. Barnsley: Pen and Sword Books 2018. pp 208.
523 RORÍGUEZ-MARCO I & CABRERA-LAFUENTE A, The involvement of women in the National Museum of Decorative Arts of Madrid (Spain): 1912–1942. MuHJ 11 2 (2018) 153–73.
524 RYAN J, ‘Unveiling’ the tramway: the intimate public sphere in late Ottoman and republican Istanbul. JUH 44 5 (2018) 811–34.
525 SALTER E, Women's last wills and testaments in Hull, England (c.1450–1555). EMW 12 2 (2018) 33–53.
526 SEN A, Torture and laughter. Naxal insurgency, custodial violence, and inmate resistance in a women's correctional facility in 1970s Calcutta. MAsS 52 3 (2018) 917–41.
527 SHAPIRA M, Indecently exposed: the male body and vagrancy in metropolitan London before the fin de siècle. G & H 30 1 (2018) 52–69.
528 SOMERSET J, Pushing the boundaries of 1980s feminism in a northern English town. NH 55 1 (2018) 76–91.
529 SPIES-GANS P, Exceptional, but not exceptions: public exhibitions and the rise of the woman artist in London and Paris, 1760–1830. ECS 51 4 (2018) 393–416.
530 SPINDLER L, Struggle and suffrage in Leatherhead. Barnsley: Pen and Sword Books 2018. pp 208.
531 STEVENSON A, Harriet Clisby's ‘sketches of Australia’: travel writing and colonial refigurations in Boston's Women's Journal. WomHR 27 5 (2018) 837–57.
532 SUK L, ‘Only the fragile sex admitted’: the women's restaurant in 1920s São Paulo, Brazil. JSocH 51 3 (2018) 592–620.
533 SWEDBERG G, Moralizing public space: prostitution, disease, and social disorder in Orizaba, Mexico, 1910–1945. JSocH 52 1 (2018) 54–73.
534 TEASDALE V, Struggle and suffrage in Huddersfield. Barnsley: Pen and Sword Books 2018. pp 156.
535 TEOH K M, Schooling diaspora: women, education, and the overseas Chinese in British Malaya and Singapore, 1850s–1960s. Oxford: Oxford University Press 2018. pp 248.
536 VAN DER HEIJDEN M & MUURLING S, Violence and gender in eighteenth-century Bologna and Rotterdam. JSocH 51 4 (2018) 695–716.
537 VENTERS S, ‘Better to burn’: the Prima Mimarum and political friction in fourth-century Antioch. ThJ 70 1 (2018) 23–41.
538 VISE M, The women and the inquisitor: peacemaking in Bologna, 1299. Spec 93 2 (2018) 357–86.
539 WALLIS J, A home of a gaol? Scandal, secrecy, and the St James's inebriate home for women. SHMed 31 4 (2018) 774–95.
540 WATERS M, The campaign for women's suffrage in York and the 1911 census evasion. YAJ 90 1 (2018) 178–94.
541 WILLIAMS S, Unmarried motherhood in the metropolis, 1700–1850: pregnancy, the poor law and provision. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan 2018. pp xv + 270.
542 AVERY S & GRAHAM K, Sex, time and place: queer histories of London, c.1850 to the present. London: Bloomsbury Academic 2018. pp 320.
543 CLIFFORD-NAPOLEONE A, Queering Kansas City jazz: gender, performance, and the history of a scene. Lincoln, NE: University of Nebraska Press 2018. pp 234.
544 KNOPP L, BROWN M & MCKEITHEN W, Urban politics as the unfolding of social relations in place: the case of sexually transmitted disease investigation in mid-twentieth-century gay Seattle. IJURR 42 3 (2018) 390–407.
545 ORR D, The foul conspiracy to screen Salisbury and sacrifice Morton: a microhistory of extortion, resistance and same-sex intimacy in early nineteenth-century London. H 103 357 (2018) 571–87.
546 SHAPIRA M, Indecently exposed: the male body and vagrancy in metropolitan London before the fin de siècle. G & H 30 1 (2018) 52–69.
547 SOYER F, The inquisition and the repression of erotic and pornographic imagery in early nineteenth-century Madrid. H 103 354 (2018) 60–81.
548 WAUGH J, A sodomy case in colonial Melbourne: the prison letters of George Bateson. JACH 20 1 (2018) 83–102.
V Economic activity
Urban economic activity
549 ALLEN A, Building early modern Edinburgh: a social history of craftwork and incorporation. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press 2018. pp 304.
550 BENNETT D, The goldsmiths of Dublin: six centuries of achievement. Dublin: Four Courts 2018. pp 106.
551 BLAKE J, London buses in the 1970s. Barnsley: Pen and Sword Books 2018. pp 164.
552 BLOCKMANS W, DE MUNCK B & STABEL P, Economic vitality: urbanisation, regional complementarity and European interaction. In BLONDÉ B, BOONE M & VAN BRUAENE A-L eds, City and society in the Low Countries, 1100–1600. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 2018. 22–58.
553 BOWIE N, Corporate democracy: how corporations justified their right to speak in 1970s Boston. L & HR 36 4 (2018) 943–92.
554 CADGE W & SKAGGS M, Serving seafarers in the Boston Harbor: local adaptation to global economic change, 1820–2015. IJMH 30 2 (2018) 252–65.
555 CUNNINGHAM J, …as good and ffyne silver as any plate of London towche: goldsmiths and the market for silver in seventeenth-century Dublin. HRC 4 2 (2018) 171–86.
556 DEVLIN R, Global best practice or regulating fiction? Street vending, zero tolerance and conflicts over public space in New York, 1980–2000. IJURR 42 3 (2018) 517–32.
557 DEWILDE B, DUMOLYN J, LAMBERT B & VANNIEUWENHUYZE N, ‘So one would notice the good navigability': economic decline and the cartographic conception of urban space in late fifteenth- and sixteenth-century Bruges. UH 45 1 (2018) 2–25.
558 DUNNING C, New careers for the poor: human services and the post-industrial city. JUH 44 4 (2018) 669–90.
559 FIELD J, Economic change in a London suburb: Southwark, c. 1601–1881. LJ 43 3 (2018) 243–66.
560 GADD S, Illegal quays: Elizabethan customs reforms and suppression of the coastal trade of Christchurch, Hampshire. EcHR 71 3 (2018) 727–46.
561 HAGGERTY S, Risk, networks and privateering in Liverpool during the Seven Years' War, 1756–1763. IJMH 30 1 (2018) 30–51.
562 HARRISON E, ‘Money spinners': R. Seifert & Partners, Sir Frank Price and public-sector speculative development in the 1970s. ArchH 61 (2018) 259–80.
563 HILL S, The politics of Liverpool's northern whaling trade, 1750–1823. MM 104 4 (2018) 439–55.
564 HOWELL M & BILLEN C, Le crédit au quotidien. HU 51 1 (2018) 5–17.
565 HOYER D, Money, culture, and well-being in Rome's economic development, 0–275 CE. Leiden: Brill 2018. pp 189.
566 HUFF G & HUFF G, The shipping conference system, empire and local protest in Singapore, 1910–1911. JICH 46 1 (2018) 69–92.
567 IORDANOU I, The professionalization of cryptology in sixteenth-century Venice. ES 19 4 (2018) 979–1013.
568 KAHRL A, Capitalizing on the urban fiscal crisis: predatory tax buyers in 1970s Chicago. JUH 44 3 (2018) 382–401.
569 KIM S, ‘The surest support of their enormous and iniquitous claims’: legal expertise and land acquisition in late colonial New York. PH 85 2 (2018) 195–238.
570 MCCALLUM R, Loans from English provincial towns to the crown during the reigns of Edward II and Edward III. HR 91 254 (2018) 605–27.
571 MINER J & STANTCHEV S, The Genoese economy. In BENEŠ C ed, A companion to medieval Genoa. Leiden: Brill 2018. 395–426.
572 MORGAN G & RUSHTON P, Parish, river, region and nation: networks of power in eighteenth-century Wearside. In GREEN A & CROSBIE B eds, Economy and culture in North-East England, 1500–1800. Martlesham: Boydell Press 2018. 230–49.
573 MURPHY H, An anatomy of speculative failure: Wm Doxford & Sons Ltd, Sunderland, and the Northumberland Shipbuilding Company of Howdon on Tyne, 1919–1945. MM 104 1 (2018) 58–72.
574 OLSON S & POUTANEN M Shelter from the hurry? Hospitality in Montreal, 1836–1913. In MACKINTOSH P, DENNIS R & HOLDSWORTH D eds, Architectures of hurry – mobilities, cities and modernity. Abingdon: Routledge 2018. 154–72.
575 PALMISANO A, The geography of trade: landscapes of competition and long-distance contacts in Mesopotamia and Anatolia in the Old Assyrian colony period. Oxford: Archaeopress 2018. pp xii + 192.
576 RHOOK N, Affective counter networks: healing, trade, and Indian strategies of in/dependence in early ‘white Melbourne’. JCCH 19 2 (2018) 1–24.
577 ROBB H, Reputation in the fifteenth century credit market; some tales from the ecclesiastical courts of York. CulSH 15 3 (2018) 297–313.
578 SCHWECKE S, A tangled jungle of disorderly transactions? The production of a monetary outside in a north Indian town. MAsS 52 4 (2018) 1375–419.
579 TIBBLES A, Liverpool and the slave trade. Liverpool: Liverpool University Press 2018. pp 128.
580 TOMS D, The hackney carriage in Cork: vehicle of a Victorian Irish city 1854–1902. IESH 45 1 (2018) 136–54.
581 ADAM R, Living and printing in Antwerp in the late fifteenth and early sixteenth centuries: a social enquiry. In KAVALER E & VAN BRUAENE A-L eds, Netherlandish culture of the sixteenth century: urban perspectives. Turnhout: Brepols Publishers 2018. 83–98.
582 BRÜHWILER B, Interweaving threads of credit and debt: trading (through) textiles in colonial Dar es Salaam. BuH 60 4 (2018) 474–91.
583 BURN A, Work before play: the occupational structure of Newcastle upon Tyne, 1600–1710. In GREEN A & CROSBIE B eds, Economy and culture in North-East England, 1500–1800. Martlesham: Boydell Press 2018. 115–35.
584 CROSBIE B, Provincial purveyors of culture: the print trade in eighteenth-century Newcastle upon Tyne. In GREEN A & CROSBIE B eds, Economy and culture in North-East England, 1500–1800. Martlesham: Boydell Press 2018. 205–29.
585 GREGORY R, DUNGWORTH D, WILD C & HUGHES V, Exploring Bristol's historic glass industry: archaeological investigation at the soap boilers' and hoopers' glasshouses, and the Powell & Ricketts' Bottle Works, Avon Street, Glass Wharf, Bristol. PMA 52 2 (2018) 256–99.
586 HILL A, Lost books and printing in London, 1557–1640. Leiden: Brill 2018. pp 184.
587 RAIANU M, ‘A mass of anomalies’: land, law, and sovereignty in an Indian company town. CSSH 60 2 (2018) 367–89.
588 SUGDEN K, Clapham revisited: the decline of the Norwich worsted industry (c. 1700–1820). ContC 33 2 (2018) 203–24.
589 TILL R, The cutlers of Thaxted 1350–1420. LocH 48 4 (2018) 319–32.
External trade
590 LINCOLN M, Trading in war: London's maritime world in the age of Cook and Nelson. New Haven: Yale University Press 2018. pp 304.
591 WRIGHT P, Shipping on the Tyne: the growth and diversification of seaborne trade in the eighteenth century. In GREEN A & CROSBIE B eds, Economy and culture in North-East England, 1500–1800. Martlesham: Boydell Press 2018. 156–81.
Food supply
592 ARNOUT A, Couvert ou en plein air? Tradition et innovation dans le domaine des marchés bruxellois au XIXe siècle. In KNAEPEN A, LOIR C & WILKIN A eds, Les marchés alimentaires en ville depuis le Moyen Âge. Brussels: Editions de l'Université de Bruxelles 2018. 123–40.
593 ASSAEL B, The London restaurant, 1840–1914. Oxford: Oxford University Press 2018. pp 256.
594 BAICS G & THELLE M, Introduction: meat and the nineteenth-century city. UH 45 2 (2018) 184–92.
595 BRUEGEL M, Congrus? Incongrus? Portions et repas pris hors domicile à Paris en 1900 en milieu modeste. In KNAEPEN A, LOIR C & WILKIN A eds, Les marchés alimentaires en ville depuis le Moyen Âge. Brussels: Editions de l'Université de Bruxelles 2018. 167–90.
596 CAMPANINI A, Qualités sous contrôle sur le marché de Bologne (XIIIe–XVIe siècles). In KNAEPEN A, LOIR C & WILKIN A eds, Les marchés alimentaires en ville depuis le Moyen Âge. Brussels: Editions de l'Université de Bruxelles 2018. 27–40.
597 DAVIS J, Etrangers et outsiders dans les marchés alimentaires de l'Angleterre du bas Moyen Âge. In KNAEPEN A, LOIR C & WILKIN A eds, Les marchés alimentaires en ville depuis le Moyen Âge. Brussels: Editions de l'Université de Bruxelles 2018. 67–82.
598 DONATI F P, Ravitaillement en céréales et marché urbain à Bologne au XIIIe siècle. In KNAEPEN A, LOIR C & WILKIN A eds, Les marchés alimentaires en ville depuis le Moyen Âge. Brussels: Editions de l'Université de Bruxelles 2018. 13–26.
599 FAUGERON F, ‘Une continuelle foire annuelle’: aménagement, accès et circuits commerciaux du marché vénitien de Rialto à la fin du Moyen Âge. In KNAEPEN A, LOIR C & WILKIN A eds, Les marchés alimentaires en ville depuis le Moyen Âge. Brussels: Editions de l'Université de Bruxelles 2018. 41–52.
600 GLASSER R, The farm in the city in the recent past: thoughts on a more inclusive urban historiography. JUH 44 3 (2018) 501–18.
601 GUÀRDIA M, OYÓN J, GARRIGA S & FAVA N, Meat consumption and nutrition transmission in Barcelona, 1709–1935. UH 45 2 (2018) 193–213.
602 JORDON J, Global goods away from global trading points? Tea and coffee in early modern Bern. HRC 4 3 (2018) 217–34.
603 LANNOYE A, Marchés et circulation à Bruxelles au XVIIIe siècle. In KNAEPEN A, LOIR C & WILKIN A eds, Les marchés alimentaires en ville depuis le Moyen Âge. Brussels: Editions de l'Université de Bruxelles 2018. 97–122.
604 MALTIN E & JONSSON L, Cod heads, stockfish, and dried spurdog: unexpected commodities in Nya Lödöse (1473–1624), Sweden. IJHA 22 2 (2018) 343–63.
605 PARMENTIER I, Les marchés et les pratiques alimentaires en ville, du Moyen Âge au XIXe siècle : remarques introductives. In KNAEPEN A, LOIR C & WILKIN A eds, Les marchés alimentaires en ville depuis le Moyen Âge. Brussels: Editions de l'Université de Bruxelles 2018. 7–12.
606 RAMBOURG P, Bien manger dans le Paris de la fin du Moyen Âge: de la nécessaire nourriture à la bonne nourriture. In KNAEPEN A, LOIR C & WILKIN A eds, Les marchés alimentaires en ville depuis le Moyen Âge. Brussels: Editions de l'Université de Bruxelles 2018. 53–66.
607 SCHOLLIERS P, Entre public et privé: imaginer la sécurité alimentaire à Bruxelles au début du XIXe siècle. In KNAEPEN A, LOIR C & WILKIN A eds, Les marchés alimentaires en ville depuis le Moyen Âge. Brussels: Editions de l'Université de Bruxelles 2018. 155–66.
608 THEILLER I, Les ‘frequentans’ des marchés hebdomadaires normands à la fin du Moyen Âge. In KNAEPEN A, LOIR C & WILKIN A eds, Les marchés alimentaires en ville depuis le Moyen Âge. Brussels: Editions de l'Université de Bruxelles 2018. 83–96.
609 WILKIN A, Organiser l'approvisionnement urbain: gestion des flux alimentaires, régulation des espaces d’échanges. In KNAEPEN A, LOIR C & WILKIN A eds, Les marchés alimentaires en ville depuis le Moyen Âge. Brussels: Editions de l'Université de Bruxelles 2018. 191–204.
610 WILLIOT J-P, Le wagon, la charrette et le panier: ravitailler les Halles de Paris au XIXe siècle. In KNAEPEN A, LOIR C & WILKIN A eds, Les marchés alimentaires en ville depuis le Moyen Âge. Brussels: Editions de l'Université de Bruxelles 2018. 141–54.
Finance, banking and industry
611 AĞIR S, The rise and demise of gedik markets in Istanbul, 1750–1860. EcHR 71 1 (2018) 133–56.
612 BARNES V & NEWTON L, How far does the apple fall from the tree? The size of English bank branch networks in the nineteenth century. BuH 60 4 (2018) 447–73.
613 BILES R, Public policy made by private enterprise: bond rating agencies and urban America. JUH 44 6 (2018) 1098–112.
614 BILLEN C & KUSMAN D, Les affaires, la clientèle et les scrupules de Jehan Biérenghier, usurier tournaisien (†1305) Crédit et usure à Tournai au xiiie et au début du xive siècle. HU 51 1 (2018) 41–70.
615 CAMPBELL G, TURNER J & YE Q, The liquidity of the London capital markets, 1825–70. EcHR 71 3 (2018) 823–52.
616 CAMPBELL G, QUINN W, TURNER J & YE Q, What moved share prices in the nineteenth-century London stock market. EcHR 71 1 (2018) 157–89.
617 CARVAJAL D, The economic and social bases of urban credit: Valladolid in the later middle ages. HU 51 1 (2018) 131–50.
618 COSTA L, ROCHA M & BRITO P, The alchemy of gold: interest rates, money stock, and credit in eighteenth-century Lisbon. EcHR 71 4 (2018) 1147–72.
619 DAVIS J & MCCALLUM R, Robert Gyen of Bristol: a 14th century merchant, crown official and swindler extraordinaire. TBGAS 136 1 (2018) 237–50.
620 DUNNING C, Outsourcing government: Boston and the rise of public–private partnerships. ES 19 4 (2018) 803–15.
621 FANDOS M, Crédit et transfert de capitaux à Saragosse au xve siècle. Les commandes de dépôt dans les registres du notaire Antón de Aldovera 1415–1440. HU 53 3 (2018) 161–78.
622 FLEMING A, City of debtors: a century of fringe finance. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press 2018. pp 376.
623 HANNAH L, The London Stock Exchange, 1869–1929: new statistics for old? EcHR 71 4 (2018) 1349–56.
624 HANSEN B, Trust company failures and institutional change in New York, 1875–1925. ES 19 2 (2018) 241–71.
625 HOWELL M, Un réseau de crédit à Ypres au xiiie siècle. Les reconnaissances de dettes de 1249–1291. HU 51 1 (2018) 19–40.
626 HUANG M, ‘The year of China in South Africa’: two scenes from Johannesburg. RHR 131 1 (2018) 146–49.
627 LAGNEAU-YMONET P & RIVA A, Trading forward: the Paris bourse in the nineteenth century. BuH 60 2 (2018) 257–80.
628 POPIELARZ P, Moral dividends: freemasonry and finance capitalism in early nineteenth-century America. BuH 60 5 (2018) 655–76.
629 SCHERMAN M, Le crédit: une obligation de tous les jours (ou presque). Aperçus depuis une économie urbaine de la fin du Moyen Âge (Trévise au xve siècle). HU 51 1 (2018) 111–30.
630 SIGNORI G, Loan sharks and small fry: creditors and debtors in the debt recognizances in 15th century Basel. HU 51 1 (2018) 71–93.
631 SMAIL D, The materiality of credit: debt collection as pawnbroking in late medieval Mediterranean Europe. HU 51 1 (2018) 95–110.
632 SMITH E, The global interests of London's commercial community, 1599–1625: investment in the East India Company. EcHR 71 4 (2018) 1118–46.
633 TAVIANI C, Companies, commerce, and credit. In BENEŠ C E ed, A companion to medieval Genoa. Leiden: Brill 2018. 427–47.
634 ARNBERG K & HUSZ O, From the great department store with love: window display and the transfer of commercial knowledge in early twentieth-century Sweden. HRC 4 2 (2018) 126–55.
635 BIDE B, More than window dressing: visual merchandising and austerity in London's West End, 1945–50. BuH 60 7 (2018) 983–1003.
636 GOSSEYE J, The Janus-faced shopping center: the Low Countries in search of a fitting shopping paradigm. JUH 44 5 (2018) 862–86.
637 HOILE S, Coffin furniture in London c. 1700–1850: the establishment of tradition in the material culture of the grave. PMA 52 2 (2018) 210–23.
638 JENKINS M, The view from the street: the landscape of polite shopping in Georgian York. UH 45 1 (2018) 26–48.
639 ORLANDI A, Playing with luxury: dolls as ambassadors for the Florentine business community in sixteenth-century Spain? JEMH 22 4 (2018) 259–78.
640 RICARDI P, Working-class consumer behaviour in ‘marvellous Melbourne’ and Buenos Aires, the ‘Paris of South America’. IJHA 22 1 (2018) 131–46.
641 STEPHENSON J, Real wages? Contractors, workers, and pay in London building trades, 1650–1800. EHR 71 1 (2018) 106–32.
Standard of living
642 DYSON R, The wealthier inhabitants of Croydon in the late sixteenth and early seventeenth centuries. FCH 21 1 (2018) 3–14.
643 RUSENKO R, Imperatives of care and control in the regulation of homelessness in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia: 1880s to present. US 55 10 (2018) 2123–41.
Working conditions
644 ARCHER R, ‘It was better when it was worse': blue-collar narratives of the recent past in Belgrade. SH 43 1 (2018) 30–55.
645 BEDI T, Urban histories of place and labour: the chillia taximen of Bombay/Mumbai. MAsS 52 5 (2018) 1604–38.
646 DE MUNCK B & DE KERF R, Wandering about the learning market: early modern apprenticeship in Antwerp gold- and silversmith ateliers. In BRANDON P, SABINE G & WYBREN V eds Navigating history: economy, society, knowledge, and nature. Leiden: Brill 2018. 36–63.
647 HAYES N, Heritage, craft, and identity: twisthands and their machinery in what is left of the British lace industry. LHR 83 2 (2018) 147–77.
648 HOLDSWORTH D, Hurried exchanges: hybrid office buildings and their uses in the late nineteenth century. In MACKINTOSH P, DENNIS R & HOLDSWORTH D eds, Architectures of hurry – mobilities, cities and modernity. Abingdon: Routledge 2018. 137–53.
649 MICHELETTO B, Documents and local networks: monitoring migrants and workers in eighteenth-century Turin. In GREEFS H & WINTER A eds, Migration policies and materialities of identification in European cities, paper and gates 1500–1930s. Abingdon: Routledge 2018. 87–110.
650 SRIVASTAVA P, The well-being of the labor force in Colonial Bombay. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan 2018. pp xvii + 283.
Labour organization
651 HYSLOP J, The politics of disembarkation: empire, shipping and labor in the port of Durban, 1897–1947. ILWCH 93 1 (2018) 176–200.
652 KHAN R, Cab fair: taxi driving and South Asian labor activism in New York City, 1985–1999. LabH 59 6 (2018) 676–91.
653 LOUGHLIN C, Labour and the politics of disloyalty in Belfast, 1921–39. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan 2018. pp xvii + 162.
654 LUECKE M, ‘American' tars: impressment, citizenship and labour in early republican New York City. IJMH 30 4 (2018) 663–80.
655 MALIK A, Public authority and local resistance: Abdur Rehman and the industrial workers of Lahore, 1969–1974. MAsS 52 3 (2018) 815–48.
656 MINCHIN T, Labor rights are civil rights: inter-racial unionism and the struggle to unionize Nissan in Canton, Mississippi. LabH 59 6 (2018) 720–45.
657 MURPHY C, Rival imagined communities in the Dublin lockout of 1913. HWJ 86 (2018) 184–204.
658 SARKAR A, Trouble at the mill: factory law and the emergence of labour question in late nineteenth-century Bombay. Oxford: Oxford University Press 2018. pp 368.
659 SROUGO S, Between idealism and reality: the unknown chapter of the Thessalonikian dockworkers in their struggle in the port of Haifa, 1933–1935. LabH 59 4 (2018) 398–414.
VI Communications
Inter-urban communications
660 GABRIELE A, Mary Elizabeth Braddon at the Antipodes: cosmopolitan cultural transfers and the restructuring of the nineteenth-century book industry. BookH 21 (2018) 150–83.
661 HARRIS L, Stumbling towards empire; the Shanghai local post office, the transnational British community and informal empire in China, 1863–97. JICH 46 3 (2018) 418–45.
662 HEIN C, Crossing boundaries: the global exchange of planning ideas. In SANDOVAL-STRAUSZ A & KWAK N eds, Making cities global: the transnational turn in urban history. Philadelphia: University of Philadelphia Press 2018. 114–32.
663 STOPES H, Nineteenth-century provincial cities conceptualize their place in the global order. In HAUSWEDELL T, HÖRNER A & TIEDAU U eds, Re-mapping centre and periphery: asymmetrical encounters in European and global contexts. London: UCL Press 2018. 94–108.
664 YOO G, Wars and wonders: the inter-island information networks of Georg Everhard Rumphius. BJHS 51 4 (2018) 559–84.
VII Politics and administration
Aspects of urban administration
665 BOONE M & HAEMERS J, ‘The common good': governance, discipline and political culture. In BLONDÉ B, BOONE M & VAN BRUAENE A-L eds, City and society in the Low Countries, 1100–1600. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 2018. 93–127.
666 CALLEGARI D & MCHUGH S, Playing papal politics: senatorial and monastic allies in early modern Bologna. RS 32 4 (2018) 602–18.
667 CAMERON E, The 1918 Reform Act, redistribution and Scottish politics. ParlH 37 1 (2018) 101–15.
668 CARPENTER D & SHARPE R, Subversive acts: the early charters of the borough of Beverley. H 103 358 (2018) 719–36.
669 CHMIELEWSKI K, ‘Hopelessly insane, some almost maniacs’: New York City's war on ‘unfit’ teachers. PaedH 54 1–2 (2018) 169–83.
670 HANLEY A, The public good and the Brazilian state: municipal finance and public services in São Paulo, 1822–1930. Chicago: University of Chicago Press 2018. pp 288.
671 HORNER A, Mary Latchford Kingsmill Jones, 1877–1968. HIre 26 2 (2018) 18–20.
672 MACARTHUR-SEAL D-J, Resurrecting legal extraterritoriality in occupied Istanbul, 1918–1923. MES 54 5 (2018) 769–87.
673 MARTEL M, Participatory government by journalism: class periodicals and the local state, 1880–1914. VPR 51 1 (2018) 18–47.
674 MCKITTERICK R, The popes as rulers of Rome in the aftermath of empire, 476–769. SCH 54 1 (2018) 71–95.
675 MERRITT J, Westminster 1640–1660: a royal city in a time of revolution. Manchester: Manchester University Press 2018. pp 288.
676 OGORZALEK T, The cities on the hill: how urban institutions transform national politics. Oxford: Oxford University Press 2018. pp 352.
677 POPE B, Nuremberg's noble servant: Werner von Parsberg (d. 1455) between town and nobility in late medieval Germany. GeH 36 2 (2018) 159–80.
678 RADFORD I, Motley crowds and splendid assemblies: press depictions of election culture in mid-Victorian Toronto. HS 51 103 (2018) 1–25.
679 REES D, Municipal accountability in the American age of reform: the Gadfly at the counter, 1870–1920. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan 2018. pp ix + 128.
680 RISTOW C, A revolution unfinished: the Chegomista rebellion and the limits of revolutionary democracy in Juchitán, Oaxaca. Lincoln, NE: University of Nebraska Press 2018. pp 312.
681 ROSS F, From municipal feminism to the equality act – legislation and gender equality work in UK local government 1980–2010. WSIF 66 1 (2018) 1–8.
682 SCRIVENS P, The lady Lord Mayors of Norwich 1923–2017. Barnsley: Pen and Sword Books 2018. pp 170.
683 SOEN V, Habsburg political culture and Antwerp defiant. Pacification strategies of governors-general during the Dutch revolt (1566–1586). In KAVALER E & VAN BRUAENE A-L eds, Netherlandish culture of the sixteenth century: urban perspectives. Turnhout: Brepols Publishers 2018. 167–86.
684 SPIEKERMANN U, Cleaning San Francisco, cleaning the United States: the Graft prosecutions of 1906–1909 and their nationwide consequences. BuH 60 3 (2018) 361–80.
685 STERN P, The corporation and the global seventeenth-century English empire: a tale of three cities. EAmS 16 1 (2018) 41–63.
686 STEWART T A W, ‘Vote as you pray’ – the success of the Scottish prohibitionist party in Dundee during the interwar period. IJRLH 13 2 (2018) 105–17.
687 THOMPSON J, ‘The lights of the electric octopus have been switched off': visual and political culture in Edwardian London. TCBH 29 3 (2018) 331–56.
688 VAN CAMP V & HAEMERS J, ‘Li ville est mal gouvernee: les registres du conseil de la ville de Mons, la crise politique de 1424–1428 et son impact sur l'audition des comptes communaux. HU 52 2 (2018) 137–66.
689 VAN GELDER M, The people's prince: popular politics in early modern Venice. JModH 90 2 (2018) 249–91.
690 VIANA V, The making of a modern public health system in some smaller Chinese towns, 1929–1949. UH 45 2 (2018) 331–50.
691 WALLACE C, Civil society in search of a state: Dublin 1898–1922. UH 45 3 (2018) 426–52.
Political activism
692 BERGESON-LOCKWOOD M, No longer pliant tools: urban politics and conflicts over African American partisanship in 1880s Boston, Massachusetts. JUH 44 2 (2018) 169–86.
693 CONNOR M, Race, republicans, and real estate: the 1991 Fulton County tax revolt. JUH 44 5 (2018) 985–1006.
694 DAVIDOW J, ‘The crusade is now begun in Philadelphia’: municipal reformers, southern moderates, and African American politics. JUH 44 2 (2018) 153–68.
695 DOSTER D, ‘This independent fight we are making is local’: the election of 1920 and electoral politics in black Baltimore. JUH 44 2 (2018) 134–52.
696 FARMER J, ‘Ryot upon ryot’: sedition during the London shrieval election of 1682. LJ 43 1 (2018) 1–16.
697 GRANT A, Derry: the Irish revolution, 1912–1923. Dublin: Four Courts 2018. pp 224.
698 GRAYSON R, Dublin's great wars: the First World War, the Easter Rising and the Irish Revolution. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 2018. pp xvi + 470.
699 HIRSCH B, The ‘capital of discontent’? Urban resistance in Manchester. In EHLAND C & FISCHER P eds, Resistance and the city: challenging urban space. Leiden: Brill 2018. 113–26.
700 HOPPER A, ‘The great blow' and the politics of popular royalism in Civil War Norwich. EHR 133 560 (2018) 32–64.
701 JAFFE S, Activist New York: a history of people, protest, and politics. New York: New York University Press 2018. pp 304.
702 LEWIS C, At home, you're the most important thing: the Chicago maternity center and medical home birth, 1932–1973. JWH 30 4 (2018) 35–59.
703 LOBERG M, The struggle for the streets of Berlin: politics, consumption, and urban space, 1914–1945. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 2018. pp 338.
704 LOESSBERG R, Two societies: the writing of the summary of the report of the national advisory commission on civil disorders. JUH 44 6 (2018) 1039–61.
705 MATERSON L & TROTTER JR J, African American urban electoral politics in the age of Jim Crow. JUH 44 2 (2018) 123–33.
706 MATHER R, Remembering protest in the late-Georgian working-class home. In GRIFFIN C & MCDONAGH B eds, Remembering protest in Britain since 1500: memory, materiality and the landscape. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan 2018. 135–58.
707 MURPHY M-E, ‘The servant campaigns’: African American women and the politics of economic justice in Washington, D.C., in the 1930s. JUH 44 2 (2018) 187–202.
708 NAVICKAS K, The ‘bastilles’ of the constitution: political prisoners, radicalism, and prison reform in early nineteenth-century England. LHR 83 2 (2018) 97–123.
709 Ó LUAIN K, Young and old Ireland: repeal politics in Belfast, 1846–1848. NHR 22 2 (2018) 38–53.
710 O'CALLAGHAN J, Limerick: the Irish revolution, 1912–23. Dublin: Four Courts 2018. pp 192.
711 RAFAIL P, Protest in the city: urban spatial restructuring and dissent in New York, 1960–2006. US 55 1 (2018) 244–60.
712 REEVES M, ‘Free and equal partners in your commonwealth': the Atlantic Charter and anticolonial delegations to London, 1941–3. TCBH 29 2 (2018) 259–83.
713 ROBERTS S, The campaign of the ‘red-bearded radical’: Richard Gott and the Hull North by-election, 1966. CBH 32 3 (2018) 336–58.
714 SAVALA J, ‘Let us bring it with love’: violence, solidarity, and the making of a social disaster in the wake of the 1906 earthquake in Valparaíso, Chile. JSocH 51 4 (2018) 928–52.
715 SCHRADER T, The colors of Loisaida: embedding murals in community activism. JUH 44 3 (2018) 519–32.
716 STRATMANN G, Giving meaning to anarchy: contemporary interpretations of rioting in 18th-century Britain. In EHLAND C & FISCHER P eds, Resistance and the city: challenging urban space. Leiden: Brill 2018. 79–97.
717 WHYTE N, Remembering Mousehold Heath. In GRIFFIN C & MCDONAGH B eds, Remembering protest in Britain since 1500: memory, materiality and the landscape. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan 2018. 25–51.
718 ZORTEA J, How a neighbourhood asserted its right to survive, 1945–1997. GE 11 2 (2018) 377–404.
VIII Shaping the urban environment
Research methods, aids and materials
719 KLINGLE M, Introduction: making places, shaping cities – narrating spatial history in three American cities. JUH 44 4 (2018) 576–81.
Town planning (and environmental control)
720 ABRAMS L, HAZLEY B, WRIGHT V & KEARNS A, Aspiration, agency, and the production of new selves in a Scottish new town, c.1947–c.2016. TCBH 29 4 (2018) 576–604.
721 ACCIAVATTI A, Dynamic agropolis: the case of Allahabad, India. In WAY T ed, River cities, city rivers. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press 2018. 129–52.
722 ALLEN J, Reading's old or east cemetery: the geological landscape of an urban burial ground in modern central Berkshire. LandH 31 1 (2018) 71–86.
723 ALLEN-KIM E, Condos in the mall: suburban transnational typological transformations in Markham, Ontario. In SANDOVAL-STRAUSZ A & KWAK N eds, Making cities global: the transnational turn in urban history. Philadelphia: University of Philadelphia Press 2018. 133–65.
724 AVERY-QUINN S, Cities of Zion: Methodist camp meeting associations and vernacular town planning. JPH 17 1 (2018) 42–66.
725 BAGO I, The city as a space of plastic happening: from grand proposals to exceptional gestures in the art of the 1970s in Zagreb. JUH 44 1 (2018) 26–53.
726 BARBOT M, Dans les bons comme dans les mauvais moments? Localiser et nommer les immeubles à Milan au tournant de la crise du xviie siècle. HU 53 3 (2018) 17–35.
727 BEAMISH A, A garden in the street: the introduction of street trees in Boston and New York. SHGDL 38 1 (2018) 38–56.
728 BELL S, Framing urban water sustainability: analysing infrastructure controversies in London. In ZHUANG Y & ALTAWEEL M eds, Water societies and technologies from the past and present. London: UCL Press 2018. 200–20.
729 BENTLIN F, Understanding the Hobrecht Plan. Origin, composition, and implementation of urban design elements in the Berlin expansion plan from 1862. PlP 33 4 (2018) 633–55.
730 BIGON L, Beneath the city's grid: vernacular and (post-)colonial planning interactions in Dakar, Senegal. JHG 59 (2018) 52–67.
731 BILES R, Harold Washington and the planning tradition in Chicago. JPH 17 2 (2018) 79–96.
732 BILLEN C & DELIGNE C, Urban space: infrastructure, technology and power. In BLONDÉ B, BOONE M & VAN BRUAENE A-L eds, City and society in the Low Countries, 1100–1600. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 2018. 162–91.
733 BODENSCHATZ H, Urbanism and dictatorship – overcoming tunnel vision: three exhibitions in Salazar's Lisbon: 1940, 1941 and 1952. In FISCHER K & ALTROCK U eds, Windows upon planning history. Abingdon: Routledge 2018. 203–19.
734 BRADY J & MCMANUS R, Marino at 100: a garden suburb of lasting influence. IG 51 1 (2018) 1–24.
735 CICCHINI M, Les incertitudes du commencement. La numérotation des maisons et sa réception à Genève à la fin du xviiie siècle. HU 53 3 (2018) 107–25.
736 CIRIACONO S, Management of the lagoon and urban environment in 18th-century Venice. WH 10 2–3 (2018) 141–61.
737 CONNELLY M & GOEBEL S, Ypres: great battles. Oxford: Oxford University Press 2018. pp 288.
738 COOK I, Showcasing Vällingby to the world: post-war suburban development, informational infrastructures, and the extrospective city. PlP 33 3 (2018) 315–33.
739 COOK M, ‘A river with a city problem, not a city with a river problem': Brisbane and its flood-prone river. EnvH 24 4 (2018) 469–96.
740 COURTNEY C, The nature of disaster in China: the 1931 Yangzi River flood. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 2018. pp 310.
741 DAVIES L, Gentrification in Lagos, 1929–1990. UH 45 4 (2018) 712–32.
742 DAVIS B & JENSEN A, River landscapes of Sao Paulo: Varzeas and Piscinoes, a strange landscape. In WAY T ed, River cities, city rivers. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press 2018. 215–40.
743 DE AZEVEDO ISIDORO I, MARAT-MENDES T & TÂNGARI V, The Portuguese railway in time and space – mapping phases of growth, stagnation, and decline (1845–2015). PlP 33 3 (2018) 363–84.
744 DI PALMA V & ROBINSON A, Willful waters: the Los Angeles River. In WAY T ed, River cities, city rivers. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press 2018. 153–84.
745 DIEFENDORF J, Transportation planning in Boston: a paradigm of progress, opposition, and reversals. In FISCHER K & ALTROCK U eds, Windows upon planning history. Abingdon: Routledge 2018. 134–50.
746 DIMITRIADIS S, Elite citizenship, urban infrastructure, and the abortive modernization of a late Ottoman city. In DALACHANIS A & LEMIRE V eds, Ordinary Jerusalem, 1840–1940: opening new archives, revisiting a global city. Leiden: Brill 2018. 475–89.
747 DMITRIEVA T, LESTEL L, MEYBECK M & BARLES S, Versailles facing the degradation of its water supply from the Seine River: governance, water quality expertise and decision making, 1852–1894. WH 10 2–3 (2018) 183–205.
748 DORY J, Clash of urban philosophies: Moses versus Jacobs. JPH 17 1 (2018) 20–41.
749 EDMONDSON J, Charles Deering (c. 1690–1749): author of an early flora of Nottingham. ANH 45 2 (2018) 283–91.
750 EXBALIN A, ‘Se perdre et se retrouver dans le bazar de Mexico: au siècle des Lumières’. HU 53 3 (2018) 85–106.
751 FREESTONE R, Visualising the emergence of a new profession in New York, Berlin and London 1909–1910. In FISCHER K & ALTROCK U eds, Windows upon planning history. Abingdon: Routledge 2018. 187–202.
752 FINNEY T, The housing project, spatial experimentation and legal transformation in mid-twentieth century New York City. JA 23 7–8 (2018) 1181–202.
753 GASTIL R, Complexity and continuity in the transformation of Pittsburgh's rivers and riverfronts. In WAY T ed, River cities, city rivers. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press 2018. 319–46.
754 GIBLETT R, Cities and wetlands: the return of the repressed in nature and culture. London: Bloomsbury Academic 2018. pp 288.
755 GREENHALGH J, Reconstructing modernity: space, power and governance in mid-twentieth century British cities. Manchester: Manchester University Press 2018. pp xi + 226.
756 GUNN S, Ring road: Birmingham and the collapse of the motor city ideal in 1970s Britain. HJ 61 1 (2018) 227–48.
757 HAIDVOGL G, WINIWARTER V, DRESSEL G, GIERLINGER S, HAUER F, HOHENSINNER S, POLLACK G, SPITZBART-GLASL C & RAITH E, Urban waters and the development of Vienna between 1683 and 1910. EnH 23 4 (2018) 721–47.
758 HEAVERS N, The evolving arboreta of Washington's monumental core: 19th century to present. SHGDL 38 1 (2018) 24–37.
759 HEIN C, Oil spaces: the global petroleumscape in the Rotterdam/The Hague area. JUH 44 5 (2018) 887–929.
760 HORIGAN K, Consuming Katrina: public disaster and personal narrative. Jackson: University Press of Mississippi 2018. pp 144.
761 HOWELL P, Between wild and domestic, animal and human, life and death: the problem of the stray in the Victorian city. In WISCHERMANN C, STEINBRECHER A & HOWELL P eds, Animal history in the modern city: exploring liminality. London: Bloomsbury Academic 2018. 145–60.
762 IRIMIA M, Rus in urbe: parks in eighteenth-century cities. In EHLAND C & FISCHER P eds, Resistance and the city: challenging urban space. Leiden: Brill 2018. 47–59.
763 JACOBY S, Oswald Mathias Ungers: dialectical principles of design. JA 23 7–8 (2018) 1230–58.
764 JONES K, ‘The lungs of the city': green space, public health and bodily metaphor in the landscape of urban park history. EnvH 24 1 (2018) 39–58.
765 JØRGENSEN D, Backyard birds and human-made bat houses: domiciles of the wild in nineteenth- and twentieth-century cities. In WISCHERMANN C, STEINBRECHER A & HOWELL P eds, Animal history in the modern city: exploring liminality. London: Bloomsbury Academic 2018. 221–38.
766 KAPSCH R, Building Washington: engineering and construction of the new federal city, 1790–1840. Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins 2018. pp 384.
767 KELLY M, The Thames barrier: climate change, shipping and the transition to a new envirotechnical regime. In AGAR J & WARD J eds, Histories of technology, the environment, and modern Britain. London: UCL Press 2018. 206–29.
768 KLING S, Regional plans and regional plants: Jen Jensen's vernacular landscape and metropolitan planning in Chicago, 1904–1920. JUH 44 6 (2018) 1154–75.
769 KREITMAN P, Attacked by excrement: the political ecology of shit in wartime and postwar Tokyo. EnH 23 2 (2018) 342–66.
770 LAI L & CHUA H, The history of planning for Kowloon City. PlP 33 1 (2018) 97–112.
771 LARGUINAT-TURBATTE G, Les espaces vides dans les villes grecques Ionie et Carie principalement, ive – ier s. a.C..HU 52 2 (2018) 121–36
772 LAZAR M & ROTER-BLAGOJEVIĆ M, The 1923 Belgrade master plan – historic town modernization. PlP 33 2 (2018) 271–88.
773 LEHRER M & LATANE C, The Los Angeles River: projects and perspectives from a private practice. In WAY T ed, River cities, city rivers. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press 2018. 347–66.
774 LINOVSKI O, Designing for development: growth and the practice of urban design in Los Angeles. JPH 17 2 (2018) 118–43.
775 LONG P O, Engineering the eternal city: infrastructure, topography, and the culture of knowledge in late sixteenth-century Rome. Chicago: University of Chicago Press 2018. pp 368.
776 LU H, Shanghai flora: the politics of urban greening in Maoist China. UH 45 4 (2018) 660–81.
777 MACGALLOWAY N, Building Italian Menton, 1940–1943: urban planning and Italianization. UH 45 3 (2018) 489–503.
778 MACKINTOSH P, An architecture of sluggishness: organic infrastructure and anti-mobility in Toronto, 1870–1910. In MACKINTOSH P, DENNIS R & HOLDSWORTH D eds, Architectures of hurry – mobilities, cities and modernity. Abingdon: Routledge 2018. 103–19.
779 MALDA D, Landscape narratives and the San Antonio River. In WAY T ed, River cities, city rivers. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press 2018. 241–68.
780 MANOLEDAKIS M, The water supply of Roman Thessaloniki. In ARISTODEMOU G A & TASSIOS T eds Great waterworks in Roman Greece: aqueducts and monumental fountain structures. Oxford: Archaeopress 2018. 50–69.
781 MAUGHAN N, KRAIKOVSKI A & LAJUS J, Living side by side: the water environment, technological control and urban culture in the Russian and Western history. WH 10 2–3 (2018) 133–40.
782 MCCURDY J, From Fort George to the fields: the public space and military geography of revolutionary New York City. JUH 44 4 (2018) 625–42.
783 MCDONNELL L, Performing disunion: the coming of the Civil War in Charleston, South Carolina. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 2018. pp 568.
784 MCMANUS R, Brave new worlds? 150 years of Irish suburban evolution. In SMITH E & WORKMAN S eds Imagining Irish suburbia in literature and culture. London: Palgrave 2018. 9–37.
785 MEREDITH J, Decolonizing the new town: Roy Gazzard and the making of Killingworth township. JBS 57 2 (2018) 333–62.
786 MILLER M, Lyon: The meaning of a river city. In WAY T ed, River cities, city rivers. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press 2018. 75–98.
787 MILLER S, The street is ours: community, the car, and the nature of public space in Rio de Janeiro. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 2018. pp 362.
788 MOORE A, Bombing the city: civilian account of the air war in Britain and Japan, 1939–1945. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 2018. pp 270.
789 MORLEY I, The Filipinization of the American city beautiful, 1916–1935. JPH 17 4 (2018) 251–80.
790 MOSSOP E & MCMICHAEL REESE C, New Orleans, delta city. In WAY T ed, River cities, city rivers. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press 2018. 185–214.
791 MUMFORD E, Designing the modern city: urbanism since 1850. New Haven: Yale University Press 2018. pp 360.
792 MURRAY A, A race against time – a fight to the death: combatants and civilians in the siege and capture of Jerusalem, 1099. In DOWDALL A & HORNE J eds, Civilians under siege from Sarajevo to Troy. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan 2018. 163–83.
793 MURRAY S, Electrifying the city: power and profit at the City of London Electric Lighting Company Limited. LJ 43 1 (2018) 72–91.
794 MUSSELWHITE P, Urban dreams, rural commonwealth. Chicago: University of Chicago Press 2018. pp 352.
795 NORCLIFFE G & GAO B, Hurry-slow: automobility in Beijing, or a resurrection of the kingdom of bicycles? In MACKINTOSH P, DENNIS R & HOLDSWORTH D eds, Architectures of hurry – mobilities, cities and modernity. Abingdon: Routledge 2018. 83–100.
796 OLIN M, Reshaping the city: the eruv as stealth architecture. In EHLAND C & FISCHER P eds, Resistance and the city: challenging urban space. Leiden: Brill 2018. 143–63.
797 PARSONS R & VIGAR G, Resistance was futile! Cycling's discourses of resistance to UK automobile modernism 1950–1970. PlP 33 2 (2018) 163–83.
798 PENDLEBURY J & HEWITT L, Place and voluntary activity in inter-war England: topophilia and professionalization. UH 45 3 (2018) 453–70.
799 POLLAND P, Civil defence in Ireland 1939–45. HIre 26 2 (2018) 50–3.
800 QIAN Z, Shanghai's socialist suburbanization 1953–1962. JPH 17 3 (2018) 226–47.
801 RAMÓN J, ROYO S & DE VALDERRAMA N, From Greater London to Greater Valencia: a case of British influence of regional planning and neighbourhood units in Spain (1939–1952). PlP 33 1 (2018) 3–27.
802 ROARK R, Spectacular solitude, city, and self in Père-Lachaise Cemetery. SHGDL 38 2 (2018) 97–115.
803 ROSCHER M, Liminality in the post-war zoo: animals in East and West Berlin, 1955–61. In WISCHERMANN C, STEINBRECHER A & HOWELL P eds, Animal history in the modern city: exploring liminality. London: Bloomsbury Academic 2018. 201–20.
804 SCHAGER E, ANDERSSON C, LENNBLAD A & PARING M, Waste management in Nya Lödöse. IJHA 22 2 (2018) 401–22.
805 SCHENGENGA P, New landscapes for Dutch river cities. In WAY T ed, River cities, city rivers. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press 2018. 367–88.
806 SCHLICHTING K, Waterfront Manhattan: from Henry Hudson to the High Line. Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins 2018. pp 256.
807 SCHRIBNER V, Cultivating ‘cities in the wilderness’: New York City's commercial pleasure gardens and the British American pursuit of rural urbanism. UH 45 2 (2018) 275–305.
808 SEARLE G, The regeneration of Darling Harbour, Sydney, through three planning windows. In FISCHER K & ALTROCK U eds, Windows upon planning history. Abingdon: Routledge 2018. 247–62.
809 SHANKEN A, The visual culture of planning. JPH 17 4 (2018) 300–17.
810 SHARMA J, Revisiting the Darya (river) urbanism in the Delhi triangle: the urbanization of the Yamuna in the Mughal Badshahi Shahar (Imperial City), Shahjahanabad. In WAY T ed, River cities, city rivers. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press 2018. 99–128.
811 SKELTON L, Material matters: improving Berwick-upon-Tweed's urban environment, 1551–1603. In GREEN A & CROSBIE B eds, Economy and culture in North-East England, 1500–1800. Martlesham: Boydell Press 2018. 94–114.
812 STEINBERG T, Private property and the defiance of natural limits. Coastal flooding in the United States' largest city. GE 11 2 (2018) 208–18.
813 STEPHENSON B, Utopian plans for the modern world: John Nolen, Lewis Mumford, and the origins of sustainability. JPH 17 4 (2018) 281–99.
814 SUGANYA K & RAKANI M, Underground water supply system in the late nineteenth and early twentieth century Bangalore. WH 10 4 (2018) 291–311.
815 SUGARMAN M, Reclaiming Rangoon: (post-)imperial urbanism and poverty, 1920–62. MAsS 52 6 (2018) 1856–87.
816 SULTSON S, Estonian urbanism 1935–1955: the Soviet-era implementation of pre-war ambitions. PlP 33 3 (2018) 385–409.
817 SZAFRAŃSKA M, The gardens of the royal castle in Warsaw over six hundred years. The shaping of social and political power. SHGDL 38 3 (2018) 198–229.
818 TATE A, Urban parks in the twentieth century. EnvH 24 1 (2018) 81–101.
819 TAYLOR R, The soft-core city: ancient Rome and the wandering Tiber. In WAY T ed, River cities, city rivers. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press 2018. 47–74.
820 THOMAS J, Josephine Gomon plans for Detroit's rehabilitation. JPH 17 2 (2018) 97–117.
821 TOZOĞLU A, When the railway reached Istanbul: the making of Sirkeci Terminus, 1870–1888. PlP 33 2 (2018) 205–28.
822 TROCH K, Reforming mineral ownership and ensuring surface owners' rights: the Gosselies disaster. GE 11 2 (2018) 319–45.
823 URBAN F, Modernising Glasgow – tower blocks, motorways and new towns, 1940–2010. JA 23 2 (2018) 265–309.
824 VAN HORSSEN J, Locality and contamination along the transnational asbestos commodity chain. In AGAR J & WARD J eds, Histories of technology, the environment, and modern Britain. London: UCL Press 2018. 62–75.
825 WAY T, Introduction: river cities, city rivers. In WAY T ed, River cities, city rivers. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press 2018. 1–14.
826 WEBER N, Liminal moments: royal hunts and animal lives in and around seventeenth-century Paris. In WISCHERMANN C, STEINBRECHER A & HOWELL P eds, Animal history in the modern city: exploring liminality. London: Bloomsbury Academic 2018. 41–54.
827 WELLS A, Antisocial animals in the British Atlantic world; liminality and nuisance in Glasgow and New York City, 1660–1760. In WISCHERMANN C, STEINBRECHER A & HOWELL P eds, Animal history in the modern city: exploring liminality. London: Bloomsbury Academic 2018. 55–74.
828 WILLIAMS T, Flowing into the city: approaches to water management in the early Islamic city of Sultan Kala, Turkmenistan. In ZHUANG Y & ALTAWEEL M eds, Water societies and technologies from the past and present. London: UCL Press 2018. 157–79.
829 WILLIAMSON F, The politics of disaster: the great Singapore flood of 1954. EP E 1 3 (2018) 323–39.
830 WILSON M, A new civic spirit for garden city-states: on the lifework of Sybella Gurney. JPH 17 4 (2018) 320–44.
831 WOMACK E, Window gardening and the regulation of the home in Victorian periodicals. VPR 51 2 (2018) 269–88.
832 ZHANG L, Flood adaptive landscapes of cities in the lower Yellow River floodplain, China. In WAY T ed, River cities, city rivers. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press 2018. 15–46.
Utopian planning and experiments
833 BOCHARNIKOVA D & HARRIS S, Second world urbanity: infrastructures of utopia and really existing socialism. JUH 44 1 (2018) 3–8.
834 HESS C, Sino-Soviet city: Dalian between socialist worlds, 1945–1955. JUH 44 1 (2018) 9–25.
835 ÖBRINK M, WILLIAMS G & NILSEN A, Townscapes: utopia and practice in a thematic comparison of Nya Lödöse and Gothenburg. IJHA 22 2 (2018) 274–301.
836 TIZOT J-Y, Ebenezer Howard's garden city idea and the ideology of industrialism. CVeE 87 (2018) 1–19.
837 ZARECOR K, What was so socialist about the socialist city? Second world urbanity in Europe. JUH 44 1 (2018) 95–117.
Urban renewal
838 ALLAIS L, Designs of destruction: the making of monuments in the twentieth century. Chicago: University of Chicago Press 2018. pp 347.
839 CLARK J & WRIGHT V, Urban regeneration in Glasgow: looking to the past to build the future? The case of the ‘new Gorbals’. In CLARK J AND WISE N eds, Urban Renewal, Community and Participation. Cham: Springer 2018. 45–70.
840 DEWAAL J, Heimat as a geography of postwar renewal: life after death and local democratic identities in Cologne, 1945–1965. GeH 36 2 (2018) 229–51.
841 FISCHER K, Kassel – ruptures and recoveries. In FISCHER K & ALTROCK U eds, Windows upon planning history. Abingdon: Routledge 2018. 104–33.
842 FISCHER K & LARKHAM P, Coventry: a model of modernist reconstruction. In FISCHER K & ALTROCK U eds, Windows upon planning history. Abingdon: Routledge 2018. 83–103.
843 FLINN C, Rebuilding Britain's blitzed cities: hopeful dreams, stark realities. London: Bloomsbury Academic 2018. pp 264.
844 GOOBERMAN L, The state and post-industrial urban regeneration: the reinvention of south Cardiff. UH 45 3 (2018) 504–23.
845 HASEGAWA J, Debates on urban reconstruction through reclamation of traditional water scenery in 1940s Tokyo. PlP 33 1 (2018) 29–52.
846 JACOBS S & NOTTEBOOM B, Photography and the spatial transformations of Ghent, 1840–1914. JUH 44 2 (2018) 203–18.
847 NEUMANN T, Reforging the steel city: symbolism and space in postindustrial Pittsburgh. JUH 44 4 (2018) 582–602.
848 RAMSDEN E & SMITH M, Remembering the west end: social science, mental health and the American urban environment, 1939–1968. UH 45 1 (2018) 128–49.
849 REICK P, Gentrification 1.0: urban transformations in late-19th century Berlin. US 55 11 (2018) 2542–58.
850 STRANGE C, Monotown: urban dreams brutal imperatives. New York: Goff Books 2018. pp 280.
851 VALL N, A view from the Wharf: historical perspectives on the transformation of urban waterfront space in Stockholm during the twentieth century. UH 45 3 (2018) 524–48.
852 WILDMAN C, Urban redevelopment and modernity in Liverpool and Manchester, 1918–1939. London: Bloomsbury Academic 2018. pp 304.
IX Urban culture
Urban culture and entertainment
853 ALEXANDER D, A cosmopolitan engraver in London: Francesco Bartolozzi's studio 1763–1802. PQ 35 1 (2018) 6–26.
854 BARBIERI F, Con grandissima maraviglia: the role of theatrical spaces in the festivals of seventeenth-century Milan. In MULRYNE J, DE JONGE K, MORRIS R & MARTENS P eds, Occasions of state: early modern European festivals and the negotiation of power. Abingdon: Routledge 2018. 196–215.
855 BARTIE A, FLEMING L, FREEMAN M, HULME T, HUTTON A & READMAN P, Historical pageants and the medieval past in twentieth-century England. EHR 133 563 (2018) 866–902.
856 BENEŠ C, Civic identity. In BENEŠ C ed, A companion to medieval Genoa. Leiden: Brill 2018. 191–217.
857 BINNS A, New heroines for new causes: how provincial women promoted a revisionist history through post-suffrage pageants. WomHR 27 2 (2018) 221–46.
858 BOOTH N, Drinking and domesticity: the materiality of the mid-nineteenth-century provincial pub. JVC 23 3 (2018) 289–309.
859 BUSSELS S & VAN OOSTVELDT B, ‘Restored behaviour' and the performance of the city maiden in joyous entries into Antwerp. In KAVALER E & VAN BRUAENE A-L eds, Netherlandish culture of the sixteenth century: urban perspectives. Turnhout: Brepols Publishers 2018. 147–66.
860 BUYS R, ‘He is ruler over all’ – man and ‘his’ universe at the 1539 Ghent refreynen contest. RS 32 1 (2018) 43–58.
861 CALLADINE A, Public ritual and the proclamation of Richard Cromwell as Lord Protector in English towns, September 1658. HJ 61 1 (2018) 53–76.
862 CANO-ECHEVARRÍA B & HUTCHINGS M, Valladolid 1605: a theatre for the peace. In MULRYNE J, DE JONGE K, MORRIS R & MARTENS P eds, Occasions of state: early modern European festivals and the negotiation of power. Abingdon: Routledge 2018. 93–108.
863 CURRAN C, ‘Ireland's second capital’? Irish footballers' migration to Liverpool, the growth of support and the organisation of Liverpool and Everton Football Clubs' matches in Dublin: an historical assessment. I & M (2018) 258–86.
864 CURTIS N, Celebrating the end of Scottish history? National identity and the Scottish historical exhibition, Glasgow 1911. In CAMPBELL L, WRIGHT D & HALL N eds, Roots of nationhood: the archaeology and history of Scotland. Oxford: Archaeopress 2018. 179–94.
865 DE BOER D, Fun, greed, and popular culture. Lotteries and lottery-rhymes as a mirror of the cultural legacy of the Low Countries' ‘long sixteenth century’. In KAVALER E M et al. eds, Netherlandish culture of the sixteenth century: urban perspectives. Turnhout: Brepols Publishers 2018. 271–94.
866 DOTY J & GURNIS M, Theatre scene and theatre public in early modern London. Sha 14 1 (2018) 12–25.
867 EHLAND C, Civic subversion in London's public rituals in the seventeenth century. In EHLAND C & FISCHER P eds, Resistance and the city: challenging urban space. Leiden: Brill 2018. 17–34.
868 FIORENZA G, Frans Floris and the poetics of mythological painting in Antwerp. In KAVALER E & VAN BRUAENE A-L eds, Netherlandish culture of the sixteenth century: urban perspectives. Turnhout: Brepols Publishers 2018. 229–44.
869 FOLEY S, ‘The Christmas tree of the Alsatians and Lorrainers’: spectacle, emotion, and patriotism in Paris during the early third republic. FHS 41 4 (2018) 681–710.
870 GEORGIOU D, ‘Only a local affair'? Imagining and enacting locality through London's Boer War carnivals. UH 45 1 (2018) 100–27.
871 GEORGIOU D, Restaging Mafeking in Muswell Hill: performing patriotism and charitability in London's Boer War carnivals. HR 91 254 (2018) 744–71.
872 GREGOR N, Siegmund von Hausegger, the Munich Philharmonic Orchestra and civic musical culture in the Third Reich. GeH 36 4 (2018) 544–73.
873 GRELL C & HALLEUX R, Ernest of Bavaria's joyous entry into Liège, 15 June 1581. In MULRYNE J, DE JONGE K, MORRIS R & MARTENS P eds, Occasions of state: early modern European festivals and the negotiation of power. Abingdon: Routledge 2018. 83–92.
874 HILL K, Olde worlde urban? Reconstructing historic urban environments at exhibitions, 1884–1908. UH 45 2 (2018) 306–30.
875 HOULE G, Dramaturgy of the body: Marcello Moretti's construction of Arlecchino at the Piccolo Teatro of Milan. NTQ 34 2 (2018) 130–44.
876 KAPURIA R, National, modern, Hindu? The post-independence trajectory of Jalandhar's Harballabh music festival. IESHR 55 3 (2018) 389–418.
877 KARKABI N, How and why Haifa has become the ‘Palestinian cultural capital’ in Israel. CitC 17 4 (2018) 1168–88.
878 LEVITT I, The Treasury and the National Galleries of Scotland, 1844–1910. BOEC 14 (2018) 69–88.
879 MCNEIL A, Hereditary musicians, Hindustani music and the ‘public sphere’ in late nineteenth-century Calcutta. SAs 41 2 (2018) 297–314.
880 MCWILLIAM R, Man about town: Victorian night life and the Haymarket saturnalia, 1840–1880. H 103 358 (2018) 758–76
881 MAREEL S, Making a room of one's own. Place, space, and literary performance in sixteenth-century Bruges. In KAVALER E & VAN BRUAENE A-L eds, Netherlandish culture of the sixteenth century: urban perspectives. Turnhout: Brepols Publishers 2018. 65–82.
882 MOODY J, Remembering the imperial context of emancipation commemoration in the former British slave-port cities of Bristol and Liverpool, 1933–1934. SaA 39 1 (2018) 169–89.
883 MURRAY N, Art for the workers: proletarian art and festive decorations of Petrograd, 1917–1920. Leiden: Brill 2018. pp 303.
884 NETHERSOLE S, Armeggerie, wedding chests and battles in fifteenth-century Florence. RS 32 2 (2018) 282–304.
885 NORMAN J, In public and in private: a study of festival in seventeenth-century Rome. In MULRYNE J, DE JONGE K, MORRIS R & MARTENS P eds, Occasions of state: early modern European festivals and the negotiation of power. Abingdon: Routledge 2018. 229–46.
886 OVERLAET K, The ‘joyous entry’ of Archduke Maximilian into Antwerp (13 January 1478): an analysis of a ‘most elegant and dignified’ dialogue. JMH 44 2 (2018) 231–49.
887 PERSSON F, The shield of ceremony: civic ritual and royal entries in wartime. In MULRYNE J, DE JONGE K, MORRIS R & MARTENS P eds, Occasions of state: early modern European festivals and the negotiation of power. Abingdon: Routledge 2018. 109–20.
888 PIPERKOV N, The allegorical transformation of Lyon into a city of peace for the celebration of the Pyrenees peace treaty. In MULRYNE J et al. eds, Occasions of state: early modern European festivals and the negotiation of power. Abingdon: Routledge 2018. 121–40.
889 POSNER D, America and the individual: The hairy ape and Machinal at the Moscow Kamerny Theatre. NTQ 34 1 (2018) 3–15.
890 RHODES P, Periclean Athens. London: Bloomsbury Academic 2018. pp 128.
891 SCHUSTER P, Palazzo eguale alle Reggie più superbe: Schloss Eggenberg in Graz and the imperial wedding of 1673. In MULRYNE J, DE JONGE K, MORRIS R & MARTENS P eds, Occasions of state: early modern European festivals and the negotiation of power. Abingdon: Routledge 2018. 216–28.
892 SEN A, Transnational performances in Chicago's Independence Day parade. In SANDOVAL-STRAUSZ A & KWAK N eds, Making cities global: the transnational turn in urban history. Philadelphia: University of Philadelphia Press 2018. 191–222.
893 SENELICK L, Signs of the times: outdoor theatrical advertising in the nineteenth century. NCTF 45 2 (2018) 173–211.
894 SLOBIN M, Motor city music: a Detroiter looks back. Oxford: Oxford University Press 2018. pp 248.
895 SPOSATO J, Leipzig after Bach: church and concert life in a German city. Oxford: Oxford University Press 2018. pp 336.
896 STARKEY J, Food for thought: coffee, coffee-houses and le bon goût in Edinburgh during the Scottish Enlightenment. BOEC 14 (2018) 23–44.
897 STEPANOV B & SAMUTINA N, An eighteenth-century theme park: museum-reserve Tsaritsyno (Moscow) and the public culture of the post-Soviet metropolis. UH 45 1 (2018) 74–99.
898 STEWART W, Fashioning frenchness: gens de couleur libres and the cultural struggle for power in antebellum New Orleans. JSocH 51 3 (2018) 526–56.
899 STOPES H, ‘Lydéric, sauveur de Flandres’: décentralisation théâtrale and the local politics of the opera in Lille, 1881–1896. FH 32 3 (2018) 387–407.
900 TAYLOR J, ‘A fascinating show for John Citizen and his wife’: advertising exhibitions in early twentieth-century London. JSocH 51 4 (2018) 899–927.
901 UCHACZ T, Mars, Venus, and Vulcan. Equivocal erotics and art in sixteenth-century Antwerp. In KAVALER E & VAN BRUAENE A-L eds, Netherlandish culture of the sixteenth century: urban perspectives. Turnhout: Brepols Publishers 2018. 245–70.
902 VAN GELDER M, Ducal display and the contested use of space in late sixteenth-century Venetian coronation festivals. In MULRYNE J, DE JONGE K, MORRIS R & MARTENS P eds, Occasions of state: early modern European festivals and the negotiation of power. Abingdon: Routledge 2018. 167–95.
903 VAN OORT T, Resurrection in slow motion: the delayed restoration of the cinema exhibition industry in post-war Rotterdam. EurRH 25 6 (2018) 999–1017.
904 VANDOMMELE J, Arranging ‘facts’ in ‘fiction’ – presenting categories of knowledge in Antwerp prints and plays (1550–1565). RS 32 1 (2018) 59–84.
905 VOLLMERT C, Staging technology: the international electrotechnical exhibition in Frankfurt am Main, 1891. NCTF 45 2 (2018) 212–31.
906 WASSERMAN A, Why is this a good thing for us? Challenging public sculpture and contesting territory in 1970s New York. JUH 44 6 (2018) 1227–57.
907 WHITE T, From elite to egalitarian banquets in late eighteenth- and early nineteenth-century Paris. In MULRYNE J, DE JONGE K, MORRIS R & MARTENS P eds, Occasions of state: early modern European festivals and the negotiation of power. Abingdon: Routledge 2018. 249–64.
Forms of entertainment
908 BANKS J & LEFEBER M, A mechanical source of Turkish music from 18th-century London. EMus 46 2 (2018) 299–317.
909 BOWEN J, A provincial frost fair: urban space, sociability and spectacle in Shrewsbury during the great frost of 1739. MidH 43 1 (2018) 43–61.
910 CLARK K, ‘Of the temperament of those musical instruments’: considering Tiberius Cavallo and the scientific observation of musical sounds in late eighteenth-century London. ECM 15 1 (2018) 47–51.
911 CRAWFORD J, ‘Behindhand with their countrymen’: literary culture and economic decline in eighteenth-century Exeter. ECS 51 4 (2018) 417–36.
912 DEBENHAM M & COLE M, Marquetry cabinets containing newly fashionable pianofortes made in eighteenth-century London: the cabinet maker's pianoforte – or the pianoforte maker's cabinet. LJ 43 3 (2018) 289–311.
913 FAIR A, Modern playhouses: an architectural history of Britain's new theatres, 1945–1985. Oxford: Oxford University Press 2018. pp xiv + 295.
914 GIRDWOOD M, W.B. Yeats, the Abbey Theatre, and the cinema, 1909–1939. ISR 26 4 (2018) 455–71.
915 KEY S, Aristocratic pretension in Republican ballrooms: dance, etiquette, and identity in Washington City, 1804. EAmS 16 3 (2018) 460–88.
916 LINSTER J, ‘Ye lovers of physick, come lend me your ear’: dangerous doctors in early modern London. ERC 44 2 (2018) 157–79.
917 SHARPLES J, George Walker and the ghost: the chess-player in urban and literary culture, 1840–51. SpiH 38 1 (2018) 75–95.
918 SMILANSKY U, Machaut and Prague: a rare new sighting? EMus 46 2 (2018) 211–23.
919 TOFIGHIAN N, Mapping ‘the whirligig of amusements’ in colonial Southeast Asia. JSEAS 49 2 (2018) 277–96.
920 VAN BRUAENE A-L, State of play. Rhetorician drama and the ambiguities of censorship in the early modern Low Countries. In KAVALER E & VAN BRUAENE A-L eds, Netherlandish culture of the sixteenth century: urban perspectives. Turnhout: Brepols Publishers 2018. 295–310.
921 XANTHAKI-KARAMANOU G, Hellenistic drama and Alexandrian culture. In ZEREFOS C & VARDINOYANNIS M eds Hellenistic Alexandria: celebrating 24 centuries. Oxford: Archaeopress 2018. 136–45.
Exchange of information
922 COULTON R, Curiosity, commerce, and conversation: nursery-gardens and nurserymen in eighteenth-century London. LJ 43 1 (2018) 17–35.
923 HARRIS R, Transnational urban meanings: the passage of ‘suburb’ to India and its rough reception. In SANDOVAL-STRAUSZ A & KWAK N eds, Making cities global: the transnational turn in urban history. Philadelphia: University of Philadelphia Press 2018. 223–40.
924 KURAL B, Three circular gardens in Venice and Constantinople/Istanbul in the context of early modern Mediterranean cross-cultural exchange. SHGDL 38 2 (2018) 158–79.
925 MÜNCH O, Henry Mayhew and the street traders of Victorian London – a cultural exchange with material consequences. LJ 43 1 (2018) 53–71.
926 NEUMANN E, Inventing Europe in Antwerp's 1520 entry for Charles V. An Erasmian allegory in the face of global empire. In KAVALER E & VAN BRUAENE A-L eds, Netherlandish culture of the sixteenth century: urban perspectives. Turnhout: Brepols Publishers 2018. 133–46.
927 TAYLOR K, Making statesmen, writing culture: ethnography, observation, and diplomatic travel in early modern Venice. JEMH 22 4 (2018) 279–98.
928 BUXTON H, Health by design: teaching cleanliness and assembling hygiene at the nineteenth-century sanitation museum. BJHS 51 3 (2018) 457–85.
929 DE MUNCK B & DE RIDDER-SYMOENS H, Education and knowledge: theory and practice in an urban context. In BLONDÉ B, BOONE M & VAN BRUAENE A-L eds, City and society in the Low Countries, 1100–1600. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 2018. 220–54.
930 GEORGE A, Anatomy for all: medical knowledge on the fairground in fin-de-siècle Vienna. CEH 51 4 (2018) 535–62.
931 JAMES R, ‘Read for victory': public libraries and book reading in a British naval port city during the Second World War. CulSH 15 2 (2018) 233–53.
932 KHACATRYAN A, The St. James Armenian printing house in Jerusalem: scientific and educational activities, 1833–1933. In DALACHANIS A & LEMIRE V eds, Ordinary Jerusalem, 1840–1940: opening new archives, revisiting a global city. Leiden: Brill 2018. 366–83.
933 LUCKEY E, Kindergartens for civilisation: the intellectual origins of the St Louis public kindergarten. PaedH 54 6 (2018) 800–21.
934 MAGAZINER D, The foundation: design, time, and possibility in 1960s Nairobi. CSSH 60 3 (2018) 599–628.
935 RENNIE C, The education of children in London's Foundling Hospital, c. 1800–1825. ChP 11 1 (2018) 8–20.
936 RUBIN J, Learning in a crusader city: intellectual activity and intercultural exchanges in Acre, 1191–1291. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 2018. pp 234.
937 SWINNEY G & MCGOWAN R, The janitor and his museum: John Wilson (1775–1832) and the teaching of ‘practical zoology’ in early nineteenth-century Edinburgh. MuHJ 11 2 (2018) 133–52.
938 WHYMAN S, The useful knowledge of William Hutton: culture and industry in eighteenth-century Birmingham. Oxford: Oxford University Press 2018. pp 240.
Emotions and the senses
939 HERDMAN J, Songs danced in anger: music and violent emotions in late sixteenth-century Lyon. FH 32 2 (2018) 151–81.
940 INNIS-JIMÉNEZ M, Mexican Chicago's colonia hull house: food, tourism, and belonging in the 1930s. GFH (2018) 22–39.
X Attitudes towards cities
Attitudes towards cities
941 BASS M, Batavia, the new world, and the origins of humankind in Jan Mostaert's Eve and Four Children. In KAVALER E & VAN BRUAENE A-L eds, Netherlandish culture of the sixteenth century: urban perspectives. Turnhout: Brepols Publishers 2018. 209–28.
942 GAYNOR A, Grappling with ‘nature’ in Australian home gardens 1890–1960. EnvH 24 1 (2018) 23–38.
943 HASSAN H & AL-KAYYALI A-H, Ben-Yehuda in his Ottoman milieu: Jerusalem's public space as reflected in the Hebrew newspaper Ha-Tsevi, 1884–1915. In DALACHANIS A & LEMIRE V eds, Ordinary Jerusalem, 1840–1940: opening new archives, revisiting a global city. Leiden: Brill 2018. 330–51.
944 HAUSWEDELL T, London's imperial and European contexts in British public debates, 1870–1900. In HAUSWEDELL T, HÖRNER A & TIEDAU U eds, Re-mapping centre and periphery: asymmetrical encounters in European and global contexts. London: UCL Press 2018. 155–75.
945 KRESS C, Identities of the urban region: ‘Copernican turnarounds’? In FISCHER K & ALTROCK U eds, Windows upon planning history. Abingdon: Routledge 2018. 151–71.
946 MALTEZOU C, From Alexandria to Venice: remembrances of Alexandria in the cultural treasures of Venice. In ZEREFOS C & VARDINOYANNIS M eds Hellenistic Alexandria: celebrating 24 centuries. Oxford: Archaeopress 2018. 161–8.
947 PAULY D & HENDRICKS G, Le Corbusier: drawing as process. New Haven: Yale University Press 2018. pp 304.
948 RIOLI M, Introducing Jerusalem: visiting cards, advertisements and urban identities at the turn of the 20th century. In DALACHANIS A & LEMIRE V eds, Ordinary Jerusalem, 1840–1940: opening new archives, revisiting a global city. Leiden: Brill 2018. 29–49.
949 SIMEON M & LUCARIELLO E, Naples, city of art and culture: tourism policy and a new image for the city in the 1990s. JTH 10 1 (2018) 66–88.
950 SMITH G, A ‘connoisseur's panorama’, Thomas Girtin's eidometropolis and other London views c. 1796–1802. London: London Topographical Society 2018. pp 80.
951 WYATT W, Oxford boy: a post-war townie childhood. Oxford: Signal Books 2018. pp 255.
952 YAZDANI N, Meanings of urban park landscapes as insiders and outsiders. LandH 39 1 (2018) 103–20.
Views of the city in literature, graphics & drama
953 BECK A, Crossing borders between London and Leipzig, between image and text: a case study of the Illustrirte Zeitung. VPR 51 3 (2018) 408–33.
954 BLACK D, Dressing the pleasure garden: creation, recreation, and varieties of pleasure in the two texts of the Norwich grocers' play. In SKINNER P & TYERS T eds, The medieval and early modern garden in Britain. Abingdon: Routledge 2018. 102–22.
955 CLARK C, Paris and the cliché of history: the city and photographs, 1860–1970. Oxford: Oxford University Press 2018. pp 328.
956 COLTRIN C, Paradise city: the representation of an urban heaven in the art of John Martin. RatA 22 1–2 (2018) 58–78.
957 CRAMPE F, Reconstructing a progressive past: Renaissance and Risorgimento in Browning's ‘Old pictures in Florence’. CVeE 88 (2018) 1–13.
958 CRUM R, Florence as ‘Paradise lost’. RatA 22 1–2 (2018) 8–15.
959 DE JONGE K, Tales of the city. The image of the Netherlandish artist in the sixteenth century. In KAVALER E & VAN BRUAENE A-L eds, Netherlandish culture of the sixteenth century: urban perspectives. Turnhout: Brepols Publishers 2018. 113–32.
960 DE ROCK J, From generic image to individualized portrait: the pictorial city view in the sixteenth-century Low Countries. In KAVALER E & VAN BRUAENE A-L eds, Netherlandish culture of the sixteenth century: urban perspectives. Turnhout: Brepols Publishers 2018. 3–30.
961 DELL S, ‘Forward from Wigan Pier': remaking documentary photography in the 1930s. VCB 19 2 (2018) 168–88.
962 DEMETER B, Reappraising Piero di Cosimo's serpents: the role of vipers in Renaissance Florence. RS 32 4 (2018) 638–59.
963 DUNBAR A-M, ‘Three leagues away from a human colour’: Natsume Soseki in late-Victorian London. VL&C 46 1 (2018) 221–36.
964 ELLIS P, The panstereorama: city models in the balloon era. IM 70 1 (2018) 79–93.
965 FERKET J, ‘All these things one has to endure from these Germans’: German stage characters as means to criticize changing social positions in seventeenth-century Amsterdam. DC 42 1 (2018) 47–61.
966 FITZPATRICK O, Photographic modernism on the margins: William Harding, the camera and the Irish salons of photography, 1927 to 1939. ISR 26 3 (2018) 361–73.
967 FREITAG U, State–society relations through the lens of urban development. In FLEET K & BOYAR E eds Middle Eastern and North African societies in the interwar period. Leiden: Brill 2018. 27–53.
968 GEAR J, Performing plague: Antonio Zanchi and the dynamics of spectatorship at the Scuola Grande di San Rocco in Venice. RS 32 5 (2018) 708–37.
969 HALIKOWSKI S, Lisbon in the sixteenth century: decoding the Chafariz d'el Rei. R & C 60 2 (2018) 63–81.
970 HENDA K, A city called Mirage. RHR 131 1 (2018) 127–33.
971 LAVASCIO D, Merchants, usurers and harlots: Genoa in early modern English drama. RS 32 3 (2018) 346–64.
972 LIPPERT A, Consuming identities: visual culture in nineteenth-century San Francisco. Oxford: Oxford University Press 2018. pp 416.
973 LORD K, The function of commercial streets in Montreal and Paris, 1853–1936. JUH 44 6 (2018) 1131–53.
974 PRAGNELL H, HARDY P & HARWOOD E, The Stone Gallery panorama, Laurence Wright's view of the City of London from St Paul's Cathedral c.1948–56. London: London Topographical Society 2018. pp 56.
975 REISZ T, Landscapes of production: filming Dubai and the trucial states. JUH 44 2 (2018) 298–317.
976 RÖDER K, Heterotopias as spaces of resistance in Salman Rushdie's Midnight's children (1981). In EHLAND C & FISCHER P eds, Resistance and the city: negotiating urban identities – race, class, and gender. Leiden: Brill 2018. 50–65.
977 ROYCHOUDHURI R, Photographs of people, monument for a city. SAs 41 3 (2018) 658–80.
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