Academic and policy publications
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Web resources
Government policy and churches in the UK
Department for Communities and Local Government:
UK Interfaith Network:
English Regional Faith Forums Network:
Local Government Association: (in the process of being updated)
Church of Scotland, Church and Society Council:
Scottish Interfaith Council:
The Church in Wales:
Interfaith Council for Wales:
Faith Communities Forum (part of the National Welsh Assembly):!-1718541967?lang=en&status=open
Northern Ireland Interfaith Forum:
Poverty reduction
The Trussell Trust:
The Salvation Army Employment Plus Programme:
Faith Regen Foundation:
Islamic Relief Worldwide:
Jubilee Debt Campaign:
Make Poverty History Campaign:
British Humanist Association:
Social care
Jewish Care:
Methodist Homes for the Aged:
The Big Care Debate:
NHS Scotland (2008) Spiritual Care and Chaplaincy in NHS Scotland, Edinburgh:Scottish Executive:
NHS Chaplaincy careers:
Burrswood Christian Hospital:
Housing and urban regeneration
Citizens UK (TELCO):
Church Urban Fund:
Agudas Israel Housing Association:
North London Muslim Housing Association: