The present bibliography is a continuation of and a complement to those published in the Urban History Yearbook 1974–91 and Urban History from 1992. The arrangement and format closely follows that of previous years. The list of abbreviations identifies only those periodicals from which articles cited this year have been taken, though many other journals are also checked. There is an index of towns on p. 739.
I General
Research methods, aids and materials
Printed documentary sources
Maps and plans
Archives – descriptions and examples
Guides to the literature and printed documentary sources
Urban history, definitions and aims
Theory of urbanization
Empirical studies of urbanization
History, growth and fortunes of individual towns
Portraits of towns – literary, photographic and graphic
Literary portrayals and personal reminiscences
Graphic and photographic portrayals
II Population
Research methods, aids and materials
General features of urban populations
Natality and mortality
Migration to, from and between towns
Family and household structure
III Physical structure
Research methods, aids and materials
Physical and structural characteristics of towns
Physical and structural characteristics of areas
within towns
Land ownership
Open space
IV Social structure
Research methods, aids and materials
Social structure and characteristics of towns
Social structure and characteristics of areas
within towns
Social organization, clubs and societies
Class structure
Social life
Social life, customs and traditions
Social problems and deviance
Social reform and improvement
Minority groups
Family life
V Economic activity
Research methods, aids and materials
Printed documentary sources
Urban economic activity
External trade
Food supply
Finance, banking and industry
Standard of living
Working conditions
Labour organization
VI Communications
Inter-urban communications
Intra-urban communications
VII Politics and administration
Research methods, aids and materials
Urban politics and administration
Urban politics at national level
Aspects of urban administration
VIII Shaping the urban environment
Town planning (and environmental control)
Utopian planning and experiments
Housing improvement
Urban renewal
IX Urban culture
Research methods, aids and materials
Urban culture and entertainment
Forms of entertainment
Exchange of information
X Attitudes towards cities
Attitudes towards cities
Views of the city in literature, graphic and
dramatic art
Journals abbreviations used
- A
- A & A
Arms & Armour
Accounting, Business & Financial History
- AC
Archaeologia Cantiana
- AccH
Accounting History
- AfSt
African Studies
- AgHR
Agricultural History Review
- AH
Architectural Heritage
Australian Historical Studies
- AnQ
Anthropological Quarterly
- AnS
Anglo-Norman Studies
- ArtH
Art History
- AtlSt
Atlantic Studies
- BA
Business Archives
Britain and the World
- BC
Book Collector
Bulletin of the History of Medicine
British Journal of Middle Eastern Studies
- BQ
Baptist Quarterly
- Brit
- Bry
- BuH
Business History
- BuHR
Business History Review
- CalH
California History
- CathA
Catholic Archives
- CathHR
The Catholic Historical Revew
Contemporary British History
- ChH
Church History
- ChM
Church Monuments
Canadian Historical Review
- CitC
City and Community
Canadian Journal of History
- ContC
Continuity and Change
Classical Receptions Journal
Comparative Studies in Society and History
- CtH
Court Historian
- CulSH
Cultural and Social History
- DC
Dutch Crossing
Transactions of the Denbighshire Historical Society
- DhS
Dix-huitième siècle
Dorset Natural History and Archaeological Society Transactions
- eBLJ
Electronic British Library Journal
Eighteenth-Century Fiction
- EcHR
Economic History Review
Eighteenth Century Life
Eighteenth Century Studies
- EEcH
Explorations in Economic History
English Historical Review
- EI
Early Medieval Europe
- EMus
Early Music
- EnH
Environmental History
- EnvH
Environment and History
- EP
Environment and Planning
- e-Per
Early Popular Visual Culture
- EurRH
European Review of History
- EurJCS
European Journal of Cultural Studies
- EurREH
European Review of Economic History
Family and Community History
Fifteenth-Century Studies
Finest Hour: Journal of the Churchill Centre and Societies
- G & H
Gender and History
Georgian Group Journal
German Life and Letters
- H
- H & H
Health and History
- HAust
History Australia
- HC
History Compass
- HE
History of Education
Hampshire Field Club and Archaeological Society Transactions
History of the Human Sciences
- HI
Hygiea Internationalis
- Hisp
Hispania: revista española de historia
- HJ
Historical Journal
Historical Journal of Massachusetts
Huntington Library Quarterly
- HR
Historical Research
- HT
History Today
History Workshop Journal
Industrial Archaeology Review
Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers
Indian Economic and Social History Review
International Journal of Historical Archaeology
International Journal of the History of Sport
International Journal of Maritime History
International Journal of Urban and Regional Research
Journal of British Studies
Journal of Colonialism and Colonial History
Journal of Contemporary History
Journal of Design History
- JEcH
Journal of Economic History
Journal for Eighteenth-Century Studies
Journal of Early Modern History
Journal of Family History
Journal of the History of Collections
Journal of Historical Geography
Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences
Journal of Historical Sociology
Journal of Imperial and Commonwealth History
Journal of Interdisciplinary History
Journal of Liberal History
- JMCul
Journal of Material Culture
- JMedB
Journal of Medical Biography
Journal of Medieval History
Journal of Modern Jewish Studies
Journal of Planning History
Journal of Roman Archaeology
Journal of the Royal Australian Historical Society
Journal of Religious History
- JSArch
Journal of Social Archaeology
Journal of Scottish Historical Studies
- JSocH
Journal of Social History
Journal of Urban History
Journal of Victorian Culture
Journal of World History
- L & H
Literature and History
Labour History Review
- Lib
The Library
- LJ
London Journal
- LocH
Local Historian
Local Population Studies
- M & L
Music and Letters
- MAsS
Modern Asian Studies
- MC
Montgomeryshire Collections
- MedH
Media History
- MH
Medical History
- MidH
Midland History
- MM
Mariner's Mirror
North East History
- NH
Northern History
Northamptonshire Past and Present
Notes and Records of the Royal Society
New Theatre Quarterly
North West Labour History Journal
Oxford Journal of Archaeology
- P & P
Past & Present
- Pare
- ParlH
Parliamentary History
- PlP
Planning Perspectives
- Q
- R & C
Race and Class
- RB
Records of Buckinghamshire
- SA
Slavery and Abolition
South African Historical Journal
- SC
Seventeenth Century
- SH
Social History
- SHistR
Scottish Historical Review
- SHMed
Social History of Medicine
- SiC
Science in Context
Studies in Medieval and Renaissance History
- SpiH
Sport in History
- SQ
Shakespeare Quarterly
- SsAC
Sussex Archaeological Collections
- SuffIAH
Proceedings of the Suffolk Institute of Archaeology and History
- T & C
Technology and Culture
Transactions of the Ancient Monuments Society
Twentieth Century British History
- TH
The Historian
- TexH
Textile History
The Monmouthshire Antiquary
- TxP
Textual Practice
- UH
Urban History
Urban History Review
- US
Urban Studies
University of Toronto Quarterly
- V
Visual Culture in Britain
Victorian Literature and Culture
- WA
World Archaeology
Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History Magazine
Welsh History Review
- WomHR
Women's History Review
Yorkshire Archaeological Journal
I General
Research methods, aids and materials
1. HALLAM J & ROBERTS L, Mapping, memory and the city: archives, databases and film historiography. EurJCS 14 3 (2011) 355–72.
Printed documentary sources
2. BAKER G, An unpublished account of an English Catholic's tour to Edinburgh in 1657. SHistR 90 1 (2011) 131–9.
3. PEOPLE IN PLACE PROJECT, War loan assessments for the City parishes of All Hallows Honey Lane and St Mary le Bow. Produced by the IHR/Birkbeck/Cambridge ‘People in place’ project (2003–6). London: University of London, Institute of Historical Research 2011. Electronic publication.
4. RENDELL M ed, The journal of a Georgian gentleman: the life and times of Richard Hall 1729–1801. Brighton: Book Guild Publishing 2011. pp x + 255.
5. SAUNDERS A ed, The London letters of Samuel Molyneux, 1712–13 (with an introduction and commentary by Paul Holden, and an epilogue by Sheila O'Connell). London: London Topographical Society 2011. pp xiii + 168.
Maps and plans
6. BAIGENT E, Revealing the city in maps: Bath seen, built, and imagined. JHG 37 3 (2011) 385–9.
7. EL-HUSSAINY MS, BARAKA MA & EL-HALLAQ MA, A methodology for image matching of historical maps. e-Per 6 2 (2011) 77–95.
8. FLEET C, Historical maps in ScotlandsPlaces: new collaborative geographic retrieval and presentation options for the National Library of Scotland's maps. e-Per 6 4 (2011) 230–43.
9. MILLS DR & WHEELER RC, Historic town plans of Lincoln, 1610–1920. Lincoln: Lincoln Record Society 2011. pp 128, il.
10. O'SULLIVAN H, GILLESPIE R & SIMMS A, Carlingford. Dublin: Royal Irish Academy 2011. pp 15.
11. PORT MH, The Palace of Westminster: surveyed on the eve of the conflagration, 1834. London: London Topographical Society 2011. pp 37.
12. PRUNTY J & CLARKE HB, Reading the maps: a guide to the Irish historic towns atlas. Dublin: Royal Irish Academy in association with Blackrock Education Centre 2011. pp xxi + 242.
Archives – descriptions and examples
13. LONDON HEARTH TAX PROJECT, London hearth tax: Westminster 1664 – as collected by the AHRC London Hearth Tax Project (2007–2010). London: University of London. Institute of Historical Research 2011. Electronic resource.
14. NEWNHAM A, The John Player's project: a knowledge transfer partnership between Nottingham city museums and galleries and the University of Nottingham. BA 102 (2011) 1–12.
Guides to the literature and printed documentary sources
15. HOPPER AJ ed, The papers of the Hothams, governors of Hull during the civil war. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press for the Royal Historical Society 2011. pp ix + 338.
16. MUNBY J, The Domesday boroughs revisited. AnS 33 (2011) 127–49.
17. OLDING T, The common and piepowder courts of Southampton, 1426–1483 (2 vols.). Southampton: University of Southampton 2011.
18. WALLACE WJR ed, The vestry records of the parishes of St Bride, St Michael le Pole and St Stephen, Dublin, 1662–1742. Dublin: Four Courts Press in association with the Representatives Church Body Library 2011. pp 352.
Urban history, definitions and aims
19. BIRCH EL, Making urban research intellectually respectable: Martin Meyerson and the Joint Center for Urban Studies of Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Harvard University 1959–1964. JPH 10 3 (2011) 219–38.
20. KEENE D, Ideas of the metropolis. HR 84 225 (2011) 379–98.
21. WALTON JK, Seaside tourism in Europe: business, urban and comparative history. BuH 53 6 (2011) 900–16.
22. BEVERLEY EL, Colonial urbanism and South Asian cities. SH 36 4 (2011) 482–97.
23. CUNNINGHAM BISSELL W, Between fixity and fantasy: assessing the spatial impact of colonial urban dualism. JUH 37 2 (2011) 208–29.
24. DAVIDSON M, Critical commentary. Gentrification in crisis: towards consensus or disagreement? US 48 10 (2011) 1987–96.
25. EBNER MH, Metropolitan revisions: storylines from American history. JUH 37 1 (2011) 3–23.
26. FALCONER JRD, Surveying Scotland's urban past: the pre-modern burgh. HC 9 1 (2011) 34–44.
27. HAEMERS J, Urban history of the medieval Low Countries: research trends and new perspectives (2000–10). UH 38 2 (2011) 345–54.
28. HELLER B, Interdisciplinary approaches come to town. JUH 37 2 (2011) 302–8.
29. HUNT T, Engels and the city: the philosophy and practice of urban hypocrisy. In FELDMAN D & LAWRENCE J eds, Structures and transformations in modern British history. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 2011. 142–63.
30. MACLEOD G & JONES M, Renewing urban politics. US 48 12 (2011) 2443–72.
31. NICHOLLS WJ, The Los Angeles school: difference, politics, city. IJURR 35 1 (2011) 189–206.
32. WADDELL B, Contrasting histories of the English provincial town. JUH 37 3 (2011) 460–65.
33. WYLY E, Positively radical. IJURR 35 5 (2011) 889–912.
Theory of urbanization
34. ACUTO M, Finding the global city: an analytical journey through the ‘invisible college’. US 48 14 (2011) 2953–73.
35. ADAMS J & RAMSDEN E, Rat cities and beehive worlds: density and design in the modern city. CSSH 53 4 (2011) 722–56.
36. BLANTON RE & FARGHER LF, The collective logic of pre-modern cities. WA 43 3 (2011).
37. GOEBEL S & KEENE D eds, Cities into battlefields: metropolitan scenarios, experiences and commemorations of total war. Farnham: Ashgate 2011. pp xi + 239.
38. GRIFFITHS D, Towns and their hinterlands. In CRICK J & VAN HOUTS E eds, A social history of England, 900–1200. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 2011. 152–78.
39. MCKINNON M, Asian cities: globalization, urbanization and nation-building. Copenhagen: NIAS Press 2011. pp 272.
40. MORTAZAVI M, From ancient to modern urbanization: intermediary function of an urban society. IJHA 15 1 (2011) 126–37.
41. PHELPS NA & WOOD AM, The new post-suburban politics? US 48 12 (2011) 2591–610.
42. PIROTTE A & MADRE J, Determinants of urban sprawl in France: an analysis using a hierarchical Bayes approach on panel data. US 48 13 (2011) 2865–86.
43. RAJ K, The historical anatomy of a contact zone: Calcutta in the eighteenth century. IESHR 48 1 (2011) 55–82.
44. WHYTE W & ZIMMER O eds, Nationalism and the reshaping of urban communities in Europe, 1848–1914. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan 2011. pp 336.
Empirical studies of urbanization
45. ASTILL GG, Overview: trade, exchange, and urbanization. In HAMEROW H, HINTON DA & CRAWFORD S eds, The Oxford handbook of Anglo-Saxon archaeology. Oxford: Oxford University Press 2011. 503–14.
46. BOWMAN A & WILSON A eds, Settlement, urbanization, and population (Oxford studies on the Roman economy). Oxford: Oxford University Press 2011. pp 384.
47. CONNELLY PA, Flush with the past: an insight into late nineteenth-century Hungate and its role in providing a better understanding of urban development. IJHA 15 4 (2011) 607–16.
48. EVANS DG, Denbighshire market town communities in the Stuart era. DHS 59 (2011) 97–146.
49. EWAN E, ‘Hamperit in ane hony came’: sights, sounds and smells in the medieval town. In COWAN EJ & HENDERSON L eds, A history of life in medieval Scotland, 1000 to 1600. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press 2011. 109–44.
50. HALL KR ed, The growth of non-western cities: primary and secondary urban networking, c. 900–1900. Idaho: Lexington Books 2011. pp 358.
51. HENIG M, The fate of late Roman towns. In HAMEROW H, HINTON DA & CRAWFORD S eds, The Oxford handbook of Anglo-Saxon archaeology. Oxford: Oxford University Press 2011. 515–33.
52. HUFF G, Globalization, industrialization and urbanization in pre-World War II southeast Asia. EEcH 48 1 (2011) 20–36.
53. JONES NW, Archaeological investigations at Caersws Roman forts and vicus, 1993–2009. MC 99 (2011) 27–43.
54. LAURENCE R, CLEARY SE & SEARS G, The city in the Roman west, c. 250 BC – c. AD 250. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 2011. pp 370.
55. POWELL AB, Late iron age Roman-British and late Saxon activity east of Latime Street, Romsey. HFCAS 66 (2011) 127–52.
56. RHODES D, The nineteenth-century colonial archaeology of Suakin, Sudan. IJHA 15 1 (2011) 162–89.
57. ROGERS A, Late Roman towns in Britain: rethinking change and decline. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 2011. pp xiv + 237.
58. ROGERS A, Reimagining Roman ports and harbours: the port of Roman London and waterfront archaeology. OJA 30 2 (2011) 207–25.
59. VILCHES F, From nitrate town to internment camp: the cultural biography of Chacabuco, northern Chile. JMCul 16 3 (2011) 241–63.
60. ZEYBEK SO, Small towns in Turkey: footnotes in somebody else's history. JHS 24 1 (2011) 100–15.
History, growth and fortunes of individual towns
This section is arranged alphabetically by the name of the town
61. CHOPRA P, A joint enterprise: Indian elites and the making of British Bombay. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press 2011. pp xxi + 293.
62. GRAY F, Three views of Brighton as a resort. In BORSAY P & WALTON JK eds, Resorts and ports: European seaside towns since 1700. Bristol: Channel View 2011. 66–85.
63. HUSSEY DP, ‘From the temple of Hygeia to the sordid devotees of Pluto.’ The Hotwell and Bristol: resort and port in the eighteenth century. In BORSAY P & WALTON JK eds, Resorts and ports: European seaside towns since 1700. Bristol: Channel View 2011. 50–65.
64. LITTLE S & BRIXHAM HERITAGE MUSEUM, Keep smiling through! The Brixham home front 1939–1945. Brixham: Brixham Heritage Museum 2011. pp 82.
65. LAMBERT CL, Edward III's siege of Calais: a reappraisal. JMH 37 3 (2011) 245–56.
66. CARUANA I, The growth of archaeology in Carlisle. In BRENNAND M & STRINGER KJ eds, The making of Carlisle: from Romans to railways. Kendal: Cumberland and Westmorland Antiquarian and Archaeological Society 2011. 5–20.
67. SHOTTER DCA, Roman Carlisle: its people and their lives. In BRENNAND M & STRINGER KJ eds, The making of Carlisle: from Romans to railways. Kendal: Cumberland and Westmorland Antiquarian and Archaeological Society 2011. 53–68.
68. RAINEY D & SPENCE L, A chronicle of Comber: the town of Thomas Andrews, shipbuilder, 1873–1912. Belfast: Ulster Historical Foundation 2011. pp 208.
69. FLEMING P, DUGDALE SOCIETY & SHAKESPEARE BIRTHPLACE TRUST, Coventry and the Wars of the Roses. Stratford-upon-Avon: Dugdale Society in association with the Shakespeare Birthplace Trust 2011. pp 35.
70. HESS CA, From colonial port to socialist metropolis: imperialist legacies and the making of ‘New Dalian’. UH 38 2 (2011) 373–90.
71. DUPONT VDN, The dream of Delhi as a global city. IJURR 35 3 (2011) 533–54.
72. LANE A, Front line harbour: a history of the port of Dover. Stroud: Amberley 2011. pp 206.
73. GILLIS L, The fall of Dublin: 28 June to 5 July 1922. Cork: Mercier Press 2011. pp 157, il.
74. ALLEN AM, Conquering the suburbs: politics and work in early modern Edinburgh. JUH 37 3 (2011) 423–43.
75. FAIRCLOUGH J, Felixstowe Roman port. SuffIAH 42 3 (2011) 253–76.
76. MEDLEYCOTT M, The Roman town of Great Chesterford (East Anglian archaeology monograph). Chelmsford: Essex County Council 2011. pp 380.
77. SHELTON B, KARAKIEWICZ J & KVAN T, The making of Hong Kong: from vertical to volumetric. Abingdon: Routledge 2011. pp viii + 184.
78. PAGE M, Town and countryside in medieval Ivinghoe. RB 51 (2011) 189–203.
79. HODKINSON B, A brief introduction to medieval Limerick. In STALLEY R ed, Limerick and South-West Ireland: medieval art and architecture. Leeds: Maney 2011. 19–22.
80. BENNETT B, Georgian Liverpool's battle for the big society. HT 61 6 (2011) 4–6.
81. BETHMONT R, Histoire de Londres. Aux sources d'une identité contradictoire. Paris: Tallandier 2011. pp 264.
82. BIRD SL, Stepney: profile of a London borough from the outbreak of the First World War to the Festival of Britain 1914–1951. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing 2011. pp x + 317.
83. BURCH M, TREVEIL P & KEENE D, The development of early medieval and later Poultry and Cheapside: excavations at 1 Poultry and vicinity, City of London. London: Museum of London Archaeology 2011. pp xxviii + 365.
84. MARRIOT J, Beyond the tower: a history of East London. New Haven and London: Yale University Press 2011. pp x + 421.
85. PERRING D, Two studies on Roman London: A. London's military origins; B. Population decline and ritual landscapes in Antonine London. JRA 24 (2011) 249–82.
86. REESE P, Target London: bombing the capital, 1915–2005. Barnsley: Pen & Sword Military 2011. pp viii + 228.
87. SCHOFIELD J, London, 1100–1600: the archaeology of a capital city. Sheffield: Equinox Publishing 2011. pp 344.
88. STANSKY P, ‘9/7’, the first day of the London blitz: the context. In GOEBEL S & KEENE D eds, Cities into battlefields: metropolitan scenarios, experiences and commemorations of total war. Farnham: Ashgate 2011. 63–72.
89. SWEET M, The west end front: the wartime secrets of London's grand hotels. London: Faber 2011. pp ix + 363.
90. WEBB S, Life in Roman London. Stroud: History Press 2011. pp 160.
91. VERNON CM & MALMESBURY CIVIC TRUST, Malmesbury versus Hitler: the town's role in the Second World War. Malmesbury: Malmesbury Civic Trust 2011. pp 271.
92. WOOD J, From port to resort: art, heritage, and identity in the regeneration of Margate. In BORSAY P & WALTON JK eds, Resorts and ports: European seaside towns since 1700. Bristol: Channel View (2011) 197–214.
93. SERDIVILLE R & SADLER DJ, The great siege of Newcastle, 1644. Stroud: History Press 2011. pp 128.
94. AYERS BS, The growth of an urban landscape: recent research in early medieval Norwich. EME 19 1 (2011) 62–90.
95. STRACHAN D & PERTH AND KINROSS HERITAGE TRUST, Perth: a place in history. Perth: Perth and Kinross Heritage Trust 2011. pp viii + 104.
96. PINCOMBE I, From pit to paradise: Porthcawl's changing identity, from the eighteenth to the twentieth century. WHR 25 4 (2011) 520–50.
97. WENTWORTH RINNE K, The waters of Rome: aqueducts, fountains, and the birth of the Baroque city. New Haven: Yale University Press 2011. pp 240.
98. FULFORD MG & CLARKE A, Silchester: city in transition: the mid-Roman occupation of Insula IX c. A.D. 125–250/300: a report on excavations undertaken since 1997. London: Society for the Promotion of Roman Studies 2011. pp xx + 524.
99. GIGOVA I, The city and the nation: Sofia's trajectory from glory to rubble in WWII. JUH 37 2 (2011) 155–75.
100. BRADFORD A, Stourport-on-Severn: a history of the town and local villages. Redditch: Hunt End Books 2011. pp 285.
101. MISKELL L, A town divided? Sea-bathing, dock-building, and oyster-fishing in nineteenth-century Swansea. In BORSAY P & WALTON JK eds, Resorts and ports: European seaside towns since 1700. Bristol: Channel View 2011. 113–25.
102. ROBERTS D, Swansea's burning: remembering the three nights’ blitz. Neath: Bryngold Books 2011. pp 128.
103. BORSAY P, From port to resort: Tenby and narratives of transition, 1760–1914. In BORSAY P & WALTON JK eds, Resorts and ports: European seaside towns since 1700. Bristol: Channel View 2011. 86–112.
104. HOLDEN S, DRAPER G, JARRETT C & GOODBURN DM, The development of Tonbridge seen through the gate of its castle: recent excavations at the former Bank Street stock and cattle market. AC 131 (2011) 197–230.
105. SMITH B, Late medieval Ireland and the English connection: Waterford and Bristol, ca. 1360–1460. JBS 50 3 (2011) 546–65.
106. WALTON JK, Port and resort: symbiosis and conflict in ‘Old Whitby’, England, since 1880. In BORSAY P & WALTON JK eds, Resorts and ports: European seaside towns since 1700. Bristol: Channel View 2011. 126–46.
Portraits of towns – literary, photographic and graphic
This section is arranged alphabetically by the name of the town.
107. FLYNN C, A Brechtian epic on Eccles Street: matter, meaning, and history in ‘Ithaca’. EI 46 1–2 (2011) 66–86.
108. THOMPSON VE, Knowing Paris: changing approaches to describing the enlightenment city. JUH 37 1 (2011) 28–42.
Literary portrayals and personal reminiscences
109. ABLETT RE, Winks and wagging tails: reminiscences of a nineteen-forties London vet. Wroughton: Telba 2011. pp 206.
110. ARCHER JM, Citizens and aliens as working subjects in Dekker's’ The Shoemaker's Holiday’. In DOWD MM & KORDA N eds, Working subjects in early modern English drama. Farnham: Ashgate 2011. 37–52.
111. GRANTLEY D, Middleton's comedy and the geography of London. In GOSSETT S ed, Thomas Middleton in context. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 2011. 28–36.
112. HUGHES M, The traveller's search for home: Stephen Graham and the quest for London. LJ 36 3 (2011) 211–24.
113. HYAMS J, Bombsites & lollipops: my 1950s East End childhood. London: John Blake 2011. pp xvi + 239.
114. MCGUIRE K, True crime: contagion, print culture, and Herbert Croft's ‘Love and madness’; or, ‘A story too true’. ECF 24 1 (2011) 55–75.
115. MANNION S, Celtic gaslight: urban material culture in the writings of Seumas O'Sullivan. EI 46 1–2 (2011) 43–65.
116. MUSSELWHITE P, ‘What town's this boy?’: English civic politics, Virginia's urban debate, and Aphra Behn's ‘The Widow Ranter’. AtlSt 8 3 (2011) 279–99.
117. NEWMAN K, Celebrating the city. In GOSSETT S ed, Thomas Middleton in context. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 2011. 90–7.
118. PEPPER A, Early crime writing and the state: Jonathan Wild, Daniel Defoe and Bernard Mandeville in 1720s London. TxP 25 3 (2011) 473–91.
Graphic and photographic portrayals
119. CINQUEGRANI M, ‘A fit of absence of mind’? Empire and urban life in early non-fiction films (1895–1914). EPVC 9 4 (2011) 325–36.
120. GAUTRAND J, Paris, portrait of a city. Cologne: Taschen 2011. pp 572.
121. HOWSE G, Doncaster then & now. Stroud: History Press 2011. pp 96.
122. JACKSON JH, Envisioning disaster in the 1910 Paris flood. JUH 37 2 (2011) 176–207.
II Population
Research methods, aids and materials
123. ANDERSON M, Guesses, estimates and adjustments: Webster's 1755 ‘census’ of Scotland revisited again. JSHS 31 1 (2011) 26–45.
124. CROOK T & O'HARA G eds, Statistics and the public sphere: numbers and the people in modern Britain, c.1800–2000. London: Routledge 2011. pp xiii + 275.
125. GANT R, Brecon in 1901: a census perspective on the county town. Bry 42 (2011) 43–70.
126. TANNER A, The voluntary hospitals database. SHMed 24 3 (2011) 813–14.
General features of urban populations
127. KESZTENBAUM L & ROSENTHAL J, The health cost of living in a city: the case of France at the end of the 19th century. EEcH 48 2 (2011) 207–25.
128. MOJICA L & MARTI-HENNEBERG J, Railways and population distribution: France, Spain, and Portugal, 1870–2000. JIH 42 1 (2011) 15–28.
129. WEST C, Urban populations and association. In CRICK J & VAN HOUTS E eds, A social history of England, 900–1200. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 2011. 198–207.
130. WITHINGTON P, Introduction – citizens and soldiers: the renaissance context. JEMH 15 1–2 (2011) 3–30.
131. YORK, AM, SMITH ME, STANLEY BW, STARK BL, NOVIC J, HARLAN SL, COWGILL GL & BOONE CG, Ethnic and class clustering through the ages: a transdisciplinary approach to urban neighbourhood social patterns. US 48 11 (2011) 2399–415.
Natality and mortality
132. BAZENGUISSA-GANGA R, The bones of the body politic: thoughts on the Savorgnan de Brazza Mausoleum. IJURR 35 2 (2011) 445–52.
133. BENGTSSON T & VAN POPPEL F, Socioeconomic inequalities in death from past to present: an introduction. EEcH 48 3 (2011) 343–56.
134. FURDELL EL, Life and death in Middleton's London. In GOSSETT S ed, Thomas Middleton in context. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 2011. 61–7.
135. HATTON TJ, Infant mortality and the health of survivors: Britain, 1910–50. EcHR 64 3 (2011) 951–72.
136. HAYDEN G, Dialogues in deposition: a reassessment of early Roman-period burials at St Pancras, Chichester, and other related sites. SsAC 149 (2011) 35–41.
137. HOUSTON RA, Punishing the dead? Suicide, lordship, and community in Britain, 1500–1830. Oxford: Oxford University Press 2011. pp 414.
138. KLEMP PJ, ‘I have been bred upon the theater of death, and have learned that part’: the execution ritual during the English Revolution. SC 26 2 (2011) 323–45.
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142. SCULL CJ, Foreign identities in burials at seventh-century English ‘emporia’. In BROOKES S, HARRINGTON S & REYNOLDS AJ eds, Studies in early Anglo-Saxon art and archaeology: papers in honour of Martin G. Welch. Oxford: Archaeopress 2011. 82–7.
143. SLAUTER W, Write up your dead: the bills of mortality and the London plague of 1665. MedH 17 1 (2011) 1–15.
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Migration to, from and between towns
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Family and household structure
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179. FOREMAN-PECK J, The western European marriage pattern and economic development. EEcH 48 2 (2011) 292–309.
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III Physical structure
Research methods, aids and materials
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Physical and structural characteristics of towns
187. FERRIS IM, Vinovia: the buried Roman city of Binchester in northern England. Stroud: Amberley 2011. pp 192.
188. GATES C, Ancient cities: the archaeology of urban life in the ancient near east and Egypt, Greece and Rome. Abingdon: Routledge 2011. pp 504.
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194. SENGUPTA T, Between the garden and the bazaar: the visions, spaces and structures of colonial towns in nineteenth-century provincial Bengal. VCB 12 3 (2011) 338–48.
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Physical and structural characteristics of areas within towns
196. GOEBEL S, Commemorative cosmopolis: transnational networks of remembrance in post-war Coventry. In GOEBEL S & KEENE D eds, Cities into battlefields: metropolitan scenarios, experiences and commemorations of total war. Farnham: Ashgate 2011. 163–83.
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Land ownership
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241. WALFORD S, Building for education: the school designs of Sir Basil Spence. AH 22 1 (2011) 137–56.
242. WALKER MF, The limits of collaboration: Robert Hooke, Christopher Wren and the designing of the monument to the great fire of London. NRRS 65 2 (2011) 121–43.
243. WALSH VA, If walls could speak: San Diego's historic Casa de Bandini. CalH 88 4 (2011) 22–44.
244. WESTON D, The medieval church in Carlisle. In BRENNAND M & STRINGER KJ eds, The making of Carlisle: from Romans to railways. Kendal: Cumberland and Westmorland Antiquarian and Archaeological Society 2011. 103–20.
245. WRIGHT A, Early Portland cement: its use and influence on architectural design. AH 22 1 (2011) 99–114.
246. BAER WC, Landlords and tenants in London, 1550–1700. UH 38 2 (2011) 234–55.
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248. CARROLL L, In the fever king's preserves: Sir Charles Cameron and the Dublin slums. Dublin: A & A Farmar 2011. pp vii + 255.
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263. STILWELL M, Housing the workers: early London county council housing 1889–1914. LocH 41 4 (2011) 308–20.
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Open space
267. ARABINDOO P, ‘City of sand’: stately re-imagination of Marina Beach in Chennai. IJURR 35 2 (2011) 379–401.
268. BORG A & COKE D, Vauxhall Gardens: a history. New Haven: Yale University Press 2011. pp xii + 473.
269. BROOKS A, A veritable Eden: the Manchester Botanic Garden: a history. Oxford: Windgather 2011. pp xv + 160.
270. FRENCH HR, The common fields of urban England: communal agriculture and the ‘politics of entitlement’, 1500–1750. In HOYLE RW ed, Custom, improvement and the landscape in early modern Britain. Farnham: Ashgate 2011. 149–74.
271. FURST JOSEKA P & REYNOLDS C, Breaking the walls of privacy: how rebellion came to the street. CulSH 8 4 (2011) 493–512.
272. GRIFFITHS D, Secured for the town: the story of Huddersfield's Greenhead Park. Huddersfield: Friends of Greenhead Park 2011. pp 68.
273. GUIDICINI C, Municipal perspective, royal expectations, and the use of public space: the case of the west port, Edinburgh, 1503–1633. AH 22 1 (2011) 37–52.
274. HENDERSON P, The evolution of the early gardens of the Inns of Court. In ARCHER JE, GOLDRING E & KNIGHT S eds, The intellectual and cultural world of the early modern Inns of Court. Manchester: Manchester University Press 2011. 179–98.
275. HOPKINS RS, Sauvons le Luxembourg: urban greenspace as private domain and public battleground, 1865–1867. JUH 37 1 (2011) 43–58.
276. SAKAI A, The hybridization of ideas on public parks: introduction of Western thought and practice into nineteenth-century Japan. PlP 26 3 (2011) 347–71.
277. TURPIN J & KNIGHT D, The magnificent seven: London's first landscaped cemeteries. Stroud: Amberley 2011. pp 158.
278. YUEZHI X, From racecourse to People's Park and People's Square: historical transformation and symbolic significance. UH 38 3 (2011) 475–90.
IV Social structure
Research methods, aids and materials
279. BAYATRIZI Z, Mapping character types onto space: the urban distinction in early statistical writings. HHS 24 2 (2011) 28–47.
280. CARTER P & WHISTANCE N, The poor law commission: a new digital resource for nineteenth-century domestic historians. HWJ 71 1 (2011) 29–48.
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283. ROY A, Slumdog cities: rethinking subaltern urbanism. IJURR 35 2 (2011) 223–38.
284. WAREHAM A, The hearth tax and empty properties in London on the eve of the great fire. LocH 41 4 (2011) 278–92.
Social structure and characteristics of towns
285. ARNOLD C, The sexual history of London: from Roman Londinium to the swinging city – lust, vice, and desire across the ages. New York: St Martin's Press 2011. pp 373.
286. BARNES H, Mining community, community. NEH 42 (2011) 88–109.
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288. COWAN EJ, Glasgwegians: the first one thousand years. In COWAN EJ & HENDERSON L eds, A history of life in medieval Scotland, 1000 to 1600. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press 2011. 254–73.
289. FUCHS RG, Public spaces and private lives in Paris: introduction. JUH 37 1 (2011) 24–7.
290. GIECCO F, Life in medieval Carlisle. In BRENNAND M & STRINGER KJ eds, The making of Carlisle: from Romans to railways. Kendal: Cumberland and Westmorland Antiquarian and Archaeological Society 2011. 121–36.
291. KARSTEN L, Children's social capital in the segregated context of Amsterdam: an historical-geographical approach. US 48 8 (2011) 1651–66.
292. LEE S, Metropolitan growth patterns and socio-economic disparity in six US metropolitan areas 1970–2000. IJURR 35 5 (2011) 988–1011.
293. LEES LH, Urban civil society: the context of empire. HR 84 223 (2011) 135–47.
294. LOVELUCK CP & LAING L, Britons and Anglo-Saxons. In HAMEROW H, HINTON DA & CRAWFORD S eds, The Oxford handbook of Anglo-Saxon archaeology. Oxford: Oxford University Press 2011. 534–55.
295. MUMMEY K & REYERSON K, Whose city is this? Hucksters, domestic servants, wet-nurses, prostitutes, and slaves in late medieval western Mediterranean urban society. HC 9 12 (2011) 910–22.
296. MUNRO I, The populations of London. In GOSSETT S ed, Thomas Middleton in context. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 2011. 45–51.
297. ROITMAN S & PHELPS N, Do gates negate the city? Gated communities’ contribution to the urbanisation of suburbia in Pilar, Argentina. US 48 16 (2011) 3487–509.
298. RUTTER T, ‘Englishmen for my money’: work and social conflict? In DOWD MM & KORDA N eds, Working subjects in early modern English drama. Farnham: Ashgate 2011. 87–100.
299. STOKOE B, EO Hoppé's London types. LJ 36 2 (2011) 161–85.
300. SWEETINBURGH S, The social structure of New Romney as revealed in the 1381 poll tax returns. AC 131 (2011) 1–22.
301. WARREN I, The English landed elite and the social environment of London c. 1580–1700: the cradle of an aristocratic culture? EHR 126 518 (2011) 44–74.
Social structure and characteristics of areas within towns
302. BAR D & RUBIN R, The Jewish quarter after 1967. A case study on the creation of an ideological-cultural landscape in Jerusalem's old city. JUH 37 5 (2011) 775–92.
303. BOHLIN A, Idioms of return: homecoming and heritage in the rebuilding of Protea Village, Cape Town. AfSt 70 2 (2011) 284–301.
304. BONOMO B, Dwelling space and social identities: the Roman bourgeoisie, c. 1950–80. UH 38 2 (2011) 276–300.
305. DE MAESSCHALCK F, The politicisation of suburbanisation in Belgium: towards an urban–suburban divide. US 48 4 (2011) 699–717.
306. DE VERTEUIL G, Evidence of gentrification-induced displacement among social services in London and Los Angeles. US 48 8 (2011) 1563–80.
307. HUGHES A, Lives less ordinary: Dublin's Fitzwilliam Square, 1798–1922. Dublin: Liffey Press 2011. pp viii + 286, il.
308. MAYNE A, Beyond metrics: reappraising York's Hungate ‘slum’. IJHA 15 4 (2011) 553–62.
309. RIMMER J, People and their buildings in the working-class neighborhood of Hungate, York. IJHA 15 4 (2011) 617–28.
310. TROLANDER JA, Age 55 or better: active adult communities and city planning. JUH 37 6 (2011) 952–74.
311. WHITEHEAD A, ‘Humble but respectable’: recovering the neighbourhood surrounding William and Catherine Blake's last residence, no. 3 Fountain Court, Strand, c. 1820–27. UTQ 80 4 (2011) 858–79.
Social organization, clubs and societies
312. ANDERSON B, A liberal countryside? The Manchester Ramblers’ Federation and the ‘social readjustment’ of urban citizens, 1929–1936. UH 38 1 (2011) 84–102.
313. DAVIS J & WARRING A, Living utopia: communal living in Denmark and Britain. CulSH 8 4 (2011) 513–30.
314. DAY D, Kinship and community in Victorian London: the ‘Beckwith frogs’. HWJ 71 1 (2011) 194–218.
315. GRIFFITHS S, The supporters of the Macclesfield Society for Acquiring Useful Knowledge. NH 48 2 (2011) 295–314.
316. HUNT C, Dancing and days out: the role of social events in British women's trade unionism in the early twentieth century. LHR 76 2 (2011) 104–20.
317. JONES H, Darning, doylies and dancing: the work of the Leeds Association of Girls’ Clubs (1904–1913). WomHR 20 3 (2011) 369–88.
318. JONES K, Tretower Court and the Brecknock Society. Bry 42 (2011) 15–17.
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Class structure
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Social life
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Social life, customs and traditions
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Social problems and deviance
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Social reform and improvement
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Minority groups
422. BESAGNI O, A better life: a history of London's Italian immigrant families in Clerkenwell's Little Italy in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. Camden: Camden History Society 2011. pp 162.
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Family life
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500. ORR K, Women exhibitors at the first Australian International Exhibitions. JCCH 12 3 (2011) electronic publication.
501. POHL N, The plausible selves of Sarah Scott (1721–95). ECL 35 1 (2011) 133–48.
502. RAMSEY G, The queen and the city: royal female intervention and patronage in Hellenistic civic communities. G & H 23 3 (2011) 510–27.
503. REINKE-WILLIAMS T, Women's clothes and female honour in early modern London. ContC 26 1 (2011) 69–88.
504. RENNES J, The French Republic and women's access to professional work: issues and controversies in France from the 1870s to the 1930s. G & H 23 2 (2011) 341–66.
505. SELTZER AJ, Female salaries and careers in British banking, 1915–41. EEcH 48 4 (2011) 461–77.
506. SMITH HL, ‘Free and willing to remit’: women's petitions to the court of aldermen, 1670–1750. In KIPPEN K & WOODS L eds, Worth and repute: valuing gender in late medieval and early modern Europe: essays in honour of Barbara Todd. Toronto: Centre for Reformation and Renaissance Studies 2011. 277–307.
507. STAPLES KK, Daughters of London: inheriting opportunity in the late middle ages. Leiden: Brill 2011. pp xii + 210.
508. TARBIN S, Civic manliness in London, c. 1380–1550. In BROOMHALL S & VAN GENT J eds, Governing masculinities in the early modern period: regulating selves and others. Farnham: Ashgate (2011) 23–46.
509. TAYLOR C, Women's social networks and female friendship in the ancient Greek city. G & H 23 3 (2011) 703–20.
510. VAN DEN BROEK D, Strapping, as well as numerate: occupational identity, masculinity and the aesthetics of nineteenth-century banking. BuH 53 3 (2011) 289–301.
511. WALKER SP, Professions and patriarchy revisited: accountancy in England and Wales, 1887–1914. ABFH 21 2 (2011) 185–225.
512. YOUNGS D, ‘For the preferment of their marriage and bringing up in their youth’: the education and training of young Welshwomen, c. 1450–c. 1550. WHR 25 4 (2011) 463–85.
V Economic activity
Research methods, aids and materials
513. ALVES FURTADO B, Neighbourhoods in urban economics: incorporating cognitively perceived urban space in economic models. US 48 13 (2011) 2827–47.
514. ANSON M, Business records deposited in 2009. BA 101 (2011) 81–112.
515. HARRIS J & HOWE P, Interpreting seventeenth-century probate documents: John Carter, master carpenter in St Albans. LPS 86 (2011) 66–83.
516. SAUL N, MACKMAN J & WHITTICK C, Grave stuff: litigation with a London tomb-maker in 1421. HR 84 226 (2011) 572–85.
517. SNELL S, Economic and social apron strings: an introduction to resources available for researching business and social networking at the Library and Museum of Freemasonry. BA 102 (2011) 24–38.
Printed documentary sources
518. BARLOW J ed, A calendar of the registers of apprentices of the city of Gloucester 1700–1834. Bristol: Bristol and Gloucestershire Archaeological Society 2011. pp xxvi + 196.
519. BEALE POALMOND A & ARCHER MS, The Corsini letters. Stroud: Amberley 2011. pp 224, il.
520. MUNRO J (transcription) & FORTHRINGHAM HS ed, Act book of the convenery of deacons of the trades of Edinburgh 1577–1755 (2 vols.). Edinburgh: Scottish Record Society 2011.
Urban economic activity
521. AMOR NR, Late medieval Ipswich: trade and industry. Woodbridge: Boydell Press 2011. pp xi + 300.
522. ARNOLD AJ, ‘Out of light a little profit’? Returns to capital at Bryant and May, 1884–1927. BuH 53 4 (2011) 617–40.
523. BENNETT RJ, Local business voice: the history of chambers of commerce in Britain, Ireland and revolutionary America, 1760–2011. Oxford: Oxford University Press 2011. pp xiv + 921.
524. BLACKBURN MAS, Coinage in its archaeological context. In HAMEROW H, HINTON DA & CRAWFORD S eds, The Oxford handbook of Anglo-Saxon archaeology. Oxford: Oxford University Press 2011. 580–99.
525. BRIOT E, From industry to luxury: French perfume in the nineteenth century. BuHR 85 2 (2011) 273–94.
526. BRITNELL RH, Commerce and markets. In CRICK J & VAN HOUTS E eds, A social history of England, 900–1200. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 2011. 179–87.
527. CAMPBELL RB, LI ZHE Y & JING Y, Consumption, exchange and production at the great settlement Shang: bone-working at Tiesanlu, Anyang. A 85 330 (2011) 1279–97.
528. CARROLL PJ, The place of prostitution in early twentieth-century Suzhou. UH 38 3 (2011) 413–36.
529. CHERRY J, Made in Coventry? Seals from Coventry as evidence of local craftmanship in the late middle ages. In MONCKTON L & MORRIS RK eds, Coventry: medieval art, architecture and archaeology in the city and its vicinity. Leeds: Maney 2011. 182–9.
530. COOK IR & WARD K, Trans-urban networks of learning, mega events and policy tourism: the case of Manchester's commonwealth and olympic games projects. US 48 12 (2011) 2519–35.
531. DAVIES J, Market regulation in fifteenth-century England. In DODDS B & LIDDY CD eds, Commercial activity, markets and entrepreneurs in the Middle Ages: essays in honour of Richard Britnell. Woodbridge: Boydell 2011. 81–105.
532. DAVIS J, Medieval market morality: life, law and ethics in the English marketplace, 1200–1500. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 2011. pp 532.
533. DUXBURY S, The bonds of trade: the port of Southampton and the merchants of Winchester and Salisbury. In MITCHELL LE, FRENCH KL & BIGGS D eds, The ties that bind: essays in medieval British history in honor of Barbara Hanawalt. Farnham: Ashgate 2011. 21–38.
534. GODDARD R, Small boroughs and the manorial economy: enterprise zones or urban failures? P & P 210 (2011) 3–31.
535. HAGGERTY J & HAGGERTY S, The life cycle of a metropolitan business network: Liverpool 1750–1810. EEcH 48 2 (2011) 189–206.
536. HAMMOND S, Excavation of medieval burgage plots and further evidence of iron working on land off Pegler Way, Crawley, West Sussex. SsAC 149 (2011) 49–58.
537. HARE J, A prospering society: Wiltshire in the later Middle Ages. Hatfield: University of Hertfordshire Press 2011. pp xvi + 240.
538. HASLAM R, Excavating the 18th- and 19th-century urban flour mill: the example of the archaeological investigations at the former JA Symes factory site, Highbridge Road, Barking. IAR 33 2 (2011) 106–21.
539. HIGGINS DM & TOMS S, Explaining corporate success: the structure and performance of British firms, 1950–84. BuH 53 1 (2011) 63–84.
540. HOLLAND L, A family affair: a nineteenth-century tale of one family and its business. FCH 14 1 (2011) 24–40.
541. HONEYMAN K, Suits for the boys: the Leeds multiple tailors and the making of boys’ wear 1890–1940. TexH 42 1 (2011) 50–68.
542. MCCLENDON MC & WARD JP, Urban economies. In DORAN S & JONES NL eds, The Elizabethan world. London: Routledge 2011. 427–38.
543. MARKS R, Coventry: a regional centre of glass-painting in the 14th century? The glazing of Stanford on Avon church, Northamptonshire, and the taxonomy of English medieval stained glass studies. In MONCKTON L & MORRIS RK eds, Coventry: medieval art, architecture and archaeology in the city and its vicinity. Leeds: Maney 2011. 190–205.
544. NESS C & BROOKS MM, Rediscovering Mattli: a forgotten 1950s London couturier. C 45 (2011) 85–100.
545. NEWMAN CM, Marketing and trading networks in medieval Durham. In DODDS B & LIDDY CD eds, Commercial activity, markets and entrepreneurs in the Middle Ages: essays in honour of Richard Britnell. Woodbridge: Boydell Press 2011. 129–39.
546. OLDLAND JR, ‘Fyne worsted whech is almost like silke’: Norwich's double worsted. TexH 42 2 (2011) 181–99.
547. OLDLAND JR, Making and marketing woollen cloth in late-medieval London. LJ 36 2 (2011) 89–108.
548. PESTELL T, Markets, emporia, wics, and ‘productive’ sites: pre-Viking trade centres in Anglo-Saxon England. In HAMEROW H, HINTON DA & CRAWFORD S eds, The Oxford handbook of Anglo-Saxon archaeology. Oxford: Oxford University Press 2011. 556–79.
549. ROYO JAM, In search of wheat: municipal politics, urban markets and the grain supply in Aragon in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. UH 38 2 (2011) 211–33.
550. SCOTT HG, John Thornton of Coventry: a reassessment of the role of a late medieval glazier. In MONCKTON L & MORRIS RK eds, Coventry: medieval art, architecture and archaeology in the city and its vicinity. Leeds: Maney 2011. 223–39.
551. SORGE-ENGLISH L, Stays and body image in London: the staymaking trade, 1680–1810. London: Pickering & Chatto 2011. pp xi + 285.
552. WON SONN J & KWON PARK I, The increasing importance of agglomeration economies hidden behind convergence: geography of knowledge production. US 48 10 (2011) 2180–94.
553. ALLEN RC & WEISDORF JL, Was there an industrious revolution before the industrial revolution? An empirical exercise for England, c. 1300–1830. EcHR 64 3 (2011) 715–29.
554. ARNOLD AJ, Charles Mare, London ironmaster and shipbuilder. LJ 36 1 (2011) 23–36.
555. BARKER R, The rise of an early modern shipping industry: Whitby's golden fleet, 1600–1750. Woodbridge: Boydell 2011. pp xiii + 189, il.
556. FOULDS M, The Gorbals Brass and Bell Foundry: bellfounding in Victorian and Edwardian Glasgow. Inverness: Whiting Society of Ringers 2011. pp 116.
557. GRIFFITHS NM, ‘A factory to be proud of’: the Dunlop Semtex rubber factory. Bry 42 (2011) 71–5.
558. NEWMAN C, The industrial and manufacturing city. In BRENNAND M & STRINGER KJ eds, The making of Carlisle: from Romans to railways. Kendal: Cumberland and Westmorland Antiquarian and Archaeological Society 2011. 153–72.
559. POUILLARD V, Design piracy in the fashion industries of Paris and New York in the interwar years. BuHR 85 2 (2011) 319–44.
560. REEVES B, The Don Steel Works and Saville Works: charting the growth of the small Sheffield steel firm. IAR 33 1 (2011) 58–73.
561. SOLAR PM & LYONS JS, The English cotton spinning industry, 1780–1840, as revealed in the columns of the London Gazette. BuH 53 3 (2011) 302–23.
562. WILLIAMS S & CURRID-HALKETT E, The emergence of Los Angeles as a fashion hub: a comparative spatial analysis of the New York and Los Angeles fashion industries. US 48 14 (2011) 3043–66.
563. WILSON GM, New light on the Simpson of York gun. A & A 8 1 (2011) 89–95.
564. YASUMOTO M, The rise of a Victorian ironopolis: Middlesbrough and regional industrialisation. Woodbridge: Boydell 2011. pp xvii + 230.
External trade
565. ALEXANDER N, British overseas retailing, 1900–60: international firm characteristics, market selections and entry modes. BuH 53 4 (2011) 530–56.
566. ARDREN T & LOWRY J, The travels of Maya merchants in the ninth and tenth centuries AD: investigations at Xuenkal and the Greater Cupul Province, Yucatan, Mexico. WA 43 3 (2011) 428–43.
567. CASSON M & LEE JS, The origin and development of markets: a business history perspective. BuHR 85 1 (2011) 9–37.
568. CIDELL J, Distribution centers among the rooftops: the global logistics network meets the suburban spatial imaginary. IJURR 35 4 (2011) 832–51.
569. FITZPATRICK MP, Provincializing Rome: the Indian Ocean trade network and Roman imperialism. JWH 22 1 (2011) 27–54.
570. GIPOULOUX F, The Asian Mediterranean: port cities and trading networks in China, Japan and southeast Asia, 13th–21st century. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar 2011. pp 424.
571. LLORCA-JANAA M, The organisation of British textile exports to the River Plate and Chile: merchant houses in operation, c. 1810–59. BuH 53 6 (2011) 821–65.
572. MCDADE K, Liverpool slave merchant entrepreneurial networks, 1725–1807. BuH 53 7 (2011) 1092–109.
573. MARTÍNEZ RUIZ JI, ‘A towne famous for its plenty of raisins and wines’. Málaga en el comercio anglo-español en el siglo XVII. Hisp 71 (2011) 665–90.
574. MERLO E, Italian fashion business: achievements and challenges (1970s–2000s). BuH 53 3 (2011) 344–62.
575. METTERS GA, Corn, coal and commerce: merchants and coastal trading in early Jacobean King's Lynn. IJMH 23 1 (2011) 149–78.
576. STEEL F, Oceania under steam: sea transport and the cultures of colonialism, c. 1870–1914. Manchester: Manchester University Press 2011. pp xxi + 246.
577. STONE R, The overseas trade of Bristol before the civil war. IJMH 23 2 (2011) 211–40.
578. SUDAN R, Elihu Yale, the East India Company, and the problem with Madras. In MACLEAN GM ed, Britain and the Muslim world: historical perspectives. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing 2011. 52–68.
579. WHITE NJ, ‘Ferry off the Mersey’: the business and the impact of decolonization in Liverpool. H 96 332 (2011) 188–204.
580. CLARIDGE J & JANGDON J, Storage in medieval England: the evidence from purveyance accounts, 1295–1349. EcHR 64 4 (2011) 1242–65.
581. COHEN N, Early Anglo-Saxon fish traps on the River Thames. In BROOKES S, HARRINGTON S & REYNOLDS AJ eds, Studies in early Anglo-Saxon art and archaeology: papers in honour of Martin G. Welch. Oxford: Archaeopress 2011. 131–8.
582. HAMMOND A, Understanding the Romano-British–early medieval transition: A zooarchaeological perspective from Wroxeter (Viroconium Cornoviorum). Brit 42 (2011) 275–305.
583. KEENE D, Crisis management in London's food supply, 1250–1500. In DODDS B & LIDDY CD eds, Commercial activity, markets and entrepreneurs in the Middle Ages: essays in honour of Richard Britnell. Woodbridge: Boydell Press 2011. 45–62.
584. LEE JS, Grain shortages in late medieval towns. In DODDS B & LIDDY CD eds, Commercial activity, markets and entrepreneurs in the Middle Ages: essays in honour of Richard Britnell. Woodbridge: Boydell Press 2011. 63–80.
585. MUTCH A, Sydney Nevile: squire in the slums or progressive brewer? A response to David Gutzke. BuH 53 6 (2011) 970–5.
586. PROTZ R, Beer town: the story of brewing in Burton on Trent. Stroud: History Press 2011. pp 160.
587. SWEETINBURGH S, Hythe's butcher-graziers: their role in town and country in late medieval Kent. In DYER C, HOPPER AJ, LORD E & TRINGHAM NJ eds, New directions in local history since Hoskins. Hatfield: University of Hertfordshire Press 2011. 98–113.
588. WADDINGTON K, The dangerous sausage: diet, meat and disease in Victorian and Edwardian Britain. CulSH 8 1 (2011) 51–71.
589. DEWILDE B & POUKENS J, Bread provisioning and retail dynamics in the southern Low Countries: the bakers of Leuven, 1600–1800. ContC 26 3 (2011) 405–38.
590. EDWARDS C, Tottenham Court Road: the changing fortunes of London's furniture street 1850–1950. LJ 36 2 (2011) 140–60.
591. LESGER C, Patterns of retail location and urban form in Amsterdam in the mid-eighteenth century. UH 38 1 (2011) 24–47.
592. MITCHELL I, Supplying the masses: retailing and town governance in Macclesfield, Stockport and Birkenhead, 1780–1860. UH 38 2 (2011) 256–75.
593. NELL DPHILLIPS S, ALEXANDER A & SHAW G, Helping yourself: self-service grocery retailing and shoplifting in Britain, c. 1950–75. CulSH 8 3 (2011) 371–91.
594. PAGE M, Shops and shopkeepers in medieval Hampshire: evidence from Fareham and Havant before the Black Death. HFCAS 66 (2011) 153–65.
595. VERE M, A history of ‘News from nowhere’, Liverpool's radical and community bookshop. NWLHJ 36 (2011) 25–30.
596. WITHEY ARJ, ‘Persons that live remote from London’: apothecaries and the medical marketplace in seventeenth and eighteenth-century Wales. BHM 85 2 (2011) 222–47.
Finance, banking and industry
597. ACHESON GG, HICKSON CR & TURNER JD, Organisational flexibility and governance in a civil-law regime: Scottish partnership banks during the Industrial Revolution. BuH 53 4 (2011) 505–29.
598. ACHESON GG & TURNER JD, Investor behaviour in a nascent capital market: Scottish bank shareholders in the nineteenth century. EcHR 64 1 (2011) 188–213.
599. BILLINGS M & CAPIE F, Financial crisis, contagion, and the British banking system between the world wars. BuH 53 2 (2011) 193–215.
600. BOERNER L & VOLCKART O, The utility of a common coinage: currency unions and the integration of money markets in late medieval central Europe. EEcH 48 1 (2011) 53–65.
601. BOLTON JL, London merchants and the Borromei Bank in the 1430s: the role of local credit networks. In KLEINEKE H ed, Parliament, personalities and power: papers presented to Linda S. Clark. Woodbridge: Boydell 2011. 53–73.
602. DOBIE A, A review of the granators’ accounts of Durham cathedral priory 1294–1433: an early example of process accounting? ABFH 21 1 (2011) 7–35.
603. HANNAH L, JP Morgan in London and New York before 1914. BuHR 85 1 (2011) 113–50.
604. JAMES JA & WEIMAN DF, The national banking acts and the transformation of New York city banking during the civil war era. JEcH 71 2 (2011) 338–62.
605. KIM J, How modern banking originated: the London goldsmith-bankers’ institutionalisation of trust. BuH 53 6 (2011) 939–59.
606. KITCH AW, The city's money. In GOSSETT S ed, Thomas Middleton in context. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 2011. 68–74.
607. LEE TA, Paul and Mackersy, accountants, 1818–34: public accountancy in the early nineteenth century. ABFH 21 3 (2011) 285–307.
608. LONNBORG MOGREN A & RAFFERTY M, Banks and Swedish financial crises in the 1920s and 1930s. BuH 53 2 (2011) 230–48.
609. ODLYZKO A, The collapse of the railway mania, the development of capital markets, and the forgotten role of Robert Lucas Nash. ABFH 21 3 (2011) 309–45.
610. RUTTERFORD J, GREEN DR, MALTBY J & OWENS A, Who comprised the nation of shareholders? Gender and investment in Great Britain, c. 1870–1935. EcHR 64 1 (2011) 157–87.
611. FLAVIN S, Consumption and material culture in sixteenth-century Ireland. EcHR 64 4 (2011) 1144–74.
612. RANASINGHE P, Public disorder and its relation to the community–civility–consumption triad: a case study on the uses and users of contemporary urban public space. US 48 9 (2011) 1925–43.
613. RICH R, Bourgeois consumption: food, space and identity in London and Paris, 1850–1914. Manchester: Manchester University Press 2011. pp ix + 239.
614. ABEYSINGHE T & GU J, Lifetime income and housing affordability in Singapore. US 48 9 (2011) 1875–91.
615. KAUPPINEN TMKORTTEINEN M & VAATTOVAARA M, Unemployment during a recession and later earnings: does the neighbourhood unemployment rate modify the association? US 48 6 (2011) 1273–90.
616. TAN E, Scrip as private money, monetary monopoly, and the rent-seeking state in Britain. EcHR 64 1 (2011) 237–55.
Standard of living
617. BOULTON J, ‘Turned into the street with my children destitute of every thing’: the payment of rent and the London poor, 1600–1850. In MCEWAN J & SHARPE P eds, Accommodating poverty: the housing and living arrangements of the English poor, c. 1600–1850. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan (2011) 25–49.
618. BOULTON J & SCHWARZ LD, ‘The comforts of a private fireside’: the workhouse, the elderly and the poor law in Georgian Westminster: St Martin-in-the-fields, 1725–1824. In MCEWAN J & SHARPE P eds, Accommodating poverty. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan 2011. 221–45.
619. CHAMPION T & TOWNSEND A, The fluctuating record of economic regeneration in England's second-order city-regions, 1984–2007. US 48 8 (2011) 1539–62.
620. FAHMY E, Poverty and place in Britain, 1968–99. EP 43 3 (2011) 594–617.
621. FREEMAN M, Seebohm Rowntree and secondary poverty, 1899–1954. EcHR 64 4 (2011) 1175–94.
622. GAZELEY I & NEWELL A, Poverty in Edwardian Britain. EcHR 64 1 (2011) 52–71.
623. HITCHCOCK T, Locating beggars on the streets of eighteenth-century London. In KIPPEN K & WOODS L eds, Worth and repute: valuing gender in Late medieval and early modern Europe: essays in honour of Barbara Todd. Toronto: Centre for Reformation and Renaissance Studies 2011. 73–92.
624. MCEWEN J, The lodging exchange: space, authority and knowledge in eighteenth-century London. In MCEWAN J & SHARPE P eds, Accommodating poverty: the housing and living arrangements of the English poor, c. 1600–1850. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan 2011. 50–68.
625. MURRAY T, Poverty in the modern city: retrospects and prospects. IJHA 15 4 (2011) 572–81.
626. O'BRIEN A, Pauperism revisited. AHS 42 2 (2011) 212–29.
627. ORAM R, Social inequality in the supply and use of fuel in Scottish towns c. 1750–1850. In MASSARD-GUILBAUD G & RODGER R eds, Environmental and social justice in the city: historical perspectives. Cambridge: White Horse Press 2011. 211–32.
628. STRANGE J, Tramp: sentiment and the homeless man in the late-Victorian and Edwardian city. JVC 16 2 (2011) 242–58.
Working conditions
629. BRADFORD HT, Dockers’ stories from the Second World War. Stroud: History Press 2011. pp 127.
630. BUCHNER T & HOFFMAN-REHNITZ PR eds, Shadow economies and irregular work in urban Europe. Berlin: Lit Verlag 2011. pp ii + 219.
631. DELAP L, Knowing their place: domestic service in twentieth-century Britain. Oxford: Oxford University Press 2011. pp 278.
632. GEORGE A, Within salvation: girl hawkers and the colonial state in development era Lagos. JSocH 44 3 (2011) 837–59.
633. GOOD J, The alien clothworkers of London, 1337–1381. In MITCHELL LE, FRENCH KL & BIGGS D eds, The ties that bind: essays in medieval British history in honor of Barbara Hanawalt. Farnham: Ashgate 2011. 7–20.
634. LOFTUS D, Investigating work in late nineteenth-century London. HWJ 71 1 (2011) 173–93.
635. LONG V, Industrial homes, domestic factories: the convergence of public and private space in interwar Britain. JBS 50 2 (2011) 434–64.
636. SCOTT P & SPADAVECCHIA A, Did the 48-hour week damage Britain's industrial competitiveness? EcHR 64 4 (2011) 1266–88.
637. SEED J, ‘Free labour = latent pauperism’: Marx, Mayhew, and the ‘reserve army of labour’ in mid-nineteenth-century London. In GUNN S & VERNON J eds, The peculiarities of liberal modernity in imperial Britain. Berkeley, CA, and London: University of California Press 2011. 54–71.
Labour organization
638. COATES R, The ‘Hantachenesele’ in the Winton Domesday. HFCAS 66 (2011) 228–9.
639. DAVIES MP, ‘Monuments of honour’: clerks, histories and heroes in the London livery companies. In KLEINEKE H ed, Parliament, personalities and power: papers presented to Linda S. Clark. Woodbridge: Boydell 2011. 143–65.
640. ELRICK J, Social conflict and the politics of reform: Mayor James D. Phelan and the San Francisco waterfront strike of 1901. CalH 88 2 (2011) 4–23.
641. ERICKSON AL, Eleanor Mosley and other milliners in the City of London companies 1700–1750. HWJ 71 1 (2011) 147–72.
642. FEWSTER JM, The keelmen of Tyneside: labour organisation and conflict in the north-east coal industry, 1600–1830. Woodbridge: Boydell 2011. pp x + 222.
643. HAWTHORN J, So why not have a go? The Liverpool transport strikes of 1911. NWLHJ 36 (2011) 11–17.
644. HAYES B, An unexpected link with the 1911 Liverpool transport strike. NWLHJ 36 (2011) 10.
645. HELLER M, London clerical workers, 1880–1914: development of the labour market. London: Pickering & Chatto 2011. pp xi + 262.
646. LEUNIG TMINNS C & WALLIS P, Networks in the premodern economy: the market for London apprenticeships, 1600–1749. JEcH 71 2 (2011) 413–43.
647. NAVICKAS K, What happened to class? New histories of labour and collective action in Britain. SH 36 2 (2011) 192–204.
648. TAO X, Bicycle trade organizations in modern Shanghai. UH 38 3 (2011) 457–74.
649. TAPLIN E, The Liverpool general transport strike, 1911. NWLHJ 36 (2011) 4–9.
650. THOMAS DP, A Tudor medical group portrait. JMedB 19 1 (2011) 17–20.
651. WHITSTON K, Craftsmen and skilled workers in engineering, 1914–64. LHR 76 3 (2011) 207–26.
VI Communications
Inter-urban communications
652. BOGART D, Did the Glorious Revolution contribute to the transport revolution? Evidence from investment in roads and rivers. EcHR 64 4 (2011) 1073–112.
653. DE BLOCK G & POLASKY J, Light railways and the rural–urban continuum: technology, space and society in late nineteenth-century Belgium. JHG 37 3 (2011) 312–28.
654. EL MAKHLOUFI A, From airfield to airport: an institutionalist-historical approach to the early development of Amsterdam Airport Schiphol, 1916–1940. JUH 37 4 (2011) 497–518.
655. HENDRICKSON M, A transport geographic perspective on travel and communication in Angkorian Southeast Asia (ninth to fifteenth centuries AD). WA 43 3 (2011) 444–57.
656. RENTON A, Connecting Cornwall: a collaborative research project. BA 102 (2011) 13–23.
657. ROBINSON P, The railway city. In BRENNAND M & STRINGER KJ eds, The making of Carlisle: from Romans to railways. Kendal: Cumberland and Westmorland Antiquarian and Archaeological Society 2011. 173–88.
658. SCOTT P, Still a niche communications medium: the diffusion and uses of the telephone system in interwar Britain. BuH 53 6 (2011) 801–20.
659. WHITE R, Railroaded: introduction. CalH 89 1 (2011) 5–72.
Intra-urban communications
660. BRAND D, Crossing the roads: urban diagonals in New Zealand and the nineteenth century Anglo-colonial world. PlP 26 3 (2011) 423–44.
661. DWYER E, The impact of the railways in the east end 1835–2010: historical archaeology from the London overground east London line. London: Museum of London Archaeology 2011. pp xiv + 117.
662. GUNN S, The Buchanan Report, environment and the problem of traffic in 1960s Britain. TCBH 22 4 (2011) 521–42.
663. MURPHY E & KILLEN JE, Commuting economy: an alternative approach for assessing regional commuting efficiency. US 48 6 (2011) 1255–72.
664. ODENDAAL N, Splintering urbanism or split agendas? Examining the spatial distribution of technology access in relation to ICT policy in Durban, South Africa. US 48 11 (2011) 2375–97.
665. TOWNSEND A, London taxis at war. Stroud: History Press 2011. pp 80.
VII Politics and administration
Research methods, aids and materials
666. ANCIEN D, Global city theory and the new urban politics twenty years on: the case for a geohistorical materialist approach to the (new) urban politics of global cities. US 48 12 (2011) 2473–93.
667. SAVAGE R, FRIPP EI, BEARMAN R, STRATFORD-UPON-AVON CORPORATION & DUGDALE SOCIETY, Minutes and accounts of the corporation of Stratford-upon-Avon, and other records, 1559–1609. Stratford-upon-Avon: Dugdale Society 2011. pp ix + 588.
668. SELLERS JM, State and society in local governance: lessons from a multilevel comparison. IJURR 35 3 (2011) 620–43.
Urban politics and administration
669. BAILEY M, Self-government in the small towns of late medieval England. In DODDS B & LIDDY CD eds, Commercial activity, markets and entrepreneurs in the Middle Ages: essays in honour of Richard Britnell. Woodbridge: Boydell Press (2011) 107–28.
670. BISHOP J, ‘Utopia’ and civic politics in mid-sixteenth-century London. HJ 54 4 (2011) 933–53.
671. BLUME L, DORING T & VOIGT S, Fiscal effects of reforming local constitutions: recent German experiences. US 48 10 (2011) 2123–40.
672. CARE V, The significance of a ‘correct and uniform system of accounts’ to the administration of the Poor Law Amendment Act, 1834. ABFH 21 2 (2011) 121–42.
673. CARROLL S, The Dublin parliamentary elections, 1613. In SHEEHAN W & CRONIN M eds, Riotous assemblies: rebels, riots & revolts in Ireland. Cork: Mercier Press 2011. 50–63.
674. GLASS MR, Metropolitan reform in Allegheny County: the local failure of national urban reform advocacy, 1920–1929. JUH 37 1 (2011) 90–116.
675. GREASLEY S, JOHN P & WOLMAN H, Does government performance matter? The effects of local government on urban outcomes in England. US 48 9 (2011) 1835–51.
676. HELMHOLZ RH, Regulating the number of proctors in the English ecclesiastical courts: evidence from an early Tudor tract. In PENNINGTON K & EICHBAUER MH eds, Law as profession and practice in medieval Europe: essays in honor of James A. Brundage. Farnham: Ashgate 2011. 173–86.
677. HORWOOD M, Cheltenham's Liberal history. JLH 71 (2011) 22–7.
678. JAMES S, The cradle of privatisation: Wandsworth borough council 1980–87. BATW 4 2 (2011) 294–302.
679. LEES LH, Discipline and delegation: colonial governance in Malayan towns, 1880–1930. UH 38 1 (2011) 48–64.
680. MCATACKNEY L, Peace maintenance and political messages: the significance of walls during and after the Northern Irish ‘troubles’. JSArch 11 1 (2011) 77–98.
681. MCCANN E ed, Mobile urbanism: cities and policymaking in the global age. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press 2011. pp xxxv + 213.
682. MACLEOD G, Urban politics reconsidered: growth machine to post-democratic city? US 48 12 (2011) 2629–60.
683. MCREE BR, The mayor's body. In MITCHELL LE, FRENCH KL & BIGGS D eds, The ties that bind: essays in medieval British history in honor of Barbara Hanawalt. Farnham: Ashgate 2011. 39–54.
684. MATTHEWS WF, The Sunderland election of 1852. NH 48 2 (2011) 315–36.MCREE BR, The mayor's body. In MITCHELL LE, FRENCH KL & BIGGS D eds, The ties that bind: essays in medieval British history in honor of Barbara Hanawalt. Farnham: Ashgate (2011) 39–54.
685. MORRISEY M, Politics and the Paul's Cross sermons, 1558–1642. Oxford: Oxford University Press 2011. pp xiv + 257.
686. PALEY R, The kings bench (crown side) in the long eighteenth century. In DYER C, HOPPER AJ, LORD E & TRINGHAM NJ eds, New directions in local history since Hoskins. Hatfield: University of Hertfordshire Press 2011. 231–46.
687. PICKARD W, The member for Scotland: a life of Duncan McLaren. Edinburgh: John Donald 2011. pp 320.
688. POSTIGO A, Accounting for outcomes in participatory urban governance through state–civil-society synergies. US 48 9 (2011) 1945–67.
689. POTTER M, The municipal revolution in Ireland: a handbook of urban government in Ireland since 1800. Dublin: Association of Municipal Authorities of Ireland and Irish Academic Press 2011. pp 491.
690. SWIFT J, Randolph Churchill and the general election in Preston, 1945: bucking the trend. NH 48 1 (2011) 123–44.
691. TANSUG F, The Greek community of İzmir/Smyrna in an age of transition: the relationship between Ottoman centre-local governance and the İzmir/Smyrna Greeks, 1840–1866. BJMES 38 1 (2011) 41–72.
692. TILLES D, The myth of Cable Street. HT 61 10 (2011) 41–7.
693. VAN DOMMELEN D, Boroughs and socio-political reconstruction in late Anglo-Saxon England. In HIGHAM NJ & RYAN MJ eds, Place-names, language and the Anglo-Saxon landscape. Woodbridge: Boydell 2011. 225–40.
694. WESTPHAL RW, Parliamentary politics and the Singapore base: a surplus of opinions and few answers, 1918–29. MM 97 4 (2011) 341–56.
695. WILLIAMS DH, Newport Borough Ordinances, 1711. TMA 27 (2011) 91–102.
Urban politics at national level
696. BLAXILL L, Electioneering, the third Reform Act, and political change in the 1880s. ParlH 30 3 (2011) 343–73.
697. CARREL H, The rituals of town–crown relations in post-Black Death England. In ANDREWS F ed, Ritual and space in the Middle Ages: proceedings of the 2009 Harlaxton Symposium. Donington: Shaun Tyas 2011. 148–64.
698. COLE M, The political starfish: west Yorkshire Liberalism in the twentieth century. CBH 25 1 (2011) 175–88.
699. FREESTONE R & NICHOLS D, The 1901 Australian Federal Capital Congress. PlP 26 3 (2011) 373–401.
700. GOLDSMITH T, From Falangism to technocracy: the legislation and the reality of Spanish urbanism in Barcelona, 1939–1976. JUH 37 3 (2011) 331–54.
701. MAULSBY L, The Piazza degli Affari and the contingent nature of urbanism in fascist Milan. UH 38 1 (2011) 65–83.
702. PACKER I, Contested ground: trends in British by-elections, 1911–1914. CBH 25 1 (2011) 157–73.
703. SIMPSON T, Main machinery: the ANC's armed underground in Johannesburg during the 1976 Soweto uprising. AfSt 70 3 (2011) 415–36.
704. TILSLEY P, Birmingham: birthplace of radical Liberalism. JLH 70 (2011) 19–21.
Aspects of urban administration
705. ABEL EK, ‘In the last stages of irremediable disease’: American hospitals and dying patients before World War II. BHM 85 1 (2011) 29–56.
706. AZARYAHU M, The politics of commemorative street renaming: Berlin 1945–1948. JHG 37 4 (2011) 483–92.
707. BARRIE DG & BROOMHALL S, Policing bodies in urban Scotland, 1780–1850. In BROOMHALL S & VAN GENT J eds, Governing masculinities in the early modern period: regulating selves and others. Farnham: Ashgate 2011. 263–82.
708. BARTIE A & JACKSON LA, Youth crime and preventive policing in post-war Scotland (c. 1945–71). TCBH 22 1 (2011) 79–102.
709. BASMAJIAN C, The river and the region: the Chattahoochee River and the Atlanta Regional Commission. JPH 10 4 (2011) 310–55.
710. BERRIDGE WJ, ‘What the men are crying out for is leadership’: the Khartoum police strike of 1951 and the battle for administrative control. JICH 39 1 (2011) 121–42.
711. BROOMHALL S & BARRIE DG, Changing of the guard: governance, policing, masculinity, and class in the Porteous Affair and Walter Scott's ‘Heart of Midlothian’. Pare 28 1 (2011) 65–90.
712. GORSKY M, Local government health services in interwar England: problems of quantification and interpretation. BHM 85 3 (2011) 384–412.
713. HARDWICK J, Vestry politics and the emergence of a reform public in Calcutta, 1813–36. HR 84 223 (2011) 87–108.
714. HEURING DH, ‘In the cheapest way possible. . .’: responsibility and the failure of improvement at the Kingston lunatic asylum, 1914–1945. JCCH 12 3 (2011) online.
715. KLEINEKE H, Civic ritual, spaces and conflict in fifteenth-century Exeter. In ANDREWS F ed, Ritual and space in the Middle Ages: proceedings of the 2009 Harlaxton Symposium. Donington: Shaun Tyas (2011) 165–78.
716. MCEVANSONEYA P, Royal monuments and civic ritual in eighteenth-century Dublin. In CHASTEL-ROUSSEAU C ed, Reading the royal monument in eighteenth-century Europe. Farnham: Ashgate (2011) 173–94.
717. MACKILLOP A, Confrontation, negotiation and accommodation: garrisoning the burghs in post-union Scotland. JEMH 15 1–2 (2011) 159–83.
718. MERRITT JF, Contested legitimacy and the ambiguous rise of vestries in early modern London. HJ 54 1 (2011) 25–45.
719. Ó SIOCHRÚ M, Civil autonomy and military power in early modern Ireland. JEMH 15 1–2 (2011) 31–57.
720. POWELL MA, LEVENE A, STEWART J & TAYLOR B, Cradle to grave: municipal medicine in inter-war England and Wales. Bern; Oxford: Peter Lang 2011. pp xii + 259.
721. SHARAN A, From source to sink: ‘official’ and ‘improved’ water in Delhi, 1868–1956. IESHR 48 3 (2011) 425–62.
722. SIENA KP, Searchers of the dead in long eighteenth-century London. In KIPPEN K & WOODS L eds, Worth and repute: valuing gender in late medieval and early modern Europe: essays in honour of Barbara Todd. Toronto: Centre for Reformation and Renaissance Studies 2011. 123–52.
723. SLADEN C, ‘In rejoicing, let us preserve decorum’: victory celebrations in Swindon, 1945. LocH 41 1 (2011) 28–41.
724. SMITH H, The army, provincial urban communities, and loyalist cultures in England, c. 1714–50. JEMH 15 1–2 (2011) 139–58.
725. STERN PJ, Soldier and citizen in the seventeenth-century English East India Company. JEMH 15 1–2 (2011) 83–104.
726. STEWART LAM, Military power and the Scottish burghs, 1625–1651. JEMH 15 1–2 (2011) 59–82.
727. SULLIVAN C, Supplying the city. In GOSSETT S ed, Thomas Middleton in context. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 2011. 83–9.
728. TAYLOR V & TRENTMANN F, Liquid politics: water and the politics of everyday life in the modern city. P & P 211 1 (2011) 199–241.
729. TOMORY L, Building the first gas network, 1812–1820. T & C 52 1 (2011) 75–102.
730. WANG DZHANG L, ZHANG Z & XIAOBIN ZHAO S, Urban infrastructure financing in reform-era China. US 48 14 (2011) 2975–98.
731. WIER N, The memoirs of a Birmingham policeman (1975–2005). Bloomington: Authorhouse 2011. pp 389.
732. WOOD P & ARCUS K, Poverty, philanthropy, and professionalism: the establishment of a district nursing service in Wellington, New Zealand, 1903. H & H 13 1 (2011) 44–64.
VIII Shaping the urban environment
Town planning (and environmental control)
733. BARROW J, Urban planning. In CRICK J & VAN HOUTS E eds, A social history of England, 900–1200. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 2011. 188–97.
734. BISSEL WC, Urban design, chaos, and colonial power in Zanzibar. Bloomfield: Indiana University Press 2011. pp xii + 378.
735. CALIFORNIA HISTORY, Rediscovering San Francisco's Parkside neighborhood. CalH 88 2 (2011) 24–31.
736. COHEN B, Modernising the urban environment: the Musi river flood of 1908 in Hyderabad, India. EnvH 17 3 (2011) 409–32.
737. CUPERS K, The expertise of participation: mass housing and urban planning in post-war France. PlP 26 1 (2011) 29–53.
738. FORD K, The trouble with city planning: what New Orleans can teach us. New Haven: Yale University Press 2011. pp 288.
739. GODDARD J, Virginia Lee Burton's ‘Little House’ in popular consciousness: fuelling postwar environmentalism and antiurbanism? JUH 37 4 (2011) 562–82.
740. GOULD J, Plymouth: vision of a modern city. London: English Heritage 2011. pp 96.
741. GRIFFIN E, The ‘urban renaissance’ and the mob: rethinking civic improvement over the long eighteenth century. In FELDMAN D & LAWRENCE J eds, Structures and transformations in modern British history. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 2011. 54–73.
742. HAIYAN L, Water supply and the reconstruction of urban space in early twentieth-century Tianjin. UH 38 3 (2011) 391–412.
743. HALL GR, Ulster liberalism, 1778–1876: the middle path. Dublin: Four Courts 2011. pp 272.
744. HEWITT LE, Towards a greater urban geography: regional planning and associational networks in London during the early twentieth century. PlP 26 4 (2011) 551–68.
745. HILLIER J, The rise of constant water in nineteenth-century London. LJ 36 1 (2011) 37–53.
746. HYSLER-RUBIN N, Patrick Geddes and town planning: a critical view. London: Routledge 2011. pp 224.
747. LARKHAM PJ, Hostages to history? The surprising survival of critical comments about British planning and planners c. 1942–1955. PlP 26 3 (2011) 487–91.
748. MCCABE D, St Stephen's Green, Dublin, 1660–1875. Dublin: The Stationery Office 2011. pp viii + 381.
749. MCCARTHY JP, Dutch influence in the urban landscape of Cork City pre-1800: fact or myth? DC 35 1 (2011) 63–88.
750. MARKER FELD M, Martin Meyerson: building the middle range bridge to educate professional planners – an appreciation and reminiscences. JPH 10 3 (2011) 239–48.
751. MASSARD-GUILBAUD G & RODGER R, Reconsidering justice in past cities: when environmental and social dimensions meet. In MASSARD-GUILBAUD G & RODGER R eds, Environmental and social justice in the city: historical perspectives. Cambridge: White Horse Press 2011. 1–42.
752. O'NEILL KM, RUDEL TK & MCDERMOTT MH, Why environmentally constrained towns choose growth controls. CitC 10 2 (2011) 111–30.
753. ORAM RD, Waste management and peri-urban agriculture in the early modern Scottish burgh. AgHR 59 1 (2011) 1–17.
754. REGO RL, A tropical enterprise: British planning ideas in a private settlement in Brazil. PlP 26 2 (2011) 261–82.
755. SEARLE G & FILION P, Planning context and urban intensification outcomes: Sydney versus Toronto. US 48 7 (2011) 1419–38.
756. SHANE DG, Urban design since 1945: a global perspective. Oxford: Wiley 2011. pp 360.
757. SHAPELEY P, Planning, housing and participation in Britain, 1968–1976. PlP 26 1 (2011) 75–90.
758. SOENS T, Threatened by the sea, condemned by man? Flood risk, environmental justice and environmental inequalities along the North Sea coast 1200–1800. In MASSARD-GUILBAUD G & RODGER R eds, Environmental and social justice in the city: historical perspectives. Cambridge: White Horse Press 2011. 91–112.
759. WHITE R, Jane Jacobs and Toronto, 1968–1978. JPH 10 2 (2011) 114–38.
760. WINDSOR LISCOMBE R, A study in Modern(ist) urbanism: planning Vancouver, 1945–1965. UH 38 1 (2011) 124–49.
Utopian planning and experiments
761. CAVENDISH R & CROW C, Beauty and civilisation: Richard Cavendish explores Bedford Park, London's first garden suburb, designed by and housing members of the aesthetic movement. HT 61 4 (2011) 4–5.
762. FREESTONE R, Reconciling beauty and utility in early city planning: the contribution of John Nolen. JUH 37 2 (2011) 256–77.
763. FRENCH C, The good life in Victorian and Edwardian Surbiton: creating a suburban community before 1914. FCH 14 2 (2011) 105–20.
764. MICHNEY TM, White civic visions versus black suburban aspirations: Cleveland's Garden Valley urban renewal project. JPH 10 4 (2011) 282–309.
765. ORTOLANO G, Planning the urban future in 1960s Britain. HJ 54 2 (2011) 477–507.
766. SHAW C, ‘A fairground for “building the new man”’: Gorky Park as a site of Soviet acculturation. UH 38 2 (2011) 324–44.
767. SINHA A & SINGH J, Jamshedpur: planning an ideal steel city in India. JPH 10 4 (2011) 263–81.
768. VITALE P, A model suburb for model suburbanites: order, control, and expertise in Thorncrest village. UHR 40 1 (2011) 41–56.
Housing improvement
769. BOUZAROVSKI S, SALUKVADZE J & GENTILE M, A socially resilient urban transition? The contested landscapes of apartment building extensions in two post-communist cities. US 48 13 (2011) 2689–714.
770. RYBERG SR, Preservation at the grassroots: Pittsburgh's Manchester and Cincinnati's Mt. Auburn neighborhoods. JPH 10 2 (2011) 139–63.
Urban renewal
771. ADAMS D, Everyday experiences of the modern city: remembering the post-war reconstruction of Birmingham. PlP 26 2 (2011) 237–60.
772. BULLOCK N & VERPOEST L, Living with history, 1914–1964: rebuilding Europe after the First and Second World Wars and the role of heritage preservation. Leuven: Leuven University Press 2011. pp 320.
773. CARRIERE M, Fighting the war against blight: Columbia University, Morningside Heights, Inc., and counterinsurgent urban renewal. JPH 10 1 (2011) 5–29.
774. CHANG TC, Reclaiming the city: waterfront development in Singapore. US 48 10 (2011) 2085–100.
775. COAD J, Indifference, destruction, appreciation, conservation: a century of changing attitudes to historic buildings in British naval bases. MM 97 1 (2011) 314–43.
776. GOLDSTEIN B, Planning's end? Urban renewal in New Haven, the Yale School of Art and Architecture, and the fall of the New Deal spatial order. JUH 37 3 (2011) 400–22.
777. GONZALEZ S, Bilbao and Barcelona ‘in motion’. How urban regeneration ‘models’ travel and mutate in the global flows of policy tourism. US 48 7 (2011) 1397–418.
778. HOLM A & KUHN A, Squatting and urban renewal: the interaction of squatter movements and strategies of urban restructuring in Berlin. IJURR 35 3 (2011) 644–58.
779. LOMBARDI DR, PORTER L, BARBER A & ROGERS CDF, Conceptualising sustainability in UK urban regeneration: a discursive formation. US 48 2 (2011) 273–96.
780. MARCINCZAK S & SAGAN I, The socio-spatial restructuring of Łódź, Poland. US 48 9 (2011) 1789–809.
781. MURPHY KD, The historic building in the modernized city: the cathedrals of Paris and Rouen in the nineteenth century. JUH 37 2 (2011) 278–96.
782. O'DOWD L & KOMAROVA M, Contesting territorial fixity? A case study of regeneration in Belfast. US 48 10 (2011) 2013–28.
783. SHAPELY P, The entrepreneurial city: the role of local government and city-centre redevelopment in post-war industrial English cities. TCBH 22 4 (2011) 498–520.
784. SOUTHER JM, Acropolis of the middle-west: decay, renewal, and boosterism in Cleveland's university circle. JPH 10 1 (2011) 30–58.
785. SU X, Heritage production and urban locational policy in Lijiang, China. IJURR 35 6 (2011) 1118–32.
786. TOMLINSON J & WHATLEY CA, Jute no more: transforming Dundee. Dundee: Dundee University Press 2011. pp xxvi + 326.
787. VIGUIER A, An improbable reconstruction: the transformation of Madurai, 1837–47. IESHR 48 2 (2011) 215–39.
VIII Urban culture
Research methods, aids and materials
788. ADAMSON SKIRBY H, PEACOCK L & PEARL E, Middleton and ‘modern use’: case studies in the language of ‘A Chaste Maid in Cheapside’. In GOSSETT S ed, Thomas Middleton in context. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 2011. 197–210.
789. BERRY C & GREEVES T, A Devon man of letters: the papers of Ernest Martin at the University of Exeter. BC 60 2 (2011) 231–40.
790. GURR A, The social cartography of Middleton's theatres. In GOSSETT S ed, Thomas Middleton in context. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 2011. 153–9.
791. HALKYARD SK, ‘Red and gold and radiant’: the papers of Elaine Feinstein at the John Rylands Library, Manchester. BC 60 2 (2011) 257–67.
792. SENOVA B, Exploring the city: perceiving Istanbul through its cultural productions. IJURR 35 2 (2011) 405–13.
793. SPEDDING P, ‘The new machine: discovering the limits of ECCO. ECS 44 4 (2011) 437–53.
Urban renewal
794. WINLING L, Students and the second ghetto: federal legislation, urban politics, and campus planning at the University of Chicago. JPH 10 1 (2011) 59–86.
Urban culture and entertainment
795. BRODIE A, Towns of ‘health and mirth’: the first seaside resorts, 1730–1769. In BORSAY P & WALTON JK eds, Resorts and ports: European seaside towns since 1700. Bristol: Channel View 2011. 18–32.
796. CHRISTIE SK, Bridging the jurisdictional divide: the masons and the York Corpus Christi play. In ROGERSON M ed, The York mystery plays: performance in the city. Woodbridge: York Medieval Press 2011. 53–74.
797. COOPER T, Professional pride and personal agendas: portraits of judges, lawyers, and members of the Inns of Court, 1560–1630. In ARCHER JE, GOLDRING E & KNIGHT S eds, The intellectual and cultural world of the early modern Inns of Court. Manchester: Manchester University Press 2011. 157–78.
798. CORBETT DP, Camden town and Ashcan: difference, similarity and the ‘Anglo-American’ in the work of Walter Sickert and John Sloan. ArtH 34 4 (2011) 774–95.
799. CRASKE M, Unwholesome and pornographic: a reassessment of the place of Rackstrow's Museum in the story of eighteenth-century anatomical collection and exhibition. JHC 23 1 (2011) 75–99.
800. CROMBIE L, Representatives of civic pride and cultural identities; the Ghent crossbow competition of 1498. A & A 8 2 (2011) 152–64.
801. DUGAN H, Osmologies of luxury and labor: entertaining perfumers in early English drama. In DOWD MM & KORDA N eds, Working subjects in early modern English drama. Farnham: Ashgate 2011, 69–86.
802. GOTHAM KF, Resisting urban spectacle: the 1984 Louisiana World Exposition and the contradictions of mega events. US 48 1 (2011) 197–214.
803. GRAVES-BROWN P & SCHOFIELD J, The filth and the fury: 6 Denmark Street (London) and the Sex Pistols. A 85 330 (2011) 1385–401.
804. HARRIS B, Cultural change in provincial Scottish towns, c. 1700–1820. HJ 54 1 (2011) 105–41.
805. HARRIS B, The enlightenment, towns and urban society in Scotland, c. 1760–1820. EHR 522 (2011) 1097–136.
806. HARVEY C, PRESS J & MACLEAN M, William Morris, cultural leadership, and the dynamics of yaste. BuHR 85 2 (2011) 245–71.
807. HUGHES J, The myth of return: restoration as reception in eighteenth-century Rome. CRJ 3 1 (2011) 1–28.
808. JERRAM J, Streetlife: the untold history of Europe's twentieth century. Oxford: Oxford University Press 2011. pp x + 477.
809. KEBRACKI M, Does cultural policy matter in public-art production? The Netherlands and Flanders compared, 1945 – present. EP 43 12 (2011) 2953–70.
810. LERUD TK, The procession and the play: some light on fifteenth-century drama in Chester. FCS 36 (2011) 65–84.
811. LITTLE P, Fashion at the Cromwellian court. CtH 16 1 (2011) 67–92.
812. LLEWELLYN SM, A tale of two portraits: motivations behind self-fashioning in seventeenth-century Boston portraiture. HJM 39 1–2 (2011) 8–29.
813. ROBINSON P, The multiple meanings of Troy in early modern London's mayoral show. SC 26 2 (2011) 221–39.
814. RYCROFT S, Swinging city: a cultural geography of London 1950–1974. Farnham: Ashgate 2011. pp viii + 189.
815. SCHUYLER S, Crowds, fenianism and the Victorian stage. JVC 16 2 (2011) 169–86.
816. SHERMAN AG, Forms of oblivion: losing the revels office at St. John's. SQ 62 1 (2011) 75–105.
817. VICKERY J, Art, public authorship and the possibility of re-democratization. VCB 12 2 (2011) 219–35.
Forms of entertainment
818. APPLIN J, ‘Strange encounters’: Claes Oldenburg's ‘Proposed Colossal Monuments’ for New York and London. ArtH 34 4 (2011) 838–57.
819. BAKER G & KNIGHTON T eds, Music and urban society in colonial Latin America. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 2011. pp xix + 371.
820. BEADLER R, Nicholas Lancaster, Richard of Gloucester and the York Corpus Christi Play. In ROGERSON M ed, The York mystery plays: performance in the city. Woodbridge: York Medieval Press 2011. 31–52.
821. CERVANTES X, Du mécène aristocratique à l'entrepreneur professionnel: l'opéra italien comme enjeu social et culturel à Londres 1705–1745. DhS 43 1 (2011) 77–99.
822. COEN P, Andrea Casali and James Byres: the mutual perception of the Roman and British art markets in the eighteenth century. JECS 34 3 (2011) 291–313.
823. CORMACK B, Locating the comedy of errors: revels jurisdiction at the Inns of Court. In ARCHER JE, GOLDRING E & KNIGHT S eds, The intellectual and cultural world of the early modern Inns of Court. Manchester: Manchester University Press 2011. 264–85.
824. COURTNEY J, ‘The stuffed animals will have to go’: Alderman Jacob, William Chalkley and Mr Cottrill. HFCAS 66 (2011) 215–27.
825. DE SOMOGYI N, Shakespeare and the three bears. NTQ 27 2 (2011) 99–113.
826. GREENE JC, Theatre in Dublin, 1745–1820: a history (2 vols.). Plymouth: Rowman & Littlefield 2011. pp 708.
827. HASLETT R, Architecture and new play development at the National Theatre, 1907–2010. NTQ 27 4 (2011) 358–67.
828. HORNSEY B, Worthing entertainments & cinemas revisited: with a look at Lancing cinemas. Stamford: Fuschiaprint 2011. pp 16.
829. HUME RD, The socio-politics of London comedy from Jonson to Steele. HLQ 74 2 (2011) 187–217.
830. HUTSON L, The evidential plot: Shakespeare and Gascoigne at Gray's Inn. In ARCHER JE, GOLDRING E & KNIGHT S eds, The intellectual and cultural world of the early modern Inns of Court. Manchester: Manchester University Press 2011. 244–63.
831. JAMES R, Popular film-going in Britain in the early 1930s. JCH 46 2 (2011) 271–87.
832. KATHMAN D, The boys’ plays and the boy players. In GOSSETT S ed, Thomas Middleton in context. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 2011. 160–7.
833. LEBAS E, Forgotten futures: British municipal cinema 1920–1980. London: Black Dog 2011. pp 189.
834. LESLIE D & RANTISI NM, Creativity and place in the evolution of a cultural industry: the case of Cirque du Soleil. US 48 9 (2011) 1771–87.
835. MCCOY RC, Law sports and the night of errors: Shakespeare at the Inns of Court. In ARCHER JE, GOLDRING E & KNIGHT S eds, The intellectual and cultural world of the early modern Inns of Court. Manchester: Manchester University Press 2011. 286–301.
836. MCGEARY T, Joseph Harris, Birmingham organist (1744–1814), and his ‘Messiah’ manuscript. EMus 39 2 (2011) 165–84.
837. MORRISON MA, Paul Robeson's Othello at the Savoy Theatre, 1930. NTQ 27 2 (2011) 114–40.
838. MUDGE B, ‘Like as my profile’: of monuments, money, and political caricature in spring 1784. ECL 35 3 (2011) 29–59.
839. NELSON AH, New light on drama, music, and dancing at the Inns of Court to 1642. In ARCHER JE, GOLDRING E & KNIGHT S eds, The intellectual and cultural world of the early modern Inns of Court. Manchester: Manchester University Press 2011. 302–14.
840. NETHERSOLE S, Drunkenness, war and sovereignty: three stucco panels from the Palazzo Scala in Florence. ArtH 34 3 (2011) 466–85.
841. NOTT JJ, ‘The plague spots of London’: William Joynson-Hicks, the Conservative Party, and the campaign against London's nightclubs, 1924–29. In GRIFFITHS CVJ, NOTT JJ & WHYTE W eds, Classes, cultures and politics: essays on British history for Ross McKibbin. Oxford: Oxford University Press 2011. 227–46.
842. SANDERS J, The cultural geography of early modern drama, 1620–1650. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 2011. pp xi + 242.
843. SEARES M, The composer and the subscriber: a case study from the 18th century. EMus 39 1 (2011) 65–78.
844. SPOSATO JS, ‘The joyous light of day’: New Year's Day music in Leipzig, 1781–1847. M & L 92 2 (2011) 202–29.
845. ST LEON MV, Theatre, amphitheatre and circus in Sydney, 1833–1860. JRAHS 97 2 (2011) 203–19.
846. STAGE KJ, Plague space and played space in urban drama, 1604. In TOTARO RCN & GILMAN EB eds, Representing the plague in early modern England. London: Routledge 2011. 54–75.
847. STOKES J, Staging wonders: ritual and space in the drama and ceremony of Lincoln Cathedral and its environs. In ANDREWS F ed, Ritual and space in the Middle Ages: proceedings of the 2009 Harlaxton Symposium. Donington: Shaun Tyas 2011. 197–212.
848. WERRETT S, Watching the fireworks: early modern observation of natural and artificial spectacles. SiC 24 2 (2011) 167–82.
849. WILSON C, Forty years on: the story of Perth's festival of the arts. Perth: Perth Festival of the Arts 2011. pp 88.
850. WINSTON J, Lyric poetry at the early Elizabethan Inns of Court: forming a professional community. In ARCHER JE, GOLDRING E & KNIGHT S eds, The intellectual and cultural world of the early modern Inns of Court. Manchester: Manchester University Press 2011. 223–44.
Exchange of information
851. ALBERTI SJMM, Morbid curiosities: medical museums in nineteenth-century Britain. Oxford: Oxford University Press 2011. pp 256.
852. BLACK G, Museums, memory and history. CulSH 8 3 (2011) 415–27.
853. BOYS JEE, London's news press and the Thirty Years War. Woodbridge: Boydell 2011. pp x + 336.
854. CHAPMAN AA, Writing outside the theatre. In GOSSETT S ed, Thomas Middleton in context. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 2011. 243–9.
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X Attitudes towards cities
Attitudes towards cities
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Views of the city in literature, graphic and drama art
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