This bibliography is a continuation of and a complement to those published in the Urban History Yearbook 1974–91 and Urban History from 1992. The arrangement and format closely follows that of previous years. The list of abbreviations identifies only those periodicals from which articles cited this year have been taken, though many other journals are also checked. There is an index of towns on pp. 574–6.
I General
Research methods, aids and materials
Urban history – definitions and historiography
History, growth and fortunes of individual towns
Portraits of towns – literary, photographic and graphic
II Population
Research methods, aids and materials
Natality and mortality
Migration to, from and between towns
Family and household structure
III Physical structure
Research methods, aids and materials
Physical and structural characteristics of towns
Physical and structural characteristics of areas within towns
Industrial sites and building sites, building development
Environmental conditions
IV Social structure
Research methods, aids and materials
Social structure and characteristics of towns
Social structure and characteristics of areas within towns
Social organization, clubs and societies
Class structure
Social life
Social problems and deviance
Social reform and improvements
Minority groups
Family life
V Economic activity
Research methods, aids and materials
Urban economic activity
External trade
Internal trade and services
Working conditions
Labour organization
VI Communications
Research methods, aids and materials
Inter-urban communications
Intra-urban communications
VII Politics and administration
Research methods, aids and materials
Urban politics and administration
Urban politics at national level
Aspects of urban administration
Public utilities
VIII Shaping the urban environment
Research methods, aids and materials
Town planning (and environmental control)
Utopian planning and experiments
Housing improvement
New and expanded towns
IX Urban culture
Research methods, aids and materials
Urban culture and entertainment
Forms of entertainment
Fine arts
Exchange of information
Urban influence on rural areas and the wider world
X Attitudes to cities
Research methods, aids and materials
Attitudes towards cities
Views of the city in literature, graphic and dramatic art
Journal abbreviations
- A
Annals of the Association of American Geographers
- ACa
Archaeologia Cambrensis
- AccH
Accounting History
Australian Economic History Review
- Afr
- AJ
Archaeological Journal
- Anc
- AnQ
Anthropological Quarterly
- ArtB
Art Bulletin
- ArtH
Art History
Bulletin of the History of Medicine
British Journal for the History of Science
- BookH
Book History
- BQ
Baptist Quarterly
- Br
- Brit
- BuH
Business History
- CathAnc
Catholic Ancestor
Contemporary British History
Central European History
- Cerc
- ChH
Church History
Canadian Historical Review
- CitC
City and Community
- ComD
Comparative Drama
- ContC
Continuity and Change
- Cos
- CulSH
Cultural and Social History
- DR
Drama Review
- EcHR
Economic History Review
- EEcH
Explorations in Economic History
European History Quarterly
English Historical Review
- EMus
Early Music
- EnH
Environmental History
- EP
Environment and Planning
Early Popular Visual Culture
- ET
Early Theatre
- EthRS
Ethnic and Racial Studies
- EurAS
Europe-Asia Studies
- EurRH
European Review of History
- EW
Epworth Witness
Family and Community History
- FE
Feminist Economics
- FH
French History
French Historical Studies
- G
- G&H
Gender and History
- GardH
Garden History
- GeH
German History
- GJ
Geographical Journal
- GN
Global Networks
Gender, Place and Culture
- H
Transactions of the Halifax Antiquarian Society
- HE
History of Education
History of Education Quarterly
Histoire, Economie et Société
- HF
History of the Family
- Hist
- HistC
History Compass
- HistP
History of Photography
- HJ
Historical Journal
Huntington Library Quarterly
- HPsy
History of Psychiatry
- HR
Historical Research
- HRef
Historical Reflections
- HSci
History of Science
Historical Social Research
- HT
History Today
History Workshop Journal
Industrial Archaeology Review
International Journal of Asian Studies
- IJHerS
International Journal of Heritage Studies
International Journal of the History of Sport
International Journal of Maritime History
International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy
Internal Journal of Urban and Regional Research
International Labor and Working-Class History
- IM
Imago Mundi
- IMin
Immigrants and Minorities
International Review of Social History
- Itin
Journal of Australian Colonial History
Journal of American Ethnic History
- JAfH
Journal of African History
Journal of American History
Journal of British Cinema and Television
Journal of British Studies
Journal of Contemporary Religion
Journal of Design History
- JeH
Jewish History
- JeHS
Jewish Historical Studies
- JERep
Journal of the Early Republic
Journal of Family History
Journal of Housing and the Built Environment
Journal of the History of Collections
Journal of the History of Economic Thought
Journal of Historical Geography
Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences
- JHSoc
Journal of the Historical Society
Journal of Imperial and Commonwealth History
- JInH
Journal of Interdisciplinary History
- JLegH
Journal of Legal History
Journal of Modern European History
Journal of Medieval and Early Modern Studies
Journal of Management History
Journal of the Merioneth Historical and Record Society
- JModH
Journal of Modern History
Journal of Planning History
Journal of the Royal Australian Historical Society
Journal of the Railway and Canal Historical Society
Journal of Religious History
Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians
Journal of South African Studies
Journal of Southern History
- JSocH
Journal of Social History
- JStud
Journalism Studies
Journal of Transport History
Journal of Urban History
- JWomH
Journal of Women's History
- L
- LA
London Archaeologist
- LH
Labor History
Labour History Review
- Lib
- LibH
Library History
- LJ
London Journal
- LocH
Local Historian
Local Population Studies
- LS
Leisure Studies
- LwHR
Law and History Review
- MAsS
Modern Asian Studies
- MC
Montgomeryshire Collections
- MedH
Medical History
- MichHR
Michigan Historical Review
- Mor
Medieval and Renaissance Drama in England
Manchester Region History Review
- MusS
Museum and Society
Nineteenth Century Theatre and Film
- NH
Northern History
- NI
National Identities
New Mexico Historical Review
- Nom
Notes & Records of the Royal Society
North West Labour History Journal
New York History
- OH
Oral History
Oregon Historical Quarterly
Oral History Review
Oxford Journal of Archaeology
- ParlH
Parliamentary History
- PenMHB
Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography
Progress in Human Geography
Pacific Historical Review
- PlP
Planning Perspectives
Petits Propos Culinaires
- PubH
Public Historian
Recherches Anglaises et Nord-Américaines
- RC
Race and Class
- Rom
- RS
Renaissance Studies
Records of the Scottish Church History Society
- RurH
Rural History
- S&A
Society & Animals
Social and Cultural Geography
Studies in Church History
Sixteenth Century Journal
- SH
Social History
Studies in the History of Gardens and Designed Landscapes
- SHMed
Social History of Medicine
- SiS
Sport in Society
Social & Legal Studies
Social Science History
- TC
Technology and Culture
Twentieth Century British History
Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers
Transactions of the Leicestershire Archaeological and Historical Society
Transactions of the Ancient Monuments Society
Theatre Research International
Texas Studies in Literature & Language
Urban Affairs Review
Urban Design International
- UH
Urban History
Urban History Review
Urban Policy and Research
- US
Urban Studies
University of Sussex Journal of Contemporary History
Visual Culture in Britain
- VS
Victorian Studies
- WA
World Archaeology
Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History Magazine
Western Historical Quarterly
Welsh History Review
William and Mary Quarterly
- WomHR
Women's History Review
I General
Research methods, aids and materials
1 Inventory of Scottish graveyards [electronic resource]. Scottish Association of Family History Societies 2007. 1 CD-ROM.
Research methods
2 BÁN D, The railway station in the social sciences. JTH 3rd ser. 28 2 (2007) 289–93.
3 CROTHERS AG & K'MEYER TE, ‘If I see some of this in writing, I'm going to shoot you’: reluctant narrators, taboo topics, and the ethical dilemmas of the oral historian. OHR 34 1 (2007) 71–93.
4 MOSHENSKA G, Oral history in historical archaeology: excavating sites of memory. OH 35 1 (2007) 91–7.
5 RODGER R & HERBERT J eds, Testimonies of the city: identity, community and change in a contemporary urban world. Aldershot: Ashgate 2007. pp 296, il.
Printed documentary sources
6 BEARDSLEY M, BENNETT N & FLINDERS M, ‘Gratefull to providence’: the diary and accounts of Matthew Flinders, surgeon, apothecary and man-midwife, 1775–1802: Vol. 1, 1775–1784. Lincoln: Lincoln Record Society 2007. pp xxv + 166.
7 GLYNNE SR & BUTLER L eds, The Yorkshire church notes of Sir Stephen Glynne (1825–1874) Leeds: Yorkshire Archaeological Society 2007. pp xxiv + 520.
8 MACFARLANE S, My dear brother: the letters of Thomas & Henry Hookham: 1830–1899: from schooldays in Princes Risborough, Bucks, to later life in London and in Christchurch, New Zealand. Aylesbury: Buckinghamshire Archaeological Society 2007. pp 96.
9 PEDLEY A, A Georgian marriage: the family papers of Sir Nash & Lady Grose 1761–1814. Stanbridge: Dovecote Press 2007. pp 345.
10 PULLAN M & FISHER E, The monuments of the parish church of St. Peter-at-Leeds. Leeds: Maney Publishing for the Thoresby Society, and Leeds Philosophical and Literary Society 2007. pp xii + 252.
11 WILLIAMS L & THOMSON S eds, Marlborough probate inventories 1591–1775. Chippenham: Wiltshire Record Society 2007. pp 400.
12 KING A & LEE P eds, Bedworth street directory 1912/13. Nuneaton: Nuneaton & North Warwickshire Family History Society 2007. pp 25.
Maps and plans
13 ALEXANDER S, A new civilization? London surveyed 1928–1940s. HWJ 64 (2007) 296–320.
14 ANDREWS JH, Unidentified sources for Mercator's regional maps of England. IM 59 1 (2007) 96–9.
15 DODGE M & KITCHIN R, Rethinking maps. PHG 31 (2007) 331–44.
16 FLEET C, Digital approaches to cartographic heritage: the Thessaloniki workshop. IM 59 1 (2007) 100–4.
17 FOXELL S, Mapping London: making sense of the city. London: Black Dog 2007. pp 278, il.
18 HENIGE D, ‘This is the place:’ putting the past on the map. JHG 33 2 (2007) 237–53.
19 LAAR PT VAN DE & JAARSVELD M VAN, Historical atlas of Rotterdam: the city's growth illustrated. Amsterdam: SUN 2007. pp 79, il.
20 MAIER J, Mapping past and present: Leonardo Bufalini's plan of Rome (1551). IM 59 1 (2007) 1–23.
21 SHANNON W & WINSTANLEY M, Lord Burghley's map of Lancashire revisited, c. 1576–1590. IM 59 1 (2007) 24–42.
Guides to the literature and printed documentary sources
22 MICHAEL BA, Making territory visible: the revenue surveys of Colonial South Asia. IM 59 1 (2007) 78–95.
23 STRAUGHTON EA & WINCHESTER AJL, Finding and using manorial records. LocH 37 2 (2007) 120–6.
24 WEBB C ed, St Botolph Aldgate 1742–1868 (including St Botolph Aldgate Within & St Botolph Aldgate Without). West Surrey Family History Society 2007. pp 310.
Urban history – definitions and historiography
Urban history, definitions and aims
25 GOLDFIELD D ed, Encyclopedia of American urban history. Thousand Oaks: Sage 2007. 2v.
26 MCCANTS AEC, Urban identification in early modern Europe (review essay). JUH 33 2 (2007) 306–9.
27 POWELL RC, Geographies of science: histories, localities, practices, futures. PHG 31 (2007) 309–29.
28 BECKETT J, Victorian makeover: the ‘big red books’ of the Victoria County History are being transformed by an injection of 3.5 million from the Heritage Lottery Fund. HT 57 5 (2007) 20–1.
29 BRODT B, ELLIOTT P & MISKELL L, Review of periodical articles. UH 34 1 (2007) 127–49.
30 CAPLAN J, Contemporary history: reflections from Britain and Germany. HWJ 63 (2007) 230–8.
31 FORSTER C, Twenty-five years of urban policy and research, 1982–2006. UPR 25 4 (2007) 391–9.
32 FRENCH C, Local history in the London area (review article). LocH 37 1 (2007) 54–6.
33 FREUND B, The African city: a history. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 2007. pp x + 214, il.
34 GROSS KN, Paradoxical, urbane, and ugly: Detroit's history repositioned and reassessed (review essay). JUH 33 3 (2007) 519–26.
35 HAYNES C, The coupling and decoupling of urbs and civitas: the history of urban Europe (review essay). JUH 33 2 (2007) 296–305.
36 KROESSLER JA, New York's new narrative (review essay). JUH 34 1 (2007) 131–8.
37 LEES A, Broad views of the urban past in Europe and its extensions. UH 34 2 (2007) 347–52.
38 LILLEY KD, Agents and agency in the English medieval city (review essay). JUH 33 6 (2007) 1048–56.
39 MARSDEN B & GROSVENOR I, David Reeder and the history of urban education. HE 36 3 (2007) 303–13.
40 MARSH M, Urban views and suburban landscapes: a twenty-first-century assessment of the history of metropolitan development (review essay). JUH 33 4 (2007) 645–51.
41 MASTERS B, The middle eastern city between orientalism and urban history (review essay). JUH 34 1 (2007) 161–6.
42 MILLER CL, Research in urban history: a review of recent theses. UH 34 2 (2007) 353–66.
43 TOCHIN RW, Turning the good war bad? Historians and the World War II urban homefront. JUH 33 2 (2007) 171–82.
44 WEINSTEIN L, Explaining incomprehensible Bombay in three volumes (review essay). IJURR 31 1 (2007) 225–31.
Theory of urbanization
45 HODOS J, Globalization and the concept of the second city. CitC 6 4 (2007) 315–33.
46 TAGLIACOZZO E, An urban ocean: notes on the historical evolution of coastal cities in greater southeast Asia. JUH 33 6 (2007) 911–32.
47 TAYLOR PJ, Problematizing city/state relations: towards a geohistorical understanding of contemporary globalization. TIBG 32 2 (2007) 133–50.
48 YAMIN R, The tangible past: historical archaeology in cities (review essay). JUH 33 4 (2007) 633–44.
Empirical studies of urbanization – general
49 HIRT S, The compact versus the dispersed city: history of planning ideas on Sofia's urban form. JPH 6 (2007) 138–65.
50 NATH V, AGGARWAL SK ed, Urbanization, urban development, and metropolitan cities in India. New Delhi: Concept Pub. Co. 2007. pp xxvi + 396.
51 BIDDLE M & KJØLBYE-BIDDLE B, Winchester: from Venta to Wintancaestir. GILMOUR LA ed, Pagans and Christians: from antiquity to the middle ages: papers in honour of Martin Henig, presented on the occasion of his 65th birthday. Oxford: Archaeopress 2007. 189–214.
Medieval and early modern (–1800)
52 BENNISON A & GASCOIGNE A eds, Cities in the pre-modern Islamic world: the urban impact of religion, state and society. London: Routledge 2007. pp xiii + 231, il.
Modern (1800–)
53 COUCH C, LEONTIDOU L & PETSCHEL-HELD G eds, Urban sprawl in Europe: landscapes, land-use change & policy. Oxford: Blackwell 2007. pp 296.
54 FIRMAN T, KOMBAITAN B & PRADONO P, The dynamics of Indonesia's urbanisation, 1980–2006. UPR 25 3 (2007) 433–54.
55 KORCELLI-OLEJNICZAK E, Berlin and Warsaw: in search of a new role in the European urban system. JHBE 22 1 (2007) 51–68.
56 LOGAN JR ed, Urban China in transition. Oxford: Blackwell 2007. pp 384.
History, growth and fortunes of individual towns
This section is arranged alphabetically by the name of the town.
57 MILLINS EB, Avignon of the popes: city of exiles. Oxford: Signal Books 2007. pp viii + 254, il.
58 WAUGH A, Bangkok: the story of a city. London: Eland 2007. pp 201.
59 DRAY-NOVEY A, LI L & KONG H, Beijing: from imperial capital to Olympic city. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan 2007. pp xiv + 321, il.
60 BETTEY JH ed, Archives & local history in Bristol & Gloucestershire: essays in honour of David Smith. Bristol: Bristol and Gloucestershire Archaeological Society 2007. pp xiii + 288.
61 CLEMENT M, Bristol: ‘civilising’ the inner city. RC 484 (2007) 97–105.
62 GOLDMAN M, City on the edge: Buffalo, New York. Amherst: Prometheus Books 2007. pp 423, il.
63 HANSEN IL & HODGES R eds, Roman Butrint: an assessment. Oxford: Oxbow Books for the Butrint Foundation 2007. pp 214.
64 MCILROY E, Chicago: the growth of the city. Edison: Chartwell Books 2007. pp 160, il.
65 MCGRAW B, Life in the ruins of Detroit. HWJ 63 (2007) 288–302.
66 MAY G, A descriptive history of the town of Evesham. Great Malvern: Cappella Archive 2007. pp x + 513, il.
67 LOWE K, Inferno: the devastation of Hamburg, 1943. London: Viking 2007. pp xix + 489, il.
68 YOSHIKUNI T, African urban experiences in colonial Zimbabwe: a social history of Harare before 1925. Harare: Weaver Press 2007. pp vi + 162, il.
69 HARRIS RA, Extensive urban surveys of historic towns in Sussex: Horsham district: assessment reports 2004–2005. Chichester: West Sussex County Council 2007. 1 CD-ROM.
70 MELOSI MV & PRATT JA, Energy metropolis: an environmental history of Houston and the Gulf Coast. Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press. pp vii + 344, il.
71 ARDAMAN E, Perspective and Istanbul, the capital of the Ottoman Empire. JDH 20 2 (2007) 109–30.
72 RICCA S, Reinventing Jerusalem: Israel's reconstruction of the Jewish Quarter after 1967. London: I.B. Tauris 2007. pp xiii + 258.
73 STEBBINS CE, City of intrigue, nest of revolution: a documentary history of Key West in the nineteenth century. Gainesville: University Press of Florida 2007. pp xx + 258, il.
74 MANN K, Slavery and the birth of an African city: Lagos, 1760–1900. Bloomington: Indiana University Press 2007. pp xii + 473, il.
75 SAUNDERS A, The A to Z of Edwardian London. London: London Topographical Society 2007. pp 169, il.
76 WHITE J, London in the nineteenth century: ‘a human awful wonder of God’. London: Jonathan Cape 2007. pp xii + 624, il.
77 RUDD HL, The development of Los Angeles city government: an institutional History, 1850–2000. Los Angeles: City of Los Angeles Historical Society 2007. 2v.
78 GURDA J, Cream City chronicles: stories of Milwaukee's past. Madison: Wisconsin Historical Society Press 2007. pp xvi + 303, il.
79 HAVIGHURST C, Air castle of the South: WSM and the making of Music City. Urbana: University of Illinois Press 2007. pp xix + 279.
80 BRYANT S, New Orleans: the growth of the city. Edison: Chartwell 2007. pp 160, il.
81 BALLON H & JACKSON KT eds, Robert Moses and the modern city: the transformation of New York. New York: W.W. Norton & Co. 2007. pp 304.
82 HODGES GRG, Taxi! A social history of the New York City cabdriver. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press 2007. pp viii + 225.
83 EMERY PA & RUTLEDGE E, Norwich Greyfriars: pre-conquest town and medieval friary. Dereham: Historic Environment, Norfolk Museums and Archaeology Service 2007. pp xvii + 274.
84 DEJEVSKY NJ, Novgorod in the early middle ages: the rise and growth of an urban community. Oxford: John and Erica Hedges Ltd 2007. pp ix + 340, il.
85 LARSEN LH, Upstream metropolis: an urban biography of Omaha and Council Bluffs. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press 2007. pp xiii + 507, il.
86 MIRES C, Roundtable: Philadelphia: the history of a history. PenMHB 131 4 (2007) 377–94.
87 DOTSON R, Roanoke, Virginia, 1882–1912: magic city of the new South. Knoxville: University of Tennessee Press 2007. pp xxi + 338, il.
88 THRUS C-P, Native Seattle: histories from the crossing-over place. Seattle: University of Washington Press 2007. pp xxxi + 326, il.
89 TAYLOR M, ed, Southampton: gateway to the British Empire. London: I.B. Tauris 2007. pp xii + 248.
90 The Stapleford chronicle. Cambridge: D. Millgate in association with the Stapleford Parish Council 2007. 2v, il.
91 PENNINGTON J, Steyning scandals: secrets of a Sussex market town 1547–1947. Steyning: J. Pennington 2007. pp vi + 76, il.
92 GABB, G, Swansea and its history. Swansea: G. Gabb 2007. v1.
93 DE VILLIERS M & HIRTLE S, Timbuktu: the Sahara's fabled city of gold. New York: Walker & Co. 2007. pp xiv + 302, il.
94 SOMMER WF, The ambitious city: a history of the City of North Vancouver. Madeira Park: Harbour Pub. 2007. pp 342, il.
95 FENLON I, The ceremonial city: history, memory and myth in renaissance Venice. New Haven: Yale University Press 2007. pp xv + 448, il.
96 RAUSCH JM, From frontier town to metropolis: a history of Villavicencio, Colombia, since 1842. Lanham: Rawman & Littlefield 2007. pp xi + 231, il.
97 MCGREGOR JHS, Washington from the ground up. Cambridge: Belknap 2007. pp 325, il.
98 Washington, D.C.: the growth of the city. Edison: Chartwell Books 2007. pp 160, il.
Portraits of towns – literary, photographic and graphic
This section is arranged alphabetically by the name of the town.
99 The changing face of Manchester in the seventies. Altrincham: At Heart 2007. pp 119, il.
100 HISTON V, Keys to the city: walks exploring Newcastle's hidden history. Newcastle upon Tyne: Tyne Bridge Pub. 2007. pp 112, il.
Literary portrayals and personal reminiscences
101 BOUSFIELD C & SMART R ed, The Bousfield diaries: a middle-class family in late Victorian Bedford. Bedford: Bedfordshire Historical Record Society 2007. pp xxxii + 233.
102 SCHLÖR J, Memory in Berlin: a short walk. UH 34 3 (2007) 427–30.
103 McDERMOTT J, Glasgow: city beautiful. Derby: Breedon Books 2007. pp 239, il.
104 BOHLIN A, In the eyes of the sea: memories of place and displacement in a South African fishing town. Göteborg: Acta Universitatis Gothoburgensis 2007. pp 205, il.
105 BRADFORD HT, Tales of London's Docklands. Stroud: Sutton 2007. pp ix + 117.
106 HYMAN J, The public face of 9/11: memory and portraiture in the landscape. JAH 94 1 (2007) 183–92.
107 FERNANDEZ III A, Remembering the Oklahoma city bombing. JAH 94 1 (2007) 179–82.
108 LUM L, The thorn of lion city: a memoir. London: Fourth Estate 2007. pp 231.
109 HOLT J, My early years in Sydenham. Reading: Finial Publishing 2007. pp ix + 115.
110 JOYCE S, Tuam my home town: personal memories and observations of an absent son. Crewe: adAstra Pub. 2007. pp 38, il.
Graphic and photographic portrayals
111 CAHAN R & JACOB M, Chicago under glass: early photographs from the Chicago daily news. Chicago: University of Chicago Press 2007. pp xx + 263.
112 ALLEN D, An image from Oklahoma City. JAH 94 1 (2007) 172–8.
113 WALKER D, Williamsons: Metal Box of Worcester from 1858: recollections, researches, relevancies and irrelevancies in more or less chronological order. Worcester: Worcestershire Industrial Archaeology and Local History Society 2007. pp 107, il.
II Population
Research methods, aids and materials
Research methods
114 LLOYD D, LONGLEY PA & WEBBER R, The quantitative analysis of family names: historic migration and the present day neighborhood structure of Middlesbrough, United Kingdom. AAAG 97 1 (2007) 31–48.
115 SCHÜRER K, Creating a nationally representative individual and household sample for Great Britain, 1851 to 1901 – the Victorian Panel Study (VPS). HSR 32 2 (2007) 211–331.
116 WILLIAMSON P, Census data: fit for purpose? EP A 29 5 (2007) 1020–3.
Printed documentary sources and bibliographies
117 DENT B, Budapest: a cultural history. Oxford: Oxford University Press 2007. pp xi + 237, il.
118 SMITH R, Periods, structures and regimes in early modern demographic history. HWJ 63 (2007) 202–18.
119 WOODS R, Medical and demographic history: inseparable? SHMed 20 (2007) 483–503.
120 WOOLARD M, Online Historical Populations Reports Project. LPS 78 (2007) 63–73.
121 CAMPANELLA R, An ethnic geography of New Orleans. JAH 94 3 (2007) 704–5l.
122 FUSSEL E, Constructing New Orleans, constructing race: a population history of New Orleans. JAH 94 3 (2007) 846–55.
123 POWELL NMW, Urban population in early modern Wales revisited. WHR 23 3 (2007) 1–43.
124 PRAZ A-F, Four Swiss villages, 1860–1930: putting gender back into historical demography. G&H 19 2 (2007) 242–59.
125 SANDBERG E, Population trends in nineteenth-century Penllyn. JMHRS 15 2 (2007) 205–9.
126 WRIGHT D, Population in Horfield, 1066–1851. Horfield: Bishopston, Horfield & Ashley Down Local History Society 2007. pp 39.
127 WRIGLEY EA, English county populations in the later eighteenth century. EcHR 60 1 (2007) 35–69.
Natality and mortality
128 BUCKBERRY JL & HADLEY DM, An Anglo-Saxon execution cemetery at Walkington Wold, Yorkshire. OJA 26 3 (2007) 309–29.
129 DOLEV E, Allenby's military medicine: life and death in World War I Palestine. London: I.B. Tauris 2007. pp xiv + 208.
130 FRENCH C & WARREN J, Infant mortality in the Canbury area of Kingston upon Thames, 1872–1911. ContC 22 2 (2007) 253–78.
131 GARRETT E, GALLEY C, SHELDON N & WOODS R eds, Infant mortality: a continuing social problem. Aldershot: Ashgate 2007. pp xvii + 293.
132 PAGE B, Slow going: the mortuary, modernity and the hometown association in Bali-Nyonga, Cameroon. Afr 77 3 (2007) 419–42.
133 RAZZELL PE & SPENCE C, The history of infant, child and adult mortality in London, 1550–1850. LJ 32 3 (2007) 271–92.
134 TURNER-WILSON A, The appearance of health: the symbolic construction of the healthy body through urban cemetery evidence from late Iron Age and early Roman Britain. CROXFORD B ed, TRAC 2006: proceedings of the sixteenth annual Theoretical Roman Archaeology Conference, 2006. Oxford: Oxbow Books 2007. 103–14.
135 ECHENBERG MJ, Plague ports: the global urban impact of bubonic plague,1894–1901. New York: New York University Press 2007. pp xvi + 347, il.
136 MCKIVEN HM, The political construction of a natural disaster: the yellow fever epidemic of 1853. JAH 94 3 (2007) 734–42.
137 TOON E, ‘Cancer as the general population knows it’: knowledge, fear, and lay education in 1950s Britain. BHM 81 1 (2007) 116–38.
138 BIVINS RE, ‘The English disease’ or ‘Asian rickets’? Medical responses to postcolonial immigration. BHM 81 3 (2007) 533–68.
139 BIVINS RE & PICKSTON JV eds, Medicine, madness and social history: essays in honour of Roy Porter. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan 2007. pp x + 295.
140 HIGGINS PM, Punish or treat: medical care in English prisons, 1770–1850. Oxford: Trafford Publishing 2007. pp ix + 283.
141 MCVAUGH MR, Richard Wiseman and the medical practitioners of restoration London. JHMAS 62 2 (2007) 125–40.
142 NOTTINGHAM C & DOUGALL R, A close and practical association with the medical profession: Scottish medical social workers and social medicine, 1940–1975. MedH 51 3 (2007) 309–36.
Migration to, from and between towns
143 BAIGENT P & RUEGG R, Pauperism or emigration? Case studies of publicly-backed emigration schemes in Woolwich, Kent, 1857 and 1869–70. FCH 10 1 (2007) 19–33.
144 BURNLEY IH, HUGO GJ, MARSHALL N & MURPHY PA, Housing factors in welfare migration to and from metropolitan cities in Australia. UPR 25 3 (2007) 287–304.
145 EKBERG CJ, Stealing Indian women: native slavery in the Illinois Country. Urbana: University of Illinois Press 2007. pp xvi + 236, il
146 HORDEN P ed, Freedom of movement in the Middle Ages: proceedings of the 2003 Harlaxton Symposium. Donington: Shaun Tyas 2007. pp xxxiv + 366 p.
Family and household structure
147 ALFANI G, COHN J & SAMUEL K, Households and plague in early modern Italy. JInH 38 2 (2007) 177–206.
148 CHRISTIE N, Strangers in the family: work, gender, and the origins of old age homes. JFH 32 4 (2007) 371–91.
149 TULCHIN AA, Same-sex couples creating households in Old Regime France: the uses of the affrèrement. JModH 79 3 (2007) 613–47.
150 WALKER A, Father's pride? Fatherhood in industrializing communities. BROUGHTON TL & ROGERS H eds, Gender and fatherhood in the nineteenth century. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan 2007. 113–25.
III Physical structure
Research methods, aids and materials
151 GIFFORD J, The buildings of Scotland: Perth and Kinross. New Haven: Yale University Press 2007. pp xvii + 802, il.
Research methods
152 COATES R, Shoreditch and Car Dyke: two allusions to Romano-British built features in later names containing OE dic, with reflections on variable place-name structure. Nom 30 (2007) 23–33.
153 FITZGERALD R, Historic building record and the Halifax borough market doors. IAR 29 1 (2007) 51–74.
154 AMELANG J, Comparing cities: a Barcelona model? UH 34 2 (2007) 173–89.
155 BRAND D, Bluespace: a typological matrix for port cities. UDI 12 2 & 3 (2007) 69–85.
156 FRASER B, Madrid's Retiro Park as publicly-private space and the spatial problems of spatial theory. SCG 8 5 (2007) 673–700.
157 GILBERT A, The return of the slum: does language matter? IJURR 31 4 (2007) 697–713.
158 LACOUR C & PUISSANT S, Re-urbanity: urbanising the rural and ruralising the urban. EP A 39 3 (2007) 728–47.
159 REICHL AJ, Rethinking the dual city. UAR 42 (2007) 659–87.
Physical and structural characteristics of towns
160 AGYEI-MENSAH S & ARDAYFIO-SCHANDORF E, The global and the local: urban change in Cape Coast from pre-colonial times to the present. UDI 12 2 & 3 (2007) 101–14.
161 CREIGHTON O, Contested townscapes: the walled city as world heritage. WA 39 3 (2007) 339–54.
162 CURVEILLER S, Calais and Dunkirk: two sentinels, two geo-strategic states. IJMH 19 2 (2007) 287–98.
163 HART T, POWE N & SHAW T eds, Market towns: roles, challenges and prospects. London: Routledge 2007. pp 183.
164 HOLDER N, Mapping the Roman inscriptions of London. Brit, 38 (2007) 13–34.
165 LUCERNO BL, Old towns challenged by the boom town: the villages of the Middle Rio Grande Valley and the Albuquerque Tricentennal. NMHR 82 1 (2007) 37–70.
166 SLATER TR, Building England's towns in time and space (review essay). JUH 34 1 (2007) 167–78.
167 LYON J, Within these walls: Roman and medieval defences north of Newgate at the Merrill Lynch Financial Centre, City of London. London: Museum of London Archaeology Service 2007. pp xiv + 193, ill.
168 SEARS G, Late Roman African urbanism: continuity and transformation in the city. Oxford: Archaeopress 2007. pp vii + 171, il.
Medieval and early modern (–1800)
169 ANTUNES C & SICKLING L, Ports on the border of the state, 1200–1800. IJMH 19 2 (2007) 273–86.
170 FOX H, Two Devon estuaries in the middle ages: fisheries, ports, fortifications and places of worship. L 8 1 (2007) 39–68.
171 HOWARD M, The building of Elizabethan and Jacobean England. New Haven: Yale University Press 2007. pp vii + 227, il.
172 MAXWELL RA, The art of medieval urbanism: Parthenay in romanesque Aquitaine. University Park, PA: Pennsylvania State University Press 2007. pp xxiii + 375, il.
173 REEVE MM, Jacob Schnebbelie, draughtsman to the Society of Antiquaries (1760–92) and the politics of preservation in late eighteenth century England. ToAMS 51 (2007) 69–86.
174 ROBERTS SK, Cromwellian towns in the Severn basin: a contribution to cis-Atlantic History? LITTLE P ed, The Cromwellian Protectorate. Woodbridge: Boydell Press 2007. 165–87.
175 SPICER A, (Re)building the sacred landscape: Orléans, 1560–1610. FH 21 3 (2007) 247–68.
Modern (1800–)
176 JERRAM L, Germany's other modernity: Munich and the building of metropolis, 1895–1930. Manchester: Manchester University Press 2007. pp 240.
177 KELMAN A, Boundary issues: clarifying New Orleans's murky edges. JAH 94 3 (2007) 695–703.
178 MITCHNECK B, Governance and land use decision-making in Russian cities and regions. EurAS 59 5 (2007) 735–60.
179 MORAN J, ‘Subtopias of good intentions’: everyday landscapes in postwar Britain. CulSH 4 3 (2007) 401–21.
180 NEGUSSIE E, Managing conservation of the built heritage in post-socialist Budapest: evidence from the Old Jewish Quarter. IJHerS 13 2 (2007) 136–56.
181 POW C-P, Constructing a new private order: gated communities and the privatization of urban life in post-reform Shanghai. SCG 8 6 (2007) 813–33.
182 SOUTHER JM, Building and rebuilding New Orleans (review article). JPH 6 (2007) 338–52.
Physical and structural characteristics of areas within towns
183 ROSS C, The romance of Bethnal Green: a tale of London, past and present. London: Bacton Books 2007. pp 122.
184 RYAN S, Thomas Street: courts and characters. Chepstow: Chepstow Society 2007. pp 80, il.
The central business district
185 BAKER N, MORRISS RK & STAMPER P, Shrewsbury Market Place and Hall. AJ 163 (2007 for 2006) 180–232.
186 BERESFORD MW & UNSWORTH R, Locating the early service sector of Leeds: the origins of an office district. NH 44 1 (2007) 75–109.
187 BUTLER T, Re-urbanizing London Docklands: gentrification, suburbanization or new urbanism? IJURR 31 4 (2007) 759–81.
188 PROPRIS L de & WEI P, Governance and competitiveness in the Birmingham Jewellery District. US 44 12 (2007) 2465–86.
Industrial areas
189 CLARKE J, The Rushenden Estate, Queenborough, Kent: an early British industrial estate. IAR 29 1 (2007) 31–50.
190 DIXON T, The property development industry and sustainable urban brownfield regeneration in England: an analysis of case studies in Thames Gateway and Greater Manchester. US 44 12 (2007) 2379–400.
191 HAMNETT C & WHITELEGG D, Loft conversion and gentrification in London: from industrial to post-industrial land use. EP A 39 1 (2007) 106–24.
192 HIGH SC & LEWIS DW, Corporate wasteland: the landscape and memory of deindustrialization. Ithaca: ILR 2007. pp 193, il.
193 MACLACHLAN I, A bloody offal nuisance: the persistence of private slaughter-houses in nineteenth-century London. UH 34 2 (2007) 227–54.
194 DOWLING RM, Slumming in New York: from the waterfront to mythic Harlem. Urbana: University of Illinois Press 2007. pp ix + 200, il.
195 MAYNE A, Tall tales but true? New York's ‘Five Points’ slum (review essay). JUH 33 2 (2007) 320–31.
196 PLATT HL, ‘From hygeia to the Garden City bodies: houses, and the rediscovery of the slum in Manchester, 1875–1910. JUH 33 5 (2007) 756–72.
197 CARNEY E, Suburbanizing nature and naturalizing suburbanites: outdoor-living culture and landscapes of growth. WHQ 38 4 (2007) 477–500.
198 ETHINGTON PJ & MCMANUS R, Suburbs in transition: new approaches to suburban history. UH 34 2 (2007) 317–37.
199 HARDILL I & VILLETTE SM, Spatial peripheries, social peripheries: reflections on the ‘suburbs’ of Paris. IJSSP 27 1–2 (2007) 52–64.
200 WALFORD R, The growth of ‘New London’ in suburban Middlesex (1918–1945) and the response of the Church of England. Lewiston: Edwin Mellen Press 2007. pp xiii + 461.
Open space
201 BAXTER N, The wee green book: the extraordinary story of Glasgow Green: Britain's oldest public park. Glasgow: Neil Baxter Associates on behalf of Glasgow City Council 2007. pp 114, il.
202 COOKE O, A class approach to municipal privatization: the privatization of New York City's Central Park. ILWCH 71 (2007) 112–32.
203 CROMPTON JL, The role of the proximate principle in the emergence of urban parks in the United Kingdom and in the United States. LS 26 2 (2007) 213–34.
204 GOUGH P, Planting peace: the Greater London Council and the community gardens of central London. IJHerS 13 1 (2007) 22–40.
205 KHERAK S, Restoring nature: ecology, memory, and the storm history of Vancouver's Stanley Park. CHR 88 4 (2007) 577–612.
Industrial sites and building sites, building development
Land ownership
206 STANGER-ROSS J, Italian markets: real estate and ethnic community in Toronto and Philadelphia, 1940–1990, JAEH 26 3 (2007) 23–51.
Building industry and methods
207 BAER WC, Is speculative building underappreciated in urban history? UH 34 2 (2007) 296–316.
208 ALI MM, ARMSTRONG PJ & BEEDLE LS, The skyscraper and the city: design, technology and innovation. Lewiston: Edwin Mellen Press 2007. 2v.
209 ANDÅS MS ed, The medieval cathedral of Trondheim: architectural and ritual constructions in their European context. Turnhout: Brepols 2007. pp xiii + 375.
210 ANDERSON C, Inigo Jones and the classical tradition. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 2007. pp xvi + 276.
211 DÜMPELMANN S, Three men in search of a modern Arcadia: landscape architecture, planning, and conservation between tradition and modernism (review essay). JPH 6 (2007) 166–86.
212 FRANKLIN G, Inner Court, 48 Old Church Street, London Borough of Kensington and Chelsea: historic building report. Swindon: English Heritage 2007. pp 22.
213 FREESTONE R, Designing Australia's cities: culture, commerce and the city beautiful, 1900–1930. London: Routledge 2007. pp viii + 325, il.
214 GLAZER N, From a cause to a style: modernist architecture's encounter with the American city. Princeton: Princeton University Press 2007. pp 310.
215 GRAHAM W, HUDGINS CL, LOUNSBURY CR & NEIMAN FD, Adaptation and innovation: archaeological and architectural perspectives on the seventeenth-century Chesapeake. WMQ 64 3 (2007) 451–522.
216 HARRIS JF ed, Moving rooms: the trade in architectural salvages. New Haven: Yale University Press 2007. pp xv + 320.
217 HARTWELL C & WYKE T eds, Making Manchester: aspects of the history of architecture in the city and region since 1800: essays in honour of John H.G. Archer. Manchester: Lancashire & Cheshire Antiquarian Society 2007. pp xi + 267.
218 HENLEY S & BARR S, The architecture of parking. London: Thames & Hudson 2007. pp 256.
219 HESSION JK & PICKREL D, Frank Lloyd Wright in New York: the Plaza years, 1954–1959. Salt Lake City: Gibbs Smith 2007. pp 159, il.
220 HEWLINGS R, Pedestal stairs in eighteenth-century Britain. ToAMS 51 (2007) 53–68.
221 LINGARD J & LINGARD T, Bradshaw Gass & Hope: the story of an architectural practice – the first one hundred years 1862–1962. London: Gallery Lingard 2007. pp 240.
222 MAUDLIN D, Robert Mylne, Thomas Telford and the architecture of improvement: the planned villages of the British Fisheries Society, 1786–1817. UH 34 3 (2007) 453–80.
223 MULCAHY L, Architects of justice: the politics of courtroom design. SLS 16 3 (2007) 383–403.
224 NAIK AS & STEWART MCH, ‘The hellenization of Edinburgh: cityscape, architecture, and the Athenian cast collection’. JSAS 66 3 (2007) 366–89.
225 PETER B, Form follows fun: modernism and modernity in British pleasure architecture 1925–1940. London: Routledge 2007. pp 223.
226 SEDDON J, The architect and the ‘arch-pedant’: Sadie Speight, Nikolaus Pevsner and ‘Design Review’ JDH 20 1 (2007) 29–41.
227 SHARPLES J, Secular gothic revival architecture in mid-nineteenth-century Liverpool. COSTAMBEYS M, HAMER A & HEALE M eds, The making of the Middle Ages: Liverpool essays. Liverpool: Liverpool University Press 2007. 206–33.
228 TANZER K & LONGORIA R eds, The green braid: towards an architecture of ecology, economy, and equity. London: Routledge 2007. pp 374.
229 BARNHOLDEN MD, NEWMAN N & MEARNS L, Street stories: 100 years of homelessness in Vancouver. Vancouver: Anvil Press 2007. pp 121, il.
230 BORSAY P, Why are houses interesting? UH 34 2 (2007) 338–46.
231 FOOT J, Micro-history of a house: memory and place in a Milanese neighbourhood, 1890–2000. UH 34 3 (2007) 431–52.
232 HANLEY L, Estates: an intimate history. London: Granta 2007. pp 256.
233 PONSONBY M, Stories from home: English domestic interiors, 1750–1850. Aldershot: Ashgate 2007. pp 232, il.
234 RAWDING C, A tale of two markets: housing in east Lancashire. G 92 2 (2007) 97–106.
235 SANDOVAL-STRAUSZ AK, Homes for a world of strangers: hospitality and the origins of multiple dwellings in urban America. JUH 33 6 (2007) 933–64.
236 SHAMMAS C, The housing stock of the early United States: refinement meets migration. WMQ 64 3 (2007) 549–90.
House building
237 SWENARTON M, Houses of paper and brown cardboard: Neville Chamberlain and the establishment of the Building Research Station at Garston in 1925. PlP 22 3 (2007) 257–81.
House types
238 CROSSLEY A, HASSALL TG & SALWAT P eds, William Morris's Kelmscott: landscape and history. Bollington: Windgather Press 2007. pp xiii + 210.
239 OLIVER M, Church Cottage, Basingstoke: historical notes. Basingstoke: St Michael's Church Cottage Management Committee 2007. pp 44.
240 STEEL J & WRIGHT M, The English house: 1000 years of domestic architecture. Woodbridge: Antique Collectors’ Club 2007. pp 398.
241 WATTERS S, GALE R & LEWIS J, Houses of Los Angeles. New York: Acanthus 2007. 2v, il
House ownership
242 LEES-MAFFEI G, Accommodating ‘Mrs. Three-in-One’: homemaking, home entertaining and domestic advice literature in post-war Britain. WomHR 16 5 (2007) 723–54.
243 LEPPEL K, Home-ownership among opposite- and same-sex couples in the US. FE 13 1 (2007) 1–30.
244 LI S-M & YI Z, The road to homeownership under market transition: Beijing, 1980–2001. UAR 42 (2007) 342–68.
House rents
245 BEITEL K, Did overzealous activists destroy housing affordability in San Francisco? A time-series test of the effects of rezoning on construction and home prices, 1967–1998. UAR 42 (2007) 741–56.
Environmental conditions
246 ASKEW P & ROWSOME P, Streams in the city. LA 11 10 (2007) 255–59.
247 BARLES S & LESTEL L, The nitrogen question: urbanization, industrialization, and river quality in Paris, 1830–1939. JUH 33 5 (2007) 794–812.
248 BASSETT TJ & CORMIER-SALEM C, Introduction: nature as local heritage in Africa: longstanding concerns, new challenges. Afr 77 1 (2007) 1–17.
249 COSMOS GG, Climate and culture: Manchester meteorology made universal. MRHR 18 (2007) 64–83.
250 FORD C, Nature's fortunes: new directions in the writing of European environmental history (review article). JModH 79 1 (2007) 112–33.
251 HAMLIN C, The city as a chemical system? The chemist as urban environmental professional in France and Britain, 1780–1880. JUH 33 5 (2007) 702–28.
252 HARPER J, Secrets revealed, revelations concealed: a secret city confronts its environmental legacy of weapons production. AnQ 80 1 (2007) 39–65.
253 MACONACHIE, Urban growth and land degradation in developing cities: change and challenges in Kano, Nigeria. Aldershot: Ashgate 2007. pp xx + 194, il.
254 MASSARD-GUILBAUD G & THORSHEIM P, Cities, environments, and European history. JUH 33 5 (2007) 691–701.
255 RITVO H, Manchester v. Thirlmere and the construction of the Victorian environment. VS 49 3 (2007) 457–81.
256 SÖRLIN S & WARDE P, The problem of the problem of environmental history: a re-reading of the field. EnH 12 1 (2007) 107–30.
IV Social structure
Research methods, aids and materials
Research methods
257 BAELEN H VAN & MATTHIJS K, Comparing two methods to reconstruct the kin network outside the household with nineteenth-century Antwerp data. JFH 32 2 (2007) 149–60.
258 KING S, Pauper letters as a source. FCH 10 2 (2007) 167–70.
259 DEHAENE M & de CAUTER L, Heterotopia and the city: public space in a postcivil society. London: Routledge 2007. pp 360.
260 MATTSON G, Urban ethnography's ‘saloon problem’ and its challenge to public sociology. CitC 6 2 (2007) 75–94.
Social structure and characteristics of towns
Medieval and early modern (–1800)
261 COWAN A, Marriage, manners and mobility in early modern Venice. Aldershot: Ashgate 2007. pp 228, il.
262 FRENCH H, The middle sort of people in provincial England, 1600–1750. Oxford: Oxford University Press 2007. pp xii + 305.
Modern (1800–)
263 GUMPRECHT B, The campus as a public space in the American college town. JHG 33 1 (2007) 72–103.
264 MCCULLOCH A, The changing structure of ethnic diversity and segregation in England, 1991–2001, EP A 39 4 (2007) 909–27.
265 MSINDO E, Ethnicity and nationalism in urban colonial Zimbabwe: Bulawayo, 1950–1963. JAfH 48 2 (2007) 267–90.
266 TALBOT I, A tale of two cities: the aftermath of partition for Lahore and Amritsar 1947–1957. MAsS 41 1 (2007) 151–85.
Social structure and characteristics of areas within towns
267 DEVORE DE, Water in sacred places: rebuilding New Orleans black churches as sites of community empowerment. JAH 94 3 (2007) 762–9.
Working-class areas
268 CONSTANTINE S, Social relations in the estate villages of Mecklenburg c.1880–1924. Aldershot: Ashgate 2007. pp 163.
269 LANNON KM, Over the tracks and up the hill: Cooperstown, New York's working-class population, 1900–1910. NYH 88 1 (2007) 75–96.
270 FRENCH C, Who lived in suburbia? Surbiton in the second half of the 19th century. FCH 10 2 (2007) 93–109.
271 MURPHY AK, The suburban ghetto: the legacy of Herbert Gans in understanding the experience of poverty in recently impoverished American suburbs. CitC 6 1 (2007) 21–37.
Social organization, clubs and societies
272 BROWNE SF, Making the vote count: the Arbroath Women Citizens’ Association, 1931–1945. Dundee: Abertay Historical Society 2007. pp viii + 88, il.
273 COSKUN-YLDAR M & ERMAN T, Emergent local initiative and the city: the case of neighbourhood associations of the better-off classes in post-1990 urban Turkey. US 44 13 (2007) 2547–66.
274 FINDLAY B, Intimate strangers: clubs, pubs and the forging of Glasgow's corporate identity. RANE 40 (2007) 149–62.
275 HARP GJ, Alexis de Tocqueville and American intellectuals: from his times to ours. JSH 73 4 (2007) 890–1.
276 KILBURN K, Manchester Astronomical Society. MRHR 18 (2007) 169–70.
277 KRAUS HV, A cultural history of the Mechanics’ Institute of San Francisco, 1855–1920. LibH 23 2 (2007) 115–28.
278 MCCARTHY H, Parties, voluntary associations, and democratic politics in interwar Britain. HJ 50 4 (2007) 891–912.
279 MCCARTHY H, Service clubs, citizenship and equality: gender relations and middle-class associations in Britain between the wars. HR 81 213 (2007) 531–52.
280 WATERMAN B, Republic of intellect: the Friendly Club of New York City and the making of American literature. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press 2007. pp xiii + 318, il.
Class structure
281 HART E, ‘The middling orders are odious characters’: social structure and urban growth in colonial Charleston, South Carolina. UH 34 2 (2007) 209–26.
Occupational structure
282 BARBONNE R, DUBE C, COFFEY W & SHEARMUR R, Intrametropolitan employment structure: polycentricity, scatteration, dispersal and chaos in Toronto, Montreal and Vancouver, 1996–2001. US 44 9 (2007) 1713–38.
283 BOWDEN S, HIGGINS DM & PRICE C, Avoiding conscription to the inter-war ‘army’ of the unemployed: short-time working in the iron and steel industry. LHR 72 1 (2007) 5–25.
284 BURKITT B & NOBLE S, De-industrialisation in Calderdale and the changes it made in local employment, 1921–1991. HAS 15 (2007) 134–57.
285 GOOSSAERT V, The Taoists of Peking, 1800–1949: a social history of urban clerics. Cambridge: Harvard University Asia Center 2007. pp xi + 395, il.
286 HART RA, Women doing men's work and women doing women's work: female work and pay in British wartime engineering. EEcH 44 1 (2007) 114–30.
287 SINN E, Women at work: Chinese brothel keepers in nineteenth-century Hong Kong. JWomH 19 3 (2007) 87–111.
288 Symingtons: Harborough's lost workforce. Market Harborough: Market Harborough Local History Group 2007. pp 41, il; DVD.
289 TODD S, Breadwinners and dependants: working-class young people in England, 1918–1955, IRSH 52 1 (2007) 57–87.
290 WAINWRIGHT EM, Constructing gendered workplace ‘types’: the weaver-millworker distinction in Dundee's jute industry, c. 1880–1910. GPC 14 4 (2007) 467–82.
Class composition and interaction
291 JONES WP, Black Milwaukee, proletarianization, and the making of black working class history. JUH 33 4 (2007) 544–50.
292 STEEDMAN C, Master and servant: love and labour in the English industrial age. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 2007. pp xi + 262.
Social and class attitudes
293 CROSS SJ, The experience of Owenite socialism and anti-socialism in Halifax, 1829–1845. HAS 15 (2007) 91–111.
294 ENGLAND J, Unitarians, freemasons, chartists: the middle class in Victorian Merthyr. WHR 23 4 (2007) 35–58.
295 GRAHAM S, Demagogues or debaters? A study of Chartist speeches reported in the Halifax Guardian and the Northern Star between 1838 and 1839. HAS 15 (2007) 112–32.
Protests and disorders
296 ARNOLD AB, We shall be part! The power of workers and communities: South, Midwest, and Northeast (review essay). JUH 33 4 (2007) 652–62.
297 BALDWIN Y & ERNST J, The not so silent minority: Louisville's antiwar movement, 1966–1975. JSH 73 1 (2007) 105–42.
298 COWMAN K, The militant suffragette movement in York. York: Borthwick Institute, University of York 2007. pp 38.
299 DUMOLYN J, The ‘Terrible Wednesday’ of Pentecost: confronting urban and princely discourses in the Bruges rebellion of 1436–1438. H 92 305 (2007) 3–20.
300 GOYENS T, Beer and revolution: the German anarchist movement in New York City, 1880–1914. Urbana: University of Illinois Press 2007. pp x + 263.
301 KAY J, ‘No time for recreations till the vote is won’? Suffrage activists and leisure in Edwardian Britain. WomHR 16 4 (2007) 535–53.
302 KENT SA, Seven thousand ‘hand-maids and daughters of the Lord’: Lincolnshire and Cheshire Quaker women's anti-tithe protests in late interregnum and restoration England’. BROWN S ed, Women, gender and radical religion in early modern Europe. Leiden: Brill 2007. 65–96.
303 KREITZER LJ, A ‘famous prank’ in Oxford: the Jacobite riots of 1715 and the charge of sexual scandal. BQ 42 1 (2007) 33–52.
304 MABEE F, The Spithead mutiny and urban radicalism in the 1790s. Rom 13 2 (2007) 133–44.
305 REISS M ed, The street as stage: protest marches and public rallies since the nineteenth century. Oxford: Oxford University Press 2007. pp xi + 367.
306 REX R, Which is wyche? Lollardy and sanctity in Lancastrian London. FREEMAN TS & MAYER TF eds, Martyrs and martyrdom in England, c.1400–1700. Woodbridge: Boydell & Brewer 2007. 88–106.
307 ROBERTS P, Urban conflict and royal authority: popular revolts in sixteenth-century Troyes. UH 34 2 (2007) 190–208.
Social life
Social life, customs and traditions
308 BELL D, The hospitable city: social relations in commercial spaces. PHG 31 (2007) 7–22.
309 MARTIN J, Pigeon racing and working-class culture in Britain, c. 1870–1950. CulSH 4 3 (2007) 361–83.
310 MITCHELL R, Carnival and Katrina. JAH 94 3 (2007) 789–94.
311 BARRON CM & DAVIES MP eds, The religious houses of London and Middlesex. London: University of London. Institute of Historical Research 2007. pp xxi + 324.
312 CLARK J, ‘This special shell’: the church building and the embodiment of memory. JRH 31 1 (2007) 59–77.
313 CRAVEN A, `Contrarie to the Directorie’: Presbyterians and people in Lancashire, 1646–53. SCH 43 (2007) 331–41.
314 EDGE C & WYKE T, The cotton church: a history of St Peter's, Ancoats. Manchester: Heritage Works Building Preservation Trust 2007. pp 42.
315 EVANS CJ, Urbanization and the end of black churches in the modern world. ChH 76 4 (2007) 799–822.
316 HAMMOND PM, Saint Mary's church: Alderbury. Alderbury: Alderbury & Whaddon Local History Research Group 2007. pp 48.
317 HARDING A, A Victorian church in Edinburgh's Old Town: St Columba's episcopal church in context. RSCHS 37 (2007) 121–44.
318 HILLIS P, The Barony of Glasgow: a window onto church and people in nineteenth- century Scotland. Edinburgh: Dunedin Academic Press 2007. pp xiv + 242.
319 HOGG RM, The history of Polwarth parish church and its former congregations: the story of a successful union. Edinburgh: R.M. Hogg 2007. pp 148.
320 HOPKINS T, Cistercians and the urban community at Neath. ACa 154 (2007) 125–32.
321 IKEGAME A, The capital of Rajadharma: modern space and religion in colonial Mysore. IJAS 4 1 (2007) 15–44.
322 MILLER J, Cities divided: politics and religion in English provincial towns, 1660–1722. Oxford: Oxford University Press 2007. pp xvi + 328.
323 MOORE CA, Review essay: religion at the center of the city (review essay). JUH 33 6 (2007) 998–1005.
324 RIMMINGTON GT, Congregationalism and society in Leicester 1872–1914. LocH, 37 1 (2007) 29–44.
325 RIMMINGTON GT, Congregationalism and society in Leicestershire and Rutland, 1919–1966. TLAHS 81 (2007) 137–52.
326 SCOTT DIXON C, Urban order and religious coexistence in the German Imperial City: Augsburg and Donauwörth, 1548–1608, CEH 40 1 (2007) 1–33.
327 SOUTHERN N, Ulster, God's people, and the interplay between Old Testament and Calvinistic conceptions of covenant. JCR 22 1 (2007) 19–34.
328 STACEY RC, ‘Adam of Bristol’ and tales of ritual crucifixion in medieval England. WEILER BKU, BURTON JE, SCHOFILED PR, STÖBER K eds, Thirteenth century England XI: proceedings of the Gregynog conference, 2005. Woodbridge: Boydell & Brewer 2007. 1–15.
329 LOVE C, Holborn, Lambeth and Manchester: three case studies in municipal swimming pool provision. IJHS 24 5 (2007) 630–42.
Holidays and resorts
330 BARANOWSKI S, A family vacation for workers: the strength through joy resort at Prora. GeH 25 4 (2007) 539–59.
Social problems and deviance
331 BAILEY AR, BRACE C & HARVEY DC, Disciplining youthful Methodist bodies in nineteenth-century Cornwall. AAAG 97 1 (2007) 142–57.
332 CARROLL S, Cultures of violence: interpersonal violence in historical perspective. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan 2007. pp xii + 271.
333 DAVIES A, Glasgow's ‘reign of terror’: street gangs, racketeering and intimidation in the 1920s and 1930s. CBH 21 4 (2007) 405–27.
334 DAVIES A, The Scottish Chicago? From ‘hooligans’ to ‘gangsters’ in inter-war Glasgow. CulSH 4 4 (2007) 511–27.
335 DEVEREAUX S, From sessions to newspaper? Criminal trial reporting, the nature of crime, and the London press, 1770–1800. LJ 32 1 (2007) 1–27.
336 DEVEREAUX S, Imposing the royal pardon: execution, transportation, and convict resistance in London, 1789. LwHR 25 1 (2007) 101–38.
337 DYSTER B, Bungling a courthouse: a story of convict workplace reform. JRAHS 93 1 (2007) 1–21.
338 ERICKSON BH, GMEL G, GRAHAM KM & WARNER J, A time-series analysis of war and levels of interpersonal violence in an English military town, 1700–1781. SSH 31 4 (2007) 575–602.
339 FENEMORE M, Sex, thugs and rock ’n’ roll: teenage rebels in Cold-War East Germany. New York: Berghahn Books 2007. pp xviii + 277, il.
340 FERGUSON EE, Domestic violence by another name: crimes of passion in fin-de-Siècle Paris. JWomH 19 4 (2007) 12–34.
341 GAYER L, Guns, slums, and ‘yellow devils’: a genealogy of urban conflicts in Karachi, Pakistan. MAsS 41 3 (2007) 515–44.
342 GILCHRIST C, ‘This relic of the cities of the plain’: penal flogging, convict morality and the colonial imagination. JACH 9 (2007) 1–28.
343 GRAY DD, The regulation of violence in the metropolis: the prosecution of assault in the summary courts, c.1780–1820. LJ 32 1 (2007) 75–87.
344 KING P, Newspaper reporting and attitudes to crime and justice in late-eighteenth- and early-nineteenth-century London. ContC 22 1 (2007) 73–112.
345 LAITINEN R, Nighttime street fighting and the meaning of place: a homicide in a seventeenth-century Swedish provincial town. JUH 33 4 (2007) 602–19.
346 MCDONOUGH S, She said, he said, and they said: claims of abuse and a community's response in late medieval Marseille. JWomH 19 4 (2007) 35–58.
347 MCKENZIE A, Tyburn's martyrs: execution in England 1675–1775. London and New York: Hambledon Continuum 2007. pp xx + 316.
348 MANCALL PC, Savagery in Jamestown. HLQ 70 4 (2007) 661–70.
349 POOLE S, ‘Bringing great shame upon this city’: sodomy, the courts and the civic idiom in eighteenth-century Bristol. UH 34 1 (2007) 114–26.
350 REXTROTH F, Deviance and power in late medieval London. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 2007. pp xiii + 411.
351 SNELL E, Discourses of criminality in the eighteenth-century press: the presentation of crime in The Kentish Post, 1717–1768. ContC 22 1 (2007) 13–47.
352 STOKES A, Pit of shame: the real ballad of Reading gaol. Winchester: Waterside Press 2007. pp xv + 192.
353 TOSNEY N, Women and ‘false coining’ in early modern London. LJ 32 2 (2007) 103–23.
354 TRUMBACH R, Blackmail for sodomy in eighteenth-century London. HRef 33 1 (2007) 23–39.
355 WADE S, Heroes, villains & victims of Leeds. Derby: Breedon 2007. pp 191.
356 WARREN WA, ‘The cause of her grief’: the rape of a slave in early New England. JAH 93 4 (2007) 1031–49.
357 WATSON KD ed, Assaulting the past: violence and civilization in historical context. Newcastle-upon-Tyne: Cambridge Scholars 2007. pp xi + 315.
358 WILLETTS P, North Soho 999: a true story of gangs and gun-crime in 1940s London. Stockport: Dewi Lewis 2007. pp 272.
359 WOOD AG, New approaches to crime, health, and poverty in Mexico City (review essay). JUH 33 3 (2007) 527–31.
360 YARWOOD D, Cheshire's execution files. Derby: Breedon 2007. pp 208.
Poverty and poor relief
361 BAUMAN R, The Black Power and Chicano movements in the poverty wars in Los Angeles. JUH 33 2 (2007) 277–95.
362 BENSON J, Poor law guardians, coalminers and friendly societies in northern England, 1860–1894: statutory provision, local autonomy and individual responsibility. NH 44 2 (2007) 159–68.
363 DORLING D, RIGBY J & WHEELER B, Poverty, wealth and place in Britain, 1968 to 2005. Bristol: published for the Joseph Rowntree Foundation by the Policy Press 2007. pp 111.
364 HONEYMAN K, The poor law, the parish apprentice, and the textile industries in the north of England, 1780–1830. NH 44 2 (2007) 115–40.
365 HUNTER D, Cholera and the struggle for clean water in Berwick-upon-Tweed Poor Law Union 1848–1871. LocH 37 2 (2007) 104–16.
366 KING S, Regional patterns in the experiences and treatment of the sick poor, 1800–40: rights, obligations and duties in the rhetoric of paupers. FCH 10 1 (2007) 61–75.
Other social problems
367 HORNSEY R, Francis Bacon and the photobooth: facing the homosexual in post-war Britain. VCB 8 2 (2007) 82–103.
368 KÜMIN B, Public houses and civic tensions in early modern Bern. UH 34 1 (2007) 89–101.
369 LERNER MA, Dry Manhattan: prohibition in New York City. Cambridge: Harvard University Press 2007. pp 351.
370 LUNDBERG A, Queering laughter in the Stockholm Pride parade. IRSH 52 (2007) 169–87.
371 MOLD A, ‘Consuming habits’: histories of drugs in modern societies. CulSH 4 2 (2007) 261–70.
372 RAU S, Public order in public space: tavern conflict in early modern Lyon. UH 34 1 (2007) 102–13.
Social reform and improvements
373 SCOTLAND N, Squires in the slums: settlements and missions in late-Victorian London. London: I.B. Tauris 2007. pp xiii + 266.
374 STEWART BE, Select men of sober and industrious habits: alcohol reform and social conflict in antebellum Appalachia. JSH 73 2 (2007) 289–322.
375 WESTWOOD L, Care in the community of the mentally disordered: the case of the Guardianship Society, 1900–1939. SHMed 20 1 (2007) 57–72.
Social reform movements and institutions
376 DRAPER N, ‘Possessing slaves’: ownership, compensation and metropolitan society in Britain at the time of emancipation 1834–40. HWJ 64 (2007) 74–102.
377 ADAMS C, In the public interest: charitable association, the state, and the status of utilité publique in nineteenth-century France. LwHR 25 2 (2007) 283–322.
378 BASKERVILLE RF & CORDERY CJ, Charity financial reporting regulation: a comparative study of the UK and New Zealand AccH 12 1 (2007) 7–27.
379 BORSAY A & SHAPELY P eds, Medicine, charity and mutual aid: the consumption of health and welfare in Britain, c.1550–1950. Aldershot: Ashgate 2007. pp x + 269.
380 CUBITT G, Martyrs of charity, heroes of solidarity: Catholic and republican responses to the fire at the Bazar de la Charité, Paris, 1897. FH 21 3 (2007) 331–52.
381 HAYCOCK L, Faith, hope and charity: urban collectivism in late Georgian Devizes. WANHM 100 (2007) 136–53.
382 NICHOLS T, Secular charity, sacred poverty: picturing the poor in Renaissance Venice. ArtH 30 2 (2007) 139–69.
383 PINCHES S, ‘The place of my nativity’: pride, prejudice and the rhythm of charitable giving in Warwickshire, c. 1500–1900. Stratford-upon-Avon: Dugdale Society in association with the Shakespeare Birthplace Trust 2007. pp 33.
384 Poverty and wealth: sheep, taxation and charity in late medieval Norfolk. Norwich: Norfolk Record Society 2007. pp 249.
385 RAMSEY PJ, Wrestling with modernity: philanthropy and the Children's Aid Society in progressive-era New York City. NYH 88 2 (2007) 153–76.
386 SWEETINBURGH S, The poor, hospitals and charity in sixteenth-century Canterbury. LUTTON R & SALTER E eds, Pieties in transition: religious practices and experiences, c.1400–1640. Aldershot: Ashgate 2007. 59–74.
Minority groups
387 ARMSTRONG C, Aliens in wartime: a case study of Tyneside 1939–45. IMin 25 2 (2007) 119–40.
388 ESSER R, ‘They obey all magistrates and all good lawes . . . and we thinke our cittie happie to enjoye them’: migrants and urban stability in early modern English towns. UH 34 1 (2007) 64–75.
389 WILD M, Out of many, many more: immigrants and identity proliferation (review essay). JUH 33 5 (2007) 873–82.
Racial and ethnic minorities
390 ALJUNIED SMK, The role of Hadramis in post-Second World War Singapore – a reinterpretation. IMin 25 2 (2007) 163–83.
391 AUERBACH S, Negotiating: Jewish conscription and Russian repatriation in London's East End, 1916–1918. JBS 46 3 (2007) 594–620.
392 AXELROD JBC, ‘Keep the “L” out of Los Angeles’: race, discourse, and urban modernity in 1920s southern California. JUH 34 1 (2007) 3–37.
393 BILES R, Black Milwaukee and the Ghetto synthesis. JUH 33 4 (2007) 539–43.
394 BUNNELL T, Post-maritime transnationalization: Malay seafarers in Liverpool. GN 74 (2007) 412–29.
395 BURNETT J, ‘Hail Brither Scots o’ coaly Tyne’: networking and identity among Scottish migrants in the north-east of England, ca. 1860–2000. IMin 25 1 (2007) 1–21.
396 CAMARILLO AM, Cities of color: the new racial frontier in California's minority-majority cities. PHR 76 1 (2007) 1–28.
397 CAMPBELL JM, Slavery on trial: race, class, and criminal justice in Antebellum Richmond, Virginia. Gainesville: University Press of Florida 2007. pp xiii + 264, il.
398 COWAN SR, GERSON JN & PHO T-L eds, Southeast Asian refugees and immigrants in the mill city: changing families, communities, institutions thirty years afterward. Burlington: University of Vermont Press 2007. pp xiii + 227, il.
399 DACE R, The Jews of Warwick c 1180 – c 1280. LocH 37 4 (2007) 243–9.
400 DARBY P, Gaelic games, ethnic identity and Irish nationalism in New York City, c. 1880–1917. SiS 10 3 (2007) 347–67.
401 DAVIS C, PHILLIPS D & RATCLIFFE P, British Asian narratives of urban space. TIBG 32 2 (2007) 217–34.
402 DRESSER M & FLEMING P, Bristol: ethnic minorities and the city 1000–2001. Chichester: Phillimore 2007. pp xii + 260.
403 FOGLE L, The domus conversorum: the personal interest of Henry III. JeHS 41 (2007) 1–7.
404 FORREST J, JOHNSTON R & POULSEN M, Ethnic and racial segregation in U.S. metropolitan areas, 1980–2000: the dimensions of segregation revisited. UAR 42 (2007) 479–504.
405 FREEMAN JB, The persistence and demise of ethnic union locals in New York City after World War II. JAEH 26 3 (2007) 5–22.
406 GERMANY KB, The politics of poverty and history: racial inequality and the long prelude to Katrina. JAH 94 3 (2007) 743–51.
407 GLASRUD BA & SMALLWOOD JM eds, The African American experience in Texas: an anthology. Lubbock: Texas Tech University Press 2007. pp xviii + 404.
408 GOODMAN AP & SUGRUE TJ, Plainfield burning: black rebellion in the suburban North. JUH 33 4 (2007) 568–601.
409 GOTHAM KF, Racialized uneven development: race, class, and segregation in the postwar era (review essay). JUH 33 2 (2007) 332–41.
410 HAROLD CN, The rise and fall of the Garvey movement in the urban South, 1918–1942. London: Routledge 2007. pp xi + 171, il.
411 HOLLIS S, ‘The black man almost has disappeared from our country’: African American workers in Cooperstown, New York, 1860–1900. NYH 88 1 (2007) 13–32.
412 HUDSON JG, African American life in South Carolina's Upper Piedmont, 1780–1900. JSH 73 4 (2007) 884–5.
413 JACK BM, The St. Louis African American community and the Exodusters. Columbia: University of Missouri Press 2007. pp xi + 178, ill.
414 JENKINS W, Identity, place, and the political mobilization of urban minorities: comparative perspectives on Irish Catholics in Buffalo and Toronto 1880–1910. EP, 25 1 (2007) 160–186.
415 KINBACHER KE, Life in the Russian Bottoms: community building and identity transformation among Germans from Russia in Lincoln, Nebraska, 1876 to 1926. JAEH 26 2 (2007) 27–57.
416 LEONG KJ, AIRRIESS CA, LI W, CHEN A & KEITH VM, Resilient history and the rebuilding of a community: the Vietnamese American community in New Orleans East. JAH 94 3 (2007) 770–9.
417 MACIAS V, ‘En unidad, hay poder’: community activism and ethnicity in south Martineztown, 1930–1972. NMHR 82 1 (2007) 71–96.
418 MOLINEUX C, Pleasures of the smoke: ‘Black Virginians’ in Georgian London's tobacco shops. WMQ 64 2 (2007) 327–76.
419 PRITCHETT WE, Black Milwaukee and urban African American history. JUH 33 4 (2007) 557–61.
420 PRUITT B, The African American experience in slavery and freedom: black urban history revisited (review essay). JUH 33 6 (2007) 1033–47.
421 PRUITT DC, ‘The opposition of the law to the law’: race, slavery, and the law in Nantes, 1715–1778. FHS 30 2 (2007) 147–74.
422 SOGNER S & LOTTUM J VAN, An immigrant community? Norwegian sailors and their wives in 17th-century Amsterdam. HF 12 3 (2007) 153–68.
423 TROTTER JWT, Black Milwaukee: reflections on the past twenty years. JUH 33 4 (2007) 562–7.
424 WILLIAMS RY, Black Milwaukee, women, and gender. JUH 33 4 (2007) 551–6.
425 YEE SJ, Dependency and opportunity: socioeconomic relations between Chinese and non-Chinese in New York City, 1870–1943. JUH 33 2 (2007) 254–76.
426 ZANG X, Ethnicity and urban life in China: a comparative study of Hui Muslims and Han Chinese. London: Routledge 2007. pp xiv + 184, il.
Cultural minorities
427 BRISTOW J, Remapping the sites of modern gay history: legal reform, medico-legal thought, homosexual scandal, erotic geography. JBS 46 1 (2007) 116–42.
428 BROWNE K, A party with politics? (Re)making LGBTQ Pride spaces in Dublin and Brighton. SCG 8 1 (2007) 63–87.
429 FERGUSON K, Organizing the ghetto: the Ford Foundation, CORE, and white power in the black power era, 1967–1969. JUH 34 1 (2007) 67–100.
430 HATT M, Space, surface, self: homosexuality and the aesthetic interior. VCB 8 1 (2007) 105–28.
431 HOULBROOK M, ‘The man with the powder puff’ in interwar London. HJ 50 1 (2007) 145–71.
432 JOHNSTON L, Mobilizing pride/shame: lesbians, tourism and parades. SCG 8 1 (2007) 29–45.
433 MONKHOUSE S, Thomas Eadsforth remembers: a Catholic in 18th century Manchester. CathAnc 11 4 (2007) 244–52.
Majority reactions to minority groups
434 PHILLIPS S, ‘They more or less blended in with society’: changing attitudes to European migrant workers in post-war Lancashire. IMin 25 1 (2007) 49–72.
435 SMITH D, ‘Cruelty of the worst kind’: religious slaughter, xenophobia, and the German Greens. CEH 40, 1 (2007) 89–115.
436 TALBOT D & BÖSE M, Racism, criminalization and the development of night-time economies: two case studies in London and Manchester. EthRS 30 1 (2007) 95–118.
Family life
437 BEATTIE C, CARPENTER C, DAVID I, GOLDBERG J, HAMBLEN B, HOLFORD M, JONES SR, KANE B, MCCLEAN K, MCCLURE L, MOSS R, WILLIAMS S, RIDDY F, RIMMER J & TAI W, The later medieval English urban household. HistC 5 1 (2007) 112–58.
438 BOUDENHORN H, Single parenthood and childhood outcomes in the mid-nineteenth-century urban South. JInH 38 1 (2007) 33–64.
439 BROWN RL, The Fleet marriages: a history of clandestine marriages with particular reference to the marriages performed in and around the Fleet Prison, London. Powys: Tair Eglwys 2007. pp 212.
440 GODFREY BS, COX DJ & FARRALL S, Criminal lives: family life, employment, and offending. Oxford: Oxford University Press 2007. pp xviii + 213.
441 HEIJDEN M VAN DER & HEUVEL D VAN DER, Sailors’ families and the urban institutional framework in early modern Holland. HF 12 4 (2007) 296–309.
442 HOLLANDER M, Discipline and domestic violence in Edinburgh, 1560–1625. SCH 42 (2007) 307–16.
443 HUGHES J, MAURER-FAZIO M & ZHANG D, An ocean formed from one hundred rivers: the effects of ethnicity, gender, marriage, and location on labor force participation in urban China. FE 13 3–4 (2007) 159–87.
444 MACIUIKA JV, The production and display of domestic interiors in Wilhelmine Germany, 1900–1914. GeH 25 4 (2007) 490–516.
445 MALHERBE VC, Born into bastardy: the out-of-wedlock child in early Victorian Cape Town. JFH 32 1 (2007) 21–44.
446 MARTEN JA ed, Children in colonial America. New York: New York University Press 2007. pp xiii + 253.
447 PHOOFOLO P, Holy weddings, unholy marriages: Christian spouses and domestic discords in early colonial Lesotho, 1870–1900. JRH 31 4 (2007) 363–86.
448 PUTTE B VAN DE, The influence of modern city life on marriage in Ghent at the turn of the twentieth century: cultural struggle and social differentiation in demographic behavior. JFH 32 4 (2007) 433–58.
449 PUTTE B VAN DE, NEVEN M & ORIS M, Societal openness during the urban crisis. Partner selection in the 19th-century Belgian textile cities Ghent and Verviers. HF 12 1 (2007) 62–78.
450 SCHUMACHER R, RYCZKOWSKA G & PERROUX O, Unwed mothers in the city. Illegitimate fertility in 19th-century Geneva. HF 12 3 (2007) 189–202.
451 SZOŁTYSEK M, Central European household and family systems, and the ‘Hajnal–Mitterauer’ line: the parish of Bujakow. HF 12 1 (2007) 19–42.
452 AERT L VAN, The legal possibilities of Antwerp widows in the late sixteenth century. HF 12 4 (2007) 282–95.
453 BENSON J, One man and his women: domestic service in Edwardian England. LHR 72 3 (2007) 203–14.
454 BERMAN CH, Women's work in family, village, and town after 1000 CE: contributions to economic growth? JWomH 19 3 (2007) 10–32.
455 BIERI S & GERODETTI N, ‘Falling women’ – ‘saving angels’: spaces of contested mobility and the production of gender and sexualities within early twentieth-century train stations. SCG 8 2 (2007) 217–34.
456 BOUSSAHBA-BRAVARD M ed, Suffrage outside suffragism: women's vote in Britain, 1880–1914. New York: Palgrave Macmillan 2007. pp x + 262.
457 CLARK E, Masterless mistresses: the New Orleans ursulines and the development of a new world society, 1727–1834. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press 2007. pp xvi + 287, il.
458 DARLING E & WHITWORTH L eds, Women and the making of built space in England, 1870–1950. Aldershot: Ashgate 2007. pp xi + 220, il.
459 DOMOSH M, Sex and the city: wanton women in eighteenth- and nineteenth-century London (review essay). JUH 33 4 (2007) 678–84.
460 DRIBE M, LUNCDH C & NYSTEDT P, Widowhood strategies in preindustrial society. JInH 38 2 (2007) 207–32.
461 ESCOBEDO ER, The Pachuca panic: sexual and cultural battlegrounds in World War II Los Angeles. WHQ 38 2 (2007) 133–56.
462 GOLDBERG PJP, Gender and matrimonial litigation in the church courts in the later middle ages: the evidence of the court of York. G&H 19 1 (2007) 43–59.
463 GUNDRUM AR, Memorializing mothers: stained-glass windows, female empowerment, and religion in Cooperstown, New York. NYH 88 1 (2007) 33–54.
464 HANAWALT BA, The wealth of wives: women, law, and economy in late medieval London. Oxford: Oxford University Press 2007. pp xiv + 317.
465 MANNARELLI, ME, Private passions and public sins: men and women in seventeenth-century Lima. Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press 2007. pp 220.
466 MARCUS S, Between women: friendship, desire, and marriage in Victorian England. Princeton: Princeton University Press 2007. pp x + 356.
467 MORGAN S, A Victorian woman's place: public culture in the nineteenth century. London: Tauris Academic Studies 2007. pp x + 270.
468 RODRIGUES-PEREIRA M, An eighteenth-century Sephardi lady – her relations and her property. JeHS, 41 (2007) 31–5.
469 SALLY SV, Women and power in the late medieval English village: a reconsideration. WomHR 16 3 (2007) 311–21.
470 YOUNG H, Hard man, new man: re/composing masculinities in Glasgow, c.1950–2000. OH 35 1 (2007) 71–81.
V Economic activity
Research methods, aids and materials
Printed documentary sources
471 BISHOP MJB John Lewyn of Durham: a medieval mason in practice. Oxford: John and Erica Hedges Ltd 2007. pp x + 86 + 140.
472 HOLLISTER J & SCHULTZ SM, The Elting and Hasbrouck store accounts: a window into eighteenth-century commerce. AccH 12 4 (2007) 417–40.
473 PALK D ed, Prisoners’ letters to the Bank of England, 1781–1827. London: London Record Society 2007. pp xxv + 307.
474 JOHNMAN L & MURPHY H, Maritime and business history in Britain: past, present and future? IJMH 19 1 (2007) 239–70.
Urban economic activity
Medieval and early modern (–1800)
475 LEIGH LA, Yr hen danerdy: the old tannery: a history of the leather industry in Machynlleth, 1610–1900. MC 95 (2007) 103–10.
476 MAERKER A, ‘Turpentine hides everything’: autonomy and organization in anatomical model production for the state in late eighteenth-century Florence. HSci 45 3 (2007) 257–86.
477 ROCKMAN S, Work in the cities of colonial British North America (review essay). JUH 33 6 (2007) 1021–32.
478 SPICKSLEY JM, ‘Fly with a duck in thy mouth’: single women as sources of credit in seventeenth-century England. SH 32 2 (2007) 187–207.
Modern (1800–)
479 ALNUTT B & SIMON RD, Philadelphia, 1982–2007: toward the postindustrial city. PenMHB 131 4 (2007) 395–444.
480 ATTARD B, New estimates of Australian public borrowing and capital raised in London, 1849–1914. AEHR 47 2 (2007) 155–77.
481 COOPER T, The early development of scientific research in industry: the case of Metropolitan-Vickers Ltd, 1901–1933. MRHR 18 (2007) 84–105.
482 CRAFTS NFR, FAZELEY I & NEWELL A eds, Work and pay in twentieth-century Britain. Oxford: Oxford University Press 2007. pp vi + 369.
483 DAWSON M, Victoria debates its post-industrial reality: tourism, deindustrialization, and store-hour regulations, 1900–1958. UHR 35 2 (2007) 14–24.
484 NENADIC SS, Gender and the rhetoric of business success: the impact on women entrepreneurs and the ‘new woman’ in later nineteenth century Edinburgh. GOOSE N ed, Women's work in industrial England: regional and local perspectives. Hatfield: Local Population Studies 2007. 269–88.
485 OGIYAMA M, Domestic service in industrializing Japan: the job choices of unmarried young women in the Sennan District, Osaka Prefecture, 1893–1927. IJAS 4 2 (2007) 173–200.
486 PICKSTONE JV, Science and technology in Manchester: an introduction to the history. MRHR 18 (2007) 1–18.
487 POLLARD JS, Making money, (re)making firms: microbusiness financial networks in Birmingham's Jewellery Quarter. EP A 39 2 (2007) 378–97.
488 TAYLOR PJ, Space and sustainability: an exploratory essay on the production of social spaces through city-work. GJ 173 3 (2007) 197–206.
489 BURCHARDT J, Agricultural history, rural history or countryside history? HJ 50 2 (2007) 465–81.
490 SHORT B, War in the fields and villages: the County War Agricultural Committees in England, 1939–45. RurH 18 2 (2007) 217–44.
491 BARTLAM WA, Moray's salt industry. Elgin: W.A. Bartlam 2007. pp 40.
492 BEATTY C, FOTHERGILL S & POWELL R, Twenty years on: has the economy of the UK coalfields recovered? EP A 39 7 (2007) 1654–75.
493 GUTIERREZ F & ROMERO D, The 1770s, a lively decade for quality control: the case of the Royal Tobacco Factory of Seville. AccH 12 4 (2007) 393–415.
494 HILLS RL, Richard Roberts (1789–1864), pioneer of production engineering in Manchester. MRHR 18 (2007) 41–63.
495 HONIG B & BLACK EL, The industrial revolution and beyond: two hundred years of entrepreneurship and ‘dis-entrepreneurship’ in a small Scottish town. JMH 13 3 (2007) 269–89.
496 HORROCKS SM, Industrial chemistry and its changing patrons at the University of Liverpool, 1926–1951. TC 48 1 (2007) 43–66.
497 INSLEY C, A history of the county of Northampton. Vol. 6, Modern industry (The Victoria History of the Counties of England). Woodbridge: Boydell & Brewer 2007. pp ix + 218, il.
498 JACOB MC, Mechanical science on the factory floor: the early industrial revolution in Leeds. HSci 45 148 (2007) 197–221.
499 KEIGHLEY M, Wool city: a history of the Bradford textile industry in the 20th century. Ilkley: G. Whitaker & Company Ltd 2007. pp x + 289, il.
500 MAILLE F, La ville et l'industrie: quelques aspects de Londres au milieu du XIXe siècle. Cerc, 17 (2007) 140–55.
501 MILLER I, Percival, Vickers & Co. Ltd: the archaeology of a 19th-century Manchester flint glass works. IAR 29 1 (2007) 13–30.
502 MILLER I & WILD C eds, A. & G. Murray and the cotton mills of Ancoats. Lancaster: Oxford Archaeology North 2007. pp xvi + 192, il.
503 SUMMERBY-MURRAY R, Interpreting personalized industrial heritage in the mining towns of Cumberland County, Nova Scotia: landscape examples from Springhill and River Hebert. UHR 35 2 (2007) 51–9.
504 THORPE D ed, Buckinghamshire's industrial heritage: collected papers. Aylesbury: Buckinghamshire Archaeological Society 2007. pp 109.
505 UNWIN P & UNWIN R, ‘A devotion to the experimental sciences and arts’: the subscription to the great battery at the Royal Institution 1808–9. BJHS 40 2 (2007) 181–203.
External trade
506 ARMSTRONG LD, ELBL I & ELBL M eds, Money, markets and trade in late medieval Europe: essa1ys in honour of John H.A. Munro. Leiden: Brill 2007. pp xx + 648.
507 COULES V, The trade: Bristol and the Atlantic slave trade. Edinburgh: Birlinn 2007. pp v + 234.
508 DALY G, Napoleon and the ‘city of smugglers’, 1810–1814. HJ 50 2 (2007) 333–52.
509 HODGERS R, Trading places. HT 57 4 (2007) 29–31.
510 JONES P, Satan's kingdom: Bristol and the transatlantic slave trade. Bristol: Past & Present 2007. pp iii + 170.
511 KOOT CJ, Constructing the empire: English governors, imperial policy, and inter-imperial trade in New York City and the Leeward Islands, 1650–1689. Itin 31 1 (2007) 35–60.
512 RORKE M, Trade and traders: Edinburgh's sixteenth-century exporting community. HR 81 213 (2007) 447–62.
513 SHERWOOD M, Manchester, Liverpool and slavery. NWLHJ 32 (2007–8) 16–22.
514 STEWART A, ‘Come from Turkie’: Mediterranean trade in late Elizabethan London. STANIVUKOVIC G ed, Re-mapping the Mediterranean world in early modern English writings. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan 2007. 157–77.
Internal trade and services
515 MITCHELL I, The changing role of fairs in the long eighteenth century: evidence from the north midlands. EcHR 60 3 (2007) 545–73.
516 MYERS R, HARRIS M & MANDELBROTE G eds, Fairs, markets and the itinerant book trade. London: British Library 2007. pp xv + 223.
517 ROBINSON D, Modernizers and traditionalists in postwar Hamilton, Ontario: the fate of a farmers’ market, 1945–1965. UHR 36 1 (2007) 45–60.
Food supply
518 AMOS D, Working-class diet in Victorian and Edwardian Nottingham. PPC 82 (2007) 33–78.
519 ATKINGS PJ, LIMMEL P & ODDY DJ eds, Food and the city in Europe since 1800. Aldershot: Ashgate 2007. pp xvi + 260.
520 CZAOLICKI A, ‘Pure milk is better than purified milk’: pasteurization and milk purity in Chicago, 1908–1916. SSH 31 3 (2007) 411–33.
521 BAER WC, Early retailing: London's shopping exchanges, 1550–1700. BuH 49 1 (2007) 29–51.
522 BARTON P, From physick to pharmacology: five hundred years of British drug retailing. SHMed 20 (2007) 611–12.
523 BELISE D, Negotiating paternalism: women and Canada's largest department stores, 1890–1960. JWomH 19 1 (2007) 58–81.
524 BERG M & CLIFFORD H, Selling consumption in the eighteenth century: advertising and the trade card in Britain and France. CulSH 4 2 (2007) 145–70.
525 BLONDÉ B, STABEL P & STOBART J eds, Buyers & sellers: retail circuits and practices in mediaeval and early modern Europe. Turnhout: Brepols 2007. pp 350.
526 COX N & DANNEHL K, Perceptions of retailing in early modern England. Aldershot: Ashgate 2007. pp 250, il.
527 GAUCI P, Emporium of the world: the merchants of London, 1660–1800. London: Continuum 2007. pp x + 254.
528 HANN A, MORGAN V & STOBART J, Spaces of consumption: leisure and shopping in the English town, c. 1680–1830. London: Routledge 2007. pp 247.
529 HITCHINGS R, Approaching life in the London garden centre: acquiring entities and providing products. EP A 39 2 (2007) 242–59.
530 LOMAS C, ‘Men don't wear velvet you know!’: fashionable gay masculinity and the shopping experience, London 1950 – early 1970s. OH 35 1 (2007) 82–90.
531 MARTÍNEZ JG, Selling avant-garde: how Antwerp became a fashion capital (1990–2002). US 44 12 (2007) 2449–64.
532 POPP A, Building the market: John Shaw of Wolverhampton and commercial travelling in early nineteenth-century England. BuH 49 3 (2007) 321–47.
Finance, banking and industry
533 BRUSCOLI FG, Papal banking in Renaissance Rome: Benvenuto Olivieri and Paul III, 1534–1549. Aldershot: Ashgate 2007. pp xxvi + 313.
534 COTTRELL PL ed, Centres and peripheries in banking: the historical development of financial markets. Aldershot: Ashgate 2007. pp xiv + 326.
535 FRANCOIS ME, A culture of everyday credit: housekeeping, pawnbroking, and governance in Mexico City, 1750–1920. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press 2007. pp xiii + 415, il.
536 TAYLOR J, Company fraud in Victorian Britain: the Royal British Bank scandal of 1856. EHR 122 497 (2007). 700–24.
537 THORNTON RP, ‘A great machine’ or a ‘beast of prey’: a Boston Corporation and its rural debtors in an age of capitalist transformation. JERep 27 4 (2007) 567–97.
538 WOLOSON WA, In hock: pawning in early America. JERep 27 1 (2007) 35–61.
539 CHEANG S, Selling china: class, gender and orientalism at the department store. JDH 20 1 (2007) 1–16.
540 DYER S, The moral economy of shopping (review article). JPH 6 (2007) 353–61.
541 HILTON M, The consumer movement and civil society in Malaysia. IRSH 52 3 (2007) 373–406.
542 McCANTS AEC, Goods at pawn: the overlapping worlds of material possessions and family finance in early modern Amsterdam. SSH 31 2 (2007) 213–38.
Standard of living
543 MORING B, The standard of living of widows: inventories as an indicator of the economic situation of widows. HF 12 4 (2007) 233–49.
544 WALL R, Widows and unmarried women as taxpayers in England before 1800. HF 12 4 (2007) 250–67.
Consumption patterns
545 CLERCQ W de, DUMOLYN J & HAMERS J, ‘Vivre noblement’: material culture and elite identity in late medieval Flanders. JInH 38 1 (2007) 1–32.
546 KIRKBY D. ‘Beer, women and grub’: pubs, food and the industrial working class. KIRKBY D & LUCKINS T eds, Dining on turtles: food feasts and drinking in history. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan 2007 136–53.
Working conditions
547 BROCK WH, The Royal Society's glass workers’ cataract committee: Sir William Crookes and the development of sunglasses. NRRS 61 3 (2007) 301–12.
548 DALE P, GREENLESS J & MELLING J, The kiss of death or a flight of fancy? Workers’ health and the campaign to regulate shuttle kissing in the British cotton industry, c. 1900–52. SH 32 1 (2007) 54–75.
549 KORCZYNSKI M, PICKERING M & ROBERTSON E, Harmonious relations? Music at work in the Rowntree and Cadbury factories. BuH 49 2 (2007) 211–34.
Labour organization
550 JENKINS J, We want work. Anc 53 (2007) 20–5.
551 LORD E, Slavery in Scotland? Scottish colliers 1606–1799. LocH 37 4 (2007) 233–42.
552 SHELTON RS, On empire's shore: free and unfree workers in Galveston, Texas, 1840–1860. JSocH 40 3 (2007) 717–30.
553 HOFFMANN PR, In defence of corporate liberties: early modern guilds and the problem of illicit artisan work. UH 34 1 (2007) 76–88.
554 HOLT L & SMITH DP, Studentification and ‘apprentice’ gentrifiers within Britain's provincial towns and cities: extending the meaning of gentrification. EP A 39 1 (2007) 142–61.
555 HOSKIN PM, The accounts of the medieval paternoster gild of York. NH 44 1 (2007) 7–33.
556 MUNCK BD, Technologies of learning: apprenticeship in Antwerp guilds from the 15th century to the end of the ancien régime. Turnhout: Brepols 2007. pp xii, 306, il.
557 SLEIGH-JOHNSON N, The Merchant Taylors’ Company of London under Elizabeth I: Tailors’ Guild or Company of Merchants? Cos 41 1 (2007) 45–52.
558 WEBB C ed, Grocers’ Company apprenticeships 1629–1800. London: Society of Genealogists 2007. pp viii + 315.
559 WEBB C ed, Society of Apothecaries 1670–1800 with Masons’ Company 1619–1639. London: Society of Genealogists 2007. pp vii + 139.
560 WEBB C ed, Vintners’ Company 1609–1800. London: Society of Genealogists 2007. pp vii + 462.
Trade unions
561 BARCHIESI F, Privatization and the historical trajectory of ‘social movement unionism’: a case study of municipal workers in Johannesburg, South Africa. ILWCH 71 (2007) 50–69.
562 HORSFALL WL, Trade union activity in the Halifax area, 1800–1960. HAS 15 (2007) 78–90.
563 HUNT C, Tea and sympathy: a study of diversity among women activists in the National Federation of Women Workers in Coventry, England, 1907–14. ILWCH 72 (2007) 173–91.
564 PHILLIPS S, HALLETT CE & ABENDSTERN, M, ‘If we depart from these conditions . . .’: trade union reactions to European immigrant workers in the textile industry, c. 1946–1952. LHR 72 2 (2007) 135–54.
Strikes and lockouts
565 BRULEY S, The politics of food: gender, family, community and collective feeding in South Wales in the General Strike and Miners’ Lockout of 1926. TCBH 18 (2007) 54–77.
Redundancy and unemployment
566 BERGER J, ‘There is tragedy on both sides of the layoffs’: privatization and the urban crisis in Baltimore. ILWCH 71 (2007) 29–49.
567 WHITESIDE N, Unemployment revisited in comparative perspective: labour market policy in Strasbourg and Liverpool, 1890–1914. IRSH 52 1 (2007) 35–56.
Company towns
568 ALANEN AR, Morgan Park: Duluth, U.S. Steel, and the forging of a company town. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press 2007. pp 338, il.
569 CAPET A, Bournville et Port Sunlight: une utopie qui existe quelque part. Mor 43 166/167 (2007) 208–26.
570 CHANCE H, The angel in the garden suburb: Arcadian allegory in the ‘girls’ grounds’ at the Cadbury factory, Bournville, England, 1880–1930. SHGDL 27 3 (2007) 197–216.
571 ROLLWAGEN K, When ghosts hovered: community and crisis in a company town, Britannia Beach, British Columbia, 1957–1965. UHR 35 2 (2007) 25–36.
VI Communications
Research methods, aids and materials
572 STEEL A & SUTTON P, ‘The biggest, and . . . one of the most advanced, enterprises in the country’: the Royal Mail archive and the contemporary historian. CBH 21 1 (2007) 111–31.
Inter-urban communications
573 KEELING DJ, Transportation geography: new directions on well-worn trails. PHG 31 (2007) 217–25.
574 REYNOLDS S, Paris–Edinburgh cultural connections in the Belle Époque. Aldershot: Ashgate 2007. pp 234, il.
575 MARR P, The king's highway to Lancaster. JTH 3rd ser. 28 1 (2007) 1–20.
576 O'MALLEY N & RAITZ K, Local-scale turnpike roads in nineteenth-century Kentucky. JHG 33 1 (2007) 1–23.
577 EVANS B, A lantern on the stern: Liverpool's seafaring heritage. Birkenhead: Countyvise 2007. 2v, il.
578 GÖRANSSON K, The transport amphorae from Euesperides: the maritime trade of a Cyrenaican city, 400–250 BC. Stockholm: Almqvist & Wiksell International 2007. pp 251, il.
579 SCROWCROFT PL, Passenger boats on the river Don 1805–60. JRCHS 197 (2007) 532–7.
Canals and waterways
580 BROWN P, Thomas Telford and the Ellesmere Canal, 1793–1813. JRCHS 198 (2007) 611–17.
581 ALLISON T, Industrial building design and economic context: the railway freighthouse in Chicago, 1850–1925. IAR 29 2 (2007) 91–104.
582 Industrial railways and locomotives of South Yorkshire: the coal industry 1947–1964. Melton Mowbray: Industrial Railway Society 2007. pp il + 124.
583 MALLINSON H, Guildford via Cobham: the origins and impact of a country railway. JRCHS 198 (2007) 596–607.
584 PELS E & RIETVELD P, Railway stations and urban dynamics. EP A 39 9 (2007) 2043–7.
585 TODD D, Against the odds: the origins and survival of a small British railway port, 1850–1939. JTH 28 1 (2007) 39–56.
586 WAYWELL R ed, Industrial railways and locomotives of Hertfordshire and Middlesex. Melton Mowbray: Industrial Railway Society 2007. pp 408.
Telephone, telecommunications, post
587 EWER P, A gentlemen's club in the clouds: reassessing the Empire Air Mail scheme, 1933–1939. JTH 28 1 (2007) 75–92.
Intra-urban communications
588 KAWABATA M & SHEN Q, Commuting inequality between cars and public transit: the case of the San Francisco Bay Area, 1990–2000. US 44 9 (2007) 1759–80.
Roads and streets
589 BENES P ed, Life on the streets and commons, 1600 to the present: Dublin seminar for New England folklife annual proceedings 2005. Boston: Boston University 2007. pp 179, il.
590 TILBURG C VAN, Traffic and congestion in the Roman Empire. London: Routledge 2007. pp 237.
Public transport
591 BAKER M, London transport in the 1930s. Hersham: Ian Allan 2007. pp 96.
592 BIGON L, Tracking ethno-cultural differences: the Lagos steam tramway, 1902–33. JHG 33 3 (2007) 596–618.
593 DOMENÉCH A, Tramways revisited: an analysis of the role of tramways in urban transportation during the twentieth century. G 92 2 (2007) 107–17.
594 KEELY M, Birmingham city transport. Hersham: Ian Allan 2007. pp 112, il.
VII Politics and administration
Research methods, aids and materials
Printed documentary sources
595 OLDFIELD G, The assistance given to the town and its inhabitants by the governors of the town revenues of Whittlesey from 1668 to 1898. Peterborough: Upfront 2007. pp ix + 279, il.
596 EKERS M & LOFTUS A, The power of water: developing dialogues between Foucault and Gramsci. EP D 26 4 (2007) 698–718.
Urban politics and administration
597 LEWIS ADE, BRAND P & MITCHELL P eds, Law in the city: proceedings of the seventeenth British Legal History Conference, London, 2005. Dublin: Four Courts 2007. pp xi + 345.
Medieval and early modern (–1800)
598 BEHRISCH L, Social control and urban government: the case of Goerlitz, fifteenth and sixteenth centuries. UH 34 1 (2007) 39–50.
599 EIBACH J, Burghers or town council: who was responsible for urban stability in early modern German towns? UH 34 1 (2007) 14–26.
600 EIBACH J & ESSER R, Introduction: urban stability and civic liberties. UH 34 1 (2007) 5–13.
601 HANKINS JR, Crown, county, and corporation in early seventeenth-century Essex. SCJ 38 1 (2007) 27–47.
602 KONDO K, The church and politics in ‘disaffected’ Manchester, 1718–31. HR 80 207 (2007) 100–23.
603 LEE J, ‘Ye shall disturbe noe mans right’: oath-taking and oath-breaking in late medieval and early modern Bristol. UH 34 1 (2007) 27–38.
604 OLDFIELD P, Urban government in southern Italy c.1085–c.1127. EHR 122 497 (2007) 579–608.
605 SCHEUTZ M, Compromise and shake hands: the town council, authority and urban stability in Austrian small towns in the eighteenth century. UH 34 1 (2007) 51–63.
606 SMITH SD, Paying the levy: taxable wealth in Bridgetown, Barbados, 1680–1715. HF 12 2 (2007) 116–29.
607 TUCKER P, Law courts and lawyers in the city of London, 1300–1550. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 2007. pp xiii + 424.
608 VIVO F de, Information and communication in Venice: rethinking early modern politics. Oxford: Oxford University Press 2007. pp xi + 312.
Modern (1800–)
609 ALLEN AT, Reformers and radicals: gender politics in the modern city (review essay). JUH 34 1 (2007) 139–44.
610 BAIRD M, The diary of a town hall. Kirkintilloch: Kirkintilloch & District Society of Antiquaries 2007. 1v.
611 BARNETT C, CLARKE N, CLOKE P & MALPASS A, Fairtrade urbanism? The politics of place beyond place in the Bristol fairtrade city campaign. IJURR 31 3 (2007) 633–45.
612 BEACHY R & ROTH R eds, Who ran the cities? City elites and urban power structures in Europe and North America, 1750–1940. Aldershot: Ashgate 2007. pp xxxi + 278.
613 BOLIN JD, Mayor Crump don't like it: machine politics in Memphis. JSH 73 4 (2007) 934–5.
614 CHANDLER JA, Explaining local government: local government in Britain since 1800. Manchester: Manchester University Press 2007. pp xv + 356.
615 COHEN GB, Nationalist politics and the dynamics of state and civil society in the Habsburg monarchy, 1867–1914. CEH 40 2 (2007) 241–78.
616 COULSON A & FERRARIO C, ‘Institutional thickness’: local governance and economic development in Birmingham, England. IJURR 31 3 (2007) 591–615.
617 EHRENFEUCHT R & LOUKAITOU-SIDERIS A, Constructing the sidewalks: municipal government and the production of public space in Los Angeles, California, 1880–1920. JHG 33 1 (2007) 104–24.
618 FISCHLER R, Development controls in Toronto in the nineteenth century. UHR 36 1 (2007) 16–31.
619 FREUND DMP, Colored property: state policy and white racial politics in suburban America. Chicago: University of Chicago Press 2007. pp xii + 514, il.
620 GARRARD J ed, Heads of the local state: mayors, provosts and burgomasters since 1800. Aldershot: Ashgate 2007. pp 238, il.
621 GUNN S, Governance, citizenship, and municipal provision in the modern city (review essay). JUH 33 6 (2007) 1006–14.
622 HÄIKIÖ L, Expertise, representation and the common good: grounds for legitimacy in the urban governance network. US 44 11 (2007) 2147–62.
623 HANLEY JG, Public health, London's levels, and the politics of taxation, 1840–1860. SHMed 20 1 (2007) 21–38.
624 HILL K, Tales of the city discourse and governance in Victorian Britain (review essay). JUH 34 1 (2007) 154–60.
625 HUNT C, ‘Everyone's poor relation’: the poverty and isolation of a working-class woman local politician in interwar Britain. WomHR 16 3 (2007) 417–30.
626 JERRAM L, Bureaucratic passions and the colonies of modernity: an urban elite, city frontiers and the rural other in Germany, 1890–1920. UH 34 3 (2007) 390–406.
627 JOHNES M, Inventing a county: Cardiff, South Glamorgan and the 1974 reorganization of local government. WHR 23 2 (2007) 153–74.
628 JONES BD, SAPOTICHNE J & WOLFE M, Is urban politics a black hole? Analyzing the boundary between political science and urban politics. UAR 43 (2007) 76–106.
629 JUN K-M, Event history analysis of the formation of Los Angeles neighborhood councils. UAR 43 (2007) 107–22.
630 KIDAMBI P, The making of an Indian metropolis: colonial governance and public culture in Bombay, 1890–1920. Aldershot: Ashgate 2007. pp 262.
631 LEGG S, Spaces of colonialism: Delhi's urban governmentalities. Oxford: Blackwell 2007. pp xvi + 254, il.
632 LIU B & VANDERLEEWU JM, Race rules: electoral politics in New Orleans, 1965–2006 Lanham: Lexington Books 2007. pp xiv + 165.
633 LOVE C, Local aquatic empires: the municipal provision of swimming pools in England, 1828–1918. IJHS 24 5 (2007) 620–9.
634 MCCROSSEN A, ‘Conventions of simultaneity’: time standards, public clocks, and nationalism in American cities and towns, 1871–1905. JUH 33 2 (2007) 217–53.
635 MOORE JR & SMITH J eds, Corruption in urban politics and society, Britain 1780–1950. Aldershot: Ashgate 2007. pp xiii + 181.
636 NYE MJ, Manchester friends at odds: Michael Polanyi, P.M.S. Blackett and the scientist as political speaker. MRHR 18 (2007) 106–29.
637 PIONKE AD, ‘I do swear’: oath taking among the elite public in Victorian England. VS 49 4 (2007) 611–33.
638 SHINNER PJ, Pocket borough to county borough: power relations, elites and politics in nineteenth-century Grimsby. UH 34 3 (2007) 481–503.
639 STOTT G, Enhancing status through incorporation: suburban municipalities in nineteenth-century Ontario. JUH 33 6 (2007) 885–910.
640 THALE C, Changing addresses: social conflict, civic culture, and the politics of house numbering reform in Milwaukee, 1913–1931. JHG 33 1 (2007) 125–43.
641 WINDSCHEFFEL AC, Popular conservatism in imperial London, 1868–1906. London: Royal Historical Society 2007. pp xi + 260.
Urban politics at national level
642 BAXENDALE J, Royalty, romance and recreation: the construction of the past and the origins of royal tourism in nineteenth-century Britain. CulSH 4 3 (2007) 317–39.
643 GENTLES I, Parliamentary politics and the politics of the street: the London peace campaigns of 1642–3. ParlH 26 2 (2007) 139–59.
644 MCCORMACK M ed, Public men: political masculinities in modern Britain. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan 2007. pp xii + 208.
645 MACDONALD AR, The burghs and parliament in Scotland, c. 1550–1651. Aldershot: Ashgate 2007. pp xv + 236.
646 TURNBULL G, Boroughmongering, biography, and the reform of parliament: James Boswell and the earl of Lonsdale. JANSSON M ed, Realities of representation state building in early modern Europe and European America Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan 2007. 63–74.
Aspects of urban administration
Public health – hospital development
647 ABRAHAMSON D, R.D. Laing and long-stay patients: discrepant accounts of the refractory ward and ‘rumpus room’ at Gartnavel Royal Hospital. HPsy 18 2 (2007) 203–15.
648 BIDDLE R, From optimism to anger: Reading and the local consequences arising from the Hospital Plan for England and Wales 1962. FCH 10 1 (2007) 5–18.
649 BOWERS BS ed, The medieval hospital and medical practice. Aldershot: Ashgate 2007. pp xiv + 258.
650 CHESTER G & DALE P, Institutional care for the mentally defective, 1914–1948: diversity as a response to individual needs and an indication of lack of policy coherence. MedH 51 1 (2007) 59–78.
651 COX P, Compulsion, voluntarism, and venereal disease: governing sexual health in England after the Contagious Diseases Acts. JBS 46 1 (2007) 91–115.
652 DOYLE BM, Competition and cooperation in hospital provision in Middlesbrough, 1918–1948. MedH 51 3 (2007) 337–56.
653 GEDDES JF, Deeds and words in the suffrage military hospital in Endell Street. MedH 51 1 (2007) 79–98.
654 GOSLIN GC, The patient contract in Bristol's voluntary hospitals, c.1918–1929. USJCH 11 (2007) 1–16.
655 HEMPEL S, The strange case of the Broad Street pump: John Snow and the mystery of cholera. Berkeley: University of California Press 2007. pp viii + 321, il.
656 HILTON C, A Jewish contribution to British psychiatry: Edward Mapother, Aubrey Lewis and their Jewish and refugee colleagues at the Bethlem and Maudsley Hospital and Institute of Psychiatry, 1933–66. JeHS 41 (2007) 209–29.
657 HUDSON GL, Internal influences in the making of the English military hospital: the early-eighteenth-century Greenwich. HUDSON GL ed, British military and naval medicine, 1600–1830. Amsterdam: Rodopi 2007. 253–72.
658 JORTNER A, Cholera, Christ, and Jackson: the epidemic of 1832 and the origins of Christian politics in antebellum America. JERep 27 2 (2007) 233–64.
659 MACDOUGALL H, Toronto's health department in action: influenza in 1918 and SARS in 2003. JMHRS 62 (2007) 56–89.
660 MCHUGH T, Hospital politics in seventeenth-century France: the crown, urban elites, and the poor. Aldershot: Ashgate 2007. pp 191.
661 MILLER E, Variations in the official prevalence and disposal of the insane in England under the poor law, 1850–1900. HPsy 18 1 (2007) 25–38.
662 MINNETT & POUTANEN M-A, Swatting flies for health: children and tuberculosis in early twentieth-century Montreal. UHR 36 1 (2007) 32–44.
663 NIEMI M, Public health and municipal policy making: Britain and Sweden, 1900–1940. Aldershot: Ashgate 2007. pp 242, il.
664 NUTTALL A, ‘Because of poverty brought into hospital . . .’: a casenote-based analysis of the changing role of the Edinburgh Royal Maternity Hospital, 1850–1912. SHMed 20 2 (2007) 263–80.
665 PAYNE F, Stone House: the City of London asylum. Sevenoaks: Francine Payne 2007. pp 176, il.
666 RICHARDSON N, The Uppingham typhoid outbreaks of 1875–1877: a rural case-study in public health reform. SHMed 20 (2007) 281–96.
667 RINSLER A, An illustrated history of the Royal Northern Hospital, 1856–1992. London: Albert Rinsler 2007. pp 80, il.
668 SMITH L, Lunatic hospitals in Georgian England, 1750–1830. London: Routledge 2007. pp xvi + 288.
669 TAYLOR B, STEWART J & POWELL M, Central and local government and the provision of municipal medicine, 1919–39. EHR 122 496 (2007) 397–426.
670 WATTS SJ, Cholera politics in Britain in 1879: John Netten Radcliffe's confidential memo on ‘Quarantine in the Red Sea’. JHSoc 7 3 (2007) 291–347.
671 WILLIAMS AN, Eighteenth-century child health care in a Northampton infirmary: a provincial English hospital. FCH 10 2 (2007) 153–66.
672 BOULTON J, Welfare systems and the parish nurse in early modern London, 1650–1725. FCH 10 2 (2007) 127–51.
673 DALE P & MILLS C, Revealing and concealing personal and social problems: family coping strategies and a new engagement with officials and welfare agencies c. 1900–12. FCH 10 2 (2007) 111–25.
674 HENNOCK EP, The origin of the welfare state in England and Germany, 1850–1914: social policies compared. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 2007. pp 381 + xvii, 381.
675 MURPHY J, Suffering, vice, and justice: religious imaginaries and welfare agencies in post-war Melbourne. JRH 31 3 (2007) 287–304.
676 ADLER JS, Shoot to kill: the use of deadly force by the Chicago Police, 1875–1920. JInH 38 2 (2007) 233–54.
677 BEATTIE JM, Sir John Fielding and public justice: the Bow Street Magistrates’ Court, 1754–1780. LwHR 25 1 (2007) 61–100.
678 BRUNELLE GK, Policing the monopolizing women of early modern Nantes. JWomH 19 2 (2007) 10–35.
679 EMSLEY C, Crime, police, and penal policy: European experiences 1750–1940. Oxford: Oxford University Press 2007. pp x + 285.
680 KITSON S, Police and politics in Marseille, 1936–8. EHQ 37 1 (2007) 81–108.
681 KLEIN J, Traffic, telephones and police boxes: the deterioration of beat policing in Birmingham, Liverpool and Manchester between the world wars. BLANEY G ed, Policing interwar Europe: continuity, change and crisis, 1918–1940. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan 2007. 215–36.
682 PAOLA P DI, The spies who came in from the heat: the international surveillance of the anarchists in London. EHQ 37 2 (2007) 189–215.
683 RIZZO L, The elephant shooting: colonial law and indirect rule in Kaoko, northwestern Nambia, in the 1920s and 1930s. JAfH 48 2 (2007) 245–66.
684 SINCLAIR, G & WILLIAMS CA, ‘Home and away’: the cross-fertilisation between ‘colonial’ and ‘British’ policing, 1921–85. JICH 35 2 (2007) 221–38.
685 SLATER S, Pimps, police and filles de joie: foreign prostitution in interwar London. LJ 32 1 (2007) 53–74.
686 SWIFT R, The ‘specials’ and the policing of Chartism in 1848. BOARDMAN K & KINEALY C eds, 1848: the year the world turned? Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars 2007. 48–59.
687 THALE C, The informal world of police patrol: New York City in the early twentieth century. JUH 33 2 (2007) 183–216.
688 WALDREN MJ, Armed police: the police use of firearms since 1945. Stroud: Sutton Publishing 2007. pp 224.
689 HELQUIST M, Portland to the rescue: the Rose City's response to the 1906 San Francisco earthquake and fire. OHQ 108 3 (2007) 382–409.
Public utilities
690 FRESSOZ J-B, The gas lighting controversy: technological risk, expertise, and regulation in nineteenth-century Paris and London. JUH 33 5 (2007) 729–55.
691 GOLISTI KOM, The gas adventure at Dewsbury. Pudsey: K.O.M. Golisti 2007. pp 52, il.
692 CHIKOWERO M, Subalternating currents: electrification and power politics in Bulawayo, Colonial Zimbabwe, 1894–1939. JSAS 33 2 (2007) 287–306.
693 BELFORD P, Sublime cascades: water and power in Coalbrookdale. IAR 29 2 (2007) 133–48.
694 GRABER F, Inventing needs: expertise and water supply in late eighteenth- and early nineteenth-century Paris. BJHS 40 3 (2007) 315–32.
695 MILLWARD R, La distribution de l'eau dans les villes en Grande-Bretagne au XIXe et XXe siècles: le gouvernement municipal et le dilemme des compagnies privées. HES 26 2 (2007) 111–28.
696 ROBERTS OG, Waterworks and commemoration: purity, rurality, and civic identity in Britain, 1880–1921. ContC 22 2 (2007) 305–25.
697 SERNERI SN, The construction of the modern city and the management of water resources in Italy, 1880–1920. JUH 33 5 (2007) 813–27.
698 TYNAN N, Mill and Senior on London's water supply: agency, increasing returns, and natural monopoly. JHET 29 1 (2007) pp 49–65.
699 CLARK JFM, ‘The incineration of refuse is beautiful’: Torquay and the introduction of municipal refuse destructors. UH 34 2 (2007) 255–77.
700 CLOSMANN CE, Chaos and contamination: water pollution and economic upheaval in Hamburg, 1919–1923. JUH 33 5 (2007) 828–47.
701 HUNTER D, Cholera and the struggle for clean water in Berwick-upon-Tweed Poor Law Union 1848–1871. LocH 37 2 (2007) 104–16.
VIII Shaping the urban environment
Research methods, aids and materials
Research methods
702 ARNOLD A, HOWARD R & LITTON C, Tuckers Hall, 140 Fore Street, Exeter, Devon: tree-ring analysis of timbers. English Heritage 2007. pp 33.
703 SOMER K, The functional city: the CIAM and Cornelis van Eesteren, 1928–1960. Rotterdam: NAi Publishers 2007. pp 271, il.
Town planning (and environmental control)
704 SMITH ME, Form and meaning in the earliest cities: a new approach to ancient urban planning. JPH 6 (2007) 3–47.
Medieval and early modern (–1800)
705 BREEN MP, Law, city, and king: legal culture, municipal politics, and state formation in early modern Dijon. Rochester: University of Rochester Press 2007. pp xv + 307, il.
706 LENNOX J, An empire on paper: the founding of Halifax and conceptions of imperial space, 1744–55. CHR. Halifax Nara Scotia 88 3 (2007) 373–412.
707 NEVOLA F, Siena: constructing the Renaissance city. New Haven: Yale University Press 2007. pp vii + 303 p, il.
708 TARLOW S, The archaeology of improvement in Britain, 1750–1850. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 2007. pp xi + 222.
Modern (1800–)
709 ALMEDDIN D & LARSEN L, The evolution of early Phoenix: valley business elite, land speculation, and the emergence of planning. JPH 6 (2007) 87–113.
710 AMATI M & YOKOHARI M, The establishment of the London greenbelt: reaching consensus over purchasing land. JPH 6 4 (2007) 311–37.
711 ATKINSON R, Ecology of sound: the sonic order of urban space. US 44 10 (2007) 1905–17.
712 AYATAÇ H, The international diffusion of planning ideas: the case of Istanbul, Turkey. JPH 6 (2007) 114–37.
713 AZARYAHU M & GOLAN A, Contested beachscapes: planning and debating Tel Aviv's seashore in the 1930s. UH 34 2 (2007) 278–95.
714 BEAUREGARD R, More than sector theory: Homer Hoyt's contributions to planning knowledge. JPH 6 (2007) 248–71.
715 BENNISON D & GUY C, Planning guidance and large-store development in the United Kingdom: the search for ‘flexibility’. EP A 39 4 (2007) 945–64.
716 BOCQUET D, Rome ville technique, 1870–1925: une modernisation conflictuelle de l'espace urbain. Rome: École française de Rome 2007. pp viii + 440, il.
717 COOP S & THOMAS H, Planning doctrine as an element in planning history: the case of Cardiff. PlP 22 2 (2007) 167–93.
718 COUPERUS S, SMIT C & WOLFFRAM DJ, In control of the city: local elites and the dynamics of urban politics, 1800–1960. Leuven: Peeters 2007. pp xix + 230, il.
719 CUTHBERT AR, Urban design: requiem for an era – review and critique of the last 50 years. UDI 12 4 (2007) 177–223.
720 DYBLE LN, Revolt against sprawl: transportation and the origins of the Marin County growth-control regime. JUH 34 1 (2007) 38–66.
721 ESSEX S & BRAYSHAW M, Vision, vested interest and pragmatism: who re-made Britain's blitzed cities? PlP 22 4 (2007) 417–41.
722 GOLD JR & GOLD MM, Olympic cities: city agendas, planning and the world games, 1896–2012. London: Routledge 2007. pp xv + 348, il.
723 JERRAM L, From page to policy: Camillo Sitte and planning practice in Munich. Manchester: University of Manchester 2007. pp 50, il.
724 KNEBEL V, Preserve and rebuild: Dresden during the transformations of 1989–1990: architecture, citizens initiatives, and local identities. Oxford: Peter Lang 2007. pp 203, il.
725 LARSEN KE, Divergent views on the birth of city planning (review essay). JUH 33 5 (2007) 864–72.
726 MACLACHLAN I, A bloody offal nuisance: the persistence of private slaughter-houses in nineteenth-century London. UH 34 2 (2007) 227–54.
727 MASSELOS J, The city in action: Bombay struggles for power. New Delhi: Oxford University Press 2007. pp vii + 414, il.
728 NJOH AJ, Planning power: town planning and social control in colonial Africa. London: UCL 2007. pp xii + 254.
729 O'TOOLE R, The best-laid plans: how government planning harms your quality of life, your pocketbook, and your future. Washington: Cato Institute 2007. pp 276.
730 SHELDON P, The dirtiest of jobs: maintaining Sydney's sewers 1890–1910. LH 93 (2007) 127–44.
731 THOMPSON GL, Taming the neighborhood revolution: planners, power brokers, and the birth of neotraditionalism in Portland, Oregon. JPH 6 (2007) 214–47.
732 VICINO TJ, HANLON B & SHORT JR, Megalopolis 50 years on: the transformation of a city region. IJURR 31 2 (2007) 344–67.
733 WHILE A, The state and the controversial demands of cultural built heritage: modernism, dirty concrete, and postwar listing in England. EP B 34 4 (2007) 645–63.
Utopian planning and experiments
734 BUSBEA L, Topologies: the urban utopia in France, 1960–1970. Cambridge: MIT Press 2007. pp 320.
735 GIESECKE AL, The epic city: urbanism, utopia, and the garden in ancient Greece and Rome. Cambridge: Center for Hellenic Studies, Trustees for Harvard University 2007. pp 220.
736 SAAB AJ, Historical amnesia: new urbanism and the city of tomorrow. JPH 6 (2007) 191–213.
Housing improvement
Control of housing conditions
737 HARRIS R & MYERS G, Hybrid housing: improvement and control in late colonial Zanzibar. JSAH 66 4 (2007) 476–93.
Public housing provision
738 ABOY R, ‘The right to a home’: public housing in post-World War II Buenos Aires. JUH 33 3 (2007) 493–518.
739 ASABERE P, The demise of the rent-controlled public housing programmes of Ghana: the story of the Tema Development Corporation. US 44 10 (2007) 1919–35.
740 BARANSKI J, Something to help themselves: tenant organizing in San Francisco's public housing, 1965–1975. JUH 33 3 (2007) 418–42.
741 BRUSHETT K, Where will the people go: Toronto's emergency housing program and the limits of Canadian social housing policy, 1944–1957. JUH 33 3 (2007) 375–99.
742 BULLOCK N, Developing prototypes for France's mass housing programme, 1949–53. PlP 22 1 (2007) 5–28.
743 DINZEY-FLORES ZZ, Temporary housing, permanent communities: public housing policy and design in Puerto Rico. JUH 33 3 (2007) 467–92.
744 GALLENT N & TEWDWR-JONES M, Decent homes for all: reviewing planning's role in housing provision. London: Routledge 2007. pp 300.
745 HARRIS R, From miser to spendthrift: public housing and the vulnerability of colonialism in Barbados, 1935 to 1965. JUH 33 3 (2007) 443–66.
746 HAY A & HARRIS R, ‘Shauri ya Sera Kali’: the colonial regime of urban housing in Kenya to 1939. UH 34 3 (2007) 504–30.
747 PARSON D, The decline of public housing and the politics of the red scare: the significance of the Los Angeles public housing war. JUH 33 3 (2007) 400–17.
748 PURDY S & KWAK NH, New perspectives on public housing histories in the Americas. JUH 33 3 (2007) 357–74.
749 SHAPLEY P, The politics of housing: power, consumers and urban culture. Manchester: Manchester University Press 2007. pp 231.
Urban renewal
750 GILLETTE H, Urban renewal revisited (review essay). JUH 33 2 (2007) 342–50.
751 HAKIM BS, Generative processes for revitalizing historic towns or heritage districts. UDI 12 2 & 3 (2007) 87–99.
752 Investing in heritage: a guide to successful urban regeneration. Norwich: European Association of Historic Towns and Regions 2007. pp 135, il.
753 KINGSLEY K, New Orleans architecture: building renewal. JAH 94 3 (2007) 716–25.
New and expanded towns
754 CAPROTTI F, Destructive creation: fascist urban planning, architecture and New Towns in the Pontine Marshes. JHG 33 3 (2007) 651–79.
755 LILLEY KD, LLOYD CD & TRICK S, Designs and designers of medieval ‘new towns’ in Wales. A 81 312 (2007) 279–93
IX Urban culture
Research methods, aids and materials
Printed documentary sources
756 MERSMAN JJ & FISHER LA ed, The whiskey merchant's diary: an urban life in the emerging Midwest. Athens: Ohio University Press 2007. pp xxx + 378, il.
757 GUTZKE DW, Progressivism and the history of the public house, 1850–1950. CulSH 4 2 (2007) 235–59.
758 LAURIER E & PHILO C, ‘A parcel of muddling muckworms’: revisiting Habermas and the English coffee-houses. SCG 8 1 (2007) 259–81.
759 ROSALIND C, GANGE D & JONES K eds, New perspectives in British cultural history Newcastle-upon-Tyne: Cambridge Scholars 2007. pp 290.
Urban culture and entertainment
760 GORN EJ, Culture in the city (review essay). JUH 34 1 (2007) 122–30.
761 ZAPPIAH N, Coffeehouses and culture. HLQ, 70 4 (2007) 671–7.
762 MULLEN A, Linguistic evidence for ‘Romanization’: continuity and change in Romano-British onomastics: a study of the epigraphic record with particular reference to Bath. Brit 38 (2007) 35–61.
Medieval and early modern (–1800)
763 CARP BL, Rebels rising: cities and the American Revolution. New York: Oxford University Press 2007. pp ix + 334, il.
764 COWAN B, Publicity and privacy in the history of the British coffeehouse. HistC 5 4 (2007) 1180–213.
765 DEAN AC, The talk of the town: figurative publics in eighteenth-century Britain. Lewisburg: Bucknell University Press 2007. pp 146.
766 GUTWIRTH E, Dialogue and the city, circa 1400: Pero Ferruz and the rabbis of Alcalá. JeH 21 1 (2007) 43–67.
767 HARKNESS DE, The Jewel house: Elizabethan London and the scientific revolution. New Haven: Yale University Press 2007. pp xviii + 349, il.
768 JONES NL & WOOLF DR eds, Local identities in late medieval and early modern England. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan 2007. pp xvii + 256.
769 KUHN C, Urban laughter as a ‘counter-public’ sphere in Augsburg: the case of the city mayor, Jakob Herbrot (1490/95–1564). IRSH 52 (2007) 77–93.
770 MAYHEW RJ, Materialist hermeneutics, textuality and the history of geography: print spaces in British geography, c.1500–1900. JHG 33 3 (2007) 463–88.
771 NEWMAN K, Cultural capitals: early modern London and Paris. Princeton: Princeton University Press 2007. pp xii + 200, il.
772 ORLIN LC, Locating privacy in Tudor London. Oxford: Oxford University Press 2007. pp xv + 369 p.
773 ÖZKOÇAK SA, Coffeehouses: rethinking the public and private in early modern Istanbul. JUH 33 6 (2007) 965–86.
774 POSTLES D, Micro-spaces: church porches in pre-modern England. JHG 33 4 (2007) 749–69.
775 RATCLIFF JR, Samuel Morland and his calculating machines c.1666: the early career of a courtier–inventor in restoration London. BJHS 40 2 (2007) 159–79.
776 TARTE KB, Writing places: sixteenth-century city culture and the Des Roches salon. Newark: University of Delaware Press 2007. pp 269, il.
777 THØFMER M, A common art: urban ceremonial in Antwerp and Brussels during and after the Dutch revolt. Zwolle: Waanders Publishers 2007. pp 376, il.
778 TURNER M, Chaucerian conflict: languages of antagonism in late fourteenth-century London. Oxford: Clarendon Press 2007. pp viii + 213.
Modern (1800–)
779 ALLEN C, Of urban entrepreneurs or 24-hour party people? City-centre living in Manchester, England. EP A 39 3 (2007) 666–83.
780 AMIN A & THRIFT N, Cultural-economy and cities. PHG 31 (2007) 143–61.
781 ARNOLD R, Modern fashions for modern women: the evolution of New York sportswear in the 1930s. Cos 41 4 (2007) 111–25.
782 BENDER T & CINAR A eds, Urban imaginaries: locating the modern city. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press 2007. pp xxvi + 290, il.
783 BERGLUND B, Making San Francisco American: cultural frontiers in the urban West, 1846–1906. Lawrence: University Press of Kansas 2007. pp xviii + 294, il.
784 BRIDGE D, Halifax during the Second World War: the struggle for victory 1940–1945. HAS 15 (2007) 122–33.
785 CHINN C, The blitz on Birmingham. EW 15 (2007) 33–8.
786 CORBOULD C, Streets, sounds, and identity in interwar Harlem. JSocH 40 4 (2007) 859–94.
787 COWGILL R & HEWITT M eds, Victorian soundscapes revisited. Leeds: Trinity and All Saints/Leeds Centre for Victorian Studies 2007. pp 214, il.
788 CROW P, Do, die, or get along: a tale of two Appalachian towns. Athens: University of Georgia Press 2007. pp xxiv + 220, il.
789 CUUSACK T, Bourgeois leisure on the Seine: impressionism, forgetting and national identity in the French Third Republic. NI 9 2 (2007) 163–82.
790 DAVIDSON DZ, France after revolution: urban life, gender, and the new social order. Cambridge: Harvard University Press 2007. pp vii + 257.
791 EDÉSIO F, Constructing the `right to the city’ in Brazil. SLS 16 2 (2007) 201–19.
792 FAHRMEIR A, Citizenship: the rise and fall of a modern concept. New Haven: Yale University Press 2007. pp vi + 299.
793 FEROS A, Spanish cities and urban cultures (review essay). JUH 33 4 (2007) 670–7.
794 FIELD G, Nights underground in darkest London: the blitz, 1940–1941. Cerc 17 (2007) 181–217.
795 GILNERT E, West End chronicles: 300 years of glamour and excess in the heart of London. London: Allen Lane 2007. pp xi + 322.
796 HATT M, Space, surface, self: homosexuality and the aesthetic interior. VCB 8 1 (2007) 105–28.
797 HEYWOOD C, Innocence and experience: sexuality among young people in modern France, c. 1750–1950. FH 21 1 (2007) 44–64.
798 HOLMES A, City fictions: language, body, and Spanish American urban space. Lewisburg: Bucknell University Press 2007. pp 212.
799 HONG L & HUANG J, Chinese diasporic culture and national identity: the taming of the Tiger Balm Gardens in Singapore. MAsS 41 1 (2007) 41–76.
800 HUBBARD P, Queering the city: homosociality and homosexuality in the modern metropolis (review essay). JUH 33 2 (2007) 310–19.
801 JOINER TE, Sin in the city: Chicago and revivalism, 1880–1920. Columbia: University of Missouri Press 2007. pp xiv + 271, il.
802 MCREYNOLDS L, St. Petersburg: the national destiny in the cityscape (review essay). JUH 33 5 (2007) 857–63.
803 MORAN J, Early cultures of gentrification in London, 1955–1980. JUH 34 1 (2007) 101–21.
804 MORRIS RJ, The capitalist, the professor and the soldier: the re-making of Edinburgh Castle, 1850–1900. PlP 2 1 (2007) 55–78.
805 PAYER P, The age of noise: early reactions in Vienna, 1870–1914. JUH 33 5 (2007) 773–93.
806 PRICE J, ‘Heroism in everyday life’: the Watts Memorial for heroic self sacrifice. HWJ 63 1 (2007) 254–78.
807 RAST RW, The cultural politics of tourism in San Francisco's Chinatown, 1882–1917. PHR 76 1 (2007) 29–60.
808 RECCHIUTI JL, Civic engagement: social science and progressive-era reform in New York City. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press 2007. pp 311, il.
809 STANGL P, Revolutionaries’ cemeteries in Berlin: memory, history, place and space. UH 34 3 (2007) 407–26.
810 SWANSON G, Drunk with the glitter: space, consumption and sexual instability in modern urban culture. Abingdon: Routledge 2007. pp xi + 211.
811 WOUDSTRA J, Robert Marnock and the creation of the Sheffield Botanical and Horticultural Gardens, 1834–40. GardH 35 1 (2007) 2–36.
Forms of entertainment
812 GRABHAM E, From Grand to Grove: entertaining south Bedfordshire: a history of theatres and cinemas in Luton, Dunstable, Leighton Buzzard and Toddington. Dunstable: Book Castle 2007. pp x + 278.
Mass entertainment
813 ARCHER J, GOLDRING E & KNIGHT S eds, The progresses, pageants, and entertainments of Queen Elizabeth I. Oxford: Oxford University Press 2007. pp xiii + 310.
814 BERMINGHAM A, Gainsborough's show box: illusion and special effects in eighteenth-century London. HLQ 702 (2007) 203–8.
815 BREWER J, Sensibility and the urban panorama. HLQ 70 2 (2007) 229–49.
816 BROOKER J, The polytechnic ghost: Pepper's ghost, metempsychosis and the magic lantern at the Royal Polytechnic Institution. EPVC 5 2 (2007) 189–206.
817 CRASSONS K, The challenges of social unity: the Last Judgment pageant and guild relations in York. JMEMS 37 2 (2007) 305–34.
818 MORT F, Striptease: the erotic female body and live sexual entertainment in mid-twentieth-century London. SH 32 1 (2007) 27–53.
819 NORTHWAY K, ‘To kindle an industrious desire’: the poetry of work in Lord Mayors’ shows. ComD 41 2 (2007) 167–92.
820 RYAN DS, ‘Pageantitis’: Frank Lascelles’ 1907 Oxford historical pageant, visual spectacle and popular memory. VCB 8 2 (2007) 63–82.
821 SAX B, How ravens came to the Tower of London. S&A 15 3 (2007) 269–83.
822 BALDWIN E, CLOPPER LM & MILLS D eds, Records of early English drama. Cheshire, including Chester. Toronto: British Library and University of Toronto Press 2007. 2v. pp ccxxv + 1231.
823 CARPENTER S, Masking and politics: the Alison Craik incident, Edinburgh 1561. RS 21 5 (2007) 625–36.
824 CHRISTIE S, The York Play: expanding the boundaries of civic drama. HistC 5 2 (2007) 485–94.
825 CLAY L, Patronage, profits, and public theaters: rethinking cultural unification in ancien régime France. JModH 79 4 (2007) 729–71.
826 CORDNER M & HOLLAND P, Players, playwrights, playhouses: investigating performance, 1660–1800. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan 2007. pp 304.
827 GIBSON JM, An early seventeenth-century playhouse in Tonbridge, Kent. MRDE (20) 2007) 236–55.
828 HEINRICH A, The forgotten century: York's Theatre Royal between 1803 and 1911. NCTF 34 1 (2007) 35–44.
829 HOWARD JE, Sex and the early modern city: staging the bawdy houses of London. CALLAGHAN D ed, The impact of feminism in English Renaissance studies. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan 2007. 117–36.
830 HOWARD JE, Theater of a city: the places of London comedy, 1598–1642. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press 2007. pp 276, il.
831 KELLEHER B, Sites and performances in Brecon theatrical historiography. Br 39 (2007) 113–25.
832 KLAUSNER DN, MARSALEK KS eds, ‘Bring furth the pagants’: essays in early English drama presented to Alexandra F. Johnston Toronto: University of Toronto Press 2007. pp vi + 329.
833 KORDA N, Women's informal commerce and the ‘all-male’ stage. CALLAGHAN D ed, The impact of feminism in English Renaissance studies. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan 2007. 259–80.
834 LEVERING M, History on stage: the Detroit Players, prohibition, and the Great Depression. MichHR 33 2 (2007) 47–80.
835 LINDFORS B, ‘No end to dramatic novelty’: Ira Aldridge at the Royal Coburg Theatre. NCTF 34 1 (2007) 15–34.
836 McANDREW M, Lost theatres of Haringey. London: Hornsey Historical Society 2007. pp 65.
837 MCKINNIE M, City stages: theatre and urban space in a global city. Toronto: University of Toronto Press 2007. pp xii + 178, il.
838 NICHOLL C, The lodger: Shakespeare on Silver Street. London: Allen Lane 2007. pp xviii + 377.
839 RAE P, Cat's entertainment: feline performance in the Lion City. DR 51 1 (2007) 119–37.
840 RUSSELL G, Women, sociability and theatre in Georgian London. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 2007. pp xiii + 289.
841 SMITH JR, The Red Lion and the White Horse: inns used by patronised performers in Norwich, 1583–1624. ET 10 1 (2007) 109–44.
842 SMYES C, A common stage: theater and public life in medieval Arras. Ithaca: Cornell University Press 2007. pp xvi + 335, il.
843 STEPHENSON A, Precarious poses: the problem of artistic visibility and its homosocial performances in late-nineteenth-century London. VCB 8 1 (2007) 73–104.
844 BRUNSDON C, London in cinema: the cinematic city since 1945. London: bfi 2007. pp viii + 248.
845 CHUNG S P-Y, Moguls of the Chinese cinema: the story of the Shaw Brothers in Shanghai, Hong Kong and Singapore, 1924–2002. MAsS 41 4 (2007) 665–82.
846 HORNSEY B, From Apollo to Mayfair and beyond: (some of the cinemas controlled by Arthur Cohen): Amherst, City and Suburban Cinemas Ltd, London and Southern Cinemas Ltd, Mayfair Circuit (control) Limited, Midland Super Cinemas Limited. Stamford: Fuchsiaprint 2007. pp 12, il.
847 HORNSEY B, The dream palaces of Dudley: an essay in celebration of the cinemas. Stamford: Fuchsiaprint 2007. pp iv + 18.
848 McKERNAN L, Diverting time: London's cinemas and their audiences, 1906–1914. LJ 32 2 (2007) 125–44.
849 SELFE M, ‘Doing the work of the NFT in Nottingham’ – or how to use the BFI to beat the communist threat in your local film society. JBCT 4 1 (2007) 80–101.
Opera, ballet and music
850 COWGILL R & HOLMAN R eds, Music in the British provinces, 1690–1914. Aldershot: Ashgate 2007. pp xxiv + 403, il.
851 ELLSWORTH T & WOLLENBERG S eds, The piano in nineteenth-century British culture: instruments, performers and repertoire. Aldershot: Ashgate 2007. pp xix + 270.
852 KEVORKIAN T, Baroque piety: religion, society, and music in Leipzig, 1650–1750. Aldershot: Ashgate 2007. pp ix + 251, il.
853 KRIMS A, Music and urban geography. New York: Routledge 2007. pp xli + 203, il.
854 MCVEIGH S, A free trade in music: London during the long 19th century in a European perspective. JMEH 5 1 (2007) 67–94.
855 THORP J, ‘So great a master as Mr Isaac’ an exemplary dancing-master of late Stuart London. EMus 35 3 (2007) 435–46.
856 WHITE MG, Reflections of an authentic jazz life in pre-Katrina New Orleans. JAH 94 3 (2007) 820–7.
Spectator sports
857 BRADLEY JM, Gaelic sport, soccer and Irishness in Scotland. SiS 10 3 (2007) 439–56.
858 CHETWYND J & BELTON BA, British baseball and the West Ham club: history of a 1930s professional team in East London. London: McFarland & Co. 2007. pp x + 262.
859 KELLY K, Hibernian Football Club: the forgotten Irish? SiS 10 3 (2007) 514–36.
860 KENNEDY D & KENNEDY P, Ambiguity, complexity and convergence: the evolution of Liverpool's Irish football clubs. IJHS 24 7 (2007) 894–920.
861 The spectacle of Olympic Tokyo and imperial Japan. IJHS 24 8 (2007) 1064–96.
862 TRUMPBOUR R, Sport and the urban landscape (review essay). JUH 33 5 (2007) 848–56.
Fine arts
863 RETFORD K, From the interior to interiority: the conversation piece in Georgian England. JDH 20 4 (2007) 291–307.
864 SCHREFFLER MJ, The art of allegiance: visual culture and imperial power in Baroque New Spain University Park, PA: Pennsylvania State University Press 2007. pp xiv + 191.
865 TITLER R, The face of the city: civic portraiture and civic identity in early modern England. Manchester: Manchester University Press 2007. pp xii + 212.
866 BAKER M, Public images for private spaces? The place of sculpture in the Georgian domestic interior. JDH 20 4 (2007) 309–23.
867 BUTLER SA, The monument as manifesto: the Pierre Charles L'Enfant memorial, 1909–1911. JPH 6 (2007) 283–310.
868 COLEMAN J, Unionist-nationalism in stone? The national Wallace monument and the hazards of commemoration in Victorian Scotland. COWAN EJ ed, The Wallace book. Edinburgh: John Donald 2007. 151–68.
869 DRESSER M, Set in stone? Statues and slavery in London. HWJ 64 (2007) 162–99.
870 KEAN H, Public history and the past: slavery memorials in Lancaster. NWLHJ 32 (2007–8) 23–5.
871 MINNIS J & COLE S, The Clarkson Memorial, High Street, Wisbech, Cambridgeshire: historical analysis. Cambridge: English Heritage 2007. pp 18.
872 RAUSCH H, The nation as a community born of war? Symbolic strategies and popular reception of public statues in late nineteenth-century western European capitals. EurRH 14 1 (2007) 73–101.
873 RIALL N, The early Tudor Renaissance in Hampshire: Anthony Blunt and ‘L'influence française sur l'architecture et la sculpture décorative en Angleterre pendant la première moitié du XVIme siècle’ revisited. RS 21 2 (2007) 218–53.
874 STANFORD CA, The body at the funeral: imagery and commemoration at Notre-Dame, Paris, about 1304–18. ArtB 89 4 (2007) 657–73.
Exchange of information
875 AUER C, Le People's Journal de Dundee (1858–1867), vecteur d'enrichissement culturel ou propagateur d'un discours idéologique normatif? RANE 40 (2007) 103–14.
876 BRYANT M, Fleet Street's Star of India. HT 57 6 (2007) 58–59.
877 HODGSON G, Sir Nevile Henderson, appeasement and the press: Fleet Street and the build-up to the Second World War. JStud 8 2 (2007) 320–34.
878 MARSHALL N, The rural newspaper and the circulation of information and culture in New York and the Antebellum North. NYH 88 2 (2007) 133–52.
879 WAGNER RG, Joining the global public: word, image, and city in early Chinese newspapers, 1870–1910. Albany: State University of New York Press 2007. pp ix + 249, il.
Other publications
880 DABOVE JP, Nightmares of the lettered city: banditry and literature in Latin America, 1816–1929. Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press 2007. pp x + 381.
881 FRESHWATER H, Sex, violence and censorship: London's Grand Guignol and the negotiation of the limits. TRI 32 3 (2007) 247–62.
882 GARDNER J, The suppression of Samuel Bamford's Peterloo poems. Rom 13 2 (2007) 145–55.
883 GLAISYER N, Calculating credibility: print culture, trust and economic figures in early eighteenth-century England. EcHR 60 4 (2007) 685–711.
884 GLOVER J, Thomas Lechford's Plain dealing: censorship and cosmopolitan print culture in the English Atlantic. BookH 10 (2007) 29–46.
885 MONTEYNE J, The printed image in early modern London: urban space, visual representation, and social exchange. Aldershot: Ashgate 2007. pp xiii + 286.
886 CHIGNELL H, The London Broadcasting Company (LBC) and Independent Radio News (IRN) Archive. TCBH 18 (2007) 514–25.
887 McELROY TA, Imagining the ‘Scottis Natioun’: populism and propaganda in Scottish satirical broadsides. TSLL 49 4 (2007) 319–39.
Libraries, museums and art galleries
888 ABRAM RJ, Kitchen conversations: democracy in action at the Lower East Side Tenement Museum. PubH 29 1 (2007) 59–76.
889 ALBERTI SJMM, Molluscs, mummies and moon rock: the Manchester Museum and Manchester science. MRHR 18 (2007) 130–54.
890 BOTTOMS E, The Royal Architectural Museum in the light of new documentary evidence. JHC 19 1 (2007) 115–39.
891 CAMERON E, Exhibit and point of sale: negotiating commerce and culture at the Vancouver Art Gallery. SCG 8 4 (2007) 551–73.
892 CHAMBERS D ed, A modest collection: Private Libraries Association 1956–2006. Pinner: Private Libraries Association 2007. pp 378.
893 CULLEN C, ‘Dublin is also in great need of a library which shall be at once accessible to the public and contain a good supply of modern and foreign books’: Dublin's nineteenth-century ‘public’ libraries. LibH 23 1 (2007) 49–61.
894 DAWSON NM, ‘National antiquities’ and the law. JLegH 28 1 (2007) 57–92.
895 HARGREAVES J, The collections centre at the Museum of Science and Industry in Manchester. MRHR 18 (2007) 155–61.
896 KEPPIE L, William Hunter and the Hunterian Museum in Glasgow, 1807–2007.Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press 2007. pp xvi + 190.
897 MACLEOD S, Civil disobedience and political agitation: the art museum as a site of protest in the early twentieth century. MusS 5 1 (2007) 44–57.
898 RENTZHOG S, Open air museums: the history and future of a visionary idea. Carlssons: Jamtle 2007. pp xii + 530, il.
899 SKOUVIG L, The construction of the working-class user: Danish free public libraries and the working classes, 1880–1920. LibH 23 3 (2007) 223–38.
900 VODOSEK P, Innovation and ideology: Walter Hofmann's library work in Dresden-Plauen and Leipzig. LibH 23 1 (2007) 63–76.
901 WOODSON-BOULTON A, ‘Industry without art is brutality’: aesthetic ideology and social practice in Victorian art museums. JBS 46 1 (2007) 47–71.
902 BAILEY AR, BRACE C & HARVEY DC, Parading the Cornish subject: Methodist Sunday schools in west Cornwall, c. 1830–1930. JHG 33 1 (2007) 24–44.
903 CARTER J, What went wrong? The attempt to establish a Wesleyan day school in Wimborne minster in the 1880s. FCH 10 1 (2007) 35–47.
904 COOKE K ed, History of the Percy Jackson Grammar School: Adwick-le-street, Doncaster, Yorkshire, 1939–1968: recollections of schooldays of the 1940s, 1950s & 1960s. Leicester: Matador 2007. pp xxii + 113, il.
905 D'ANTONIO P, Nurses – and wives and mothers: women and the Latter-day Saints Training School's class of 1919. JWomH 19 3 (2007) 112–36.
906 DAVIES J, Working-class women, Liverpool: education, 1910–1930 – an oral history. NWLHJ 32 (2007–8) 56–59.
907 GREEN SJD & HORDEN P eds, All Souls under the Ancien Régime: politics, learning, and the arts, c.1600–1850. Oxford: Oxford University Press 2007. pp vii + 400.
908 LADOUSA C, Of nation and state: language, school, and the reproduction of disparity in a North Indian City. AnQ 80 4 (2007) 925–59.
909 MCILROY J, Two tales about crisis and corruption at the Central Labour College. LHR 72 1 (2007) 69–93.
910 SCHLUMBOHM J, The practice of practical education: male students and female apprentices in the lying-in hospital of Göttingen University, 1792–1815. MedH 51 1 (2007) 3–36.
911 SUNDUE SB, Confining the poor to ignorance? Eighteenth-century American experiments with charity education. HEQ 47 2 (2007) 123–48.
912 SWEETING A & VICKERS E, Language and the history of colonial education: the case of Hong Kong. MAsS 41 1 (2007) 1–40.
913 WATTS R. Gender and policy in Birmingham, 1902–44. CROOK D & McCULLOCH G eds, History, politics and policy-making in education: a festschrift presented to Richard Aldrich. London: Institute of Education, University of London 2007. 70–88.
Urban influence on rural areas and the wider world
914 JONES SR, City and country, wealth and labour. BROWN P ed, A companion to medieval English literature and culture, c.1350–c.1500. Oxford: Blackwell Publishers 2007. 56–73.
915 YATES MH, Town and countryside in Western Berkshire, c.1327–c.1600: social and economic change. Woodbridge: Boydell & Brewer 2007. pp xii + 338, il.
X Attitudes to cities
Research methods, aids and materials
916 BUURMA RS, Anonymity, corporate authority, and the archive: the production of authorship in late-Victorian England. VS 50 1 (2007) 15–42.
917 RODWELL D, Conservation and sustainability in historic cities. Oxford: Blackwell 2007. pp ix + 262, il.
918 SANDWEISS MA, Image and artefact: the photograph as evidence in the digital age. JAH 94 1 (2007) 193–202.
Attitudes towards cities
919 LARMOUR DHJ & SPENCER D eds, The sites of Rome: time, space, memory. Oxford: Oxford University Press 2007. pp 450.
Medieval and early modern (–1800)
920 COCKAYNE E, Hubbub: filth, noise, and stench in England, 1600–1770. New Haven: Yale University Press 2007. pp xiv + 335.
921 COWAN A & STEWARD J eds, The city and the senses: urban culture since 1500 Aldershot: Ashgate 2007. pp 264, il.
922 SWEET R, British perceptions of Florence in the long eighteenth century. HJ 50 4 (2007) 837–59.
Modern (1800–)
923 BAKER N, Margate's seaside heritage. Swindon: English Heritage 2007. pp vii + 72.
924 BELCHEM J, Liverpool: world city: Liverpool's cosmopolitan profile. HT 57 4 (2007) 48–55.
925 OLMANSON ED, The future city on the inland sea: a history of imaginative geographies of Lake Superior. Athens: Ohio University Press 2007. pp xv + 276, il.
926 PENALOZA L, Mainstreet USA revisited. IJSSP 27 5–6 (2007) 234–49.
927 ROSENFELD GD & JASKOT PB eds, Beyond Berlin: twelve German cities confront the Nazi past. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press 2007. pp 336.
928 SKILTON D, Tourists at the ruins of London: the metropolis and the struggle for empire. Cerc 17 (2007) 93–119.
929 THOMPSON VE, Boulevard dreams: Paris and the myths of modernity (review essay). JUH 33 4 (2007) 663–9.
930 ZIEGLER G, The city of London, real and unreal. VS 49 3 (2007) 431–56.
Views of the city in literature, graphic and dramatic art
931 FREEMAN N, Conceiving the city: London, literature, and art, 1870–1914. Oxford: Oxford University Press 2007. pp x + 240.
932 INANÇ G & WALSH MJK. Amongst the nerves of the world: C.R.W. Nevinson's visions of post-war London: 1919–1929. LJ 32 2 (2007) 167–84.
933 PHILLIPS L ed, A mighty mass of brick and smoke: Victorian and Edwardian representations of London. Amsterdam: Rodopi 2007. pp 306, il.
934 BOND E, Reading London: urban speculation and imaginative government in eighteenth-century literature. Columbus: Ohio State University Press 2007. pp xxvi + 276.
935 BRANT C & WHYMAN SE, Walking the streets of eighteenth-century London: John Gay's Trivia. Oxford: Oxford University Press 2007. pp x + 256, il.
936 BUCHAN P, Utopia, New Jersey: travels in the nearest Eden. New Brunswick: Rivergate Books 2007. pp xv + 253.
937 CORNWALLIS-DORAN D, Poetry and the industrial revolution in the West Midlands c. 1730–1800. Hist (2007) 27–31.
938 DUNCAN I, The last of Edinburgh: the city in fiction, 1979–1999. MCCRACKEN-FLESHER C ed, Culture, nation, and the new Scottish parliament. Lewisburg: Bucknell University Press 2007. 44–56.
939 GRAEBNER S, History's place: nostalgia and the city in French Algerian literature. Plymouth: Lexington Books 2007. pp x + 346, ill.
940 HERRING S, Queering the underworld: slumming, literature, and the undoing of lesbian and gay history. Chicago: University of Chicago Press 2007. pp xv + 278, il.
941 HORSLER V, Jack the Ripper. Kew: National Archives 2007. pp 112.
942 MCKELLAR E, Representing the Georgian: constructing interiors in early twentieth-century publications, 1890–1930. JDH 20 4 (2007) 325–44.
943 MOORE G, Beastly criminals and criminal beasts: stray women and stray dogs in Oliver Twist. MORSE DD & DANAHAY MA eds, Victorian animal dreams: representations of animals in Victorian literature and culture. Aldershot: Ashgate 2007. 201–14.
944 OLSARETTI A, Urban culture, curiosity and the aesthetics of distance: the representation of picturesque carnivals in early Victorian travelogues to the Levant. SH 32 3 (2007) 247–70.
945 ROGERS P, George Parker, Defoe, and the Whitefriars trade: a ‘lost’ edition of A Tour thro’ Great Britain’. Lib, 7th ser., 8 1 (2007), 33–59.
946 ROSE MA ed, Flaneurs and idlers. Bielefeld: Aisthesis 2007. pp 355, il.
947 SALENIUS S, Florence, Italy, images of the city in nineteenth-century American writing. Joensuu: University of Joensuu 2007. pp iv + 259.
948 SPENCER S, A uniform identity: schoolgirl snapshots and the spoken visual. HE, 36 2 (2007) 227–46.
949 WHITE J, Unsentimental traveller: the London novels of Albert Smith. LJ 32 1 (2007) 29–51.
950 ZUKIN S, Reading The urban villagers as a cultural document: ethnicity, modernity, and capital. CitC 6 1 (2007) 39–48.
Graphic arts
951 COOKMAN C, Photographers at work: Gilles Caron and the May 1968 rebellion in Paris. HistP 31 3 (2007) 239–59.
952 GATRELL VAC, Point of departure: City of laughter. HT 57 5 (2007) 70–1.
953 HARIMAN R & LUCAITES JL, The Times Square kiss: iconic photography and civic renewal in U.S. public culture. JAH 91 1 (2007) 122–31.
954 HUTTON D, Photographers at work: Raja Deen Dayal and sons: photographing Hyderabad's famine relief efforts. HistP 31 3 (2007) 260–75.
955 KOUREAS G, Memory, masculinity, and national identity in British visual culture, 1914–1930: a study of ‘unconquerable manhood’. Aldershot: Ashgate 2007. pp xii + 217.
956 MELLOR DM, ‘Fragments of an unknowable whole’: Michelangelo Antonioni's incorporation of contemporary visualities in London, 1966. VCB 8 2 (2007) 45–62.
957 PORTER L & DIXON B eds, Picture perfect: landscape, place and travel in British cinema before 1930. Exeter: Exeter Press 2007. pp xi + 143.
958 RAAB N, Visualising civil society: the fireman and the photographer in late Imperial Russia, 1900–1914. HistP 31 2 (2007) 151–64.
959 RIDING C, Hogarth's London: satire and the street. HT 57 2 (2007) 12–20.
960 SCOTT C, Street photography: from Atget to Cartier-Bresson. London: I.B. Tauris 2007. pp xi, 233, il.
961 WEBB V, The Camden Town Group: representations of class and gender in paintings of London interiors. Guildford: Parker Art Press 2007. pp xii + 125.
Dramatic arts
962 EASTERLING HC, Parsing the city: Jonson, Middleton, Dekker, and city comedy's London as language. New York: Routledge 2007. pp xii + 197.
963 KIM S-Y, Springtime for Kim Il-sung in Pyongyang: city on stage, city as stage. DR 51 2 (2007) 24–40.