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Robert Grosseteste's Treatise ‘De finitate motus et temporis’
Published online by Cambridge University Press: 29 July 2016
In 1912 Prof. Ludwig Baur published among the philosophical works of Robert Grosseteste a short treatise entitled De finitate motus et temporis, which, as he pointed out, was nearly identical with the concluding section of Grosseteste's Commentary on the Physics. Baur however knew only one independent manuscript of the De finitate and based his edition upon this one manuscript and two Oxford manuscripts of the Physics commentary. In 1940 Prof. S. Harrison Thomson listed four additional manuscripts which contain De finitate as an independent work. In the course of preparing a critical edition of the Commentary on the Physics, I found it necessary to consult these manuscripts and thereby became aware of the inadequacy of Baur's treatment of De finitate.
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1 Baur, L., Die philosophischen Werke des Robert Grosseteste, Bischofs von Lincoln (Münster 1912) 101–106.Google Scholar
2 Thomson, S. H., The Writings of Robert Grosseteste, Bishop of Lincoln 1235–1253 (Cambridge 1940) 98.Google Scholar
3 Powicke, F. M., The Medieval Books of Merton College (Oxford 1931) 179.Google Scholar
4 For a complete list of the contents of this codex, see Bartoš, F. M., Soupis rukopisù narodního musea v Praze (Prague 1926) II 232.Google Scholar
Grosseteste's Treatise ‘De finitate motus et temporis’
5 William of Alnwick, in his Quaestiones Determinatae (MS Vat. Palat. lat 1805, fol. 10v), says: ‘… est sciendum quod illa verba domini Lyncolniensis scripsit manu sua in margine libri phisicorum, quem non studiose nec complete exposuit … sed quando aliqua ymaginacio sibi occurrebat ibi scripsit ne laberetur a memoria sua…. Non enim est maioris auctoritatis que dissute scripsit in margine libri phisicorum quam alie quas scripsit, que omnia habentur Oxonie in libraria fratrum minorum sicud oculis propriis vidi.’ See below, n. 7. Google Scholar
6 Henrici de Harclay Quaestio disputata ‘Utrum mundus potuit fuisse ab eterno,’ MS Assisi, Bibl. Com. 172, fols. 149v-152r. Google Scholar
7 He referred to it and quoted extensively from it during a disputation with William of Alnwick in 1316–17. See William of Alnwick's Quaestiones determinatae in Vatican MS Palat. lat. 1805, fol. 10v. This MS was first noticed by Pelzer, A., ‘Les versions latines des ouvrages de morale conservés sous le nom d'Aristote en usage au XIII e siècle,’ Revue néoscolastique de philosophie 23 (1921) 396–398, who also printed the section referred to here.Google Scholar
8 Henrici de Harclay Quaestio disputata ‘Utrum mundus potuit fuisse ab eterno,’ MS cit., fol. 149v. The citation of Grosseteste's Hexameron in this quaestio has been prindet by Longpré, E., ‘Thomas d'York et Matthieu d'Aquasparta,’ Archives d'histoire doctrinale et littéraire du moyen âge 1 (1926) 270.Google Scholar
9 See below, 254, note c. Google Scholar
10 See above, note 5. Google Scholar
11 This date for the introduction of Averroes into Latin Europe is fairly well established by R. de Vaux, ‘La première entrée d'Averroës chez les Latins,’ Revue des sciences philosophiques et théologiques 22 (1933) 193–245. who does not, however, think the Physics commentary was translated till around 1240. Mansion, But A., ‘Note sur les traductions arabo-latines de la Physique d'Aristote dans la tradition manuscrite,’ Revue néo-scolastique de philosophie 37 (1934) 202–203, attributes the translatio prima to Michael Scot. It might therefore have become known shortly after 1231.CrossRefGoogle Scholar
12 Muckle, J. T., Medievalia et Humanistica 3 (1945) 48, summarizes the evidence. The date 1235 is my conclusion.Google Scholar
13 See Dales, R. C., ‘Robert Grosseteste's Commentarius in Octo Libros Physicorum Aristotelis,’ Medievalia et Humanistica 11 (1957) 13.Google Scholar
14 Longpré, E., art. cit. 270.Google Scholar
15 Those who cite Grosseteste's Commentary on the Physics are Duns Scotus (Quaestiones in VIII libros Physicorum Aristotelis in Opera Omnia [Paris 1891–1895] 2.370, 536–541, 515, 519), an anonymous author of a quaestio ‘Utrum mundus potuerit produci ab eterno’ (MS Assisi, Bibl. Com. 174, fol. 136v), Henry of Harclay (MS cit., fols, 149v, 150v and Palat. lat. 1805, fol. 10v), Robert Holkot in his commentary on the Sentences, Walter Burley (twenty-six times in his own Comm. in Phys.), and John Wyclyf (Summa de Ente, Libri primi tractatus primus et secundus, ed. Thomson, S. H. [Oxford 1930] xviii).Google Scholar
16 For an explanation of this term, see Callus, D. A. ed., Robert Grosseteste, Scholar and Bishop (Oxford 1955) 87–88 note.Google Scholar
17 Book 5, prosa 6 (Ed. Weinberger, W. [CSEL 67] 122).Google Scholar
18 Physic. 8 tr. 1 c.13 (Ed. Borgnet, A., 3 [Paris 1890] 550–552).Google Scholar
19 Quaestiones disputatae. printed by Longpré, E., ‘Thomas d'York et Matthieu d'Aquasparta’ (n. 8 above) 294–308.Google Scholar
20 Callus, op. cit. 21 n. 4. Google Scholar
21 Gilson, E. ‘Pourquoi St. Thomas a critiqué Augustin, S. ’ Archives d'histoire doctrinale et littéraire du moyen âge 1 (1926) 91–96.Google Scholar
22 Ibid. 95.Google Scholar
23 Callus, , op. cit. 29–30.Google Scholar
24 Gilson, , La philosophie de saint Bonaventure (Paris 1924) 364–365.Google Scholar
25 Baur, , Werke 1–7.Google Scholar
26 Callus, , op. cit. 21.Google Scholar
1 … 1 D motus … unius deest Google Scholar
2 P aliumGoogle Scholar
3 D ut forte Google Scholar
4 D V lmaginatis; M imaginatos; D seq. motisGoogle Scholar
5 D motus deest Google Scholar
6 M abstrahiGoogle Scholar
7 D possetGoogle Scholar
8 MVP non deest Google Scholar
9 D per deest Google Scholar
10 D altero; MV alteramGoogle Scholar
11 MV istorumGoogle Scholar
12 M in deest Google Scholar
13 P anteGoogle Scholar
14 M generabilisGoogle Scholar
16 V spatium vacuum 16 M seq. autemGoogle Scholar
17 DV transmutacionibus Google Scholar
18 M exponit Google Scholar
19 D seq. est Google Scholar
20 D esse deest Google Scholar
21 MV motus deest Google Scholar
22 M successionis Google Scholar
23 MPV motus deest Google Scholar
24 DMV alium Google Scholar
25 D in deest Google Scholar
26 DMV eius deest Google Scholar
27 D terminos Google Scholar
28 D igitur Google Scholar
29 M probavit Google Scholar
30 M primi Google Scholar
31 MPV descenderet Google Scholar
a Averrois Commentarius in libros Physicorum Aristotelis, MS Paris, Bibl. nat., lat. 15453, lib octav., fol. 95A: ‘… et hoc intellexit Alfarabius secundum quod dixit in libro suo De entibus transmutalibus et hoc inde intellexit Avicinne et Avempeche yspanus scilicet quod ante omnem motum est motus et ante omnem transmutationem est (fol. 95B) transmutatio et quod motus non deficiet secundum genus ut procedat ex hoc ad declarandum motum esse primum et eternum qui continet omnia, aut unum aut plures …’
b MS cit., fol. 95B: ‘Aristoteles enim intendit hic declarare … ut ante motum continentem totum sit motus aut ante transmutationem que est prima transmutatio sit transmutatio. ’
c Cf. Roberti Grosseteste Hexameron, Bodl. MS lat. th. c. 17: (fol. 196c) ‘Primum itaque verbum, videlicet in principio resonat temporis inicium et mundum a temporis principio esse factum, et non esse ex parte anteriori interminatum et infinitum; unde in
I 9 Μ 144A
19 V 29B
32 D sit intencioGoogle Scholar
33 D intencio deest Google Scholar
34 D postGoogle Scholar
35 D seq. queGoogle Scholar
36 D suiGoogle Scholar
37 D NotaGoogle Scholar
38 MV illud quod deest Google Scholar
39 D libroGoogle Scholar
40 D procedereGoogle Scholar
41 V seq. inGoogle Scholar
42 … 42 D tempus … similiter deest Google Scholar
43 M falsum Google Scholar
44 MP V scilicet deest Google Scholar
45 P etGoogle Scholar
46 M V sed non finem deest Google Scholar
47 M V quiaGoogle Scholar
48 D precessisse hoc unico verbo quod dicit, in principio, elidit errorem philosophorum qui dixerunt mundum non habuisse temporis inicium quemadmodum dixit et probare visus est Aristoteles in octavo Physicorum. Similiter Plato in Thimeo inducit quemdam qui infinitas inundaciones diluviorum asserit precessisse. Sunt tamen quidam moderni vanius istis philosophantes, immo demencius istis desipientes, qui dicunt maxime Aristotelem non sensisse mundum carere temporis inicio sed eum in hoc articulo catholice sensisse et temporis et mundi inicium posuisse quos arguit (fol. 196B) manifeste ipsa littera Aristotelis et media inducta ad eius conclusionem, et ultima libri sui conclusio quam intendit probare de motore primo per motus perpetuitatem. Expositores quoque omnes eiusdem loci Aristotelis, tam greci quam arabes, dictum locum de perpetuitate motus et temporis et mundi, eorum, i.e. duracione ex parte utraque in infinitum, concorditer exponunt. Boecius quoque in libro de consolacione philosophie evidenter asserit tam Aristotelem quam Platonem censuisse mundum inicio caruisse. Postquam enim diffinivit eternitatem, volens eam ex collacione temporalium clarius liquere, ait quod temporis patitur condicionem, licet illud secuti de mundo censuit Aristoteles nec cepit unquam esse nec desinat vita quod eius cum temporis infinitate tendatur, nondum tamen tale est ut eternum esse iure credatur. Non enim totum simul infinite vite spacium comprehendit atque complectitur, sed futura nondum transacta iam non habet. Ex hiis verbis manifestum est quod Aristoteles censuit mundum nec cepisse nec desiturum esse, sed cum temporis infinitate protensum esse…. (fol. 197A) Sciendum est autem quod illud quod decepit antiquos ut ponerent mundum sine inicio fuit precipue falsa ymaginacio qua coacti sunt ymaginari ante omne tempus, tempus aliud, sicut ymaginatur fantasia, extra omnem locum, alium, et extra omnem spacium, spacium aliud, et hec usque in infinitum. Unde et huius erroris purgacio non potest esse nisi per hoc, quod mentis affectus purgetur ab amore temporalium, ut mentis aspectus immunis a fantasmatibus possit transcendere tempus et intelligere simplicem eternitatem, ubi nulla est extensio secundum prius et posterius et a qua procedit omne tempus et prius et posterius….’Google Scholar
d Cf. Roberti Grosseteste Comm. in Phys. 1 (D, fol. 85B; M, fol. 121A; V, fol. 3B).Google Scholar
49 D autem deest Google Scholar
50 … 50 MV dicuntur (V et) infinite Google Scholar
51 … 51 D et post deest; M esseGoogle Scholar
52 D liberareGoogle Scholar
53 D concluditGoogle Scholar
54 MV simplicem eternitatem 55 D possuntGoogle Scholar
56 DMV ascenditGoogle Scholar
57 D appetitusGoogle Scholar
58 M cum deest Google Scholar
59 MPV immo deest Google Scholar
60 MP apprehensiva; V apprehensiaGoogle Scholar
61 D eis deest Google Scholar
62 Μ V omnem deest Google Scholar
63 D ymaginarentur deest; V ymaginareturGoogle Scholar
64 MPV alium deest Google Scholar
65 MV anteGoogle Scholar
66 D spacium deest Google Scholar
67 MPV et deest Google Scholar
68 MV hec deest Google Scholar
69 P V infinitisGoogle Scholar
70 MPV inGoogle Scholar
71 D seq. nonGoogle Scholar
72 M necessario deest Google Scholar
73 D eternitatisGoogle Scholar
74 M causeGoogle Scholar
75 SFEBD autem deest Google Scholar
76 PSFEB motus estGoogle Scholar
77 D pro partibusGoogle Scholar
78 MV aut fuit motus deest Google Scholar
e Cf. Grosseteste, R. Hexameron, MS Brit Mus., Royal 6 E. v, fol. 138B; ibid., MS cit., fol. 142A-B, MS Oxford, Bodl., lat. th. C. 17, fol. 197A; ibid., MS cit., fol. 196A, 197B, 200B, 200C-D eiusdem De artibus liberalibus (Baur, Werke 1), De veritate (Baur, Werke 138, 142), De scientia Dei (Baur, Werke 146–147), De ordine emanandi causatorum a Deo (Baur, Werke 149), Comm. in Post. Anal., ed. cit., fol. 14A. Cf. etiam Callus, D. A. ed., Robert Grosseteste: Scholar and Bishop (Oxford 1955) 21 n. 4, 22, 29–30; Gilson, E., La philosophie de Saint Bonaventure (Paris 1924) 364–365.Google Scholar
79 FM prius; D postGoogle Scholar
80 MSFB antequamGoogle Scholar
81 MVB primus deest; D post; F priusGoogle Scholar
82 MSFEB antequamGoogle Scholar
83 DPSFEB motus deest 84 SFE priusquamGoogle Scholar
85 SFEB Ergo prius fuit in potencia seq. 86 SFE quiaGoogle Scholar
87 SE et prius; F priusquamGoogle Scholar
88 SE prius deest Google Scholar
89 … 89 M Ergo … potencia deest Google Scholar
90 D fuit deest Google Scholar
91 SE quod deest Google Scholar
92 DSE inGoogle Scholar
93 … 93 V non … actum deest; M ad actum deest; SFE non … nisi deest; B exitGoogle Scholar
94 … 94 D si … precedentem deest Google Scholar
95 … 95 SE Ergo … precedentem deest Google Scholar
96 F exitGoogle Scholar
97 B in ea inquirendum seq. Google Scholar
98 P proposicio deest Google Scholar
99 D probaturGoogle Scholar
1 M aliquosGoogle Scholar
2 M hoc ibi; P nisi seq. Google Scholar
3 P coequiGoogle Scholar
4 D dicunturGoogle Scholar
5 DV hocGoogle Scholar
6 MV dixiGoogle Scholar
7 M infinitaGoogle Scholar
8 D eius; SFEB hiisGoogle Scholar
9 D premisse; F dicteGoogle Scholar
10 S movens; B motus deest Google Scholar
11 D et perpetuus deest Google Scholar
12 DPB interrumpeturGoogle Scholar
13 B quiete deest Google Scholar
14 DPSB ulterius; M ultimus deest Google Scholar
15 SE alius in marg.; ultimus seq. Google Scholar
18 M V alia; P aliqua; B aut deest Google Scholar
17 MV motorum; S moveriGoogle Scholar
18 B accidenter seq. Google Scholar
19 Coni. DSFB utique; MVP uterque; E utrumqueGoogle Scholar
20 DMV fiet; S fiat corr. ex sitGoogle Scholar
21 SFEB similiter seq. Google Scholar
22 … 22 D et … actu deest Google Scholar
23 SFE istaGoogle Scholar
24 MVSFE est 25 D aliquidGoogle Scholar
26 F hac corr. ex ymaginacioneGoogle Scholar
27 D omnisGoogle Scholar
28 F et ante omne tempus seq. Google Scholar
29 D eritGoogle Scholar
30…30 S aut … non in marg. a. m.; DM VF Si … non deest Google Scholar
31 F incorporalemGoogle Scholar
32 F incorporalem male corr, ex incorruptibilemGoogle Scholar
33 DSFE queriturGoogle Scholar
34 D igitur; P racio deest Google Scholar
35 M instat; E illasGoogle Scholar
36 VFEB questionesGoogle Scholar
37 S inducit corr. ex inducuntGoogle Scholar
38 D tempus eritGoogle Scholar
39 S intelligendi in marg. a. m.; P erit seq.; B est seq. Google Scholar
40 SFE simpliciterGoogle Scholar
41 DMVP esse deest Google Scholar
42 MV temporaliaGoogle Scholar
43 SFE varianturGoogle Scholar
44 D Et siGoogle Scholar
45 DMV aliquem deest Google Scholar
46 MV et alii philosophi deest Google Scholar
47 M protrahitGoogle Scholar
48 DP necGoogle Scholar
49 S putet in marg. a. m.; F pateatGoogle Scholar
50 SFEB eosGoogle Scholar
51 SFE eternitatem simplicem 121S 100A 125 D 105A 126 E 25A 138 F 15D j52 SE discursusGoogle Scholar
53 SE concipimusGoogle Scholar
54 D divinam deest Google Scholar
56 DF incorruptibilitatemGoogle Scholar
56 P ea deest; SE easGoogle Scholar
57 S fantasmatibus corr. ex sint casibus; E casibus seq. Google Scholar
58 D utGoogle Scholar
59 V deumGoogle Scholar
60 D false deest; VP falsoGoogle Scholar
61 D estimantGoogle Scholar
62 D per racionacionem discursus sui inveniunt. Consimiliter; MV per (V pro) discursu racionis firme invenerunt. Consimile; P per discursum racionacionis firme inveniunt. ConsimileGoogle Scholar
63 D firmiterGoogle Scholar
64 SFEB sciuntGoogle Scholar
65 MV utGoogle Scholar
66 MVF ipsam deest Google Scholar
67 SFE perspicue deest Google Scholar
68 MV sub deest Google Scholar
69 DMVPSFE fantasmateGoogle Scholar
70…70 DP quasi … temporalis deest Google Scholar
71 S viderentur; F videant; E lectio incerta; B videntGoogle Scholar
72 M affirmantGoogle Scholar
73 DMVPFB de eternitate deest; S de eterniate in marg. a. m. Google Scholar
74 … 74 MVP Et … potuit deest Google Scholar
75 FEB ascendatGoogle Scholar
78 S et … affectus in marg. a. m. Google Scholar
77 Coni.; D fantasia; S apprehensive; FEB apprehensivaGoogle Scholar
78 D simplicem; S F simplicitatem corr. ex simplicitatem corr. ex simplicemGoogle Scholar
79 D potuerunt; hic desinit tractatus de finitate motus et temporis apud SFEB. 139 M 145A 142 V 30c 157 E 25B j80 D ad argumentum dicit; V Arguit autem dicit magister; P Argumentum autem dicit magisterGoogle Scholar
81 D fuit seq. Google Scholar
82 V ante deest Google Scholar
83 V aliquodGoogle Scholar
84 D finitum deest Google Scholar
85 MVP ConsimilisGoogle Scholar
86 P patetGoogle Scholar
87 P futurisGoogle Scholar
88 MV Ricardus deest Google Scholar
89 D probavitGoogle Scholar
90 D aliqui deest; VP quidamGoogle Scholar
91 D motus deest Google Scholar
92 D celumGoogle Scholar
93 V hominumGoogle Scholar
94 MVP ad iuvamentumGoogle Scholar
95 V mutabilisGoogle Scholar
96 V est; P essetGoogle Scholar
97 P quare deest Google Scholar
98 M hominiGoogle Scholar
99 D Explicit scriptum Lincolniensis super libros Phisicorum. Jesus, Maria, Johannes seq.; M Explicit Lincolniensis super libros Phisicorum Aristotelis. Dei gracias, alleluia, amen, et vocabatur magister Robertus Groceteste et fuit Lincolniensis episcopus seq.; V Explicit seq. Google Scholar
1 M aliquosGoogle Scholar
2 M hoc ibi; P nisi seq. Google Scholar
3 P coequiGoogle Scholar
4 D dicunturGoogle Scholar
5 DV hocGoogle Scholar
6 MV dixiGoogle Scholar
7 M infinitaGoogle Scholar
8 D eius; SFEB hiisGoogle Scholar
9 D premisse; F dicteGoogle Scholar
10 S movens; B motus deest Google Scholar
11 D et perpetuus deest Google Scholar
12 DPB interrumpetur 108 V 30B j13 B quiete deest Google Scholar
14 DPSB ulterius; M ultimus deest Google Scholar
15 SE alius in marg.; ultimus seq. Google Scholar
18 M V alia; P aliqua; B aut deest Google Scholar
17 MV motorum; S moveriGoogle Scholar
18 B accidenter seq. Google Scholar
19 Coni. DSFB utique; MVP uterque; E utrumqueGoogle Scholar
20 DMV fiet; S fiat corr. ex sitGoogle Scholar
21 SFEB similiter seq. Google Scholar
22 … 22 D et … actu deest Google Scholar
23 SFE istaGoogle Scholar
24 MVSFE est 25 D aliquidGoogle Scholar
26 F hac corr. ex ymaginacioneGoogle Scholar
27 D omnisGoogle Scholar
28 F et ante omne tempus seq. Google Scholar
29 D eritGoogle Scholar
30…30 S aut … non in marg. a. m.; DM VF Si … non deest Google Scholar
31 F incorporalemGoogle Scholar
32 F incorporalem male corr, ex incorruptibilemGoogle Scholar
33 DSFE queriturGoogle Scholar
34 D igitur; P racio deest Google Scholar
35 M instat; E illasGoogle Scholar
36 VFEB questionesGoogle Scholar
37 S inducit corr. ex inducuntGoogle Scholar
38 D tempus eritGoogle Scholar
39 S intelligendi in marg. a. m.; P erit seq.; B est seq. Google Scholar
40 SFE simpliciterGoogle Scholar
41 DMVP esse deest Google Scholar
42 MV temporaliaGoogle Scholar
43 SFE varianturGoogle Scholar
44 D Et siGoogle Scholar
45 DMV aliquem deest Google Scholar
46 MV et alii philosophi deest Google Scholar
47 M protrahitGoogle Scholar
48 DP necGoogle Scholar
49 S putet in marg. a. m.; F pateatGoogle Scholar
50 SFEB eosGoogle Scholar
51 SFE eternitatem simplicem 121S 100A 125 D 105A 126 E 25A 138 F 15D j52 SE discursusGoogle Scholar
53 SE concipimusGoogle Scholar
54 D divinam deest Google Scholar
56 DF incorruptibilitatemGoogle Scholar
56 P ea deest; SE easGoogle Scholar
57 S fantasmatibus corr. ex sint casibus; E casibus seq. Google Scholar
58 D utGoogle Scholar
59 V deumGoogle Scholar
60 D false deest; VP falsoGoogle Scholar
61 D estimantGoogle Scholar
62 D per racionacionem discursus sui inveniunt. Consimiliter; MV per (V pro) discursu racionis firme invenerunt. Consimile; P per discursum racionacionis firme inveniunt. ConsimileGoogle Scholar
63 D firmiterGoogle Scholar
64 SFEB sciuntGoogle Scholar
65 MV utGoogle Scholar
66 MVF ipsam deest Google Scholar
67 SFE perspicue deest Google Scholar
68 MV sub deest Google Scholar
69 DMVPSFE fantasmateGoogle Scholar
70…70 DP quasi … temporalis deest Google Scholar
71 S viderentur; F videant; E lectio incerta; B videntGoogle Scholar
72 M affirmantGoogle Scholar
73 DMVPFB de eternitate deest; S de eterniate in marg. a. m. Google Scholar
74 … 74 MVP Et … potuit deest Google Scholar
75 FEB ascendatGoogle Scholar
78 S et … affectus in marg. a. m. Google Scholar
77 Coni.; D fantasia; S apprehensive; FEB apprehensivaGoogle Scholar
78 D simplicem; S F simplicitatem corr. ex simplicitatem corr. ex simplicemGoogle Scholar
79 D potuerunt; hic desinit tractatus de finitate motus et temporis apud SFEB. 139 M 145A 142 V 30c 157 E 25B j80 D ad argumentum dicit; V Arguit autem dicit magister; P Argumentum autem dicit magisterGoogle Scholar
81 D fuit seq. Google Scholar
82 V ante deest Google Scholar
83 V aliquodGoogle Scholar
84 D finitum deest Google Scholar
85 MVP ConsimilisGoogle Scholar
86 P patetGoogle Scholar
87 P futurisGoogle Scholar
88 MV Ricardus deest Google Scholar
89 D probavitGoogle Scholar
90 D aliqui deest; VP quidamGoogle Scholar
91 D motus deest Google Scholar
92 D celumGoogle Scholar
93 V hominumGoogle Scholar
94 MVP ad iuvamentumGoogle Scholar
95 V mutabilisGoogle Scholar
96 V est; P essetGoogle Scholar
97 P quare deest Google Scholar
98 M hominiGoogle Scholar
99 D Explicit scriptum Lincolniensis super libros Phisicorum. Jesus, Maria, Johannes seq.; M Explicit Lincolniensis super libros Phisicorum Aristotelis. Dei gracias, alleluia, amen, et vocabatur magister Robertus Groceteste et fuit Lincolniensis episcopus seq.; V Explicit seq. Google Scholar
1 M aliquosGoogle Scholar
2 M hoc ibi; P nisi seq. Google Scholar
3 P coequiGoogle Scholar
4 D dicunturGoogle Scholar
5 DV hocGoogle Scholar
6 MV dixiGoogle Scholar
7 M infinitaGoogle Scholar
8 D eius; SFEB hiisGoogle Scholar
9 D premisse; F dicteGoogle Scholar
10 S movens; B motus deest Google Scholar
11 D et perpetuus deest Google Scholar
12 DPB interrumpetur 108 V 30B j13 B quiete deest Google Scholar
14 DPSB ulterius; M ultimus deest Google Scholar
15 SE alius in marg.; ultimus seq. Google Scholar
18 M V alia; P aliqua; B aut deest Google Scholar
17 MV motorum; S moveriGoogle Scholar
18 B accidenter seq. Google Scholar
19 Coni. DSFB utique; MVP uterque; E utrumqueGoogle Scholar
20 DMV fiet; S fiat corr. ex sitGoogle Scholar
21 SFEB similiter seq. Google Scholar
22 … 22 D et … actu deest Google Scholar
23 SFE istaGoogle Scholar
24 MVSFE est 25 D aliquidGoogle Scholar
26 F hac corr. ex ymaginacioneGoogle Scholar
27 D omnisGoogle Scholar
28 F et ante omne tempus seq. Google Scholar
29 D eritGoogle Scholar
30…30 S aut … non in marg. a. m.; DM VF Si … non deest Google Scholar
31 F incorporalemGoogle Scholar
32 F incorporalem male corr, ex incorruptibilemGoogle Scholar
33 DSFE queriturGoogle Scholar
34 D igitur; P racio deest Google Scholar
35 M instat; E illasGoogle Scholar
36 VFEB questionesGoogle Scholar
37 S inducit corr. ex inducuntGoogle Scholar
38 D tempus eritGoogle Scholar
39 S intelligendi in marg. a. m.; P erit seq.; B est seq. Google Scholar
40 SFE simpliciterGoogle Scholar
41 DMVP esse deest Google Scholar
42 MV temporaliaGoogle Scholar
43 SFE varianturGoogle Scholar
44 D Et siGoogle Scholar
45 DMV aliquem deest Google Scholar
46 MV et alii philosophi deest Google Scholar
47 M protrahitGoogle Scholar
48 DP necGoogle Scholar
49 S putet in marg. a. m.; F pateatGoogle Scholar
50 SFEB eosGoogle Scholar
51 SFE eternitatem simplicem 121S 100A 125 D 105A 126 E 25A 138 F 15D j52 SE discursusGoogle Scholar
53 SE concipimusGoogle Scholar
54 D divinam deest Google Scholar
56 DF incorruptibilitatemGoogle Scholar
56 P ea deest; SE easGoogle Scholar
57 S fantasmatibus corr. ex sint casibus; E casibus seq. Google Scholar
58 D utGoogle Scholar
59 V deumGoogle Scholar
60 D false deest; VP falsoGoogle Scholar
61 D estimantGoogle Scholar
62 D per racionacionem discursus sui inveniunt. Consimiliter; MV per (V pro) discursu racionis firme invenerunt. Consimile; P per discursum racionacionis firme inveniunt. ConsimileGoogle Scholar
63 D firmiterGoogle Scholar
64 SFEB sciuntGoogle Scholar
65 MV utGoogle Scholar
66 MVF ipsam deest Google Scholar
67 SFE perspicue deest Google Scholar
68 MV sub deest Google Scholar
69 DMVPSFE fantasmateGoogle Scholar
70…70 DP quasi … temporalis deest Google Scholar
71 S viderentur; F videant; E lectio incerta; B videntGoogle Scholar
72 M affirmantGoogle Scholar
73 DMVPFB de eternitate deest; S de eterniate in marg. a. m. Google Scholar
74 … 74 MVP Et … potuit deest Google Scholar
75 FEB ascendatGoogle Scholar
78 S et … affectus in marg. a. m. Google Scholar
77 Coni.; D fantasia; S apprehensive; FEB apprehensivaGoogle Scholar
78 D simplicem; S F simplicitatem corr. ex simplicitatem corr. ex simplicemGoogle Scholar
79 D potuerunt; hic desinit tractatus de finitate motus et temporis apud SFEB. 139 M 145A 142 V 30c 157 E 25B j80 D ad argumentum dicit; V Arguit autem dicit magister; P Argumentum autem dicit magisterGoogle Scholar
81 D fuit seq. Google Scholar
82 V ante deest Google Scholar
83 V aliquodGoogle Scholar
84 D finitum deest Google Scholar
85 MVP ConsimilisGoogle Scholar
86 P patetGoogle Scholar
87 P futurisGoogle Scholar
88 MV Ricardus deest Google Scholar
89 D probavitGoogle Scholar
90 D aliqui deest; VP quidamGoogle Scholar
91 D motus deest Google Scholar
92 D celumGoogle Scholar
93 V hominumGoogle Scholar
94 MVP ad iuvamentumGoogle Scholar
95 V mutabilisGoogle Scholar
96 V est; P essetGoogle Scholar
97 P quare deest Google Scholar
98 M hominiGoogle Scholar
99 D Explicit scriptum Lincolniensis super libros Phisicorum. Jesus, Maria, Johannes seq.; M Explicit Lincolniensis super libros Phisicorum Aristotelis. Dei gracias, alleluia, amen, et vocabatur magister Robertus Groceteste et fuit Lincolniensis episcopus seq.; V Explicit seq. Google Scholar
1 M aliquosGoogle Scholar
2 M hoc ibi; P nisi seq. Google Scholar
3 P coequiGoogle Scholar
4 D dicunturGoogle Scholar
5 DV hocGoogle Scholar
6 MV dixiGoogle Scholar
7 M infinitaGoogle Scholar
8 D eius; SFEB hiisGoogle Scholar
9 D premisse; F dicteGoogle Scholar
10 S movens; B motus deest Google Scholar
11 D et perpetuus deest Google Scholar
12 DPB interrumpetur 108 V 30B j13 B quiete deest Google Scholar
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18 M V alia; P aliqua; B aut deest Google Scholar
17 MV motorum; S moveriGoogle Scholar
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21 SFEB similiter seq. Google Scholar
22 … 22 D et … actu deest Google Scholar
23 SFE istaGoogle Scholar
24 MVSFE est 25 D aliquidGoogle Scholar
26 F hac corr. ex ymaginacioneGoogle Scholar
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29 D eritGoogle Scholar
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33 DSFE queriturGoogle Scholar
34 D igitur; P racio deest Google Scholar
35 M instat; E illasGoogle Scholar
36 VFEB questionesGoogle Scholar
37 S inducit corr. ex inducuntGoogle Scholar
38 D tempus eritGoogle Scholar
39 S intelligendi in marg. a. m.; P erit seq.; B est seq. Google Scholar
40 SFE simpliciterGoogle Scholar
41 DMVP esse deest Google Scholar
42 MV temporaliaGoogle Scholar
43 SFE varianturGoogle Scholar
44 D Et siGoogle Scholar
45 DMV aliquem deest Google Scholar
46 MV et alii philosophi deest Google Scholar
47 M protrahitGoogle Scholar
48 DP necGoogle Scholar
49 S putet in marg. a. m.; F pateatGoogle Scholar
50 SFEB eosGoogle Scholar
51 SFE eternitatem simplicem 121S 100A 125 D 105A 126 E 25A 138 F 15D j52 SE discursusGoogle Scholar
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56 DF incorruptibilitatemGoogle Scholar
56 P ea deest; SE easGoogle Scholar
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58 D utGoogle Scholar
59 V deumGoogle Scholar
60 D false deest; VP falsoGoogle Scholar
61 D estimantGoogle Scholar
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63 D firmiterGoogle Scholar
64 SFEB sciuntGoogle Scholar
65 MV utGoogle Scholar
66 MVF ipsam deest Google Scholar
67 SFE perspicue deest Google Scholar
68 MV sub deest Google Scholar
69 DMVPSFE fantasmateGoogle Scholar
70…70 DP quasi … temporalis deest Google Scholar
71 S viderentur; F videant; E lectio incerta; B videntGoogle Scholar
72 M affirmantGoogle Scholar
73 DMVPFB de eternitate deest; S de eterniate in marg. a. m. Google Scholar
74 … 74 MVP Et … potuit deest Google Scholar
75 FEB ascendatGoogle Scholar
78 S et … affectus in marg. a. m. Google Scholar
77 Coni.; D fantasia; S apprehensive; FEB apprehensivaGoogle Scholar
78 D simplicem; S F simplicitatem corr. ex simplicitatem corr. ex simplicemGoogle Scholar
79 D potuerunt; hic desinit tractatus de finitate motus et temporis apud SFEB. 139 M 145A 142 V 30c 157 E 25B j80 D ad argumentum dicit; V Arguit autem dicit magister; P Argumentum autem dicit magisterGoogle Scholar
81 D fuit seq. Google Scholar
82 V ante deest Google Scholar
83 V aliquodGoogle Scholar
84 D finitum deest Google Scholar
85 MVP ConsimilisGoogle Scholar
86 P patetGoogle Scholar
87 P futurisGoogle Scholar
88 MV Ricardus deest Google Scholar
89 D probavitGoogle Scholar
90 D aliqui deest; VP quidamGoogle Scholar
91 D motus deest Google Scholar
92 D celumGoogle Scholar
93 V hominumGoogle Scholar
94 MVP ad iuvamentumGoogle Scholar
95 V mutabilisGoogle Scholar
96 V est; P essetGoogle Scholar
97 P quare deest Google Scholar
98 M hominiGoogle Scholar
99 D Explicit scriptum Lincolniensis super libros Phisicorum. Jesus, Maria, Johannes seq.; M Explicit Lincolniensis super libros Phisicorum Aristotelis. Dei gracias, alleluia, amen, et vocabatur magister Robertus Groceteste et fuit Lincolniensis episcopus seq.; V Explicit seq. Google Scholar
1 P RicardusGoogle Scholar
2 P lectio incerta Google Scholar
3 P lectio incerta Google Scholar
g Hoc argumentum non potui invenire apud Ricardum de Sancto Victore (PL 196.) Google Scholar
1 SFEB nonGoogle Scholar
2 S ingrediturGoogle Scholar
3 SE in actum; D ad actum deest Google Scholar
4 D est deest Google Scholar
5 SE quodGoogle Scholar
6 M causa deest Google Scholar
7 … 7 S si … aut in marg. a. m. Google Scholar
8 D essetGoogle Scholar
9 … 9 F quia … fuerit deest; DSE quia deest Google Scholar
10 … 10 SE impeditur … fuerit deest; D impedereturGoogle Scholar
11 MV quia deest Google Scholar
12 B idGoogle Scholar
13 B ageretGoogle Scholar
14 SFB sed; E quia deest 15 SE idemGoogle Scholar
16 SFE agitGoogle Scholar
17 D quodGoogle Scholar
18 SE sed seq. Google Scholar
19 … 19 M est … oportet deest; VPF qui … oportet deest; SE qui facit deest Google Scholar
20 MV si deest; P si illud deest Google Scholar
21 SE quoGoogle Scholar
22 SFEB ageretGoogle Scholar
23 MVPB velGoogle Scholar
24 P agat seq. Google Scholar
25 SFE idemGoogle Scholar
26 DP passim; B passi 6 V 29c 8 M 144B 15 F 15B j27 D discreta; M ista coniuncta; SE ista; E itaGoogle Scholar
28 P motaGoogle Scholar
29 S Et ut ad in marg. a. m. Google Scholar
30 M ut aliud dicoGoogle Scholar
31 MV causa deest; S causamGoogle Scholar
32 D nonGoogle Scholar
33 S ad in marg. a. m. Google Scholar
34 S effectum del. Google Scholar
35 F ex parte deest Google Scholar
36 SFEB agenti deest Google Scholar
37 SEB in actum; F ad actumGoogle Scholar
38 MV racioneGoogle Scholar
39 F fuitGoogle Scholar
40 P est deest; SE est illud; F eius deest Google Scholar
41 …41 B eius … precedere deest; SF per precedentemGoogle Scholar
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43 P etGoogle Scholar
44 D necesse est rep.; P necessarioGoogle Scholar
45 DMVP resolvereGoogle Scholar
46 DMVPSE et deest; B continuum et illeg. Google Scholar
47 DM quiGoogle Scholar
48 MV convertitGoogle Scholar
49 DM in deest Google Scholar
50 VP fueritGoogle Scholar
51 D motoGoogle Scholar
52 DMV hec deest; P estGoogle Scholar
53 DMVPSEB aliorum deest Google Scholar
54 F corr. ex non; M enim deest Google Scholar
55 SFE aut; B aliasGoogle Scholar
56 D primo fuit deest; SFE primo deest Google Scholar
57 SFE priusquamGoogle Scholar
58 S distinguendum corr. ex dicendumGoogle Scholar
59 VB hec deest; F hocGoogle Scholar
60 F quod dicoGoogle Scholar
61 SFE priusquamGoogle Scholar
62 E implicaturGoogle Scholar
63 MV immo; P illius; SE 2°; B illoGoogle Scholar
64 SE contradictoriaGoogle Scholar
65 MV quiGoogle Scholar
66 DB implicat; V impliciturGoogle Scholar
67 DPB precessit; SFE precesserit deest Google Scholar
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70 DF fuitGoogle Scholar
71 P diffinincio; E sed visio; B diccio 27 S 99c 31 B 52r 34 D 104cGoogle Scholar
72 SFE priusquamGoogle Scholar
73 DSFEB neutra parteGoogle Scholar
74 DSFE istius deest; MV illiusGoogle Scholar
75 D vel motus deest Google Scholar
76 D istorum; B nullorumGoogle Scholar
77 D causaGoogle Scholar
78 SE habuitGoogle Scholar
79 B inicioGoogle Scholar
80 F cumGoogle Scholar
81 B extensionemGoogle Scholar
82 MV et seq. Google Scholar
83 SE ista; F itaGoogle Scholar
84 V intra seq. Google Scholar
85 SFE priusquamGoogle Scholar
86 B signat quia duracione temporis; D temporis deest Google Scholar
87 B sicGoogle Scholar
88 MB consignificet; VP consignificacionem; S quod corr. ex. cum; E quod cum; F primo seq. Google Scholar
89 P temporis adGoogle Scholar
90 MVPSFEB fuit deest Google Scholar
91 SFE positum deest Google Scholar
92 D sic et; MVP fuitGoogle Scholar
93 MVP non fuit; SFE priusquam fuerunt; B non fueruntGoogle Scholar
94 D non … priusquam deest Google Scholar
95 MV designareturGoogle Scholar
96 F temporis seq. Google Scholar
97 P potenciamGoogle Scholar
98 B potenciam deest Google Scholar
99 MV esseGoogle Scholar
1 SE ibi; SFEB aliter non seq. Google Scholar
2 MV et; D sed deest Google Scholar
3 D est terminorumGoogle Scholar
4 D facta; M prima est; V est deest Google Scholar
5 MV finitoGoogle Scholar
6 M postea deest Google Scholar
7 D ceperunt deest Google Scholar
8 DP oportetGoogle Scholar
9 DM adquiretur 10 V moveriGoogle Scholar
11 V impediti 40 V 29D 41 E 24c 53 M 144cGoogle Scholar
12 DP motoreGoogle Scholar
13 M faceret; V lectio incerta; P fieruntGoogle Scholar
14 M motum mocionem et motus; V motum motor et motumGoogle Scholar
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17 D oportet; P est deest Google Scholar
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19 D diffinicionemGoogle Scholar
20 … 20 D nunc … nunc deest Google Scholar
21 MV alterumGoogle Scholar
22 M mundus deest Google Scholar
28 B 8 Phisicorum commento 10 in marg. a. m. Google Scholar
24 SFE racioGoogle Scholar
25 SFEB preceditGoogle Scholar
26 … 26 D quia deest Google Scholar
27 MV non esset 28 SFE alicuiusGoogle Scholar
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30 MV simpliciter; E simili; B similiter deest Google Scholar
31 SFEB Sed si eius esse precessit eius non-esseGoogle Scholar
32 SFE dividunt prioritatem et posterioritatemGoogle Scholar
33 F tempus seq. Google Scholar
34 D tempus prius seq. Google Scholar
35 SFE quod deest Google Scholar
36 SFE racione quodGoogle Scholar
37 F est seq. Google Scholar
38 B inter deest Google Scholar
39 SFE temporis deest; B illeg. Google Scholar
40 DMVSFEB posterioritatemGoogle Scholar
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42 F non-esse deest Google Scholar
43 M motu 75 V 30A 78 S 99D j44 S mensuratur; FEB mensuratGoogle Scholar
45 MV pociusGoogle Scholar
46 … 46 D quam … esse deest Google Scholar
47 D autem seq. Google Scholar
48 M fuit et seq. Google Scholar
49 SFEB omninoGoogle Scholar
50 D aliquandoGoogle Scholar
51 MVP quamGoogle Scholar
52 VP fueritGoogle Scholar
53 V est Google Scholar
54 MVP quam; B omnino seq. Google Scholar
55 DMVP autem deest Google Scholar
56 MV continuus Google Scholar
57 SFEB enim seq. Google Scholar
58 SE in tempore deest Google Scholar
59 S ante seq. in marg. a. m. Google Scholar
60 P haberentGoogle Scholar
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64 D infinitatiGoogle Scholar
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68 FEB quod deest Google Scholar
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72 SFE falsum est deest Google Scholar
f Cf. Roberti Grosseteste Hexameron (MS cit.), fol. 197B: ‘Item quod dicunt omnem mutacionem ab alia mutacione proveniri et omne instans esse medium preteriti et futuri falsum est. Illam enim mutacionem que est ex omnino non-ente in ens non potest alia mutatio precedere, nec instans quod tempus inchoat est continuacio preteriti ad futurum, sed solum futuri inicium.’ 80 D 104D 85 F 15c 92 E 24D 95 M 144D 96 P 44A j73 E non insertum inter lineas Google Scholar
74 S lectio incerta; FB circularis; E circulariGoogle Scholar
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76 D mota deest Google Scholar
77 D per accidens deest Google Scholar
78 MSE moveturGoogle Scholar
79 D per accidensGoogle Scholar
80 MV locatumGoogle Scholar
81 MV ad locatumGoogle Scholar
82 DMVPSFE vel deest Google Scholar
83 D quando; PF quodGoogle Scholar
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85 B transireGoogle Scholar
86 E quamGoogle Scholar
87 D perGoogle Scholar
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89 SE per seGoogle Scholar
90 S sinere corr. ex fine mereGoogle Scholar
91 S est in marg. a. m.; B est deest Google Scholar
92 DFB motus; S movens 93 M in eo deest Google Scholar
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96 D suoGoogle Scholar
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